Kamil Ahmad – Juz By Juz – Juz #26

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the significance of Surahs and their significance for the Muslim community. The first Surah describes the importance of parents and their importance in establishing their status, while the second and third reflect on the punishment of the dis pesters and the importance of community bonds in society. The Surah has a series of ad fraud and moments of confusion, including the portrayal of the believers and the title of the Surah, and concludes with a promise of energy to fuel the next session.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. While early he also had the edge marrying a man that

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the 26 draws, or powder of the Quran commences with Surah cough.

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And this surah basically begins by ALLAH SubhanA wa taala, establishing the fact that he is the only true God, and the only one deserving of worship.

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And that is by mentioning that He is the Creator of everything, and asking, do these false gods that they worship and associate

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as partners with a lot? What have they created? What have these false gods created?

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala moves on to talk it out.

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Once again, refuting the disbelievers and their false accusations against the truth of the Quran, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then Allah subhanho wa Taala brings our attention to the importance of the status of our parents, commanding us to obey our parents, and, you know, deal with them respect respectfully, at a lot of details, how our mothers especially, you know, they bore us in their, you know, through throughout their pregnancy. And then not only that, but after that, you know, feeding us and so on and so forth. And then Allah mentions how a believer, you know, deals with his parents, thanking Allah subhana wa Tada for his parents, and praying for his parents. And

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the opposite of that, how the disbeliever reacts concerning his parents.

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And then Allah subhana wa Tada mentions other things in the Surah. And then towards the after that ALLAH SubhanA, who without mentions,

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the story of the hat, and how they were annihilated how they were destroyed. And one of the lessons that we learned from here from the story is sometimes a blessing. Or sometimes the punishment of Allah comes in the, in the guise of a blessing. And so the people have, have who'd had a sudden had,

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they saw, you know, clouds gathering and coming their way. And you know, they said, This must be rain. And, you know, this isn't something good for us winds were coming. But yet, in those winds, and in those clouds, was the punishment of Allah subhanho wa taala. They were destroyed with

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with those wings.

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After that, at the end of the Surah, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned the jinn and how they heard the message of the Quran and right away they, they accepted its message.

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After that we move on to Surah to Mohammed and Torah to Mohammed also referred to as Surah T Tal,

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the surah of fighting.

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Basically, it was revealed in Medina, and he mentioned about fighting jihad in the path of Allah subhanho wa taala. And the virtue of that and refuting the hypocrites

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and refuting the hypocrites and the disbelievers. And so it starts by talking about the disbelievers in Alladhina cover. A lot talks about the disbelievers and how they, you know, try to ward people away from Islam. And that was Helena Huhtala

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mentioned to us

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the agenda and how the believers they will, you know, enjoy the blessings of Jana and the rivers of Jana and how the rivers are of different kinds. And then Allah talks about the punishment of the disbelievers to kuffaar in the hellfire and what they will receive.

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And then, as I mentioned, there is discussion of the hypocrites

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in the in the rest of the surah in the rest of Seurat

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after that, we move on to Surah to effect which was also revealed in the medina stage of the Tao of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Surah 230 is a very very significant Surah

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it be

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basically talks about the Treaty of who they be. Yeah.

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Basically the pledge that the prophets also took with the companions, and it mentions the virtue of the companions who gave their pledge to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this was at a very, very difficult time, at a time when they were going to Mecca and hoping to perform their own role, but they were stopped, they were stopped by the kuffaar. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam basically signed an agreement with with the moose record. So it basically that that was very heavy on the companions.

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But Allah subhanho wa Taala referred to this as a victory. He referred to it as a huge breakthrough for the believers. And so it should not be looked at as something

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as something negative, but rather, there was a huge victory in that. And that is what the surah basically talks about. And at the very end of the Surah, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions the description of the believers, how they are merciful, by those who are with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they are severe against the disbelievers, but merciful with the believers. After that we have Seward and hood rot SUTA tortured rot is also a very, very significant surah. It is also known as the surah that mentions the most important luck and manners that that the Muslim society is supposed to have. And so it talks about,

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you know, different kinds of adab and o'clock that the believers are supposed to have with one another.

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And this basically

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builds that community and that bond that is supposed to be there, the bond of Eman that is supposed to be there between the believers and that's why Allah refers

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in the Surah, to the fact that the believers are brothers, establishing that brotherhood between the believers

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there are many, many adults that are mentioned also there is in the Surah mentioned of the fact that Allah created us in nations and tribes. But none of that is important. The most important thing is Taqwa. And so it is a Taqwa of Allah subhanho wa taala. That makes people superior in the sight of Allah, not our ethnic backgrounds, where our blood or our race, after that we have Surah cough, and tulip cough

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is a very, very scary Surah that highlights

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the highlights death, and what happens after death, and what will happen on the day of judgment.

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And how, you know, each and every single one of us has two angels, who are recording every single thing that will say, Allah subhana wa distorts the surah

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by mentioning,

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you know some of his signs in his creation, and

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also establishing that there is life after death.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala mentions,

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you know,

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that each and every single one of us, Allah knows about us more than we know about our own selves, and that we have two angels recording everything that we say, and that you know, that at the time of death,

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there is pain, and you know, the Angel of Death comes to take away our souls. And it is at that it is at that time, that we wake up from our heedless state, you know, through all this light throughout this life, we are heedless, you know, forgetting about that inevitable reality, forgetting about death and what comes after death. But at that point, our heedlessness

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you know will go away and our site will become sharp. And we will see, you know, the reality of death and what comes after death at that point, and Allah mentions about the hellfire.

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And, you know,

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the conversation that Allah will have with the hellfire and how the believers will enter Jannah and the greatest of their pleasures will be to be

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to be looking at Allah subhanho wa taala. Then the surah concludes by Allah mentioning once again about the hereafter

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talking about the blowing of the trumpet, and how the people will be gathered and how they will come out of the ribs. Then after that, at the very end of this Druze we have half of solidarity

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Get SUTA to that yet talks about the Quran being the truth from Allah and also the day of resurrection that it will happen without a doubt. And it talks about the story of Ibrahim alayhi salam, and how when the angels came to him, he basically honored them and slaughtered for them and you know this is where the juice ends and then we will continue

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the rest of the surah in the next session, be it in light. Until then Subhanak along will be 100 assured we're

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still fuel to one or two

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