Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P18 175D Tafsir Al-Nur 4-10
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Now in the next video what do we learn? Now we learn about the accusation of Zina. So firstly we learned about the crime of Zina the punishment of Zina. All right, the effects of Zina. Now we learn about the allegation of Zina that when someone is being accused of Zina,
well Lavina and those people who your moon and Mars on ads who accuse the chaste women, your Munna from the word Rummy, ROM Yun, Rami Mia is to throw to hurl something. All right, it is Ilkka Bichette in your good rule where you VI is to throw something at someone that will hurt them that will harm them. So for example, shooting an arrow All right, or throwing a stone isn't going to hurt the person. It will right so over here Rami, it means accusation.
Because when someone accuses you of something that you've not done, does it hurt?
hurts really bad? Right? You know, like what they say Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will listen never hurt me but it's actually the opposite words can also hurt me.
Right? Words can also hurt because the wounds the scars that come from sticks and stones what happens to them they heal. But the wounds that come from words. It takes a very very long time to heal. Sometimes they don't heal at all.
So what Lavina your Munna Masana those people who accuse Marsan at porcelain at floral have more sunnah. And who is she a chaste woman? Remember that the word Mastana has different meanings and we studied that in Surah Nisa, it means free woman It means married woman and it also means chaste woman over here it means chaste woman being the one who doesn't do Zina. It's not expected of her that she would commit Zina.
So there is a chance to woman an innocent woman. All right, a pious woman and someone accuses her of committing Zina
sama then lamb not yet do they come be our Bharati wait for meaning they do not bring for shahada witnesses.
What do we learn from this, that if a person accuses another of Zina, then what do they have to bring with that accusation? That accusation must be backed by witnesses? How many witnesses Ottawa for witnesses? Who are these witnesses? Witnesses were other than the person who's accusing. All right. And these witnesses, they must have witnessed the actual act of Zina.
The actual act of Zina must have been witnessed, you understand? So if, for example, if a person sees a man and woman going into a hotel room
and closing the door, or sitting in the car, eating together at a restaurant, and if he says, Oh, they must have committed dinner, what were they doing in that hotel room together? They must have committed dinner. He's saying that he better back it up with four people who have seen the act of Zina with their eyes.
And if they do not bring the witnesses that What does Allah say? So Melania to be Alberti shahada, if they do not bring the witnesses federally do home,
then lash them lash who?
Those who are accusing of Zina
the accusers lash them punish them for saying something without backing it with proof. So punish them punish them with what the punishment of lashing how many lashes some I Nina Jodha at lashes.
At lashes is the punishment for accusing someone of Zina without bringing proof.
And there's another punishment and what is that? Well, and do not talk about Lulu, whom you do not accept for them, meaning never accept from them. shahada done any testimony other than ever. Meaning in the future, their testimony in the court will never be accepted. In other words, these people lose their credibility.
They lose the right to testify in court for any case. Any case they cannot do that. What hola ICA and those whom they Alpha silcoon they are fantastic. They are sinful. They're criminals. They're crossing the limits, who's crossing the limits? Someone who accuses of Zina without bringing proof in that except Alladhina taboo, those people will do
Toba, except for those who Toba for a Mangu those who are accused of Zina right, and they didn't bring proof, but then they realized their mistake and the seek Allah's forgiveness mimbar the Dalek after that, what US law who and they also do is law? What does it mean by that they reformed their deeds, meaning in the future, they never open their mouth about any matter about anyone without proof. And Islam also includes taking the legal punishment. It also includes taking the legal punishment. So after the 80 lashes after apologizing to the one whom they accused, after, you know, fixing their mistakes, so now they don't open their mouth with respect to any matter except with
proof a slur who for in Allah foreigner him then indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful, meaning Yes, then later on, their testimony might be accepted in court.
Okay, good question in the eye on worse on Earth is mentioned. Right women who are being accused of Zina, right. And then if proof is not brought, then those who are accusing they must be given the punishment of 80 lashes. What about a man? What if he's accused of Zina?
And proof is not brought? Then in that case, again, those who are falsely accusing will be punished? Why are the women mentioned here?
Why are the women mentioned here? Because most of the time, who is accused
Right? Don't we hear all these stories in the media, especially women being falsely accused, no proof is brought and she is stoned to death. Right? And also remember that a woman if she is accused, alright, then this is a more sensitive matter.
Right? It's more sensitive matter, because obviously for her to take this accusation is more hurtful, because she's a woman after all.
Right? And then it will affect her family also. Go ahead.
Yes, good, very good.
By the way, this punishment that is described in these ayat is the heart of others. Alright, the punishment of others, what is part of to falsely accuse someone of Zina? All right. So if someone accuses another of Zina and the witnesses are not brought, proof is not brought, then what happens? They will be punished, right. And that punishment is called the head off of
okay. Now, it's very unlikely that
four witnesses can be brought right to watch the act to see to witness the act, and then testify in court. Also, it's very rare that this will happen.
Which is why we see in the Sunnah, that whenever the punishment of Zina was implemented, it was mostly in the case of who people who had come and confessed.
People who have come and confessed that he Allah, so Allah, this sin has been committed, please purify me, please purify me, he turned his face away, but please purify me again. And again. Remember the incident of that woman? She was pregnant, and the prophets of Allah has told her go back, when you have your baby, then we'll talk about it. She came back after delivering the baby. The prophets otherwise have said Go nurse her. So basically, he was trying to avert as much as possible. But if Allah has concealed the same, don't publicize it, right? Now, what does this teach us? You see the crime, the sin of Zina is serious, and the punishment is also very serious, and it
should not be taken lightly. Which means that someone if they're being accused,
then this is a very serious matter, you better bring proof, which means that we should not even talk about other people committing Zina.
Because this has other what does it do? It prevents us from talking about others, doesn't it? That if you open your mouth, so and so has committed Zina, you better bring proof if you don't bring proof, then come and you're going to be punished.
So this accusation of Xena cannot be taken lightly either. All right. And again, this teaches us that the punishment is basically implemented when a person comes and confesses himself.
Right? When they come and confess themselves when they want to be purified, and those who don't want to be purified, right, that obviously, they will be punished in the hereafter than their matter is between them and Allah subhanaw taala.
Of course, I mean, you shouldn't be seeking out such things right. But if an act like this is witnessed, then of course, testimony will be brought, right. The point is the lesson that we learned from here is don't talk about
Don't talk about other people having Zina. Don't do that. Because if you do, then you are guilty.
What happens is that these conversations, what do they do? They make the act of Zina very small. Right? That's also Oh, yeah. You know, he's sleeping with so and so and she's going out with him. And have you seen it? Have you witnessed the act? And remember that over here, the HUD part of this is for the act of Zina. All right. But if someone says about another, that oh, he kissed her, right? Or they didn't commit Zina, but they were together, then the collie the judge, he can give Thorazine right what is Thorazine? A lighter punishment, which is not 80 lashes but lighter than that. Alright, so these terms you should be familiar with one is had hurdled had and what is the legal
punishment that we learned on the Quran and Sunnah. Then there is Thursday, Thursday it is that punishment which is given by the judge. All right for a crime that is lesser, that is lighter.
So in the medina tab woman by the Delica wa sallahu for in hola hola foto Rahim. Now also remember that if the person who was accused of Zina right if they forgive the accuser,
if they forgive the person who's accused them, then the punishment will not be carried out, then the headscarf will not be carried out.
You understand? Like, for example, let's say there is a man and his name is Morath. All right. He accuses a man by the name of let's say,
give me a very, very uncommon name.
Okay, hobby, okay. A man by the name of hobby. All right name. Okay. He accuses him of Zina. And then he doesn't produce witnesses. Right, ma doesn't bring any witnesses. Now, what has to be done Murad? He's taken to court. All right. Habib takes him to court and he says, you know, you've accused me produce witnesses, the judge demands witnesses, no witnesses or only one witness or two witnesses. All right. Then what happens that the judge says, more odd has to be punished at lashes. All right. And Habib says, You know what, it's okay. I forgive him, I forgive more. So in that case, will not be punished. No, he will not be punished.
If he does Toba, this law, he seeks forgiveness, and he builds his good reputation, then eventually it might be right, he might get his credibility back. Now,
there's a particular situation, right. And this is something that happened at the time of the Prophet salallahu Salam. And Ohanian has reported that a man by the name of Hillel Abel Omiya, Hillel even OMA Yeah, all right, he came to the Prophet salallahu Salam and he said you know, so Allah I have seen my wife, committing Zina.
I have seen her committing Zina, she committed Zina.
The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, bring your evidence or the punishment is on your back.
Bring your proof that your wife has committed Zina, meaning bring four witnesses or the punishment is on your back at lashes. Get ready for that
Hillel, he said, O Messenger of Allah. If a man sees his wife committing Zina, how could he bring four people to witness
but at the same time, if I have said that she has committed Zina, because I have seen her doing it in my own house. If I have seen her doing it, how can I continue to live with her? If I divorce her, she takes my mom. Right? She has all her rights, whereas she's the one who's wronging me.
And if I speak up for my rights, then what's going on? I have to be punished at lashes. What am I supposed to do? Prophets are a lot of times said you bring witnesses or 80 lashes on your back. Meaning this is the home of Allah. I don't have any choice with regards to this. You have spoken. You have accused or you bring for witnesses, Hillel Allah one who said by the one who sent you with the truth, I am telling the truth, and Allah will reveal something that will protect my back from the punishment. This is reported in Behati. So what happened Allah subhanaw taala revealed the following if that will Lavina your Munna as well as your home those people who accuse their wives
who accused their wives of what of adultery or fornication Well, I'm and not yet gone there is long for them shahada, any witnesses Illa except for someone themselves. There are no witnesses except themselves. And you see the case of a husband and wife is different. I mean, if it's somebody else, a random person, right or your neighbor or somebody that's a
Different story. But if it's in your house, your own wife doing this, how can you continue to live with them?
How can you continue that relationship?
If you speak, you're in trouble. If you don't speak again, you're in trouble. What are you meant to do? So Allah subhanaw taala says,
well lamea Kula who shahada they have no witnesses Illa and fusuma except themselves, then Fisher head, the two are hiding him. Then the testimony of one of them, meaning this is one person who is he the husband, right, because a levena You're gonna It's the men who accused her wives, right. So this man who is accusing his wife, his testimony is equal to on borrow shahada, for testimonies Billahi by Allah, meaning he will testify four times that in the hole, indeed he is. Lemina saw the pain surely from the truthful meaning in the court. He is going to swear four times by Allah, that he is truthful in accusing his wife.
So you understand what's happening here.
There is only one man he's the husband so because he's the husband accusing his wife, his situation is different. He will testify four times by Allah, I am truthful. I'm speaking the truth. I saw my wife doing this one. Second time by Allah. I am truthful. I saw my wife doing this third time by Allah I am truthful. I saw my wife doing this fourth time by Allah I am truthful. I saw my wife doing this. On borrow Shahadat, in Billahi in the hula Amina Sadiki. Well, a person could even make that up right.
So while home is a tool, and the fifth time he will swear by Allah, under that learn that Allah Allah He the curse of Allah will be on him. That in Cana if he is middle Caribbean for among the liars, meaning the fifth time he will say that if I'm a liar, then may the curse of Allah be on me.
So for testimonies, fifth time you say that may the curse of Allah beyond me if I'm lying, and by this process, the wife is proven guilty.
So what happened in the case of Hillel of the lowering home in Makati, we learned the Prophet sallallahu Sallam sent for both of them. Hillel came and he gave his testimony. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said Allah knows that one of you is lying, who's going to do Toba? Right who's going to do Toba here, either the husband or the wife. Now, again, a man could do that. Right? If he wants to accuse his wife, mean, he's lying. He can also swear by Allah four times. And then the fifth time that made the curse of Allah beyond me, if I'm lying, he can make it up. He can do it. And there are people who do that. So the wife is proven guilty. Does she have the right to defend
herself to prove her innocence? Yes. So at this point, either she agrees that yes, he's right.
All right. Or if she's innocent, or she doesn't want to confess then she has the chance to defend herself. And what is that? We learned the following idea that way.
And it will prevent that ra Hamza dar DAR is to remove something harmful with full force, right? Something harmful is coming your way and you push it away. So now the woman is proven guilty, the punishment should be carried out on her. But she rebelled, the punishment or the punishment will be removed for her it will be warded off from her. So why not? Why lie that
the punishment will be averted from her how I'm that the shahada, she testifies all by shahada for testimonies Billahi by Allah, that in the hula liminal Caribbean that indeed he is from the liars, meaning she will testify to prove her innocence four times by Allah, he's lying. I never did this. By Allah, he's lying. I never did this by Allah, he's lying. I never did this by Allah, he's lying. I never did this four times. She swears by Allah, that he is a liar. Well, Hamza, and the fifth time, that unknown of Allah here and they had that may the anger of Allah be on her, in Canada, in a Saudi, if he is from the truthful to the fifth time she will say that if my husband is truthful,
then may the anger of Allah be on me. So she's inviting basically the curse of Allah on herself. If she is like, now, if she does this, then what will happen?
What will happen? She will not be punished. All right. She will not be punished. However, the marriage, does it continue? No, it's broken facade. Right. It's permanently ended. They're never good.
getting back together. All right, it's permanently. And so we learned in the Hadith, this particular incident, that the woman, she stood up, and she gave her testimony. And when she reached the fifth oath, alright when she was saying she when she was about to say that may the anger of Allah be on her if he is truthful, the people you know, the tried to stop her that Are you sure about that? Are you sure you want to say that? And they said that if you swear the fifth oath and you are lying than the curse of Allah will be inevitable. In our Bustelo below Arne, who said that she hesitated and she kept quiet, until we thought that she had changed her mind. But then she said, I will not
dishonor my people today. And she went ahead.
Alright, and she went ahead and she said, that the curse of Allah be on me the anger of Allah be on me if my husband is speaking the truth.
So basically, she was not punished, the marriage was ended, he went his way she went her way. The child that was born to her, the halal was not responsible, it was not his child, right? Because generally what happens, I mean after a divorce, all right, if the woman is pregnant, and she gives birth, who has to take care of that child? In the sense that who has to provide for the woman, her clothing and everything who has to the ex husband has to write, but in this case, no, the ex husband is not going to have to provide for her
the profits on a lot of Senem. He said wait until she gives birth and if she gives birth to a child whose eyes look as if they are ringed with Gohan and basically gave a description of the child. He said that that child is the child of Shrek been Salma, meaning the person whom he landed the low on who was accusing off that he's the one who was committing Zina with my wife and I saw the act. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said of the child looks like this, then he's the child of that man, and she gave birth to a child that met the exact description of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave, the Prophet said a lot of times said we're not for the book of Allah, meaning the law that Allah has
revealed, I would deal with her I would have punished her. Now this process, this is known as Leon. What is Leon is from Lana curse, invoking the curse of Allah, upon who upon the one who is lying. Allah says, Well Oh ALLAH fog, Lulu Hiya, Aleikum if it was not for the favor of Allah on you, well Rama to will and His mercy,
then what would happen he would be in great trouble he would be in great distress what would you do in this situation? Allah has provided a way out for you. Well, Anila to Wigan Hakeem and Allah is Accepting of repentance and he is wise. So this law that Allah has given here of neuron, what is this? It is His mercy, it is his bounty and without it you would have been in much difficulty and hardship.
Let's listen to the recitation of these verses and then a few more points for clarification
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Any question? Okay. The question that does it work the other way also, that if a wife sees her husband doing this good, she accused him of this in court and go and accuse him four times and all of that? No.
Right? Because in the Quran, specifically, what has been mentioned is with respect to men accusing their wives. All right, but what if there is a case like that? And it's very likely, it's possible. So then what is the woman supposed to do? The thing is that we have to understand the idea behind John Leon is the process of ending the marriage. Right? And the man initiates this, why? Because the man initiates divorce. Now, in this case, why doesn't he just simply give follow up to her, because if you just give solid to her, he looks like the bad guy. Right? And he has to let go of the MaHA and forget the mug. If she's pregnant, the child is on him, his shoulders, you understand, he has to
provide for her clothing and her food and for the child during the entire time the child is nursing. All right. So it's not fair if the child is not his. So you see, Leon is initiated by the husband because he is the one initiating the process of divorce. Why? So that the responsibility is not upon his shoulders? All right. And we know that a woman she doesn't initiate the divorce. Why? Because after the divorce, she has no responsibility towards that man. But it doesn't work the other way does it after divorce, does a man still have responsibility for his ex wife? If she's pregnant? If she has children? He does. He has financial responsibilities on him Islamically
Do you know that we learned about it earlier and sort of the the buckler so for example, if a man and woman are married, man divorces woman, she's pregnant or she has little children who has to provide for her financially ex husband?
ex husband has to if it's the other way, I mean, does the wife have any responsibility for that ex husband? No, she doesn't. She has no obligations toward them. She's free. All right. So if the man in this particular situation that has mentioned in these verses, if he just gives the lock to her, you see the responsibility is still on his shoulders. And who looks like the bad guy.
He looks like the bad guy. But if he has seen her committing Zina, it's not fair. All right. Okay. Now what if a woman sees her husband doing this? What's the solution for her? Is it Leon? No, it's not Leon. What is it then? She takes divorce she ends the marriage. Alright, how? By going through a legal process, alright and by Hola. All right, initiating the divorce going through the legal process and terminating the marriage. All right, and this is the solution that has been given to her. Because once the marriage ends, she is no longer connected to him. She has nothing to do with him. She has no responsibility towards him.
All right. And the real amount they say that if a woman knows that her husband has committed Zina, but she has no proof. All right, no witnesses, then she should advise him remind him and tell him to fear Allah. If he persists in his sin, then she should ask for divorce. And if that doesn't happen, she should separate from him by means of hola because there is nothing good for her in staying with him. And because his having * with other women may affect her, her hook her rights.
All right, any other question?
The woman says
So why are they Is there a reason why?
The man says May the learner of Allah be on him and the woman says me the mother of a lobby on her right? Lie now what is this, Lorna is being far removed from the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala and what is it called love?
Anger and punishment
right anger and punishment because if she is lying, right then she is saying basically the me that punishment of Allah fall upon me.
It's basically meant as a deterrent, right that you are inviting Allah's punishment on yourself. Are you sure you want to go ahead with this? Are you truthful? Are you lying? All right.
Any other question or clarification? Okay. Go ahead.
Yeah, but then again, what's the other option if she accuses him openly
She has to bring proof. And if she doesn't bring it, then what
you understand. And also some folk Aha, they say that the Hickman behind this is that a woman might be, you know, just to take revenge, she might do this. All right, so that she doesn't have to take the whole lot. And she doesn't have to lose anything, she might just do this because of her vengeful feelings for that husband, even if he did not commit anything. So women are more likely to come up with this. This is a hikma that some of the scholars have suggested that this is why a woman does not initiate Leon. But understand the concept of Leon. It's the initiation of divorce. All right, being free of obligations after terminating the marriage, because after terminating the marriage,
the woman is not responsible. She doesn't have any obligations towards the man.
All right. And also remember that the man he is the one right, between these two people who's the one given responsibility, the man.
Okay. Now, just one thing, I'd like to remind you off what we learned at the beginning of the Sousa, remember the content? This is what we've studied, what is the context?
What is the context of carrying out these legal rulings? Whether it is Leon or it is the head of Qaddafi? Or it is the head of Xena? What is the context there has to be an Islamic government in place in effect, all right, and understand that in Islamic society, there is spiritual moral development of people. All right. Men are expected to come and pray five times a day, right? Women are observing hijab, all the evils are they're not rampant. They're not common. All right? There is a morbid motto from the here until Mancha. And at the same time, people are illiterate of the deen. Do you really expect that in a society like that a crime like this would happen? It would be rare.
Very, very rare.
All right. And this is why in a society like that, if a crime like Zina happens, then the repercussions are
very serious. Because we might think of this punishment is very severe flogging stoning to death. Oh, my God, that's too much. Right? Just the thought of logging stoning to death. It's, it's mind boggling for us. We think it's very harsh, barbaric, right? Why? Because we're looking at it from our context.
But you have to understand that this punishment is only implemented where in the context of an Islamic society. You know, this is just like in the Haram
by the Kaaba. If a person commits a crime over there, is the punishment more serious? Yes, it is.
And if a person were to commit the same crime somewhere else on Earth, there's a punishment. That's serious, no. Why? Because it's not the same. The context is not the same.
In a sacred month, sacred time of the year, if a sin is committed, is it the same as committing a sin, that same sin and another time of the year? It's not? Why because the context is different.
Exactly, like in history also mean whenever you're studying something with the past people, you don't look at it as, oh, well, what if this is done today? It would be unacceptable. No, you what happened, then? How in that situation, you look at it, keeping the context in mind. So the context of these huddled is what an Islamic society, a very moral society, a very spiritual society. All right, where individuals are responsible, they're educated, their therapy is taken care of, you know, for example, in an Islamic society, there's rules to eliminate poverty also. Right? I mean, more than zakat also, like for example, what are modelled the lower and who did appointing stipends
for widows, for orphans, so that no one is suffering from poverty. So if you know a person's you know, he's taken care of financially, he's taken care of socially, their security, everything is provided for and yet they're committing Zina. Yet they're committing theft, then theft is a very serious crime. You understand? Then Zina is a very serious crime, it's not a small crime. Now, does it mean that this is completely irrelevant to us? What do we learn from this? The enormity of the sin of Zina? You know Inshallah, we will learn the following ayat about a particular incident that
happen in the life of the prophet Sallallahu sallam. And there were some people who accused, I showed the low honor of committing Zina. All right. Imagine the wife of the prophets of Allah. And the one who started all of this was who are the love and obey? Who was the the leader of the hypocrites. But you know what? What's amazing is that the HUD of UF was not carried out against him.
It was carried out against him, none of your Lavorgna missed the head of the Allahu Anhu. All right, it was carried out against the Companions, the believers who participated in spreading the slander.
But the one who initiated this was Abdullah bin obey, the punishment was not carried out against him. And you wonder why he's the one who started this. Why? Because when the prophets of Allah is and spoke to the people about our beloved, obey, that do something to stop him, because now he's coming after my family, I mean, his hypocrisy is evident.
There was literally a fight between the Companions, because there were some people who were related to him, Abdullah bin obey, so people from his tribe, right, they didn't want that something that's done against Abdullah bin obey. And the scholars say that the reason why our beloved obey was not punished was because Allah did not want him to be purified here.
Allah did not want him to be purified here. So for him is that one Aleem painful punishment in the next life?
So who dude, these punishments? What's their objective? What's the purpose? Is the purpose just to oppress people and control them? What's the purpose purify them? And this is why we see that accusing someone of these crimes is very difficult, proving them to have committed this crime is very difficult. It's almost impossible. Right? Guilt is only established how through confession and confession will be done by who? Someone who wants to be purified. When the punishment will be carried out. He's purified, he meets a law with a clean record.
And the one who does not confess he's accused, like the case of the woman, right, she was accused. All right. And what happened? She testified that she was innocent, she was lying.
She wasn't purified. Of the love, in a way was not purified. So they meet Allah guilty.
A sin is a sin.
All right, the Toba for Zina is not to get married to the person that Zina was done with the Toba for Zina is what?
What is the purification? What is it that will cleanse a person prisoner? It's the HUD. All right, it's not Nikka. But in a place where HUD cannot be carried out, like for example, in our context, then what needs to be done?
Then what needs to be done? Right, it's the FOP Toba and conceal the sin. And I repeat that if the sin of Zina has been committed,
Allah has concealed it, do Toba do is the foul and conceal the sin. Bury it in hopes that on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala will also cover that sin.
Go ahead.
Okay, so if a woman she commit Zina and she has a child, regardless of whether they had this carried out or not, then what is her status? I mean, the child will be hers. Right? The child is attributed to her. You understand?
Of course, it's proof of guilt.
That what do you do? You do nothing, right? Because again, you can't carry out the punishment unless guilt is established. And there's two ways of establishing guilt. Basically, what I understand from these items, don't talk about
don't go near it. Keep away from it. It's fresh, it's fresher to commit, it's for sure to even discuss.
This is the thing, right? I mean, the man who committed Zina, why would he take responsibility for the child?
Why would he he's not married to her you can run away. I mean, if he does, though Good of him, but most likely he won't who wants a financial burden?
You understand? This is why a woman must protect herself. Go ahead.
Okay, the question is that if a person has committed Zina in the past, and they have done Toba then, what is their status? Because in the Quran we learn Zanni lion carry lasagna, I wish Rekha right. The thing is that
When a person has committed a sin, and He has done Toba from it, and they have done Islam, right, then, of course, what does Toba do?
It erases the sin that was committed. Right? Like remember the woman who came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam confessed and request demanded to be purified when she was being punished. You know, somebody said something bad about her. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Don't do that, because of her Toba. This person still, but if it's distributed amongst the people of Medina, it would suffice.
Such a great repentance it was
right. So it's the fall and Toba. It erases the previous sins. So if Allah subhanaw taala has concealed the sin if the person has changed their ways, let's get over it as well. Because sometimes a sin that was committed 20 years ago, what happens we keep reminding other people. Remember, you did this, remember you did that? Without even thinking how much it would hurt them. They have done Tober they have changed their ways they have amended their ways, and we are reminding them of a cent that they have committed. How do we know Maybe Allah subhanaw taala has converted that sin into a good deed? Because Allah says in the Quran, that those are the ones who sends we convert them into
good deeds in return for can we learn about it?
So may Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to keep away from this great sin and realize its enormity its seriousness, and keep our lives clean from this filth. Subhanak alone will be 100 Nisha de la ilaha illa Anta Nesta Fuuka want to be late As salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh