Al-Wabil Al-Sayyib by Ibn al-Qayyim

Kamil Ahmad


Channel: Kamil Ahmad

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The speaker discusses the concept of shaking Islam and how it can lead to regret and evil behavior. They use various examples to illustrate their point that everyone has a chance to turn back to Islam after a period of heed obtain and become evil. The focus is on the importance of turning back to Islam to avoid becoming a goddamn thing.

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I would like to welcome you all once again to this class in which we are going through the terasse the works and the legacy of shaken Islam even like him and Josie yeah Rahima hula who to IRA. So the last thing we mentioned last week was the book that we will be starting with and that is anywhere below So yep, are off here and Kevin, like yep. And I mentioned last week that there are translations that are available for this book. One is a transition that I have here called the invocation of God. So it will take him a whole long to and it starts in the name of Allah. He says Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. So even though I am here, he starts off by mentioning that the servant

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lives in this world between three different states. The first is blessings, good time, prosperous times, where your life is going smooth. Everything is okay in your life, right? This is the Indiana of Allah, these are blessings of Allah. What should you do with that you should be grateful to Allah for the second state is adversity tough times calamities that afflicted in such times what should you do? You should be patient you should persevere patient and 30 times in which we fall into sin and so when we fall into sin, what should we do? We should seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa taala. So it will claim he mentioned a beautiful point here he says with complete devotion with

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complete or a woodier comes complete Kifah it says LT farrier, term ma yo booty a term that with complete rudia comes complete sufficiency of Allah because Allah says here is Allah not sufficient for his servant, the true servant of Allah who is always a servant of Allah in all states, in all conditions, he is the one who Allah will be there for him, Allah is sufficient for him. This person doesn't need anyone else besides Allah. So with complete rudia comes complete sufficiency. And then he says, and with less comes less with lesser booty or comes at less sufficiency of Allah by Allah by heedlessness, and by a shower by lustful desires. And by an Allah dub anger the servants are

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tried and tested. These are the three things that we are tested by in this dunya and so even Okay, and he goes on to say it is by the same three doors that it believes that shaitan comes to us try as much as you like to protect yourself but you are bound to be heedless, and you are bound to follow your desires and you are bound to become angry. So shaitan comes to us through these three doors, the door of love law, when we become heedless of Allah and the door of a shower of lustful desires and the door of a lot of anger. So all of these things, Allah opens up the door for us after we commit a sin. You know, this is only for those servants of Allah who Allah wants good for. And so if

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you find yourself falling into sin, and you find yourself turning back to Allah repenting to Him, being regretful, having that remorse, having that feeling of humility before Allah breaking down before Allah, and then doing good deeds, all of this is a sign that Allah wants good for you. As you mentioned, he says, if their servant does all of that, and he keeps on doing this, his enemy IBLEES will say, I wish I had left him and did it make him to fall into what I made him to fall into, by wish I had left him without causing him to fall. So the main focus here, as you can see, in all of these examples, is not just coming to sail. But what we do after that journey back to Allah, that in

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other that journey back to Allah going back to Allah, that itself is a huge act of EDA, and Abraham talks about this throughout his works. The concept of Inaba turning back to Allah, how are you going to turn back to Allah if there was never a time in which you became heedless of Allah, it only makes sense that you turn back to Allah you go back to Allah after a period of heedlessness and being destroyed from ALLAH, if we were always attached to Allah, and we will be like the angels if we were always devoted to Allah, that kind of who would do