Majed Mahmoud – Stories Narrated By The Prophet #05 Good & Bad Times Are Tests From Allah

Majed Mahmoud
AI: Summary © The speaker describes a scene where Jesus Christ is testing three people from Israel, including a woman with a skin condition, a woman with a malarial condition, and a woman with a viper. Jesus sends an angel to test them and they receive a baby and a cow, as well as a woman with a viper and a woman with a malarial condition. Jesus is pleased with the woman and his followers, and he gives them a reward of being grateful to him.
AI: Transcript ©
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The prophet

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said there were 3 people from the children

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of Israel.

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1 with a skin disease, the other person

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was bald headed, and the third one was

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Allah wanted to test them whether they would

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be grateful or not, just like how they

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are now being tested with hardship.

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So Allah sent them an angel in the

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shape of a human being. That angel first

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went to the one with the skin disease,

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and he asked him, what would you wish

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for? The man replied,

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beautiful and healthy skin is what he wishes

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for. The people really looked down upon me.

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So then the angel touched that man with

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the skin disease and the disease went away

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by the will of Allah.

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And he was blessed not just with a

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regular skin, no he looked beautiful fresh clear

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and clean.

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Then the angel asked him what kind of

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property do you like the most? The man

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replied, camels.

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So the angel gave him a pregnant camel.

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So more than just even one camel, Allahu

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And the angel prayed, oh, Allah bless this

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man's wealth. Next, that angel went to the

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second man, the bald headed.

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So he asked him, what would you wish

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for? That man said, I wish for beautiful

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and healthy hair. Then the angel touched that

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man and the man ended up having healthy

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and beautiful hair. Then the angel asked him,

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what kind of property do you like the

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most? The man replied, cows. I love cows.

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So the angel gave him a pregnant cow,

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and he made dua to Allah. Oh, Allah,

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bless this man's wealth.

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Lastly, the angel went to the 3rd man,

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the one who was blind, and he asked

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him, what would you wish for? The man

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I wish for Allah

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to return back my sight and be able

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to see the people. Then the angel touched

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that man and by the will of Allah,

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his sight came back and he was able

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to see. So the angel asked him, what

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kind of property do you like the most?

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He replied, sheep. I love sheep. So the

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angel gave him a pregnant chief, Allahu Akbar.

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And he prayed, oh Allah, bless this man's

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After some time, that first camel delivered the

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the cow, and the sheep, and they start

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to grow in numbers

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so much so the prophet

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remember to say

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He said that the wealth of all these

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three people grew so much each one filled

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the valley. And

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Allah will test them with ease

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just like how he tested them with hardship.

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Allah sends an angel

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in the shape focus on this point. Allah

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sends the angel in the shape of what

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the people used to look like. So the

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angel came to the first one whether the

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skin disease remember? The angel came with a

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skin disease

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and he was poor And he goes to

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that person who's now rich with all these

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camels and has beautiful skin and all that

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got good stuff. So he told him, I'm

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a poor man who's saying this the angel.

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I have lost all of my means of

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survival while I was traveling.

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No one can help me today except Allah

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and then you. I ask you by Allah

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o brother the one who gave you such

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beautiful color and beautiful skin beautiful property, all

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that wealth. Give me just one camel. Remember

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the man has a valley of camels now.

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He said give me one camel

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just so I can reach my destination.

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The man replied,

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I have many obligations.

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Mashallah, he's a big shot now. I have

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many obligations so I can't give you anything.

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The angel in the image of a poor

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man said,

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I think I know you.

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Didn't you have a skin disease back in

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the day and you were poor

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and people looked down upon you? Is that

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not you? The man

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replied, no. No. I got all this property

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through inheritance and from my forefathers. I was

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always rich and my father was always well

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The poor man said to him, had you

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been lying? Then may Allah return you to

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how you were before,

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Then the angel left.

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The angel left and he went to the

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second guy. Remember the one who was bald

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headed and poor, the angel went in that

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shape and that form bald headed and very

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poor and he told him

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I'm a very poor man.

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I have lost all of my means of

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survival while on my journey.

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No one can help me today except Allah

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and then you. I ask by Allah the

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one who gave you such beautiful hair,

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The one who gave you so much money

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and so many cows.

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Give me one cow, just a cow, just

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so I can reach my destination.

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The man replied,

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I have, many obligations. I I can't give

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you anything today.

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The angel in the image of a poor

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man said, I think I know you. You

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look familiar.

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Were you not the bald headed man and

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you were so poor and you were not

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very comfortable with the way you look? The

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man replied, no. No. That's, not me. I

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got all this property through inheritance and from

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my forefathers.

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Basically, I was never poor. I was always,

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comfortable like that. The poor man said, the

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angel, had you been lying?

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Then may Allah return you to how you

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were before.

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Then the angel left and went to the

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last guy, the one who used to be

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blind, remember? The one who asked for sheep?

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That man,

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he now received the angel in the shape

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of a man who is very poor, and

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he went to him and he said the

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same thing as 12. He said to him

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I'm a poor man, I have lost all

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my means of survival while I was on

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my journey. No one in the world can

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help me today except Allah and then you.

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I ask goodbye Allah, the one who has

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returned back your sight to give me one

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of your property. Give me just one sheep

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so I can go and reach my destination.

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Check the following response.

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The man replied, true.

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You're right.

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I was blind,

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and Allah has returned back my sight. And

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I was poor, and Allah gave me all

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this wealth. You know what? Don't just take

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one sheep, basically.

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Take whatever you want, however you want, as

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many as you want for my property,

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I will not stop you. Allahu Akbar. May

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Allah make us generous and grateful, You Arab.

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The angel said to him, keep your property.

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Does he not want one sheep? No.

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Keep your property.

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You and the other 2 men were tested.

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This form of me asking you for money

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was a test from Allah. And by the

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way, you and I may face something like

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that. Allah may send people in our way

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as a test to see.

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So then the angel tells that man who

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was blind and now he can see,

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Allah is pleased with you brothers and sisters.

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That's the greatest reward Allah can ever give

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someone. For the pleasure of Allah to be

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given to someone, may Allah grant you and

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I that reward. May Allah be pleased with

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Allah is pleased with you

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and Allah is very angry upon the other

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2. Brothers and sisters, may Allah make you

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and I of those who are grateful to

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Allah's blessings.

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