Kamal El-Mekki – How To Give Dawah Part 1-2

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The course on "the art of" is designed to teach individuals how to give Dawa and make people into effective, efficient, and effective arters. The course covers topics such as personality types, data science, and natural and falsehood claims. The course is designed for working in data science and understanding how to use data for doubt. The course is designed to help people understand and overcome certain personality traits, including the importance of understanding people before giving them information. The course is designed for working in data science and understanding how to use it for doubt. The importance of manners in Arabic is emphasized, and the importance of being able to see oneself and the culture of the people is emphasized. The course is designed for six to seven years and emphasizes the importance of fixing the question number two of the title and not accepting the premise that there is no God. The course is designed to help individuals understand and overcome certain personality traits, including the importance of knowing the physical presence of Islam in various
AI: Transcript ©
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olika fellow worker

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alameen salatu salam ala rasulillah. Meanwhile, he was happy here.

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Ama but

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you know, I want to start by saying that I am

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genuinely, sincerely very, very happy and very excited to be here. And sometimes this is just a generic way of starting the talk and starting the event. You know, I'm so happy to be with you. And it's not really happy to be here. I just want to go home. Yeah. But I'll tell you why I'm really, really happy to be here.

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One time ago, took Shahada and at some event, and when we're done, someone came up to me. And he said, You know, when someone takes Shahada, I just want to cry. How do you keep yourself from not crying?

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said like this.

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That's how

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it's not hard for me. So one thing that doesn't move me? Yeah. So some people are moved by that. I'm not moved by that. What I'm moved by when people come, and they gather, and they make their way somewhere because they want to learn something about the religion of Allah. So that's the first reason why I'm genuinely happy to see all of you. That's why I'm very happy to be here. Because I know so many of you. You want to give Dawa, you want to learn the techniques of giving Dawa. So that's the first reason I'm very happy and very excited to be here.

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Just a little bit about myself just so we can get to know each other better. My name is Cameron McKee. Originally, I'm from Sudan, right now from Virginia. But originally, I'm from Sudan, and I just actually arrived from Sudan. Yesterday, I'm going back when the course is over, inshallah. And you know, so these people, they're, they're

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the greatest people on earth if you're not familiar with them. And we're so good. We're such great people that the Saudis and the Saudis in the audience.

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Pretend you didn't put your hand. Saudis are jealous of us.

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Yes, they're super jealous of us that they made a lot of jokes about how lazy Sudanese people are.

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But we're not. So they make up all kinds of jokes. And actually, I don't even want to mention these jokes. Like the one about the for lazy so the nice guys they robbed the bank. So they came back with the money and they're too lazy to count it. So every five minutes one of them got to count the money. Later, another five minutes. Come on, let's count the money later. Come on. Let's count the money. Why should we count the money? Hmm. who listened to the news? We're gonna find out how much we got away with.

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See what I'm talking about. It's hard to say the word lazy. It tells you that this lazy lazy Sydney's guy walks into a barber shop. He sits down like this. Barber says What should I do for you? shave my beard is okay, lift your head up. So you know what, just cut my hair.

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They tell you. Sydney's guy was laying out in his bed in the in the yard. So his wife knocks on the door. He doesn't want to get up because he's lazy. So he calls for Son Son opens the door for a mother. So it says, Dad, I have exams and studying here. So he tells his daughter here we open the door for a mother. I'm cooking. I've got stuff to do here. So we found no one else in the house except him. He has to get up open the door. So he yells at his wife I divorce you go back to your father's house.

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one time I'm on the plane on the way to Australia. And the guy next to me is a Saudi he introduces himself. The minute he hears Sudan. He starts immediately cracking jokes about how ladies to the Nisa.

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Like, I don't even know you. But he tells me this joke but they actually now updated this joke is a new version of this joke. The new version is after he tells her that she says okay, okay, I'll open up my purse and take the keys out.

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So she had the house keys and she's that lazy she want to but of course we're not lazy like that. Yeah.

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All right. So you know what, you know how who's taking raise the faith before shefali right. antastic excellent. You know shefali he has

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broke managers.

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I have joke managers. Yeah. So when he two brothers and two sisters will be with us inshallah. And whenever you feel that, we need a break

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Stand up, we put your hand up, and I cracked a super joke, inshallah, how about that? How about we pick the joke managers right now? Two brothers. Excellent one. Now the brother

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of a joke manager, there we go few sisters joke managers.

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Okay, very good one there. And another one over there. Excellent. And you know what, just as I told you in advance, you're not gonna like me very much. Because I joke a lot. And I joke about multiple marriage a lot.

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And I heard it's a sensitive issue here. But I have a solution for you. So it's not a sensitive issue anymore. can talk about that later.

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I want to tell you a little bit about this course and how we came up with this idea and who wrote the introduction?

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Fantastic, excellent. Like,

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the first time I did this course, which is New Jersey Few days ago, many days ago, kept saying read the introduction. I think at the end of the course, maybe nine people read it. So already, we have 11 people who read it. That's great. I reason I insist on people reading the introduction is that you need to understand what you're going to get in this course. And many times our courses they are

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or people expect our courses, they expect it to be where it spoon feeds you on what to say in every possible scenario. Now, as a teaching philosophy, I don't think that's fair to the student. I think it's better to equip the student with their own ability to respond to every refutation, and even every, like any claim or question or even things they've never heard before, we're going to do that. And you're going to see for yourself, and I present you with concepts that you may have never heard of at the end of this course. And you'll be able to answer them by yourself because you have the tools. So I want to start off by saying this is what we do in Shaolin this course we discussed the

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tools by which you're able to answer your own question, but what you're able to formulate your own dour response. For example, when you go and buy a hammer, from Home Depot, when you buy a hammer, it doesn't tell you how in every possible situation, you can use the hammer, it's a tool, and you figure out when you figure out how the tool works, you figure out where you can use it. So you might use it to drive and nail it. Right, you might use it to you know, to do something else, you might use it to discipline your child, you become creative.

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You become creative with that tool. And this is what we're gonna do, we're going to go over the tools, and then you can apply it in different situations. And I'm going to show you some times where I learned the tools from and I apply it in something absolutely different. That has nothing to do with it. You know, some of these tools you can use with people you can even use with animals, we can discuss a lot of things. So how do we come up with this idea? And why am I here teaching this course.

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It started many, many years ago, when I was forced to become a chaplain of some University in Virginia. And they had a very good chaplain before me. But the deletable was very weak. In about two or three years, they got

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about two shatters, maybe three shots in two, three years. There's about a Shahada a year. All right. This was $1 table, it consisted of books and materials and a bowl of candy. And two brothers sitting behind the table, hoping people will come and take some material. And people will just come grab some candy and walk away with these two brothers are just talking chit chatting with each other, probably about the importance of that one, spreading the deen and all that stuff. So two people became Muslim in two or three years. And then first thing want to do is kind of revamp and energize the dollar table. So I put together the first ever version of a workshop, it was about six

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hours long. And we taught it at the school. And this was in the middle of the semester. So from the middle of the semester, till the end of the semester, about 17 people became Muslim. And that included some of the instructors and counselors, the school and so on and so forth. So it was the first indication that you can actually then teach people some ways of giving Dawa and make people into effective the art without years of them running around the streets and talking to people and so on and so forth. So that was the first thing. So we did that it was the first workshop and we saw these results. And then this person called their cousin and this person called the relative and the

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other another state. And so this MSA then invited me for that MSA and then so on and so forth. And then it became kind of a worldwide thing. So it's not like,

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I'm not giving the course because I'm the best guy or anything like that. But I believe that I've put together the best approximation to what might be a quick and efficient way of giving Dawa. And this course is not just out to non Muslims. We're going to talk about Delta Muslims and delta, non Muslims, all different kinds of people. How do we refute this person, that person so on and so forth, but the most

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Important thing is that we're going to, we're going to discuss some of the tools. And then you can take the tool, and you can apply it in any situation that you find yourself in. And so tonight, we're actually going to cover just one part of the notes we're going to cover,

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like, basically, techniques of answering questions. And perhaps, then I thought, we'll go over the contents of the course together, so you understand what we're going to do. So it's broken up into sections, if you open the table of contents, section one, we're going to talk about Tao itself. And we're not going to do that tonight, obviously. And we're going to define what the hour is an hour, by the way is, if you want to transliterated into English, it's kind of what you see there. Da, if you want to put the apostrophe for the n, w, a, h, the H is important. Because if you write our as da w A, there's a problem there. That's actually now a lie in Arabic, or an allegation and our here

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as a lie. So like from the day, yeah, so they allege or they lie even. So there's one dire, and every time I see his vehicle, I feel so bad, because his car, his license plate is down our car, da w a car, and his van is our van. And every time I see is like

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the line mobiel, you know, to the line mobiel.

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Excellent. So we talked about the the ruling on giving Dawa. And we're going to actually support the argument that says that was an obligation upon everybody. Because there's another argument that says, that was only an obligation upon certain people, if they do it, then you don't have to do it. That's one opinion. But we're not going to take that opinion, we're going to see that the evidence Sharla is much stronger on the other side, that was obligatory upon everybody, then

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then what is the hour that that's viable, that will remain? What makes it sustainable, what makes it stayed continue, not just some excitement, then it dies down, and so on and so forth.

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Then in Section two, we talk about the Daya which is you the person giving Dawa, and part of

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one of the things we want to do in this course, is that you see, realistically, everyone, we have the ability to understand people, all of us have the ability to understand people always have the ability to to read expressions, to understand body language. But this is the issue brothers and sisters, most of us, we don't put enough effort into that field. So what we're going to try to do during these four days, is you just want to bring it up one notch, that you pay a little bit more attention to people to understanding people. Because we all have the ability, all we have to do is just bring up our level of awareness a little higher. Okay? Like, for example, if you ever watch

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some, let's say, let's something on TV, in another language, you understand what's going on, right? You understand when they're fighting, you understand when they're worried, you understand when they're scared, and you don't understand the language, but you know it, because you now because you don't understand the language, you pay close attention to expressions, the voice inflection, and you understand what's going on. So we also have the ability to understand each other, but most of the time, we don't put enough effort into it. And so all I'm going to tell you is you just need to kick it up one notch, just bring it up one notch, and you'll be able to understand people you understand

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why they're asking certain questions, you'll be able to understand why they behave in a certain way. And then we'll have certain things certain certain things will bring up a red flag. For example, a brother says something strange, or brother does something the same strange thing every other day or does it would keep saying the same strange thing to every other person that he sees. There's something behind that. So we just want to bring it up. Like I said, one notch for understand people a little better, that's going to happen in Sharla by the end of this course. So part of being able to understand others is firstly understanding yourself and that's why we talk about extroverts,

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introverts. We talk about something later on called the categorization of personality types. And

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I learned this in I took this course, in negotiating anyone here taking negotiating course.

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Fantastic. Excellent. Very good. So the instructor said, the closest thing I can give you to a magic wand would be the three personality types. Now we're just gonna go over it for what it's worth. And actually, there's not a single question in the exam, about the three personality types. But the reason it's there is that you can use it for data and we're gonna discuss how you can use it for doubt. You know what, everything is dour. If you're in dour mode. Everything is that way. If you're in demo mode, you can see anything and because you're in demo mode, you see our advantage and it's just the other day I read an article about some, some research that was done.

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by doctor in Australia, if I remember correctly, is about picking your nose. Yeah, is about. It's true to research this doctor in Austria, he says that it's actually very good for you how to pick your nose and eat it.

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And he says that it's the one and when it's dry, yeah, he did. He says, it's actually very good because

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it's disgusting things, you also discover that as we, we move along. So he says that when you eat this material, it has in it all kinds of bacteria that has been captured by your nostrils and so on. And when it goes into your stomach, it builds up your immunity. He says it's a it's a shame that children have this good habit. We teach them not to do it.

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Yeah, I remember one time, when we were young, my brother, we were at a bakery. And he said there was a girl, you know, these little kids that have nerves just running all the way down like that they have their little Hitler mustache, but it's all just, it's not. He said, this girl just grabbed a piece of brushes went like this.

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Made it

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fantastic. So this guy's arguing that it's good. It's good for you eat it, it's dry. Eat it, why not? Now, what does it have to do with data? Well, everything if you're in demo mode, everything has to do with our, you know what this tells you? It tells you that sometimes facts or sometimes falsehood can have some facts. And they can be accurate. But so what? Sure. So

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this mean, because it's also there is likely to be anything to support it. They're not gonna have any arguments. Sometimes they have a logical argument. But that doesn't make it okay.

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For example, one time, and I know, this is one of the New Jersey students, he told me that, you know, you teach using poop a lot. He saw brownie surprised on the internet and things like that. So this was an atheist, very aggressive guy. And where I used to work, and he was arguing very aggressively, that if it's natural, there's nothing wrong with it. So he's talking about women, flaunting their sexual desires and things like that. It's there. It's natural, so why not flaunt it. So okay. He's being aggressive. So I have to be aggressive. So okay, I told him, it's natural to have a bowel movement. I want you to sit up on this table right here. Pull your pants down, and have

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a bowel movement in front of us.

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You're not going to do it. because not everything that's natural should be flaunted in public. He was quite immediately.

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So he might come up with a fat but that doesn't make it. Okay. I'll give you something else. For example, you know, some people who's heard the end of music here.

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Excellent. Okay, just three people. Basically, the end of music is a lecture online about about music being impermissible. Right? So some people argue that it is permissible. Why? Because it's something that's natural. And here's their argument, a little child. No one has taught this child how to dance. When they listen to music, they naturally do what? bounce immediately. So they're arguing This is something natural that Allah put in us. And so they bounce. So it can't be harder. And so what about then sexual urges of teenagers? It's natural. Does that mean it's okay?

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Okay, go ahead and act upon that. Now. So the fact that you give me a piece of information or fact, it doesn't make it, okay.

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So false, it sometimes can have an argument, we can have a fact, or they can be a study, but it doesn't make it okay. And by the way, just to answer that, you know, why kids bounce immediately.

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Because the part of the brain that's in charge of motor movements, is the same part of the brain that's in charge of

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audio or audio appreciation, or music or things like that. That's why there's It's natural for, for the bouncing to occur. So anyways, the point is, then, when you're in download mode, anything that you see, anything that you hear, you can see it that will benefit from from that. So for the next until the end of this course, we're going to be in dour mode, we're going to kick it up a notch with understanding people, reading people, understanding why people say certain things or do certain things, and that's going to make a huge difference for us. And that's why, you know, in order to understand people first you understand yourself. So we talk about extroverts, introverts, you know,

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any sales people in the audience, anyone sells cars here, okay? Okay, very good to people. We're gonna call on your left shoulder, you're gonna prove some points for us here. But I'm sure in you know, some of the people in your business very sneaky, right snakes in your business right now, car car salesmen, they understand a lot of psychology as well. You know that if you're if you're extroverted, how they sell you the car. They keep telling you about how people will react when they

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See you in the car. They say that to you because you're extroverted. So they tell you, when you park this thing in front of your driveway, see that your neighbors in go crazy? Who's going to look a look, see what's this, people going to want to talk to you because this car, that's how they see the car based on your personality. If you're introverted, they tell you what the car will do for you.

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And I'll tell you an interesting statistic. They tell you that 96% of people who go to buy a new car, they end up not buying the car that they want it 96% of people 96% of people who buy a brand new car, they buy a model they didn't want, they buy a brand, they didn't want the size of engine, they didn't want the color they didn't want what does that tell you? It tells you that the salesperson can influence them that much, that much. And that's why they're so used to manipulating people. We of course, with the exception of our two brothers in the audience, they're so used to manipulating people that they don't listen to you they don't care anymore. You know, I went to a

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dealership one time. I told the guy now look what I asked him to show me a sedan.

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Japanese for under $10,000. You unbelievable. He showed me. Okay, showed me some ugly American SUV, some kind of Jimmy or blazer, I can't stand those guys with all respect to those who have a blazer. Yeah. So he showed me a blazer. So that's that's an SUV. And it's American. And it was for $12,000.

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It is exactly the opposite of everything I asked him for. You know why? He doesn't care. He's so used to making people buy what he wants to sell. So he wasn't even listening to me. He's like, I'll make you buy this. So sometimes you hear these horrific, horrific stories about people coming in and then just totally being ripped off. And some stories are incredible. You wonder what's wrong with these people? How could they do that? Someone, the other person, how could they allow someone to manipulate them that much.

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So there was one story where this woman came in. And she had a very nice car, but they they gave her like, a $500 for her car. And she bought some new cards from other car. And she drove that for five days. And they called her back they told her there's a problem. And we need to take the car back from you. She came back, gave back the new car, and they sold her back her old car for $5,000.

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Exactly what imagine that's your wife like you did what?

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what you do

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as a joke, I always do this to my wife. When we're having a discussion or something, I always do this, then I go like that.

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But my wife, she doesn't mess around. She's like, come on, hit me. Come on.

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Okay, so

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talk about manners so important. You know, you know, the terms in Arabic When someone is not well mannered. They tell you man to Allah. He doesn't have manners. Even in English. This person doesn't have manners. You know, actually, luck in Arabic. A fillip is how you deal with people. That's what it means. Flat is the way you treat and you deal with people. So you can't not have a flap. Everyone has a flap. But some people have good luck. So we will have bad luck. There's no such thing as he doesn't have man. I mean, how could someone not have any manners? Probably someone that doesn't exist, doesn't have any manners at all. So everyone has a slap. They're either good or they're bad,

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or somewhere in the middle. Because manners are a fluff and Arabic is how you treat people. So you have to treat people well. If you don't treat people, if you don't have any manners, you probably don't have anyone around you. probably dead or something like we live in the desert, something like that. So that's section two talking about the diet. Section three, we talk about the muddle the person that you call in to Allah, because you need to understand that person. And here it means Muslim or non Muslim, Muslim, or non Muslim, because people have different issues will have different questions. Yeah, I'll tell you this. This is a very simple one. It's a true story. One

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time someone came up to me, pulled me aside from the crowd and listened to the wording now.

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He said, I just want to check

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is with Helen

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is doing this to me.

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What do you think? What do you think's going on there? It's quite clear, right? First of all, look at the language I just want to check and just in case in cases is not right. Yeah. Is with hella and usually Muslims don't say is this Hello, this is haram is saying is this holiday he wants it to be and he's nodding. Yeah, is with hella, and then a dead giveaway when I said of course, it's like this

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is probably the last night.

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So that's just a very simple example. But sometimes it gets a little bit more complicated. You need to understand the person. What are they really trying to tell you? We're gonna look at a lot of examples and sharpen that for me.

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No, I want the candy can

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shift some food around and stuff and everyone's just nice to the shifts.

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Deep down everybody's like

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So before we talk about, you know, actually calling people and calling people back to a loss of power dial, the techniques, the methods, we're up to discuss a lot of things. And I personally like if I if I read a book, if I take a course I'd like something new, something different there. And so there's going to be some new stuff. Some in some discussions, maybe you haven't heard like, the one there on Section four, we're going to talk about logic versus emotion. Which do people use more?

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emotion right? psychologists tell you that 90% of your decisions are based on emotion. Yeah. So then with which does allow us more in the Quran logical emotion who says logic? Put your hands up?

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Who says emotion? Put your hands up?

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Okay, who says both? Put your hand up.

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Excellent. Guess what? You're all wrong. Yeah, you'll find out why tomorrow. Tomorrow. When are we doing the logic next week? Yeah, bear with me.

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Then we're gonna discuss tools and techniques, changing people changing behavior, why people don't change Muslim, non Muslim, everybody why people don't change. We're gonna look at many reasons why people don't change. Section five, we're going to talk about religions, we're going to talk about beliefs. We're going to take care of the atheist. We're gonna take care of the Trinity. No big deal there. We're gonna take care of the atheist because a lot of people are scared of the atheist. A lot of people are afraid of atheists. That just scared a lot of Muslims just don't want to deal with the atheist, as it is easy to deal with. Don't ever be scared to shut up. We're gonna examine their

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minds why they even became atheists when I talk about a lot of things and then destroy the atheist shop. And then there's in section five. It says at the end there, Hamburg is on my lifestyle.

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What is that section about you think?

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Anybody? Yes, sir.

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Close, but not what does it mean hamburgers are my lifestyle, I guess.

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Now we're talking about homosexuality. They're

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what I call it hamburgers or my lifestyle.

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Well, one reason is that when when a lot of headquarters looked at my my outline, they said you know if you stopped at airports and people see this, they might think you're spreading hatred against gays and everything. So I said hamburgers are my lifestyle.

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Because the truth is, that's what homosexuality is. It's a desire. And a desire is never a lifestyle. True. So I decided this is true. So I'm not making this up. I desire hamburgers. I desire hamburgers all the time. I'm happy to be in California because you have In and Out Burger, which is my favorite, the best. So I design hamburger all the time. You can wake me up at two in the morning. Give me a hamburger. I'll just

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I'll just eat it. I love hamburgers, buy don't walk around saying it's my lifestyle. You like fried chicken? It's not your lifestyle. It's a desire, since when a desire your entire lifestyle is not. So we're gonna look at the truth. What is really? what's what's behind those people with the with the loose limbs and ligaments and stuff. What's their issue? Let's talk about that.

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You know, my gay story goes like this. You know what, you know what gaydar is?

00:28:47 --> 00:29:12

Yeah, your your radar your ability to detect a gay person. And some people have very strong gaydar who is a strong Gator. Put your hands up? Fantastic. Okay, just one person has strong gaydar around here. Basically, I'm sure you the minute you just take one look, you know, he's good immediately. Right. Excellent. My younger brother is like that. Just he just one look. He's gay. Now for me, Mike either has like broken.

00:29:13 --> 00:29:25

I'm giving out to this guy in the streets of DC. And I work him up to the Shahada, right, so I asked him for the Shahada. He says I can't, my lifestyle won't allow it.

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I said, Look, man, I don't know what you mean by that. We already agreed you agreed on everything. You have the ingredients to become Muslim. Why walkaway non Muslim I work on him again, after the shadow one more time since I can. My lifestyle won't allow it. I said Listen, man, I've been doing this for many, many years. No one's ever said lifestyle to me. He keeps saying lifestyle. What is your lifestyle? He said I'm gay.

00:29:51 --> 00:29:59

And only then when he says I'm gay. Do I suddenly realize a lot of things and here I am talking to you about being perceptive and stuff. Suddenly I realized he's wearing a pink t shirt.

00:30:01 --> 00:30:18

Got the great gay sleeve going on, you know, the gay sleeve is the sleeve isn't here. And it's not here either. It's like that. You know what I'm talking about that weird gay sleeve thing. I suddenly noticed the gay sleeve I noticed the pink t shirt, I noticed loose limbs and stuff.

00:30:20 --> 00:30:24

So that way we didn't know what how to deal with that. We just kept staring at him like that.

00:30:26 --> 00:30:34

And I was tempted to I mean, even even now I'm tempted to make a joke about him taking Shahada but praying in the front row, but I'm not going to make that joke.

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00:30:42 --> 00:30:50

So, so, you know, the truth is just a desire, or a lifestyle man, right? And look at some of the arguments they present.

00:30:51 --> 00:31:26

Because everybody wants a piece of you, brothers and sisters. That's true. Everybody wants a piece of view. You know, one description I like to shuffle aside we've been Tamia Rahim Allah, they said that if whenever he spoke about a topic, you felt like he spent his entire life preparing that one topic. any topic he spoke about, you felt like it's as if that's his, like his thesis, his dissertation was just this one topic. But tomorrow, he gives a lecture on another topic, and you feel like he spent his whole life preparing this topic, then he gives another lecture another topic, and you feel like his whole life is preparing this topic. Now, we can all be like that. But we

00:31:26 --> 00:32:00

should be well rounded. Because everybody wants a piece of you today. Everybody wants a piece of you. The atheist wants a piece of you know, the the gay rights activists wants a piece of view, everybody wants a piece of you. So you have to be able to answer this person answer that person, and put this person in their place and put that person in their place. This the reality we live here, this is how it is everybody wants a piece of the Muslim Muslims want a piece of the Muslim? Right? We're even going to talk about other things refuting? And what kind of nice good arguments Can you give? You know, when it comes to issues of muda, habe? and all kinds of other issues? How can you

00:32:00 --> 00:32:32

convince people different arguments, we're gonna do all that Sharla, let me know when it's time to break. So that's more or less what's in the table of Section six actually, is when we discuss, you know, follow up techniques when it comes to reverts specifically, because a lot of work needs to be done when it comes to that. Okay. So now we're going to, we're gonna go over a certain area in the notes. And even if we have to break for in the middle of this section, it's not a big deal. That's just the only thing that we're going to do today.

00:32:34 --> 00:33:11

Now, but let me before that, let me just talk to you a little bit about those who have attended the workshop in the past, and I actually have given it in California, probably, I've given in this message. If this was in 2007. This was I gave a six hour version or workshop, it was called How to give, or to get a shadow in 10 minutes, I was gonna say 16. So I'm gonna give a shout out in 10 minutes. This was the workshop that was talking to you about in the beginning. This is a lot more than that it will have some of these techniques Incorporated. But this is like this is four days. It's not just a six hour workshop. Yeah. But what about that six hour workshop? For those of you who

00:33:11 --> 00:33:14

are not familiar with it, who has attended that before?

00:33:16 --> 00:33:42

Excellent, great. Not too many people. That's good. So the shadow workshop, basically, I've been teaching it for the last six or seven years. And there are many who have attended it, and they've become superb, superb to art. There's actually a brother in Toronto who heard it online. And he started with our team. And he brought by an early account any I don't know what the numbers are today, brought 160 people to Islam.

00:33:44 --> 00:34:29

And he retained 95% of them remain upon Islam, which is very, very high. So of his 160 95% remain upon Islam. I got an email from my brother in, in Saudi Arabia is going down to the non Muslims there. This was like many years ago, maybe five years ago or something. And he's here online as well. And like, at that point, 53 people had become Muslim from the foreigners working in Saudi Arabia. I got an email from someone in the UK. And he heard there's a five hour audio version of it. So it's five CDs. He heard the first two and a half CDs online. This is what his email he sent me since then he paused it to go out and get dinner is on the way I saw a non Muslim. So I said

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something from the workshop. So he gave an expected answer that was mentioned in the workshop I gave him another answer from the workshop Says the guy took his shot. So he writes in his email, he says, I only listened to half the workshop and I got a Shahada. What happens when I listened to the whole thing. I said, you get a shot in 10 minutes. That's what happens. Of course, now that title link is not a guarantee. Right? It's just, it's just a marketing title. Interesting title. But a lot of times people get upset and Muslims come angry at me. How dare you and

00:34:59 --> 00:34:59

I and sometimes

00:35:00 --> 00:35:27

reverts come angry that I took me a year to talk about 10 minutes. Again took you a year. Does that take everybody here? We've done in 10 minutes. Now is to is to talk about the story of passing out pamphlets. I gave a guy pamphlet. So this is a million family march in DC. We're passing out pamphlets all day I'm walking this way, is walking the other way. I gave him a pamphlet. I keep walking. I turned around. He stopped. He's reading it. What should I do?

00:35:28 --> 00:35:32

Do you think now? Go back. Why should I go back?

00:35:33 --> 00:35:36

But what what made you say go back to one.

00:35:37 --> 00:35:38

Excellent, because he's reading.

00:35:40 --> 00:36:14

Excellent. He's he's reading and he stopped all day, you give someone a pamphlet, just take it, I keep walking. This man stopped for a day you read the science. So he stopped. There's something there. I just walked back to him. I still haven't said a word. When I got there. He said, Okay, what do I do now? So for what to become Muslim. So you know that it's serious, and you can't leave? And said, Yes, I know that, what do I do? He took a shower right then and there. It wasn't even 10 minutes, it was even 10 seconds, given the comfort and wants to become Muslim. And that good, by the way,

00:36:16 --> 00:36:39

has nothing to do with me. And he could have been anyone else in this audience. It's just that Allah Subhana, Allah puts you at the right place at the right time. Maybe this person has been searching for months, maybe he's been reading, maybe he read half the Quran already. Maybe this was just the last straw that has been thinking about Islam. And suddenly a Muslim gives him a pamphlet he took it took it as a sign maybe, you know, so it's possible. And

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it'd be a lot of people who have taken the course and they've become excellent dads, and they've had great results, and so on and so forth. Once I'm a 15 year old, took the workshop, this was, like I said, the six hour version. And next day, his best friend became Muslim. And he even writes, he says that he's better than a lot of Muslims now, you know? So it's possible. So what I'm trying to tell you is that the short version works so well for so many people, and there's so many success stories, but 100 what happens with the full version?

00:37:14 --> 00:37:21

Shall affair happens, I'm not gonna say, give you minutes or anything like that. Okay, so we're on page 62 of the notes.

00:37:23 --> 00:37:37

When discuss that, that's all we're going to do tonight, nine, if we can get to the nine or six, section six techniques of answering questions. Okay, why this section specifically? I'll tell you.

00:37:39 --> 00:37:40

First of all,

00:37:42 --> 00:38:11

that a lot of Muslims think their job, as a Daya is just to answer questions. You talk a little bit about Islam, any questions, then the guy starts to ask you all kinds of ridiculous questions, and you just answer and you just answer. And of course, you have to acknowledge all questions as intelligent questions, and then respond. And so you sometimes what happens is, you might be in a bad place here. So for example, the first question, why does God need us to worship Him?

00:38:12 --> 00:38:36

See that question. And it's a common question. Why does God need us to worship Him? Don't start answering this question. Because if you start answering it, no matter how your answer, you're wrong. Sure. No matter how you answer, because Allah says in the Quran, Allah, mahalo genuine, you're wrong. Because Allah is so great and so magnificent that he's deserving of being worshipped. You're wrong. Why?

00:38:37 --> 00:38:38

What's wrong with the question?

00:38:41 --> 00:39:03

is look at that question. Why does God need us to worship Him? And the truth is, Allah does not need us to worship Him. If you don't fix the question first, no matter how you answer it, you telling them this is what Allah needs this to work. So first thing you have to do is fix the question number two, Can God create a four sided triangle?

00:39:04 --> 00:39:16

And here people get excited? Yes, yes, of course he can. Yes, he can. And what's, what's funny, there's no such thing as a four sided triangle unless you're an idiot. That's a square a rectangle.

00:39:17 --> 00:39:30

triangle has three sides. So don't accept this premise. It's wrong. I'm just gonna say yes, of course, you can create a four sided triangle, he can even make it 15 sides in your eye also, he can create it

00:39:32 --> 00:40:00

is no such thing as a 15 sided triangle. It's not a triangle anymore. Why should I accept this premise? Number three, and atheist as this one is more tricky. What is what is it about the Quran that makes you show so sure that there is a God? What is it about the Koran that makes you so sure, there is a God that was asked this question recently by two atheists, and they kept repeating it. I didn't know how to answer this question. I just found it difficult to answer. And then I realized why I found

00:40:00 --> 00:40:03

So difficult to answer, because I didn't know where to start.

00:40:05 --> 00:40:42

Because because they're starting from the wrong platform, they're assuming there is no God. So what's your proof there is, but I'm saying there's so much evidence in the Koran and where do I start? Is it from the science? Or is it from the knowledge of the future? Or is it from the grammar and the Quran? Or is it from all the perfect solutions? The problems? Or is it from just the life of Muhammad wa sallam? It's proof that he was a genuine prophet of Allah, where do I start? But he's assuming that he's right. And so what's your proof? Yeah, but so it says there in the notes, no matter how well you answer a question number one, you will always be affirming that God needs us to

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worship Him, you need to fix the question first before you proceed. So the rule is, do not immediately accept the person's premise. Or you may be at a disadvantage. I think everyone sees how that applies. Now, all kinds of ridiculous questions will come at you, you know, the one about the rock, right? Can God create a rock that is so big, that nothing, no living thing can move it? And immediately? Your answer is? Yes. And then they say, Can God move it? And if you say, yes, you're in trouble, because that means he cannot create a rock that is so big, that no living thing can move it if he can move it. And if you say no, you can create a rock so big that he can't move. So you're in

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trouble. So the best answer to it is?

00:41:31 --> 00:41:32

I think that's coming up.

00:41:34 --> 00:41:49

We'll come back to it. Okay, so the first technique of answering questions, I call it the flip side of the argument, okay, you give the opposite side, and it makes it clear to people, you flip it around, and it becomes clear to people why,

00:41:50 --> 00:41:53

first of all, why the question is wrong, for example.

00:41:54 --> 00:42:26

So you get them to think of the opposite of this argument. And you you get to understand why their question is incorrect to begin with. So a question a, why do Muslims grow their beards? And actually, a non Muslim once asked me this question, to work at a company where there were many Muslims, he noticed the Muslims had beards. So he asked me, I want to ask you, why is it that Muslims always grow their beard? And my answer was, I understand why you're asking me that question. Meaning, considering the environment in which we live, said, but I actually don't grow it, it comes out by itself.

00:42:28 --> 00:43:11

True or false? Sound like I woke up and put some manure, go outside in the sun, check is the grind. The grind comes up by itself. So I told him because what is natural is when a male matures, he develops facial hair. So if you ask a child now, to draw the face of a man in the face of a woman, the child will naturally add facial hair to the face of the man, because when a man develops, he naturally produces facial hair. So what is natural is for your hair to grow out. But what is not natural is to insist every morning on removing every stubble of hair and cutting yourself in the process and putting the Cologne and sticking the tissues. All so you can say

00:43:12 --> 00:43:34

like that guy. And the Gillette commercial. Yeah. So when I when I said this, then guess what he said? Good. I could have told him. It's the way of all the prophets of Allah and all the prophets are beautiful. But you know what? When I said that to him, you know what he said? He said, You know what? I never thought of that. I shouldn't ask you why you grow your beard. You should ask me why.

00:43:37 --> 00:43:52

So what happens here? We're using this technique, you flip the question around, and suddenly the understand what's so clear about it? You know, why are Muslim women covered? That's the second one. And this is a true story. There was a

00:43:53 --> 00:43:58

chef and giving a lecture. It was a room where men on the right woman on the left, and then

00:44:00 --> 00:44:40

non Muslim woman came in very angry, yelling out loud in the middle of this event. She's pointing at the Muslim woman. Why are they covered? And you know what they mean, right? Muslim women are covered. They're oppressed. Yeah, everyone else is covered. It's okay. The nun has covered this because she's, you know, keeping herself pure and, but the Muslim woman is covered because she is she's oppressed. So she came in angrily yelling, why are they covered like that? So the speaker said to her, now he's getting hurt. He's gonna flip it. Yeah. Flip the flip side. He said, Well, I see that you're covered also new clothes, but you were born naked while you cover. So she said, modesty.

00:44:41 --> 00:44:43

modesty, more modesty.

00:44:47 --> 00:44:48

Makes sense.

00:44:50 --> 00:45:00

discovering his modesty. That means the more you cover, the more modest you are. You know that you can flip it around more but I don't recommend you ever use this. Yeah, but the argument is that if if you're

00:45:00 --> 00:45:13

covered, that means you're you're oppressed. That means the more uncovered you are, the more liberated you are. So you could essentially you could tell a woman, well, I see that you are not fully liberated at them. Well, why don't you liberate yourself some more?

00:45:15 --> 00:45:24

I can use that. Yeah. But that would that would be the same thing. Well, you're not fully liberated, either. know, when you totally liberated then come talk to me we can discuss.

00:45:25 --> 00:45:35

So the Quran is created and not the word of Allah. And this is what those of you who know the biography Mama, imagine the fitna and all that.

00:45:36 --> 00:45:40

This was the argument of over the people who are like the Mozilla.

00:45:41 --> 00:46:29

They're saying that in See, look, when you hear their argument, it sounds like they're trying to respect a lot. But when you flip it around, it becomes a problem. And that's how he defeated them. In many debates, he flipped it around on them. So they said that Allah is a deem ancient that has been there for a long time. And speech is something renewable. So it's not befitting that Allah subhanaw taala being an adeem, he has a renewable attributes, and people speak. So how can people speak? And Allah speaks, and there is no foreign laser chemistry? Shea, there is nothing like him. So how can people speak and Allah speaks, so they concluded, Allah doesn't speak. So he got them at

00:46:29 --> 00:46:51

one point, he flipped it on them. You're saying that because people speak a lot can't speak. So then he said, Do you have knowledge? The man was quite immediately. Because if you have knowledge, and the law has knowledge, and nothing is like a law, that means either you don't know if you have knowledge, Allah doesn't have knowledge. And actually one of them at some point in the debate, he said,

00:46:52 --> 00:46:57

Yes. And he at some point, Allah didn't have knowledge. So everyone tells him

00:46:58 --> 00:47:32

he's become a disbeliever. So then the guard there was a guard, just an ignorant person standing. So he got angry says, How could you say that to the messenger of Amira? Many because he was sent by the halifa? Za? Could you say that to him that he is not a Muslim? So in this simple garden, he said, He's saying that Allah had no knowledge until he created his knowledge. And how can Allah create his own knowledge? without having any knowledge? And he said, in there in the garden, angrily looked at the other guy, how dare you? So he flipped it around on them? Yeah.

00:47:33 --> 00:48:13

So flipping the argument, sometimes people tell you, Allah is not on his throne, even until now Muslims, there'll be amongst us, they pray with us. They say Allah is not on his prom. Now look how they make it sound respectful. If you say Allah is on his throne, you're physically limiting Allah. See, this word makes the Muslim guilty. You're physically limiting Allah, if you say he's on his throne, don't physically limit a lot. Why would you get this term from physically limiting, but they just make you ashamed? Don't say a look on his phone, if you say that you're physically limiting him. But what's the flip side of that? The flip side is that he's physically everywhere. And these

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people until now, they never answer the question, is he in the bathroom? They stay quiet. Is he in the church is stay quiet, is he in other places that you wouldn't be caught dead in these places is required is in the bar. They're quiet. So if you don't want to say he's on his throne, and by the way, Allison is on his throne six times. He's on.

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He's on his throne. So if you if he's not on his throne, then the flip side of your argument is worse, is everywhere. And that's why many Muslims historically, have gone astray concerning this issue. And even wrote poetry saying, a woman called boyfriend's mirela, Ilana and the dog and the pig is nothing but our our God. How can I Muslim say that? you possibly can you believe a Muslim would say the dog and the pig is our God. You wouldn't believe that, right? But they did. Why? Because it started off with this concept initially trying to respect Allah. But the flip side of it was worse than what they were trying to avoid in the beginning. Because now the pig takes up space,

00:49:13 --> 00:49:17

The dog takes up space. And if God is in everything, then he's inside. We'll

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call on Kabira as far removed from that, then he's inside this space. And they said even the monk in the monastery is our God. One of them instead of saying so panelized it's super nice.

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Because I'm God, gods in me. That's why a lot of these deviant this demon groups, they respect they treat people very nicely. Why? Because of because God is in them. They believe that they believe in you. So if I hit you, I'm hitting him. So I have to be nice to you. That's why they're nice to people. So they got more trouble by trying to avoid something simple. The flip side was worse here.

00:49:58 --> 00:49:59

Why do why do bad things

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happen to good people? That's a question you get many times from Muslims from non Muslims and most of them non Muslims. And he said five minutes for Salah Nam two minutes for Salah. Why do bad things happen to good people?

00:50:13 --> 00:50:18

Who can flip that around for us? That will stop for Salah. Why do bad things happen to good people?

00:50:20 --> 00:50:24

Okay, why do good things happen to bad people? I like that it's a good flip. There's another one.

00:50:25 --> 00:50:34

It gets people to think. And you're worried Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do good things happen to bad people? Nothing good should happen to them. What's another

00:50:37 --> 00:50:54

you can flip it around by saying well, how much intervention do you want? And if there's a good person, nothing bad should happen to them at all. They're about to slip. Suddenly, there's a big feather pillow underneath them. They're falling off a ladder, there's a big pillow on a big mattress under them. posturepedic even not just any mattress

00:50:55 --> 00:50:56


00:50:58 --> 00:51:19

haha. So now you look at it from another angle from patients from the will have a large origin from the tests in this life and so on and so forth. But you just slip it around. Would you want God to intervene in everything? So if you're a good person, nothing happens. You'd never get scratched. Never fall nothing breaks. How much intervention Do you want in life? Okay, we'll stop here. We'll continue and shut left to Salah

00:51:21 --> 00:51:22

Salem, Oregon.

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