Abdul Nasir Jangda – Reflections And Lessons Of Surah Yusuf

Abdul Nasir Jangda
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Speaker 1 discusses the potential for growth in the consumer business, stating that they have a strong consumer business and expect to see growth in the future. They also mention the importance of the consumer in shaping society and emphasize the need for a strong consumer to ensure the integrity of our communities.
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smilla will handle our salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah, he was a huge marine said I want to live here.

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So hamdulillah freely nice to visit out here again. So cows, pretty much my favorite place to visit

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a site from being calm, it's usually the place I like to visit the most beautiful part of the country, the weather's great, I have a lot of old friends. And one thing that always excites me. And one thing that always has me coming back out again and again, is the enthusiasm and the response that we that, you know, whenever we come out here to give talks or lectures, or present a seminar or teach a class, the response that the young brothers and sisters give it really it invigorates us, it gives us motivation to keep coming back and doing what we do. So hamdulillah

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you know, we give a variety of different type of talks and lectures, depending on the situation or the format of the program, we present seminars, giving hook buzz is something I engage in quite frequently. And there are formal lectures, and occasionally the opportunity presents itself to have a very informal discussion have getting to talk very casually, very laid back to a group of very young, intelligent people. And this is one of those opportunities. So inshallah, while we are going to talk about something really amazing and really important lessons from student use of, but the tone of the lecture will be a little bit more casual. So my my presentation here will be a little

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bit more laid back a little bit more scaled back, there'll be something that hopefully is a little bit more relevant to the youth

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sort of use of our get right into the topic for today. So let's use of as we all know, is one of the most profound, beautiful, amazing pseudos parts with within the Koran, the Quran, in and of itself is a Marvel in a miracle. And there are certain parts of the Quran that people naturally connect with more, just more easily, they're a little bit more receptive to it. And there are certain parts of the Quran that just hold a special place in people's hearts suited to seeing man, you know, when I say those names right off, it clicks, it goes off in your head. So the use of is one also one of those things, is also one of those who knows, and one of those parts of the Quran, that naturally

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people are just attracted to the very receptive to it, you've probably heard lectures, you've read books on it, you've seen YouTube videos on it. It's one of the most viewed videos on YouTube, the recitation of it. So it's just something people really enjoy and people engage with. And one of the things that make sure you serve so amazing, is actually the subject matter, which can get kind of looked over sometimes just a little bit, we become so enamored with its sound and the recitation. And the beauty of it from just a purely phonetic or listening experience, that we sometimes don't realize the subject matter is what is absolutely profound and extremely beautiful, talking even

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about the revelation of it. So the Quran, as we all know, was revealed all at once or over a period of time,

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over a period of time, all right, and that's, that's why the Quran was revealed. Now, so the use of is one of those remarkable sutras in the Quran, one of the larger sutras in the Quran, that was literally revealed all at one time from beginning to lead, there's a little bit of difference of opinion about a few verses towards the end. Nevertheless, the good majority of the pseudo was revealed all at once. And that's very rare to find that in larger, you know, pseudos, larger revelation to find that huge parts, or the vast majority of a bigger sutra was revealed all at once. And the reason for that was, it was revealed at a very trying time, during the lifetime of the

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Prophet peace be upon him, he had dealt with the rejection. And the difficulty that was being presented to him in Macau, he had gone too far is to try to preach to these people try to connect with maybe another group, another area of people that might be a little more supportive of his message. They also rejected him and in fact, they became extremely violent very, very quickly. The you know, the people of Makkah held their violence back at least from the profits alongside them for a certain amount of time because of some obstructions in their way, such as I will die live the uncle of the Prophet salani, some etc. But the people have thought if resorted, resorted to violence

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very, very quickly, almost immediately, and they were brutal in their violence. You know, when you measured the span of distance from where the Prophet exited to single thought, if where they started stoning him and throwing rocks at him to the point where he finally stopped there was a garden there that was owned by some of the chiefs of Quraysh. And their family members. When you measure that distance, it's literally three to four miles of a distance. And so imagine just having rocks thrown at you being pelted with stones for a three mile walk. And that's why the process was so

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profusely bleeding. And his blood was literally dripping into his, into his shoes. And his sandals were made from leather. And when that blood dried up, they literally became crusted to his feet. And so this is why the process of them, you don't have to go through all of this. So after dealing with so much difficulty and adversity, alone wanted to inspire the prophets a lot, and let him know, he's not alone, not alone. In that sense, of course, Allah subhanaw taala is there, but at the same time, not alone in the sense that there were other messengers before you, who also came, who also had a divine, amazing message to share with humanity, a message that was in the best interest of humanity

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itself, but yet they rejected and refused them. And they even persecuted him and oppressed him. So there were other messengers who went through adversity went through great difficulty, in pursuit of the truth, and in preaching of the truth. So don't worry, you're not alone. In the sense you belong to a fraternity. You belong to a brotherhood of other messengers and other prophets who have also endured. So this was sort of the inspiration given to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and the consolation provided to him the emotional, this is something that gets

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this gets overlooked. majorly overlooked. When we read the Quran, when we understand the Quran, when we talk about the Quran, is there's an extremely emotional, you can almost say psychological aspect to the Quran. The Quran speaks to the very emotions we experience. The Quran acknowledges, recognizes and remedies, many of the psychological and emotional difficulties that human beings experience and a messenger and a prophet. Having divine revelations and down to them being the creme de la creme of humanity, being the up being the best of creation, are still suspect are still vulnerable to emotional and psychological distress, and feet, finding adversity and difficulty and

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Allah subhanaw taala would console them to the forearm. So the lesson in that for us aside from the historical perspective, is that the Quran can help us can bless the Quran can help us get through emotional adversity and difficulty as well, which is a big deal today. It's a big issue today. So having said that, that talks a little bit about the revelations. And one thing I wanted to highlight here, because one of the things that again, is a very unique perspective that does not get talked about often enough, is the linguistic miracle beauty and magnificence, really, of the Koran. So many places in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala starts, you know, the sort of use of like many other

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suitors in the Quran, begin with the disjointed letters, letters or recite that are said, like, separately. There. You can call them the miracle letters that disjointed letters, there's technical terminology, I'm not going to get into but letters like a leaf Lam Meem yacine. Off moon. How mean? Alright? it's different because normally in Arabic, when you have

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just come in handy. All right, when you have three letters. All right, so that's a meme. And that's alarm. And that's an lfra and Islam and mean,

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when you see this in the beginning of sootel field, how do you read it?

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What do you say? Lm? Right, you read it together, you combine the letters, right? I'll just write up a random word on the board. It's written right there. All right.

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All right.

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So when you see a bar scene and mean three letters written together, why don't you combine them and join them and read them together? beside me, right? This means you combine letters when you see them written together. Now the interesting thing about some of these suitors that I'm talking about is, you see the flam in green, but you don't combine them together. You don't read them together, you don't piece them together. You don't say I love you say a leaf, lamb. And mean, you say three of them separately. The reason everyone's gonna say, all right, I know that that's basic. That's really Elementary. Yeah, but sometimes we don't understand how unique that is. That's me standing in front

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of you. And instead of saying the word lessons, I stand in front of you, and I say, l. e. s. s, you understand what I'm doing now? It's very different. It's like what's what's going on? Is You okay? Right. You know, so it's, it's like, what? It's very unique. It's very different, like what's happening? It gets your attention Most definitely. So that's how sort of sort of use of starts and many suitors in the Quran began in this way. Now, what's remarkable is because this is such a miraculous, such a unique feature of the Quran. And by the way, when you come back when you have letters in this format, what do they mean? We don't know only Allah knows best. It's just a very

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unique literary aspect of the Quran, as far as we're concerned. So you look throughout the Quran, any

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Surah begins in this fashion in this manner. The very next thing that it talks about it talks about the Quran itself. And it talks about some amazing aspect of the Quran. Well kitabi moonbeam. This is a self clarifying book. This is an extremely clear book that is self clarifying and clarifies other things. Well, Koran and hygiene, this is a book full of wisdom. This is a book that is overflowing with wisdom. All right, and so every radical Kitab Lama Buffy that book it has no doubts in it, absolutely not. Alright, so whenever it begins in this way, it ends up highlighting some miraculous some amazing aspects of the Quran. So, certain places where this phenomenon this this very

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interesting feature of the brand, where this occurs, it begins by saying the word Tenzin Tenzin, here in sort of Lucifer says in that and Zen now. Now, Candyland in zen, they both come from the same root it means to reveal to send down. All right, but there's Arabic is a language of patterns. Everybody, repeat Arabic is the language of patterns, very important to understand. All right. I know that's like we're not here for an Arabic lesson. If you just can, if you can, let that thought. Let that idea settle into your head. When you do in sha Allah embark on your study of the Arabic language that's going to help you that's going to help you a lot. Arabic is a language of patterns,

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nouns, verbs, everything, there are patterns. And when you fit certain words, when you take words and you mold them and you fit them onto different different patterns, then the implications of the words they change. So Tenzin, Inza, Tenzin Enza, do they sound kind of like cousins? Right? Do they sound like they're related to each other? Yeah, they are. So they both mean to send down. But they're different patterns. So when you mould them and put them on different patterns, they mean slightly different things. And by the way, this is referring to classical Arabic. So if you're a speaker of Modern Standard Arabic, and you're sitting here and say, What are you talking about?

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Well, there's a difference. This is talking about classical ancient Arabic. So Tenzin, the implication of tanginess to send something down little by little bit by bit, piece by piece, in zeile, needs to send something down all at once sort of uses starts by saying in that Ansel novel, and what did I just tell you did not listen down to the use of all that doesn't fit perfectly and beautifully. So right there, you get a taste of how amazing the sutra is, and what's to come. All right. So the use of the entire message of suta Yusuf is captured in one ayah.

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It's toward the end of surah. Yusuf is number 111 111. Allah says Lapa the canopy pazhassi him able to learn a lot about I should begin by seeing an eye in number three after a look does this presents this introduction to us? In that Angela Hooper Alan Alda began, for Alan Albion, we have sent down this for art in the Arabic language. By the way, remember that I want you to hold on to that thought, I'm going to talk to you about the Koran being in the Arabic language towards the end of the lecture. So remind me if I forget, because I tend to do that. So Allah says in the very next is it number three, national episodic XML parsers. We are telling you here, Allah says this isn't a

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present tense form. Allah says it in the present tense form, even though a lot told us already right? Why does he tell us in the present tense form? You ever, you know, I'm going to make certain

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I'm going to draw certain parallels here. All right. So just in case if you're a little sensitive to this, don't be offended. I'm just paralleling the ideas, the concepts, not the actual substance and material when you're watching the TV show, or you're watching a movie. All right, and in that movie, they the character in the movie is recalling something from their past. In a T in a in a TV show or a movie, they're recalling something from their past, and they don't just want you to sit there and watch this character tell tell you about something from their past. They want you the viewer to literally experience what happened in the past with this character. What did they literally do? What

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did they do in the movie or the TV show? flashback? flashback, right? Or in last they flash forward? Right? So they flashback.

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That's the first time that happened. Actually, I stopped watching after a certain point just because it was too much to keep up with. I said let them get done with their whole thing that I'll figure it out. Right, but so my younger brother was still continuing to walk forward and one time I just walked in and they're showing like, you know, something else? And I'm like, okay, it's another platform. It's like, stop. Don't confuse me anymore. I can take this. So So flashbacks, right so what it literally does is you know, like in the old TV, cheesy like bad production TV shows. There's like the right does a little thing where it becomes wobbly the screen or whatever you want to call

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it right? And then all of a sudden now they're showing you

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You back in the past or in high school, and they're literally playing out a scene in high school, rather than than the character just telling you about because they want you to experience it. So what it does is it takes the past and turns it into what

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the present a last kind of agenda many times tells us about things in the past, but he says it in the present tense. Because he doesn't want you to just view it as something in the past. He wants you to take this journey that's beginning

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to swallow.

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We are telling you,

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we are narrating to you, we are relating to you.

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Some of us the most excellent of stories, the best of stories.

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So take this journey along with where this goes, go along on this journey. Don't be afraid to kind of get carried away and put yourself there in that place. And see this happening right before your very eyes.

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La Casa de cosas. So Allah tells us, okay, we're about to tell you, we are telling you right now, the best of stories, the most amazing story you've ever heard.

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Now, I'm going to jump kind of get off topic just a little bit real quick. So the Quran is telling us stories? is it telling us stories for the sake of telling us stories? Like is it you know? Is it just entertainment? Is it just something to do when you're bored? Like, what's the point of this story? So an EIN number 111, the one I originally started off by talking about, that I told you captures the entire gist of the message of the surah. Allah says, look at the canopy to see him. He told me

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that most definitely no doubt about the fact that in their stories, in these stories, Abel is a profound realization. Not just a message, but like a realization where you get like, slapped in the face you wake up, right, there's a profound life changing life altering realization in these stories, literally look back, but only four people have intelligence.

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People who have the ability to critically think people that are roll up their sleeves and get into like the lecture we just came from. I mean, I was very intrigued, I was very engaged. And the brother was how he was making the presentation. He was into it. He was passionate when he was talking about so you have to get into it. Right so people who are willing to use their God given ability to think, to analyze, to critique to understand, and we'll delve into this we'll jump into this and deal with it head on open mind open heart. For them, it's a there's a profound realization waiting for them with these stories. Matt gonna have you thought you've thought Oh,

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this is not just some random, you know, story or some random, you know, fantasy that somebody conjured up in their mind that they dreamed up. This isn't some piece of fiction. Well, I can sleep under the bed in a day. Rather this affirms reality. This affirms reality explains to people what is in front of them what they are dealing with, what they'll see liquidly shake, and this provides a very detailed, elaborate structure, that people can live their lives within all the key essential core questions that people have that human beings have our answer their wash, mutton, well, who then and it is guidance through and through. And we talked about the word guidance all the time, and it's

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developed like this aura, it is a very blessing where it's a very profound word, but it kind of develops this aura of guidance. Like it's a big word, right? We never think about what it means in the Arabic language, very literally the root of the word, it literally means to like, hold somebody's hand and walk them along. All right, like, you know, like, a blind person has a walking stick, you seen a walking stick? Alright, a walking stick in Arabic is called havea coming from the same root in classical Arabic, because it shows that blind person the way the literally chose them to where to go and where not to go. That's what guidance means. Where should I walk in Where should

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I not walk? Where should I go? Where should I not go? Where will I trip and where will I be okay. Got it is guidance.

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And it is a mercy, a divine form of mercy. They call me you know, but only for people who are willing to believe people who are willing to believe and again, interestingly, I'm going to get into the specifics of the language of the ayah. You mean on again is in the present tense or future tense form, modality or form? Again, the implication is the willingness to believe now people who don't believe they have to have the willingness to believe and what literally what what's a prerequisite to being willing to believing something What does that mean? That means that when you approach something, you approach it without any preconceived ideas, notions assumptions, right? You would you

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approach it very openly. Like I'm willing to take this and approach it without any preconceived notions. They

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Any ideas of my own, and I will take it for what it is. And so they have to be willing to believe. And that captures the gist of what this is about. It is guidance, it is a mercy. And it is something that helps us deal with our problems today, one of the biggest challenges of the Quran and something that, you know, not only frustrated me as a young person growing up, because I found a lot through my parents and through the community I grew up in and some of my early experiences, the Quran was something that I was very intrigued by something I was very passionate about, even from childhood, it was something that I felt always felt I had a very close connection with, or at least that I

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needed to have a close connection with. All right, and one of the frustrations I initially set in, and something that I realized and something that later on, I turned it into a personal objective and mission of mine, whatever level I was working on, whether it was my youth group, or my Masjid, or the football was giving, or the seminar I was teaching or the MSA, I was talking to that making the Quran relevant, like in the sense of opening people's eyes to the relevance of the Quran, we don't have to make it relevant, it is relevant. But just opening people's eyes to the relevance of the Quran and making people understand it speaks to you, it has a solution for your problems. It's

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talking to you right here right now. And understanding is very important. So when we read when you we won't have a lot of time to delve into the details of the of the of the entire story of use of a setup, but we never you do get the chance. And please use this short little brief talk discussion that we're having here as motivation. If nothing else, let it encourage you let it motivate you to now go sit down and decide to make a study out of sort of yourself, and see what you can learn from this. So when you do end up reading it in detail, you're going to see this amazing journey that this amazing man goes through child, young men, and then a grown full grown man, that he goes through

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this amazing journey and all these amazing experiences. And never for once sit back and turn it into. Okay, a man a long, long time ago in a faraway place. This happened to him, don't let it turn into that. See, what did he experience? What am I experiencing? How did he overcome that experience? How can I overcome this experience, and where did when he had the willingness to overcome and he took the right resources that allow me to available to him where he was able to reach and inshallah I can get to those same points as well. And let it serve as that type of an inspiration and let it guide you through your journey in life and help you through your difficulties in your experiences.

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Because in sort of yourself, you're going to see something amazing, you're going to see this child being raised with so much love and affection by his father. All right, you're gonna see a child being raised with the love the attention, the affection that a child deserves, every child needs to have. So imagine being in that type of a family experience, having loving parents who care for you who watch over you who take care of and they love you with all their heart, and they worry about you all the time. So going from that,

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and then ending up were being tossed into an abandoned well, and literally being left to maybe even for dead,

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possibly dead or just maybe found by somebody and just you don't take it away.

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I'm sitting there imagine being a child sitting in like a dark Well, the bottom of a wealth and just sitting there screaming or crying, calling and looking. And nobody's there.

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You know, just to share a personal experience with you to talk to you about what what a child would go through. I'm pretty sure everybody's got some memory maybe where they kind of lost their parents for a minute. when they were young, they lost their parents in the grocery store. Or they kinda ended up in a dark alley somewhere. Or they were being chased by a dog. Right? Everyone's got some type of an experience, right? So imagine that and being in that type of a place.

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Then from there, not just being rescued. But being given he was sold, which is another part of the difficulty. But being sold to were being taken in by who by royalty. And being raised in the lap of luxury, being treated Nikita.

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Right, being taken as literally a son of their own. They've made him they made him like one of their own children. Right. So being raised as somebody's own child in the lap of luxury by very refined educated, good people.

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So again, there's some level of safety now. There's there's certain blessings that are surrounding him now.

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But where does that lead again, that leads back to where he ends up in prison.

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Jail, being thrown into prison and literal legacy being thrown into prison. The key was thrown away. Right for

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Something he didn't do wrongfully accused, being thrown into prison. Without any recourse. There's no appeal. There's no, there's no appeals court. Right? There's no nobody that he can go and he can talk to or he can complain to breaking up this wrong that was done to him he can ever right now, no one knows nothing.

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But then Allah brings him back out of that prison to where

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brings him not just to a position of power, but a position of royalty itself. royalty control authority and power, and then being reunited with his family, you see the up and down, up and down, up and down journeys. And then now think about your own life.

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Right, there are good times and there are bad times.

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There are difficult times and then there are great times. And this is something that we all go through. Everybody experiences, everybody deals with this. Right? But then we look at this life of use of industry abuse, and how I can draw inspiration from that, how I can overcome that, how I can make it through that. And

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once we look at that, once we observe that now let's take into consideration what are some of the challenges that do present themselves to us on a day to day basis?

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things or issues that people are dealing with right now? And what are some of the solutions provided to that user? So one of the biggest issues we have today in our community, one of the biggest problems we have today is the issue of

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There's a lot of turmoil within the home today. Muslim, non Muslim alike. But since this is a lecture, we can even talk specifically more about the Muslim situation of families. This is something I'm a lot older than you guys, by the way. All right. I'm a lot older.

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All right, the white hair does all the talking. So and I'd like the brother mentioned at the beginning of the lecture, I was born and raised in Texas, in Dallas. So the reason why I mentioned that is I remember the times of our communities and our families, because I'm talking about family here. I remember the times of our families, Muslim families, from way back in the day, very, very early days. And one thing that was very interesting about the very early days of Muslims, Muslim families, was that we thought we were immune, we were impervious to a lot of the turmoil that was going on within families and homes, the dysfunction that families were experiencing, all around us,

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in the other faith base, or the other communities, non Muslim communities in general. That what was going on in their homes and their families, we thought we were immune to that. That was about them and not us. I even remember the time that one of my teachers, one of my chefs, he was visiting. And he was going around Ramadan, giving some guest lectures. And so of course, he came to the machine where I was leaving. So I was extremely, I was really, really young at that time, it was early on in my studies. And he came in Ramadan. And he was giving a lecture and he was talking about families. And he was talking about issues within the family within the home. And he started to specifically

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highlight certain issues and challenges that come up in homes and in families.

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And he said that some of these issues you might not be dealing with right now. But they're right around the corner. Don't doubt it. And the reason why he was saying that not just to dog to people, but then say, these are the things you need to take into consideration. These are the steps you need to take right now to protect your homes, to protect your families to protect your children to protect your youth, and the experience of a home and a family. Right. I mean, I was I really enjoyed today, by the way, because I got them a little bit early. And I found out y'all had a flurry of activities going on on campus today. And so before I went to the, the the lecture on Palestine,

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before that, I went to the lecture at the diversity forum sister was speaking there. And I noticed when they asked the questions about family when they asked, excuse me when they answer questions about identity,

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and who you are, and what makes you who you are. Pretty much all of the panelists brought up family. So families very important as an experience of a human being. All right, so

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I remember he was talking about these issues of family and some of the challenges and what are some of the remedies in the cures, and the safe, the full proofs and the the blocks that we can put up to protect ourselves from issues and family? Remember people angry? People got angry. So what are you talking about this stuff? You're like, divorce or children rebelling against their parents and youth kind of going off the wall or whatever it was? And he's talking about these things, and people got angry. What are you talking about? Those are 100 problems. We don't deal with those things. We don't have to deal with that stuff. So there was this very oblivious type attitude towards dysfunction

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within the home or turmoil within the family. But nevertheless, we know it's a reality. And if there was any doubt in anyone's mind today, here and now, we have no doubts about the fact it's a personal problem. It's an issue within our own

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homes as well as Muslim families as well are dealing with this. So that's a major issue. That's a major thing that's going on. And it's something that everyone's got to deal with. And it impacts us big time it impacts us. Right? It can literally stunt your productivity in all other aspects and areas of your life. So now, what's the solution? So we know that a basic solution to solving a lot of the issues and the problems is a one word solution, especially within the home and within families. And that is communication.

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Right? People might have grudges might have problems might have issues. But if they never are willing to sit down, and whether you take into consideration family counselors, or therapists, or moms or whatever, whoever you're going to, to help you solve your problem, what's one of the first steps that they take in order to help solving this problem, if people can't figure out a way to talk to each other and work out your issues, they sit with you and they make you talk to each other? Right? And they initiate the conversation, they drive that communication, because until then, unless that communication occurs, problems not going to be solved. Now we see something in the story of

00:31:05 --> 00:31:26

yourself, we see the same issue of communication. Right? So Yusuf Ali Salaam, has a great relationship with his father. amazing relationship with his dad. Right. And the father son relationship. I mean, that's like, right TVs and movies are made about that stuff. Right? Right. So it's the stuff of legends, right? So he has a great relationship with his dad.

00:31:28 --> 00:31:32

How does he manage that? How is our relationship so great, when you seize the dream,

00:31:33 --> 00:31:35

when he sees the dream early on,

00:31:36 --> 00:32:03

when he sees that dream, who's the first person that goes in, he talks about it talks to his dad, there's that that, that, that that feeling of being able to talk without, you know, any fear, any consequences of retribution or consequences. Without that whole concern, he feels he can go and he can just talk, he can share it a very, very amazing experience he's just had with his dad. Yeah, but he,

00:32:04 --> 00:32:42

right, and then even the tone to put on again, I showed you and I did that for a reason. I highlighted the very specific, beautiful usage of words within the product, so that you understand that nothing is by coincidence, nothing is just by random. All right, the word that's being used is not my father. It's my dear father, my beloved father. Now that sounds very formal, right? So let's use an auto and it's like saying, Hey, Dad, right? Hey, pops, right? My kids, I have two daughters, three and one, they call me a blue. Right? And in fact, the older one who talks more now, I've trained her to not call me a black leader to call me my

00:32:43 --> 00:32:49

right. So I said, as I say Salaam, Maria. And she responds by saying Salaam Maya boo. Right.

00:32:50 --> 00:33:09

And my wife was like, that sounds so odd. Why do you teach her to say that? Right? It's like, just because it's endearing. Right? I it's I love it just hearing out of her mouth when she says Maya, right. So. But anyway, so whatever that engineering term is that you have with your with your dad. Right? So he uses that engineering term ability.

00:33:10 --> 00:33:43

Do you do your father? Right? My okay. Right. And he says that, and now he shares, I saw this in a dream and the stars were making to do to me in the sun and the moon and all that, wow, I saw that the communication is open there. And that leads to a very healthy, fruitful relationship. So I'm going to show that now fast forwarding, when use was long gone, and has been gone for years, even you can even claim decades, just because of the maturing process where he's out of his life. literally decades have gone by

00:33:44 --> 00:33:48

what is Yaqoob the father still do? He still sits around and he cries.

00:33:49 --> 00:34:03

So I miss my son, like that type of relationship. Not like, thank goodness, he's gone. No, nobody has said no good parent is that But nevertheless, you get my point, that relationship is there. And he's yearning and he's eager to meet his father.

00:34:04 --> 00:34:14

Right. So that relationship is there because communication is their currency geniuses. Okay, but at the same time, there's dysfunction in this family as well. Where's the dysfunction?

00:34:16 --> 00:34:36

The brothers, alright, brothers are resentful, jealous. And eventually jealousy leads to resentment. They're resentful towards your younger brother, Joseph Yusuf, which makes them also resentful towards their father, that he favors him and he does this and this. Now, rather than over here, the lines of communication have become stifled.

00:34:37 --> 00:34:43

They're not talking to yourself, okay. You're supposed to talk but they're at the same time. They're not going and talking to their fathers either.

00:34:44 --> 00:35:00

to their father, they're not going and talking to him and clarifying matters. So what does that lead to the stifling of communication, the lack of communication leads to what it leads to worse things and not sort of like Yeah, everybody will continue to coexist. Don't worry about it. You're making such a big deal.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:27

I don't have to sit there and have some awkward, weird conversation like, Hey, I like you. I like you to write like, I don't want to have to deal with that. Right? So when everybody just mind their own business, we don't get along. All right, everybody just accept reality. Go back to your corners, right? No, no, no. Because when you go back to your corners, eventually, you're not going to be able to sit there in your corner, things are gonna boil over, and then something bad is gonna happen. And something bad did happen, where they kidnapped your younger brother. And they literally threw him down a well.

00:35:28 --> 00:35:36

That's, in fact, the fraud even tells us before they took that drastic of a step, they actually had conversations about maybe just killing it.

00:35:37 --> 00:35:43

Right, and they faked his death. They take a * shirt back to their dad saying you got eaten by Wolf.

00:35:44 --> 00:36:03

I mean, things got bad, because they couldn't talk to each other. And it was simple sibling rivalry type of thing, right? Just brother, older brothers being jealous of the attention the younger brothers getting, but look how bad things got, when communication is out there. And the more real relevant lesson I want to share with this crowd. It's a younger crowd, a college crowd.

00:36:04 --> 00:36:42

That is in the communication between the Father and the Son, in the case of use of you see use of going and talking to the Father, in the situation with the brothers with the Father, the brothers are not going and talking to their father, the teachers is a very valuable lesson. Sure parents are in charge. They're the ones that are nurturing and raising and teaching and taking care of things. But at the same time, the responsibility of communication falls equally on the children, the youth just as much as it does to their parents. And our generation. Well, I shouldn't say art, I mean, I know because there's there's different people in here, but I'll speak for my generation, for my

00:36:42 --> 00:36:50

generation, which was the children of immigrants, which might be the perspective of a lot of people here, the children of immigrants, he was a whole nother dynamic.

00:36:51 --> 00:37:28

The reason for that is there's always a generational gap, there's always a generational gap, there always will be alright. But on top of that, when you add the other huge cavern, which is them being from a completely different part of the world, than from where at and different culture and a different experience and everything. Now you just it exacerbates the problem. It makes it into an even bigger issue and a bigger problem, bigger area that we have to cross and we have to traverse in order to reach in the middle and talk to each other. Right. And in those situations, guess what, you might be frustrated with your immigrant parents because they just don't get it God. Right. They just

00:37:28 --> 00:37:39

don't get it. But what you have to understand what you also have to take into consideration is they're just as confused and frustrated as you are. Because they literally don't even know what you're saying sometimes.

00:37:41 --> 00:38:14

I don't even know what he just said, right? So they don't even get your perspective on what's wrong with these kids. Right? So what you have to realize is, you sometimes will have to take that step, you'll have to step forward and say, just communicate, just talk. Right. And that's what we see happening here in the sort of use of hobbies. Another very important, relevant I know I kind of cared about I told you about the tendency to do that. So the next issue I wanted to talk about very, very relevant issue with inserting insert, especially for this type of crowd. And that is

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particularly in terms of, you know, the opposite gender and things like that. They're they're not something that are new, not something that our current issues, it's not something that is more

00:38:34 --> 00:39:04

it's a more modern issue. Not at all, but rather temptations, desires, it's a part of being it's a part of life, it's a part of living, it's a part of the experience of being a human being. And this manifests itself in the industry of usefulness. I'm in a very interesting way in an extremely captivating fashion. And that is use of a law tells us uncertain number is number 22. A law tells us well, Mr. Bulava who was so

00:39:05 --> 00:39:14

well kinetic energy Martini basically a law tells us that when use have matured so not not only did he physically mature but

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he physically matured into a young man now but at the same time it no he was mentally and emotionally mature as well now, right the complete package right sisters, right? So right so it's not just this is grown man who's like a big boy right? So it's not that it's the total package is the complete package isn't mature, grown, sophisticated individual. Alright, so obviously he people are going to find him attractive. And now this is where it gets guys. So we're talking about a messenger of Allah, but there are going to be natural, certain tendencies or inclinations of his own. And Allah tells us about the woman who's the family that are taking them in the woman

00:40:00 --> 00:40:04

We're basically raised him, was that extremely attracted to him?

00:40:05 --> 00:40:34

And she comes after him. And she concoction she puts together this elaborate plan at a time when no one's around where she can corner him in the house. And she comes on to him. All right. And I mean, she, she, she temps him. Now what happens at this point is very, very interesting. All right, first of all, first thing I want to establish is a las panatela says willapa hamachi.

00:40:35 --> 00:40:46

She was for all intensive verse, she was attracted to him. She intended towards me, she had a full intention of him, she was attracted towards him. Well, how am I beheld,

00:40:48 --> 00:41:19

but very interesting. Now what separates them? Because he doesn't say, well look at the Hammurabi, Hema, right, they were both attracted to each other, he separates us, she was attracted to him. And he also naturally because of being a man, he also had an interest in her. Right? Now, while Allah separates the two because the nature of both of those things are very, very different. usages is a very natural human reaction. Hers is a very elaborate, lustful, kind of

00:41:21 --> 00:41:45

an unfaithful type of attempt at trying to attain him. Right, he's married. And so she's been cheating on her husband, she's being unfaithful, and this very lustful on our part, and she's making up all these plans and being deceitful. So it's completely different than nature of the two. But nevertheless, Allah subhanaw taala does clearly say the simple fact, he felt a certain element of attraction towards her.

00:41:46 --> 00:42:21

You know, being being a human being being a man, he felt it. And that tells us something interesting. Again, being religious, being pious, being good, being close to a loving a decent person does not preclude you from feeling tempted in certain situations. I know they were here, we're talking about the specific, like a sexual type situation, all right, data of the genders and whatnot. But you can even broaden the scope of this feeling temptation, feeling tempted in certain situations, because I know temptations today, and especially on campus are of

00:42:23 --> 00:42:36

a diverse kind, right? There's multiple different things that go on different evils, or different temptations that are occurring. And so feeling some form of just natural, just immediate, just inclination towards it.

00:42:37 --> 00:42:40

Doesn't make it wrong, like doesn't make you a bad person.

00:42:41 --> 00:42:45

Your human being that's all that it means. It means you're socially functioning.

00:42:46 --> 00:42:55

It means you're emotionally sound, you're psychologically okay. That's all it means. That's all that that means. What is important, though, is what's the reaction?

00:42:56 --> 00:42:59

So you feel this initial inclination towards something?

00:43:00 --> 00:43:20

You want to take this very, very drastic step. All right. So that initial urge that you felt, alright, that's fine. And ally, showing us an example of a very blessing, amazing messenger of Allah, Allah protected from committing any sin. They even he, at some level, in a very human form.

00:43:21 --> 00:43:23

He felt that initial urge,

00:43:24 --> 00:43:29

but how is it managed? And about that Allah subhanaw taala tells us follow my other law.

00:43:31 --> 00:43:40

The first thing he said, the first words he uttered the very first reaction he had was he said, I take protection with Allah.

00:43:42 --> 00:44:06

I see, you know, it's a form of one on one, but I take refuge with Allah. Like, I go to Allah for protection, meaning Allah. So when I think about right now, he's the one that I absorb my heart in my mind with. Right now, at this very moment. I'm feeling tempted. I'm a human being, certain weaknesses are built into me. But Allah is free of any weaknesses.

00:44:07 --> 00:44:44

I'm imperfect. He's absolutely perfect. And he can get me through this situation. That's his initial thought. That's his initial reaction. So the relevant lesson for us is just the urge, just a temptation, just a desire. Don't. Don't feel that that makes you a bad person. The reason why I'm kind of harping on this point is because that's a huge trick of shavonne. That instance, you feel a certain urge or temptation or a desire. Oh, what a horrible person you are. You're a horrible human being. You're just disgraceful. You're sinful, you're filthy, you're dirty.

00:44:45 --> 00:45:00

No, not at all. The Messenger of Allah felt something initially. But what's going to make or break you is how you manage that situation. how you handle that, what's your reaction? If you go to a lot, and you find comfort and solace and peace and protection,

00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

With a lion in your connection with the law, you'll make it out of there unscathed. And Okay.

00:45:06 --> 00:45:40

All right. And that's the next lesson that I talks about it that sort of tells us about is, don't worry. All right, it's a, it's a part of being a human being temptations, but learn to overcome them. And the primary thing that will get you through those difficulties is your connection with Allah. And I'm going to say this. Now, this is where it's going to sound like a very ritualistic, a very typical type of preaching. But I want you to take a different view of it based on what we just discussed. One of the basic things that builds your connection with Allah is your five times a day prayer. Prayer is extremely practical, very manageable, by the way,

00:45:41 --> 00:45:43

takes five minutes,

00:45:44 --> 00:45:47

five minutes, five times a day. How much does that add up to?

00:45:50 --> 00:45:56

Alright, UCLA math school? So it's 25 minutes, right?

00:45:57 --> 00:45:59

The average sitcom, how long does it last?

00:46:02 --> 00:46:07

21 to 22 minutes. 21 to 22 minutes is the average sitcom.

00:46:08 --> 00:46:12

Praying five times a day takes as much time as it does to watch friends.

00:46:16 --> 00:46:31

This was something a little bit intelligent, right? So right. But for the brothers even like very small, or even sisters, I don't know I'm just generalizing here, but SportsCenter. Right? So you want the same highlight over and over again.

00:46:36 --> 00:46:40

In cycling and loop, right, take one sport center off a day.

00:46:42 --> 00:47:22

And that's five times a day. That's so practical. That's how manageable is, I know there's a better prayer in your you can pray all these records enough, fill in tonight, I'm talking about let's just get started. Right down the right road, five minutes, five times a day. And that'll give you a connection with London, nobody can get in the way. No temptation can ever rip you away from that connection. It's a solid bond. Right. next issue that Sue uses brings up that again, is very, very practical, very relevant to us today. is it's just actually just a couple of I have down because it's so related to the same situation. same scenario, okay. So I'm going to do this real fast. So

00:47:22 --> 00:47:29

this woman, very powerful, rich woman, you know, the wife of the minute finance minister, etc, etc, who came on to him.

00:47:31 --> 00:48:08

She, then, you know, whole situation basically gets discovered, he gets exonerated absolved of any wrongdoing, they find out she did wrong. But rumor spreads around town, other elite people in that society start talking about it. Oh, do you hear what she did? She threw herself at some little like, slave boy type of thing, right? And it's going out of control. So she says, I gotta save my reputation. So she gets together, all these women, everybody who's talking nonsense about her, or actually truth, but all these people that are talking stuff about her, and she gets them all together and presents us.

00:48:10 --> 00:48:14

And they're all like, they put on talks about it. They're all like, okay, we understand.

00:48:19 --> 00:48:21

So they're like, Alright, we get it and,

00:48:22 --> 00:48:47

and then something really unfortunate happens. They basically become further emboldened, they become supportive of this woman, and they basically threaten you. So listen, you gotta get with the program. There's a certain way we handle things around here. All right, we're in charge, you're not, you do what we tell you to do, regardless of whether you agree with it or not, if you're not willing to do this, and there's going to be severe consequences for this.

00:48:48 --> 00:49:06

And so Yusuf Ali said, um, and they even threatened throwing him in prison and whatnot. Yusuf Ali said, I'm at that time, he actually makes it to our application. Again, he's connecting to a lot, right? things, things are getting difficult. What is the first thing that he does, he just teaches us a lesson. You don't even have to do something as formal as prayer.

00:49:07 --> 00:49:08

Just talk to him.

00:49:09 --> 00:49:22

Right where you're standing, where you're standing at that time at that situation, it seems like the world is falling down on top of you. You don't have to go and formally pray or find a mustard or find any mom to talk. Just talk to her.

00:49:23 --> 00:49:35

To see all you got to help me I'm stuck here. I don't know where to go. I don't know what to do. So he says Robbie says you will have you in a me made it on an eBay. He basically says I'd rather go to prison than what these people are telling me to do.

00:49:37 --> 00:49:52

Alright, so first, we learned just talk to them whenever things get difficult. But the second thing we learned kind of a difficult lesson. Now here's where things start to get. It's the bitter pill we have to swallow. Sometimes making the right choice might come with certain consequences.

00:49:53 --> 00:49:59

Like you won't get to go and hang out with those people. You might not be able to keep company with those kinds of people anymore.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:23

You might kind of get excluded from this certain clique of people, whatever the consequences are, there sometimes are certain consequences that come with making the right choice. I have lots of friends back in the day that I would have loved to still hang out with. They were cool guys, they were fun guys. But a certain point in our life where it was for it was a fork in the road. And if I wanted to hang out with the cool guys, the fun guys, the guys I grew up with.

00:50:24 --> 00:50:45

And literally, I'm not saying ostracize people cut off people from your life. But there's a difference between somebody who just say Salaam to you, and somebody that you hang out with every other day. So a tie game where I had to make that choice. Do I want to be at these places? In even be in the be in that place where people are engaging in that type of activity?

00:50:46 --> 00:50:48

Or would I rather protect my connection with

00:50:50 --> 00:50:54

and you got to make that choice. And Yusuf Ali Salaam made that choice. All right.

00:50:56 --> 00:50:59

Real quickly next point. So he's in prison. Now.

00:51:01 --> 00:51:34

That's a tough place to be in for something you didn't do a crime you didn't commit. I mean, stuck in prison with all these criminal types, filthy criminal types. Right? I want you to get the tone of what I'm saying you have this amazing, very moral upright person raised in the house of a messenger by a messenger, all right. And this person who refuse to commit just a very, it's a private crime, right? It's a private personal crime. They weren't telling him to go and massacre a bunch of people. They weren't telling him to go and rob the bank.

00:51:36 --> 00:51:46

He was being called to commit fornication. It's a personal private sin. But he refused to do that such an upright such an amazing person. Now he's in prison with all these criminals.

00:51:47 --> 00:51:49

That might be a tough place to be in right?

00:51:50 --> 00:52:09

Now, I want you to observe the demeanor of uses, you know, for the use of engages in initially, immediately when he gets there. And that's where he's at now. That's the situation that he's in fine. But once again, making the best of the situation. He starts dialoguing with these people, he starts talking to these people,

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and trying to reach out to the better side of these people. And I am number 38, through 40, is reaching out to the better side of these people, the sensibility within these people, and starts talking to them. And the first thing he talks to them about is the oneness of Allah.

00:52:29 --> 00:52:31

That isn't it better that you worship one Lord,

00:52:32 --> 00:53:08

one divine, merciful, caring, compassionate Lord, rather than all these idols that are just things that you've made up names that you've concocted and created, figments of your imagination or your forefathers imagination, right, rather than their worship the one divine Supreme Lord and Master Allah, the One who created you, the one who made you as amazing as you are, all your physical abilities, your intellect, your talent, right, everything that you have, he gave it to, you should be thankful to him, shouldn't you try to connect with him? Right, and he starts talking to them, and he actually starts making a difference in their lives.

00:53:10 --> 00:53:41

And so another very valuable lesson that we learn is sometimes you might be in a situation that you might not think is very ideal, make the best of that situation. And another thing that is very relevant to us is the obligation, the responsibility we have of sharing the truth that we have in our lives, sharing that with everyone else. Now I'm not telling you to, you know, prostate, analyze or, you know, get in people's faces and stand up and with a with a boom mic and start yelling in the courtyard, right. I'm not telling you to make people uncomfortable.

00:53:42 --> 00:54:11

But develop a relationship with people, talk to people, you know, this is an intellectual, this is an educational academic environment, talk to people, have conversations with people. And then present what you have the code that you live by, what what what makes you feel so content, so satisfied with who you are, share that with people, people will appreciate you for it. And so that's another very valuable lesson Yusuf is doing. The technical word is our users doing dour in prison.

00:54:12 --> 00:54:19

We can do that in our personal lives. Talk to your friends, talk to your classmates, your co workers, your roommates, just talk to people.

00:54:21 --> 00:54:32

And then the last thing I wanted to share here, and I realize it's getting kind of long, but lasting. And this is one of the actually the main things I wanted to talk about but I got carried away with everything else.

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is number verse number 92.

00:54:39 --> 00:54:43

talks about when everything is said and done. everything is said and done.

00:54:44 --> 00:54:59

The situation has all been resolved the brothers of use of common come back and Garmin gone back and he's told them who he is. And now his father you know is on the way in his father is even coming in the whole family's being reunited and everything's gonna be

00:55:00 --> 00:55:02

All right, everything's okay. Happy ending.

00:55:03 --> 00:55:09

But before that happy ending happens, isn't there a very difficult awkward conversation that has to happen?

00:55:11 --> 00:55:12

Think about it guys.

00:55:13 --> 00:55:13

Between Who?

00:55:16 --> 00:55:19

between us and the brothers, right? I mean, they got to figure this out.

00:55:21 --> 00:55:34

I mean, you're standing there, he's in charge. Now he's an he's the authority. And in front of him are standing his brothers the same guys. All right, who, however many so years ago,

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had literally snatched him up, threw him in a well and left him for dead.

00:55:40 --> 00:55:51

Now he has the upper position, he has the upper hand, he's in charge, he has the authority. And he's standing over them saying, All right, how are we going to handle this?

00:55:52 --> 00:55:54

Alright, so who's gonna jump first? No. So

00:55:57 --> 00:55:59

right. So what do we do?

00:56:00 --> 00:56:28

And so the brothers are also standing there and they're saying, Look at the authentic Allahu Allah, when Allah hopping in, so it's obvious who was right and who was wrong because Allah gave you the upper hand over us today. I'm honored you above us today. You are honorable. We're disgraced. You're honest, and we're a bunch of liars. Right? When you vanilla coffee, we were wrong. We admit we were completely wrong. We're big time criminals. We messed up.

00:56:30 --> 00:56:31

So what does he say now?

00:56:33 --> 00:56:35

He says laughter threebond a chameleon.

00:56:36 --> 00:56:44

Which, in our context, in our in our lingo, translates to I have no beef with you today.

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00:56:49 --> 00:56:50

You go to USC.

00:56:53 --> 00:57:01

He says I have no beef with you tonight. I have no axe to grind with you. I got no issues. No problems with you.

00:57:03 --> 00:57:04

Hello, forgive

00:57:06 --> 00:57:18

me. He's the most merciful out of all those people who are capable of showing mercy. He is the Most Merciful of anyone capable of showing mercy. I could show you mercy but it was more way more merciful.

00:57:19 --> 00:57:26

The Most Merciful. You talk to him. You deal with him. I personally don't. I don't want anything. I'm okay.

00:57:27 --> 00:57:32

And now I want you to I want to fast forward you to our messenger Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu sallam.

00:57:34 --> 00:57:36

He had a very similar journey,

00:57:37 --> 00:57:49

journeys of ups and downs. He was also wrong by people who were also his own people. Were the not Quraysh people are renting his own people. Abdullah was his own uncle.

00:57:51 --> 00:57:54

Right, Abu Jamal, Abu tribesmen.

00:57:55 --> 00:58:07

These are people who you know, ate and broke bread with his dad and his uncles and stuff. Right? So these were his people. And they wronged him. And they did horrible things to him.

00:58:09 --> 00:58:18

He is the oldest of the prophets along the sons daughters, Xena. my nieces named Xena. She was born two months ago, Marshall. So

00:58:19 --> 00:58:56

his daughter Zane, up his eldest daughter, who was actually old enough to remember the very early early days of preaching in Makkah. Because there's a very beautiful narration that talks about this young man, who later on would become Muslim standing with his grandfather at the top of a hill, looking down over the valley of Mena. And they see this kind of a little bit taller, kind of this tall, very handsome man, going around from 10 to 10, talking to people preaching to people, engaging with people, all right, and they're rejecting Him and they're cursing him and they're throwing things at him and they're disrespecting him. And he does this. He just spends all day long doing

00:58:56 --> 00:59:09

this. And he finally is leaving the camp, the whole camp site at the end of the day. And there's this beautiful little girl standing there, holding a bowl of water in her hands.

00:59:10 --> 00:59:46

And she has tears streaming down her face. She's crying, because she sees her father's condition. And he washes his hands in the water and washes his face with the water and his he's consoling her telling her Don't cry. Don't worry. Allah won't let my work go to waste. And there's this there, that young boy and his grandfather watching this whole scene unfolding. That's Hussein it was she was killed by the people. She was actually pregnant. She was leaving Makkah to go to Medina. They attacked her. They came after they injured her. She lost the child that she was carrying. And she developed a wound that was so severe, she never really recovered from it. And she eventually ended

00:59:46 --> 00:59:52

up dying from complications from that same mood. years later. She lived with that one for years. They did that.

00:59:54 --> 00:59:58

They assassinated they killed in cold blood and and mutilated the body of his uncle.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:02

Who's like a father figure a like an older brother figure to him.

01:00:04 --> 01:00:10

They've done horrible things. So they're just beginning. This is just the top surface, the top level. So many things they had done.

01:00:11 --> 01:00:38

20 years after his message started 20 years of non stop torture and oppression and aggression. 20 years later King today of such a mecca, the conquest of Mecca, the prophet arrived in Makkah, he's in charge now. He's the authority. He has the upper hand. He's standing in front of these people, all the people of Makoto Parish, the same people that have done all those things to him. They're all standing in front of him today. And they're begging and pleading and crying and wringing their hands and saying, what are you going to do to us?

01:00:40 --> 01:01:03

Remember, you're the best amongst us and your father was the best amongst us in your grandfather. And right there begging and pleading, and the prophets allottee some stands before them and he says, I will say to you today, like my grandpa like like, like you said to his brothers, I will stand before you today and say to you what you said to his brothers, latter three baliga. I have no beef with you people today.

01:01:05 --> 01:01:11

Go and find your comfort, your solace your peace with Allah. As far as I'm concerned, I don't need anything.

01:01:13 --> 01:01:23

He said that prophetic example, that transcends time and place that set the bar that set the standard of how a Muslim should be dignified,

01:01:24 --> 01:01:27

generous, compassionate, merciful and forgiving.

01:01:28 --> 01:01:29

And that's a big issue today.

01:01:30 --> 01:02:06

It's a big issue today, as how our faith is portrayed and how it's perceived, and the teachings of our faith. The sources, forget about people, the sources where our Deen comes from the Koran and the life of the messenger and how it's portrayed and how it's perceived. And this is the source of our Deen in our religion. And this is the example in the standard that it sets for us. And the final thing and I'll close with this remark now is at the very end of sort of Yousuf I mentioned is number 111. I'll talk to you again about the linguistic miracle of the Quran and the lesson we get from there from Ayah number 110. Right there at the end of use of Allah says had that either state as

01:02:07 --> 01:02:16

well, one new unknown. Cada coup de boo Jah Hoon, Asana for new gmN Nasha. Will you read to

01:02:17 --> 01:02:24

me, Allah says that, until a time in a place, a situation came that the messengers became

01:02:26 --> 01:02:29

very, very disheartened.

01:02:30 --> 01:02:32

But not in the mercy of Allah.

01:02:33 --> 01:02:40

They became very, very disheartened about the situation and the people, they became extremely frustrated with the people. Well,

01:02:41 --> 01:03:01

and they were pretty sure they have come to the conclusion that these people have completely rejected us refused us written us off, and they don't want to hear what we have to say. And they will never want to hear what we have to say. These people have made up their minds deal is done. Just there's no point to this anymore. It's an exercise in futility. It's just pointless now.

01:03:03 --> 01:03:10

All right. Now one thing that's interesting here, from a linguistic perspective, the word that I like uses this is state as a

01:03:11 --> 01:03:12

state as

01:03:13 --> 01:03:23

the root of this word. Yes. means like what I said to to lose hope or become frustrated with something is stay us up.

01:03:24 --> 01:03:55

Yeah, Isa is stay doesn't just stay as a word sound bigger. Now, a rule of the Arabic languages when the word gets bigger, when you increase the letters in the word, you increase the meaning of the word. Again, Arabic is the language of what everyone? patterns. That's why I said that in the very beginning. So this is a more exaggerated pattern, a more sophisticated pattern, if you will. What's the implication of this exaggerated or sophisticated pattern the implication can be many. In this particular case, the implication is hyperbole.

01:03:57 --> 01:03:57


01:03:59 --> 01:04:02

when the messengers became very, very frustrated,

01:04:03 --> 01:04:10

extremely frustrated. I mean, things were just beyond this. Things couldn't be fixed.

01:04:12 --> 01:04:14

They're just done. There's no point to this anymore.

01:04:15 --> 01:04:29

All right. Now imagine that level of frustration. So let us is a very strong word, not a common word, a very strong word to express the frustration that the messengers the prophets felt, then when Allah says so what was the response from Allah?

01:04:30 --> 01:04:35

jar? Una, una. Allah says our help came to them.

01:04:36 --> 01:04:48

Now once again, the word for something to come for something to arrive. There are two words or even chronic vocabulary. In terms of the Quran, there are two words. One word is attack and word word is

01:04:50 --> 01:04:59

a Thai is a lighter word. Java is a very heavy word, a very powerful word. And even in the pronunciation only Salamanca, I thought, Java

01:05:01 --> 01:05:11

Right even the pronunciation for the Arabs that's a stronger pronunciation right so it's a very very strong word. So let doesn't say that our help just came to them.

01:05:12 --> 01:05:49

Our help came down with a flurry like our help rain down on them, it poured down on them. It arrived big time, just a woman niskayuna are helped in just come to them. It just poured down onto them. So whereas the likes uses a strong word, to express the frustration, Allah uses an even stronger word to express the level of help that came from Allah for their situations. For new gmN Masha, Allah says we can rescue whomsoever we will, meaning no situation is too difficult. No adversity is insurmountable.

01:05:50 --> 01:06:03

Allah help Allah's mercy can rescue and save anyone, at any time in any place in any situation. And I just want you to leave you with this thought, like I said, being a young person today in today's global culture,

01:06:04 --> 01:06:24

but particularly because this is what we're familiar with, with the culture we live in the environment we live in, and then being a young person on campus. And then on top of that, with the political issues that are going on the political discourse that is going on in this country, the portrayal of Muslims and Islam that's going on currently today, globally, in the media, being it can get really, really tough.

01:06:25 --> 01:06:53

But realize that no matter how frustrating it gets, the hope of Allah overcomes it. And no matter how frustrated you are, the hope of a law will come accordingly. to rescue you and to save you out of your frustration. You only have one responsibility, never lose hope. Don't ever lose hope. Keep your connection with Allah. And Allah subhanaw taala will make a way he made a way for yourself. He made a way for the Messenger of Allah Muhammad Ali Sena. And he'll make a way for us as well.

01:07:00 --> 01:07:01


01:07:03 --> 01:07:04

Yes, is

01:07:07 --> 01:07:08

mentioned in the

01:07:10 --> 01:07:10

was he mentioned?

01:07:12 --> 01:07:25

He is one of the messengers that is mentioned quite often in the other scriptures as well as his father as well. Yes, absolutely. Just real quick, please keep your questions as relevant to the topic as possible.

01:07:27 --> 01:07:34

One thing I forgot to mention, I told you guys, I would forget at the very end, all right. So I told you so.

01:07:35 --> 01:07:52

So, in the in the second ayah, I told you that Allah says in that Angela Hooper, an R ob young, we revealed we sent down this Koran in the Arabic language alone so that you'll be able to comprehend it, you'd be able to really ponder on it make sense of it.

01:07:54 --> 01:08:42

Allah send down the Quran in Arabic, that's fact. But there's also wisdom in this. The classical engine form of the Arabic language is unmatched in its in its eloquence, and its fluidity and its brevity and conciseness and comprehensiveness. And learning Arabic is an extremely classical Arabic, is an extremely important part of our experience as Muslims, because unless and until we take that upon ourselves, we cannot for ourselves personally experience up on or the words of a messenger salatu salam, the source of our religion, we just won't be able to do so. So learning Arabic is very important. everybody's familiar with bacon, the institute that I work with, and we specialize in

01:08:42 --> 01:09:24

providing Arabic education, to Muslims, or to anyone regardless, but specifically because we focus more so on Koran and classical Arabic. So usually it's Muslims that benefit from what we have to offer. And we have varying types of programs from traveling seminars. We have, by the way, online, we have these Tafseer recordings of seer podcasts, you can find us in iTunes on our website, and we systematically are going through the Tafseer of the Quran in the English language, very in depth, like Singleton Wolf, which is about 30 verses it took me about, I think it's about six and a half hours worth of lecturing on those 30 verses, so too much. So it's very in depth, it's deep analysis,

01:09:24 --> 01:09:36

and we're doing that and it's free. We openly provided you can find it, you can download it to your phone and find it on our website, subscribe to it, etc, whatever. So you can check in on our web website, just look for Google beginner podcasts, you'll find it inshallah.

01:09:37 --> 01:09:45

So there are multiple programs that we have, we have a full time program that we offer as well. It's a 10 month full time on location program located in Dallas, Texas.

01:09:46 --> 01:09:59

And that's another great program we have going on and that's a great commitment a lot of people are making. Another program that we are offering this year is a Summer Intensive. And we're a summer program we're calling it

01:10:00 --> 01:10:44

intensive, this will be a 30 day program, a one month program that will be 30 days continuous non stop study. And it'll be in Dallas, Texas. And what these 30 days will involve is that it'll be for 30 days non stop, it'll be six hours a day of classical Arabic grammar, classical Arabic study intensive. And the amount of Arabic grammar that you will be able to grasp within this one month is, if you were to study part time, what I mean by part time is twice a week for a couple of hours each session, if you were to embark on a that type of a study of the Arabic grammar, Arabic language and classical grammar, what you would accomplish in about six to eight months is what inshallah you will

01:10:44 --> 01:11:01

get done in 30 days in a month, because it's full time, it just allows for greater and faster progression. Along with that, what else will be involved with the courses aside from the six hours a day of classical grammar that you'll study in the morning, everyday, in the evening, there'll be an hour and a half of Tafseer.

01:11:02 --> 01:11:06

Everyday inshallah. And so this is a program that we're offering, this is

01:11:07 --> 01:11:41

a program that we're offering, specifically this year. And you can get more details about this at beginner summer.com. I just wanted to share the details with you about that program. Take a look at it, if it fits your needs, if it fits your situation, please do look into it, please explore it. Because the worst thing I hear the worst thing, the thing I hate the most hearing from people when we travel around when we go around and we get to meet people like yourselves is that, oh, I never knew about that program. Otherwise, I would have wanted to take it or benefit from it. And so until I just wanted to tell you about it myself, please look into it. You can find all the detail on our

01:11:41 --> 01:11:56

website, and inshallah see if that's something that would benefit you. And may Allah bless all of us with the ability to read his book, and understand his book and engage and live by his book, and share it and spread it with the rest of humanity.

01:11:58 --> 01:12:00

Like, if there's any more questions, sorry about the interruption.

01:12:06 --> 01:12:19

I wonder about that, like, no questions. Is that is that a good thing or a bad thing? So either means I did such a great job explaining everything. Nobody has a question. Or nobody wants to ask this bozo. Any more questions. So he doesn't start talking again. Right? Because it's

01:12:20 --> 01:12:21

it's what time?

01:12:22 --> 01:12:24

It's 10 o'clock? No, it's

01:12:25 --> 01:12:25


01:12:31 --> 01:12:33

Yes, yes. Go ahead, please.

01:12:39 --> 01:12:43

How do you do that, and sometimes you're afraid to add cost

01:12:44 --> 01:12:46

savings in a manner that's,

01:12:51 --> 01:13:29

again, that line can only be discovered, once you at least get to that point, you see what I'm saying? Like I understand for some people, especially with, don't worry, all right to save zone. But with some people's parents, you can literally be like playing with fire. So and I understand that's a scary thought. And sometimes life just seem a lot more convenient. And just going about the way things are at least we're not fighting, at least things aren't going on. Everybody just kind of ignores themselves in mind their own business. But like I said, things get worse over time. And things deteriorate over time. And so it's okay, maybe there will be a little bit of maybe you'll get

01:13:29 --> 01:13:55

burned the first time, you know, you reach out but that way you at least know how hard to press and how light to touch. You can only find that out by first reaching out. So the pot sitting on the stove. I don't know how hard it is until I kind of just waved my hand at least near it right? Like the iron can just kind of wave your hand here and say, all right, it's hot now. Right? So there's got to be some way to figure out how hard the how hot the iron is. And that's by going near it. There's no way getting around that.

01:13:59 --> 01:14:01

Okay, one more question.

01:14:06 --> 01:14:09

Why is it that it's the EU super,

01:14:10 --> 01:14:11

very good.

01:14:15 --> 01:14:16


01:14:18 --> 01:14:18


01:14:20 --> 01:14:35

The reason the reason why I picked on him is because during the summer, I taught a 10 day 10 Evening Arabic course in in Orange County at the Garden Grove machine. Sabir was there taking the course. And I specifically talk this issue with him.

01:14:40 --> 01:14:41

I know I called him out but

01:14:43 --> 01:14:43


01:14:44 --> 01:14:59

fee, okay, so normally what the brother asked is, the word fee usually results in the following word being in the E ending of a sound. So normally you should be feeling so fi but here's fiegel so far, it ends with an R sound instead of an E sound.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:35

The reason for that is there are certain words in the Arabic language that are called partly flexible. They're not fully flexible, they are partly flexible, and specifically, foreign names. What I mean by foreign is not to us in English but in the Arabic language. names that are considered foreign to classical Arabic are considered partly flexible, and so they never take on the E sound. They always have the sound. So even when they are supposed to have the E sound, even in that case, they have the sound and that's done as an indicator so that you can right away note that this is a corner

01:15:36 --> 01:15:36


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