Yusha Evans – The Historical Jesus

Yusha Evans
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers Jesus's history, including his actions during a crucifixion and his prayer, the importance of the Bible, and the history of his teachings. They emphasize the importance of pursuing Christian principles and fulfilling the law, while also acknowledging the potential consequences of the soap opera. The conversation also touches on Jesus's teachings about praising God and fulfilling the law, and the history of the church and the use of the word Muhammad as a substitute for God. The holy grail is discussed as a source of insight and the return of the physical world, with information on acceptance of Islam and the church's historical use of the word Muhammad as a substitute for God.
AI: Transcript ©
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When you realize that they're going to crucify me, and this is how I will end he went, and he walked outside of the city of Jerusalem. So Jesus left the city, left the city. And he went with his disciples and He stuck somewhere at a garden. And he told them at the gate, watch, watch, watch for what it means if somebody comes, deal with it. Just watch because I have some business to handle, got some business I need to deal with. So Jesus walked down this road. And what did he do? Anyone know?

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What did he do?

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Did he go hype himself up to get ready for this crucifixion?

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He went and he fell on his face. And he prayed and let me tell you something right now God doesn't pray.

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God doesn't need to pray. Jesus fell on his face and prayed. And what did he pray he prayed so favorably which this? Let me tell you right now this portion of fervently drops of blood. This is not a very authentic This is just I'm just gonna say it because this was in the King James. He fell on his face and prayed so hard that his sweat became as if it were drops of blood. This is a man who needs his prayer answered. I don't know if any of you've ever put your face on the ground and prayed to God so hard that your sweat almost became as if you were bleeding from your pores? If so, you had a serious, serious prayer going on? And what was his prayer?

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Father, if it be let this cup pass from me.

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Father, if it be let this cup of torture that I'm about to endure, passed from me, meaning let this thing called crucifixion go away from me. Why? Because he understood if they crucify me, they never believe in me. I've failed my mission. If I go to the cross, the people that I was sent as a Messiah to save will not believe.

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He said, But nevertheless, whatever is your will. That's what I will do.

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submitting to the will of God. Yesterday we define submitting to the will of God is what?

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What is the Arabic word for submitting to the will of God. It's called Islam. Jesus said, I want this cup to pass from me. But nevertheless, whatever is your will, that's what I'll do.

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And that's where we're going to end it because there's a plethora of different theories about what happened after that.

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And welcome to all of our guests. I begin by saying Bismillah

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in the name of the Creator, that of all that exists

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Alhamdulillah All praise belongs to that one true creator was set out to was Salam ala rasulillah. And may the peace and blessings of the Creator be upon His most notable messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were early he was so happy he jumped in and upon his family and his companions, all of them. Woman, Debbie woman in San Isla yo Medina, and those who follow them in righteousness unto the Day of Judgment.

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Why should the ilaha illa Allah and I bear witness that nothing has the right to be worshipped except the one true Creator of all that exists. What the hula shriek Allah, Who is one alone and he has no partner. He has no one who equals him.

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Well, I should do an Mohammedan Abu rasuluh

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I bear witness that Mohammed ibn Abdullah Salalah alayhi wa sallam was indeed the slave of Allah, the creator of all that exists and His Messenger.

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How is everyone today? So far, so good, or hamdulillah? Let me tell you something.

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Brother brothers and sisters for the sake of Allah.

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If you can't wake up every single day, and say that this day is good, it's going to start good and is going to end good. No matter what happens to you throughout the day, then you need to recheck your status as a woman, because a man cannot have a bad day. Our dear Shipside ragi said yesterday that every affair for the believer is good. There's Kira in it, no matter whether it's good or bad. Interestingly, on its surface, for the believer, it's good. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the affairs of the believers are strange.

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In that it is good in its entirety. We have to remember this, that the affairs of the believers are good, it's strange, because it is good in its entirety. If the believer is given something good, then they are thankful to Allah for it. And that becomes good for them. And if the believer is tested with something from Allah, they are patient with Allah, and that is good for them. And this affair of strangeness, for the good and everything they do is only for the believer, we have to remind ourselves of that this is why the Prophet alayhi salatu salam could smile every day of his life, even though he suffered much more than any of us will ever suffer. He smiled every day,

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because he knew that the affairs of the believers are always good. Now to the topic at hand, Jesus,

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Yeshua, peace be upon him whatever language you want to call him.

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Was he a Jew, a Christian, or a Muslim. And I'm sure this is probably going to be one of the most controversial topics of the entire thing.

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And I got permission from our dear brother forehead to go all in. So we're gonna go all in with this one insha Allah and explore these three things.

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in order to do this, I'm going to have to use some historical reference some deduction, some verses from the Bible is the Bible, and from the Koran. And we're gonna have to look at all of these three things separately, in the best of my ability with my 47 minutes left.

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Number one, was Jesus a Jew?

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Now, it has to do with to answer that question properly, I would have to ask the person asking me this question. What do you mean by Jew, Jew by birth, Jew by religion, do you by heritage.

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Jesus peace be upon him, was sent to the children of Israel.

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As we know in the Quran, Bani Israel, he was sent to the children of Israel as their Messiah. This is something we as Muslims confirmed, he was the Messiah to the children of Israel, if you want to call them Jews coming from their forefather Judah, no problem. But they were the children of Israel.

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And Jesus was sent to them as a prophet, a messenger and the Messiah. And the Quran refers to it, as Alma say, meaning the one who is wiped over, or anointed, which is what the Christ means are the crystals in Greek language. This is why Jesus called Jesus the Christ, the Christ, the D is taken off most of the time they say Jesus Christ, but it means Jesus, the Anointed One, and he was the Messiah to the children of Israel. Now there's something you have to understand about the children of Israel, at this point in history, and why they were sent their Messiah at this time.

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The children of Israel at this point, had become so detached from the original way of life given to them, through the prophets, through Moses, through Abraham, through David, through all of the prophets in the what they call the kings of Israel, because the Jews don't really consider the prophets after Moses, they consider them kings, whatever you want to call you, but they had become so detached from religion so detached from their way of life, that they needed a serious wake up call a serious wake up call. The children of Israel at this time, had turned religion had turned their way of life into empty rituals, empty rituals, that meant nothing empty rituals that they just

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did it because it was what needed to be done.

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And within the structure of the children of Israel, because at this time, they were living in the area we know as Palestine. But they were not free. They were under Roman rule, they were allowed to conduct their own affairs deal with your business. But when it comes to politics, and when it comes to governance, and when it comes to taxes, all of that is for Rome, and for season.

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Within this scheme, there was a group of people who had risen to the top. And I wish I could go through this in beautiful detail, but it would take us the whole entire course of days, it would take us all four days of me standing here for the entire sessions morning tonight, and I would only scratch the surface. So I'm summarizing, within this system, there arose two groups of people to the top. And they became kind of the people who ruled over the children of Israel, this time, you have the Pharisees and the Sadducees, these people were the people who wrote the Torah, with their own hands, they are the scribes for the Torah, of Moses, and the holders of the law, the people who knew

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the law, the people who could tell you what the law of Moses says about a certain issue, how to live your life, how to do this, how to cook this, how to make this how to do this ritual, how to celebrate this festivity, how to do this, and that and the other whatever, how to get married, how to get divorced all of this.

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And these two groups, you would figure would be the most noble amongst them, but they actually became the most corrupt, they were the most evil, Jesus peace be upon him even referred to them as hypocrites who stand on street corners, so that people can watch them pray. He called them a murderous and adulterous nation.

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They have fallen far away from the true path. And they were using their position

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to Lord over the rest of the children of Israel. They look, you just take care of us, we get rich, you stay poor, we tell you what to do, you just do it, we will deal with God for you. This became a system of hierarchy,

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mediators between themselves between the lower class and God, they held the rights and the rituals and the law and everything. So you treated them differently, and they treated themselves differently.

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the spirit of the message of God had become lost.

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It was not there anymore, there was no personal connection with the Creator. It was only empty rituals that were performed with no meaning. Therefore, the spirit of the message of the relationship that the slave of the Creator is supposed to have with its master was gone, was gone, it wasn't there anymore.

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So the creator of everything that exists Allah,

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God Almighty, whatever term you want to use, since Jesus, as a messenger, as the Messiah,

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to bring them back, to bring them back. And we see this in many, many ways throughout the Bible. So if you want to say that he was a Hebrew from birth, or that he is from the children of Israel, therefore he was a Jew by birth, that's fine, we'll leave that we can we can consider that plausible for the moment. We'll leave that one is plausible right now.

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But in order to go a little bit deeper, and further, we have to discuss and find out what did Jesus say? What did he preach? What did he teach? How did he interact with these children of Israel? How credible is this information? Because I have to use some of it. Because this is what is believed by the majority of the world, but how credible is the information.

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And I have to give that disclaimer before we start the credibility of the information.

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Number one,

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everything that we find about Jesus within the Bible, whether in the New Testament, the four canons, which is known as the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and john, and also the Acts of the Apostles, which is also used to, to describe parts of Jesus's life and things that he said and he did. All of these things we find written in a couple of languages, the oldest existing documents we find written in what language does anyone know?

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The older existing documents of the New Testament, that talk about Jesus? What language do we find them in?

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Find them in the koine Greek, find them in the koine, Greek, and then some of them are translated over to Latin and put in the Latin vulgate and things of that nature. Now, the interesting fact about this and I just have to tell you this before I start telling you all of these things,

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Did Jesus speak either one of these languages as his daily language

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anybody knows?

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What language did Jesus speak his everyday language?

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Anybody know?

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Aramaic, in his daily conversation, he would have used the language of Aramaic, because the place where he's from in Galilee, this is the language that was known. Aramaic, doesn't mean he didn't understand Hebrew and things of that nature. But this was his normal language was Aramaic. So, in the automag language is a very difficult language. It's only really spoken in one place in the world now in Syria. And in a mountain village called I think Malala is the name of it, it's very hard language to find.

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But we find no documents about what Jesus said or teach or preached in his mother tongue.

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The ones that we do have our translations of what somebody heard, may have heard him say, or wrote down what he said later into another language. And then it was translated over into another language, Latin vulgate, which is now translated over the English Bible was translated over from that Latin vulgate. And there are some scholars that went back and tried to translate from the koine Greek, but it's difficult because those documents are fragmented. Can't go too deep, I'm going to confuse everyone, including myself.

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But we have to understand where this stuff comes from, before I started giving it to you, you got to have the trace of it. Now, all of these documents that make up what Jesus said and did from the Canon and the Acts of the Apostles, all of these are in fragmented variations. The number is about 7000 different documents that now make up what we know is the Bible 7000 different documents that were found from all over and pieces all over the world. And some of them agree with each other, and some of them disagree with each other. But one thing that is very unique about these documents is that there is no history of their origin. We know where the certain document may have been found.

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And some of it we can deduce who may have written it, like the x, or the mean, like the letters of Paul and some of the things that need this nature. But when it comes to the canon, and Jesus, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and john, we don't know that often, we deduce the author, and biblical scholars deduce the author, but the author is not verified because nobody signed any of these documents. Now,

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there is no chain of information on how these documents got where they were today, these documents that are in Germany, we have no chain, there is no one telling on this document that I heard this from so and so who heard this from so and so who heard it from so and so and all these people are trustworthy. Therefore, I'm relating to this information on trustworthy basis.

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Even Luke himself that I am writing things which are seem too good to me, I'm writing the things about Jesus, which seemed good. And we do know from the church fathers, that all of the four canon gospels are somewhat copyrighted from something else. We know that there was a document that existed before any form Matthew, Mark, Luke, and john, known as the cue document, according to the church, fathers, Josephus, and Iranians and others like that nature, that there was a queue document, and then mark, the oldest gospel copied some of the information from this cue document. And then Luke copied from him into Matthew, and then john is the Synoptic Gospel to which we don't know the trace,

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very clearly.

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So that being said, I can now give you the information. So you're not sitting here thinking that I'm holding on to all this information like it is rock solid.

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We're gonna discuss a few things today, to find out Jesus, Jew, Christian or Muslim. Now, the word Christian, Christian is a later term coined for some of the adherents of Jesus's teachings. Does anyone know what the word Christian means?

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What does it mean?

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Can anybody tell me what the word Christian means?

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Any hand, we have a hand. Now, let me tell you that it means to be Christ, like

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in the image of Christ, the likeness of Christ, meaning someone who is like Jesus, so that one we can toss out right away? Because how could Jesus be himself be like himself? He, this one, we can just toss out and leave that for a moment.

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So what was Jesus? What did he preach? What did he teach? What did he follow if he followed any code of conduct himself? And finally, and finally,

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was he crucified for the sins of humanity, we have to discuss this, this is a big access upon which there is a difference of opinion between major religions.

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Number one,

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and of course, I'm going to quote from the Bible and I said the Quran, and I'm not gonna be able to quote you every verse and the verse this before in the verse this after in the context and the sentence, which I know is what's going to be said that look, you pull things out of context. If I'm thinking if anyone thinks I did, you can ask me in the q&a session, or you can come and see me afterwards. No problem. This has been my life. Ever since I've known it is about this.

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Now, there are some statements about Jesus, we have to understand something really quickly.

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Number one, Jesus spoke in one of two ways throughout the canon, spoken one of two ways. And, by the way, one of my fields of study beyond psychology was biblical textual criticism. So this is something that I can speak to with a little bit of authority just a little bit, not much. Jesus spoke in one of two ways, most of the time throughout the canon, he spoke implicitly, and explicitly, these are principles you have to understand or none of the things that I say will make sense. He spoke implicitly, and explicitly. Can anyone tell me what an implicit statement is? an implicit statement? If I make an implicit statement, what does that statement mean?

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Anybody know?

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implicit statement means an implied statement that can be interpreted in many ways.

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Everyone understand that now, an implicit statement is an implied statement that can be translated in many different ways. For instance, if I say that this podium is dark colored, that's an implicit statement, correct? Because if you didn't see this for yourself, you could say maybe he meant there was black, maybe he meant it was dark gray, it was dark brown, it was dark blue, whatever it was, it was dark. But you could debate about what I said. Correct?

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Now, the difference with an implicit statement, an explicit statement is what wasn't an explicit statement.

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What is the word explicit mean?

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direct, clear, clear cut. No difference of opinion about this statement. For instance, I say this podium is black. There's no one that can come after and said no, he said it was blue. Or he said it was green. No, no, he was very clear about what this podium was, it was black. So that's the difference between implicit and explicit, explicit statements, clear cut implicit statements can be interpreted on the light of whoever wants to interpret them. Now, let me ask all of you a question. Which do you think is a more weighty statement? an explicit statement or an implicit statement? Which one holds more weight?

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How many of you agree or excuse me, how many of you would say an implicit statement, meaning one that is implied that can be translated by anybody? Is the more weighty statements raise your hand?

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Then think so?

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Any who say it's explicit statement is more weighty? Raise your hand. We have an ajumma, Masha Allah, we're getting somewhere now. Now, in a court of law, in a court of law,

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can an explicit statement

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be interpreted in the light of an implicit one? I'm trying to go slowly. So you understand, can an explicit statement meaning this table is black be interpreted in the light of an implicit statement? Meaning Can you say that when I said the table was black, what I meant that it was dark colored, so it might be dark brown? Does that will that make any sense to anyone? No, people will look at you like you're a fool. an explicit statement will always hold the greater weight. And an implicit statement made by the same individual must be interpreted in the light of their explicit statements. Like if I said today, this was black. And tomorrow, I said it was dark colored.

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Then how would you interpret my statement? It's dark colors.

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You wouldn't interpret it by yesterday, me saying it was black? Correct. So now you know what I meant by dark colored very clear, very clear. Is everybody with me so far? Kinda somewhat. Hopefully, you go back and watch the recording and slow it down and maybe get everything.

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Now Jesus spoke in these two ways, implicit and explicit, which is going to be more weighty, the explicit statements correct. And those are statements which are implicit, must be interpreted in the light of the explicit ones, yes or no? Can we agree upon this? This is simple. This is the human mind and logic at work, Masha, Allah, we use our logic like this most of the time, we would be good to go.

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Now, a couple of things Jesus said explicitly, and I wish I could give you all these explicit statements. It's actually something I'm working on offering, not just the for Canon, but also the last gospels, and the last statements of Jesus that are scattered as well, that have been tossed out of the cannon due to political reasons which we can't go down. That happened in 310 315 and 318, with the counsels of Nicea.

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But I will give you a few things that Jesus said and I will let you make your own deductions. I'm not going to sit here to answer this question for you today because I could answer it in one sentence walked off the stage.

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I'm going to leave it for yourself. One thing that we all have migraines

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quotes are going to come from the King James Version Bible. There's a number of versions, but I just grew up with the King James Version. So I'm just going to use the King James Version, not the most authoritative translation, but it is what it is

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in john 13, and I like to use john because it's the Synoptic gospel, and john 13, and 16.

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Jesus said, and this is about what Jesus preached through the cannon,

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verily I say unto you, the servant is not greater than the master.

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Truly, I tell you, that the servant is not greater than the master, meaning the master is greater than the surface. Nor is the one who is sent greater than the one who sent him.

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Nor is the one that is sent greater than the one who sent him. So what Jesus just said was, the master is greater than the servants. And the one who sent him is greater than the one who was sent, meaning God that sent him and you can deduce that wherever you want, I'm going to leave it as implicit. You can think that Jesus was talking about himself or somebody else who knows. But he said that the person who was sent by God was not greater than the one who sent him, meaning God is greater.

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Also, john 14, Jesus said, What is reported in the canon,

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you have heard how I say to you, I must go, I have to go, gotta leave. I gotta be out of here. And now we say that I gotta be out. You said, Look, you've heard me tell you, I gotta be out.

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If you loved me, you would rejoice. For I say, I go into the Father. And you have to understand the word father was a word that is still used among Jews today, to refer to God, they won't refer to God by name.

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They will refer to him as Lord as father as things of this nature. He said, I go into the Father, why? Because the father is greater than I.

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He said, I have to go and you should be happy, because I'm going into the Father.

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And the father is greater than I, meaning that he was somewhere and the father was somewhere else. The creator of all that exists was somewhere else. And he was here. And he said, I have to go, I have to travel unto the Father, because he's greater than I.

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a man came to Jesus. And I wish I could go through all of the reasons why they wanted to crucify him and everything. But we don't have time, unfortunately. Because there was a reason why the Jews wanted Him crucified. There was a specific reason. And it was going all the way back to a verse in Deuteronomy, part of the law where he would be cursed by being hanging on a tree. We'll see if I can get to it. But I really seriously doubt it.

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Now, a man came to Jesus, one of these holders of the law, one of these scholars of the law came to Jesus. And he wanted to ask Jesus a trick question. There are many trick questions that was asked to him throughout the cannon, because they wanted him to be disgraced. They wanted to trick him. Why? Because they didn't like him. Why didn't they like Jesus, Jesus came blazing with miracles. He made dead people come out of the ground, he made people who had never seen in their life, see people who were sick, he healed them lepers, he healed them.

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So many blazing miracles, he was showing them right in front of their face, do you want to see it? I will show you. So why didn't they like him? Why would someone this holder of the law who knows that they're waiting for the Messiah to come? And here's a man standing in front of them saying, I am your Messiah?

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Why did they hate him so much?

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You have to understand the psychology going on. Because if you don't understand the psychology of what is happening, then you will never understand why. And that's one of the problems we've had in dealing with this issue between Islam and Christianity is the psychology is gone. We don't understand the thinking process.

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The children of Israel, at first,

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could have very well looked at Jesus as a savior, that this is it. This is our Messiah, he was at the age of six in the synagogues, just baffling,

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baffling the Pharisees and Sadducees, just utterly confounding them.

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But you see, when Jesus began his mission,

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he spoke of the kingdom of God, which is what the children of Israel waiting for. They were waiting for their Messiah to come and bring the kingdom of God. But they thought that that kingdom would be here in this world. They thought that their Messiah would come and sit on the throne of David and rule over the world with the law of Moses, and that they would be kings on earth again. This is what they thought their Messiah was going to do. Why? Because the children of Israel had become so attached

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to this world, that they couldn't see any good if it didn't happen here.

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If they weren't given good here, they couldn't see any good.

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And this is very clearly in the Quran, where Allah says, if you were to give one of them the life of 1000 years, it wouldn't be enough. It wouldn't be enough they clean to the earth, they grip this earth. And as I was talking about what shaped them last night, he said, he knows a brother who's seen a lot of these children of Israel die and the way they'll grip this dunya, the way they'll hold on to things of this world just proves that they only can see good here. It's unfortunate, but it's the reality. And Jesus is standing here telling him hold on a second, The kingdom of God is not in this world. The kingdom of God is in the next life. The reality is in the next life, and they're

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looking at him like you must be out of your mind.

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If there is no Kingdom here, we don't want it. We don't need it.

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And on top of that, on top of that, Jesus was sitting here blatantly challenging these Pharisees and Sadducees, to knock them off of their pedestal by calling them hypocrites who stand on the street corners to prey by calling them a murderous and adulterous nation by entering into Jerusalem. And I don't know whether it was the first thing he did, or one of the last things after entering because it's different in to the cannons. But when he entered into Jerusalem, he went into the temple, or the place where Allah God Almighty and the word Jesus used for God was Allah is the Aramaic word for the Creator. He went into the synagogue and flipped a table where people were changing money

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and threw them out and said, this is not the place for this. So Jesus was doing something that will get you wrangled and murdered, and put in prison every single time. You know what he did you know what his greatest crime was?

00:31:59 --> 00:32:00

Anybody know?

00:32:02 --> 00:32:41

His greatest crime was to challenge the status quo and go directly at the heads of evil. I don't care who you are, where you come from, what your message is. But the moment you challenge things the way they are, especially when the way they are, are people who are at a higher echelon, a small section of society, lording themselves over everyone else, using their power and their wealth to Lord over entirely nice people. If you come to challenge that system, and you come directly to challenge the heads of that evil authority, you will become public enemy number one.

00:32:42 --> 00:32:47

It's just gonna happen. I don't care who you are, you will be public enemy number one.

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And so Jesus had to be dealt with. And one of the first ways they tried to deal with him was to get him to say things that they could use against him.

00:32:59 --> 00:33:03

Get him to say things they could use against him, because could they have just killed them?

00:33:04 --> 00:33:31

Sure, why not? They killed many other prophets and messengers that came to them from before. They could have killed him and threw him in a ditch. But guess what happens to someone like Jesus who comes with blazing miracles, who people have seen, and you just kill him off? You might kill the man, but you don't kill the message. You might kill the man, but you can't get rid of the message. So what do they need to do? They need to attack the messenger. You have to attack the messenger, so the message will go down with him.

00:33:32 --> 00:33:36

So this holder of the law came to Jesus and said,

00:33:37 --> 00:33:46

Good Master, we hear that you're a good teacher. We've been told that you're a good teacher, teach me what is the greatest commandment?

00:33:47 --> 00:33:53

He asked the man what is the greatest commandment that God has given us? This was a trick question

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is almost no real right answer, because they're all considered equal.

00:33:59 --> 00:34:00

Jesus said, Hold on a second.

00:34:03 --> 00:34:06

Let me tell you something. I cannot tell you.

00:34:08 --> 00:34:15

I cannot tell you what is the greatest commandment before I tell you what is the first commandment? And what was the first commandment?

00:34:17 --> 00:34:21

Here, O Israel, the Lord your God is

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one here, O Israel, the Lord your God is one. And you should love that Lord your God with all your heart with all your mind with all your strength. And then you should love your neighbor like you love yourself. He said all of the law, all of the profits hang upon these two principles.

00:34:42 --> 00:34:44

Man, that's some deep stuff right there. Let me tell you.

00:34:45 --> 00:34:59

It's very deep. It's one of the most beautiful statements are found in the cannon, believe it or not. Now, let me ask every Muslim here in the room. If I told you that Islam was about the

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Islam is about, there is one God, who is worthy of all of your worship, who is worthy of everything. And you're supposed to love them with all your heart with all your mind with all your strength. And then you're supposed to love your neighbor like you love yourself. And Islam is based upon these principles, would I be right or wrong?

00:35:21 --> 00:35:57

Would I be correct or incorrect? How many of you think I would be correct? If I said that they would Jesus just taught us is Islam, our religion that we practice right now? Absolutely. Everything in Islam can be put into two categories, if you wanted to, you can put one of it in a category that the rights that belong to your Creator, the rights that you as an individual have to give to the creator of all the exists, correct, like solokha, and all these other things. And then on the other side, I could put rights that belong to the creation, meaning how you deal with individuals, your social interacting. And I could say that every law in Islam will fit into one of these two sides. If you

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wanted to give them two categories, would I be correct or incorrect, would be correct. This is Islam.

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00:36:06 --> 00:36:35

I want to give you something small as well. When Jesus spoke, he was quoting from the law of Moses given to the children of Israel, when he said, Here, O Israel, the Lord your God is one. Now the interesting word, and I'm not going to give it to you because I want you to do some homework. If I just hand feed you everything. It's kind of like teaching the man to fish. I can give you a fish sandwich today, you're going to be eating for right now. But if I teach you to fish, then I won't have to feed you again.

00:36:37 --> 00:37:07

When Jesus quoted from that verse, heroes of the Lord your God is one, that word one that is used in the Torah, in the Old Testament, the Pinta, whatever you want to call it, that word, one is not the Hebrew number one, like one, there's one me standing up here, that's not the word that's used. It's not the word that used the word this used is a word that means a unified one, meaning a one that is alone, by itself.

00:37:09 --> 00:37:23

And for all of our and I want you to go go research and go find that verse. Go look it up, go do some Hebrew, go go do a little homework, why not? Find it out for yourself? If I'm wrong, everybody in here knows you can get in touch with me very easily. My name is my website, tell me I'm wrong.

00:37:25 --> 00:37:57

For our brothers and sisters to understand their Allah speaks very similar in the Quran, almost the exact same statement here, O Israel, the Lord your God is one exact same statement we find in Surah. A close chapter 112 of the Quran has the same phrase almost in the exact same syntax, because Hebrew and Arabic have a very similar grammatical syntax structure. What does verse one of chapter 112 of the Quran say?

00:37:59 --> 00:38:04

So my Tell me if you can't tell me how, well I am coming off the stage. I'm going back to the hotel.

00:38:05 --> 00:38:08

What is sort of chapter 112? Say in this first verse?

00:38:10 --> 00:38:22

Who will say, who Allah He is Allah What? I had one? Wait a minute, hold on a second. If I had the Arabic number for one,

00:38:23 --> 00:38:26

what is the Arabic word for the number one

00:38:27 --> 00:38:32

warheads, similar route. But what had means one, right I have

00:38:33 --> 00:38:49

one cup of water in my hand. Now if I if I add this other cup. Now how many cups of water do I have? One plus one is two, his name, I can add, I can subtract. I can multiply. I can divide that number one.

00:38:51 --> 00:39:05

But now a lot doesn't say he is way ahead in this verse. It is one of the names have a look, leave it alone. But in this verse, Allah is very clear in his construct. He says cool who Allahu Ahad. Now that word ahead means what?

00:39:06 --> 00:39:18

It also means one, right? But it's a different type of one. The word ahead if I take it and I say, Okay, I'm going to add this a head to another ahead. These two ones, I'm going to add them together. What do I get?

00:39:20 --> 00:39:21

What do you get if you add?

00:39:23 --> 00:39:58

You can't. The very word ahead itself describes a oneness that cannot be added to a oneness that cannot be subtracted from a oneness that is unique and on its own. And Allah is the only thing this add alone by himself, no partner, no equal nothing. He is ahead. Yes or no. This is what Jesus said, Here, O Israel, the Lord your God is one go do the research yourself. Find the Hebrew number one in ancient Hebrew and look at the word hero is or the Lord your God is one and come and tell me if it's the same word. It's not

00:40:00 --> 00:40:36

And this was Jesus's message to this holder of the law, that the greatest law is the first law hero is the Lord your God is One love that God with everything you have love your neighbor like you love yourself, you're fine. All the law and the prophets hang on these two principles. You see what Jesus was teaching, he was teaching the spirit of the law, he was trying to put the spirit back into God's teachings that they had stripped away, he was trying to show people that connection that you're supposed to have with God, you love Him with all your heart with all your might, with all your strength. Beautiful message now.

00:40:39 --> 00:40:40

By the way, that's in Mark

00:40:42 --> 00:40:46

1219 through 21, Mark 12 if you're taking notes,

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there was another man in Matthew, who came to Jesus and said to him, oh, good Master, teach me something. Good master teach me something. Jesus responded by teaching him a lesson.

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He said, I'm gonna teach this.

00:41:09 --> 00:41:22

He said, Why are you calling me good? Why are you calling me good? For there is only one source of good. And I'm trying, I'm not going to call you the King James, because that's not translated properly.

00:41:23 --> 00:41:30

From the koine, Greek northern land, he said, Why do you call me good? For there is only one that is the source of good and that is

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00:41:33 --> 00:41:39

He said, Why are you calling me good because I'm not good. The only source of good in this life is from God.

00:41:40 --> 00:41:44

So if you want to call anyone good, call the father, your Creator, good.

00:41:46 --> 00:42:10

This is a man who clearly is distinguishing himself from that which he worships from the God that created everything. Jesus clearly making a distinction. You don't call me good for the God that is good. The only good is God. The Master is not greater than the Father, I have to go to the Father, the father is greater than I distinctions clearly explicit distinction, the me and God are not the same. We're not alike.

00:42:11 --> 00:42:14

I am the one he sent to you. That's it.

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in john chapter 20, and this is purportedly later on. When Mary Magdalene sees him on the roll.

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He says unto her,

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I ascend into my father, I gotta go, I'm out, basically, is the last person who's gonna see me I'm out, I gotta go. I ascend them to my Father and your Father. He acquainted God with her that my father, your father, then he said, My God, and your God. He said, I'm going into the father, my father, your father, my God, your God. Meaning that the God that I worship is the same as your God, we are on equal footing in front of him, me and you, a woman. And if you want to know who Mary Magdalene is, go do some research about her. He equated his God with her, that my God and your God, you find this in john 2017.

00:43:12 --> 00:43:48

So what did Jesus teach? He taught that God was the greatest thing that God was greater than everything else, the master is greater than his servants, meaning that God is greater than everything which he has created. And that's my interpretation. I'm leaving it as it is, you can interpret how you want to term it was pretty explicit statements to me. He also said that my God, your God, my father, your father, the father is greater than I, there is no good in me, except the Father who has sent me is good, all good comes from God. This is what Jesus taught to people to love God with all your heart, with all your mind with all your strength, love your neighbor, like you

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love yourself. This is it. This is the key to life.

00:43:53 --> 00:43:56

Also, when Jesus taught his disciples how to pray,

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and you'll find this in

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Matthew six and nine, and in a couple other places, but I'm just choosing one. He taught the disciples how to pray, how did he teach them how to pray? Anybody in here know the Lord's Prayer?

00:44:13 --> 00:44:16

Anybody room know the Lord's Prayer? That is taught in the Bible.

00:44:17 --> 00:44:27

All right. He taught Jesus taught his disciples to pray like this. He said, Pray and say, Our Father, who is aware,

00:44:28 --> 00:44:31

he might know Our Father who art in

00:44:32 --> 00:44:38

heaven. Our Father who art in heaven, He taught God is in heaven. Our Father who art in heaven,

00:44:40 --> 00:44:46

hallowed be your name. mean praise, be your name. sanctified, be your name.

00:44:47 --> 00:44:52

This sound familiar to anybody so far? How can I translate this statement in the Arabic language?

00:44:54 --> 00:44:56

Alhamdulillah Europeana, I mean

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all praise glorified.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:04

belongs to the Creator, who is the Lord over all the worlds.

00:45:05 --> 00:45:18

He said, Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Meaning that God's Will should be done here on earth as it isn't heaven.

00:45:20 --> 00:45:21

Give us this day our daily bread.

00:45:22 --> 00:45:34

mean give us something, give us our daily bread, whether it'd be the bread of sustaining my physical life, or the bread, this sustains my spiritual life. Give me that guidance.

00:45:36 --> 00:45:38

And forgive us our trespasses.

00:45:39 --> 00:46:12

as we forgive those who trespass against I'll probably mix up a couple of long been, it's been a long time, forgive us our trespasses mean, forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who have sinned against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Lead us not into temptation, he's using us the whole time. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever.

00:46:14 --> 00:46:19

There I am just now say anything that a Muslim is not allowed to say.

00:46:22 --> 00:46:24

For me, when I read Soto fathia

00:46:26 --> 00:46:30

when I read Soto Fatiha At first I thought it was copied from the Lord's Prayer.

00:46:32 --> 00:46:36

Until I learned much later that is from the same source. Because the first you have begins is what?

00:46:37 --> 00:46:50

All praise belongs to the creator Allah, the Lord of all that exists, we praise him and him alone, we seek his assistance, meaning spiritually and physically in his assistance alone. What's the next verse?

00:46:54 --> 00:46:56

Oh, my goodness, seriously, what's the next verse to

00:46:59 --> 00:47:03

guide us to the straight path?

00:47:04 --> 00:47:28

Guide us to the straight path Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, lead us to the straight path, not the path of those who have earned your anger nor of those who have gone astray. The Lord's Prayer is divided into two halves the first half praises God. The second half asks for deliverance. The Fatiha is in two portions. The first half is praising God. The second half is asking for deliverance, yes or no. Just a side note.

00:47:30 --> 00:47:39

And I'll give you one really quick, quick, quick, quick side note. There, my dad got seven minutes, maybe if we q&a sessions, I'll get to it.

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00:47:41 --> 00:47:47

also math in Matthew, what the gospel according to whoever Matthew was.

00:47:49 --> 00:48:00

Because it wasn't Matthew to disciple because he refers to himself in the third person too many times. And this was not the style of writing didn't write in third person not you didn't write an eyewitness narrative in the third person. This doesn't work like that.

00:48:02 --> 00:48:27

Now, in Matthew, five and 16, Jesus tells his disciples, let your light shine before men that they may see your good works. Let your light shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven. So Jesus clearly taught that God was in heaven. God was not here on this earth, God was in heaven, you praise the God who is in heaven.

00:48:29 --> 00:48:32

Now, since I'm running out of time, we got to speed alone.

00:48:34 --> 00:48:45

Did Jesus follow a code of conduct? Meaning did he live by a law himself? Or did he make it up as he went along? Or did he change the law? What happens?

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00:48:49 --> 00:48:59

the Pharisees and the Sadducees accused Jesus of breaking the law one day because he was walking through the cornfields on a Sabbath day.

00:49:00 --> 00:49:15

According to them, he was breaking the law. This was not to be done on the Sabbath. And Jesus said something to them very beautifully said a couple of things. But this one was very beautiful. He said, Don't think that I have come to destroy the law,

00:49:16 --> 00:49:28

or the prophets. I have not come but to fulfill them. He said, I am not here to destroy the law. I am here to fulfill the law, the law that was given to you through Moses, I am its fulfillment.

00:49:30 --> 00:49:39

He said and not one single thing, not a period nor a comma shall go away from the law until it is all fulfilled by me.

00:49:40 --> 00:50:00

So Jesus was clearly telling them that look, I'm not here to do away with the law. I'm here to fulfill it. I am here to perfect the law. It's a better translation for the Greek word that is used. Whether or not that's the proper word Jesus said don't know because like I said it didn't speak koine Greek. But Jesus said I am here to fulfill and perfect the law for you. And he also

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taught them that the law was given from God for man, not the other way around. It's not you who dictates the law, it is the God that is in heaven, that dictates the law to you, you just follow it.

00:50:13 --> 00:50:19

Now this law thing that Jesus speaking about was the law that was given through who, through whom,

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through Moses, through Moses, the Torah, the law that was given to them, Jesus saying that I am here to fulfill that law.

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And then

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he said, Whoever breaks the least of these commandments, meaning the law, whoever breaks the least of these commandments, and he teaches other people to break the commandments, meaning if there's someone who comes along, that breaks the commandments of the laws of God, and then tells you to break the commandments in the law of God, He is the least person in the kingdom of heaven. I mean, this person is not good. This is the least person in God's kingdom, the worst person that exists is someone who breaks the law. And then he goes around teaching other people to break the law. He said, But someone who obeys the law and fulfills the law and teaches other people to fulfill that law,

00:51:12 --> 00:51:40

this person will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. So this law thing that Jesus was talking about, he considered it very serious. He considered following God's law very serious, so serious that a man came to him. And his name was Lazarus was a rich man came to him and said, Good Master, tell me how do I inherit eternal life? How do I inherit eternal life? meaning how do I go to heaven?

00:51:42 --> 00:51:45

He's asking Jesus, how do I go to heaven?

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Jesus responded by saying,

00:51:49 --> 00:51:51

obey the commandments.

00:51:52 --> 00:51:54

Jesus told the man, obey God,

00:51:55 --> 00:52:22

obey God. That's what God wants from you. He wants your worship and your obedience. This is the God of the Old Testament. The God of the the penzion, the Torah was a God who wanted to be worshipped and obeyed. That's it, you obey Him and you worship Him, and you will be just fine. And that's what Jesus told the man obey the commandments. The man said, I've done that. I'm good with that the commandments between me and God, knock those out already.

00:52:23 --> 00:53:02

Jesus said, Well, if you are perfect in front of the law, which is an impossibility, we know that as Muslims, any of you in here, perfect in front of the law of God, can't do it. We're not perfect. He said, if you're that perfect, then go sell everything you have. Pick up your burden, meaning on properly translated cross, the word cross does not exist in that in the Latin vulgate, nor the koine Greek, he said, pick up your burden and come follow me. Meaning what goes sell everything, get that money, who gotta have that money. But that would take some money, which we'll talk about tomorrow. go sell everything you have, pick up your burden, come follow me. mean work for me, do what I'm

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doing. Help me out. I got 12 disciples, I could use one more. Why not baker's dozen, go sell everything and come help me. The man walked away crying. Why? Because he knew he wasn't perfect in front of the law. He knew what he was talking was nothing. So he left crying. And Jesus did not stop him and say, wait a minute, come back this whole law thing, I'm going to take care of it when I sacrifice myself on the cross, you know, got to worry about that. Lord, just believe in me. And that's it.

00:53:30 --> 00:53:41

You can say that Jesus said, Those who believe in me should not perish but have everlasting life. And I agree with that. The children of Israel who believed in Jesus Christ as their Messiah would have not perish but have everlasting life.

00:53:42 --> 00:53:43

I agree with that.

00:53:44 --> 00:53:49

No problem in it congruently with all the other explicit statements, and it's not implied.

00:53:50 --> 00:53:52

So Jesus told the man about the law.

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lastly, because we're running out of time, and unfortunately not gonna be able to cover everything I wanted to cover, I knew it would have been 47 minutes.

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when Jesus was brought up on charges for crucifixion, there was a reason they wanted to crucify him. They had to get rid of the message and the messenger. They had to destroy everything they had to discredit Jesus can just kill him can't lock him up. We got to discredit him. And the way we can discredit him is we can have him crucified. Because according to the law of Moses in Deuteronomy, anything that hangs on a tree, meaning if you crucify a criminal is a curse of God, meaning there is no good for them in this life for the next this person has a curse on them for eternity. They're done. If you crucify someone that done, it's over. This is the law. And Jesus is saying that he's

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here to perfect the law. So do you know how foolish it would have looked to the children of Israel, their Messiah

00:55:00 --> 00:55:25

The person who's telling them that he's their Messiah who's fulfilling the law is a curse as a criminal under that same law. This is why the Jews laugh at a crucified Messiah. It's an oxymoron. It is an oxymoron. You can't have a Messiah that is a cursed. So what did they do? They said, We have to get him crucified. And when they brought him up on charges, and I'm gonna go a couple of minutes over, it's okay, I'll cut down from the q&a session because this has to be finished.

00:55:26 --> 00:55:31

When he was brought up in front of Pontius Pilate, who was the governor of

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Palestine at the time, he was not brought up on charges of calling himself God.

00:55:38 --> 00:55:38

Was he?

00:55:40 --> 00:55:45

Why would the Romans care about a man calling himself God? You tell me how many gods the Romans have?

00:55:47 --> 00:55:57

How many? a plethora of gods who Ward did battle and fought and killed each other and slept with each other's sister in all kinds of craziness. It was a soap opera of gods.

00:55:58 --> 00:56:19

So one other man who says he's God, and he's healing people, and he's bringing dead back to life. They might have just said, You know what, let's just add him on in. Why not? If he's a God, and let's see it, he wasn't brought up for that, because Pontius Pilate nor Caesar would have cared about that. What he was brought up on charges of was calling himself the King of the Jews.

00:56:20 --> 00:56:44

He was saying, I am the king of the Jews, and the Jews were telling Pontius This is a challenge to the throne of Rome, our Messiah, if he's our Messiah, he's gonna run all of you out of here. He's gonna take this, you know what over and we're gonna run this. So what you're gonna do about it is anything different than what happens today? snitches selling you out.

00:56:45 --> 00:57:14

You're the people who you thought you were down with throwing you right up onto the bus. Nothing new. And let me tell you something about Caesar. Caesar did not tolerate anyone chanting his authority. It was a pump punished penalty of death right away. But when Pontius interviewed Jesus, he said, I don't find any fault in this man. What do you want? There's nothing wrong with this man. Because they said, Do you know what they say of you? They're saying that you're calling yourself this and that and the third. He said, that's what you say.

00:57:15 --> 00:57:51

He didn't agree. I don't know what what world you live in. When you tell someone Hey, man, you're a fool. But that's what you say. Well, I agree to that. I don't know what language that is that I agree to that statement. I just didn't have time to deal with it. That's what you say, Man, I have told time for this is what Jesus said. I have no time for this. So Pontius actually tried to give him back said men take this men back do with him as you wish. They said no, you must crucify him. And Pontius realizes he's about to have a riot in the streets of Jerusalem. They are about to tear this mother down. I got to figure out what to do with Jesus, it's gonna go crazy. Pontius Caesar is

00:57:51 --> 00:58:34

going to come here and take away my authority because I can't keep control of the people under me. So Pontius tried to give them a choice. There was a man named barabas. Does anyone know what the word barabas means? barabas. Anybody know? barabas means Son of the Father, Son of the Father is what barabas means. So Pontius asked the Jews, because it was the time of you, they would let go of one criminal. And Barnabas was the worst of them. That's why he brought him up, because he's figuring there's no way in their * crazy minds are going to take this guy back. This guy, they don't want him. So they said, Look, I'll give you Jesus

00:58:35 --> 00:58:41

of Nazareth, or I'll give you a bottle of us, Son of the Father. Do you know who they chose?

00:58:43 --> 00:58:45

They said, Give us a bottle of us and do away with Jesus.

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Now, when Jesus realized, because as this was going on, he was on some sort of bail, meaning he wasn't locked up and shackled. He was just being questioned every day, when he realized that they're going to crucify me. And this how I will end promise two minutes, he went, and he walked outside of the city of Jerusalem. We have anybody here that's ever been to eliquids raise your hand ever anybody ever been to Jerusalem? Raise your hand, or you're from Jerusalem?

00:59:13 --> 00:59:25

No, we got to get us a trip from Norway to put on the insha Allah. In Jerusalem. There's a garden called the garden of anybody know who

00:59:26 --> 00:59:58

gets the money where Jesus wins. And this garden is outside the city. It's not inside of the ancient eliquids. It's outside. So Jesus left the city, left the city, and he went with his disciples and He stuck somewhere at a garden. And he told them at the gate, watch, watch, watch for what it means if somebody comes, deal with it. Just watch because I have some business to handle. Got some business I need to deal with. So Jesus walked down this road, and what did you do? Anyone know?

00:59:59 --> 00:59:59

What do you do?

01:00:01 --> 01:00:04

Did he go hype himself up to get ready for this crucifixion?

01:00:06 --> 01:00:11

He went and he fell on his face. And he prayed. Let me tell you something right now God doesn't pray.

01:00:13 --> 01:00:51

God doesn't need to pray. Jesus fell on his face and prayed. And what did he prayed? He prayed so favorably which this let me tell you right now this portion of favorite little drops of blood. This is not a very authentic This is just I'm just gonna say it because this was in the King James, he fell on his face and prayed so hard that his sweat became as if it were drops of blood. This is a man who needs his prayer answered. I don't know if any of you've ever put your face on the ground and prayed to God so hard that your sweat almost became as if you were bleeding from your pores? If so, you had a serious, serious prayer going on? And what was his prayer?

01:00:53 --> 01:00:57

Father, if it be let this cup pass from me?

01:00:59 --> 01:01:21

further if it be let this cup of torture that I'm about to endure, pass from me, meaning let this thing called crucifixion go away from me. Why? Because he understood if they crucify me, they never believe in me. I've failed my mission. If I go to the cross, the people that I was sent as a Messiah to save will not believe.

01:01:22 --> 01:01:28

He said, But nevertheless, whatever is your will. That's what I will do.

01:01:31 --> 01:01:36

submitting to the will of God. Yesterday, we define submitting to the will of God is what?

01:01:38 --> 01:01:48

What is the Arabic word for submitting to the will of God. It's called Islam. Jesus said, I want this cup to pass from me. But nevertheless, whatever is your will. That's what I'll do.

01:01:50 --> 01:01:56

And that's where we're going to end it because there's a plethora of different theories about what happened after that.

01:01:57 --> 01:01:58

And we don't know.

01:01:59 --> 01:02:29

But one thing I do know for sure, is that Jesus came to save the children of Israel from the detriment that they placed themselves in. And he did so by trying to bring them back not only to the law of God, but to a personal spiritual relationship with their Creator. He tried to remove this hierarchy when there were people who were higher in God just because of a title that they possessed. He tried to teach people that the only greatness in front of God is your piety is your righteousness is your works is what you do, not who you are and what hat you wear.

01:02:30 --> 01:02:51

And Jesus really was concerned about the souls of humanity. He was here to save their souls. He was so heat so sincere, that he even said Father, just like they're in my hand, they're in your hands. They're in your hands. Now I Tara go. They're up to you now. And he left. And he left however you say he left he left.

01:02:52 --> 01:02:57

But for sure, we can say one thing about Jesus. He's coming back.

01:02:59 --> 01:03:22

Christians believe that Muslims believe that as part of a either Jesus will return and set the record straight. And we will argue about it day in day out night in night out weekend, month year, until that happens. And when he comes he will set the record straight. But one thing I want to finish with is a verse from the Quran

01:03:23 --> 01:04:07

that speaks about Jesus and His birth. And his first miracle. It was not turning water into wine. His first miracle recorded in the Quran, which is a book that is purely from God unchallenged for 1400 plus years. This verse says that when Jesus was born, marry Matt, marry the best woman, one of the best women to ever walk the face of this globe. She brought this baby in front of her family and they said, what kind of wickedness? What kind of craziness Have you brought before us? You've never been married before and you have a baby. Mary didn't even need to defend herself. This is what I found beautiful about the story of Jesus birth in the Quran. In the Bible, there is no clarification

01:04:07 --> 01:04:10

on here. Mary defended the accusations of adultery.

01:04:11 --> 01:04:18

But she pointed at the baby and said, Ask him, let him speak for himself. He was an infant. And Jesus said

01:04:20 --> 01:04:22

very beautifully, that I

01:04:24 --> 01:04:29

Jesus was sent as a prophet and a messenger and I'm just summarizing for you because then we're ending.

01:04:30 --> 01:04:40

And I was my mother is of purity and cestus. And I have been made to be forbearing to her all days of my life

01:04:42 --> 01:04:59

and pieces on me, the day that I was born, the day that I will die, and the day that I will be resurrected unto life. And then God says in the Quran, this is a statement of truth about Jesus, the son of Mary of which they vainly dispute about

01:05:00 --> 01:05:00

He said,

01:05:02 --> 01:05:31

The God, creator of all mankind, that Jesus to me, to me, Jesus to me is like Adam, I created him from dust. And I said to him be, and he was. So this is Jesus into the best of my capacity that could do in running over time, any questions that you have come out, but make your own decision, do Christian, or someone who submitted to the will of God, thank you very much for your time and patience. And I look forward to you afterwards. Now.

01:05:34 --> 01:06:17

As I said yesterday, and I need to clarify for all of you that dalawa means inviting people to accept our heat. If you don't invite anyone to accept Islam, you have not done any Tao, you've shared information, you've given a result, a message, that is an invitation. So as I said yesterday, if there is anyone in this room that has come to this place, not yet a Muslim, and after hearing everything they've heard throughout the past couple of days, or however long you've been here, and you have decided that this is a way of life that I want to enter, submitting myself to my God, my Creator, living his life, living my life, the way he wants me to live it, you can raise your hand

01:06:17 --> 01:06:19

right now. Is there anyone in the room?

01:06:20 --> 01:06:53

Is there anyone in the room? I heard we had two shadows this morning yet? Or three? do two to two sisters, right? That's just the way it always works. The sisters, sisters are going to outnumber us like madness. Is there anyone in this room? Again, not disappointed, because God is the only one who guides it's not in my hands or in anyone else's hands in this room. It's a personal thing between you and your Creator. If anytime you decide that you want to enter into this beautiful way of life called Islam, and you want to start living your life the way God wants you to live it, find any one of these Muslims that are here and tell them that's what you want to do. And they'll know exactly

01:06:53 --> 01:07:01

where to direct you. So now we will start the q&a session, we have 21 minutes. So we will begin so we can get as much done as possible, please, I asked one request.

01:07:02 --> 01:07:25

And there's the only time I'm going to be nice about it. If you want to ask a question, ask a question based upon the topic. If you want to make a statement to me, I will be here for the next few hours, you can do that. But if you start to make a statement, and you want to just challenge me, this is not the platform to do it, we can do it outside, I will stop you immediately. And you'll be escorted out of the room. It's very simple.

01:07:26 --> 01:07:29

I didn't disrespect anyone and I will not tolerate disrespect

01:07:30 --> 01:07:34

questions. Do we have any sisters who have any questions?

01:07:36 --> 01:07:55

If you have any questions, you can also send SMS to the numbers you see on the posters, any questions from the sisters? And the brothers who have any questions? And again, if you want me to clarify something, no problem. We have a question. I just didn't have the time to go as deep as I wanted to. What will happen when Jesus will return the question by SMS what will happen when Jesus will return?

01:07:57 --> 01:08:24

According to the statements of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him authentic statements, meaning these statements have been verified, we know who said it and who he told it to. And we know who that person and that person is truthfully known. And we know who said it, who heard it, and who heard it from the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him all the way down. Meaning that we know he said this statement. So law he was sending him. He said when Jesus returns, his first order of business will be what you buy. No, come on.

01:08:25 --> 01:08:27

Hello. I told you I like to question

01:08:28 --> 01:08:29

what will you do first?

01:08:31 --> 01:08:31

I'll give you a hint.

01:08:34 --> 01:08:40

You're breaking the cross. Break the cross Meaning what? I wasn't crucified. Look at me.

01:08:42 --> 01:08:59

I'm here breaks the cross. Because we believe that Jesus was taken up into heaven. Without death. He has not yet suffered death. But he will. He will break the cross and then he'll kill the swine. Why does he kill a pig? Why? What is the symbolism behind killing the pig?

01:09:05 --> 01:09:25

Pig is filthy. Yes, but it has a symbol behind it. What was the symbol? I never told you to break the law. I never gave you the right to break the law of God's meaning you're never supposed to eat this. This is filthy animal that God told you to stay away from you're supposed to obey the law. And then after that he will do war with the Antichrist.

01:09:26 --> 01:09:49

He will head towards Israel, what is known as Babel loot, which is where Tel Aviv airport is right about now. He will head there and do war with the digital but the digital won't even be able to take the side of them. All Jesus will do was look at the didgeridoo and melt like salt. And then he will live a normal life will have a normal family. He'll die and he'll be buried where

01:09:50 --> 01:09:52

you might know where he'll be buried.

01:09:54 --> 01:09:59

authentically he'll be buried next to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam Abubakar Omar, any of you been to

01:10:00 --> 01:10:08

Medina and walk by the prophets great, there's an empty spot, is there not? There's an empty spot there that the Prophet peace be upon him specifically told them leave this for Jesus.

01:10:10 --> 01:10:19

Still there to this day, you can't see it from the outside. But if you get close enough to the gate and the ships don't slap you, then you might actually see that empty spot in the back. Right.

01:10:20 --> 01:10:21

Any other questions?

01:10:23 --> 01:10:26

That's very quick, by the way, when a lot of things will happen.

01:10:27 --> 01:10:31

Okay, the sisters have a question related to the topic? Yes.

01:10:34 --> 01:10:46

What do you have to say to those who say Islam is a copy of Christianity? What was it again? that Islam is a copy of Christianity? What would I say to people who say Islam as a copy of Christianity?

01:10:49 --> 01:10:55

I would say that Islam is much a copy of Christianity as a Volkswagen is a copy of Mercedes Benz.

01:10:56 --> 01:10:58

They're both cars.

01:10:59 --> 01:11:00

They're not alike.

01:11:01 --> 01:11:07

It's just the reality. It's just the reality. But I will tell you one thing, I will tell you one small thing.

01:11:09 --> 01:11:51

And this is also in a movie called the message where we know that the, the the the nagus of Abyssinia of Ethiopia when he heard the Quran recited to him. Chapter Mary actually about the birth of Jesus. He said to Jeff on, wasn't it Jeff? darlin, he said to him, that what you tell me, and what we have is like two rays coming from the same lamp. And he allowed those Muslims to live in His Kingdom peacefully, and he eventually accepted Islam and became a Muslim. And the Prophet peace be upon him prayed for him when he heard that he died. So that's that's how similar they are. Yes. Do we have any more questions from the sisters related to a topic? Yes.

01:11:55 --> 01:12:23

I, my mother is a Jehovah's Witness. So she doesn't believe that God is three. Yep. So what could I say to her to make her believe that Islam is the right religion? Now, thank you for your question. anybody hear her mom's a Jehovah's Witness, which Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the Trinity. They don't believe in birthdays and a lot of things they don't believe in. They're very close to Islam. They're probably one of the * other than Unitarians and things like that, that are really on the edge of where we are.

01:12:25 --> 01:13:04

It's a very open ended question, because there's a lot of things you could tell her. There's a lot of things you could tell her. But one thing that is very clear, is that if you look at what Jesus taught, forget about anyone else for a minute, forget about the disciples. Forget about Paul, forget about any of this. Tell your mom, go get the red letter edition Bible. You know what that means, right? The Red Letter edition, tell her to go get the red letter edition and Bible in only read what is in read. only read what is in red and ask her is her way of life in accordance with that, because that's what Jesus taught. Forget everybody else for a moment, read the read only. And I'm telling

01:13:04 --> 01:13:39

you, when you read only the red you find something that is so close to Islam, that it's scary. But it's the black, this the black that really messes it all up. The red is about 95% in accordance with what we believe. Thank you. And that if you want some more questions, just go to my website, you should evans.com there's a button that says contact asked me that question there. And I'll probably have already answered it, so I can forward it to you or I'll answer it personally. Charles Godwin, any other questions? Yeah, we have one more question. If Jesus said, God is one what is the Trinity exist?

01:13:42 --> 01:13:51

asking me why the Trinity exists is like asking me why the moon exists. It just does. But the Trinity the Trinity as we know it,

01:13:54 --> 01:14:33

is deduced from some of the implicit statements of Jesus. But there is only one explicit statement really plainly explicit that talks about Trinity. And it's in first john five, verse seven, where it said there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, Son, the Holy Spirit, these three are one, and there are three that bear back on Earth, the water, the blood, and the Spirit. And these three agree as one. This is the Compendium for the understanding that everything that Jesus said was about this. Unfortunately, biblical scholars themselves have proved that this was never a part of the original writings of the Bible. This did not come into existence until the Latin vulgate. So

01:14:33 --> 01:14:59

biblical scholars in the 50s, when they made something called the NSR V, which is no longer in print the new standard, Revised Version of the Bible. This is one of the verses that they tossed out, along with the story of Jesus forgiving the adulterous and some other things. They toss that out and these are biblical scholars. A college of biblical scholars of repute, said that first john five and seven was never a part of the original documents. It only comes in the Latin vulgate so it is

01:15:00 --> 01:15:02

lucked out. But Jesus taught God was one.

01:15:04 --> 01:15:04

Thank you.

01:15:05 --> 01:15:13

Any other questions? We have any questions here? Do you have any questions here? Okay, let's take a couple and then we'll go back. Do we have any? Okay? Do we have any more from the sisters?

01:15:14 --> 01:15:55

We have one more that is related to the one that I just asked. There's a sister asking for advice on how to give. And I see how all dour to her mother who believes that God is three, and make her believe that God is one. My answer will be the same to the other sister, tell her to go read the red letter edition of the Bible, read only the red leave everything else, if you can find Trinity, and that then we have a serious problem because Jesus only spoke implicitly, in verses like I am the father of one and things of this nature. But his explicit statements are clearly clearly distinguish himself from the God that he worshipped. So the Trinity is not something that Jesus taught. It's

01:15:55 --> 01:16:37

something that came about later. Even if we look at early church history. The debate that raged on for the first three centuries of Christianity was about the nature of Jesus, there were churches, there were places of worship throughout Palestine throughout Northern Africa, throughout East Africa that believed in Jesus as the Messiah, as God as one and him as a prophet and messenger and Messiah. These churches were eradicated after the council's of nicean, after the Council of Nicea were concluded, and these bishops who were from Rome who had the power and the prestige, just like politics today, when the politics were played, and they decided that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and john,

01:16:37 --> 01:17:15

the Acts of the Apostles, and the writings of Paul are going to believe and our creed is what we're going to believe. And anyone who disagrees with it, you will have your tongue cut out, you will have your books burned, you will be imprisoned, you will be killed. So this is what happened to the eradication of the early church who followed Jesus. We not only have witnessed from that from historical documents, but also in Islam. We have a witness from a man named Solomon al Farsi, a Persian man who said he used to worship Jesus as one as a prophet as a messenger, and that there were very few people left on earth. And his last teacher who was a follower of Jesus, the Christ,

01:17:15 --> 01:17:30

the Messiah, told him and we have this on very good account, told him go to the city of Medina, which was known as yathrib at the time, because the next messenger is going to come this was he's going to look like and he's going to have a seal of prophethood on his shoulder between his two

01:17:31 --> 01:17:50

on his back between his shoulders, and Salman al Farsi said, that is exactly what happened. When he heard the Prophet was there he went, he saw him and the Prophet said, Are you looking for this on my back, and he showed it to him and send him another force. He accepted Islam, because this is what he was told to do by his followers or his teachers who follow Jesus Christ. So we have the historical reference.

01:17:51 --> 01:17:51

Any other questions?

01:17:53 --> 01:17:54

We have a question about,

01:17:56 --> 01:18:25

about any messengers. Did Jesus prophesies any messengers after him? The Jesus prophesied a messenger after him, yes, but again, it can be interpreted because some people will consider this implicit. Muslims consider explicit making visitor explicit when Jesus said I have to go so the poor Carlitos, which is the Greek word that is used which Jesus did not speak the power Carlitos meaning the Comforter, meaning the one who will bring comfort, the one who bring mercy,

01:18:26 --> 01:18:59

that person and when he used porque Alito, it's speaking of a person even in the Greek language, it's not speaking of something that use esoteric intangible, it was speaking of a person who said I must go so that the pocket Ito's the Comforter can come and when he comes because Jesus said, I have many things I want to tell you, but you can't bear them right now. Jesus said, I have many things I want to share with you. But right now you can't handle it. I have to go so that the Comforter can come. But when he comes, He will tell you all truths. And he will say that which is put in his mouth, He will speak

01:19:00 --> 01:19:09

paraphrasing, and the King James Version, but he did describe that he must go so something else can come and that thing that comes will abide with you forever.

01:19:11 --> 01:19:11

Is that true?

01:19:13 --> 01:19:37

Has the messenger Mohammed sobre la la was seldom does he not abide with us from now to the end of time. Why? Because we have everything he said he did, how he acted, how he looked how he ate, how he slept, how he drank, how he got married, how he was with his wives how he was with his children, how he was as a ruler, as a leader, as a father, as a son as a husband. We have all of it he is with us forever and you can't get rid of it.

01:19:38 --> 01:19:59

So yeah, he did prophesize the coming messenger after him and it is prophesized before Jesus in Song of Solomon chapter five, where it says and the one to come, his name shall be Muhammad. In the Hebrew language. Go ask any Jew that knows Hebrew to recite for you Song of Solomon chapter five. You will find this

01:20:00 --> 01:20:06

The name Muhammad is there. And there's a lot more, but we don't have time for that. So another lecture.

01:20:08 --> 01:20:12

Does the sisters have any more questions? Yeah.

01:20:14 --> 01:21:00

If a non Muslim accepts that God is one and Jesus is not the Son of God, but doesn't accept Islam 100% What advice do you have to make them accept Islam? Okay, so repeat it again, because I missed the very portion of the last. If they accept that God is one and Jesus is not the Son of God, what advice do you have give to make them complete their whole belief in becoming Muslim? Sure, if someone believes that God is only one, alone with no partners, and they believe Jesus is a messenger of God, they are pretty much already there. They are on the footsteps of Islam. They are in the footsteps of Islam. The only thing required of them now is to also include in their beliefs, belief

01:21:00 --> 01:21:18

in the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and accepting that saying that I believe there's only one God and then Muhammad is His Messenger, and Jesus is also His Messenger and his slave, and they will be a Muslim. This is as simple as it gets. And you know, one thing that about Mohammed sallallahu wasallam. I was telling

01:21:19 --> 01:21:53

Shea Haytham yesterday on our way back, that when I accepted Islam, I went to the Imams house after reading the Quran, and I told him, I want to be a Muslim. He said, Why can you shut down I'd only been gone for three days. I said because I read this book, and it is what you say it is. It is the truth from God. He said, Okay, hold on a second, to be a Muslim, you have to believe there's only one God. So I got that. So the book says, I told you I believe in that book. He said, okay, but in order to be a Muslim, you also have to believe in the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as a messenger. I said, Hold on a sec. He said, so come in. Let me tell you about Mohammed Salah sent

01:21:53 --> 01:22:19

him. I said ask answer me one question about Mohamed Salah to send them and that'll be all I need. He said what I said, Did he give us this book? Is he the one who gave us this book? He said yes, I said, then he's a messenger. That's it. This is his testimony. This is his evidence. This book is the evidence of Mohammed sallallahu wasallam. And I want to ask all of you a question real quick before I don't get a chance to I got five minutes. Anyone in here who believes in Moses, raise your hand?

01:22:22 --> 01:22:28

Hmm? The number of agenda? How many of you believe that Moses did miracles? Raise your hand.

01:22:30 --> 01:22:41

Have another ajumma in the room? How many of you witnessed with your own two physical eyes? One of the miracles that Moses performed in his lifetime, raise your hand.

01:22:42 --> 01:22:43

Get no vampires in the room.

01:22:45 --> 01:22:51

They've lived that long. Now, so nobody was there. Okay, we got that out of the way. How many of you believe in Jesus? Raise your hand?

01:22:52 --> 01:23:06

Oh, by the way for our guests, put your hands down. If you don't believe in Jesus, you can't be a Muslim tenant of faith. We are one of the only world religions the only world religion that says you must believe in Jesus Christ in order to be a Muslim. If you don't you know

01:23:07 --> 01:23:09

how many of you believe Jesus did miracles? Raise your hand?

01:23:11 --> 01:23:28

Lots of hands down. How many one of you witnessed one of the miracles Jesus performed in his lifetime with your own two physical eyes? You watched him? You saw it or you saw the person who he did it to? Or you saw the wine that he turned from water or you saw Lazarus or you met one of these things he did? How many of you witnessed it?

01:23:30 --> 01:23:32

No, none of us were here that time, right?

01:23:33 --> 01:23:38

That's gone his past. How many of you in here believe in Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?

01:23:39 --> 01:23:41

How many of you believe in miracles?

01:23:43 --> 01:23:48

anyone in this room witnessed with their own two physical eyes one of the miracles that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam did his lifetime.

01:23:53 --> 01:23:54

What is that miracle?

01:23:55 --> 01:24:29

The Quran, the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said every prophet was sent with miracles to prove who he was. And the miracle that I was sent with was the Quran. You can say the splitting of the moon. There's still evidence by NASA that the moon was once cracked in half and all this, forget about that. I can go get a quote on off the table and give it to you and say here's the miracle of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is why we say about him. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Jesus was the Messenger of Allah. Moses was the Messenger of Allah. But Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah and he will be into the Day of Judgment. Any questions?

01:24:29 --> 01:24:56

We have a very important question here. I want to become Muslim, but I am afraid that I will fail a little bit back and forth. Before I become Muslim. Should I take the testimony of faith? Good question. The person wants to know they want to become a Muslim, but they're afraid of you know, falling back and forth into and out of sin and not doing what they're supposed to do. They don't think they're good enough yet to be a Muslim. How many of you in this room every single day fall in and out of sin?

01:24:59 --> 01:25:00

How many of you going to do

01:25:00 --> 01:25:01

Every day probably the rest of your life.

01:25:04 --> 01:25:05

How many of you are Muslim?

01:25:08 --> 01:25:41

It's just the nature of the human being, we're never going to be perfect. That's one thing that a lot of religions have misunderstood is that God doesn't want perfection. He created the perfect laquan McDonald vs. Sangeeta Queenie created you perfect, but that Free Will the moment you decided to the moment you became old enough to choose right and wrong, God already knew you were going to make wrong choices. That's all part of the process that we talked about yesterday. That's all part of the process. God knew that you were going to make mistakes. And He created you with that ability so that some of you would come back to him and he would forgive you. We talked about that yesterday.

01:25:41 --> 01:25:48

So you will never be good enough to be a Muslim. Is anyone in this room good enough. They think Allah deserves to make them Muslim.

01:25:50 --> 01:26:23

None of us we're not good enough. None of us will ever be good enough for the guidance that has been given to us. It's a gift that is not replayable we just try every single day and we beg every single day it dinner Serato Mr. King is Dino Serato. Mr. King, guide me to the straight path guide me to the straight path. That's how we make it everything. So if you're ready to become a Muslim, do it now. Because those things that you slipped on before. There's one thing I know about Islam, the prophet peace be upon him said Islam erases everything that came before it.

01:26:25 --> 01:26:28

I wish I would have accepted Islam yesterday.

01:26:29 --> 01:27:07

But it was 50 years ago, unfortunately, but Islam erases every thing that came before it. So if you want to get rid of all of that today, today's the day to get rid of your burden and enter into a new life of Islam and start fixing your relationship with the one who created you don't wait, don't wait. And for those Muslims who are still sending and you're still doing the wrong thing. Don't wait. You're going to hear about Toba today. I think in sha Allah from our audience here today or the correct don't wait. fix that relationship today. Tomorrow. Jana today Toba is tomorrow or Monday. One of the other tablet was towbars tomorrow tour of Paradise is very much on the tour of

01:27:07 --> 01:27:16

Paradise is before the Toba Masha, Allah you're gonna you're gonna be trust me after this tour of gender. When he tells you Toba, there won't be a person in his room with a with a dry eye that might not be on the floor.

01:27:18 --> 01:27:29

Because on the way you get generous, though. Any other questions? What does Islam say about Apostle Paul's, Paul? About what? Paul? What Paul? What does Islam say about Paul?

01:27:31 --> 01:27:36

Islam doesn't. There's no consensus message about Paul. But let me tell you about Paul.

01:27:38 --> 01:27:42

Paul is someone on the Day of Judgment, I don't want to be anywhere near.

01:27:43 --> 01:28:25

First and foremost, I want to know what's waiting for him. But Paul is someone who I'm not sure and no scholar that I've spoken to is sure what happened with Paul? Was he a saboteur? Was he a saboteur in order to disrupt Christianity or what the followers of Jesus were doing from within? Or was he just fooled by Satan on the road to Damascus when he thought he saw Jesus, that we cannot answer whether it was blatant, or whether he was fooled. But one thing we do know is he destroyed the teachings of Jesus. He told people to break the law in Galatians, he commanded them to break the law. He said, The law is cursed, and Jesus was cursed on behalf of it to remove it from us. And

01:28:25 --> 01:28:49

Jesus said, anybody who breaks the law and tell someone to break the law, they're the lowest person in the kingdom of heaven. So Paul, either was a Sabbath tour, or he himself was fooled and duped. But even when Paul met the disciples of Jesus, when he met Barnabas, they had a falling out because Barnabas said, Hold on a second, what you're teaching is not what I heard from Jesus, and I saw them and myself.

01:28:50 --> 01:29:06

And he fell out with the other disciples when they got to know him. And Jesus and Paul, when he returned to Jerusalem. At the last part of his life, Paul returned to Jerusalem, does anyone know what the city of Jerusalem did? They all came out to kill him.

01:29:07 --> 01:29:36

They all came out to kill him. And the guards of Caesar came and got him and protected him and took him away. And that was the end of what we know about Paul. So Paul did not really see eye to eye with the disciples nor the followers of Jesus at any point. It was the later churches and the letters that were written to churches who were outside of Jerusalem who were outside of the disciples reach that Paul had an influence on. But we don't have time for the history of Paul. I wish we did. Paul's an interesting man.

Jesus Christ is the most disputed human being in history. The Jews believe he was an imposter from the Jews. The Christians believe he was God incarnated in flesh who died for human beings’ sins. In the middle of these two beliefs the Muslims say that Jesus was a Prophet of God and a Muslim. Who is right? Who was the historical Jesus: Jew, Christian or Muslim? Listen to Yusha Evans elaborate the historical facts about Jesus.

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