Kamal El-Mekki – Islamic Insight

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the importance of the concept of el Basis and its use in achieving value through experiences and actions. The Rayara is emphasized as a means of achieving value and avoiding confusion between the truth and the falsehood. The speakers discuss various ways to attain their goals, including finding their way, learning to lower dosage, and avoiding sh impress. The importance of sound mind is emphasized as a means of replacing corrupt leaders with those who are truly true.
AI: Transcript ©
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Ah, hi Alan fun

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in Alhamdulillah muda Juana Stein who want to start Pharaoh when I will be learning and slow down for tsunami. So you are Medina Maja de la Hofer la moda la Alma you lil fella hardy Allah wa shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah wa hula sharika wash hadoo Anna Mohammedan Abdu l su un levina Armando Taka La Habra Toka De La Tomatina Illa one two Muslim moon are you who believe fear Allah as it should be feared and do not die except in the state of Islam? Yeah, your levina I'm going to talk Hola Hola. Hola. Hola and Salida use the Hello Come Armada como el camino Baku Romeo para la hora Sula, hufa, codifies 1000 Avi man, are you who believe your Allah and speak the truth. He will direct you to the

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righteous good deeds and will forgive your sins and whomsoever obeys Allah and His messenger. He has indeed achieved a great achievement I'm about to announce Dr. Hardy the guitar Bula wasana howdy howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mashallah moto moto wakulla Desert invada wakulla without in Bala wakulla Dalton for now, brothers and sisters in Islam. The title of our hotbar today is elbasy Iran. And there is not an exact word for it in English, but it's sometimes referred to as spiritual insight. So we'll begin with defining what it is. An al Bazar is sight, eyesight, regular eyesight, and bossier comes from the same route. But it is referring to the light that Allah

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subhanaw taala casts into the heart of the believers that allows them to recognize the truth and to recognize the false hood. It allows you to see things as intended and steers you at times of Fitton and confusion. So why this type or why this topic

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and it is known, it is clear to everyone that we're at a time where there is much confusion, lots of lies, ignorance is prevalent, plenty of false hood fit and all kinds of trials and tribulations and people they're easily shaken easily confused even about clear issues. Muslims confused about the hijab, about the authentic authenticity of the Quran, even about clear cut issues that should be clear cut in our minds the issue of Philistine or finding Muslims now to be split concerning those issues, political leaders, they can't discern until the righteous from that

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Those who are not or a confused about what's happening in this world.

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There was a man that I know nothing except righteousness from this man as far as damn will lay staying away from sins as an older man

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at night out always here making them but every issue of truth, he sees it as false and every issue of false when he sees it as a truth in every issue in Syria and Iraq, politically, leaders he sides with the worst and the most corrupt of the leaders, he sees them as righteous scholars, he sees the righteous scholars as corrupt. And then he sees the deviant scholars as the best of the oma Yanni. He was just an example of the importance of personal spiritual insight, this light with which your heart can see that's why this topic is so important.

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Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah Al Hajj verse 46, for in her letter, I'm an absorb Warnock in Tamil guru Gulati sudo is Allah subhanaw taala saying it is not the eyes that become blind, but it is the hearts the in the chest that become blind. And that's what is referring to the blindness of basura when people are not able to discern truth from falsehood. They don't have spiritual insights. So they're blind in Basia, even though their site works perfectly well. elbasy era is from the highest levels of knowledge and it's from the descriptions of the prophets of Allah him salatu salam in Surah Assad, Allah azza wa jal says with Cora Abdullah Ibrahim, what is hopper Why are boob and

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mentioned our servants Ibrahim and his Huck Isaac and Dr. Koop, Jacob all in AD? Well, a bizarre wooden ad will absorb Bala Mujahid Mujahid one of the movers serene of the early generations of the Quran. He said in AD Jani.

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Atilla an ad is their their strength in the obedience of Allah is the origin. So all in AD they were strong in the obedience of Allah so yes, well absorbed Jani elbasan feel happy Annie. Their ability to see the truth clearly.

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elbasy is also something that is needed at times of fitting who they are they allow the companion he said

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learn to rock and fitna. He says the fitna the tribulation the trial will not harm you, man out of Medina. As long as you know your religion. The trial will not harm you the fitna will not harm you in normal fitna to either sterba la Cal hop wallbottle phylum Kadri au Houma.

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He says the real fitna is when you're confused between the truth and the false world and you don't know which one of them to follow. So you need basura especially in times of return. And you also needed in Dawa as Allah mentions in Surah Yusuf Koolhaas, he say Bailey Illallah EI, la basura, tin, Anna woman it about Annie. So this is my way. And my way here can mean Islam and I call to Islam or my way can mean Dawa is my way and I'm calling to Allah, Allah pulsera with clear in insight

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and basura is also needed, you need that in order to correct yourself. The scholars give a comparison between site and basura they say with your eyesight, your eye, if as long as there is light, it can do wondrous things, but your eye cannot see itself. It can only see outside of it, it cannot see itself. But with basura you're able to see yourself and to able to see your faults and able to evaluate your behaviors and your actions. So the question then becomes how do we attain this valuable thing? How do we attain elbasy era? The first thing the scholars mentioned is through the through asking Allah for it in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim and Nabi sallallahu Sallam would say

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Allahumma alfia calbee Nura Allahumma julfa calbee Nora we said the basura is the light of the with which the heart sees so a Nabi saw Salam would make Allah put light in my heart. So through asking Allah azza wa jal for it. Then they mentioned through having taqwa of Allah and total and third Allah azza wa jal says yeah, Are you her Latina? Manu intraductal la yeah Jana come for Karna are you who believe if you fear Allah, He will make effort upon a criterion for you. So Mohammed is hapara him Allah, he said, and this is mentioned in decitabine katheer. He says, a forslund Bane and Huck the bottom of the pan here is being able to discern between the truth and the falsehood.

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The other way to attain basura is through a left or through lowering the gaze input

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Killer even okay and Rahim Allah He mentions in his famous book era, thud and leffen. He says, You reap what you sow, whoever leaves lowers their gaze from what Allah subhanaw taala has forbidden for him. Allah subhanaw taala gives him the light of basura and his heart you lower your glands from the Haram. Allah Subhana. Allah puts a light of basura in your heart. And the reverse of that is what makes you lose it. The scholars mentioned looking at the Haram makes you lose the basura of the heart. They mentioned sins and looking at the Haram in particular. As for sins, Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran, Lam Raka inhome levy sokrati him Yama Han Allah azza wa jal is saying, and in

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this, something unique that should be mentioned about this verse. This is a verse where Allah Subhana Allah swears by the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we said Allah azza wa jal only swears by something great. And the scholars say, Allah has not sworn by anyone's life except for the life of Muhammad Sallallahu now amrok in swears by your life, in the home, lovey sokrati him Yamaha those people they're in there in the blundering in their intoxication, what got them to the state of being intoxicated, when you're intoxicated. You can't tell right from wrong or truth from falsehood. What got them to that state of intoxication is the sins that they were delving

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and they were falling into.

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So the scholars then mentioned so we mentioned there are asking Allah subhanaw taala for light and the harder for vasila. Then the taqwa of Allah subhanaw taala gets you elbasy then lowering your glands and staying away from sins in general, but lowering your your gaze in particular, then the scholars mentioned tauheed and staying away from shirk also will grant elbasy era and they give the evidence allowances and circle and arm alladhina amanu wollam, el Bethel imana home before Okay, Allah says those who believe and they have not confounded or mixed their belief with volume here meaning ship, hula iica lahoma UMNO wahome water do that to them is security and fruit and they will

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be rightly guided. So with that we ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant us and basura akula colheita was tougher Allah Allah then Lee Welcome meansigma resume festival raffia pfos luciferin ask Allah Subhana Allah for his forgiveness indeed those who ask for his forgiveness shall prosper.

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. I mean, what are the early he was like a big mine. I'm about we want to look at Alba Syrah as it relates to the Quran and the Sunnah.

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And it's we've gotten to the point now where even what are known as El mussel lammott issues where there have never been discussions or differences of opinions concerning even these issues. today. We have different we differ and we have opinions upon Mr. Lamar Gianni, the five daily prayers. The daily prayers are five, they're not four, they're not six, if anyone says there's a scholar who says there are six, you can reject that. What if he says, but you didn't give him a chance? Look at his evidence, I don't have to these are the muscle limit. The prayers are five hijab is obligatory. That's from the Muslim lemma. There is no room for a discussion or a televised debate on whether or

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not a Muslim woman is required to wear hijab the nonsense that we hear now in America from American Muslims. There is no discussion there. But you will see this now happening everywhere, not just in America, one of the famous dots in the Muslim lands, he had the television show, and then he brings this lady with no hijab, and no no one on the other side to counter her arguments and he gives her an hour, very popular. She gives her an hour to discuss why there's no such thing as hijab in Islam, and then at the end of the episode, he has the audience vote on whether or not they think hijab is obligatory or not. And if he wasn't a known Dahlia who has decent knowledge of the religion, you

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wouldn't be shocked but time if the daughter saying things like this, what what do you expect from the common folks? So you cannot have bossier spiritual insight being able to discern and differentiate between the truth and falsehood without the Quran and without the Sunnah.

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Let's compare to your eyesight, your eyes. Without light, they're useless, and you're not able to see anything in pitch darkness. In this analogy, your mind is like the

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Hi, and the Warren asuna would be the light that directs your vision. So now you need you have your mind or your eyes in this analogy and you have the Quran and the Sunnah, which would be the light and you have the light. Now you need something else you need the sound mind in order to understand this message. So then which mind are we using here to understand the whole unconditional should we use mine? Or yours or the 6 billion other minds on earth? But there is one mind that is the most sound and it's the only one that was praised by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Well, my young Anil HAUER And he does not speak of his own accord and he does not speak based on his whims and his desires,

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and that is our Prophet sallallahu sallam. So, the scholars say you have that you have the Quran and the Sunnah, you have the explanation, and the practice of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and then on top of that, you have 1000s or 1000 plus years of scholars righteous men and women explaining and further expounding upon that and then you also have a need the scholars have room for he had and other things, but this is how bastida relate meaning Basia is not the be all end all by itself, and you cannot have it without having the Quran and the Sunnah. And it is something that will be in addition to or like supplements, your understanding of the Quran and the Sunnah. But it is not also

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a source of legislation that someone feels this. And incidentally, when you look up and basura you even in Arabic, you get all these videos about the third eye, and the other senses on which out of all of it just nonsense has nothing to do with the religion. But this is why it's so important for us in these times. In particular, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant us a basura we ask a large budget to make us of those who recognize the truth as a clear truth and follow the best of it, and to make us of those who recognize falsehood as clear falsehood and abstain from it. For lahoma no one was looking at what original bald, bald to learn was for llamada dunya Cora homina Well, I'm a

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blogger Elmina well no Reema. sirona, Allah ambrym la Hello, Mati. I've noticed in your eyes of a robotic way of the human sciatic Murphy when maruf were you in hifi unmown called SME or do

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we ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant victory and ease to the Muslims in Palestine? We ask Allah Subhana Allah to purify the mystical officer and to purify the blood lands around the masjid Al Aqsa. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant victory to Islam and to the Muslims, and to replace their corrupt leaders with those who are righteous, and to make us of those who always recognize the truth as clear truth and falsehood as clear falsehood and abstain from it. Also Allahumma barik

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ala Meanwhile, earlier, he was so happy here, Jemaine Nakamura from Hong Kong Allah.

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Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. A shadow

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