Kamil Ahmad – Lessons from the Seerah #05 – The Youthful Years

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallali wa sallam was a shepherd and was responsible for managing and protecting his herd. He was trained to be patient and caring, and was given opportunities to work in the industry and become a caring person. The importance of being a shepherd and being patient with others is emphasized, as it is a fundamental part of Islam. The speaker discusses the history of the Prophet sallama's actions, including his actions to protect his wife and his son from the danger of the pandemic, and the importance of acknowledging and respecting moral values. The importance of being clear that Islam opposes everything that other societies do and not allow oppression is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa

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Last week, we looked at the birth of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the events surrounding that.

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And then we looked at his early childhood.

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From the time he spent away from his mother in the desert,

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to the time he returns back to her and then

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she passes away and he moves on to the care of his grandfather. And then after that he passes away. And so he is now in the care of his uncle, Abu polyp.

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And so this was the childhood we could say of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And so today we're going to move on to the next stage of the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that is his youth,

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as he is now a young man.

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So from the age of eight, the Prophet also grew up in the care of his uncle Abu Talib.

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And this was now for the rest of his childhood until he becomes an adult.

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Now Abu Talib

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was not one of the rich, a fluent men of Quraysh of Makkah.

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And so,

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he would struggle to make a living

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and support his family.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while he was young, he decided to help his uncle.

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And so he took on a job.

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And that Job was

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a shepherd.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says,

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Allah subhanahu Attallah never sent a prophet except that he happened to be a shepherd.

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So the Companions as your rasool Allah, even you

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and so he said, Yes, even me.

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I used to tend the sheep for a few Pirot for the people of Mecca.

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And so,

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let us talk a little bit about that.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a shepherd.

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Why a shepherd?

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Why specifically a shepherd, and not just him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but all of the prophets as he mentioned.

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And so, there are many reasons for this. There are many reasons for why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam worked as a shepherd and why Allah subhanho wa Taala chose this to be the profession of the prophets and the messengers. And so let us look at some of these reasons.

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being a shepherd teaches one, how to lead,

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how to manage and how to be responsible.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says could look O'Meara fine, well could look a mess all on camera yet.

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A shepherd is Erhai.

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In the Arabic language, Orion is a shepherd

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and iraya is his herd, his flock of sheep. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that every single one of you

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in is a shepherd

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and he is responsible for his herd.

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And then he explained that

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he said the Imam, the leader of the Muslims is responsible for his people. The head of the household, the father is responsible for his household, the members of his family. Even the mother is responsible for her children.

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And so

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a shepherd usually works for somebody else.

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Somebody else who owns the flock of sheep.

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And so a shepherd is hired by someone else, meaning that the shepherd is answerable to someone else.

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Now a shepherd cannot go back to the owner and say to him that look, I'm sorry, I lost one of your sheep.

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It doesn't matter what the sheep did.

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The Shepherd is responsible for taking care of them.

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Even if it isn't his fault, he is answerable.

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Regardless of whether the sheep obey him or not, the shepherd is responsible.

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And so it is a very, very important lesson. For the leader, you are responsible for those under you.

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And so

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the prophets of Allah,

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are responsible for those under them.

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And they will be brought to account on the day of judgment, as Allah subhanahu dalla mentioned in the Quran,

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that every single prophet will be brought, and asked about

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how did he fulfill the responsibility?

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Of those under him? Did he convey the message? How did he convey it? did he fulfill his responsibility to his own?

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The second

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reason for being a shepherd, and this is the case for the prophets and the messengers is

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that train them how to be patient.

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Taking out sheep to greens, it takes time,

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the sheep, they take their sweet time, they're slow.

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And so the Shepherd has to wait. Sometimes the sheep, they may start playing, they may start fighting. And so the shepherd, he requires patience.

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A shepherd can't really talk to them and say, You know what, we're getting late, let's go. It doesn't work that way. And so, the sheep, they'll take their time.

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Usually shepherds, they leave in the early morning, and they come before they come back before sunset.

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And so

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the prophets of Allah, they were being trained to be very, very patient,

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with their people.

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They will be they are being trained for that task

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that Allah is going to put on their shoulders. And that task requires patience. I mean, take the example of

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some of the prophets of Allah, new highly his Salaam

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950 years, giving Dawa to his people.

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And still no response. As Allah mentions in Surah, to know

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how new highly Sam complains about his people, that Oh Allah, I call them openly secretly, in the day in the night, no response 950 years.

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It required patience.

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Musa Hadi has set up

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look at the

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the arrogance of his people.

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Look at how rebellious they were not listening to his commands. And Allah tells us in the Quran that Musa Ali Hassan was a shepherd. When he went,

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he left Egypt to go to Midian. And there he met.

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Sure, I had a Salam. And he married one of his daughters to him on the condition

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that he works for him and tends to his ship.

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The third reason for this profession is that it treats them how to be caring, and protective.

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And so the shepherd protects the flock from various dangers.

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And so there are wolves. And there are other dangerous animals. There's even dangerous terrain. Maybe they're going to, you know, fall off of a cliff or into a river or something.

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And so the shepherd continuously ensures that there is no danger to his flock. He's constantly looking to protect them.

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And so, it the sheep there, their sight is limited. They can't see that far.

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They can only see what is in front of them.

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So small things will observe

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on their site, they're not farsighted.

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Whereas a human who stands tall can see if there's any danger ahead.

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And so the shepherd can warn the flock of danger that he sees that they don't see.

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And that was the same thing with the prophets and the messengers. When Allah sent them, to their people,

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Allah gave them sight that the people did not have.

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They could see things that the people could not

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the very first thing that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam started his Dawa with

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was his warning.

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You know, when he got the leaders of courage together.

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And he said, You know, when he was at Mount suffer, and he said to them,

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that if I was to tell you that there is an army behind this mountain, and they're getting ready to attack you, would you believe me? And they said, of course, we never knew you to ever lie.

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And so he said, I am now warning you of a terrible punishment that awaits you. So the very first thing that he started his mission of Dawa with was warning them, he saw something that they could not see. And that is the punishment of Allah

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that they had no idea about. And so the point here is that

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the prophets and the messengers are warning their people of danger that is approaching them that they cannot see. They have the clearest vision, and the furthest sight. And so they have a vantage point over the flock, giving them foresightedness.

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The prophets, they know what's good for their people.

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They know what's dangerous for their people. And that's why the analogy that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave,

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comparing himself to his alma. He said that, you know, the analogy he gave is like a person who

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sits next to a fire. And at nighttime, and

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some insects start hovering around this fire, some moths, they are attracted by the light.

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So they come start hovering around, not realizing that the fire can burn them.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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that I am holding on to your clothes, grabbing you, so that you don't fall into the fire, but you're slipping out of my hands.

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And so the point here is that the prophets of Allah,

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they were protecting their people from a danger that they saw, that their people did not see.

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The fourth

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reason for this particular profession of being a shepherd

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is that it taught the prophets and the messengers, humility,

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tenderness, compassion, mercy.

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And so sheep are very weak animals, much weaker than other animals or animals like cows or camels.

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Therefore, they need more attention, they need more care, they need more protection. And so because of this weakness, they could easily fall prey.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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wanted to warn us from shaitan. And so he said,

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he said,

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bringing back his experience of being with sheep, he said,

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to stick with the Jamar

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because the wolf eats, the wolf eats work, the stray sheep.

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He gave this example, because of his own experience, and knowing that if

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the flock of sheep stick together, yes, they're weak animals, but if they stick together, the wolf won't dare come to attack them. But if one strays off, and leaves the Janell Then

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the wolf will eat, eat that sheep. Likewise, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was warning us from shaitan saying, stick to the agenda of the Muslims. If you don't, if you stray off and you're on your own, then shaitan will get you.

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So this is something that prophets Allah, Allahu Allah also learned,

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learned when he was a shepherd. And so we are weak. Just

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says these sheep are weak.

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And there's another important point here.

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And that is that

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we are affected by the environment that we live in.

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And so

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shepherds of sheep are different than

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those who look after other animals.

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Why are they different, because

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because of the nature of the animal.

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So we said sheep are tender, they're weak.

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And so the shepherd learns how to behave with this particular animal, by being soft, by being compassionate.

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As opposed to other animals,

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like camels.

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They are difficult to deal with.

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They're rebellious, they're harsh. And so now you have to behave with that animal in that same in that same manner. Otherwise, they'll take advantage of you. And so the prophets of Allah, they needed this, this attribute of compassion

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and mercy, because they're going to need it with their followers.

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And so, Allah subhanahu wa taala was,

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was training the prophets and the messengers

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to acquire this trait.

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The fifth reason

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is that it gave the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam an opportunity to live a simple, modest life away from the luxuries of the dunya.

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And so

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shepherds, they have to go out of the city, and they have to stay there the entire day, perhaps,

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days on end, they have to sleep out there.

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Obviously, they're not going to take with them a comfortable bed, they're not going to take with them,

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you know,

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luxurious things. They didn't have to leave the luxuries behind them.

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And again,

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this is something required by the prophets and the masters. Also.

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It gave him an opportunity to become accustomed to different climates.

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And so it could be scorching heat. Or it could be raining, it could be windy, it could be freezing cold. And so the shepherd is the last to take cover to take cover.

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And so he needs to protect the flock first.

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So he's going to suffer.

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But this suffering, it makes him strong.

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And so later on when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam becomes a prophet and a messenger

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he ends up in different climates, in different circumstances.

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He travels.

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So he needs to know how to be away from the city from the City Life and the luxuries.

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He is gonna go on battles.

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And he's gonna have to face different climates, someone who doesn't go through any of that,

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it becomes tough. It becomes extremely tough for them, when they have to handle those situations for the first time. Sixthly it gave the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam an opportunity to live in nature,

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away from the dunya and the artificial worldly life of Mecca.

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And this also gave him the opportunity to reflect over the creation of Allah and the greatness of Allah and His creation. And so the life that we are living in

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could sometimes leave

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very harmful scars on our hearts and our way of thinking.

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Why? Because we're living in this concrete world, this material world where everything is artificial.

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And I'm saying this, especially now 1400 years later,

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but even in that time,

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so how about today, when everything around us is materialism

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it's all it's all artificial. We have completely become disconnected from

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from nature.

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And that is contrary to our very fitrah.

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Allah subhana, who had to Allah created us from what? From the earth

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and we are now separating ourselves from the earth.

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It's not, it's not part of our nature anymore. And so, living in this artificial world has kept us away from being able to contemplate over the creation of Allah. I mean, look at the Quran

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and how Allah refers to his creation in the Quran,

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telling us to observe it.

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The sun, the moon, the stars, the heavens,

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the rivers, the mountains, the plants, the animals, the insects,

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the clouds, rain, etc. All of this is mentioned in the Quran. Why did Allah mentioned these things? He mentioned these things because his creation tell us about him.

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Allah's creation tells us about who he is.

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We learned the attributes of Allah by looking at his creation.

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And so if we want to learn about the attributes of Allah, we should look at his creation.

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So the prophets of Allah, the prophets of Allah, were given time to contemplate over the creation of Allah.

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Seven things 70. And the last point that we can mention here is

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that among the reasons for this particular profession is that it gave him the opportunity to make a living from his own hand and his own sweat,

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which is something that Allah subhanahu Attallah wants from us, that we are not those who rely on others.

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Rather, we go out and make earning on our own.

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And so all of this shows us how Allah subhanahu Attallah chose this particular profession for our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And it also shows us how, you know it would build his personality in this way.

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And we learned an important lesson from this. And that is that the Muslim should always strive to look for a professional

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and build a career

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in something halal, but not only something halal, but something that will give him skills that he can use in his life.

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That will give him skills that he can use

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in his daily life,

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in helping others and so on and so forth. Whenever you look at different professions, you find, you find this, so for example,

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a teacher,

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he has certain qualities of wanting to benefit others. He is like a father fatherly figure

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in society, not just when he is in the classroom,

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and so on, so forth. And so, the point is that your work environment affects your personality for the rest of your life.

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We move on, after that.

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Again, we are talking about

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the youthful years of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So, he was a shepherd, and this was the job that he would do

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as a young man and as an adult.

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Now, an important point to talk about here

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is the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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living surrounded by the life of Joe Helia

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How did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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to live

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in such a society?

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They had all kinds of, you know, evil characteristics that we have spoken about previously

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when we looked at the leaf of Jay Lea,

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and so how is it that a normal individual like this

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lived his life, especially now that he is an adult? Now that he is a young man

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he's going to face

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the challenges and the and the fitten that are associated with being a youth.

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He's gonna have temptations

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So on and so forth. So how did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam manage to live in that society?

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Allah subhanahu wa ala

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protected the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, from day one.

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He protected him from every evil. And so he does not become a prophet until the age of 40.

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But from his birth all the way until the age of 40, Allah subhanho wa Taala was protecting him.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala was protecting him from everything around him. And so, we have so many examples of this, especially

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in these years of the prophets life.

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And so, let us look at some of these examples.

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Let us look at some of these examples. The Prophet, Allah subhanho wa Taala protected the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, from all evils from the elements of the life of God. And so he never worshipped an idol.

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And we mentioned that idol worship was rampid.

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Almost everyone was involved in the worship of idols.

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He never

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drank alcohol, although alcohol was drunk by almost everyone.

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He never committed Zina, even though it was rampant in that society.

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And so, let us look at some examples

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of how Allah subhanahu Attallah protected the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from that life of Jackie Leah.

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The first example was

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when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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was a shepherd. And

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he was out raising his flock.

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He had learned that the young men of Mecca, they would

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get together

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in the nights to party

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where they would drink alcohol and be involved in all kinds of evil. So,

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you know, he thought, this is what they do in their free time.

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Out of curiosity, he wanted to go check it out himself.

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he told his friend, his his shepherd friend, to look after his flock of sheep while he goes into town, to you know, join this party.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us about this incident and so he says that when he

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when he entered Mecca,

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as soon as

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as soon as he heard the music from faraway

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Allah subhanho wa Taala struck his ears and made him fall unconscious, he went to sleep.

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He says, By the time I woke up, the party was over.

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And so, the next day, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi, wa salam decides to attend another party.

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So he made the same arrangement with his friend to look after his flock of sheep, and then he went into Mecca.

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And the exact same thing happens again.

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And so,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says,

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I then realized

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that this is a sign for me from Allah,

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that I need to stay away. And so he never tried it again.

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So this is the first example of how Allah protected him from the vices

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of that society.

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Another example is

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how ALLAH SubhanA who would have protected him from idol worship.

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And so

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in Makkah, there were two idols known as the South and now

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these are two idols.

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There are stories regarding how they came about. One story is that these two idols were actually two individuals. One his name was he south and the other, her name was not ILA

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and it is mentioned that basically, they fell in love and they committed Zina inside of the cab.

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So, Allah subhanahu Attallah. To punish them. He basically mutilated their bodies and preserved their

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bodies as as is and that's how they became statues

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to be a reminder for the people

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so anyways, whatever the story is there were two idols one was east half the other was not yet and these two idols were eventually moved to Safa and Marwa. So the most raccoon, they would touch these two idols when when idol worship became rampant and widespread,

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they started worshipping these idols. So

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they will touch these idols as they would run between Safa and Marwa.

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So once the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam was with his servants, and his adopted son, Zaid inheritor

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and he strictly gave him orders not to go near these two idols. And he said, Don't touch them.

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So they he narrates a story, he says,

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there were these two idols and emotionally cool they will touch them as they would run between Safa and Marwa. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told me Do not touch him, do not touch them. So as we went around again, so the first time I didn't touch,

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but the second time as I came back, I said,

00:31:21 --> 00:31:33

What's the big deal? Let me see what happens if I touch and so he weren't any touched. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam reprimanded him and he said, Didn't I give you orders not to touch them?

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And so they he says, After that, he says, that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after that he never saluted to an idol. He never touched an idol, right up to the time until Allah honored him and made him

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a prophet animism.

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So the question here is, how did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam know

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to stay away from shirk?

00:32:04 --> 00:32:10

Obviously, it's not something he knew on his on his own, that this is something I need to stay away from.

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Because the message of Allah, you know, it vanished from the earth.

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There wasn't any revelation from Allah since re Sallys Allah

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and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not in touch with any any of them, anyone from Al Kitab.

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So how did he know? Basically it was Allah subhanho wa taala, who was protecting?

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Allah was inspiring him, guiding him. This is what we refer to as Ill ham.

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It's not Revelation. Revelation is the way

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the words of Allah that Gibreel comes down with. But Ill ham is

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a natural instinct. Where, you know, Allah guides you in a way that you don't know.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was being inspired in this way.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never touched an idol, never made suju to an idol. He had this natural dislike for idols, and idol worship. And not only did he keep it to himself, but as we see in this example, he made sure that those who were close to him would also stay away from from idol worship.

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And this was a case of this was the case with Zaid inheritor, as well as it had been taught him who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would he would grow up with him in the same household.

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Also, the prophets and Allahu alayhi wa sallam never ate from food that was slaughtered for idols.

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So not only did he stay away from worshipping idols, but

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animals that were slaughtered for idols, he would stay away from eating those,

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those animals

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and so there was an individual by the name of Zaid ibn AMR Ibnu faith.

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And he was one of the few people upon toe heat in Arabia. And we're going to mention him later on. When we talk about

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these individuals who existed before the prophet hood King. How there were some individuals who used to worship Allah alone and they were not involved in art worship. And he was one of them. His name was Zaid ibn Muhammad ibn Fei.

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And by the way, his son later on, who was his son

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know that his father is even hungry.

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But he has a son, who later on becomes one of the greatest companions.

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So he'd been Zaid, who was one of the 10 who were promised with Jana. So he didn't say. So anyways, one day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam met

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Zaid ibn hammer Bill Newfane. They did not have a direct relationship.

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They were not friends. But he happened to meet him one day in the outskirts of Mecca.

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And a meal was presented to both of them

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which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam refused to eat. And also

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and also they did and

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both of them together refuse to eat this, this food why because this animal was slaughtered for the idols.

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And Zaid, he used to say,

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a goat is the creation of Allah, Allah sent for water from the sky and made vegetation to grow for it, and then you slaughter it with other than the name of Allah.

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So, here is an example again, of how Allah subhanahu wa Tada was protecting the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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One final,

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or we'll mention two more examples of how Allah protected the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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One example is

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the monastic of Hajj,

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in the rituals of Hajj.

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And so during Hajj

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everyone who would come the various Arab tribes from all over Arabia, they would perform the various rituals. The wife sorry, going to Mina going to miss Delica.

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But they will also go to our offer. On the day of our of now, our offer

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was outside of the borders of the Haram

00:37:19 --> 00:37:20

the Sacred land.

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And so because of this Quraysh would not go with the rest of the pilgrims to Arafat.

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And so, the reason for this, they would say that,

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you know, we are the residents of Mecca.

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If we leave, and we go, it will build it all the value and the respect for Adhara. So we stay here.

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However, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he broke this tradition of kurush.

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And so, this was considered like a Buddha. Because the teachings

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of Hajj, where are they coming from? They're coming from Ibrahim and he's married.

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Quraysh are their descendants.

00:38:21 --> 00:38:33

And they've deviated we've introduced idol worship, and they've introduced this is an example of a Buddha and innovation that they introduced. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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would stand in Arafa.

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And so one of the enemies of Islam

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Jubail been more time.

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He later on embraces Islam.

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But throughout the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was one of his staunch enemies. He was also one of those who plotted to kill him. But he eventually embraces Islam. Lila Joby ribbon more time says, during the days of Jamelia before Islam, I lost a camel of mine.

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So I went in search of it on the Day of Arafah.

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And so I saw Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam standing there in our office.

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And so I said to myself, I swear he's from courage,

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who don't stand here. So what on earth is he doing here?

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So this is another example of how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was being inspired by Allah to do the right thing.

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Finally, one last example that we'll mention.

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And we'll mention we'll mention this story in more detail next week. But basically, it's an example of how Allah protected the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and this was during the rebuilding of the cab.

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And so when they were rebuilding the cabin, this was before he became a prophet.

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We'll talk about the story next week, but basically when they were rebuilding it, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was with his Uncle Al ibis

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and ibis and the process, and I went to pick up a heavy rock.

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So I best said to him, raise your ease are, you know your lower garment, raise it, so that it's easier for you to pick it up.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did that.

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And as a result, his I would have became exposed. So he fell unconscious.

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Allah made him to fall unconscious. Allah did not want his shoulder to be exposed.

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So he fell unconscious. He says when he went when I when I got up,

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I started crying my ears, Automaten Zod

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and then after that, he he he, he took his his arm and he tightened it.

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So after that incident, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never exposed his outer nor did he allow that to happen. So again, we can see all of these are examples of how Allah subhanho wa Taala protected the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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before he became a prophet and a messenger

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in that environment, and that society that was, you know, deep in Jackie Lee

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finally, will mention one last

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important event

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during the

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the adulthood of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam.

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And this is basically what is known as health and football

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or the alliance of football or the Pact of a football.

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Or we can say the agreement that was made.

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So, the story is that

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there was a Yemeni merchant

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from Zambia and from Yemen,

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who came to Mecca.

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he came to Mecca to, to do some business. So he brought some goods.

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And he happened to sell his goods to one of the notables

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by the name of Allah, how's it been? Why?

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By the name of Allah, how's it been? Why?

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allows you been while he said, I'll pay you later.

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He took possession of the goods.

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And he left.

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And so this man from Yemen, he came and he said, you know, where's my money.

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And he kept on coming back to him. Because he realized now that this man does not want to pay me.

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And that's exactly what happened, allows him in what he knew very well, that this merchant, he's a foreigner. He's an outsider.

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He has no family. He has no relatives, he has no friends here in Mecca, who could

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support him who he could count on for help.

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So he took advantage of that. And he expected that you know what?

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This poor man, he's, you know, he's just gonna leave eventually.

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You know, eventually he's gonna give up and he's gonna leave.

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But the merchant he didn't allow that to happen.

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And so, instead of allowing it to pass and giving up,

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he appealed to Quraysh, to see that justice was done.

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And so, he went to the kava, and he started calling out to the leaders of kurush

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saying, I have been oppressed in your sacred land.

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Are you going to stand with me and give me my rights? Will you allow injustice to happen in your land that you boast that this is the Haram the Sacred land?

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And so

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when the notables are Mecca puree

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When they came together, and they heard this, they decided to take action.

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And so

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right away, a meeting was hosted,

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where the leaders of courage came.

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And they decided to host this meeting

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in the house of an individual known as Abdullah bin Jedi,

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who is this man, he was basically a generous

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individual who used to care for others. And he used to stand up for the rights of others. So it was looked at as being symbolic that let us hold the meeting at his house to honor him.

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So at the meeting, the various chiefs and members of Qureshi they pledged

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they pledged

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two things, one, to respect the principles of justice, to uphold justice, and to to collectively intervene in conflict to establish justice,

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that whenever there is a conflict, we are going to intervene, to establish justice.

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And so among the families from Metka that participated in this alliance, and in this pact, was the family of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So his uncle's, were present at that meeting.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, My uncle's took me to attend a meeting. He said this, much later, when he was a prophet. He said, My uncle's took me to a meeting, at this meeting, I witnessed an alliance that was made, that I would never exchange, I would never exchange this opportunity to be in that meeting, for the best of the red camels, it was something that he valued, being present at that meeting. And he says, and if it was made in Islam, meaning if this pact was made, after he became a prophet and the messenger, he says, I would have responded to it positively.

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I would have attended it,

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even if it is with the mosquito.

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And so there are so many lessons that we can learn from this incident and this important event in the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The first lesson that we learned

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is that Muslims should side with what is right

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no matter what the source is.

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And so Muslims should stand up for human rights for the oppressed, for the needy, no matter what their religious background may be.

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And so this is because justice is a universal moral value. It's not something that Islam only came to promote. But rather it is something that Allah place

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it is something that Allah placed for everyone

00:48:27 --> 00:48:28

and for everything.

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And so, Islam reaffirmed many such moral values from the people of Dracula

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where there are certain moral values that they had

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that Islam came later on to

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you know, reaffirm

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even though we know, we know

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that Islam came

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to bring them out of the darkness of Jamelia. But there were certain things that they had, that were good. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned it here. And so he said, that if this pact was to take place in Islam, I would have I would have responded to it positively.

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The second lesson that we learned is

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that just because a society may stand up for justice,

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and other universal moral values, like this society that we live in,

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it does not mean that we have to agree with everything else that such societies stand up for. And unfortunately, many Muslims today have fallen into this trap,

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where they say look at the good that they have.

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Look at all of these good moral values that they promote.

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And they start to hold the kuffar in high regard.

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And they start to look down on themselves. And so they go, they take it to an extreme. So we said, Yes,

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we accept

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whatever good moral values that others may have. And we should uphold them. Rather, we shouldn't be the first ones to promote them. But it does not mean

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it does not mean that we then accept everything that they have. And we start to hold them in high regard.

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And so, while we agree and stand with them on matters, such as Upholding justice,

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we need to be clear that Islam opposes what they what their society stands upon.

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Just like the Society of Janelia

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did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam say, No, we shouldn't speak. We shouldn't speak bad about their society.

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No, after affirming that, yes, we will uphold the principle of justice. And if this pact was to be made in Islam, I would have

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I would have participated in after seeing that.

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Did he say that we have to accept everything? No. Rather, he spoke his entire life was speaking against

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the evils of

00:51:29 --> 00:51:30

the Society of Jehovah.

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Finally, among the lessons that we learn from healthful football, the Pact of football, is that a Muslim should always be a person of high moral character, no matter what society they are in. And so, we should stand

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up for justice, and we should not stand on the sidelines, but rather we should proactively show that we have high moral values. So that we can be seen,

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we can be seen as such in society, we can be seen that these Muslims are people who,

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who are of a high moral standard.

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Right? And so this is a form of Dawa. This is a form of Dawa, I mean, look at how many people have accepted Islam just by looking at the manners and the behavior of Muslims. And so this is one example.

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Now, we'll conclude with

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an incident that took place

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much later.

00:52:44 --> 00:52:51

After the death of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. This incident was related to healthful food.

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And so many decades later, much after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We're talking about even after the four hula fat

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in the era of Benihana, yet.

00:53:09 --> 00:53:11

There was an incident that took place between

00:53:13 --> 00:53:17

the grandson of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Hussein Ibn Ali

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00:53:21 --> 00:53:24

Al Walid Ibn not even a B Sofia.

00:53:27 --> 00:53:32

So he was the governor of Medina. He was the governor of Medina.

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So being the governor, he took advantage of his position. And so He seized some of the property of Al Hussein Ibn Ali Ravi, Allahu Allah.

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So Allah Hussain went to Al Walid.

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And he told him, you either return to me my property

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or I'm going to walk to the masjid and invite the people to helpful for rule.

00:54:02 --> 00:54:06

I'm going to invite the people to the Pact of football.

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00:54:10 --> 00:54:31

Abdullah, it means where are the long run? He was with a leader at that time. And when he saw what was happening, he said, I to swear by Allah, that if he does invoke it, I will draw my sword. And I will stand there with him until he gets justice, or we all died together.

00:54:33 --> 00:54:46

And so others start to hearing about it and more people were about to join. And so al Waleed, he realized the potential danger. And so he returned to Al Hussein, what belonged to him.

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And so what this shows us is that Muslims should never allow oppression

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and anything wrong to happen,

00:54:56 --> 00:54:59

but rather we should stand up for the rights of the oppressed.

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Even though this alliance it was made before Islam.

00:55:06 --> 00:55:10

And so, especially when it comes to the rights of Muslims,

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whether they be locally or around the world, we should be standing up.

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We should be standing up and voicing

00:55:19 --> 00:55:22

our support for those, for those

00:55:23 --> 00:55:26

who injustice is being done to them

00:55:28 --> 00:55:38

even though, you know, it should be general for Muslims and non Muslims, but the sad reality is that we're not even standing up for the rights of our brothers and sisters

00:55:40 --> 00:55:52

in Eman and in Islam, who injustice is being done to them. Without we come to the end of our discussion regarding the youthful years of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam.

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We will continue next week in sha Allah.

00:55:57 --> 00:56:28

Moving on to the marriage of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and other important events in his adult years before he becomes a prophet of Allah at the age of 40 Insha Allah to Allah Subhana Allah who will be Hambrick a shadow EULA Hitler and still futile, kava to be late Salallahu salam ala Nabina Muhammad, while early also be marine was salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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