Kamil Ahmad – Mjales Ramadan #4

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The importance of preventing century-impacted behavior and not reciting the Prophet's teachings is emphasized, along with the importance of praying for forgiveness and not reciting the holy spirit. The history and context of Islam are also discussed, including hesitation and fear of punishment. The speakers stress the importance of avoiding smoking and drinking during hesitation, and the acceptance of the Dar SG-ackage by Allah's time.
AI: Transcript ©
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Handling hamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah who Allah Allah, he was so happy here to mine and my dad, as salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Can I please have the brothers come closer

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we've been going through

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the book of Chef a benevolence I mean,

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entitled majorities shuffle Ramadan

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Majelis, shahada, Ramadan,

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in which the share,

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discuss the various topics related to the month of Ramadan. In the beginning, we spoke about some of the virtues of fasting and then some of the virtues of the month of Ramadan. Then we went on to speak about

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the Quran, the virtues of reciting the Quran, the dab of reciting the Quran. And then last week, we moved on to discuss the last 10 days, the significance of the last seven nights of Ramadan, as well as

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the virtues and the significance of Laylatul Qadr.

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These are the topics that we have so far discussed. The shares he, as I mentioned, previously, he divided this book into 30 different topics. But obviously, we can go through all of them.

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We selected what we were able to go through. And this being the last session, we will go through the last two topics that the sheriff discusses. The first of these is regarding a Toba regarding repentance.

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And so the share concludes his book by mentioning that

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one should end off Ramadan by seeking repentance by turning to Allah subhanahu wa taala in repentance from His sins.

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And that is because repentance is something that is watching. It is something that is obligatory upon each and every single believer.

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And it's obligation

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the kind that is that must be done immediately. And so we have two kinds of obligations in the Diem. One is the kinda has to be done immediately. And another kind of obligation is the one that can be delayed, the one that can be delayed.

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What is an example of an obligation that has to be done immediately?

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Allah has commanded us to do something and it cannot be delayed Salah when the time comes in, we pray

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and we cannot delay it until after it's time.

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And the majority of the obligations are like this. How about the second kind, the kind of obligation that is to be delayed or that can be delayed? hedge. hedge is a common example of something that can be delayed.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala has commanded us to turn to him in October in repentance from our sins. Yeah, yeah. Hallelujah. Amen. Who to boo it Allah hito butta Nasu Ha, Allah commands us, all you who believe, turn to Allah in repentance, this is a command and every single command in the Sharia it means obligation. That means this is obligatory unless we have evidence to suggest that it is not obligatory rather it is

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it is mazahub It is recommended.

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Otherwise it is obligatory so Toba is obligatory and it is the kind of obligation that must be done immediately.

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And so a Tober should not be delayed. October should not be delayed.

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I Toba is something that Allah subhanho wa Taala loves

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turning to Allah subhanho wa Taala is something that he wants from us

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Something that is beloved to him.

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And so one should not think after committing many sins, that if he approaches Allah subhanho wa Taala with all the sins, that Allah subhanho wa Taala will be angry with him

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and will not accept his repentance.

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Yes, while you're committing the sin, Allah is not satisfied.

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Allah is angry at any sin that is committed any disobedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala he does not like

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also those who commit sins and they remain upon that state after they have committed the sin. Not turning to align repentance Allah remains in a state of displeasure with such people.

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However, when a person realizes his sin

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and feels that regret in his heart and endures to Allah in repentance, Allah subhanahu wa taala meet him with open arms. And this is something that Allah subhanahu adatta is happy with the evidence for this the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala is more happier.

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Over a person turning to him in repentance.

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one of you who is traveling in the middle of a desert

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and he's traveling on his camel, and his camel has everything that he possesses His provision, his food, his drink,

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and then he finds a tree

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and he stops at the street to take some risks.

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So he ties his camo and he takes his rest under the shade of this tree. When he wakes up,

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he finds that his camel has escaped and has wandered off.

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And so this person ends up in distress

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in grief.

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He's now stranded. He could die.

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And then all of a sudden out of nowhere,

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his camel appears

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and this person becomes so happy. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says so McCollum and shade the till Farah Allahumma into Abdi or an Arab book. After I mentioned the till for

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the prophets, Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam says, This man after seeing his camel.

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He says out of extreme joy.

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Oh Allah, you are my servant, and I am your Lord.

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He says this, out of extreme joy. It's a slip of the tongue.

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It's not something that he will be held accountable for. He made a mistake out of extreme joy.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that Allah subhanho wa Taala it is even more happier than this person when we turned to him in repentance. So when we turn to him in repentance, we are also in a state of distress. We are also in a state of grief over our sins, and then when we turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala in repentance, he meets us with joy.

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And so the very meaning of October of repentance is that a person turns to Allah subhana wa Tada. He turns back to Allah subhana who has to Allah after having committed sins, and that's because when we commit sins, we commit them

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out of negligence, out of heedlessness,

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we forget about Allah subhanho wa Taala we forget about Allah's commands. We forget about Allah's prohibitions.

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We have

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the dunya that calls us we have shaitan das whispering to us. We have the evil inclining knifes that wants to disobey Allah subhanho wa Taala and so all of these things combined, make us to fall into sins. And so when a person falls into sin and turns back to Allah subhanho wa Taala he is basically coming back to Allah subhanho wa Taala and so that is the very meaning of Aktobe.

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And the very first human being to have committed a sin and turn to Allah subhanahu Attallah in repentance was none other

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Then Adam Alayhis Salam.

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And so he ate from the tree after Allah subhanho wa Taala forbade him from doing so.

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But the difference between him and a bliss was that ably sinned and remain persistent.

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Upon his sin, he remained irrigant upon his sin

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until the Day of Judgment,

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whereas Adam Alayhis Salam, Allah subhanho wa Taala taught him words of repentance, how to turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala after we have after we have sinned

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and the sheriff here mentions that

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for the sins that we commit,

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first of all, we have two kinds of sins. We have the major sins and then we have the minor sins.

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The major sins

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are the ones that we have to turn to Allah in repentance for.

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And so for each major sin, we have to pray to ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada

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to forgive us for those sins.

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And in order for our repentance to be accepted, there are conditions that the shareholder mentioned.

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So this is the first kind of sins. The second kind of sins are the minor sins

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and the minor sins.

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It is good if one asks Allah for forgiveness, but you don't have to remember each minor sin and recall them and ask Allah for forgiveness for them.

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There are various ways in which minor sins are expiated in which Allah forgives them. There are many different ways. Some of them have been mentioned in the Quran. Others mentioned by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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An example Allah subhanho wa Taala says, in Al Hassan RT, youth happiness.

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Allah says that the good deeds, they erase the bad deeds. And so, the minor sins, they are erased by good deeds. This is one way, another way. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that from each Salah to the next sins or expiated

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from each Ramadan to the next sins, or expiated

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also will do

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the XP our sins

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and so there are many different ways all of these have been mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah. And so these they erase what they erase the minor sins, not the major sins, the major sins we need to turn to Allah in repentance, for if a person does not turn to align repentance for the sins, then it is feared that he will be punished, he will be brought to account for the sins on the day of judgment

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and the major sins

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have been mentioned

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in the Quran and the Sunnah.

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And scholars have written books The most famous of these books is the book called Al Qaeda, by Imam and the hubby

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and some have counted them to be 70 100.

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Approximately around this range.

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The most severe of the major sins are a shake, and then murder, death. Zina

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disobedience to one's parents and so on and so forth. These have been mentioned in the Quran.

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And they have also been mentioned by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And so the major sins we have to turn to Allah and repentance for however,

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for our repentance to be accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala there are certain conditions

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and so, without these conditions being met,

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a person's repentance is not accepted

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by Allah subhanahu wa taala.

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The first of these conditions is

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the driving force behind a person repenting

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the love of Allah subhanahu wa taharah

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that he feels a sense of veneration for Allah subhanho wa Taala in his heart, he feels a sense of greatness. For Allah subhanho wa Taala in his heart,

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hoping for Allah's reward

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and fearing Allah's punishment, fearing Allah's punishment. And so these things are the driving force. This is what is causing him to turn to Allah in repentance.

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And so, no worldly reason is making him to turn to align repentance.

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It is only the fear of Allah.

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He feels in his heart, greatness for Allah subhanho wa taala. And this is what is causing him to turn to Allah in repentance.

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And that's why the Scholars say

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they say, don't look at

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the insignificance of your sin.

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Don't look at

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how small your sin may be.

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But rather look at the greatness of the one you are singing.

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Look at the greatness of the one you are singing. That's why in the Quran, Allah subhanahu Uttara tells us of the disbelievers well now God Allahu Akbar cadre

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in various places in the Quran, Allah has said this, while Malcador Allahu Akbar cadre, they don't value Allah the value that he deserves. And then Allah mentions various sins that they fall into. In other words, they commit sins, and they persist in their disbelief

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while knowing it,

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even though Allah is great, even though Allah has value, but they don't, they don't have in their hearts that feeling of the greatness of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And so the driving force for a person to turn to Allah and repentance has to be this,

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that he is turned to Allah in repentance because he loves Allah. He wants to devote himself to Allah.

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He fears Allah's punishment, and he hopes for Allah's reward.

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And this is the very meaning of class.

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This is the very meaning of a class, sincerity of intention.

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So, as we have mentioned previously, no deed is accepted by Allah subhanho wa taala. If

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a person

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does not do it solely for the sake of Allah,

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if you want any deed to be accepted by Allah subhanho wa taala, it must be done sincerely, and solely for his sake, not for anyone else, not for any other reason.

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Moving on to the second condition.

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And that is

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that, in order for your repentance to be accepted,

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you must feel a sense of grief,

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a sense of remorse, a sense of regret

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and sorrow

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for the sin that you have committed.

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And so if you turn to Allah and repentance,

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you have to feel a sense of

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remorse and regret

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for having committed this sin.

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Not that you're asking Allah for forgiveness.

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And yet in your heart,

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you still feel happy.

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And you still feel the desire

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of that sin that you committed.

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And so the one who truly repents to Allah is the one

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is the one who feels regret in his heart, remorse in his heart.

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He feels himself breaking down inside.

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And there are many examples of this from among the sahaba.

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The most famous among which is that companion

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committed Zina

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and came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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That woman

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who committed Zina and came to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam and begging him

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perform the punishment

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of stoning for her. And the prophets also turned away from her.

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He didn't want

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to give her that punishment. And so he turned away from her but she came again and again and again.

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Until finally, she was stoned. And then

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while she was being stoned, some of her blood came on some of the Sahaba

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and they cursed her

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because they thought that, you know, her blood is insignificant.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said Do not curse her.

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For her repentance was so great in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And so, it was because she felt remorse in her heart and grief for having committed this great sin that caused her to turn to Allah in repentance

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and to seek the punishment of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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The third condition for our repentance to be accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala is that you need to immediately

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refrain from that sin.

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You need to immediately stop

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that sin that you are committing.

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And so if you have truly repented to Allah subhanho wa Taala for sin.

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You have to commit completely abandon that sin.

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If you are in the midst of that sin, you need to completely stop it and not say that I will stop it in the future.

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No, immediately, you need to stop committing that sin. And so if you're involved in Riba, for example,

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if you have a house on mortgage, for example,

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then you need to, if you have repented to Allah for that sin, you need to get rid of that house right away. And it's not something that you should delay. If you are involved in smoking, and you ask Allah to forgive you, you need to stop it immediately. And don't say that it is something that I will leave for leader. Why because such a repentance is is of no value, if you don't stop it immediately.

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And the sheriff here mentions that

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when it comes to certain sins, they are related to the rights of others. They are related to the rights of others. And so when it comes to rights, rights and responsibilities and hook, we have two kinds, we have those that are the rights of Allah. And then we have those are the rights of our fellow human beings. As for the rights of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada if we transgress the rights of Allah, we simply ask Allah to forgive us. And it is hoped that Allah will forgive us. As for the rights of human beings,

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then it is not sufficient to simply ask Allah for forgiveness, rather, we need to owe back the rights that we have taken from others. So if for example, you have stolen, yes, you need to turn to Allah and repentance, but you also need to return what you have stolen back to its owner.

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And other similar other similar rights.

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Moving on to the fourth condition.

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The fourth condition

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for your repentance to be accepted by Allah subhanho wa taala.

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It is having the strong determination,

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the intention and strong determination in your heart to never ever

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return back to that sin ever again.

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That you make a strong determination that from now on,

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I will never ever go back to that sin ever again.

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And many wonder

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and this is very common,

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that there are certain sins that we have become accustomed to.

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we have become accustomed to the sins and

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after the first time we turn to Allah and repentance.

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But then we find we still fall into this sin even though we had the determination and the intention never to go back to it again. But we fall into it. And then we ask Allah for forgiveness, and then again we fall into it.

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And so some people they give up and they say there's no use and so they continue to persist in that sin.

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This is not what Allah subhanho wa Taala wants from us. Rather, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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is happier

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over the one who sins and then turns to Allah in repentance, and then sins again,

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and in turn, so line repentance and then the cycle continues, even if it be the same sin

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As long as Israel his repentance was truthful,

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and according to the conditions that we have been, that we have been mentioning.

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Why, because

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says

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that every single son of Adam is sinful.

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Every single human being falls into sins. But the best of those who fall into sin are those who turn to Allah in repentance.

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And so the one who commit sins

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and constantly turns to Allah and repentance for those sins, it shows that his heart is alive with the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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It's a sign of his Eman

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because he feels regret over that sin. And so he turns to Allah in repentance, as opposed to the one who commit sins

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and he doesn't care.

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He persists in those sins.

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And he doesn't feel that remorse in his heart.

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And he doesn't turn to Allah in repentance. This shows that his that his heart is dead.

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His heart is heedless, is negligent of Allah and,

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and what comes after death of the punishment in that era.

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And so among the conditions for a sincere repentance, for our repentance to be accepted, is that we have to make a strong determination to never ever go back to that sin ever again.

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And as I mentioned, that does not mean

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that if you fall into the same that your that your repentance is not accepted.

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It doesn't mean that

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as long as you made the determination, to not go back to the sin, then in sha Allah, your repentance is accepted, even if you end up falling back into the same. But you have to have that strong determination to never ever go back to that sin ever again.

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The fifth condition

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for any repentance to be accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala

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is that it has to be done in the time in which repentance and a Toba is accepted by Allah subhanho wa taala.

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What do I mean by this?

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The door of repentance the door of a Toba is open 24 hours,

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seven days a week,

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every single day of the year, it does not close, except two times it closes.

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And once it closes, it remains shut. It will never ever open again for any any human being.

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And so we have two times one is for each and every single human being.

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And the second is for people in general.

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As for the first and that is for each and every single one of us.

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The door of October the door of repentance is open

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until the soul until your soul starts coming out of your body.

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Once it starts coming out of your body,

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the door to repentance becomes closed.

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So even if you can speak in those final moments of your life,

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your repentance is of no use.

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And that is because Allah subhanho wa Taala says, well, he said he Toba to little Medina Yama, Luna say

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that October is of no use for those who indulge in sins had either harder or harder human mo to call it in the title.

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Until when death comes to one of them. He says, Now I have repented.

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When he sees death in front of his eyes, he says oh Allah now I repent to you.

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If he's a disbeliever, he says oh Allah Now I believe, as FIRA hound said,

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when the waves came crashing down on him

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and he was drowning in the sea.

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He said, Now I believe in the Lord of Bani Israel eel in The Lord of Musa and Harun. So Allah rebukes him. It says Al Anna waka also eternal Kabul, or Continental mousseline. Allah says now

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Now, when before this, you were disobeying and you were corrupt in the earth. And so, at the moment when the soul is coming out of the body Tober is of no use as a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said, in Allaha Iacobelli Autobytel, abd Nullam you are rare that Allah subhanho wa Taala accepts the repentance of the servant, as long as

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he does not start drooling, meaning at the time of death when the soul is coming out.

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But the question is, why is that? Why is it that at this point, October is of no use?

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That is because

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each and every single one of us has been given the opportunity in this dunya to either believe, or disbelieve to either live a life of righteousness, or live a life of disobedience.

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The factor that causes us to choose one of the two paths is an EMA and below

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is our EMA and in the unseen.

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And so Eman in the unseen

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is the very factor that distinguishes between the two camps, as Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions, in the very beginning of Surah, Al Baqarah. He mentioned to us three camps, the believers, the Buddha Kuhn and

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the kuffaar. And among the characteristics that Allah mentions, for the believers is,

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you mean who never lie, that they believe in the unseen.

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And so the disbelievers and the Buddha, cool. They don't believe in the unseen, meaning they don't believe in what comes after death. They don't believe in the angels, they don't believe in Allah subhanho wa taala. They said, they say how can we believe in these things, when we cannot see them? They only believe in that which they can see in this dunya. So when the angel of death comes to take away their souls, and the aids of the angel, of the of death come to take away their souls, and they see the punishment in front of themselves. When do they see it, they see it when the soul is coming out of their body. At that point, they say

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they see now we believe why? Because now they see the light. They see the unseen, that they were required to believe in before. But now it's too late. What's the use now, every single person will believe when he sees it in front of his eyes. And so this is why a Tober is not accepted when the soul is leaving the body. And so that's why we said in the very beginning that October is obligatory when

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when is it obligatory?

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Immediately. It's not something for us to put off. It's not something for us to delay. Like many people think that I have a very long life ahead of me. I will live for 67 years. That is when I will turn to Allah and repentance. That is when I will lead a righteous life. No one knows when death will come to him. No one knows when that certainty will come to him as Allah described death as being something certain. As Allah said, why Buddha Rebecca had to clear clean. worship your Lord until Eliakim comes to you. What is your clean death? Why because at the time of death, now you're certain of what comes after that even the calf here, he is certain. But the certainty this year

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clean is of no use to him at that time.

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The second time when a Tober is closed, when the door of a toga is closed, and shut. This is at the end of times when the sun will rise from the west. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala

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has set certain signs before the Day of Judgment. One of the last of the signs is the rising of the sun, from its place of setting and that is from the west, not from the east.

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And at that time, only the worst of people will be alive on this earth. Before that Allah subhanho wa Taala will have taken away the souls of the believers and only the worst of human beings will be left on earth. For these people, if the sun rises from the west.

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If these people are still alive,

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it will be too late to turn to Allah in repentance. And that is because Allah subhana who were to add or rather the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that a Tober is accepted as long as

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The sun does not rise from the west. And so we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept our repentance to make us from among those who turn to him in repentance. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept our deeds in this month Subhana Allah Melby Hemric a shadow Allah Allah Allah and

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second must have

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