Kamal El-Mekki – Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal 1

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses various historical events and the importance of Islam in various countries, including Iran, the United States, and the UK. It also touches on famous individuals like Frank Frank, Frank Frank Frank, and Frank Frank Frank. The discussion includes personal experiences such as a chef event, a woman losing her job due to divorce, and a woman with a child lost her job. The speakers discuss various topics, including relationships, family, and culture.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are you

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Salam O Allah kratochvilova curtain

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah I mean, earlier he was like to be a Jemaine but first of all Ramadan Mubarak to those of you that haven't seen and Xochimilco head on for your enthusiasm to learn the biography of Eman, humble Rahim Allah. We're going to take the biography of this Imam specifically. inshallah, whenever Allah permits at later dates, we'll look at the lives of all the other imams in Sharla. But specifically the life of Muhammad had been hampered, because the scholars and the historians say, there were two stances in Islamic history that were the most important stances. And that is the first is that of our book raga

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lavonne, who on the day over read the when the majority of the Arabian Peninsula apostatized and athma libnah humble in the manner of the creation of the Quran, but you might ask yourself there were there were many dangerous situations in Islamic history. Yani the turtle, for example. They killed millions plural, millions of Muslims destroyed cities destroyed many many great books. And you know, they threw all the books from the libraries and bolted into the Euphrates River until the river became black as washed out the ink from these books. You'll hear that enormous chef and he wrote this many books this man wrote that many books will only have one or two, why they were

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destroyed by the Mongols. So what did the scholars say the Mongols this time was one of the most dangerous times for Islam. The scholars explained that, with this, the stance of Oh Booker and the stance of Ahmed have been humble.

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Islam itself was under the threat of being changed. As for the Mongols, they threatened the Muslims. They killed a lot of Muslims but Islam itself wasn't under the threat of being changed. So the scholars say had it not been for the the stance of aboubaker we would have gotten a received Islam today with no Zika and had it not been for the stance of Mohammed Mohammed or him Allah, we will have received an Islam where the Koran is not the speech of Allah and the forum was created and Bismillah I hope that you will appreciate the stance of the Imam as we look into it and you'll see that at some point he was the only one or one of the few or the main one who is standing against

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this fitna.

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So are him even humble him Hola. He was born in the month of Obi Wan in the year 164 after the Hydra 164 after the Hydra the first of our imams was Imam Abu hanifa and he was born in the year 80 after the hegira in Amharic 96. After the hedger. So now you get an idea. And this is the last one and as far as chronology was Imam Ahmed in Hamburg, born in the year 164, after the hijab, and his name was Ahmed Abu Mohammed, Ebony, humble, Eben Hillel

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received Abdullah and he was born in the city of birth dad in Iraq. And he said, I have never seen my father, my grandfather nor my father. So he was he was orphaned at birth, he never saw his father never saw his grandfather. Now notice, his name is Ahmed, the son of Mohammed, the son of humble, but people call them Ahmed in humble they don't call it Mohammed Avraham, but it is called humble. The reason being is that his grandfather Hummingbird was from the tribe of Shaban, and he was the governor of the city of setups in hora son. So that's the first thing at a high position he was governor. The other thing he was, he was very active, and he took part in bringing down the homemade

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dynasty and bringing the obverse IDs to power. And because of that, because of all these position of his grandfather and all the things that he's active in, people would refer him back to his grandfather the more popular of the two, meaning his father versus his grandfather, grandfather was more popular and did more so people refer to him as a been humbled.

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And he's really his lineage does meet with that of the prophets of Salaam, but further down,

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down the line. He had no brothers and he had no sisters. It was just him and his mother. So as we said, his father wasn't there. Just him and his mother and he

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was very close to his uncle's he had two uncles Abdullah and his half a bill humble and both of them were also very knowledgeable and scholars in their own right. His description is that he was tall and heavily tanned, but he was also very handsome. And later on, he would put light henna on his gray hairs. And he had a few black hairs on his beard. This is of course later on, and he would wore very coarse and rough clothing. And he would mostly sit cross legged and he sounded described described him anytime you saw him sitting, he would be cross legged sitting on the floor, or most likely sitting cross legged and reciting the Quran.

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And his mother, her name was Sophia been to maimunah bint Abdul Malik Ibn Shaban, and she, she had raised him. And she used to love him. And she used to love his company, even after he grew up. They were always friends, they were always quote, close. Even after he was a grown man, they were still very close. And he was very beautiful during whatever she told him, he would follow that. And she wouldn't let him go too early to fetch it. And she would hold on to his clothes, his clothing and tell him wait until the advance you'd want him to go out in the dark. And, you know, they weren't street lamps and things like that. Just to show his obedience to His mother one day as a young man,

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he was with his friends. And there was the digital which is kind of like the ditch or like a canal in the city. And his mother who didn't you know, the young men will always jump the canal to get to the other side. And his mother would always tell him Don't jump when it flows. You know, in the seasons, it floods. It's full of water. Most of the time it's empty. She doesn't want it when it flows don't jump, Sunday's with young men in the Shabaab and the old jump and everyone thinking he's a hero jumps over the canal. And it was his turn and he refused. So they said the yellow jumper He said, No, my mother tells me when it flows overflows, don't jump. So even though he you know, he's a

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young man, and they might tell him, What kind of a man is this mother says, Don't jump she's afraid for you. You're not a man. But he was very dutiful to his mother. And she was of course the one who got him and pushed him into attaining knowledge and to learning language. And he began to memorize the Quran at an early age and learn the Arabic language meaning here, learn it in the proper way, not just speaking. And she raised him upon piety and fear of Allah subhanaw taala.

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This was now we're talking about the reign of heroine Rashid halifa, Harun Rashid, who used to travel to Hajj and to battle so he would then anyone he is the halifa, he would settle in Baghdad, because the Philippines at this point, had shifted from Medina to the city of barbat. And whenever he's in jihad, he would be out of town whenever he's in Baghdad. He's the halifa is back in Baghdad. And during this time, the soldiers would go with the halifa. And to battle the soldiers with write letters to their wives, and then their wives, we want to write back and they can't write. So they would ask the young men to write letters for their husbands for them. And this now he was a young

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man at this point, but he would only write things that were decent, and only things that were proper, nothing that's against the dean, even though he's a young man, he would refuse to write anything like woman is lecturing, maybe she's complaining against Allah or saying something that's not proper in the deen, that he would refuse to write it even though he was a young boy.

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And also had his uncle, his uncle, he used to write the news of bugged out to the governor. And this news, basically, it's almost like semi spying, you know, what this guy's up to what's happening in the city and so on. So he would write the news of that to the governor. And then the letter stopped coming to the governor. So when he comes to bat, he tells his uncle, he says, Why the letters? Why did you stop sending them? And so he, he tells them, I used to send them with my brother's son.

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And so they called him and they said, What happened to the letters? And he says, This is now remember, again, we're talking about a young boy here. He says, You want me to pass on this kind of news. He says, I have thrown it in the river. So he would as a young boy, refused to pass on letters, word spying, and things of that nature. So he would take him and throw them in the river and they would never receive and then when he's asked by the governor and his uncle, he's not afraid to say no, I'm not the kind who will pass on this kind of information. And I threw it in the river.

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So then Subhanallah they said in de la, ya la Roger on we are to learn to him We shall return. This is a young man and get a word right. All right, honey. It's a it's a level of taqwa. It's a really fine level of taqwa. So, this is a young man and he has this level of taqwa.

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What about us then.

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And another man this is again talking about the the childhood of the Imam or when he was a young boy. He said Verily I spend on my children and I bring them the Debian, the mod Debian these were tutors you would bring a few for your kids and but they will teach you a lot of things only they will teach poetry they will teach manners and they will teach language don't just teachers, but they'll also taught manners and refined manners things like that. He says I spend on my children, I bring them to a Debian and I do not see them benefit and I look at him but an orphan young boy. And what he's saying is that this orphan young boy, no one is spending on him that much and no one is

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spending to bring him into his home. But yet look at him and look at my own children, whom I spent so much on.

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A man his name was

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Ibrahim. Misha must this man, it wasn't just any guy that we're quoting. He was known in the city as an avid Azad devout worshipper, and is that someone who left the materialism of the world slaves, ascetic or ascetic? Yeah. So he says, When to humble you, Elaine wahala. I used to see the husband do the night prayer. While he was a young boy, even as young boy, he would still do the night prayer.

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And another man his name is Al Haytham IGNOU. Jimmy, and again, this is not just some random person, this was he was known as alpha p, and is the fuckery. And half of and he was from the people of Edward Hadeeth. And he would say about Abraham, but in Arusha, has alfetta if this young man lives for sale, kunafa jetten Elisa money, he is going to be kept for General poliana. Yanni, like

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I forgot, it's like it like.

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And then there's something like a benchmark, something like that for the people of his time, or

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it's almost like literally, it's an argument or whatever. But like a benchmark is closer. But so we move on to what kind of life they lived in. He's raised by his mother, his father wasn't there. And he lives in extreme extreme poverty. His mother, she would earn a little bit of a living by sewing, and selling the items and doing things for people like that, and humbled himself a lot, he would do something. And it only an extremely poor person would do, known as locked on hub, meaning he would go to the marketplace where the caravans would would leave the city or the caravans are coming. And you know, as they put a huge sack of wheat, or whatever kind of grain on top of the camel, a few

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would fall on the floor, right, just a few might fall on the floor. So he would spend hours picking up grains from the floor, because they don't belong to anyone now, travelers drop them and go, as they're leaving out, they fall off the camera, just we're not talking about bunches, just little bits. And he would sit for hours picking up these grains one by one. And if they have enough, they would boil that and then they would eat it. So this is the extreme poverty that he lived in. And we're going to see this in Sharla throughout his life, and he lived in this extreme type of poverty.

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As far as his studies,

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he was of course, you know, he, he studied for for 40 years or so with many scholars and traveled seeking knowledge from many different places. But is one of the famous statements that he made the scholars always quoted today. He would say

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lol Nakamura, Annie, Baba is the like the ink part. If you call it where you dip your pen in to write, he would say we're going to remain with them Bara until we go to the macabre until we go to the grave constantly. We're going to be learning

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and he studied with a lot of scholars and we're going to look at some of them in detail. He started with ashame new Bashir, and he started with a worker of NIOSH overcup NIOSH is one of the more popular scholars A lot of us are familiar with who he was very knowledgeable scholar, a great scholar of Islam. And after fregean, he would go and study with the Chef overgrip NIOSH, and he would work up before fudger and go early and this is one his mother would hold on to his clothes and tell him to wait until the event. But the majority of the benefit he got was from him shame IGNOU Bashir he says, I remained overseas I memorized everything that I heard from her shame or shame was

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a life and shame died in the year 184. So that means for about 20 years he remained with this scholar Or more accurately about 18 years he remained within shame in the machine and after the death of his

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You start to go out. And you started to gather knowledge from different areas of the Empire.

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As far as his time in Alberta as well, he started with us, he didn't know her own. And his you know, her own was a great scholar, but a very great scholar, we're gonna come to what a major scholar he was and what he meant to the home at the time. But he also used to like to joke a lot. And that wasn't humble didn't like joking, it was very serious. And but he this his teachers used to respect him so much that they wouldn't joke like, like he has eaten her own years, he does not like to joke, but he would refuse to joke with me the number was there, even though he was a young man, but because he respected me so much. So one day, is it no one thinks I will humble is not in the

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gathering. So he starts with his jokes. And humble then says, I need to let him know that I'm here. So when he saw him, he smacked his forehead. And he said to the other students, why didn't you tell me that I'm a little humble was here, so I would not joke. This is how much this scholar, this great scholar, we're gonna see how it's what a serious scholar he was. But this is how much he respected this young man. This is how much you realize, and recognize the position of the great amount of luck.

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even if you didn't hold on one day, he gives all and this is something you're going to see constantly in his biography. He gives every one of his students 500 dinars, he was very wealthy. And all of them accepted except for him, but he should not accept any kind of help any kind of assistance, and barely even alone would he accept from people?

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No help not even from a friend who wouldn't accept help, and he would not accept gifts. Now, this is the amazing thing. When you look at the lives of the scholars, you see that it's not one way to be a scholar. And if I guarantee if you ask the majority of people, they will imagine that the scholars always hated the Sultan, hated the halifa were always poor, and thought the money of the Hollywood was Haram. You even hear stories that have any, for example, about the amount of money for him or law, you'll hear stories that are exaggerated. And you can tell that they're made up and they are indication of poor fit. There was a canal in the city of Vancouver, and the kitchen of the halifa

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would throw whatever leftover rice bread, they would throw it into the canal. So they said this is of course a false story. That email will be honey, Abu hanifa would not eat fish. Why? Because the hollyford Kitchen would throw the leftover food in the canal and the fish will eat haram food.

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And this is perfectly fine. You know, you don't have to delve into what the fish eat. And it is but

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but again, it was from the way of hanifa to not take any money from the halifa whatsoever. Why it was a very wealthy businessman he didn't need to in America him Allah He accepted the money of the halifa Why? Because he felt that you know the Messiah, the scholars, the the Imams, they do a service in the woman in the oma just like the police force and these people and so it is justified if the government spends on them from Betamax. That's why this what he would accept. Now you look at in American Abu hanifa mala, these two were very fancy clothing. These two always be dressed. absolute best years. Imagine that the chef, you know torn holes in the globe and so No, no man had

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500 hats 400 shoes, he dressed very well because not because he wants to show up but because he felt that the the element that he possessed, put him at that level he has to dress according to that. So same thing with Imam Abu hanifa has his clothes were very nice. Mr. Malik, these would feed his family meat every single day. And in that sense, of course, we're all Maliki's. Right.

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but then you go to scholars like Imam Ahmed, for example. And they were very, very poor. You know, I'm a chef and also very, very poor. And so it's not like there's just one way of how the scholars were, but it depends on their situations. So in Ahmed specifically didn't accept gifts and didn't accept help even from a friend when it came to his poverty. So, of course, at some point, after the death of shame, he decided to leave it up and he went to Mecca, and he also made Hajj five times during his lifetime. He says and just to show you how poor he was, he says I made Hajj five times, three of which were on foot, okay from era to Mecca three times on foot. And then he says I've spent

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on all of them all five journeys of Hajj he spent on all of them 30 their hands, their arms at dinner is gold and it has 12 silver drums in it. He spent 32

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humps in three trips to hedge. That's how poor he was. So he just walked, walk, walk, stay hungry, keep walking, just gives you an idea of how poor he was

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just another story to show his poverty and also to show again, it shows his poverty and his,

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his way of not accepting, help able his dignity, his ways also of not accepting help from people.

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The narrator is a man, his name is Ali. And he was a poet. He says, we we had a neighbor in Buffalo that one day this neighbor shows me a book. And he says, Do you know whose handwriting This is? Because the books weren't like this. They weren't printed. They were handwritten. So I looked at him and I said, Yes, this is the handwriting. humble. So how did you come to, to have this book? or How did he come to write it for you? So then then his neighbor told him he says, we were in Mecca, studying with soufiane Marina? I think we all know this name. Fantastic scholar. So if you have not an arena, he says, for some days, we hadn't we hadn't seen him. But so we went to him. So he was

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renting a room in a house. We went to the room, and we knocked, and he was wearing a whole con, which is basically torn pieces of cloth.

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And we said, Yeah, but Abdullah, that was his cornea, his patronymic about Abdullah, Abdullah, what is wrong, we haven't seen you for a number of days. So he says, My clothes were stolen. So he had only one garment, he would wash it and hang it. He says, My clothes were stolen. So a man said, I have some dinars. If you like, take a loan from me, they know it isn't like give or take a loan from me. And if you like, take it as a gift, or whatever you want. So he refused both refused to take it as a loan and refused to take it as a gift. So this is the neighbor talking now he says, so I thought, How can I help him? So I said to him, would you work for me and he almost like the

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equivalent of printing, I need to copy a book, would you vote for me for a fee.

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And I took out a dinar, which is now a gold dinar. And said, take this as advanced payment. And the amount refused. He says the amount tells him buy a piece of cloth and cut it in half. And this gives you an idea of the general poverty that existed. And even when you look at the companions of a Navy SEAL are seldom how poor they were how the process alum would tell the women not to hurry in raising their head from sujood. Because the men in the front sometimes would just have a cloth around them. So they don't see the men uncovered. So they would delay raising their head from food. That's why when you study, you have the ruling of how the person prays, if they don't have any clothes, and in

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our days, why wouldn't you have any clothes. But back then, that some people didn't have any clothes, you know that very well, the story of the companion who would leave early after Salah. And the person asked him why he leaves so early. He said because we have one garment and I rushed back to give it to my wife so she can pray in it before and before the the time goes, goes out. So they were in extreme poverty and of course, and other people watch the movie, the message and these guys are in films and stuff and a lot of materials on them. And it wasn't like that. Remember when when Okay, their dominant agenda when he was during the during the book, when they they captured him,

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they found some garments with very nice garments they sent in in advance to any bizarre salon. And then the competitors just kept touching it. It was just soft material like now we take velvet and stuff for granted. They just kept touching this material. They were so amazed at this material, it was so soft, because a lot of the club was very coarse as well. So but that poverty even until this point here and you remain so this is how a lot of people dressed and you wouldn't expect this in Baghdad everyone to be in a job. Some people will just be in a garment that's wrapped around their waist and some people government is around their waist and one over the shoulder. So the amount

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doesn't buy a piece of cloth, cut it in half. And I'll use one as an izhar mean to wrap around the waist and I'll throw another over my shoulders. That's that was the shirt, throw it over the shoulders and and bring me the rest of the money. He says so I gave him the cloth and the rest of the money and I bought him paper and ink. And he started to write the book for me. So this is his writing. He's telling him this is how I got this book in my library with the writing the handwriting of the moment, even humbled. So this shows you the kind of poverty that he lived in.

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So amongst the people that he studied with was in Mecca, amongst his teachers in Mecca as well was enamel Shafi and we're going to get to the relationship between mama chef me and Mr. Mohammed in Hamburg mama

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To play. So this is an iteration now when by the great

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Eman is half urban rah rah where

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he says

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the hummingbird said to me Yeah, we have to get up and I'll show you a man there is none like him. And now notice there were in the gathering of saffiano Marina, who is narrating a hadith he got from Missouri. Okay, so now we're looking at a fantastic scholar narrated from another fantastic scholar who studied you know, from with any with Sahaba and so on. So now this is a fantastic chain of narration, why would you leave this gathering? So he says now and this narration is going to show you how mmm it was of the first people to discover the brilliance of a chef in Mecca.

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So it's hard to even Rockaway raha here. He says, this is a great scholar, you've probably heard his name many times. He says, I'm an humble said to me, yeah, we get up and I'll show you a man there is none like him. So we got up and he took me nearly sums up the role of Zumba. And he was a young man wearing white and he had a good appearance if I'm a chef, he was very handsome. But he's to dress like the bedroom. So it were rough clothing, but he was a handsome man. And he said there was a young man notice he was young, wearing white, who had the good appearance and a good mind. So we sat next to him. Okay. And humble introduces him to him. I'm a chef. He says this is how ignorant we

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are. And he says

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humbly, and he This is his hot oven, Rahul handily. So he greeted him. Now who's speaking now the great scholar is how he says then knowledge exploded out of this young man that I was unable to keep up with and is unable to memorize. And then when the meeting prolonged, he turned to me and said, Yeah, about Abdullah, take us to the man that you said there is none. Like him. We said you we got up and you said there's not like it. So it doesn't this is the math. So the amount is half a dozen Subhan Allah, we left Sofia and of Marina as he was saying azuri narrated this and that. So I thought you're going to at least bring me up to a man was equal to a safari. Right? And if you're

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listening to written narrations from Missouri, at least this if we're going to leave that let's go to someone equal to sorry. So, so you bring me to a young man, he surprised even though notice he's surprised because he was in med but he said the knowledge exploded out of him. I couldn't keep up with it.

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I will take from the man for I have not seen his likes before. I've never seen anyone like him. So it shows you the narration shows you that at a very early age. Imam Ahmed Rahim Allah was of the first people to discover what a magnificent scholar in Hama Shafi for him Allah was

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before other people discovered it and before he became popular, because later on he becomes very popular. So

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they had a relationship where they both benefited from each other. So humble, was a Hadith, and had dead is someone who understands the chain of narrations of Hadid and he knows which narrator is trustworthy and which narrator is weak. The puppy is the one who is able to pull out the rulings that come from these Heidi, and obviously from the eye as well. Sweet understands, he has his understanding, then we had this might only just know that if the Hadith is authentic or not, but not tell you the benefits and what we learned from the Hadith. It was one famous story of a group of mohabbatein sitting in the masjid, and you know, they just look like you know, men in turbans and

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big beards and oh, you look like Michelle, right? So a woman enters and she asked them, she asked them a simple question about menses. So she asked the question, and all these Michelle's looking people can't answer the question. They stayed quiet. So they told her this man, meaning Hara Shafi, this was about a chef and they tell her this man over here can answer your question. Sure. So she asked the question right in front of them. And Imam chef comes to them and she's asking the question the mohabbatein they can hear. So he tells her Yes, the answer is it's permissible. And the evidence is the hadith of this distance. When he says the Hadith Allah Mahadevan jumped up. Yes, yes. Yes.

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And this is narrated from so and so from so and so from so and so. Because that's their job. They know who narrated it and and all the other chains and ways that through which is narrated, but they don't know what's the benefits. And the end, the

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just Mullah Nussle Hadith is much ulmerton. And when they come to the mutton, they don't know what what's the ruling and what's the benefit they get out of it. So even Mohammed in humble was Hadith, but the

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Because of Mr. Chef and he became a puppy, as well, even though when he wrote his book or muslin, he wrote it together, Heidi. But later on his students started to compile all his issues as well. And that's why I became known as a puppy and I'm HUD So Amanda chef, it was not a muhaddith but he was a fee. And so both of them each one was stronger than the other in something so a man had learned the formula machete, but even if it would tell him that that oh Bob Dylan, you are more knowledgeable with the authority of narrations than me. So if the Hadith is authentic, then in for me so that I may use it. So both of them now recognize the strength of the other.

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So now amount of

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humble is learning as well as Hadith.

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But and then after that, he also moves to Yemen, and he studied with Abdul Razak, back then when he said Abdul Razak didn't ask which, who it was known as the rasa Sinani from San Juan in Yemen, and we're going to come to him in Sharla.

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But so

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okay. But he says he also went to other great scholars, Danny, one of them his name was Ibrahim, Abner, Morocco, even a bit of fun. And he says, I went to him and he was also Ronnie. He was strict in difficult it's not easy to deal with. Look at this, and it shows with determination. He says, I stood at his door for a day or maybe two, just to get permission to study with him. And imagine what happens now imagine the the icy, hire some email, and he's like that has Hanako be very empty. It'll just be him and

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some crickets

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and one because only because they have to open the microphones for him. But the dedication of the Imam here he stood at his door for a day or two just hoping to get permission. He says until I got to him. What happened? She started with him for a month. He gave me two days for a day to sit outside his door. He gave me to a Heidi. That's it. Get lost. Yeah. So then,

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and he was saying that these is the journey to son It was very difficult journey. And but he took a lot of Heidi, especially from Abdul Razak. And he noticed that anger is up and each scholar had a specific characteristic that later on and when the Imam starts to teach at age 40, you will see him you see exactly what characteristic he got from which scholar and that's why we were mentioning it up grows up. It's great scholar Rahim Allah. He said that he noticed this, this scholar despite his unbelievable memorization and fantastic knowledge, he would always you had this meaning he would narrate the Hadith from a book. Nothing his memory isn't enough, but just shows you how careful and

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how intricate and detailed he was. Then this is the thing that when people today attacked the sooner, so with these hoodies, we don't know how they were collected in this video, they don't know what they're talking about. They never for two minutes, listen to how a hadith were gathered. They tell you that in the gardens of the Maha defeat, they even took attendance, the even took attendance, and so and so was here, so and so was absent. Why? So that later on, no one just stands and says hi, definitely hurry like he has a chain of notion to azuri even attendance they took it was very, very detailed and intricate and reserved for him Allah, despite his fantastic knowledge,

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he's still using a book just to be extra careful. So Well, I'd learned that from him. And later on, he would give the Hadith from a book as well, even though it was in his mind, no mistakes about it.

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But then, then at the end of the journey from Yemen, he goes back to Mecca not to have that. And that's what he stated mm soufiane authority no sorry. Savannah thought he had passed away and

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he had gone to Egypt This is now he's returned back to Mecca. And but he still remained there seeking knowledge. So he had a long journey of gaining knowledge but the top five scholars that he's he benefited from were who shame IGNOU Bashir and he started with him at his early age and he was a four and a half years old when he began to study with shaman Bashir and he narrates from him 3000 narrations then there was Jezebel her own this the one who said that likes to joke and he was the Imam of wasit. Then there was his main ignore Alia Villa is a woman's name, as you can see, but we're going to explain why he's called him earlier. And the fourth was Sophia Ignalina, the great

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scholars of Vienna and the fifth was Abdul Razak Sinani that he stayed with for two years.

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So now, the idea is that we're going to study the Islam at the biography amount

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hamba Rahim Allah insha Allah by the end of Ramadan, we'll be done with it. And we're going to cover the fitna of the creation of the Quran in detail. But there's some great scholars and some great names that we may never get another chance to sit and talk about or to mention. And so let's start with Hussein Abu Bashir because he was for 18 years the teacher of our Imam. So let's see who he was and what he was like. who she was no Bashir, Rahim Allah, he was a young man. And they were he was from Makino, kind of poor family. And so his father would keep asking him to come and work and help him in his work, but who shame he used to go to the judge, the Father, the judge of the city, he had

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a hot offer there. And he wanted as the young men to go and learn. It's kind of like, unlike today, kids hate school, they hate learning and going to force them to do it. And here he would leave work and escape helping is that to go to the judge and to learn from the halaqa of the judge.

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So one day, Hussein became sick, and he became sick for a long time. Now you got to realize that the judge has halaqa, who is in it, big shots, only a judge other judges and justices and big shots, governors, people in high ranking officials in government. So this young boy who would notice him, he was sick for a long time. So the judge said, Where is that young man that used to learn with us? The judge paid attention to him because he was intelligent. So they told him he's sick. So he said, let's go and visit him. So now you don't expect his father's this poor man. And he hears a knock at the door. And he and he was a cook By the way, okay. He was just he was a cook.

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he hears a knock at the door when he opens. Okay, no, no, sorry. The judge and his big shot friends. They go to visit who shame and his home, his focus at work. He's a cook, somebody doesn't listen, the judge and all the important people at your house. So he runs to his house. And, and he sees that

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the judge came just to visit his son so when the judge and everybody else leaves he tells them Oh, son, I used to prevent you from seeking howdy but not anymore. The judge now comes to my home. I'm just a simple cook and now the judge of the city is coming to my home. I he says I'd never dreamt that the judge would come to visit my home. And from that day, the father of ashame would support him in seeking knowledge.

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He said, this is a shame now he said, because now we're talking about his biography. He said I would memorize 100 Hadith in one class, one sitting. Now what does that mean? memorize 100? Howdy. Yani the way we had it now nice and in English. And we paraphrase and we say, you know, one of the competitors narrated the puzzle and said something to the effect of this, right?

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When he's saying that he's not just memorizing the method. The method is what spoken because we go from so and so narrated from so and so then it gets to the Navy. So Navy saw Selim said, this is called the metal. He's not saying I'm memorizing 100 Mattoon, he's remembering 100 Hadith with the narration, each one with a different chain different people in one gathering who would know more than 100 Howdy.

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He says, If I were asked about them, 10 months later, I would still remember them. Not just temporary, but for long for the long term. So he would travel and he would learn from the type of pain and from tablet type pain and he attained vast, vast knowledge.

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He studied with Imam Malik. So now you can actually you can link all four imams to each other through teachers and students. So he studied with him Amharic, he studied with Sophia and authority he studied with charbonnel Hajaj, even though he was older than Shabaab than hijab, but he still sat and studied with him.

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So that was a shame even in Bashir,

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the student that the teacher of the Imam that he studied started with in the beginning and stayed with for about 18 to 20 years. The second was either from the heart on the one we said that likes to joke is you don't know how long was known for his knowledge and his lengthy salah and not just night, but also during the day he would stand in Long, long Salah always praying no often during the day. And of course, it's permissible to do that. in Hamburg later on, you see you do the same thing. And that's what he got from New Zealand Haro, that he would pray for many, many hours during the day and at night, as well. So this was the the great taqwa of this scholar is even the heroine and

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even him but he would look for the scholar that was also a devout worshiper and is not after the dunya and a devout worshiper. This was his her his criterion, when he would look for a chef to study with

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And is even harder on. He said I memorized 25,000 chains of narrations, different chains. And I'm not boasting. He says, And and I memorized 2000 Hadith from the people of a sham, of which I do not hesitate. What does that mean? It means that this Hadith, there are so authentic, the narratives are so authentic, I don't hesitate at all in narrating this hadith.

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And then he would say that a common Illa in controla, acoem, the Hadith, may Allah meaning let me remain alive if I do not act upon the ad. And this is something we see again within Ahmed later on. When he wrote the Muslim ad, which had about 40,000 ad. He said, I never wrote down the Hadith, except that I acted upon it, never had it except that he acted upon, even when he heard that the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he got cupped. And he gave give a papaya, the hjem the copper, he gave him a dinar. He says I got copper, and I gave the hjem Medina to that extent. So when he gets that from, you can start to see now where he's getting these things from the Salah, reading the book from

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Sinani and hear from YouTube and her own that acting upon what he learns.

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Now, again, we're talking now about New Zealand heroin. I promised you earlier that we're going to talk about what a major sculptor and what he meant to the oma at that time. This will show you he was a man that had haber. haber is

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when someone has a commanding presence, right. And there's some people you know, you see them you can fool around in front of them. Some people if they're in the room, you don't fool around you sit properly, because they have this commanding presence. So he has either been the heroine even though he likes to joke he had haber and

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moon, the moon later on, he followed them or Tesla in something in the creation of the Quran, he said that the Koran is created. Even though he had this belief, he was afraid because of his 11 huddle, and the Khalifa of the entire oma. And he wanted to force the home upon this belief. But he never announced his belief until the death of yours. He didn't know. He was afraid of us either in the huddle, he says at one time this is now we're talking about Mr. Moon, he says had it not been for years, even her own, I would have announced and declared the creation of the Quran. So then one of the people in the gathering, he doesn't have money, and who is yazeed so that he should be

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feared. You're the halifa is just a scholar. What's the problem? So the halifa and Moon he tells him Oh to you, I do not feel him. But he has a Sultan, meaning he has a following. He has that kind of power. But I fear that if I announced my position regarding the creation of the Koran, he would respond to me and refuse my position and announce his and a fitna will occur. What does that tell you? It tells me he had so much of a following that if the halifa said yes. And he said no. People will be divided and split. And there'll be a fitna in the coma. This was yazeed had been heroine Rahim Allah.

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So the man this guy from the the hollyford Court, he thinks he's smart. So I'm gonna go test him for you. And the 100,000 Go ahead, go test him. So the man goes to awesome. Two years around to the masjid in in the city of wasit. And he says, Yeah, Abu Khalid, this was the patronymic of Jezebel, Harun. Oh Father of the Abu Khalid, Amir momineen, gives you his ceramics. And he says to you that I wanted to announce that the Quran is created. So he's testing him to see what he's going to respond with. So he is either no one tells him you have lied against a mural, meaning a mirror Nene would never force people upon that, which they do not know, meaning what they like a new bit like a beta.

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This is something people don't know, Amir meaning would never force people upon that, which they do not know, and what no one has said before. So he kind of closed the door. So the man returns and talk about to the halifa. And he tells him to the moon, he says the moon, that what he said to him, come on, the sheriff is smarter than this guy. He knows that amuro men believed him. So the guy thinks, oh, he doesn't believe me. He's saying, when you lie against him, he would never do something like that. He didn't believe what I'm telling him. But I met him when he tells him woe to you. He fooled you. He was saying that he's sending me an indirect message. So you wouldn't dare do

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that. That's what he's really telling me. You see.

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So, he was afraid of yazeed in her own and once you see that, no one died in the year 206.

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Then the fitness started and just to give you an idea, Imam Shafi died 204 so 206

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the is 11, Harun dies, and the fitna started and it's fire was blazed and the

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Fuel of the of this fire was unfortunately the scholars of the oma

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and of course the man who stood mostly in the way of the fitna was Amitabh Namba, the student of yazeed.

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So, so he, okay, so Okay, so not only was he a scholar, but he used to be of those who would forbid, what is evil, even if it meant standing against the halifa himself. But the so now we discussed two of the five scholars that had the most influence on the map. The first was

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Seamus new Bashir, the second was, is even her own. The third is, is my al ignore layer. And he has a strange name because if not really early ism, a woman he was he was named actually was the son of Ibrahim moccasin. But this man Ibrahim makutsi, married a woman Her name was earlier. And she gave him a boy. And they named him after his mother. Why? Because again, she was such an intellectual, and such a noble and she raised him in the best way. And so and this sometimes happens even in our communities, and if someone

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I know it's rare anybody someone has a wife, that's so let's say, knowledgeable or more active than him, you'd refer to him as so and so the the husband of so and so, and not, not her, the wife of sons, the opposite.

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We had we had a guy like that in Virginia, we refer to him you know, ex husband of Filipina because she was an active guy and everything like that.

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So, so she was such a such an intellectual and knowledgeable woman and a noble woman that they referred him to his mother.

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Number used to say, I missed Malick, what does that mean? I missed him American I didn't I wasn't alive to be there at the time to benefit from the Almighty. So Allah replaced him for me with soufiane Marina, and I missed Hamad musea organization. So Allah subhanaw taala replacing for me with Ismail even Alia and or he said, it's my job No, Ibrahim and

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Ibrahim aurasma. If not Malaya he was from the greatest scholars of the city of El Basra. And his mother used to love knowledge and he would send him to the best scholars. And so

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but he didn't like that name. He says whoever calls me the son of Allah, he has a turban, he has his back by with me. And even humble used to also prevent people from calling him that but it was a popular name. Everybody would save normally. And you know, what would stop them say Don't call him that? It became the popular name. But of course after he died, it wasn't the butt anymore. And he became known as he didn't know. Really? Yeah. But one of the things you start to see is that there was always a great woman behind great scholars always humble, you know, his mother hmm antunovich email Michelle chef at the same thing. His mother would send them out to learn. Imam Malik wants to

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become a singer. His mother makes him into a young scholar. You know, even even OPI em and others. They have no fame had a sister who was really into knowledge and because his mother passed away, sister got him into knowledge. You know, it's made Aliyah here as well, his mother so many times you see mothers and the role with the scholars

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table but daddy again, we're taking quotes, but we're not taking quotes from nobody's table. But daddy again the great Hadith and a great scholar. And he says, talking now we're talking still about the biography of of

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smiling. We're not talking about humble right now. So are smiling Abraham's he said,

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by a table book, Daddy, this great scholar this great hudud he says the people have memorization and then how far from here from the city of El Basra met with those of the people of Vancouver so they're gonna have a test now a kind of a competition and see who which city has the better memorization. So the people who have been Kufa said to the people of El Basra, move aside, Ibrahim, have no idea and bring anybody else you want to show you the place of Smilodon Allah Rahim Allah. I would I would. You know, I would I would have a moment of Buddhahood he said there is none of the mohabbatein except that he has heard he's made a mistake, except Ibrahim Ismail, in Malaya, and

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Excuse me, Mr. Bishop nomophobia, Fabiani, this is another person but he's mentioning his mail of knowledge showing you the excellence of this mud

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and smile earlier was very, very serious and he never laughed, nor he ever joked. And he had this haber this commanding presence. One of the students

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says I stayed with him for 20 years and I never saw him laugh. But you might ask yourself, Toby, this is not from the sunlight because Allah preserve him smile, right? He didn't say he never smiled, he said he never left is very serious. Later on, when it starts to teach, you see that he was also very serious. So we can assume he got that seriousness when it comes to teaching Hadith from his marine even earlier him Allah

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the fourth. So now we discussed

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who Shamoon Bashir

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is even her own smile of Malaya and the fourth Sofia Marina, you don't have to struggle to memorize this name. The famous scholars of Medina was known and he was the Imam of Hadith. He lived in Kufa and he was 10 years younger than Sophia and authority. And he became popular to the point that he became the main lecturer when he made a joke to Mecca. He became the main lecture at Al Haram in Makkah, and

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he was named Mohammed Al Harmon makini, the Mojave of the harem in Mecca.

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But and his name was soufiane have no idea or you know, even Abby Emraan a chef a chef mo law says about him. He says I had not been for Malik and soufiane the knowledge of ages would have disappeared because against the Fianna ignorant who said was in Mecca in Iran, Malik was in was sorry, was in Medina base, but it's still in ages, right. So he's saying I did not mean for these two, then the knowledge of ages would have disappeared. And he used to also say that Malik and Sophia and Marina were comparable to each other. And when you read the biography of Imam Malik, when we say someone is comparable to enter Malik, Carlson's top top top level scholar

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and talking about Savannah Marina, his father took him to Hajj when he was at the age of six, and he made a total of 27 times. And he had nine sons, four of which were mohabbatein, themselves the narrator's of ahaadeeth. And he met more than 80 of the time between the successors of the processor. But the definition of a companion is someone who

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met the prophets of Allah while they were Muslim, right, and remain Muslim until any remain was not like a Buddha, which is not a companion, not as a hobby. So it wasn't Muslim. And then the definition similarly of Tabby is someone who

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met a Sahabi while he was Muslim and upon Islam, proper upgrade or proper belief. And for example, they have a rich, you don't count them as

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they've been and things like that. But so and then again, attack database or target who is someone who would met one of the turban in and while he was Muslim, and upon correct belief, and remained upon that. So. So when we say he met 80 of the time here, and then it would make him one of the tabea, Tabby. And it was some scholars have said that it's a condition that you narrate from the companion to be a Tabby or you narrate from a tablet a to be a tablet, but that's not the majority of us don't actually use that.

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Any stipulation? They don't agree with that.

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So then, for that reason, so if you don't have no and I used to say, because he met 80 of the successes, he would say nothing is between me and the companions of the processor, except the veil. What does it mean? And just something really thin and small is between me and the companions, as opposed to them I met 80 of the people who met them and studied with them, right? So imagine you study with knafeh, for example, he and he was the fried servant of Abdullah Omar who was with him for so many years. It's almost like being right there with an Omar Avila and Homer. So

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he had a huge, huge halaqa

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near the Kaaba. And on top of that is also described, they had also a very beautiful voice.

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And in my head, I've never seen anyone more knowledgeable in the sooner than urban arena. This is again to show his position from his wisdoms. He was also a very wise man wise scholar, he would say the scholar is not the one who knows the good and the evil. The scholar is the one who knows the good and follows it and knows the evil and avoids it lies so true. It's not just about knowing a hadith and having information but it's the one who knows the good and he follows it and how many have we seen of people who have knowledge, but they break and they follow whatever the Sultan says whatever the government says, whatever the the, you know, the, the current is, so he's saying is the

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one who knows the good and follows it.

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knows the evil and avoids it. And so again, it links you to action again talking about knowledge and action. He's saying that the beginning of knowledge is in salt listening, and memorization, then acting upon it, then dispersement you hear it, memorize it, act upon it, and then you spread it to people. So he was a great scholar and also a great worshipper of Allah azza wa jal, and he was a head, and he had a great middle have a lot of people think the former head, were the only Yanni these were the only great imams are the only great modahaus. That's why we have them, but there were actually many great mentor him. And he has a great method for why didn't his method survive until

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today? That's it. Okay, why didn't his makeup survive? Because he didn't have students and students or what carry on, they might have the MakerBot hanifa was carried on by his students in America, and so on and so forth. So he was he didn't have enough students to carry on and build upon his method. And that's why and the fifth is the fifth scholar that even even humble man benefited from greatly was up there as up even homam ignacia even for maybe a swan honey. Remember that hubby says about him, he was a storage of knowledge. And people would travel to him from all around the world. If they set up the reserve, nobody said which it was no, he said

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it was known. He talking about a Sinani and he was the Imam of Yemen and he came from a family of scholars, his father and his uncle, all of them were scholars and yet he still he learned from them and he still traveled around the world learning and

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then he later on someone commented about Sofia about the results and he said for Allah He looked at the oven a bit and she's well he caused a lot of distress and fatigue for the camels. Why? Because people will travel to him on Camelback. So he's, he's the cause of a lot of cameras being tired.

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And the people of Hadith have it also another quote saying that people have had it have not traveled to see someone after the prophet SAW Selim as much as they have to have the results and now Okay, we don't hear too much about the Sunnah. But you know, a lot of people have read about him and they know who he was. And he studied you know, in depth fifth and Hadith you always hear the name of Sinani. But back then they say people have never traveled as much to one person after an episode as they have traveled to others have a son and

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so these were the top five scholars that live in humble Ramallah studied with and even though you know, even though Josie mentions 414 shoe that the chef studied with, amongst them was also a woman. And her name was Amara bint Hassan Ibn Zayd arthropathy. So there was also a woman scholar amongst his teachers. And we said a sharpener was his teacher. And he was also of the strongest of his teachers, and even amateurs, I have not gone to a chef and except that I found out sorry, someone says, I have not gone to a chef, except that I found a humble

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sitting with him. And he was in his company more than we were so humble. He was constantly with a chef. And even humble says if I if I'm asked about an issue about which I have no Heidi, what do I do? I respond with the saying of a chef on that issue. This is the trustee had in the chef theory and in the knowledge of a chef at

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the in those the they have their two sons of a Ahmed sila, and I'm the law we're going to come to them. But even amid reach such a high degree in knowledge that

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someone asked his son he says your father memorize 1000 1000 Hadith was 1000 1000 a million.

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He says yes, this isn't how do you know he's asking his son? He says that to me. I sat with him and he said them to me by we know that HUD is the problem. They're not a million. Not even close to that. But when you you can have one howdy through many different narrations, right? Plus, you when you memorize the statements of Abdullah and Omar, Abdullah best it counts and he they're counting all of that as a million of these statements of scholars and tambourine and Sahaba. And different narrations of the prophets of the Lord said

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her mother is one of the students of Yeoman chef he says I heard the chef have a say, I left both dad and I did not leave behind me any man better nor more knowledgeable nor have

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no atka then even humble. So this is first time

01:00:00 --> 01:00:09

Bad dad, former left to be heard Julian Julian of when I was at ca What I mean

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by that is, like I said the young did not sit and teach until he reached the age of 40. And they asked him why, and he had so much knowledge at such an early age, but he did not rush to teach until the age of 40. And they asked him why. He said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent when he was 40 years old.

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And he he doesn't have to abide by that. But this is to the degree to which he wanted to follow us on Nabi sallallahu. Sallam says the person didn't teach until he was four, it wasn't sent until he was 40. So I'm gonna start teaching when I'm 40. He could have started when he was in his 20s. But he waited that long. And people were waiting for him eagerly anxiously waiting for him to start teaching. And when he started teaching in Baghdad, at the Grand Mosque there, the people were so impressed, and his change of narrations were so short. And he, because he started from people. And so these changes weren't like so and so told us from so and so from so it was just from so and so

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from so and so from so and so. And if you saw Selim said this, because he studied with scholars that started with so many Fabien, who heard from the companions who heard from the Prophet sallallahu, etc.

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And in these gatherings, there would be scholars, not just students of knowledge, great scholars would be sitting, and they would be in total silence. And there would be 5000 students writing what he was saying. So the question is, How did 5000 students hear what he was saying? First of all, there was total silence. But also the way of microphones back then, was that the you there were people who would stand from a distance where they could hear within earshot of the Imam. And he would say he would speak and then they would repeat what he was saying. And then they might be people at another distance, and they would repeat. And so a large gathering people could hear this

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way. Sometimes you would hear that any number Hari went to the city 10,000 people came out to hear his data set. So how did they listen? How did they know microphones? People would repeat like that, but there would be designated people who were students of knowledge very accurate, and they would say out loud, to the people what he was saying.

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And even

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then, because the size of his halaqa, he there wasn't a way for people to ask questions, so he would have another halaqa for his students. The students have knowledge to ask specific questions. And in this halaqaat, even his his uncle's, Ben saw his sons, Sala and Abdullah would be in his gathering. And he would they said that in his gathering, he would equate the poor with the rich, he was very in touch with the poor. And moreover, the he said, I've never seen the poor more honored than in the gatherings of Abdullah McAdams have been humble. And people from an unduly from Spain from corizon and around the world with come to

01:03:08 --> 01:03:42

Boston was a very well known for play at the time major for me, I've asked him, he says, you know, Matt came, so we opened up a path for him. And we he started to ask him questions every time he asked 100 humble and to get the full story is that he asked a humble when he entered I will ask him Tell him to come to the front. You know, admittedly, I don't like to step over the necks of the believers which is prohibited. So he they asked people to open a path for him and they opened the path for him and he came so I will ask them this great okay. I would ask him a question.

01:03:43 --> 01:03:56

He would respond to every question with Howdy. So in the end is great. Okay said he is from the creatures of the sea and he is not a human being this man. Everything I asked him he answers with a howdy buy

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01:04:00 --> 01:04:23

buy How about this then because actually what we're doing is we're studying with the next next week. We're starting straight with the fitna inshallah, but very quickly, I'm just going to quickly but it's sons. Okay. So he got married at the age of 40, as well, why did he get married late because he didn't want to burden his wife with these trips and in the poverty in seeking knowledge from one place to another. So he got

01:04:25 --> 01:04:39

he got married to a woman, her name was about 17 fuggle. He stayed with her for 30 years. He got his sons solid, which was a scholar and one of his students. Then she died after 30 years. He said, I never had one quarrel with her for 40 years. So

01:04:41 --> 01:04:57

go home and share that with the family. Then, after she died, he married Rihanna and he got from her his son Abdullah, even though he isn't his oldest son sada is not known as avasarala. And I'm delighted because only it was his Konya before marriage.

01:04:59 --> 01:04:59


01:05:00 --> 01:05:25

He was also one of the Imams of the middle son Abdullah was one of the Imams of his method. And then he he later on had a slave girl whose name was Hurston and from her he got Xena to twins of Hassan and Hussein and Muhammad and Sade. And so total then he had six boys and two of which were had the de sade became the judge of the city of Kufa. And,

01:05:27 --> 01:05:28


01:05:29 --> 01:06:07

and from his village and his worship, he would fast even when he was being whipped later on in the heat, and he's being worked really hard he was still would be fasting. And his following of the Sunnah is that he would not write a hadith except that he would act upon it. And even when he was in hiding for a time, he remained hiding in a trusted friend's house for three days. Then after three days, he said, I have to leave. He said, The athlete, this is safe, stay here, if you go somewhere else, they will report you to the government, they'll capture you. He says, find me a place to stay, then I'll tell you something you will benefit from. So then just so so Pamela. So then what happens

01:06:07 --> 01:06:46

he after he finds him a safe place, and he leaves the home of his trusted and good friend to go to a new place and he tells him The reason I stayed with you only for three days is that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam stayed in Nevada, the Cave of Thor for three days. But look what he said. He doesn't have to follow the Sunnah. But look what he said. He said, Does it make sense that we follow the sun at times of ease and leave it at times of hardship? So even at the time of hardship, he insisted that I'm alone Mm hmm. And very attentive listening, inshallah we begin next week immediately with the fitna of the creation of the Quran, salam, O Allah Allah Muhammad, wa

01:06:48 --> 01:06:50

salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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