Kamil Ahmad – Allahs Most Beautiful Names 30 – Al-Hamid, Al-Shakir & Al-Shakur

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The names of Islam are discussed, including those related to his success and accomplishments. The importance of praise and gratitude is emphasized, along with the difference between being praised for actions and being the judge of actions. The speakers also discuss the concept of evil and suffering, which is recognized in various media and is responsible for causing suffering and evil. The importance of affirming perfection and negating everything is emphasized, along with the importance of affirming perfection and negating everything.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala terminal A Camilla Ania allah how you recall Aquila. He urged Marine. While early he was so happy he woman their behavior was tending to be Suniti he Ilario Medina

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We continue our series on

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The Most Beautiful Names of Allah al Asma UL Husna after taking a break of several weeks

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and so, we have been going through several of Allah's names. In fact, we have covered most of the names of Allah that we find in the Quran and the Sunnah. We have covered the majority of the names that are found in the Quran and the Sunnah. And in sha Allah hooter, Allah, over the coming weeks will be winding down,

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taking whatever remains of

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the Most Beautiful Names of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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In our last class, we covered

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3d Names of Allah subhanho wa taala, relating to his perfection

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and those were, those three names were a produce a Cebu, and a Salaam.

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And so today we continue on to another three names of Allah that are related to

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his praiseworthy nature

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which is similar to him being perfect.

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But now, these names are a result of his perfection.

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And so these three names are al Hamid,

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a Shakira

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and a shackle,

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Al Hamid,

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a Shakira

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and a shackle.

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As for Al Hamid,

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this name

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is a very common name of Allah. And it has been mentioned 17 times in the Quran.

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And 10 of those times it has been mentioned along with an attorney.

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And this is a name that we still have not come across and we're going to come across it in sha Allah hota Allah in the near future.

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And so for example, Allah subhanahu Attalla says,

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in Surah Ibrahim, verse eight, work on moves in tuck Furu and to woman Phil, Jamie, I'm in Allah, lasagna Yun Hamid. So in Allahu Allah Yun Hamid Musa alayhis salam said,

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all of you

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and everyone on Earth were to

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were to be ungrateful to Allah, then know that Allah is

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the honey self sufficient and he has Hamid

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the all praise the one that all praise worthy one, the praise worthy one.

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This name has also been mentioned with Majeed.

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And so, Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Tood

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verse 73.

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In who Hamid don't Majeed

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in who? hammy don't Majeed and Majeed is a name that we covered previously.

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It means the one who is all glorious and Majid So here Allah says that he is the praiseworthy and all glorious

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and hamidou Majeed also comes together in the

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in the Salah.

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In the salah that we send upon

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after the hayyat which is known as the rude

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alarm was Sunday Allah Muhammad Allah and Muhammad until the end of it in who

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in the academy don't magic in Mecca hamidou magic.

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So, these are the various these are some examples of where Allah has mentioned his name, Hamid. Now, besides

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Allah mentioning his name, Hamid explicitly that name, we've mentioned that that name has been mentioned 17 times in Accra, however,

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the noun form has been mentioned numerous times in Accra. So, as a name, it has been mentioned 17 times as a noun.

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It has been mentioned approximately 40 times and

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what is the noun of Al Hamid unhemmed unhemmed.

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So, Allah mentions throughout the Quran that To Him belongs unhemmed

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In fact, the very beginning of the Quran it starts with Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen to Allah belongs

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all prayers

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as for the two other names that we have a Shakira and usher called

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a Shakir has been mentioned twice in the Quran.

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And so in Surah Baqarah verse 158, Allah subhanahu Attallah says, Woman totowa how you run for in Allah has Shakira Ali,

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woman totowa how you run for in Allah Hi Shakira Ali, whoever does good, willingly, voluntarily, he does good, meaning good deeds.

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Then Allah is truly Shah care, meaning he is truly appreciative

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and Aleem the all knowing.

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And the other place where shacket has mentioned

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is in surah Nisa,

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verse 147. And it has also been mentioned with Aileen

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so Allah subhanho wa Taala says, nya Allah Allah who the either we call in Shakira tomo mentor

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what can Allah Who Sharky Rania Halima?

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Why should Allah punish you if you are grateful? And if you believe

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why should Allah punish you? If you are grateful and you believe?

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What can Allahu Shakeela nya Lima and Allah is Ever appreciative

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and all knowing

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as for Shaku

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this name has been mentioned four times in the Quran.

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And out of the four times,

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three times it has been mentioned along with the four

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and the ones it has been mentioned with Haleem.

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And so Allah subhanahu Allah says, in Surah Felter

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verse 40, or verse 30. So it felt that verse 30, Liwa, Thea, whom Oduro, whom ye as either whom infallibly in or who are foreign, shackled, so that He rewards them in full and increases them out of His Bounty, his grace.

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He is truly shackled, or he is referred to or forgiving, and shackled in Hoover foreign shackled,

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and shackled means the same thing as shatter the one who is most appreciative.

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Also Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Assura verse 23,

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when the actor is has an attending Mozilla houfy Hafner in the law house of foreign Shaco and whoever earned a good deed,

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we will increase it in goodness for him. Surely Allah is a full of forgiving and Shaku the most appreciative.

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So what do these names of Allah, what do they mean?

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As for Al Hamid

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As we mentioned, it comes from the word unhemmed

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which means praise.

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And so al Hamid is the one who is praised, and the one who is praiseworthy

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though one who is praised by others, and the one who is worthy of all praise,

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and Allah subhanahu Attallah being the praiseworthy one, the one who deserves unhemmed

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The scholars mentioned it is for two reasons.

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He deserves praise for two reasons.

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The first is because of who he is

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simply because of who he is.

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And so, when we look at all have Allah's names and attributes, what we find is that they are all praiseworthy names and attributes,

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in every respect,

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without there being any

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dispraise in any of his names and attributes. In fact, they reached the highest level of praise worthiness.

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And so, that is because of who Allah is.

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That he is praiseworthy, because of who he is.

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And we learned that through His names and attributes.

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The second reason is

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because of the good that he does for His creation.

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So he deserves praise.

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Not only because of who he is, but because of what he does,

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because of the good and the bounties and the blessings

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that He sends down upon his creation.

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And so, all blessings come from Allah subhanho wa taala. No matter how great no matter how small they are,

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and what do you do when someone

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when someone

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does you a favor?

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You thank them and you praise them.

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And so

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a person who is generous, he's always giving, he's always helping people.

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People praise him because of his generosity.

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And so people praise him, even if they are not

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on the receiving end of his generosity. That person is praised. He is called someone generous he is, you know, people praise Him.

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So how about Allah subhanahu wa taharah?

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How about Allah subhanho wa Taala

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who every blessing and bounty the source of it is from him subhanho wa Taala

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and this is why we find in the Quran.

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Allah mentions

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him being worthy of praise.

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without any reason mentioned, such as Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen.

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All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord

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of El Amin, the world's

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well the whole hamdulillah Allah will ask you, To Him belongs praise

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in the beginning and the end. So these are general statements of praise. And then we find in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioning

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him being worthy of praise for certain things that he does and they are generally bound to his blessings. So for example, Allah subhanho wa Taala says about the people of Ghana,

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when they enter Jannah What will they say?

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And salt will arrive. Work all hamdulillah

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Ellery Hidin Ali Haider when Hakuna Lena, Dr. Lola and Haida and Allah,

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they will say All praise belongs to Allah, the One who guided us to this and without him having guided us we would not have been guided to this.

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So here they are praising Allah for his guidance.

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In surah minimoon

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Allah mentions the story of new Holly has salon

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and at the end, Allah tells him, Allah tells new Holly has salam after he saves him

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for either the waiter and tell when a man

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Okay hi little full circle lil hamdulillah Hill v net Jana middle corner volley me. Allah tells Nora Haile Salam. Once you have settled and your Ark your ship has settled down at its resting place

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and the storm and the flood is over. And you know the disbelievers have been destroyed.

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Say, Allah tells no honey Salam say Alhamdulillah say All praise belongs to Allah. Allah Dena Jana Meenal colony volley mean, the one who saved us from these wrongdoing people from these oppressors. So here

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he is praising Allah for having saved him.

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And Ibrahim alayhis salam in Surat Ibrahim Ibrahim Ali Salam says Al Hamdulillah Hilary Wahab Ali Island ki Berry is Marilla is Huck

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Ibrahim Ali Salam says Alhamdulillah All praise belongs to Allah, for having gifted me in my old age is my eel and is help.

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So, here he is, thanking Allah praising Allah, for having gifted him with these children at his old age. So, to Allah belongs all praise because of what he does for us, because of His bounties and his blessings.

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So, this is an Hamid as for a Shakira and usher code

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it comes from the word Shaka

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which means gratitude.

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And so, it means these two names mean the one who is most thankful,

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who is most appreciative for the good that we do.

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And so, he is gratefully giving large rewards

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even for a small amount of good work a small you know, small good deeds.

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And so,

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all of the verses that mentioned,

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shouted and shackled.

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So, in total, they are six verses

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a shortcode has been mentioned four times and Asharq, it has been mentioned twice.

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If we

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reflect over these verses, we find that they are all mentioned in the context of the good

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that we do,

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the good deeds that we do,

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indicating that Allah appreciates the good that we do, and he reward he rewards us abundantly for the good that we do.

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Not allowing a single good deed, to go to waste, no matter how small it may be.

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He records it

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and then he rewards us for it.

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Not only does he reward us,

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but He multiplies the reward.

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That's how appreciative he is.

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He multiplies the rewards for us more than what we deserve.

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And so good deeds as we all know are multiplied by 10.

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Each good deed that you do, the reward that you will receive from Allah will be tenfold

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that's the minimum

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and the maximum has no limit.

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But one example that we have in the Quran is 700 times and that is for sadaqa.

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That is for a sadaqa.

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But the point here is that Allah subhanahu Attallah being a Shakira and usher cool means that he is grateful and appreciative of what we do of good deeds, and then he rewards us abundantly for that.

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However, here it is important to note

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the difference between us being described with gratefulness as human beings.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala being described

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with gratefulness is that we

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Human beings are only grateful to those who do good to us.

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You thank someone for the good that he does to you

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either with words by saying thank you, or with dua,

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desert Kawahara, etcetera.

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Or by giving him a gift,

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rewarding him for the good that he did to you.

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As for Allah

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when we say Allah is thankful to us, he is grateful to us.

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The good that we do is not a favor that we are giving to Allah.

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We're not doing Allah a favor.

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That's not why he's thanking us.

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when we do good, it is a favor that we are doing to our own selves.

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Whatever good we do, it's a favor that we are doing for our own selves.

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We are the ones who benefit from it.

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On the other hand, when someone does good, and you thank him, it's because you benefited from something that he did for you.

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Allah does not benefit from anything that we do for him.

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We do it for his sake, but he doesn't benefit at all from it.

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And so he is honey to self sufficient, he doesn't need anything from us.

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As such, Allah subhanahu Attallah thanks us for the good that we do for our own selves. Whereas we human beings only thank those who do good for us. So look at the huge difference between between the two kinds of gratitude.

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On the one hand, Allah thanks us for the good that we do for our own cells. On the other hand, we human beings, we only thank those who do good for us.

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You don't think anyone else you sound to those who do good for you.

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And so these are the two names a Shakir and a chakra.

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Now what are the lessons that we learned from these names of Allah, Al Hamid,

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a Shakira and Shaku.

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First of all,

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we learned that Allah subhanahu Attallah alone deserves full, unrestricted, unrestricted Hemd.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala deserves and is worthy of

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full, unrestricted praise.

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As for others,

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no matter how praiseworthy, they may be.

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They do not deserve full, unrestricted praise, because in the end of the day, they are human beings who have shortcomings.

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And they have some unfreeze worthy attributes.

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And so, even the most praise worthy of human beings,

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who is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam In fact,

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his name means exactly that. It comes from unhemmed Muhammad, the one who is praised. The one who deserves praise, even he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam does not deserve

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the praise that Allah deserves.

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That's why you don't find anywhere.

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Allah subhanahu Attallah telling us to praise him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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not once. What you find is Allah telling us to send Salah and salam upon him.

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And that's it.

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But nowhere does Allah tell us that we should praise Him. But rather throughout the Quran, Allah tells us that we should praise number Allah subhanahu wa taala.

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And so Allah is to be praised for everything.

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For who he is,

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for his names, his attributes,

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but not only that, but also for his decisions for his actions

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And so even if there may be something that we dislike

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from what Allah has decided

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from the color of Allah, and so everything that happens whether good or bad, it happens as a result of Allah decreeing it.

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It makes sense you praise Allah for the good that happens. How about the evil,

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suffering calamities, etc. Even for that we praise Allah subhanahu Attallah

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even for that we praise Allah, and this is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us that when something happens, that we may dislike,

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we should say Alhamdulillah he Allah Cooley high,

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praise belongs to Allah.

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In every state, whether good or bad,

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All praise belongs to Allah, at all times, in every situation.

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Why? Because to Allah, we can only attribute good

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we even even evil, we do not attribute it to Allah as a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and how you could loo be headache was sure realistically, like

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the all good is in your hands or Allah and evil is not attributed to you.

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Yes, Allah decrees evil, and that's the meaning of

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our iman in Kedah.

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hiree He was shattered

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when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that among the pillars of Eman, the sixth pillar of Eman is Qadr. He mentioned the good and the evil of it.

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Allah decrease it. But we don't attribute evil to Allah. How do we understand this? Basically.

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From our perspective,

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it's evil. But from Allah's perspective, it's good.

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Whatever Allah decrees,

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there's good in it.

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Whether we see it or not, whether we see Allah's wisdom in it or not.

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The good is there. And this is what we have to believe in.

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Part of our Eman is to believe

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that Allah deserves all printings.

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Even for that which we may dislike, that which we may see as being pure evil, there is no such thing as pure evil.

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There is no such thing as pure evil from all perspectives from all angles.

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And this is how we this is one of the ways in which we respond to what is known as the problem of evil.

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This concept that atheists like to bring up

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reject the existence of Allah. And so they say, if there exists an all merciful, all loving

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God, than why does He allow evil and suffering. So one of the ways in which we respond, is by saying

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that there's no such thing as pure evil and suffering from all perspectives. And a good example that we can give regarding this is

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if there was a child

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that gets injured,

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let's say

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he injured his leg.

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And the father who is all caring and loving, takes him to the doctor.

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And the doctor says,

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If you want your son to survive, we have to amputate his leg, we have to cut off his leg.

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From the perspective of the child,

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this is pure evil.

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This is nothing but evil. There cannot be any good in that because he doesn't understand the child is not at that level to understand that there is good in this for him.

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But from the perspective of the Father, he is loving he is caring and he's doing this for his own good.

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So there is a perspective and angle of good

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But the child does not see it. Likewise.

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The evil the suffering that we see in our world,

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Allah decrease it, Allah allows it to happen.

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But we do not attribute the evil aspect to Allah.

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We say when Allah decrease it and allows it to happen, he does so for

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for a good reason. And there's a wisdom in it, even though we may not see it, and we may never see it. So the point is that to Allah belongs all praise in every situation at all times.

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The second lesson that we learned from these names

00:30:43 --> 00:30:46

is that we praise Allah and we thank him

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not just for what he has done for us,

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but because of who he is. And because He is worthy of all praise, and thanks all hemmed, all Shaka.

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And we do this with our hearts,

00:31:08 --> 00:31:12

with our tongues, and with our actions.

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And so unhemmed is with our hearts and with our tongues. And this comes under the Dhikr of Allah. As for a shocker,

00:31:25 --> 00:31:26

it is with

00:31:28 --> 00:31:30

our heart, our tongue and our options.

00:31:32 --> 00:31:39

How do we show gratefulness to Allah, through our actions, by only using our body parts?

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In the obedience of Allah.

00:31:44 --> 00:31:46

Like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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when the companion saw

00:31:53 --> 00:31:56

that his feet were swollen

00:31:58 --> 00:31:59

and started to crack

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because of how long he would stand in Salah at night.

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so his response to them was and so they they asked him, that ya rasool Allah, why are you doing this to yourself when all of your sins have been forgiven?

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And so his response was, f Allah, a cool adventure, Cora, should I not be a grateful servant of Allah?

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And so this is how we show thanks to Allah. Gratitude a shocker we show it to Allah through our actions and through our Ibadah of Allah subhanahu wata.

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The third point

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what is the difference between unhemmed and Ashoka?

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And so, there is a difference between the two.

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So scholars they mentioned

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a shaker

00:33:04 --> 00:33:06

is more general

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in terms of how to perform a shaker, in terms of how to be grateful to Allah.

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So we mentioned that a shocker is

00:33:20 --> 00:33:24

with the heart, the tongue and our actions.

00:33:26 --> 00:33:29

Whereas unhemmed is specific only to

00:33:30 --> 00:33:46

the heart and the tongue. We don't say that we praise Allah with our actions. No, it is only with our heart that we praise Allah. And with our tongues we say Alhamdulillah we praise him with all kinds of praises.

00:33:48 --> 00:33:49

We are Shaka is more general.

00:33:51 --> 00:33:52


00:33:55 --> 00:34:00

Al Hamd. is more general than a shocker

00:34:02 --> 00:34:06

in terms of what we are grateful to Allah for.

00:34:07 --> 00:34:16

So unhemmed is for all of Allah's blessings, past and present and even future.

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To Allah belongs praise for everything. When we say Alhamdulillah

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it's general whether it be for blessings that Allah has blessed us with or he has blessed others with,

00:34:34 --> 00:34:36

whether it be

00:34:37 --> 00:34:41

because of blessings or because of Allah is as we mentioned earlier,

00:34:43 --> 00:34:56

to Allah belongs al hunt because of who he is, irrespective of whether he blesses us with blessings we're not. So unhemmed is more general. Whereas a Shaka is specific for

00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

things that Allah has done for us

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Do you thank Allah

00:35:03 --> 00:35:19

you thank Allah for his blessings. Allah has done me this favor and that favor and blessed me with this and that and that's why I am grateful to Allah I am I am thankful to Allah subhana wa Tada. And so that's the difference between unhemmed and Ashoka.

00:35:21 --> 00:35:22

The fourth lesson

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00:35:29 --> 00:35:32

that because of the importance of unhemmed

00:35:34 --> 00:35:38

Allah subhanahu Attallah has made it as a form of vicar

00:35:42 --> 00:35:43

and so we say Alhamdulillah.

00:35:46 --> 00:35:49

And so, because of the importance of praising Allah,

00:35:50 --> 00:35:53

He has taught us to say on so many different occasions

00:35:55 --> 00:35:58

whether in our apps are very bad,

00:35:59 --> 00:36:01

or outside of our apps are very bad.

00:36:03 --> 00:36:06

And so, we are taught in our Salah

00:36:08 --> 00:36:11

to start with the fatty which starts with unhemmed

00:36:13 --> 00:36:13

and then

00:36:15 --> 00:36:23

when we get up from rakura Semi Allahu Lehmann Hamidah Allah here is the one who praises him.

00:36:26 --> 00:36:40

And then in the rest of the Salah, whenever unhemmed is mentioned, so, this is inside of the bad outside of a bad on various occasions, and so after So, while we say Alhamdulillah 33 times

00:36:41 --> 00:36:42


00:36:45 --> 00:36:50

on certain occasions, and so after eating, we say Alhamdulillah

00:36:51 --> 00:36:54

after sneezing, we say Alhamdulillah

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and all the other times in which this liqueur is mentioned

00:37:02 --> 00:37:05

by the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam in various ADKAR.

00:37:09 --> 00:37:13

Now what is the difference between Alhamdulillah and Subhan Allah

00:37:14 --> 00:37:33

and so, we mentioned previously in the last class, Allah's name as Cebu and from that we have Subhan Allah and so Subhan Allah means to declare Allah free of all deficiencies

00:37:39 --> 00:37:40

and so

00:37:43 --> 00:37:45

on Subhan Allah

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00:37:50 --> 00:38:09

your statement where you are saying that Allah is free of all negative attributes. So, you are negating all imperfection from Allah. When you say Subhan Allah, you are basically declaring that Allah is free of all imperfection.

00:38:10 --> 00:38:16

And when you say Alhamdulillah, you are affirming all perfection for Allah,

00:38:17 --> 00:38:20

you are praising Allah, for him being perfect.

00:38:22 --> 00:38:23

So that is a difference between the two.

00:38:25 --> 00:38:30

And so this is how to be and to meet, come together.

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In terms of our belief, concerning who Allah is, they have to go together. You cannot believe that Allah all all perfection is attributed to him.

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While not believing that you have to declare Allah free of imperfection, nor can you declare Allah as being free from imperfection without affirming perfection to him. And this is what we find in all of Allah's names and attributes. When you affirm a name or an attribute of Allah,

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it is a name or an attribute

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that contains perfection. At the same time, you are negating,

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an attribute of imperfection for example,

00:39:25 --> 00:39:28

when you say Allah is Al Haj

00:39:30 --> 00:39:31

the Ever Living

00:39:32 --> 00:39:39

you are affirming perfect life for Allah. At the same time, you are negating

00:39:40 --> 00:39:42

imperfection and that is death

00:39:44 --> 00:39:47

or sleep, etc. Likewise,

00:39:49 --> 00:39:55

when you say that Allah is not described with a volume with oppression

00:39:57 --> 00:39:59

this is a negative attribute

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When you say as Allah says, We're Hola, yo Lemo Rob Booker Harada your Lord does not do injustice to anyone. When you are declaring Allah free from a vowel,

00:40:17 --> 00:40:23

you are declaring him to be completely just injustice is an attribute of perfection.

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Finally, the last point that will mention the last lesson.

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Notice how we mentioned earlier that a shortcode is mentioned four times in the Quran.

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Out of the four times, three times it comes with a lot of food. So what's the wisdom in the

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in the hood of food on Chicago,

00:40:48 --> 00:40:55

in the White House or food on Chicago, in Urbana, la for Shaku.

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And so the wisdom in that is

00:41:01 --> 00:41:11

that Allah is forgiving of all sins, or food to all forgiving when he is forgiving of all sins, no matter how great they may be.

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And at the same time, he is shackled.

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He is appreciative of every good, no matter how small it may be.

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And so this is why it is not permissible for the believer,

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to disappear of Allah's mercy.

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And to say that my sins are too great for Allah, to forgive. I have so many things, they are so great. I did this and that.

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And I don't think that Allah will forgive. And so he falls into despair, losing hope, in Allah's mercy,

00:41:56 --> 00:41:58

because he thinks

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that there are sins, too great for Allah to forgive.

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And at the same time, it is not permissible for the believer

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to underestimate

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any good deed,

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to look at any good deed as being small and insignificant for Allah.

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Never underestimate a good deed, no matter how small it may be, and we have so many examples of this. In the song,

00:42:34 --> 00:42:35

such as

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the Hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned the prostitute who was forgiven for doing a small deed, which was what was it?

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She gave

00:42:52 --> 00:42:53

water to the cat.

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So do not look at any good deed as being too small

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or instant insignificant in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa taala. And so that's what we learned from Allah being as a food Shaku.

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He is forgiving of all sins, no matter how great they are. And he is appreciative of all good that we do. No matter how small it may be, and Allah knows best. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, to make us from those who praise Him and who thank Him and who are grateful servants of his subhanho wa Taala masala Allahu wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Hmeymim wa salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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