Kamal El-Mekki – Life of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal #02

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of actions and knowledge in shaping one's behavior. They use examples such as Mr. Mohammed bin Salman, Mr. Ahmed bin Salman, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth, Mr. Ahmed bin depth,
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica barakato Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Meanwhile, he was asked me here Jemaine, I'm bad. And welcome to part two of the life of Imam Muhammad in humble Rahim Allah.

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I don't know exactly how long the series will take. I think I have about maybe six hours of material I'm not sure, maybe less. But in case this Corona thing goes even much longer. I do have the full a biography among algo hanifa. That's about eight hours of material. I have you know, Michelle fairy and a heavy lamb Malik. So inshallah I

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hope it doesn't go on that long this thing, but if it does, we're ready with biographies.

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Now, before I just pick up where we left off last time, I wanted this to really get a feel of of home we're talking about. So let's look at some of the quotes of what some of the great great scholars some of them will know some names we will recognize some we won't have what they would say about Mr. Hamad bin Hamad Rahim Allah just so we have an idea of who it is that we're talking about.

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One by the name of Ibrahim al harbi. He said, I saw Abu Abdullah so Abdullah, who said that is Mr. Mohammed, so he always referred to him as Abdullah. He said I saw about Abdullah and it was as if Allah had gathered for him the knowledge of the earlier and the latter people together. So we're gonna look at these quotes of how people felt about him those who knew him those who met him. He said, it's as if Allah gathered the knowledge of the earlier generations and the later people all together into one mat. So it's not a joke that what we're talking about here

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in the hallway, the scholar is half have been recorded Rahim Allah He said, You remember a bit about Hawaii, the one that in Ahmed took him to Imam Shafi when he was near zum zum. That's the one he said that I know a lot I used to sit with Amitabh and humble sorry, he sit with me and humble and abunimah Dini, remember I lived in Medina used to travel with him, or often with mine. And we would revise ahaadeeth and I would say what is the filk of this hadith? What is the explanation? And they would be silent except for Ahmed Rahim Allah remember last time we said he didn't just memorize the authenticity authenticity of the Hadith, but he also meme like understood what are the rulings? What

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do you derive the benefits you derive from the ahaadeeth?

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Yeah, sorry, the Katara mala known, a great scholar and very well known, he said, No one has come to us the likes of these two 100 and you have no money, and no one has come to me from Baghdad and more beloved to me.

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Than Amma didn't Hamish, this is a great color on another Abdurahman, a bit muddy, he mentions the companions of Hadith, the appeal to scholars of Hadith and he said, the most knowledgeable, knowledgeable of them regarding the hadith of authority is Ahmed Mohammed and then Ahmed entered and it will muddy and admitted he said, whoever wishes to see the knowledge that was held between the shoulders of authority, then let him look at this map. What does it mean between the shoulders and the knowledge that was in the heart of 30? Let him Look at me didn't humble?

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It, Maddy said, I have not looked at Ahmed, except that he caused me to remember Sophia to remember Savannah 30. Now when you know who Savannah thodi was Rahim, Allah, what a top level scholar he was, then you understand the value of this hudy. He said, I've never looked at Ahmed, except that he reminded me of authority. That's a big deal.

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Kotoba beside he said the best of people of our time is Abdullah hidden and robotic. And then this young man, meaning admittedly humble. So Abdullah robotic again, that's another level if you learn if you hear his biography, read his biography is amazing. And he's saying the best of people of our time is Abdullah Mubarak. And then this young man so that means at that time, it wasn't even, like, you know, you know, a full grown scholar, 40 years old, he was just a young man said this young man, if you see a man who loves met, then know that he's a person of the sinner, and the people of the sun that love him, but and in the muqtada on his other folks, whenever you find someone having

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hatred towards him, you know that he's dead, there are there's something wrong with him. If he had reached the time of authority, now listen to what he's saying. If he had reached the time of authority, and if somebody reached the time of authority, or lived at the time of authority

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And ozeri and layth, he would have been the one having precedence amongst them. And he would have been the one more popular amongst them more knowledgeable amongst them. So it was said to katiba so someone asked him, you would mention Ahmed, along with the tabbing. Because when he mentioned the authority and ozeri, and those are from the tabbing, so they said you're going to mention with the tambourine, he said, with the greater tabbing, not just with the tambourine with the huge collars amongst the tambourine. And this is what happened in Hamburg, who's still a young man, as he referred to him here.

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Another bedroom of Formula he said, I heard a chef and he say,

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or let me come back to this one a bit later. But this let's look keep looking at these quotes. So we get an idea of the amount that we're talking about. I mean, even in Medina, he said, in my view, is more excellent than say the big bear in his time since the eight had equals Okay, just let's explain it because saving the debater was a heavy, heavy heavy hitter. And he was from the great scholars of a Tabby again, he said about saving debate. He said cotterell had just said he said at hedgehog news of a circus. He killed Saeed because he had been killed actually, very long, sad story. He said, what I love what he loved. I had in the home of Corona Elma. He said, and there was no one on earth

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except he was in need of the knowledge of state. So say it was a mahalo is a major, major scholar from amongst that type of thing. So what is happening in Medina, he's saying he's saying that say that the jubair had the equals in his time. But ammidon humble doesn't have equals in his time, that makes him a bigger deal than say, for his time. That's what he's saying.

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I didn't in Medina, he also said that Allah honored and this is a very, very important and very famous and much repeated quote, he said, Allah honored and strengthen this religion with a siddik meaning of workers to date, on the day over ryda The day of Apostasy aboubaker the law on who was in the beginning, alone in his position, to fight those who apostatized and left Islam he was alone in that position until almost switched over to his opinion, and everyone else started to be can. So he said, Allah saved Islam,

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with a worker on the day of a rhythm and with a hammer on the day of the trial and the test, meaning the creation of the Quran that we're going to come to inshallah.

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And what does that mean? What are the scholars keep repeating the statement? They're saying that there were many times when Muslims were in danger when, you know, the Hajj was stopped, the Kaaba was destroyed. There were many times when, you know the Mongols came and destroyed Baghdad and destroyed the knowledge. But they said on all these trials in human history, Islam itself wasn't under threat. The Muslims were under threat. You know, if they destroy the Kaaba Islam will be Islam, the five pillars won't change. But they said do too acidic. For the long run her Walker, the law and his stance had it not been for him standing firm we would have received today and Islam that

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had no Zakah in it, and had it not been for him but in his stance, we would have received an Islam where the Quran is a creation of a law and not the speech of Allah. We're going to explain more of that later on. But that really shows the position of the Imam for him a whole lot.

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Yeah, he blumarine Rahim Allah And then again, these names, you know, these are big names. You know this, this is a famous person in his own right. He said, I have not seen the likes of Ahmed. And then he also said they wanted that I should be like that people wanted me to be like Ahmed will la he I will never be like him.

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And another by the name of a booth or he said Ahmed is more knowledgeable in filk than authority. This is a big deal. He's more knowledgeable than Sophia and authority.

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Hajaj ignatia shower he said I have not seen anyone more excellent than Ahmed. I would love that I should have been killed fighting in a lost cause if it meant that I should miss having prayed the funeral prayer for me I need to the only thing that I would prefer over missing the janazah of Mr. Mohammed would be to die in the in jihad or die in a lost cause.

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He says will law he he reached a position as Imam greater than that of soufiane and Malik Mr. Malik. He said he reached a position greater than these two great scholars

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about him was asked who was the greatest memorizer I didn't in my DNA or I'm so humbled. So he said they were close to each other in memorization and Ahmed had better comprehension. If you see someone loving Ahmed the know that he is a person of the Sunnah.

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About Amir, and has a romley. He says he mentioned Ahmed, and he said, may Allah have mercy upon him. None had more patience than him in resisting this world. None more closely resemble those of the past and the righteous from the before us.

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The past then him, none was more fitting to be in the company of the righteous than him. This world was presented to him, and he refused it. And innovations were presented before him so he refuted them. Even when they say we know him, and they say either from the bulk of unnecessary narrator of Hadith, he said, the humble gathered the knowledge of Hadith,

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piety, Zod, meaning leaving the material world and patient forbearance meaning sub widowed from sunanda, Buddha Buddha Buddha stanny, Rahim Allah He said, The gatherings of Amma Ahmed were gatherings of the next life of the Hereafter, nothing of the affairs of this world would be mentioned, and I never saw him mentioned the dunya I never want so I'm talking about the dunya about money about the price of horses or homes or anything like that.

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Let's see here.

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Let's take a few more and then we'll finish the list later. But I just want you to get a feel of what people and great people great scholars were saying about.

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And it matters more when it's from great scholars, because you know, when,

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you know, the layman sometimes can't tell the difference between a great scholar or just a speaker, an eloquent speaker who moves you with words, versus someone who has deep understanding of the religion, you know, and in our days, everybody is called a scholar, everybody is called a Scott.

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I was I was giving a lecture in New York City many years ago, and then q&a time came. And then this, this is Uncle put his hand up, he said, We need scholars such as yourself.

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You clearly don't know what a scholar his or what we're talking about here.

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Ibrahim al-harbi. He said, the scholar of his time was, say the Messiah. So if you're an authority in his time, meaning he was a scholar of his time, and humble in his time, he was the top scholar in his time

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are saying elkaar IBC. He said the example of those who speak against Ramadan, the humble. Oh, let's look at this. The example of those who speak against Ramadan humble is like the example of a people who come up to the mountain of Abu base. This is the mountain in the two mountains in Mecca, right, a quiet pond and above Cubase It was called you know the two mountains surrounding the Kaaba. It was called the mountain herbal Kobe's because nobody was living on it. This was before Islam, then a man by the name of Abu bass started building a house and he was the only one living on that mountain. He had a house on that mountain. So people started to refer to the mountain as that of a book Kobe's

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because he was the only guy with a house there. So this is the that solid rock mountain around the Kaaba or on one side of the Kaaba. So he says those who speak against him. The humble is like an is like a people who come up to the mountain of iboco base intended intending to demolish it with their shoes.

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Powerful, right? Imagine people taking the shoes off and going to this mountain solid rock hoping to destroy it just with their shoes.

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Yeah, okay, let's go.

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Let's, but I want to show you that it wasn't just the Muslims who were impressed with this man, Rahim Allah.

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And maruthi. He said, I entered a Christian upon Abdullah. And the Christian said to him, I have wished to see you for some years now I've been wanting to meet you for many years. Your presence is not just beneficial to Islam alone, but rather for all creation. And there is none from our companions to where he's from his Christian friends Yani except that he is pleased with you. So I said to abog the law. I hope that this application is made for you in all cities, in all towns, and I hope people are saying the same thing about you in every town. What did he think when he smiled, he became happy. He said. He said, Yeah, yeah. So

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when a man knows his own self speech of the people is of no benefit to him. Man, is when I know myself, you know, all this praise doesn't benefit me. I know exactly who I am. I know my shortcomings. I know all that. So I don't know. It doesn't affect me when people say oh, these things. Okay.

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So let's see where we left off. Last time, we said we were talking about the five

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The greatest and most influential, influential scholars that Mr. Ahmed studied with, and we only mentioned one last time, and that was who shame had been Bashir. And we mentioned if you remember who showed the machine, that's the one his father was the cook. And he used to want him to work with him to help him with his business. But he's to go and study with the judge, you know, sit in the gathering of the judge. And then one day he was sick for a few days didn't show up. So the judge and everyone important in the city, went to the house of the cook, the neighbor came and rushed and told them the judges at your house. So the father comes back, and he's the one that judge left. He says,

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I never had dreamt that the judge would be in my house. And from that day on, he started to encourage him to seek knowledge. That was his shame. Eben Bashir. The next scholar that we want to talk about was the great scholar z, ignore her own. If you remember last last time, we mentioned him a little bit we said he is the one who used to joke and he used

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to not appreciate the jokes you know, someone who smacked his forehead.

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You see them the hormone known for his knowledge, vast knowledge and known for his long lengthy Salah. And that's one of the beautiful things when you look at the biographies of the scholars, they'll mention who was a hobbit and how long they would go into sujood and salah

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and he would not just pray at night long Salah but during the day he would pray long salah and then later on when we look at the Imam Ahmed after he is freed from prison and everything, you'll see that he would spend long hours during the day praying and long hours at night praying. And so, one of the things about mentioning the scholars that he studied with is you see what he picked up from which scholar. So, in that so this is a man of knowledge amount of taqwa amount of Arabic long lengthy Salah during the night and during the day.

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And Imam Ahmed would also look for scholars who were devout worshippers

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and who had also not people who followed or followed materialism in the dunya

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is at the heart on the one we're talking about Rahim Allah, he says I memorize 25,000 chains of narrations, 25,000 chains of narrations and I'm not boasting, it says and I memorize 20,000 Hadith from the people of a sham of which I do not hesitate. Yeah, I have no hesitation. And no doubt about their authenticity, I will mention them without any hesitation.

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Not only that, though, but he had a huge following. And he was also a man who was awe inspiring to the point that ultimate moon so we're talking about this time period where the halifa was the moon and the moon is halifa that started the fitna of the creation of the Quran all this trial and put hundreds of scholars in jail and had some whipped and threatened to execute them. It all started with the moon. So moon wanted to start this thing but to let to basically put it out there that the Quran is a creation of Allah and not the speech of Allah will explain in the future inshallah, why they came to the strange thought process to the moon wanted to start this fitna enforce the oma upon

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this belief. But what happened? Because he followed the martela and

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they were saying that the Quran was created, so he followed them in that. But he delayed it because of this man. He took no Harun Rahim Allah.

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So one day the mondo halifa in his gathering, he said had it not been free as either blow her own, I would have announced or declared the creation of the Koran. So a man who was sitting in his gathering he said, Yeah, I'm your money. And who is yazeed that he should be feared? Why would you be afraid of using the huddle? So he tells him way hack now way hack is not like when you when you tell someone way Look, the way that's woe to you way hack here is it said it is known as kalama. What jerk Ouattara home what is hora chef aka? So it's you say it to show like almost like a kind of pity towards someone or like a Antara home having Rama on a person. So he said way, Huck. I don't

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fear him. But he has a swimming pond. He has a certain meaning as this kind of power this kind of following.

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But I fear that if I announced my position regarding the creation of the Koran, and he would respond to me and refute my position and announce his and a fitna would occur, meaning is so strong that if the halifa says yes, he says no, then people will be split up. That's how powerful he was.

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So the man says, I will test him for you. So the halifa doesn't go ahead, go test him. So that

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man went all the way to the city of wasit into the masjid. And went to osito Harun Rahim Allah. And he said, Yeah, about Khalid, he called him by. And he's the father of Hadith. He said, Yeah, but Khalid ameerul momineen says salam to you belief has given you salams and says to you, I want to announce that the Quran is the Cree is created by Allah.

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So is now very intelligent, he quickly tells him, you have lied against me and you're lying. I made a mean would not force people upon that, which they do not know. And which no one has said before him, you're a liar.

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So the man then returned to Baghdad, and told the hollyford Moon and Moon tells him way back. He fooled you. And he's not really saying, Hey, don't believe what you're saying, You're a liar. He's answering me. He's sending me a message indirectly. He's telling me Don't you dare try to force people upon that which they do not know. And no one has ever said before. He's sending me an indirect message. So the door was closed, and moon was afraid to come up with to come out with his position of the Quran being created.

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And he waited when he as he didn't know how long died in the year 206. After the hijra, the fitness started right away. We were just waiting for him to die. Then once he died, he started the fight the fitness

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one of the last things about using the Harun

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This is a quote from a man by the name of Mr. Robinson upon he said I have not seen yours he did know her own having greater respect for anyone that he had, for me didn't humble know that he behaved more generously and graciously than he did with him. He would sit at his side give him respect and he would not joke with them. So just you were talking about a major scholar now and this major scholar the respect he had for him Amitabh number, who was at the time his student

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that was a second scholar, the third one is my a in a been over a year is married. He is actually is my Lebanon Brahim.

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his full name is married Ebrahim Qasim, but he was known as a bit earlier, which is a woman's name, because his father Ibrahim, he married a woman, her name was earlier and she gave him this boy is married. So what did they name him after his father and not his mother, he should be named known as is my 11 Ibrahim but they call him his marine even earlier, his mother, because his mother, she was Noble. She was an intellectual, and she raised him very, very well. And so, she was had such a position. I guess in a way she overshadowed the father and she beat and he became known as the son of earlier.

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Mr. Mohammed says, just to let you know the position of the scholars made Alia he says I have missed Malik, meaning Malik known as the great scholar Mr. Malik, I missed Malik meaning Malik died before I could see him born at different times. He said I have missed marik So Allah is fattening medic for Allah Allahu Allah.

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Be soufiane a marina. So I missed mark. So Allah replaced me with Sophia and of Marina, someone equal to Malik and I missed Hamad New Zealand. Another major great scholar. He said I missed 100 Abizaid, so Allah replaced him for me with his married earlier. So we're talking about someone who's at a high level here

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is married no earlier, he was from the greatest scholars of the city of El Basra. And we said his mother, she herself used to love knowledge and she used to take him to the best scholars. So to the point that later on, people testified that Ismail la was greater than his teachers, the ones that he studied with, he surpassed them. But he didn't like this name.

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Because his name is smiling. He said that whoever calls me ignore the fact that he has done Riba he's like backbiting me, and Mr. Mohamad used to respect that he anyone called ignore later on Don't say that same Ebrahim. But the name became more popular, you know, when the popularity gets ahead of anything else, like you can't go backwards anymore. So he became known as married normally and when he died, you know, there was no one there to dislike the name so he became known as a smile, Gibbon.

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What's interesting is that, in the case of is married Natalia in the case of Imam Shafi as we saw in the beginning of the life,

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and in no time you'll find other scholars you will always find a great woman either

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A mother in some cases, an older sister who encouraged them towards knowledge. And

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this is basically you know, and it's just a reminder for us it's something important like, well, I've complained about this before where in the message of course this is pretty Corona days, you know? He would see a young man once in a blue moon Tom, where have you been where we don't see you in any of the classes you don't see in any of the events is looking on busy you know if I'm not at school, I'm doing MMA mixed martial arts. Yeah, mixed martial arts mean, mixed martial arts, Asia. Yeah, what what are you going to become, huh? You can become someone who punches people in the face and is that going to be your your position for the omens is what we need. Now another guy to go to

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the Muslim lands are all punching each other in the face? Ya know? What have you done that special? Now you might think I'm belittling sports and stuff. And that's not the case. But when you're in public school, and you have no access to Islamic knowledge, and you don't come to a Koran class, and you don't even come to the Salawat you know, how are you going to offset that? And what do you think will happen to you? If you don't remove yourself from that environment every now and then and immerse yourself in environment of knowledge and environment of righteous people and tough what what do you think will happen? And that's why I always wonder like at some parents who are just

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chauffeurs Come on these days of vacation hamdulillah but just chauffeurs dropping the child. We're gonna drop him off Neela karate, Omar,

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Taekwondo, and then MMA and then baseball and then basketball and then play.

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What about Wu Tang? There's a class in the masjid. Yeah, see bookrunner class in the masjid. It's very, very important to, to be after your children to be encouraging them, to be involved to be learning to love seeking knowledge. And its encouragement is not forcing people. But it's so important. Many people neglect this so much. And especially when they're young, and when they're young, they love Islam. And then they hit puberty, they get their 1516. And then they start going towards another path. And this is when people come and they want things to be fixed in the masjid. But philosophy has no ties to the mission whatsoever. One person was doing a study, he found that

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after the age of 13, involvement in the masjid drops drastically, always, always encouraged, knowledge encourages to your children coming to the House of Lords, the same way you encourage them with other studies. You know, I think one of the problems we have today is that we don't value Islamic knowledge very much. One of my friends, his wife used to study at an Islamic University. He said my parents would tell me when is your wife going to go to school? He told him she's in school, this phenomenon, like real study,

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real study on a physics real chemistry, real pure mathematics is real, that Islamic Studies

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know this stuff. It's not real studies. So one of the things is that we've belittled Islamic knowledge very much. In the old days, if they found a young boy was really intelligent, the chef would approach his parents and say, This boy is special. Keep you know, supporting his religious studies because he's going to be something great for the oma. Whereas now when someone is smart, what do we say?

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This boy is special. And sure he you know, he'll become a great heart surgeon or became who become a great brain surgeon, whatever it is, and not to belittle that that is the second greatest knowledge. The first grade is knowledge is knowledge of the religion. The second the scholars say is the knowledge of medicine. Anyways, the point is,

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we need to just like it, were seeing in these biographies. We need to care a bit more about our children's Islamic education, Islamic because we care about their other education. All right, I don't want to drag on too long. I think I already did. But Wednesday morning, let's say this is there was no Corona or everybody's happy. And Wednesday morning you wake your son up. You're like

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what is school?

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I'm tired. I don't want to go to school today. Oh, but just to go to school with jasmine. He'll get beatings. Insane. You want to go to school What do you think visit but imagine he has Saturday school he wakes up a little tired I don't want to go by the honeybee Sleep Sleep where a Gizmo

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Anyways, let's let's continue.

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So we're talking about a smart ignore layer.

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A table daddy. Now this is a this is a very known scholar. It will bother him Allah. He said the people have added the people have who memorize a hadith and Quran Allah, these people have memorization of an Basra they had a showdown with the people of El Kufa. So the memorizes of elbasan

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has a showdown a competition with the people of Vancouver. So the people of Vancouver said to the people of El Basra, they said, No one is smart enough not

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to mention, they said so let's let's have this showdown. They said put aside is married, have no idea and bring anyone you have bring anybody will challenge that. But just put us in doesn't mean like will challenge them but like we're gonna see who do we have who you have and then we'll name our people, we'll name your people, we'll see who's got more heavy hitters. So they said, Put a smile, layer aside and then bring anybody that's like the people of Dallas, and the people of Houston had a competition to see who has more knowledgeable shadowkhan speakers. So the people of Dallas, I'm making this up by the way, the people of Dallas would say, put aside just a la sawi and

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shahadat, bassoon and bring anybody else

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All right. Anyways, I hope you you understood that analogy wasn't real, just an analogy. The point is,

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a Buddha owed the from cinema Buddha Buddha suggested and he said, There is none of them had anything except that he has made a mistake, except a smile, ignore it or a a and bisher ignore most of the except for these two every other 100 has made a mistake just to show you the place of his marine ignore layer. And he was extremely serious. So it's possible we see where Mr. Mohammed got his seriousness from used to never joke around, especially in his classes. That was scholar number three. The fourth of the great influences Mr. Mohammed had was soufiane a

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very famous very well known name to us. So if you want to drain Rahim Allah, he was the known as the ma'am. Okay, actually, I gotta tell you something here.

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Let's go back to this Magnolia.

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These scholars said what freed this man this great scholars made him not only what freed him up, so he could seek knowledge and not have to work and worry about his income. They said what freed him up for seeking knowledge was the great magnificent scholar Abdullah. Adnan Mubarak, it know what it freed him. Why? Because even when Mubarak and this is a biography, that's, you know, if this Quran I think goes on for too long. We're gonna do a robotic inshallah, right after the 40 times.

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He says Lola humps, meta joked, he said, had it not been for five people, I wouldn't have gone into trade in business. So he was a great scholar, and he was a great Mujahid, but he was also a businessman. And you will know that he would prefer to spend time and other things than in the market. But he said had it not been for five people. I wouldn't have gone into business. But he's saying I'm in business to make money to support these five people. So he's to support his students. They said the word the five he said soufiane authority and soufiane ignore Marina and alphabay libnah yacht you know, so far he just mentioned three heavy hitters. So if you're an authority, so

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if you have no and and unfamiliar prime Allah and Mohammed Missa muck and Abner earlier, these are the files I continue to give to, to deal with business and trade and merchandise, just so I can provide for these people. And they were worth a try Mama, Sophia Marina, the one that we just mentioned is one of the five there

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he was known as the Imam of Hadith. He lived in the city of El Kufa. He was 10 years younger than Sofia and a third of the famous soufiane authority. And he made the hijra to Mecca and he became popular to the point that he became the main lecturer in the harem Alma key and he was known as muhaddith and Herman Makita muhaddith and Herman McKee. His name is Sophia and Abner ina ibni. Abby Emraan. A Mama shafter. Eight says about Sofia Marina, he said, had it not been for Malik and soufiane the knowledge of ages would have disappeared, had it not been for him, Amharic and Sophia andreina the knowledge of ages, the region of Mecca, Medina, the area, the knowledge would have

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disappeared there. And then he also said, Malik and soufiane ignore aina are comparable to each other. And this is a big deal. So you understand that this is someone that you can compare to Mr. Malik, and not if I'm a chef, and he studied under Malik, so he knows him very well. But it shows the position of Sophia and I interview him a whole lot. He said Mariko Sophia Corina.

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Sophia and his father took him to Hajj at age six. He was very young, his father took him with him to Hajj and he made Hajj total of 27 times. His Father Himself.

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So this is the father of Sofia Marina, he had nine sons, of which four were mohabbatein were narrators of Hadith scholars who, who preserved and narrated the Hadith of the Prophet Salas. And they were Muhammad, and Emraan and Ibrahim and Adam, these four, and now add to them. So five out of the nine, became big scholars. So if you want to know aina, he met more than 80 of the tie between the Tibetans, that's a big deal. We've got the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim. And then we have a tie between the successors. So if you hadn't met 80 of the time, and he used to say nothing is between me and the companions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam except a thin veil, and he's trying

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to say, like, I almost almost met the companions of the Prophet, Allah, He himself could have been one of the tabs, he met so many of them. So many of the tambourine who were like older type in who studied under the companions, like I was this close to meeting the companions. There's nothing between me and the companions of the Prophet of Islam except a veil. And he had a huge halaqa near the Kaaba, and on and, and also had a very beautiful voice.

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Ahmed says, I saw that Mr. Mohammed, now talking about the Phantom nine, he says, I've never seen anyone more knowledgeable in the Sudan than Ebner arena.

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And he used to have a lot of beautiful and wise sayings, he used to say, the scholar is not the one who knows the good and the evil. Rather, the scholar is the one who knows the good, and follows it, and knows the evil and avoids it. So that means he stressed action. You know, this is what it's all about. It's all about learning to act upon it. And one of the problems we have today is that we love gathering information. That's why people will read the fact book and memorize facts. And then when they're in a public gathering, they show off, you know, do you know sharks have open gills or they have to keep swimming to breathe by katajanokka sharks.

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But we're just in the age of love gathering information. And then I throw these bits of information at you. This has crept into Islamic studies as well. So someone will do something wrong. And then you come to advise him and tell him Yeah, I noticed that you do XYZ. And actually, this is, you know, it's better to not do that. Because the pro Selim did mention in Hadith, he cuts you off. Yes, yes, it's in the hadith of so and so narrated by Al Bukhari, and also in a Muslim with a different narration, Mashallah we know it by back to one of the heavy act upon it. And it's not just about gathering knowledge, it's about acting upon that knowledge, what's the use of gathering if you're

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not going to act upon it. And that was a big difference between our generations now and the early generations, these to always act upon that knowledge, it was mentioned that a young boy came to a Chateau de la. So he said,

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he came to learn how to shave him to Hadith. He went home, he came the next day for an extra Hadith. She said, Did you act upon the to a hadith I gave you yesterday? He said, No. She said, Then why are you increasing the arguments of Allah against you? What does that mean? It means when I give you these two ahaadeeth, and you don't act upon them on the Day of Judgment alone will ask you, why didn't you do act upon this hadith? And I have an argument against you, because you memorize them. you memorize them with eyeshadow, so that's an argument against you, it's evidence against you. So she's saying, why are you increasing the arguments of a law against you want to memorize another one

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and you don't act upon it? So you have to act upon the knowledge and that was one of the most important things. It's not just about.

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Not just about knowing the information, I'm loving, because I'm remembering stories like, this happened to me personally, like a guy comes to me with Okay, forget that one. I'll tell you, the, the scholar said, there was a guy and he were worried this gold gold ring, ring made of pure gold. And he was sitting in the masjid. And he said, everyone's talking about his gold ring. Yeah, he's Harmon, but he's a brother. He's a good brother is always in the masjid praying with everybody. He's got this gold ring. The chef said, I'll make him take off the ring.

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So then he said, I stood in front of the masjid, after the Salah together to give a reminder. And I said brothers and sisters, and he we you know, are we were commanded to obey the commands of the process to follow it. The process told us, you know, when he prohibits something, you stay away from it when he commands you to do something, you do it. Would you follow the command of the Prophet? The whole machine? Yes. Would you obey whatever the president tells you? Yes. He said, If the lamb came today, and he saw you, and you had a gold ring on your finger, and he told you to take it off, would you do it the whole machine? Yes. I said, this guy's just sitting there. He said, Look, if he's not

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here to tell you personally but you have his

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authentic hadith where it says do not wear gold? Would you do the whole Masjid? Yes. And he said the whole time this guy just sitting like this with the gold ring, take five take it off. Yeah, it's about acting upon the acting upon the knowledge.

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And in my own story was similar to that a guy comes through with with chains and necklaces on. He's like I just wanted to check in, is it permissible? Tom knows exactly how Thank you, but take it off when you come in and ask me for them.

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Anyways, continuing on.

00:40:32 --> 00:41:16

So he said, Yeah, the scholars not the one who knows the good and the evil, the scholars, the one who knows the good and follows it and he knows the evil and avoids it. So he's talking about action. And other one of his quotes, he said, the beginning of knowledge and to the first step towards gaining knowledge is an estimate listening to an insult, then listening attentively, who might have been memorization, then I'm an acting upon it, and then a national dispersement that's what it's about, you know, learn it, memorize it, act upon it, then you disperse it to people. So he was a great scholar, he was Zahid, he left the materialism of this world he was.

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He also formed a narrow hammer lat formed a great hub. So why didn't his method exist today as a fifth method, he didn't have students that will continue to build upon them and spread it. That's why we don't know his method today is not known as one of the five

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that was

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number five, the last of the five grade scholars or the most influential that he studied with was

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abdulrazaq IGNOU homam ignacia altomare A Sinani Oh, now this is a this is a big heavy hitting scholar. Abdul Razak, Asana Annie, if you hear Abdirizak, you know, nobody said this is during his time. And this is until today. Until today, if you're sitting with imams or students of knowledge. And they say Carla Abdul Razak, nobody says which there are many of the results in Muslim history. Everybody knows who was up there is a heavy hitter, no joke, major, major scholar, just like when you say, call it a Malik use which Malik Mr. Malik is a caller. And if you don't know which one if you don't say that, just like that. Zach was known in during his time and until today, if you said

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nobody said which is up, everybody knew you made up the result of Sinani. So amendment that hubby. We know remember the heavy the famous scholar, he says he was a storage of knowledge. And people would travel to him from all around the world. And if they said I'm gonna zap they wouldn't ask which abdulrazaq everybody knew it. He was the Imam of Yemen. kisana right Yemen. And he was coming also from a family of scholars. His father was a scholar, his uncle was a scholar. And despite all the knowledge available to him, he also traveled to learn to gather Hadith and study with you from around the world.

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And he was described, they said that as for abdulrazaq. This is, you know, early on, if he lives he's deserving that the people traveled to him. If the result lives, he's deserving that people from all around the Muslim Empire will come and travel to seek knowledge with him. And then

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until the bad and evil act bad is the liver plural of liver. So because when you're you strike the camera like on its belly, on its livers on this side. So it's just a figure of speech like striking the livers of the camels because as you're going you're just going like this, and you're striking their bellies. So then later on, people started to travel from all around the world to come and study with Abdul Razak Sinani. So they said for Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah He has is basically caused a lot of fatigue for a lot of camels because people used to travel on Camelback.

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They said that the people of Hadith had not traveled to someone after the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as they have to abdulrazaq the people of knowledge, have not traveled and traveled to see anyone after the profits or loss of limb as they have traveled to up the reserve.

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And he himself, Rahim Allah, we said he was one of the teachers of Mr. Mohammed. He used to say, I'm going to suck him himself. for him. Allah would say I have not seen anyone having better knowledge and understanding nor more piety than might have been humble and human.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:42

There have been added members that have been added to the statement saying he commented on the statement. He said, he said this, having seen the lack of authority, Malik and Eben George, and he said Abdul Razak met people like authority and Malik and even jurij. And then he still says, I have not seen anyone better in knowledge and understanding and impiety than I am. I didn't know him. But Rahim Allah, even though Hawaii, there's a young scholar we mentioned before a number of times. He said, When Hamad bin humble traveled to Africa reserved, his money ran out. So he hired himself out to work for some camel drivers. So he's now working with some camel drivers for higher until he

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reached his companions offered him monetary assistance, but he refused to accept it. So these were the five the main top five scholars. And so

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yeah, and basically, they were ashamed and Bashir is he didn't know her own is made. Aliyah and Sophia Marina and Abdul Razak, Asana. But of course, him and Josie mentioned that Imam Ahmed had 414 shifts that he learned with 414. And one of them was a woman. Her name was Omar Omar bin to her son is 830. This was one of the teachers he had was a woman.

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Even Michelle fairy was also one of the teachers of Mr. Ahmed, and we said he taught him and he was one of his stronger teachers. And someone quoted he said, I have not gone to a chef, except that I found the humble with him. And he was in his company more than we were in I'm sure we said he started benefiting from a Chevy way before Chevron became popular and became known. Mr. Mohammed himself says, If I'm asked about an issue about which I have no Hadeeth

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then I respond with the saying of a Chevy on that issue. They see how much he trusted the knowledge of a theory and how much you understood the filk of that man or hamdulillah. He said if I'm asked about an issue for which there is no Hadith, I respond with a statement from a Shafi that will be like the closest they said

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but of course in this journey of seeking knowledge in Yemen and in jazz and in Boston and Kufa, he reached a very high degree very high level of knowledge. Someone speaking to Mr. Mohammed son, and his son was a scholar and a narrator in his own right. He tells him your father memorized 1000 1000 Hadees your father memorized 1000 1000 Howdy, what's 1000 1000 a million.

00:47:52 --> 00:47:59

So his son said how do you know how do you know he memorized a million it he says the car to

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the Kerkorian a, he he basically recited them or set them out to me basically.

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So we're seeing like when it's not a joke here, like some heavy hitter that we're talking about.

00:48:18 --> 00:48:32

One One of the a person by the name of Hamada, who was a student of a sharpie, he says I heard a sharpie say, courage to mean Bhagat sama haluk to be heard Giuliani, he says

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a lot to be heard Giuliani I left both Doug and I did not leave any and behind me any man better nor more knowledgeable nor have more veteran understanding nor more in taqwa than American humble. But despite all that, Mr. mahama did not sit and teach until he was 40 years old.

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All this knowledge, he waited until he was 14 until he started teaching. And they said why he said the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was sent when he was 40 years old Vianney, there's something about the age of 40. And I'm not going to start teaching until I reached that whatever this level of maturity, whatever it is, just as a problem started at 40. I'm going to start at 40. And people knew who he was. So they were waiting for him for years before he hit 40. They were waiting for him to start teaching and at 40 when he finally started in bus at that, at the Grand Mosque. The people were so impressed by his knowledge, and his change of narrations were very short. You know, so you've got

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your chain of narration is goes from you to the person who told you the Hadith the person who told them the Hadith, until the tablet till this hobby until the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was because he traveled so much and he got it directly from major scholars, his change of narrations were very short people were impressed by that.

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And he would teach them from a book despite his excellent memory, despite the he knew every word and memorize every word in every narration, he's still used the book just to be extra sure and careful that he doesn't make a mistake. And the gathering would reach over 5000 students, 5000 students, and every one of them would be sitting quietly, writing every word that comes out of the email. And there would be great scholars sitting in these gatherings, not just students of knowledge, young men and boys. But even great scholars will be sitting in these gatherings and everybody would be quiet and they'll be writing down this, this

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the knowledge of the Imam, the question then becomes, how did and by the way, we're almost done here. Okay. I know we went a little bit long today. But how did the How did 5000 people hear the Imam they didn't have microphones like we do now. So the way it works is that the Imam would speak slowly, then he would stop, then within earshot of the Imam would be a man standing there far enough that he can still hear the Imam, then he would yell it or repeat it out in a loud voice to the people within his earshot. And amongst them would be another person within that earshot who would hear him and he would repeat, and those, that's how microphones work back, then, people would speak

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a little bit, then the next person would repeat exactly what I said out loud, and then the person that distance from him would repeat it out loud. And that's how they were able to have 5000 people

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in his classes. And because of the size of this gathering, 5000 people, his special students wouldn't be able to ask questions, there was not really time for them for q&a. So he would then have another special halaqa for his close students to ask questions and for discussions, and that included his son, Sala and Abdullah.

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And there was a there's a beautiful quote by Alma Rosie, he said, I have not seen the poor, honored more highly than in the gathering of ama, he would favor them and be less inclined to the worldly people to the rich people. He displayed gentleness, forbearance, and was not a hasty person. He was a person of great modesty and characterized by calmness and dignified bearing when he sat in a gathering to deliver verdicts after also he would not speak until he was asked a question. And when he went up to his mosque, when he went out to his mosque, he would not put himself in front of the people on the Imam who like come ahead of everybody, very humble.

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And he really just an amazing personality.

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Okay, and people from Andalus, from Kurosawa from all around the world would come to study with Imam Ahmed.

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One time a man by the name of the heart immaculate. The heart of the macula is known as abou awesome. And he was from El Basra. And he was known as the Imam of an imam of the narratives of Hadith Yani. So he, he would tell he was telling the students of knowledge, Allah

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why don't you seek fake understanding of you know, all the narrations? We don't understand the rulings you don't understand the fifth. So who is telling the students?

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So, and there is no fucky? amongst you overlays to the confetti, there is no fuckery amongst you. They said yes, there is a man if

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he is a factory, his name is Ahmed. So he said, okay, where is he? And he said he's about to come. He comes around this time. So then Mr. Mohammed hammer hola cane. So this man abou asked him, he tells him, come, come forward. So he says, I'm at now says I dislike to cross over the necks of the believers. This is something the problem any any forbade or speak spoke against, that you come in from the back and you start skipping over stepping over the necks of the believers who are sitting usually can make it to the front. So he said, I don't like to step over the next of the believers. So who asked him said had them in fact, this is from his good understanding. This is already a good

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sign. So then he says, What's the ruler who make a pathway for him so it doesn't have to skip over everybody. So they made the pathway. So then he asked him, he began to ask him a question. Every time he asked him a question, Imam Ahmed responded with a Hadeeth not with his opinion or his own statement. So it asked him this question, then, you know, had definitely fallen and fallen short and so narrated, and then he'll go the prophet SAW Selim said that then he asked him the next question he would respond with

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every question he asked him he responded with a hadith when the gathering was over. This man I will ask him, known as

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The moment within this forte from Albus era when it was over, he said, This man, he is from the creatures of the sea. And he he is not a human being this man is like a creature from who came out of the sea. He was so impressed by his knowledge. We will stop here and Charla will begin next time we'll talk a little bit about the mom's family, his his wife, his children, how many and some things about his character and a little, a few more quotes, and then then we start with the heavy, heavy stuff. We start with the fitness of the creation and it was all men it's just years of devastation and difficult times and jail time and whipping and dislocating shoulders. You will hear all about it

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and you'll see why it is such an amazing biography inshallah, that will be next Tuesday. As for tomorrow, we will do the signs before the day of judgment, same time inshallah. See you all then salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Opinion of Scholars

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