Kamil Ahmad – Prophetic Parables – Parable #19 – Going Back on One’s Charity or Gift

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses various parables and examples that have been given to people, including one from the Bible, which references a woman who gives a gift to her, and a Sun statement, which suggests that the woman is not a god or beast. They also mention various examples of evil actions taken by the Prophet sallua alayhi wa sallam, including giving gifts and pretending to be a good person. The speaker emphasizes avoiding evil deeds and offers examples of parables that encourage people to avoid them. They provide a schedule for a follow-up session on the topic.
AI: Transcript ©
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We move on after that to the next parable that we have. And this parable

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is also mentioned in behati. And Muslim. It is moved to finale agreed upon.

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It is basically the parable of the one who

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gives a gift or he gives in sadhaka

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but then

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he takes it back.

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He goes back on his gift that he gave or his sadhaka that he gave. And so this hadith is narrated by Eben Abbess probably along I'm gonna I'm gonna be your solo one and he was selama call. Method lady Yara Giroux feel sadhaka T. Kemet, a little care will be your key who tomorrow do he say kulu. And in another narration, allow you do fi hibiya Tg Killa Ed fi E.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in this hadith

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the example of the one who takes back his charity, or in other narrations, it mentioned to him that his gift

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is like a dog that vomits and then returns to it and eat it. Like a dog that vomits and then goes back to his vomit

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and consumes it eats it.

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And so the story behind this hadith is mentioned in an in other narrations, and that is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was once gifted a very beautiful and fine horse.

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And so he gifted it to Mr. rhodiola.

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And almost all the Allahu I'm, he didn't really have much of a need for it. So he thought, How can I put this horse to use.

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And so he thought of no better way of putting it to use then to send it off

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for jihad, Pisa de la.

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And so he gifted it

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as you know, a sadhaka

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as a gift, or a sort of a to one of them had your own, who happened to be poor, and didn't really have anything to go and participate in Jihad with.

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So he didn't have any right. And he didn't have anything to go and participate in the jihad. So Monrovia laquan, he gifted it to him. And he said, you know, take this, and he wanted to reward because perhaps he did not want that particular mission. So he wanted the reward of participating in jihad. So over the long run, he gave it to this hobby.

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When that's a hobby returned from

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the battle,

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because he was poor.

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He couldn't afford to take care of this horse, you know, to take care of it, to maintain it, to give it

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to give it food and so on and so forth. So it started to weaken. As a result, the horse started to weaken because of a lack of nutrition. So the Sahabi he said, you know, let me go to the market. And perhaps I can sell it

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to someone who can afford to take care of it and, you know, bring it back to its health and its strength.

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And at the same time, I'll benefit, you know, I'll get some money to support myself because you know, he was poor. So he went to the market, and he was selling it.

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And a lot of the allaahu I noticed

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a model the logo and he saw him and he noticed that this was a horse that I gave him and now it's being sold. And he realized that it's being sold for a very cheap price.

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Not what it was worth.

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And so a model the logo and he decided to buy it himself.

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And he thought, let me buy it and

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take care of it and bring it back to

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what it was,

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and then maybe after that, I could send it off in Jihad again.

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until until hear the story until here, what do we see is that everything is cool. And the intentions are clean. The intentions are sincere.

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This is a hobby, he's port, you know, he could benefit from selling this horse, he himself is not

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able to take care of it. He doesn't want to harm it.

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And omotola why he's thinking, Well, you know, let me buy it and take care of it. And, you know, it's a win win situation.

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But then our model the law, and he thought, you know, there's something fishy here, something's not right here.

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This is the gift that I gave.

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I gave this gift it was for the sake of Allah.

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How can I take it back?

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So he was confused. So he went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And he asked him,

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so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he told him, yeah, Omar, don't buy it, do not buy it. And then he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, what he said in this Hadith, that the example of the one who gives he said to hammer, the example of the one who gives a gift or a charity,

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and then he takes it back, is like the dog that vomits and then returns to it. And it

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and so the Prophet salallahu it you are sending them by giving this parable. He was basically warning us of how evil how despicable How disgusting, and vile and immoral it was

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to give something as a gift, or as a saw data. And then to ask for it back. To ask for it back to take it back.

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Even if even if the way you are taking it back was completely permissible, such as in this story with regards to remodel the loggerhead. He didn't go to that so hobby and say give me about my horse.

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No, he saw that it was being sold. And buying and selling is permissible in Islam. You know, as we said, Everything seemed to be completely cool and, you know, completely permissible. It's simply going to be, I'm gonna buy this, you're selling it, I'm gonna buy it, what's the harm in that?

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And yet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to Omer, what he said and gave this parable in this example.

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And in another narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam started the parable by seeing les celaena method of self.

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He said, The evil example, the evil parable is not for us meaning the believers, meaning as if it had not,

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he says

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meaning that it is not befitting for us Muslims, to be described with such a vilifying despicable description, in which we are being compared to the lowest of animals, in the lowest of its conditions, you know, and in the Arabic language, if you want to give a very,

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very bad parable, you would compare something.

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There are two animals that you know are always be are always used to give bad examples, the donkey and the dog, the donkey and the dog, and and both are used in the Quran to give evil examples in solitude are off we have the parable of the dog

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and in Surah in Surah Juma we have the example the parable of the donkey

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and then even how God says Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Parana little arena like me known as the rottie Metallo cell he, what he lacked is metadata. That for those who disbelieve in the accurate is an evil description, method of self. Whereas for a lot belongs the highest description, meaning the kuffaar are given the worst of descriptions and anyone who acts evil he has given an evil description

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Then it been hydro he says, perhaps this example that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave, perhaps this is more explicit in putting off a person from doing such a thing.

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And more approving of the prohibition of this act, then, if he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was to say, simply do not take back your gift. So, he says here that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam could have simply said to her, or don't take back your gift.

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But he added this, this description.

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And what an evil description is, why, because the one who will hear that, he'll be disgusted, and he won't ever want to do such a thing. He won't want to ever go and take back his, his gift or his soda.

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And so here the question is, why is

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taking back your gift?

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Order charity.

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So evil and vile.

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Why did the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam have to

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emphasize on how despicable it is how disgusting it is, to do such a thing by giving such a disgusting example. The reason is, because

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giving a gift

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or giving in sadhaka, it's not like any other transaction.

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Where you give something in exchange for something else.

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You buy something in exchange for a price.

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But rather, when you give a gift, or you're given solder on

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one side, one party is doing the favor to the other.

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And the other is not giving anything in exchange.

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And so when the one who gave the gift or the solder, he asked for it back.

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The other person,

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he doesn't really have anything that he could give, or he doesn't have anything that he could ask in exchange. So it's not like you know, you bought something from the store.

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And a few days later, you said I'm gonna go and refund it. And so you go to the store, you give it back in exchange for the money that you paid right?

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Here, that's not the case.

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Here, that's not the case. And so this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade it, and gave such and shortest how evil it is to do such a thing. Because

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you are putting down the other person.

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You're really, really putting him down, that you gave him a gift. And he took it into his possession. And he's using it for example. And then you come to him one day and you say, Give it back to me. It's gonna really really make him feel bad.

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And so this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam not only forbade it, but then gave such a such a vile and you know, such a despicable and disgusting parable, and example.

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And so among the lessons that we learned from this Hadith, and this parable is, first of all,

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just like we have parables in the end, and the sooner to encourage us to do good deeds. We have at the same time, parables that

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make us to want to stay away from evil deeds. And so we have covered many parables, both in the Quran and in the Sona.

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We're a loss of China who Allah mentioned certain good deeds by giving us beautiful parables. At the same time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave us parables

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of certain good deeds and certain good qualities and certain people

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by comparing them to certain beautiful things, and so we have many of these that we have covered in our series parables of the Quran, and also what we have so far covered of the parables from the Sunnah.

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And all of these are supposed to encourage us to do those good deeds and to encourage us to be like those righteous people. At the same time, though, we have

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parables that have been given

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regarding certain sins and certain evil qualities.

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Both in the Quran and in the sooner. And so, for example, in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us

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the parable of the one who indulges in Riba backbiting that he is like a person who

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eats the dead flesh of his Muslim brother or sister. That's how evil it is. That's how vital it is.

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And notice how Allah gives this evil description, this very nasty description, imagine yourself eating the dead flesh

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of your Muslim brother or sister.

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Why did Allah subhanho wa Taala give us such a, an evil description, you don't to make us vomit, to to make us, you know, to feel disgusted, just for the sake of it, no, the reason is, so that we are disgusted. And therefore, we will never do that thing. That is a purpose of a loss of Hannah without giving us such examples, and also a loss of and also the Prophet sallallahu. giving us such examples, as we have here in this headache.

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The purpose of it is

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to make sure that we are deterred from it, that we don't do it. And so this shows us that we are allowed, that we are allowed

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to use such nasty examples

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for this particular purpose, to deter people from falling into that sin. Because if we don't,

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then, you know, if we were to just say,

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this is haraam, don't do it. That's not enough, sometimes we need, we need that, you know,

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that that scene, that image in our minds, that will deter us. And so I'm sure all of us

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who have learned this Hadeeth today,

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I'm sure none of us would think twice

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about a gift that we give, or a sadhaka that we give for the sake of Allah. And we go and ask for it back.

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Why because now we have that image in our minds of a dog that vomits and then goes back and, and and eats his vomit. It's nasty. I don't want to be like that. And so this shows us that, you know, when Docker and or the sooner uses such examples,

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that there's a reason for it. You know, there's a purpose behind it. The second lesson that we learned from this hadith

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is that

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giving a gift or a sadhaka. And then, you know, going back and taking it back is completely how long

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it is haraam based on this.

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However, the scholars have mentioned certain exceptions to this rule.

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Such as

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if you gave a gift,

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you gave a gift to somebody, but he has not yet possessed it.

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It has not come under his possession. For example, you tell somebody, I'm going to give you a you know a gift, I'm going to give you a I have a cert I have a watch, I'm going to give it to you tomorrow or whenever

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until you give it to him until it comes into his possession.

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You are allowed to withdraw, you are allowed to

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go back. Obviously, it's not something nice to do, you promised him and so you should fulfill your promise. But you don't come under what has been mentioned in this Heidi, and all the scholars say that a gift

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that we are not allowed to take back is the one that has been given. And it has come into the possession of the other person.

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And other exception that the scholars make is that the gift it comes back, it comes back to you through inheritance. So for example, you gave a gift to your mother or your father or your brother, and they pass away and it's time to distribute the inheritance. And it just so happens that your share of the inheritance includes that gift. It's what comes back to you. So this call is make an exception here because you know, you didn't go after it. But rather it's your it's your shares that has come back to you.

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The other exception that they make

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And this is a very, this is commonly mentioned when the scholars comment on this hadith is

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the father who gives a gift to one of his children. And this is based on the explicit words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and so he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, he said, it is not permissible for the Muslim to give a gift, and then take it back except for a father regarding what he has given to his child.

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So, these are the explicit words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam making that one exception.

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And there's another Hadith in this regard, and that is the hadith of no man in Bashir or the alt right he, he mentions that when he was young,

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his father gave him a certain gift. And so his mother went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and complained that my husband gave a man a gift favoring him over over his siblings. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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spoke to him and asked Is that what you have done? He said, Yes. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him to take it back,

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take it back, and treat your children equally. So he took it back. Also,

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the reasoning behind this, you know, why is it Why is this the exception, that the father can take back what he has given to the child, this is based on

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the fact that the father owns your child, you know, the father, his child is his possession.

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And anything that the child owns, is his possession, based on another headed in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to,

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to one of the companions, he said,

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unto a woman who curly a beak, that you add your wealth to belong to your father, you add your wealth belong to your father. And so, these are some of the exceptions that the scholars make regarding the prohibition that has been mentioned

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in this Hadith, the third and final

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lesson that we can derive from this hadith and this parable is that it is haraam to consume

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your vomit.

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Yes, it is something nasty

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that you know, who would want to do such a thing and that was the purpose of mentioning this parable, but as a a ruling a fifth, it is how, and the scholars base it on this heavy Qatada

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one of the Tabby aim, he says, I do not know vomit to be anything but her meaning

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to to eat your vomit. It is hard. Because this is something disgusting.

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And nasty. Now, somebody he may think, well, what if I eat something which is a holla?

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Completely hollow

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and healthy. And then I happen to vomit.

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I vomited. Oh, it'll for whatever reason.

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Is it not therefore permissible for me to take it since it was held on its origin is Hana. Its origin is not something Hold on. It's not like I eat pork or

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drink alcohol.

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And so to answer that, we will say no, it's held on because of, you know what it is now? It's heroin because of what it is now. It comes out the way it goes in it goes in. Yeah, *, and, you know, wholesome

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and delicious. But the way it comes out, is nasty and filthy. Just like we say it is how long to drink your urine or to eat your feces. It doesn't matter how hot it doesn't matter. The origin of it doesn't matter. What matters is is what it has become. And so this is what we learned from the these are some of the lessons that we learned from this Hadeeth without we come to the end of tonight's session and a chart along Tyler. We will

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Continue next week. Until then some Hanukkah logon they'll be handed a Shadwell either. Still fuuka water to boil Lake wa salatu wa salam ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ultramarine was salaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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