Ali Albarghouthi – Foundations of Sunnah #1

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary ©
The importance of teaching feederism and the use of title Islam is emphasized, along with the need for strong belief in naturality and serving one's purpose. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning from the Quran and interactions with it, as well as the importance of verifying the authenticity of tweets and handouts in establishing a cultural understanding of Islam. They also address issues related to Islam, including the challenges of bringing cultural practices into one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam in Al Hamdulillah Muhammad who want to stay you know in a stock funeral. We're not going to be learning I mean surely and fusina will see it and Medina Maga de la opha la model Allah, wa my utility fella her the Allah wa shadow Allah ilaha illa Huwa the hula Cherie Keller wa shadow anna Muhammad Abdul who water su sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam Aloha Marlena Nyan for only one fan of Mr. Olympia winner was in in Monroeville al Amin. So this is in sha Allah the start of a new series in sha Allah in the explanation of all solo Sunnah the foundations of the Sunnah, written by Imam Muhammad have no humble or Rahimullah.

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And before we get into the text itself, Inshallah, we need a little bit of introduction, a few questions that we want to ask ourselves insha Allah before we hear from Imam Muhammad of November.

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And it's important, I think, to ask these questions, because when we are talking about RP data in particular, we want to understand why we're talking about al Qaeda to begin with, like what is the need to discuss how feeder, some people will think that well, the athlete is well established, and everybody knows what's right, and what's wrong, what is fundamental and what is not. So what's the need to teach a feeder. Or some people will say that whenever we teach our data, it tends to divide people rather than unite them, we want to really address these points, so that we have the proper perspective and also the proper intention as we are learning all of these things, because you don't

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appreciate something until you understand what it's going to be used for. So when we say what is the purpose of the study of al Qaeda,

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we say that if you look at the book of Allah zodion What is the fundamental message of the book of Allah as xojo?

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It is about Allah subhana wa Tada and his oneness, right? The oneness of the worship of Allah Zota Do you see that repeated often and everything else revolves around this. So is about the

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Salah, and cm, and Zika cow,

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all unhedged all are done to it, for the service of what the worship of Allah azza wa jal see these aspects of the worship of Allah and the worship of Allah is predicated on believing that is only one that can be worshipped. All the names and attributes of Allah has ordered that you read in the Quran and his bow or in his ability. What is that affirming? That Allah azza wa jal is unique and perfect. The manners that Allah azza wa jal wants from us in the Quran, all these manners are also done for the worship of Allah subhanho wa taala. So when you look at the Quran as what is the foundational the pillar of the message of the Quran is telling us about Allah has the origin and asking us to

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worship him back.

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That is that repetition and that message of all the prophets of Allah who has what, but it will Allah hum Allah community, Lima Euro worship Allah alone, you have no other

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rub. You have no other ILA except Allah subhanho wa taala. And when you

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affirm this, and you believe it, everything else in society falls into place. So if somebody is a reformer, an activist looks at the world today and thinks, how can I fix the world today?

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Looks at Muslims today and say, How can we improve? How can we fix Muslims today? What's the starting point of all of this?

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Is that Ilaha illa Allah and that might seem to some people seem simplistic, but it's actually not. See Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was starting his Dawa in Mecca?

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What was he telling the people of Quraysh kulula ilaha illa Allah to flee who? Say La Ilaha illa Allah he will succeed and prosper. See how simple that word is? C'est la ilaha IL Allah, what's the consequence?

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You will succeed and prosper. Though of course, what does it mean to say La ilaha illallah just repeat it.

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No is to say it and what believe it and believe it and what follow it is if you do this you will prosper prosper in the F Hira but prosper also when also in the dunya as well. That is when they sold the Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they wanted him to compromise. It said give me one cent

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Since by which you will have power and then the non, you know, outside of Arabia, the non Arabs and Agim okay will be under your power as well meaning if you ask people you want power, give me one sentence. And by which right Allah azza wa jal will grant you power on this earth. They said one sentence will give you whatever sentence you want, just tell us, what is that sentence? And he said, It is Salatu was Salam ala either Illa Allah, it says, No, we're not going to give you that, that in particular will not give, because this undermines the entire foundation of their Eva and of their society.

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So, if we are looking at Muslims today, and we say, okay, how do we begin fixing all of our problems?

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What unites people,

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what brings people together, they must have a common cause.

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Say, like any nation, think about it, any nation on this earth, if they're going to be together, what brings them together?

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There must be something in common, so they have history maybe, or language, or projects for the future. That was going to bring Muslims together

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and makes them actually listen to each other and want to cooperate with each other. It must be serving one cause. What is this cause?

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Is Allah azza wa jal? Because if you take Allah azza wa jal out of the equation, humanity does not have a beginning, and does not have an end. Oh, let that sink in.

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There if we take the Creator out, if we take Allah as xojo as a belief, take Allah as origin as an object of worship. Where do we come from?

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Do we know

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the take the Creator out? Where do we come from? We have no idea. high chance is the explanation. But we're clueless as to why we are here. And why we're put on this earth and what service are what purpose are we serving? Have no idea. Where are we going? If you take take the Creator out? Where are you going?

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There is no end there is no purpose. So deprive a nation or deprive humanity of origin and purpose and it's completely lost.

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That's why you need Allah as origin. And that's why when you worship Allah has Zoa Jin rightfully, everything else falls into place. Alright, because you submit to the divine and the divine tells you how to live, how to eat, what to drink, what's good for you, what's not good for you, and humanity when it listens to Allah zodion It Allah as it brings it all together. We study it there because in the law halaya fear our usual Cubby.

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We fear Madonna daddy carry my yesha.

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What is the only unforgivable sin?

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shitcan Allah azza wa jal. So we see you see how we get so angry when people commit massacres and rightfully so.

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But what is even worse than the committing of mass massacres? shitcan, Allah azza wa jal not to belittle massacres, not at all, but to say that our judgments should become in congruence with the judgment of Allah azza wa jal, and that if you look at those who commit these massacres and corruption on this earth, look at what they believe and look at what they're doing what they're doing, and you will find that it is because of the disregard the Creator.

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Am I right? Or am I wrong? Ultimately, right? Because if a person fears Allah azza wa jal and if those who are around him the fear Allah would they commit these massacres with the killed people, innocent people, because they know that they're gonna meet Allah asserted, so they will never do this. But you take the fear of Allah and the love of Allah and hope of gender and fear of hellfire, out of a people heart, you leave what it left with animals, and worse than animals, who will commit atrocities for the sake of power for the sake of money. Why? Because they have no belief in their heart, there is no Arpita in their heart. You look at society, where the rich oppress the weak and

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the poor. Why do they do this? Because they don't believe that there will be consequences to their deeds. But if you have a leader of la ilaha illallah, there's only one and you know, the attributes of Allah that he sees and he hears and he rewards and he punishes and he is with you, and he is closer to you than your closest thought. And he can read your heart and read your mind. And he determines your future that thing that human being will act very differently than a person who has no belief at all.

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So when we're talking

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About our theater, we're talking about our salvation.

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We're talking about saving ourselves from hellfire and entering gender. We're talking about saving our families, and teaching this to our families. We're talking about following the right belief that will save us from a lot of pain in the dunya and confusion. If you don't know who A prophet is, and how to believe in a prophet, if you don't know about al Qaeda or al Qaeda, if you don't know about the angels and the jinn, you don't know about the unseen you'll be utterly confused and utterly disturbed. Until the healing knowledge of the revelation comes and tells you Allah is this Allah is not that Allah is perfect. Allah knows everything, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you can know that

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he's a prophet by this and this and that. And other unclutter solves these problems. And then the belief in hellfire and belief in heaven solves these problems. So all of these come together because of

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la ilaha, Illa Allah, and because of the right belief about this world, and the next. So the big the starting point of fixing a society and fixing a humanity is what?

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And we have to really believe this. What is that word? What is that sentence? That United Allah. So when Muhammad Ali, who Salatu was Salam came to Makkah, was shirk, that they had was that the only problem that they had?

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Did they not oppress women,

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right around

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the United repress the orphans and the weak? Yes, where they're not corruption in society, politically and economically and socially. They had a lot of problems that they do not kill their children out of fear of poverty, rate each other.

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They are full of problems. What did he start with?

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Political reform, economic reform, he understood early his Salatu was Salam that unless you fix the human on the inside, you won't be able to fix society, unless the person is born in you, unless you have people like Abu Bakr and Omar and both man and ally, who would do everything in their power to change society, not for the sake of power, but for the sake of Allah as Odin unless you have those who are sincere, society will not change. So he kept sal Allahu Allah, he was a limit just hammering and emphasizing to hate and Akita and submission to Allah and the love of Allah and the fear of Allah until he had that nucleus, the basis of change. And when you have the nucleus and bases of

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change, then you can change society. But if we ourselves are weak in our belief, how could you change somebody else?

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Right? If you're unwilling to sacrifice, how could you ask somebody else to sacrifice?

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Right. So what we are attempting to do, if we are inviting people to Islam is something great.

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And if that our theta is not strong, then definitely will not be able to change people and will not be able to change society. So you must have that firm belief in our hearts. And when we're talking about al Qaeda here, it's also important to understand that al Qaeda is not or not, or is not simply something we simply just memorize. And once we memorize, we forget about thinking that we have the right Arcada. Now, al Qaeda must involve both a belief and an acceptance, and an affirmation and a following of what we believe.

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Now, why you saw

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Al Qaeda if you do not follow it,

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a belief a strong belief, if you don't follow it, that's not a strong belief.

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Are you with me or not? To take any ideology? I want to try to capture your attention as much as possible. And to think about it not only in religious terms, but in worldly terms as well.

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Let's suppose for instance, capitalism as a belief, with capitalism spread if there are no people trying to spread it.

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If there are no people who believe in it so much that they would sacrifice for its sake, do you think it would spread

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communism, liberalism, feminist or take whatever belief if you don't have people who truly believe in it, and are willing to sacrifice for its sake, will it spread?

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It will not. Will Islam spread? If we'd had did not have people who firmly believed in it and wanted to spread it,

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it would not spread. So this athlete means that I learned what the truth is. I learn about Allah

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generally and in detail, I learn about the basics of Eman generally and in detail, but there

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Once I take that, what do I do with it?

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What do you do with it?

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You have to follow it. You have to materialize it. You have to live by it. So we're not talking about Arcada to memorize we're born Arpita to live by

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what a person say that you believe that the Quran is the book of Allah azza wa jal if you never opened the Quran

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Yeah, you may have that belief. But how is the Quran a book of Allah zodion If you do not read it.

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You understand what I'm trying to say? That if you believe that the Quran is the book of Allah and Allah is talking but you don't open the Quran. Is that a strong belief? It's not a strong belief. Not until you actually read it, and you interact with it and you apply it and you learn from it. And by that you are living the Quran.

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So the Sahaba of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not simply look at the Quran, as the word of Allah azza wa jal, Kana, theoretically, is the word of Allah as they did that they interacted with when they wanted something from Allah as though did they would ask the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam Yes, Aluna aka Hula, hula, you have to come there asking you than Allah is giving you for to about this and about that. They're listening to Allah azza wa jal. So their belief about the Quran was a living belief. And it's very dangerous to think of al Qaeda as something that is theoretical, something that is cerebral in your head, but it has no connection to your reality,

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not at all. You call La Ilaha illa Allah so that you would succeed here and now and in the Hereafter, you will learn something about Allah azza wa jal, how does that change your life? You learn something about belief in the angels, how does that change your life?

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So we're not really simply only interested in memorization. We're interested in knowing these things. But then asking ourselves how does this help us today. And the texts like this text written more than 1000 years ago, by Imam Muhammad, Muhammad Rahim Allah because about 100, born in the year 164, died in the year 241. So more than 1000 years ago, we want to understand also how what he has written because it's so foundational, still matters to us today. And not only in ways that was relevant to problems that they had at that time that the Imam was addressing, but also the problems that we have today that we are struggling with. So you hear something how does this apply today? And

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how does it fix what we have or what we do not have today? So actually, there must be something that is very vibrant. And actually, that also must not something it must not be something that is scary.

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For some people when we talk about our Theta thing that we start talking about al Qaeda, which includes, you know, to hate and believe about the prophets or Qaeda is basically Iman.

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Al Qaeda is basically Eman. And Iman is basically to hate what do you believe? That's what actually there is that strong belief that you have, so that some people are scared when we talk about our theta because they think that our Theta separates and divides.

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And also that athlete is very dry.

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And I want to address these two points because I think that they are important. If we're talking about hate if we talk about our theta if we talk about Eman does it divide? Or does it unite?

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It actually does what both if you think about it, it does both but in a good way not in a bad way.

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So if society right is a mix of good and bad, good beliefs and bad beliefs, good practice and and bad practices, until hidden Akita they come and they divide between good and bad, is that bad?

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Because that mix is a problem. When you can tell right from wrong that's a problem. Cannot tell to heat from shit. It's a problem. Cannot tell righteousness from impiety. That's a problem. So when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came,

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and it said in the Hadith were hammered on Farakka in a nurse in an authentic hadith when Mohamed Yun ferrata been a nurse, and Muhammad Ali Salatu was Salam divided people, divided people have between the righteous and the unrighteous. Not in any wicked way. But society when it's mixed with good and bad, it needs a seive to separate right from wrong. So yes, in the beginning, our theater will divide, divide between right and wrong, but we need that division. Otherwise, without it, we're lost. And you look at society today, right? Look at globally, good ins mixed with bad and unless you have the light of the revelation, you will not be able to tell which is right and which is wrong.

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And take the light of revelation out and leave humanity to it.

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Self, you'll find them arguing endlessly about what is the right next political move. Just look at people on the right and people on the left, politically. People on the right and left economically look at them and each person argues and each person has evidence and they cannot seem to meet

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it how do you know what to do? unless Allah as though did really settles that dispute and tells you so some of the other might have said he said, people will not submit to each other and listen to each other unless they have guidance from Allah Zota to unite them.

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So Arcadia auto heed or Cherie others also what it unites because now, I don't want to listen to you and you know, want to listen to me. Why? Because you are of a different color than mine. different background, different education, different economic status, different political views. I am not more worthy, and you're not more worthy. I believe that I'm better and you believe that you are better. When we listen to each other?

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Who are we going to submit to? Who is the one who has that? Exactly? Allah azza wa jal? Because if I know that it's not another human who's telling me what to do, but Allah, and you know, it's not under the human but Allah, I will submit, right? And you will submit and we will listen. And when we do that will be united. So to heat? Yes, in the beginning, it may divide

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that right from wrong, but it ultimately will bring people together and unite them unlike anything else. And if you think that if we're talking about you know, Islam or religion, because some people accuse religion of that religion divides people, right? And that's a common accusation, see how religion divides? Well, okay. What do you think about politics? Does it divide or not?

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More so than religion, right? You see how people fight? How about economics? Does it divide or not? How about race? Does it divide or not? How about gender? Does it divide? Or is there anything in the world that they that does not divide and sometimes more viciously, than religion?

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Religion, if it divides, it divides because people are following their desires and dividing, filling a religion that had been corrupted and changed, not something that come from Allah azza wa jal. So when Allah says Watson will be heavily Lehi, Jamie and Willa Rocco hold all of you hold on to the rope of Allah as legit and do not divide. He tells you the solution, and how to start. All Muslims are divided. We're not divided because Islam devices were divided, because we don't know how to follow the religion of Allah as though did We did not submit? And you look at the sahaba.

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At the time that when Islam came,

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they were more divided than we are.

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Right? What was the thing that would keep them together? They did not have this that pan Arab identity.

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You understand that Arab nationalism? They did not have that? And did not that did not unite them. This tribe, this tribe, they would fight with each other. That's it. So what is the thing, and they also had blood feuds with each other, and competition and sometimes economic competition with each other, and this person had killed his father and this person had failed his cousin, and the vow revenge. So there's blood also between them. Islam comes

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and he say, this old should melt. This old should go away. Now you are new people. Now he's your brother and he's your sister. And she's your sister. Now there are one people what erased all these hostilities and all these divisions and even competition for what power?

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You know someone one of the reasons because people think that religion is the cause of all problems. One of the main reasons why some of the people in Mecca didn't believe in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because they were envious of the power he will get.

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Right? That is they used to say that we and then who Hashem This is a Bucha had would say that we unbundle Hashem, we're equals are almost equals, if they do this, we do that, do this do that. So there's competition internal competition in Quraysh. Like the competition that we find in politics today is about power. None about saving people or serving people. It's about who has power and who gets to have his own policies. So he says we're competing with them. Now Banu Hashim want to say we have a prophet How can we match this? Nobody will Allah we will not submit to that, that people have the book, right? They knew that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a prophet of Allah azza wa

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jal, right. Why did they not follow it was envy. It's not religion. But what other prophets Allah Allah who sent them comes in he teaches and disciplines and educates the Sahaba and

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The Eagle Eye is eradicated. It's not about me, it's about Allah zodion and about what pleases Him subhanho wa Taala he could replace put this person ahead of the army or the other person. It's not about power. Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu could become the Khalifa, though in terms of kind of the lineage or the power of tribal power. He would not be qualified for that. If you're talking about tribal power, Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu would not be qualified for that what qualified him his Dakhla and his Iman and his precedents in Islam, thus put him forward, Omar will have thought the same thing, right? So, religion and app EDA, actually if we really adhere to it brings us together

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and it fixes society. Because it tells us that Allah as is noted as the Supreme Master, not a party, not an ideology, not power, not the self not however, if we all submit to Allah azza wa jal, then we will do what our Allah wants from us, not what I want or what he wants, not held lunacy, what I like for myself what you'd like for yourself, but you put Allah before it. And if we can agree on that, then we can do the same thing. And that's why you will find that once the Sahaba got purified like this, there were minimal disagreements between them, even after the death of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the selection of Oba Quran O'Meara Northman, minimal disagreements between them.

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Why was that? Because they were not after power. Typically, right empires or nations fall after the founder dies or the fragment, but not the Omo Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam when that happens, somebody also might say that, okay,

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I understand the power of al Qaeda tonight.

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But can Aqeedah cause some divisions as well?

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Right, we say in let's say in some circumstances, it can and that is when theta is not understood right and applied right? For you and I will give you an example. And this is delicate so I want you in sha Allah to pay attention to this. Because as there can be exaggerations in religions, they can be exaggerations and Arpita as well that could repel people. So once

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at the time of Rasul Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once comes to him a person comes to him and he said, Yes Will Allah I usually complete to Salah till fajr because so and so is the imam in a different message, right because they have different messages in Medina because of how so and so the Imam reads in the Salah. He reads so much in it that it is so long. So that's why I'm usually late for Salah because I can't stand for that long. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in Nam income he got angry and he said in the mean kupuna 15 Min Amma be nasty for you have faith. He says indeed among you are those who repel people.

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Whoever leads the Salah and is the Imam let him pray a light sada

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In another instance, also, similar to this, where more out of blue gerbil or the Allahu Anhu would pray with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Aisha that he would go to his local masjid and he would lead the salah.

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And when he arrived at that one of those day nights, he started to lead the salah. He started with Surah Al Baqarah. So one of the people who were behind him when he started that he started the bucket on his going in Surah Al Baqarah. He moved aside and he finished the salah on his own when I knew about this what he had done. He said he's a hypocrite. How would you kind of

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move away from the gym I like that and pray by yourself. He said he's a hypocrite. So that man went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said, Yeah, this will allow him well, I've did this and that. And we were people who work throughout the day. Were hard working men.

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And when I saw him started on Surah Al Baqarah, I took a side move the side and finished my salah I couldn't continue behind him. So the prophets of Allah Allah wa salam said, If a turn on NTm what it says more ad are you causing people hardship and fitna? Now what are the Allahu Anhu is a great Sahabi

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and he did this in his salah, out of love for Allah and His prophets of Allah Allah was hitting them why else would a person stand reading Surah Al Baqarah and salted Aisha? Isn't it out of piety and Toccoa? If you push something to an extreme, could it not repel people?

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Like would you today have the capacity to stand in Asia? Reading Bacara

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Absolutely not right?

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If a person does that, would you keep coming to the salah?

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No, we will avoid that person or that masjid or Asia altogether. So if you push to an extreme, yeah, that thing that good thing could turn against you and turn people away. So Athena is the same way. I'll tell you that when it's misapplied or misunderstood. Yeah, could repel people, but it's not our theta. It's how we absorb it and how we emit that absorption. So I'm not learning our theta right? To become a belligerent person condemning person, people left and right. What is the main purpose for aqidah?

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It is to save yourself, right? And then with Rush, massive others, none that I would learn how to spot mistakes and go on and start knocking people off. You're wrong and you're wrong, and you're an innovator. And you're this without even what dialoguing or at least inviting them to the truth. So it's not supposed to breed arrogance in you that now I you know, let me look here with arrogance at everybody else who does not know and knock them down. It's not it, it's not for you. And maybe it comes out of enthusiasm to become so belligerent and so belittling and to mock people who do not have the same knowledge as you or if you disagree with people, as soon as you admit disagree with

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them, the argument devolves into accusations and do and cursing and you're ignorant and your intention is bad and this and that.

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The Arpita itself comes from and we will emphasize this again from where the Quran and Sunnah and Rasool Allah is Allah Azza wa sallam was sent as a Rama. And if fertilized hollow syndrome was sent as a teacher, as a Rama, you are an extension of that Rama, you're not to take that Aqeedah and turn it into something that will repel,

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something that will chase people away. Especially if you don't understand the difference between the foundations of al Qaeda, and minutiae in aqidah, very small things in Al Qaeda. And you consider again, out of good intention, we'll assume that every difference in Al Qaeda is as important as the next one, and that every matter should be agreed on no matter what the evidence that is supporting it. And that when you want to introduce people, you introduce people to everything, whether they can understand it or not. By the way, not every single matter of Ltd should be discussed in public and given to the masses, because not everybody needs it, and not everybody will understand it. But if

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you're a good student of Akita, study it but understand the difference in people's capacities, and people's ability to understand and process. So we learn this to save ourselves to save our families, the change of the Ummah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. If I take this knowledge, and use it as a hammer to hit people on the heads with it, people will run away, even though I'm carrying the truth with me. And Allah as Allah tells us Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, ala Quinta footman really helped me learn for domain Holic and if you are harsh inside and harsh on the outside meaning and how you treat and how you feel about them, they will turn away from you. And Rasulullah

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sallallahu Sallam is the best of teachers.

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So this is an Amana if you learn something from the Quran, and somebody disagrees with you,

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you have to make sure that you present it in the best of ways not to present it in ways that makes it almost impossible for them to accept because of my bad manners, or simply think that because I have the truth, people must listen to me No.

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But you facilitate and remember that changing your opinion is difficult.

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Do you think it's easy for a person to change from a non Muslim to a Muslim, and leave everything behind or from a wrong belief to as wrong as right belief and leave what they have used to? Is it easy, it takes a lot of effort to admit that you were wrong to admit that what you were taught was wrong. And on top of that, you want to insult them and call them names and antagonize them, how are they going to accept that from you? So when you carry this feeder, and you know what is right and what is wrong, fundamentally it is first to save yourself and then save your family and those around you and then extend that compassion and that mercy to everybody who is around you.

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Last thing in sha Allah in terms of introduction that we want to say is people will say that Akita is dry.

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And we will say it depends on how you look at it.

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Now, yes, the way that Akira developed and evolved and the textile

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have been written down, they will actually happened in a way in a particular way as, as the disciplines or as the branches of knowledge evolved, they became more technical,

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and especially a Theda of why you may perceive that it's dry. But we're going to come back and tell you why it's also not based on the sources.

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Because the belief in early Muslims right, was invaded by foreign beliefs that had come from Eastern West. And that was philosophical and intellectual, divorced from the divine revelation. So Muslims have to respond to that and responding to it, they have to assert what is right in the face of what is wrong. And as we are more people specialized in Al Qaeda, and especially as they wrote texts, shorter texts, or they had these statements that summarize the right Aqeedah in the face of the wrong Aqeedah. You came up with these pithy, succinct Mattoon or statements from them, we believe in a B, C, D, and G. We will disbelieve in this and this and this and that became the basis of teaching

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people right and wrong, because how are you else? Are you going to summarize all of that, and that acquired commentaries, and then commentaries and so on and so on. So in order to refute the wrong beliefs, it had to be more technical, and in order also to summarize the right belief

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and study it and explain it, it had to be more technical.

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And so it's filled by the way right and so any discipline if you study masala Hadith, the basis of Hadith verification, it's very technical field is very technical. So they separate and they become more of a professional ICT project and endeavor. But, on the other hand, what is the source of Akita by the way?

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Where does it come from? What is the source of our towheaded knowledge? Where does it come from?

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The Quran and Sunnah. And if there is a GMAT, the GMAT is based on the Quran and Sunnah. Now, notice how Allah xojo Right presents to hate and al Qaeda in the Quran, is it dry?

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It's not. Notice also how Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam presents to hate. And Aqeedah is a dry it isn't because it's holistic. It's all connected. Right? And that is kind of the if we can call it the genius of it all. Or how you know the wisdom of it all. Because unlike what had developed later, it's all connected. So the fix in Islam meaning in the Quran and Sunnah is connected to your manners, and connected to the love of Allah and to the fear of Allah as it is. So it's not just a technical performance of Waldo and salah, it's connected to Allah as Odin and his love the same thing, right? What you believe in what you do not believe is always connected to your heart and to

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your life. So, in fact, if you want to say, the Mattoon or that later developments of fifth is technical and dry, I could agree with that, and could be a necessary thing to have. But that's not the only way to approach and learn are Theda. When you are reading the Quran and understanding its stuff, see, you're doing athlete as well. And I wasn't happy there really in a more holistic way. That's how it was revealed when you're studying the Sunnah, whether you're conscious of it or not, you're studying how to read in a more holistic way because it connects all parts of your body, your mind to your heart and mind and heart to you, the body and the performance, the physical, all of

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them are connected. So there are more than one way to study Arcada and we can inshallah be even more creative when we present it that yes, this is A B and C, but this is how also we should look at it in terms of our manners in terms of our life in terms of our heart in terms of our loves and fears. So this book also does sunnah, right by Imam Muhammad of November, and it acquires its name or soul is sunnah from the first statement of Imam Muhammad Muhammad Rahim Allah and Muhammad have no humble right in in writing or in leaving us something like this. He is consolidating his reputation his later reputation as Imam will listen now Gemma is the Imam of al Sunnah. Why was he called Imam al

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Sunnah. Although there were other Imams who lived before him and other Imams also we lived at the same time, a very, you know, learned men who defended Islam and they knew a lot about Hadith and Quran and this and that, because he almost

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by himself almost stood to that great fitna.

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had happened during that by acid rain of moon. And then what awesome and after. And everybody was looking at him or him a hula as the linchpin as the safety valve as the one who said no to them when they wanted to assert an aurora, an erroneous belief, and he said, No, this is wrong. And he stood his ground. Rahmatullah hiya ally. So everybody was looking at Ahmed to him a Hola. And he had other great qualities as well that not only was he very knowledgeable, but he had an extreme amount of Taqwa and whare and avoidance of the dunya. He wouldn't accept gifts from the Khalifa. He hated fame so much. And he performed to be anonymous, more than famous. And actually, he complained about fame

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as a fitna.

00:40:55 --> 00:41:04

So all of these qualities made him Rahmatullahi. And he is central in Al Qaeda, in addition to his close adherence to the FR.

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That is, he would follow closely what the Hadith says, and what the Sahaba would say. And if there is nothing of that what the tab in which say, and he would prefer that over his own opinion. So he was an exceptional figure, Rahim Allah and Allah azza wa jal chose him for that position where he was known afterwards as the Imam. And the party that that he had left behind had became kind of the nucleus or had became that

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bad path of affirming this is with a hallucinogen. I believe about the Quran about seeing Allah azza wa jal to the extent that even a luxury Rahim Allah when he comes at the latter part of his life, we say and we about these things, we believe what humble Rahim Allah believed. So it became like a lighthouse. If you want to know what Islam is, you go to see what Mohammed Mohammed Rahim Allah believed and what he had left behind. And one of these things is also low sunnah. So

00:42:13 --> 00:43:08

Inshallah, we're going to begin the the text in sha Allah, and we are not going to maybe make much of headways in here, but we will take insha Allah what we can for today in sha Allah, and go deeper into the text in sha Allah, perhaps next week, but the way that he and by the way, of course there is a Senate. If you look at some of your handouts here, there's a chain. Right? And if somebody was to ask, How do we know that? You know, humble wrote this, we say, how do you know that anybody wrote anything? You look at what? The manuscripts and the reason why I'm actually addressing this is because later on, I want to talk about the Sunnah, and the authenticity of the Sunnah. So I want to

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take kind of connect this to that. So how do you know that this text belongs to 100 of November? You say, Well, you look at the manuscripts. And you see in the manuscripts, the chain that that manuscript has, and then the signature of the scholars who have read this manuscript, and their chain all the way to 100. Rahimullah. So there's that internal evidence. So experts in manuscripts and manuscript verification and reading will tell you, where does this manuscript come from? And where does it fit? In the list of manuscripts that we have? In addition to it, right, the signature of the scholars who have read it adds to the value of any manuscript that you read.

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That's internal evidence, external evidence is other scholars and students at the time of Muhammad and afterwards, who code this and say, a Hamilton no humble wrote wrote this. And they caught it in their books as well. That's how you know that Madonna, humble rahamallah wrote this book. And then if there is nothing in the text, the stance against the beliefs of Ramadan are humble, then that gives you further confirmation that this is from Him, Rahim Allah, if there's a text that contradicts the white and well known beliefs about Muhammad, you would start to doubt it. But this doesn't, it agrees with what he believes and what he had left behind Rahimullah. And that is the

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threshold that you need to establish the authenticity of a text. Okay. And that's how people would basically establish anything in this dunya. So how do you know that the Greeks wrote what they wrote?

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How do you know and the Romans wrote what they wrote? And those you know, pre classical post Classical Period wrote what they wrote, how do you know that they wrote anything?

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You look at the manuscripts look at external evidence. And once you have all of that you reach kind of a level of confidence that yes, this belongs to Plato and Aristotle and whoever unlock and this, then, you know, and how do we know that this belongs to Hamid, Mohammed, because people after him quoted him as saying, he said this, and they put it in their books, and the Hanabi that in particular, people will follow them a little bit humbly ignore Josie and others, they quote hamdulillah humble as saying this, so well established within the Hanabi their circle followers have a habit of no humble in terms of madhhab and in general of those who write in our theater that this

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be or are the words of Hamlet humbled so there are no doubts, Allahu Allah in it. Now the way that he begins Rahmatullah Allah He is saying, also too soon that here in Ghana, the foundations of sunnah for us.

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Now, we're going to tell you about the foundations of sunnah. But before we go into the foundations of sunnah, let me ask you, if somebody mentions the word sunnah. What does that mean to you?

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What is sunnah?

00:46:12 --> 00:46:51

zagaleta Now is it the battle Rasul? Salatu Salam note sunnah has kind of several meanings. So one of the meanings of sunnah kind of jumped out at us immediately is that sunnah is opposite to an obligation. And it's something that's not for, right? That's one meaning of sunnah. But that's not what's intended here. So sunnah, in that meaning is a legal definition. Filthy, that developed later is not followed. It's sunnah. That's 50 legal, that's not what it says. sunnah means a followed path, meaning somebody who had did sunset something and that is clear enough that people follow it.

00:46:52 --> 00:47:28

That's what sunnah is. So you have in the Hadith, and Sunnah sunnah. 10 Hasina, follow a Jehovah German army Libya, either your multi woman send the Sunnah and see for the Hydra how German army Libya either Yeoman PMO, the one who does a good sunnah he will be rewarded for it and anyone who follows Him by doing the same thing till the Day of Judgment, and the one who does a bad sunnah will be punished for it and for anyone who follows Him in imitation for it till the Day of Judgment. What is what is it? I mean, Goodson or Batson that means you do something, it's clear that you've done it and people follow you.

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That's what sunnah is a path that is followed. So when this is applied to Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam. It means what? This is his way, this is his path. Everything doesn't exclude anything. This is what he preached. This is how he lived. This is what he recommended. His way Alayhi Salatu was Salam all of it is his sunnah. That's the fuller meaning. And that's the earliest meaning of it. It later on also developed, kind of branching out from that meaning developed also the meaning of the sound belief,

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kind of synonymous also with al Qaeda. Right? Why? Because in the face of wrong beliefs that don't depend on the revelation, but they depend on intellect or other sources.

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The right and sound beliefs comes from the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam So in contrast to the wrong belief, they will say, this is the Sunnah. That's not the right or wrong. This is the wrong belief. And this is the Sunnah. This is the wrong action. And this is the Sunnah. So sunnah acquired that more kind of specific

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meaning of the right belief and the right action. So when he's saying here are solo sunnah tea and dinner, meaning the foundations of the right belief and action.

00:48:49 --> 00:49:04

Okay, that's the more kind of restricted meaning of it, that likely he Rahmatullahi it he means or solo so now what is it, that if you want to have the right belief, and the right action, that's what sin is.

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And scholars of Islam when they wrote their books of al Qaeda, by the way, the early ones they call them kita was sunnah, some of the early books of Aqeedah whatever they call kita, was sunnah. And it didn't are the beliefs. So what is also the sunnah to Indiana. So he's going to tell you here about foundations, and he had to keep thou those in mind.

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He said at domestic America and it is horrible. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, well actually there will be him holding on to what the companions of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam were doing and following them.

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That's the first foundation

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and that is a really important foundation by the way for you.

00:49:51 --> 00:49:59

Why didn't Hamid Mohammed Rahim Allah Allah say, or solo sunnah is the Quran and the Hadith and

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Following the Companions, why did he not say this? Although it would be absolutely accurate

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because Quran and Hadith are not in disagreement.

00:50:12 --> 00:50:20

In in no one at his time Rahmatullah Allah He would say, I'm not going to follow the Quran. Right? Everybody is in agreement that you should follow the Quran.

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And everybody there is an agreement that you should follow the Hadith, even though the way that they're going to interpret the Quran and Hadith could be different. But as a general statement, Quran and Hadith are in agreement with everybody. Today we have people who dispute the sooner we'll talk about those insha Allah later. But at that time, Nobody disputes the Quran and the Sunnah nobody meaningful or in an in a meaningful and impactful way. So what was left?

00:50:49 --> 00:50:50

For Sahaba?

00:50:51 --> 00:51:18

So he brought you the gist of it all. He said, If you want to really know the difference between those who follow the Sunnah, and those who do not, it's the Sahaba not not the claims about the Quran and Sunnah. It's the sahaba. Because if you follow the Sahaba then you will follow the right understanding of the Quran and the Sunnah. And if you don't, then your claim of following the Quran and Sunnah is what? Empty,

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is empty. That's what he's saying to him. Oh Allah. So again, that pivotal point is following the Sahaba of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now we really need to establish why the Sahaba and why they make such a difference. The what is the status of this harbor in Islam?

00:51:42 --> 00:52:18

Who are the students of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the Sahaba, who witnessed the revelation, the Sahaba, who knew when that idea was revealed and why? Well Sahaba, who witnessed the statements of the prophets or SLM directly and his, his emotions and reported that to us, who taught us how to pray? The Prophet taught the Sahaba but who taught us the Sahaba taught the fallen generation and so on and so on? Who taught us the manners of the prophet who carried and preserved Islam up until today? If not for them?

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And you find that

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Allah azza wa jal praises the Sahaba in the Quran, and the prophets, Allah Salam praises the Sahaba in the Sunnah, in ways that make it imperative and necessary to follow them was Subhanallah Luna minute Maha Juliana will answer you will Latina Tibba Oh hon, BSN, or the Allahu Anhu model do and so Allah as noted here is saying about Acerbi Cornella in the early Muslims from the hatchery, and the unsought and those who follow them with SN. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with him. There are three categories here, who are they

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serving one? Oh, well, Omaha, Jerry? We know who they are, right? Those are the Sahaba from Mecca. The answer to who is the third those who follow them?

00:53:12 --> 00:53:22

Be ESSA. This is everybody who comes after? These are the people who Allah Azza displeased with so if you're not the one or the second, and the third, who are you?

00:53:24 --> 00:53:39

Do you get the pleasure of Allah Zoda? No, those are the ones and that tells you that you have to follow when Lilina turbo home BSN. Which is really what you're saying in the Fatiha

00:53:40 --> 00:53:46

in a cell autonomous docking guide us to the straight path. That's it a straight path that you're going to discover on your own

00:53:49 --> 00:54:26

on your own, or did someone follow that somebody precedes you? And you're supposed to follow Siddhartha Lydian and Antara Himalayan mulberry haemagglutinin. So you know that there are people whom went astray. And there are people whom Allah is pleased with who are those people, after the prophets of Allah zodat who are those people? The Companions of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam, the 100 The Allah who I didn't want me Nina if you obey Oh Nikka shujaa. For Alia Murphy Kuru be in for unzila Sakina Tata hemo Thurber home for Tampa Ybor look at this area, Allah azza wa jal is pleased with those who had give you the pledge under the tree

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and he know a new what is in their hearts. So Allah sent this Akina peace upon them and gave them early wordly rewards. What kind of testimony is this? Right? Imagine it Fatima Murphy could will be him. Allah is testifying to the Eman in the hearts of those who gave the pledge to the Prophet sallahu wa salam under the tree right.

00:54:53 --> 00:55:00

And there's some either I had insha Allah I'm gonna try I'm trying to remember some of them the Hadith of the prophets Allah He was in them also

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where you said, hey renessa Kearney, Thumbelina, yo Luna home familia Tina. You know, now the best of people are my generation, then those who follow and those who follow. Alright?

00:55:12 --> 00:55:40

The hot tub Allah who I didn't know he will. Well it's okay. There's another one also clear inshallah I'm just going to try to remember there's one elder this still escapes me if I'd remembered this then financial Allah. But how you run US economy the best of people are those are in my generation. So the best of people in belief were them. The best people in Taqwa are them. The best people have played Islam was them, the best people in manners with them.

00:55:41 --> 00:55:45

And he said also in the Hadith sallallahu alayhi wasallam,

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as hobby m&r

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For Yanni, that in the meaning of the Hadith, that my Sahaba are security, our security to the nations our security to this earth. So once once they leave something significant is missing. And if you see the the early Muslim expansions, they happen because of that push of the Sahaba and those who immediately came after. And once Muslims started to lose their Eman that puts started to wane and then stopped ultimately,

00:56:21 --> 00:56:27

the Buddha was owed, or him Allah or the Allah. No, he said that Allah has Zota looked at creation

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and found the best of hearts. And these were the hots of Sahaba and he collected that for Rasulullah sallallahu it was

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Muhammad Rasool Allah, that's the I am Hamadan. Rasulullah when Medina ma Shido, olive kufr, Johanna obey, you know, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and those who are with him, and then Allah has given praises them. This is their example of the Torah. This is their example in the injeel. Put all of this together. This is an unequaled praise of the Sahaba of Rasul Allah is Allah loosen and that you do not find in the Torah, or even in the indeed for the disciples of the prophets? So they're completely unique?

00:57:07 --> 00:57:14

So the question here is, how do you understand Islam? How do you understand the Quran

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or through the eyes of the Sahaba of rasool Allah is Allah He was ALLAH Sy, the scholars of Islam like Ahmed, Ibrahim, Bella and others. If the Sahaba had chosen something, they would not abandon that.

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And never Sahaba had disagreed on two opinions.

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They would not introduce a third one, meaning the Sahaba has said either this is recommended or an obligation. It means that it was unanimous among them that it's either this or that. And they would not introduce a third thing, because they know that as they would say, the opinion of the Sahaba and their choices are better than our choices, because they all have greater taqwa and they have greater knowledge. So if they have chosen something, it's better than ours, and that they interpreted the Quran in a way that is the best interpretation and that they applied the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in a way, they had the best of implementations. So they remain as an example, and

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, at a combi Suniti remember the Sunnah that we talked about? La Combi Suniti was sunnah till Hola. Rashid in Medina when paddy follow my sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided Caylus that could come after me. Did he stop at his sunnah

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know, right. He said, there's another son that the son of whom the whole lever, why do you need the Sunnah of the holy, because things happen at their time, that did not happen at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. And they came together and they followed a path they decided something that became the way to do things. So if we find that same problem later on, we follow their example.

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So we need them and you cannot bypass them. And it's not only not bypass them, we need to see Islam and the world the way that they saw it. And that's why I really, really want to emphasize today. It's not just religious in terms of how you pray and you stop.

00:59:24 --> 01:00:00

But how did the Sahaba and it all emanates from the Quran and Sunnah? Because sometimes, right you say a Quran and Sunnah, but you don't understand what that means Quran and Sunnah and what it appears to some people as as a text that they close and they're done with and it has no influence on them politically, economically and socially. Nothing I wanted to oversee. How do you understand the role of women in society? How do you understand the role of women in family? How do you understand the role of a man in a family? How do you understand your responsibilities as a person on this earth? Well

01:00:00 --> 01:00:28

What are the things that you are allowed to do and think and not be allowed? Or think about? What is the role of the leader? What is good politics? And what is bad politics? What is good economy? What is bad economy? How do you look at this duty as a whole? What's the purpose of it all? How do you look at the hereafter? How do you look at money? How do you look at your profession? From the smallest thing to the biggest thing? How do you look at this universe?

01:00:30 --> 01:00:36

We need to view everything the way that the Sahaba of Rasul Allah is Allah, Allah Salam looked at it.

01:00:37 --> 01:01:23

And the reason why, these times, we find this reluctant reluctance and hesitation for Muslims to follow is because we are a mixed baggage at this time. We're both feminists and Muslims, and liberals and Muslims, and capitalists and Muslims, and politically left or right and Muslims. And we have not really surrendered to Allah as they've done, nor do we understand Islam holistically, completely and comprehensively the way that the Sahaba of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam understood it because they understood that it touched everything. It didn't leave anything untouched. It changed them inside and outside, change their social

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connections and relationships, to change how they do business, change their manners, change how they raise their kids change how they listen to their leader, and the leader, what he's tasked with, change everything in their society. So we need especially in these times, where the light of revelation has diminished, compared to what it was at the time of Rasulullah sallallaahu. Salam and right afterwards, and beliefs have been corrupted, subtracted and added, we need to really have this cleanse, of saying, I need to see Islam the way it was revealed. I needed to be as pure as possible, because when it was that pure, and that's sincere, it changed the world around us. But when it

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lacked that purity and sincerity, we started to waver, we started to lose, we started to fight with each other, we couldn't even hold on to the beliefs that we had. And we have reached now a level where we have so less confidence, what do we believe that anything they tell us, we follow and we imitate? So we don't see Islam as Islam. But we see what takes precedence is what socialism and then Islam, capitalism, and then Islam, feminism, and in Islam, or racial view of the world, and then Islam, or an economic particular economic view of the world, and then Islam. Now understanding that Islam sort of supersede all of this.

01:02:52 --> 01:03:05

So we did today, and I don't know if I'm able to communicate that fully or not. We need humility, today, humility and saying that we do not know. And we have been contaminated.

01:03:06 --> 01:03:26

With all what we see around us, we have been contaminated until we cleanse ourself. And we look at the Sahaba and how they lived, and the Quran and how it was revealed and how they understood it. And only then would we go back to the way it was. So if somebody says today, I'll understand the Quran independently, we say no,

01:03:27 --> 01:03:49

that is inaccurate. You need if not Abbas. And you need Ali, you've not Vitaly, and you need a new job a year. And you need a theory. And you need others as well to tell you what Quran means I cannot pick a dictionary and flip through it and decide what an am means. Why wasn't Muhammad Sallallahu said I'm there to tell you.

01:03:50 --> 01:04:10

And we're in the Sahaba there to witness all of that to tell you and we're in the No Wrong believes that they read it out and for that you also you need what they said is wrong. And what you said is right, you need the Sahaba to tell you what the Quran means. And you need the Sahaba to tell you the meaning of Hadith and how it should be applied.

01:04:11 --> 01:04:20

And only then would you have a complete understanding of Islam. So when we say Quran and Sunnah you say yes Quran and Sunnah. But according to whose understanding

01:04:21 --> 01:04:23

yours or mine,

01:04:24 --> 01:05:00

because if we're just talking about us, we're equals. My understanding is not better than yours. But if there's a superior understanding, then all of us could go back to it. And what is that superior understanding? Is the understanding of the Sahaba of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. And if somebody has doubts about this, again, ask yourself what qualifies a person to have the best understanding of Islam? They must have Toccoa who has the better Taqwa us today or them? They did. Who has more knowledge us today over them

01:05:00 --> 01:05:22

And then who has the best application? We today or them? So if you really understand how Islam should be lived and should be practice how it should look like, see what this hadith of the prophets of Allah, he was did. And that's why we need to always go back to it and say, Oh, you're telling me we should do this? Okay, but did the Sahaba do it?

01:05:24 --> 01:06:10

If you say no, then why are we doing it today? And if you say yes, then there is basis for it. So we are not following a path that has not been, you know, followed before we were following the footsteps of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi, wasallam, and those who had come after, and that is the way to practice Islam. And again, and again and again, with humility, because you present evidence to people today, and they reject it. And why do they reject it? Because they don't perceive that the way of this harbor is superior, or it's outdated, and it's all and it does not work for today. We're not telling you that you need to write camels, or give up technology, we're not telling you these

01:06:10 --> 01:06:55

things. But how you understand yourself, who Allah is whom Hamlet's Allah to send them was, what is a sunnah? What is a bit? What is recommended? What is disliked? How you understand all of this, how you change society, how you give Dawa. I can keep going on and on and on and on how you understand all of this. You must be 100% reliant on what the Sahaba did. And this is what comedonal humble did, and this is what made him unique and great, because he would surrender. Rahmatullah hate to what they said not because he wasn't smart, is because he was smart. Right? Because because he understood that what they knew and what they did was always better. So he would give it preference and he would

01:06:55 --> 01:07:00

follow it and because of that, he is an imam.

01:07:01 --> 01:07:52

So today if we are want to go back to what pleases Allah azza wa jal, you always ask yourself, the Quran and the Sunnah, but then I need a proper understanding of them. And that only comes through the self and foremost among the self is the Sahaba of Rasul Allah, He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, I know this introduction, may not have gotten as deep into the book. But next week in sha Allah, we will continue with the foundations that we're talking about, to kind of paint a picture of the path. How do you understand Islam and the basis on which you will understand Islam, and then we'll go in sha Allah into those individual beliefs. But think about how prophets of Allah Azza wa

01:07:52 --> 01:08:33

sallam was able to create the best of society when he was alive, and the best of society after his death, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that is the society that we want to reproduce. And we understand the difference between what we have today and what was then the way to retrieve that greatness, not for the sake of worldly greatness, but for the sake of pleasing Allah zodion. The way to retrieve it, is to duplicate what he did the Alayhi Salatu was Salam. That's, that makes sense, right? You want to duplicate what he did, because if you could duplicate it, you can duplicate that greatness and you can bring the pleasure of Allah zodion and his Radha on this earth, so do it the way that he

01:08:33 --> 01:08:58

did it and live it the way that they lived it one of the Allah and homage may give you in sha Allah, couple of minutes. Inshallah, if you want to ask questions, if you add on add something, let me know in sha Allah and I hope in sha Allah that you've all have gotten please copies there should be some in Arabic and some Arabic and English and if we ran out in Sharla, just let the bookstore knows and they will be able to print more info.

01:09:00 --> 01:09:04

Anything inshallah you would want to ask about, or add.

01:09:06 --> 01:09:46

And again, insha, Allah this is, you know, this is something that is unlike the softness of the heart. So the softness of the heart, because they do speak to your heart, they tend to be what easier to listen to this one because it is going to talk to your mind as well as your heart insha Allah but basically addressing your mind is going to be more challenging. And I'm not saying this to discourage you, I'm saying this because I want you insha Allah to be alert and to be ready and to be patient. Because when something is demanding, it does require more of you. But if you give it more it will give you back a bit of vanilla as a soldier. So we're trying here to set these kinds of

01:09:46 --> 01:09:59

intellectual foundations and Eman foundation foundations for what we should believe. And not only you believe how you change the world around you, this are these are the keys for changing the entire world around you. And they're not

01:10:00 --> 01:10:30

gonna be easy all the time to listen to. So come in sha Allah, whether you need to bring your tea or coffee, bring all of that. Maybe not bring it in the masala but drink it after but at least make sure that you're alert because it does require that from you. And if you have questions make sure in sha Allah that you ask these questions, because we have to answer them because this needs to be relevant not only to the problems that were then, but what we are facing today in sha Allah and for that I will need you to ask these questions in show. Yeah

01:10:37 --> 01:10:41

it's a weak headache that likens the Sahaba to the

01:10:42 --> 01:10:52

Yeah, big him up today to whichever one of them you follow you will be guided. So My Companions are like the stars, if you follow any one of them, you will be guided.

01:10:54 --> 01:10:57

That is weak. But the other Hadith that I mentioned

01:10:59 --> 01:11:42

that the Sahaba is a safety for my ummah. And when they leave, then my OMA will receive what is coming to it. So the sahaba. And as long as you have the Sahaba because of their Eman, they provided safety for the OMA, just like the stars are safety for the sky. And when they go away, then the OMA will be faced with more troubles that will come its way. And that is Bartok, Allah Fick an added advantage to the virtue of the Sahaba, that as long as you had them, there were fewer fitness and fewer deviations. And that is what you have when you have Iman. But us today, look at the level of Eman that we have. And look at how many fitness we're facing. Because collectively, individually,

01:11:42 --> 01:12:22

there will always be at hamdulillah good people. But collectively, we are so weak, that fitness play with us like the wind, and like the sea, the waves of the sea. And that is just a reflection of how weak we are today. So that's again, if you increase your Arcada, you're not going to be really tempted and the OMA will not be tempted. But now what you see is that if the west or east, they say something Muslims follow, and they imitate, because there's no confidence in what we believe. And the belief is very weak. And when you will tell them Subhanallah there's that this recent statement that I've heard, he said, It is more difficult today to convince Muslims of what they're supposed to

01:12:22 --> 01:12:24

do than to convince non Muslims to accept Islam.

01:12:26 --> 01:12:55

It's more difficult to convince Muslims today to do what they're supposed to do. This is halal, this is haram, because they mark it, and they make fun of it, and they think is just irrelevant. It's easier to bring a Muslim into Islam than to convince that Muslim that they should this is the Sunnah, and you should follow it. So you understand that. And there's a lot of work to be done in sha Allah. And that's why we need that example of the Sahaba to revive and for them to be revered. That this is the best way to act and think and live right

01:12:56 --> 01:12:57


01:13:06 --> 01:13:49

I'm sorry, could prove that in a Senate Why did he start with the Senate, a senate is a useful thing to have. And you will have that in some of the manuscripts. So the scholar who had brought a written this manuscripts or had read this manuscripts, and it was written in his presence will mention the Senate that he has all the way to the author. So you have this person who had heard it from and heard it from and heard it from documented who he got this from, through the verifying that this is a text that had come to us from the author. And then on that on some manuscripts, you will have the signature of the author or the stamp of the scholar, and also the saying that we've read this

01:13:49 --> 01:14:11

manuscript in the presence of this and this and this and this landing for further validity to the manuscripts. So the Senate here links that narrator to Mohammed Mohammed Rahim Allah, and then afterwards right there is kind of like shahada and it's the father Minetta become widely known that this is from Madonna humble Rahimullah.

01:14:18 --> 01:14:38

That's that's closer to us, closer to us than then moving closer to the author closer to the author closer to the other until we reach the author. And from that you will find it that it's in the manuscripts or in other books that had become widespread. So from those books to us, it's well known that this book is established from that book to the author we have this Senate

01:14:45 --> 01:14:47

I 164 is when he was born.

01:14:51 --> 01:14:55


01:14:57 --> 01:14:59

No, he did not reach w 838.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:02

It was not he was after that he was after

01:15:04 --> 01:15:05

that's all done

01:15:14 --> 01:15:54

now America Luffy I don't know if you have time for that, but let's answer it very quickly but I will come back in sha Allah to it next time as well in sha Allah. No one who reads the Quran objectively, right? And sincerely can install this hub of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam and escape with it and escape with Islam. Because when you do this, you disconnect yourself from Rasul Allah is Allah Yes. And then because who else then is there to teach you any of these things? Who transmitted the Quran to even those right, which is ironic, even those who insult the Sahaba right? And they may say that most of them you know, left Islam or they're not reliable. Ask them this Quran that you are

01:15:54 --> 01:15:56

reading right now who gave it to you?

01:15:58 --> 01:16:34

Right. And the hood will they say it's the Sahaba it's not them. It's not 100 bait. It doesn't come through to invade this comes through the Sahaba comes through with man or the Allah honey, because they may claim that there's a version with Ali ibn Abi Talib Radi Allahu Anhu. But that was hidden. Nobody knows about it. This comes through with manual the law. So that Islam that you have the belief that you have comes to you through the Sahaba How could you attack them and insult them and declare that they are this and that, and then yet the most fundamental book that establishes your religion comes to you through them? How does that make sense? That makes the Quran itself unreliable

01:16:34 --> 01:17:11

if you believe those things about them. So you cannot have Islam or a complete Islam if you have that. If they insult or accuser a shot of the Allahu anha as some do. God forbid Yanni with Xena fornication, that's disbelief. That's a disbelief that a person exits from Islam because he had belied the Quran. But when sha Allah will we'll come back to it next week to address that particular point, and how inshallah we can address it in sha Allah in the best of ways. Let's let's I think everybody's waiting to the data so keep it the next time next week in shell as I come online, Spanish

Explanation of the Foundations of the Sunnah of Imam Ahmad (1) Intro & following the Sahabah

  1. Why do we need to study Aqeedah?
  2. Is Aqeedah dry?
  3. Is Aqeedah divisive?
  4. The excellence of the Companions
  5. The necessity of following the Companions in how we understand and practice Islam
  6. The importance of adopting the worldview of the Companions

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