Kamal El-Mekki – How To Give Dawah Part 2-2

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of human rights and encourage listeners to use them in their own decision-making. They also discuss fixing the wrong answer, using facts to refute claims, and statistics on human rights, including the number of people who leave and are treated differently. The use of deterrent and the Sharia as a deterrent and the concept of "naught" in the Jewish religion are also discussed. The conversation covers a range of topics, including successful and underperforming relationships, providing examples of successful and underperforming relationships, and discussing personal experiences.
AI: Transcript ©
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So we were talking about the ways of different ways of answering questions. First thing we establish is don't just accept the question. There's something wrong with the question, fix it first, don't start proceeding. Based on that premise. That's the first thing. First technique we discussed. You flip the question around, get them to think about it. So the one last one we were doing, people asked you, and this happens many times. Why do bad things happen to good people? Their argument is that someone's good, nothing bad should happen to them. So realistically, all you have to do is get them to extend that argument further push that argument. Get them to push it, and they'll see that

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it's just they're asking for an impossible world. They're asking for a euphoria or nothing goes wrong. Nobody slips and falls and no one's gets hurt or scratched or cut. So this Jenna that's later doesn't Virginia right now. You push the argument, they get to realize what's wrong with it. So like, some of you reverse it, why do good things happen to bad people? guy's a criminal and stuff and good things happening for him. Rob is a bank gets away with it and spends the cash and something that's something good, any according to that, it shouldn't happen to him. Or you flip it around and just ask them, How much intervention do you want? Every time something bad's about to happen? You

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want God to intervene? and protect this person and stop that from happening? stop that from happening? again. That's Jenna. That's later. You're asking for Jen on earth that. So you flip the argument around,

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page 63. The other way, another way of answering questions and other technique is that you use facts. And we all do this. It's not like we're learning anything new. And a lot of times what we do in this course, is we unlearn the wrong way of giving Dawa,

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we unlearn the wrong way of giving our many ways that we, we think that this is how you give Dawa, we find out that now it's not the best way, actually. So you use facts. So many statements are factually and historically inaccurate. So you use the facts to Greek to refute claims and answer questions. So for example, on page 63, the first one says that more people died because of religion than anything else on Earth. How many times have you heard that? You heard that before? Many times that Muslims say that to you, and you add to our table, and someone tells you No, sorry, I don't talk about religion, because religion responsible for more deaths than anything else? Is? How do you

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refute that?

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Yeah, you use first? Yeah, it's inaccurate. So you start looking at wars around the world and throughout history. And then you start to see that first of all, the majority of them were not about religion, or they were about you know, money taking over people's land, and even those that are about religion. It wasn't just about religion, they brought religion in as one of the factors. So World War One, how many people died

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25 million World War. 250 is some estimates go as high as 60 some million. And this was just one war. And it didn't really have much to do with, with religion. There was some ideology involved, but it wasn't a religion. So what about all the other wars, the Prussian wars, the 100 Years War, all these civil wars, millions of people dying, just Napoleon, you know, how many he got a million of his own people, just his own soldiers, not counting those that did they killed? Just a million of his own men died? What was he doing? What was that all about? It wasn't about religion, you know, go up to the Alps. It gets too cold and goes to Egypt for the summer. And

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so when you do the math, more people die because of land and money than anything else. So that means that next time you that person has a job interview, and they asked him, How much would you like to be making? He should stop the interviewer say, Sorry, I don't talk about money. More people die because of money than anything else on Earth.

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So it's actually not true.

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B, why do you cut off the hand of the thief

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and this as a ruling, not maybe it's not being practiced too much. Now, once I saw some kind of interfaith thing on television, it was basically really an opportunity to gang up on the Muslim

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so they bought some girls from my university, young girl, they put her on on this panel, and everybody turned on her you guys cut off the hand of the thief and that's barbaric and how dare you so she started to immediately apologize.

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We don't do that anymore. Only one country is doing it and you should have just added inshallah, they'll stop soon, you know, so I can use facts here.

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Using some facts for any incident, anything.

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And the number of people in the prison excellent.

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Excellent. Excuse me. So here now you can use facts. So they're, they're assuming that, you know, prison is better than this shootout prescribed punishment. So someone steals, you put them in jail. But then there are many problems with that many problems with that, you know, for one, if somebody steals something and you put them in jail, you're not punishing him, you're punishing a number of people, right? If you know if that person is married, you're punishing his wife. Or maybe you're giving her a treat, depending on all right sisters.

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So you punishing the wife, the parents, the children, all these people are not being you're not going to see this individual anymore, then they go to jail, and then they're treated really, really badly there. And then you can look at other statistics, for example, like 82% of people who leave prison they return. So that means it doesn't rehabilitate. It's very bad. Yeah, I still want them a friend of mine. He used to give a * of the prison. So one time he asked the prisoners, he said, who in here would rather have their hand cut off today? and be with their family tomorrow? What do you think is of the percentage of people who put their hands up? What do you think?

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Every single one of them 100% of them put their hands up? Yeah, take it off. I want to be with my family tomorrow, places a nightmare to get. And that's but they don't even get the prescribed punishment. Yeah. And someone stole and the judge says your punishment is that you're kept away from society for 15 years. But is that the only punishment that he gets? No, he's beaten, he's attacked, he's insulted. And, and it's legal to beat him up really bad and stuff on these things. We're talking about human rights, and all this is happening here. And so it has become a big business, you know, know, since the 80s, like, spending on on public schools and on education has increased by

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74%. Since the 80s, until now, but on prisons 314%. So it's business. And these people go and they come back again, and it just gets worse and worse and worse. So the cutting off the hand of the thief, it's a deterrent. And it works. For from decades in Islamic history, there were only six hands that were cut, just six, just six hands that were cut, compared to now if you only use statistics, you know, every 16 seconds, a car is stolen, every 18 seconds, the house is broken into every six seconds a woman is assaulted, we're talking about seconds now second, versus 70 years, 100 years of six hands being cut only. And by the way, the Sharia is not bloodthirsty. Now a lot of

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people even even Muslims to imagine that the Sharia, like the state wants blood, you know, like that's how it operates. Remember, as a kid, there was this movie, this guy goes to Turkey and he steals an orange. And they capture him and they bring him to this place in the market where all these people are just standing around. And they're cheering as people's hands get cut off. Like these are just regular Muslims. They're just standing there. And then you know, the Camera Cuts away and you just hear had been cut and all these Muslims go.

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So happy. Like, is this a Muslim state who just want to see blood? Okay, it's not Hey, you freak. Let's go watch some hands being cut off here. Let's go. We go. And just like yes. And they're so happy that the hand was cut and plus the I mean, do you cut off the hand for an orange and Islam? It's just all inaccurate. Islamic State is not bloodthirsty. Yeah. And when you look at the rulings for for Xena and things like that, the idea isn't to try to get people punished. And even if you look at the stipulations for establishing like proof that someone has committed Zina, they're very difficult. Yeah. Okay, for witnesses. And these witnesses have to have seen something very, very

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specific. And not just movement, but very specific. You know, like, and they have to have seen Pennsylvania and Virginia understand. That's, and then they have to be for upright and righteous individuals, like you're gonna find for Mashallah for like,

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where you gonna find this and it doesn't happen like that. So the idea isn't to try to just get people you know, the state, the Muslim state is now to get people, right. You know, the story of the woman who committed Zina, she came to the prophecy, he turned to Lhasa and returned from her, she came again, he turned this slide, or the man who came to Brazil and he says, I committed sin. First don't turn away from him. He came from the other side, one more time for some turns away from him. The third time was turned away from him. Then he asked him, Africa junoon Are you crazy? And if you have any mental issues, and he asked his people about his tribe about him, and when they're wishing

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he had someone smell his mouth to see if he's drunk, and one night and he also tells him that I look up a belt, perhaps he just kissed her. And he says, No, I actually did what a man does visit wife is being very specific here. But the idea especially if someone is going to testify against themselves, they're actually encouraged in court not to testify against themselves. They're encouraged not to testify against themselves. That's why judges would say would ask someone

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syrup, cola. Did you still say now? He's telling him the answer? Don't testify against yourself, besides the status but there is there anything, but that's the image you get in Hollywood. That's what a lot of Muslims think that it's just this barbaric state that wants to see limbs fly wants to see blood and stuff. But it's a very good deterrent. You know, I always use the example of the drug dealer in Saudi Arabia. What happens to the drug dealer in Saudi Arabia?

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Yeah, it's executed. That's great. I think we should do that in the United States. Then how many cool drug dealers will be driving their their vehicles with their heads cut off?

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would be excellent. Nobody want to be a drug dealer. Yeah, he's got spinners on his car, but no head.

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Fantastic. Great deterrent, you know, and swallow these people encourage you and he there was one drug dealer in New York City. He used to make $60,000 a day from one corner and he had multiple corners. They say because of this one guy who's a young guy is very popular. He's in jail now. Yeah. Because of him. 10s of Shabaab went to jail because everyone was trying to be like him. But if his head was cut off, nobody would want to be we want to be like him. You know, it's a good deterrent. They should consider that here. And because in California can start it. Yeah.

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California, forget about it. So.

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So then what happens is people try to shame you, and put you in the corner and get you to apologize for the religion of Allah. So our system works. It's been proven to work. It's a good deterrent. That's how it works. It's scary. And it's a deterrent. Yeah. Nobody wants to hand cut off. So it's not worth stealing. But there's also another side to it. Yeah, there's the side where the the taqwa having been God conscious. That's the first reason you don't want to steal. Then the second for those who are not don't have enough, taqwa is there is a strong physical determines. And that's why it works. That's why in Islamic history, there were times when you would leave money, and three days

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later, you find it there. Yeah. And if you ever study the laws of loci, anywhere you find something on the floor, anybody? anywhere, any one of the courses, you ever study that will never pick up anything off the floor. And you don't want to deal with that you your responsibility, you know? So that's how people work. So you can use facts, to respond to a question or to answer questions. By the way, for the first one, there's another very strange one. I'll just mention it for what it's worth. Yeah. And a lot of times, and actually, I've never I mostly get this question from Muslim sisters, and say, why is it that a man can marry for a woman can't marry for?

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He's serious. even think about this question. even think about it. You know, where this question comes from?

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It comes from the radical feminist movement. See, the feminist movement isn't all bad. And for example, who in here believes that if a man and a woman have equal skills, equal level of education, they should get the same salary?

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Come on brothers? Yeah. So you know, you're all feminists. It's not a bad thing. That's what a feminist is. But you know why we have we think of it in a bad way, because there's something called radical feminists. There's liberal feminism, social feminism, there's radical feminism, radical feminists, these are the crazy ones. These are the ones that you know, say, why is it his theory and not hers theory and, and then they actually want to spell a woman who m y n women, they say they want to take the men out of women.

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Crazy. Take the men or women

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kind of left with that. So the point is, is they they're the ones that are crazy. So their goal in life is to be like the mat. Whatever the man does, we have to do, he's a bus driver. We're bus drivers. He's a firefighter, we can be firefighters. He was a boxer woobox also so their their only goal in life is to be like the man so if the man can do it, we should be able to do it and that's the always that's the way they're thinking just want to compare themselves to the man they want to be like the man as if being a man is such a great thing. It is brothers

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it's great, isn't it?

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Just kidding sisters, then you know there's a die in the Jewish religion when they wake up the man thanks Allah for not being born a woman you know that can you imagine that sisters stuff for Allah that's the only thing in the Jewish religion I agree with that should be

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getting getting sisters. This is already getting upset.

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You know my policy with upsetting sisters when I traveled somewhere a few days I leave and you have to deal with that.

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Now since we will be friends tomorrow sisters though is get upset with me on the first night tomorrow we'll be friends inshallah.

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Then I don't even believe that if you're looking this way you can't see their external

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some of them are saying, I didn't pay for this yet.

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I can leave.

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Okay. So where were we here before we got here we were talking about the the radical feminist movement. And so they just want to be like the men, whatever the man does want to be like the man. So this is effective, even Muslim woman living in the West. So they'll come up to you and ask you such a ridiculous question. Why cannot a woman marry four? Are you serious? Did you even think about this question? You can think about it? Is this Jani? she marries four, then she has to cook and clean for four maybe. And then she has to bear children for for men. And she's impossible. And it's very dirty to me. Kind of a question is that they also ask you things like, well, how come there

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wasn't a female prophet of Allah? Now, does that make woman any less? Yeah, neither would woman be any better if there was in the past? A female prophet is just like, oh, there was a male that has to be a female? No, not necessarily. And actually wouldn't be a good deal to have a female prophets of Allah doesn't even sound right. But we wouldn't be a good deal at all. It's an unfair thing. She has the word is the word they're waiting for. Whereas the Prophet of Allah, Allah, she's that time of the month, she can't lead the seller somewhere else, aka bother you do you live. And then she has to go out on these expeditions walking for two months, you know, and she could be pregnant during that

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time. And they're like, everyone's helping her up. And she's like, you know, pregnant. Oh, who are you? Okay? And labor pains, you know, especially if they have patience and trust in Allah. You're a prophet, just as make any sense. But people just that's all they think about the man does it, we have to do it. So who said the man is a role model? For women? It's always something else. It's very, it's a, it's a quote, one of the one of the scholars said, to treat to equal to two different things is equal is a form of injustice. One more time to treat two different things as equal is a form of injustice. True or false? Very true. just simplify it, you know, your work at some kind of

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warehouse, take these big 100 pound sacks and you drop them a couple of feet, these big burly men, they grab it, they walk away, then a 14 year old girl comes, she goes like this, throw me one. And you think to yourself, okay, well, you know, treat them all as equal and Sharla equal opportunities. And you just drop it on her new Crusher, to treat two different things is equal is a form of injustice. So don't just ask, Well, how come the man you know, there hasn't been a female prophet? That would be very unfair, would be a very difficult situation for her. You know? And then when if someone marries this prophet of God, this woman who's the boss then in the house,

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the man right, but then Allah revealed something, then what? Like, I know Allah revealed this idea to you, but I say stay home today.

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You can't leave

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problems. Okay.

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All right. Let me try to become friends with the sisters again.

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By the way, did you guys hear the joke about the dumb brothers? Who said no.

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I didn't work sisters. I'm sorry. I tried. I tried to make fun of the brothers. Okay, number three. You always start with the simplest explanation first. That's another rule. When you answer questions you answer you start with the simplest explanation. I know a lot of brothers they love long winded explanations. One time I said,

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I asked a group of Muslim doc How do you answer this question to a non Muslim one of them will have explained to them that there are two types of the modern era of laws? Are you serious? Just give the simplest explanation First, if it works 100 law you move on to your topic. If it doesn't work, then you can go to a more sophisticated one. This is for Muslims or non Muslims as well. Sometimes even with a Muslim they ask you a question just give them a simple analogy. They understand it they move on without going into great detail. So if you can suffice with the simple one go with a simple one first. So we look at a specific example here and this might deal with a Muslim or non Muslim in our

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in our times now.

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The question is why is the apostate killed in Islam? Why is the apostate killed in Islam? And I've got to mention something here. That's

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the common mistake. what's what's the verb form? When someone leaves Islam in English, what is it?

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Now? Yeah, the verb form that someone has.

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I see a lot of this. That's why I mentioned a lot of times people think it's a positive there's no such word as a positive. Yeah, the verb form is actually strange is apostatize. So when you when you leave Islam, you apostatize you don't apostate. apostate is is a noun. Yeah, it's the act of abandoning one's religion, or apostasy is the act of abandoning one's religion. apostate is the person who has abandoned their religion and to apostatize is the verb form. So why do you kill someone if they're positive?

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ties? That's the question.

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So now here and this is actually a true story. This was a missionary in our school. It was someone who teaches Bible study. So he came and asked me this question. Now, I know that he's just trying to embarrass me because of a number of things. One, because the fake look of concern on his face.

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That was the first giveaway. The second is that he was just a few minutes ago telling me about his friends who are missionaries in Morocco. And they're trying to convert people there. And he was angrily telling me that they're not successful, because you guys, you know, you kill the apostate. So he says, Why do you kill someone if they leave a snap? So now I have three answers for him in my head, okay. But I'm just trying to prove this point that I wanted to start off with the simplest one first. And if it doesn't work, I can go to the next one. And if it doesn't work, I can go to the next one. But if the simplest one works, I can move on to my main point, which is discussing to head

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with this person. So ask them a simple question. One sentence and he immediately said, I understand. I said, Okay, what is the punishment for treason?

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And he said, I understand that was it that simple? So with a simple one first, because he understood now that if someone leaves their allegiance to their country, the ruling is that should be killed. Right? I think just this year, that they just changed it in Canada. Two years ago, they change it in Australia. But in the good old us still, I think the same Yeah. So if someone leaves the country, they should be killed. So if they leave their allegiance to a large soldier, nothing happens. So the minute I made the comparison, he said, I understand. But you know what, suppose he didn't like that comparison. I don't like that. Still, I don't agree. I don't even agree with treason. But I have

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something else for him. And because he teaches Bible study, I had for him Deuteronomy, the book of Deuteronomy, in the Bible, Chapter 13, verse eight, and nine,

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which basically, is the same ruling in his own book, and you teach this book and you're asking me this question. So I was gonna quote it for him, but we didn't have to go there. But I was gonna tell him Deuteronomy, chapter 13, verse eight, nine, because there it's different. There, it's a mess. There it says, and who, the one who leaves his religion, you know, kill him, and let your hand be the first to reach him, and you'll be the first one to kill him. So he prayed.

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That's not the Jehovah Hassan Bahasa, let's go pay him a quick visit. Yeah. And so according to the Bible, you want your hand to be the first moment he opens the door.

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Right? So by the way, in Islam, of course, you know, it's a very different system. It's not like someone you heard that someone leaves Islam and just go get them and stuff like that. First of all, it's done by the authorities, their procedures and steps involved. First of all, they talk to him about any the scholars will refute any doubts he has on the issue. And they spend days with him refuting and arguing with him trying to convince him, then they might even only threaten him with the sword, they thought we need to repent from this because if you don't repent, you will be killed. And if he insists on being killed, that means really, really believing in that. And then only after

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the procedures take their toll. And then at the end, by the authority of the ruling body, it's done by just like brothers after I shall go visit someone and stuff like that. So it's not like, but according to the Bible, just you know, let your hand be the first to strike. Yeah. So it's different. And and I have to say this, because one time in our area, there was a brother who reverted to Islam, and then he left Islam in about a week or two. So one other brother and he was also reverts. He said, Oh, he left Islam. You know, I'm gonna take him out hunting. We're gonna have an accident.

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Yeah, he really thought it was his job. And he was like, brother, good, good check of that a deer over there and you, boom, he's gonna pull a dick cheney on that guy.

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So that's not how it's done at all. Yeah, so that was the second argument I had ready for him. But I didn't have to go there because the simplest one worked on the law. But even if he didn't like that one had another one for him. Right? This is verse 72, or 73, and sort of Emraan wirkkala kita amenability on zilara levina Amano watch our work for a whole lot longer, john. So this is a this was a plot by the Jews of Medina. When Islam entered Medina, they will pretend to enter into Islam in the morning. So 1012 people would become Muslim in the morning, then at night, they leave it same night they leave a snap. Tomorrow a group becomes Muslim, then the same day they leave Islam towards

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the end of the day they leave Islam. So what happens to the non Muslim or the non Jewish Macedonian who is contemplating perhaps becoming a Muslim? He sees that it's not worth becoming a Muslim. There's no substance there. People leave the religion the same day. Groups just enter and leave the same day.

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You know, if you leave in a month, maybe you discovered something. But if you leave in a day, that means there's just nothing there. So they tried to do that to deter a few people from becoming Muslim was a technique, then and then we saw Selim said, number, the Latino who follow the one who changes his religion, kill how many people you think pretended to be Muslim? The next day?

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Zero. Nobody wants him because then there's killing involved. So that was my third explanation for him. So the first one didn't work. He's the second one. He's the third. But so we, we try to start with the simplest one. Because I want to move on to something more important. Yeah. Unless that's the only issue, it could be a Muslim. And they might ask you that. And I might start, in this case from the third one, right? Because if it's a Muslim asked me this question, I don't have to do number two, I don't have to quote the Bible. I don't have to maybe give the comparison with treason. I'll just start with number three, immediately. If it's a non Muslim, I might follow these steps.

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But I don't want to add anything to that.

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And by the way, I always say this, feel free to disagree with me, feel free also to take and leave for most of the things that I say, for the most part, a lot of things we discuss are suggestions. Yeah. And suggested methods and techniques. And you as you see, in this situation that I'm in what is the best method to use, so you draw on or you pull from any of these, and you might use it in that situation, and feel free to disagree with me, okay, you can put your hand up and disagree, as there is no problem with that. You don't have to just agree with me, because, you know, came from overseas or instructor or anything like that, feel free to disagree. But if you're gonna disagree,

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just have some kind of evidence or some kind of study. And I'll accept it. The reason I insist on these two things, is at one time a guy was just disagreeing with me on my most important point. And in the end, I asked him, okay, what are you basing this on? He says, I'm guessing. So, okay, have any of that? Right. All right, so that was number three. Number four, explain the concept and the purpose behind something. So from reading from the notes, sometimes it's hard to understand the details without the bigger picture. Make sure you explain the reasons and wisdoms before you proceed. So for example, someone says, and this is sometimes even for Muslims, how could you profit

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right on a winged horse? They're talking about Barack really, and winged horse and things like that. So how could you profit? How could you believe that your profit rode on a horse that you know flies to make them knock this or what have you? How do you answer that wants to go? sisters? Anybody?

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Yes, sir.

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What's the big deal? Any, if Allah created the heavens and the earth, if there is a God if he is a genuine prophet? Now is this a difficulty now and if Allah created the heavens and the earth, just moving someone from point A to point B says, this is a big deal. You know, Muslims will ask you many times, how can you believe the story of the debris? I said, I'm coming down, opening the chest will process lm taking his heart out washing and putting it back in? And then they tell you things look, look what they say, with no anesthesia, no stitching.

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Are you serious?

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How do you answer this one? It's simple. I just say consider the, this the surgeon, look who's doing the surgery. That's all. And if you told me Dr. choudry did it then okay. Like, okay, that's I don't believe that. But shadaloo, the most powerful of the angel debris in the ark Angel, la Santa, he is the surgeon. I have, believe it or not. And if you can believe in jabril, Elisa Lam, 600 wings, and each one of them would cover the horizon. It's easy for me to believe this. So if you consider the surgeon it makes sense. Look at the bigger picture here. So me anesthesia and all that stuff. Who is a surgeon? Right? And I want to add to that.

00:28:55 --> 00:28:58

I thought I saw someone's hand up. Okay. So

00:29:00 --> 00:29:29

another person says, oh, let me let me give you this one. This is also a true story. Someone came up to me, and he said, Why does God care? If I have if I eat pork or not, is to eat pork? This guy is born Muslim man. He says, What is God care if I eat pork or not? Shouldn't God care about big things? Like if I murder someone? If I steal my lie? Why does he care if I look at the menu and I ordered number nine, it has pork in it. You see, how do you answer that? Give me the bigger picture somebody

00:29:30 --> 00:29:32

now, he doesn't.

00:29:35 --> 00:29:40

But he doesn't allow at the end is what he's trying to say. And he's not acceptable and it's punishable right.

00:29:52 --> 00:29:59

Some very good results, the bigger picture. So when you it's your the act of saying give me number nine

00:30:00 --> 00:30:37

And paying for it. The Act is simple, but it comes under a bigger umbrella bigger picture that is you disobeying Allah subhanaw taala doesn't matter how simple the Act was, right, you know, the saying of the early Muslims that Honduras in a several Masia? Well, I can even go outside, right, don't look at how small the sin is. But look at the greatness of the one you're sinning against. You don't see what I just said, Give me number nine. And she just, I paid 399 for that simple procedure. Sure, it's a simple procedure, but it comes into the bigger picture, this obedience to Allah azza wa jal, or Allah and masala Allah we don't like and I love his creation. But if someone you know, if

00:30:37 --> 00:31:10

your boss at work tells you, for example, don't answer the phone, just ignore it, and you pick it up. You're in trouble. But you might argue, well, what happened? What's the big deal, I just picked up the receiver and it only traveled just barely two feet to my ear. Sure, you can argue mechanically wasn't a big deal. But it is a big deal. Considering the bigger picture you disobeyed your boss and we don't like in our largest creation, or the chauffeur, you know, the the big shot in the back of the limousine tells and make a right turn. And he makes a left turn. Yeah, he can argue that mechanically. Instead of turning the wheel this way, I just turned it that way. What's the big

00:31:10 --> 00:31:42

deal? The big deal is you disobeyed that's why you get your last paycheck. So that's it. So you give the bigger he get people to understand the bigger picture this guy, he was looking at the small process of saying give me a number nine. But the bigger picture is you disobeying Allah subhanaw taala. But Why doesn't God appear to us and just addresses directly? It was actually a professor. He says, Why doesn't God come on TV and talk to us? How can you imagine something so ridiculous? All right, we have other issues, what channels is going to be on?

00:31:43 --> 00:31:54

And Superbowl commercials are like, you know, a million dollars a second, what is this one gonna cost him? God's on TV, they're going to be rights, and then networks are going to fight over this. But what's the bigger picture?

00:31:56 --> 00:31:57

What's the bigger picture?

00:32:02 --> 00:32:44

Where's the test there? The whole idea is the unseen. You know, most of the times you see when when someone gets to a point where they see the unseen, they can't repent anymore. True. And even further on saw the angel of death, or look for any atheist in the history of life. When the angel of death came towards them. They're like, Oh, there is something for sure. Right? Every atheist believe that that point, but it's too late, because you saw something from the unseen. So if God appears to someone, what would be the test in life? There'll be no test whatsoever. So a lot of times we tell them using analogies, which is the next point. So if you have an exam on your professors threatening

00:32:44 --> 00:33:00

you the whole year, the exam, the exam, the exam, and then you come in and the answers are on the board, is it a test? It's not a test when you see the answers. So if God comes and appears to people and speaks to people directly, then what's the there's no test, then? What are you being tested on?

00:33:02 --> 00:33:07

If God is capable of doing anything, then why can't he be get a son if he wants to?

00:33:08 --> 00:33:16

Christians ask you that question. Is God capable of doing anything? Okay? Can he have a son? If he wants to? Then you're stuck here. Okay.

00:33:17 --> 00:33:23

He could if he wanted to know, so he had he wanted to? And he was the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

00:33:24 --> 00:33:25

Who is it further?

00:33:27 --> 00:33:33

Define God as a terminology can have can't be good or not? Because otherwise won't qualify?

00:33:34 --> 00:33:41

You right? And from from being technical? islamically? Yes, you're absolutely correct. How do I get this person to see the bigger picture here?

00:33:44 --> 00:33:46

Any other comparisons? Maybe? further?

00:33:52 --> 00:33:59

Okay, very good. So I know we'll take another system and then expand reset. Oh, you can't hear the questions. Okay. My apologies.

00:34:00 --> 00:34:04

I was actually so I was going to repeat that one is saying that,

00:34:05 --> 00:34:40

basically is explaining that, you know, the idea of having a son, this is, this is a good thing for humans. And it's necessary for humans, you know, the sun carries on your name, and it helps you on towards the end of your life is your week, and so on and so forth. But this is not a quality that is that is good or befitting of a god. And so our answer here is that Allah subhanaw taala only does things that be fit his majesty. So you can ask other questions. And a lot of times, and we've done this before, someone will come up to you and say, Well, can God have a son if he wants to? So you asked him Can God steal?

00:34:41 --> 00:35:00

Can God lie? Can God murder not kill murder? Because murder is an unjustifiable homicide? So Can God murder people? Can God steal from people can he lie? He only does things that fit his majesty. And that's the other answer to the rock question. You know, so with a rock question

00:35:00 --> 00:35:23

In the big rock that no one can move, and so on. The answer there is that first of all, you're giving these human qualities to a lot of building a rock and physically moving it this, these are human qualities. So it doesn't apply here. Yeah. And same thing here. So yes, God is capable of doing anything, but he only does things that fit his majesty. That's why it doesn't steal. That's why it is murder. That's why it doesn't have children. So, okay.

00:35:25 --> 00:35:38

Number five, you use analogies. So to explain issues and concepts, if the person still doesn't understand, use a simpler analogy. So if you give someone an analogy, they don't understand it give a simpler one. Where do we get this rule from? Anybody?

00:35:39 --> 00:36:19

Get that rule from Yes, sir. Now, yes, from the Quran, which one specifically anyone remember? Which incident where someone gave an analogy? That guy just didn't get it. So they give him a more simple analogy. And he was stumped. For boy hit a leather cover. Abraham is around right when he came to the king. And I'm Ruth. So he says, Rob, we love you. If you meet my lord is the one who gives life. And then he takes life. So the guy says, I give life I take life. And the narration says that he brought an innocent man to kill him. And he had someone that was condemned to death in certain free. He really didn't get it, did he? He just totally didn't get the idea. He didn't get the comparison

00:36:19 --> 00:36:59

whatsoever. You Abraham RSM didn't tell Moloch Well, you know, Allah already gave him life on you. But basically, he didn't explain it like that. He just moved on to something else. He knows his he realized he's dealing with a dimwit. So. Alright, guys, not smart at all. So he just gave him something very clear. Okay. So this he says Allah subhanaw taala brings the sun up from the east. So you bring it up from the west? Danny, and it's a simple argument, but because he's such a like, again, a gym with that allows you to assess for boutella recover, and he was stumped. Yeah. So sometimes, and some people are like that, that they hear sophisticated argument just doesn't do

00:36:59 --> 00:37:00

anything for them, then a dumb one. Do

00:37:02 --> 00:37:04

you remember this with with him?

00:37:05 --> 00:37:05

When he does?

00:37:07 --> 00:37:44

And matassini because Madison was a soldier. And it wasn't like a scholar or it isn't. It wasn't into books. He was just a soldier, you know, no brains. And so when he tells them he old arguments for the three days where they were debating him, and he was giving brilliant academic and arguments. They didn't work, which is the one that worked on the halifa. When I told them I came to pray, and the Quran was lying dead in the corner. I was like, how does the Quran die? Like, well, that's what you say, because it's created and everything that's created has an end to the Quran died last night. What is the hollyford? This is a simple argument. halifa sits down

00:37:46 --> 00:38:21

has destroyed this. He was telling you brilliant stuff for two days. This is what how he destroyed you. Because he's at that level. Yeah. So number two is the same thing. Yeah, he had to be given a simpler explanation, simpler analogy, then it worked for him. So here we are. Point number five. You use analogies to explain concepts and issues. If the person doesn't get the analogy, maybe use a simpler one. Or sometimes you don't use it, don't insist just move on to something else. Like I know brothers who they have an analogy and they love it. So they always use it. If the person doesn't get it. They try to keep explaining No, no, the car is blue, the car is blue, you're in the car, it's

00:38:21 --> 00:38:32

rolling down the hip. Leave the car, just move on to something else. Don't insist on your analogy because you love it. You know you love it because it works if it doesn't work on this guy use something else on this guy. So

00:38:34 --> 00:38:54

if God is good, now remember, this is similar to the other one that we did the flip side, you know, why does God allow bad things to happen? But But now we're answering it using analogies only. So give me an answer. Now, just using a comparison of some kind of analogy. If God is good, why does he allow so much evil on earth? Give me just an analogy to answer this.

00:38:55 --> 00:38:56


00:38:57 --> 00:38:59

If God is good, what is the love so much evil on earth now?

00:39:05 --> 00:39:05

Uh huh.

00:39:07 --> 00:39:23

Okay, very good. So you're using the analogy of, you know, parents punishing their children. So they love them, but then they allow something bad to happen. like a like a little bit of a spanking. Right. I would say a good spanking never hurt nobody. Except the recipient, right? So

00:39:25 --> 00:39:28

By the way, did you ever watch any crazy videos for this course?

00:39:29 --> 00:39:31

Now, you watch levitation.

00:39:32 --> 00:39:33

The code trick

00:39:34 --> 00:39:48

backhanding the child Do you ever watch that one? Excellent. Great. So we're on the same page. So you know what I'm talking about them. So. Okay, so that's an analogy. What other analogies are there? sisters, let's hear from you.

00:39:50 --> 00:39:55

So if God is good, if taken rays of faith, remember when he spoke just spoke about evil now

00:40:01 --> 00:40:40

Okay, very good. So if I understood you correctly, you're attributing the evil here to people right? Not to Allah subhanaw taala because that's the truth Yanni Allah azza wa jal didn't just you know, put evil, he told us the the right way to do things, and then when we choose to not do it what happens? He will happen. So, a good analogy here is the the glass jar analogy, anyone heard this one before, like, on one time I was walking in a parking lot was was bright outside and non Muslim said the I understand that, but if there is a God, and if he is good, why does Why is there so much evil on this earth. So he's trying to say, God is good, but he's doing so much evil. So I told him, and

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it was bright, we're standing outside and said, If I give you a glass jar, clear glass jar Now, can you hand it back to me full of darkness. And he actually said, I see your point, he immediately got the analogy, because the analogy is saying, You can't have darkness if there is light, right? darkness doesn't occur by itself, it only happens when there is a lack of, or as a result of the lack of something else. When there is no light, you get darkness. When people choose to not follow the light or the guidance of Allah xojo you get evil, you don't attribute it to Allah xojo. And

00:41:13 --> 00:41:44

so or if you know the other comparison is cold, right? cold and heat, cold doesn't exist by itself. Cold only happens when there is no energy or no heat. That's why you have absolute zero doesn't get any colder than that, because that's when there's zero energy. So you can use that. Cold only happens when there's no heat dark was only happening when there's no light, evil happens when people don't follow the light of Allah. So this analogy works. I just said, Can you give me a glass jar full of darkness? He said, I see where you're going with this. You got it immediately. For

00:41:49 --> 00:41:50

sure, sure. Go ahead.

00:42:07 --> 00:42:07

Do it

00:42:09 --> 00:42:10

really down

00:42:13 --> 00:42:15

to the human nature. So

00:42:21 --> 00:42:21


00:42:23 --> 00:42:25

do whatever they do is the correct way.

00:42:27 --> 00:42:27


00:42:29 --> 00:42:31

is something you like

00:42:39 --> 00:42:40

to take a picture.

00:42:55 --> 00:42:56


00:42:57 --> 00:42:58


00:42:59 --> 00:43:37

and you're actually a step ahead of us, because that's actually an entirely different technique. When you talk about the wisdom of Allah subhanaw taala, the knowledge that allows you to get has that you don't have what, what hair happens to you as a result of this evil from 10 years ago, you know, all this, it's an entirely different section. And it's very valid, what you're saying. And the only thing I would invite you to do is to because the example I gave you, we're not comparing anything to Alo, we're just explaining how evil is not attributed to Allah, that evil happens when people don't follow the light of Allah, just like darkness happens when people don't don't have

00:43:37 --> 00:44:10

lights. That's the only comparison we're making. And what I'd like to bring to your attention is I gave you a story where it worked. So I actually don't want you to like this technique. I just want you to accept that it could work with some people, it wouldn't be your preferred choice of argument or explanation. But I just want you to see that it could work. And that's all I'm trying to do. And these four days that I might give you an argument, and I'll tell you a story where it worked. And you might tell yourself, okay, work, but I don't like it. I'm not going to use it. Feel free? Absolutely. So yes, there are other ways to explain this. And, and they might even be more

00:44:10 --> 00:44:15

satisfactory, and you might meet someone that's more satisfied when he explained this to them further.

00:44:21 --> 00:44:46

And this is where we will use the flip side again, many, many times we get questions like that for the atheists will say things like, there was a mudslide in the Philippines and they know how many hundreds of children died. So okay, what do you want to happen? So you want just the parents to die, and the children to remain? Is that what you want? And your argument is even that adults should die but children shouldn't. And for me as an adult, I don't agree with that.

00:44:48 --> 00:44:52

So what are you telling me it's okay if I die and if the child shouldn't die?

00:44:54 --> 00:44:59

Yeah, so that's one thing. So the flip side is okay, what do you want? The mudslide happens then the rescue team comes

00:45:00 --> 00:45:33

Everybody's dead. But all the children are just, you know, muddy and staring wide eyed. And they're all alive, like a couple of 100 children, which now needs to be put in homes and all kinds of other things. And of course, they only think of one world, especially the atheist, right? But these they got a free pass to gender. These kids. That's great. They don't have to do anything wrong with the command center. Anything. We got a free pass. Yeah. So these are their bigger pictures. But again, you keep pushing his extending his argument, and he's gonna find out that he is asking for too much. So it doesn't want any child to die. It doesn't want to choke the fall and get a scrape and scratch

00:45:33 --> 00:45:48

on his knee or anything. And so you keep extending his argument and he'll find he will find that he's asking for what? euphoria or something that's impossible. So just keep pushing his thought further. Yeah. So one has had their hand up somewhere. They're

00:45:49 --> 00:45:55

about sisters. Anyone have their hand up? We're not doing q&a yet. Yeah, but just if you're on our topic, go ahead. Yes.

00:45:57 --> 00:45:58


00:45:59 --> 00:46:00

So regardless of

00:46:04 --> 00:46:04


00:46:08 --> 00:46:11

kind of accurate that you're saying, eventually everyone's gonna die.

00:46:13 --> 00:46:24

Excellent. So we're only here Dracula headed sister. Very good. We're only here to go back to him. So some people got in the mudslide. Some people got and sportscar and some people just don't wake up. Yeah.

00:46:25 --> 00:46:25


00:46:34 --> 00:46:34

you get sick.

00:46:36 --> 00:46:37

Then you go to doctor.

00:46:38 --> 00:46:59

The same evil. Ah, like, I liked the beginning, especially since if I poke a knife in your stomach, you will die. But if you get an illness, and then you go to a doctor, and then he'll use also a knife for scalpels at cutting instrument, but same kind of thing, but in a good way. Okay. Very good. Excellent. But

00:47:01 --> 00:47:08

is there a god? Well, let me skip that one. We'll come back to it. There's only one life and there's no resurrection. How much time do we have?

00:47:10 --> 00:47:18

Okay, good. There's only one life. There's no resurrection, using analogies only? How can you explain this? That there's got to be more than one life?

00:47:20 --> 00:47:22

Oh, let me share it with you. Go ahead.

00:47:26 --> 00:47:37

Aha, excellent. So this injustice, the big question here? How will the injustice in the world be balanced out what the brother said? Excellent. You know, let me explain this from a number of different ways. Yeah.

00:47:39 --> 00:47:40

I remember one non football.

00:47:43 --> 00:47:47

Okay, so how can you see a lot of mercy? If you don't when you say,

00:47:49 --> 00:47:56

Okay, if there isn't some punishment, if there is some bad how you realize the value of the good, and this is true. We all know that right?

00:47:57 --> 00:48:13

Those of you who grew up in the States, and then you went overseas, you come to value a lot of things that you have here, you know that they're so good when you see so bad. Yeah, complain about things here, complain about roads, complain about that. go overseas, look at the roads and then come back, like, kiss the tarmac.

00:48:15 --> 00:48:16

This is great.

00:48:17 --> 00:48:20

So you see the bad you can appreciate the good, right.

00:48:22 --> 00:48:50

You know, one time there was a reporter on public radio, NPR, she started to become an atheist. And she started to document her thoughts for her show. She said the first day of voice said to me there is no God. She said the second day became louder. third date became louder, there is no God. And I became convinced that there is no God. He said after about a week of being an atheist, this is to quote her own words. She said, suddenly, it hit me. So Hitler just died.

00:48:51 --> 00:48:56

She kept repeating it. Hitler just died. And it didn't make sense to her that

00:48:57 --> 00:49:27

if there is no God, someone can be responsible for the death of so many people. And that's all that happened to him is that he died. He's not going to be punished. It's not going to pay for it. He just died. Recently in Toronto, an atheist was telling me, you know, he's saying Yeah, they should be reward should not be any reward, no punishment. So what I told him, so Hitler, you think it's fair that nothing happens to Hitler? And he's just started staring at me. And he just said,

00:49:28 --> 00:49:29


00:49:31 --> 00:49:59

I said, you wouldn't do anything to Hitler. Like, no, and you can tell this line, right? Yeah. First is like, you know, so, and sometimes people just want to win the argument, right? And he knows he, his hesitation is discomfort. He knew he he didn't really believe that. So this woman she just kept saying Hitler just died. And that's all that happens to him. So she's actually pulling and drawing on a concept that's in the Quran. Allah gets his affinity other Muslim in a coma Jeremy Malcolm key Fatah. C'mon verse.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:12

Strong versus a larger, you know, saying, Do we equate, like the the the evildoers or transgressors? Yeah. Like the criminals do equate them to the believers. Then Allah says something

00:50:13 --> 00:50:39

was wrong with the How do you judge? How do you judge. So if someone is doing good their entire life, then they die and they're buried and there is no life after death. And someone is doing bad their entire life murdering and stealing and they die. They're buried and there's no life after death, they go to the same place. They went to the same place, there's no reward, there's no punishment, and that's not fair. So if someone tells you,

00:50:40 --> 00:51:18

there is a God, but we're not resurrected, we live once we're not resurrected, then especially if they say there is a God, you can follow the following technique. You can ask them one by one to describe God, they you said there is a God, but he's not going to resurrect us. He just gave us one life. So what is this God? What's his description? No doubt, we're going to use things words, in the positive sense about God, they're going to say he's wise, intelligence, is powerful is fair. He's just so now this fair, and just God you telling me he's all knowledgeable and intelligent, and he doesn't know the concept of reward, he doesn't understand the concept of retribution. And the

00:51:18 --> 00:51:27

analogy we've we always use, it's an old one. But it's like the child that falls down and hits his head on the table. The child will keep crying until the mother says,

00:51:29 --> 00:52:06

bad table, that table hits the table, the stop, the child stops crying, truth sisters, the child stops crying because even his two year old who still cannot speak, understands the concept of reward and punishment understands retribution. And the child knows that now the table got hit the same way it hit me the child stops crying. How can a child who doesn't speak know this concept and you're telling me God doesn't know this concept? So that's the analogy. We tell them that if there is a God, then there absolutely must be a resurrection, because there has to be reward and punishment. Yeah, people get away with it. Someone murders you takes you away from your children, you don't get

00:52:06 --> 00:52:33

to see them live or graduate or get married. You don't get to see your grandchildren. He did a lot of injustice to you. Nothing happens to him. You don't get anything back and nothing. It's just not fair. and work with another analogy. If you don't like the bed table one. You know, animals, they understand retribution, right? The monkey, the monkey at your local zoo. When you offend the monkey he flings things that you write. If you want to know what just go to the zoo,

00:52:34 --> 00:53:14

offend the monkey with just take an umbrella and extra clothing. And you'll see what he'll do he understands getting back at people. Yeah. And other animals do that camels get back at you, right, Mr. camel, we'll get a chance to grind you to the ground who crush you. Right, I used to always talk about another example of the bird called the honey guide. Anyone heard of that? I don't have this example. And this bird in Africa that when it finds a beehive it comes to you looks you in the eye starts to sing and it starts to flutter its wings and it guides you to the honey. And so the idea is you know humans that have means and ways to remove the honey you smoke and all that. And then after

00:53:14 --> 00:53:50

they eat from the honey, they have to leave some for the bird. That's the that's the whole patent deal. You can watch it by the way on YouTube, just search honeyguide. And you'll see videos of it calling people are calling even badgers because they have thick fur protects them from the bee stings. And it will just go from branch to branch guiding people to the honey. Now they say that this bird, if you if you don't leave it any honey, it tells you don't worry about it. I know another place where there's honey, and they keeps calling you again and again. And that takes you to the territory of a vicious animal that will attack you. So bird, it understands getting even, it

00:53:50 --> 00:54:31

understands retribution. you telling me God doesn't understand it. So So these are just some analogies you can use to explain that there is life after death. There is a resurrection if you say there is a God and there absolutely has to be a resurrection. Otherwise, this is an unfair God. All right. D Why should I pray if my final destination is written? And this is for Muslims, right? Ask it as someone is just moping around the house. Don't get up and pray. I should I pray. Allah wrote down if I'm going to paradise from going to the hellfire. So why should I pray anything? If he wrote down I'm going to the help fire. I can pray all night and still go there.

00:54:32 --> 00:54:34

So any analogies here?

00:54:35 --> 00:54:37

There's some simple ones and some credit for them.

00:54:42 --> 00:54:45

Just by causing something that has happened to

00:54:46 --> 00:54:49

me to make that happen because we need to make an impact on it.

00:54:58 --> 00:55:00

Okay, so so we're living

00:55:00 --> 00:55:07

By space and time our knowledge is limited. And you're applying the same thing to God. And that's why you think, yeah, but you had your hand up.

00:55:15 --> 00:55:16

Excuse me.

00:55:17 --> 00:55:19

So then you're saying that

00:55:20 --> 00:55:22

when it comes to predestination,

00:55:30 --> 00:56:07

okay, so he created the human being, he knows your tendencies, he knows how you're going to behave, and he knows what you're going to do in every situation. So Excellent. So now with the Muslim, let's give, let's give two answers here. So there's the this is an age old question, and it's nothing new. And the scholars have answered this since 1000 years ago. And they make a simple comparison to risk. Because your provision is written, right? Hello, I wrote down the money that you will make and everything. So this guy who doesn't pray he, you know, gets up early for work and everything and you know, does the whole Gillette thing, and he goes to work, he works hard for this risk. So you tell

00:56:07 --> 00:56:10

them, well, Allah wrote down your risk.

00:56:11 --> 00:56:47

So what you just stay at home, and since Allah wrote it out, it's gonna happen anyways. See here, when it comes to risk and money in the pocket, people now become logical. So now you can make this comparison that you're saying, what should I pray? Allah wrote down where I'm going, he's unlucky, why should you work? Allah wrote down how much money you're going to get anyways. So now he begins to understand that it's linked to your action. There's another analogy that that I like very much. Yeah. And I thought I invented it, then I read it on a slump QA. So I was happy, I wasn't upset, I was more happy because now I feel more confident in sharing it. I shared it with Jeff, what he did

00:56:47 --> 00:57:25

with Sue anyone he thought the other part. And he said he didn't like it because of this. And I said, when I explain it, I say that he said, Now you have the green light. So I'm confident in this one. So basically, this is an analogy, what is the method Allah we don't like. And Allah is creation, where we say that, hypothetically, there's a teacher, and this teacher, he has three students, but he knows his students very well. All right, he's gonna give him an exam, he knows that Muhammad is going to get 100%, most likely, because he knows Muhammad very well. So he takes out a blank sheet of paper, he writes down, Mohammed will get 100 on this exam. And he knows it very well.

00:57:25 --> 00:58:08

And he knows it's gonna get 75% on the exam. So he writes on 100, will get 75% on the exam, and then there's it. And he knows that he's gonna flunk he's getting 50 on it. So he writes on it, we'll probably get 50% on this exam, he follows this piece of paper, he puts it in his drawer, the three young men walk in, and they take the exam. And sure enough, Muhammad gets 100 100 get 75 and only gets 50%. So then, the professor wants to show them how well he knows them and how he predicted what they're going to do. So he pulls out the sheet of paper and says, You see, I wrote it down beforehand, only then you can actually look at the the piece of paper and say, That's why I got 50%

00:58:08 --> 00:58:10

because you wrote I'm going to get 50%.

00:58:12 --> 00:58:54

Now, the only the only thing wrong with this analogy is that the teacher is guessing but Allah azza wa jal has knowledge of the future, precise, detailed and excellent knowledge of the future. So Allah azza wa jal knew that you're going to get 50. So he wrote, you're going to get 50, you're not going to get 50 because he wrote it. He just wrote what he knows you're going to do. So if so what's written about your final destination? Isn't it's not what's going to guide you to that destination. Allah just wrote, because he knows where you're going to end up in. And where are you going to end up is going to depend on the series of events and things that you do in your life. And so Allah

00:58:54 --> 00:59:31

wrote that you're going to get 50,000 a year because you're going to apply for this job and get the job. But if you sleep and wait for the 50,000, it's not going to come. So that's basically the analogy on it. And, and that's why they added the concept of color. It can't be that difficult, and it allows you to sweat the amount of money for him, Allah said, that Allah azza wa jal wouldn't reveal a concept that just impossible to understand. For people. It's not that's not how it works. That's Christianity. Islam, things make sense things can be explained. Yeah. So that's an analogy, the one we skipped, was be

00:59:32 --> 00:59:41

Is there a god? Because basically, why put this there is that if there if there is any, if there is a God,

00:59:42 --> 01:00:00

or if there wasn't a god, how did the majority of people on earth come to believe that there is a God? There is no god whatsoever? How did this idea these books and and these names have profits and the belief that there is a creator? Where did that come from? And we all know the fitrah right? So you can have people

01:00:00 --> 01:00:20

Just in the wild, they believe in some kind of deity. And you've all seen these documentaries of very primitive people that can be in Papua New Guinea, or this place, or the Yanomami tribe are very primitive, but they believe in god or gods. So where did you get where they get this idea from if there isn't a god? And so can you, for example, if

01:00:21 --> 01:01:03

suppose you live in an apartment building, and you have no indication that you have an upstairs neighbor, you've never seen one. No one ever informed, you have never heard any noise from them or anything? Would you believe that you have an upstairs neighbor? You wouldn't? And so why would people believe that there is a God above, unless he announced his presence in one way or another? So anyways, these are just some analogies, and let's see if we can finish we'll do six, that's page 64. You use stories, right? And that's, obviously anyone who's given down here, or anyone who is called the Muslim is back to Allah or non Muslims to Allah. So did you use stories in explaining things or

01:01:03 --> 01:01:07

you share incidents that happened to to other people? So.

01:01:10 --> 01:01:36

Okay, so for example, so I'm going to read from the notes. And by the way, sometimes I do read from the notes, and I'm saying this because some students, they're offended when you read from the notes, okay? Because they feel like okay, it's, you know, why are you just reading to us, you know, it's like, get your own stuff. And, but I wrote the note, so, so it's okay. Yeah. When I did the course in South Africa, this was a big complaint. Sometimes you read don't read.

01:01:37 --> 01:02:17

Okay. So it's like more original. If I don't read then I wrote it. Sometimes actually, if I said it, I would say the same way it's written so it doesn't hurt to. So bear with me as I read Yeah. by for example. And this is a is someone who likes to create problems between people loves to make problems between people. This was actually a story that we'll use used by a great scholar. And I think you guys took torchbearers, right. Yeah. So you know about Amara chabi. great scholar. Right? Brilliant. You know, whatever. I'm in a hurry. These two are all always together. Who is more knowledgeable Amma Shabbir Ibrahim and

01:02:18 --> 01:02:22

their contemporaries and good friends. Who is more knowledgeable. Anyone now?

01:02:24 --> 01:02:24

narration says

01:02:27 --> 01:03:13

much time ashabi Ibrahim illa socrata. Ibrahim says any time a shabby and Abraham gathered together Abraham would be quiet. That means Shabbat is the more knowledgeable one. So even Michelle guru him Allah. He would tell stories to adults, but there is a wisdom behind them. So he said there's a story where the lion he got he fell ill the lion the king of the jungle fell ill. So everybody visited the lion except for the fox. The wolf being a troublemaker, being aware that the fox still hasn't visited the lion started to create problems. So he started to tell the lion look everybody came to you. Everyone visited you. Except for that Wolf, except for the fox. Sorry. So then the

01:03:13 --> 01:03:43

lions start to get upset towards the fox news reached the fox. So he came rushing to the lion. And he came to him. And he says the king says to him, yeah, but to the fox. You all the animals visited me except you. So the fox tells him and he may Allah rectify your condition. When you fell ill everyone came to visit you but I immediately ran out looking for a cure for your illness.

01:03:44 --> 01:03:53

And the king says, Did you find the cure? He says yes, I found that the cure for what ails you is in the paw of a wolf.

01:03:54 --> 01:04:12

And so the king then lunged at the wolf and tore up his paw and the fox fully slid out and he waited outside. So then the fox the wolf comes out limping. And the fox tells him Oh, you with the Red Sox, because now he's bleeding. It looks like he's wearing red socks. Yeah.

01:04:13 --> 01:04:52

Ama, if you sit after this with the salt pan with those that are in charge, be careful of what you say because it can come back to hurt you. So he just told this story. And when he's trying to say troublemakers, beware don't create problems. This is applies to the office, you know, don't try to make the boss hate that person and fire him could come back to haunt you. You know, don't try to get near close to the governor to the president and make him try to hurt this person or kill that person. And if you look at the lives of Imams, you can find always that there's a problem they had with the halifa or someone and it's usually because there's some snake that near the halifa doesn't

01:04:52 --> 01:04:59

this person it doesn't come to you and he doesn't believe in a things your money is haram Oh is some snake creating some problems. So

01:05:00 --> 01:05:36

Or example, be there, no one can take the Shahada after just 10 minutes of talking. So if I were to convince this Muslim, then I'll just give them an A, the stories, many of the stories were someone's take Shahada in seven minutes and want to shut an eight minute. And there are many other stories where the person doesn't take Shahada, right. Or the months before they take the job, because it's not a guarantee. Once I'm we're actually we were in New Jersey, we did the workshop on a Saturday and then Sunday, we went to the streets going, and then we reconvened at the end of the day, and each group was talking about how many charges they got, they were going like this group one, one

01:05:36 --> 01:05:56

shot, group two, group three, one shot. And then when it came, and I was watching this young man, he's in the crowd, and he's just watching each group and how many shots they have. And I saw his eyes when it came my way when it was my group's turn to say how many shadows we have. That's your group. And then I was used to like this. And then we said, zero, and he's like,

01:05:58 --> 01:06:35

what? All this talk is, the butcher doesn't a new group gets zero. Yeah, because it's not, it's not a guarantee, and it's not magic. So it happens like that. Sometimes, you know, sometimes we're gonna discuss the rules of giving advice, how to get your advice accepted. One time I fold all of the rules, and it still backfired on me. This sister is to smoke at the university was wearing Hijab and everything, just just like a chimney just puffing away in front of everybody. So the sisters came to me and told me good advice. I thought maybe as her older brother, I can give advice, and she won't accept it from me. And I started off with all the rules of giving advice, I praised her in the

01:06:35 --> 01:06:53

beginning and acknowledged all the good work that she does for the hour and everything. Then I gave her the advice. And she let me have it. While I'm talking kind of stuff, you know, he was like, You are not the mom, he or she just let me have it. And I remember that night, I went to my friend's house and everyone's laughing and joking. I was just sitting like,

01:06:55 --> 01:06:56

like, what's wrong? You can?

01:06:59 --> 01:07:30

Let me have it. But you know, so sometimes things work. Sometimes it doesn't work. The good news is you get rewarded for your attempts. Doesn't matter. Sounds like you only get rewarded that something happens. If some if someone takes the Shahada, or if the Muslim actually starts to pray and takes your advice. Only then you get a reward. No, you get reward anyway, just like know how they set up called these people for not hitting 50 years, just a few followed and believed. Does that mean he doesn't get reward for the 950 years? No, you get the reward the show?

01:07:31 --> 01:07:32


01:07:34 --> 01:07:44

We have 15 minutes, and we're actually finished all the six ways of answering questions. So we can actually we can take questions or we can do something else. What would you like to do?

01:07:46 --> 01:07:47

take questions now.

01:07:49 --> 01:07:56

Oh, joke requests in the room. Wow, you guys tired already? Or you just want to hear a joke.

01:07:58 --> 01:08:06

Okay, all right. So Baba Khalid is insisting on a joke right now. actually didn't bring my joke list with me. But no problem.

01:08:09 --> 01:08:11

Okay, there was a, there was a

01:08:12 --> 01:08:21

there's a guy, he dialed the wrong number. This is a joke. By the way. Let me explain something because I got this question in New Jersey. They said, No, why are you telling his jokes? You know, isn't that a lie?

01:08:22 --> 01:08:24

So here's the idea. Yeah.

01:08:25 --> 01:08:30

If, if I warn you that I'm about to tell you a joke. How on earth is that a lie?

01:08:31 --> 01:08:38

It's not right. And if I say here's a joke, one person's like, Okay, this is a true story, right?

01:08:39 --> 01:09:03

It's a joke. Now, it would be a lie. If I presented the joke as a true story, then it's a lie. But if I warn you that it's a joke, it's not a lie. And if it's clear that it's a joke, it's not a lie, either. And if I told you, there was a bear driving a Chrysler 300 going to work, any here any sane person will understand, okay, this is a joke. If anyone is like, which highway was this on?

01:09:05 --> 01:09:41

That guys shouldn't be in the car. Right? So that what that means, then, when you when you say it's a joke, it's not a lie. And sometimes, and I understand you will find and you may have a chef that you respect, and I will respect that opinion as well. That will be a bit strict if you want to use that term. But one time, one of our friends there was a wedding and he there was a stage and he went up on stage and they did a skit. And we know his name is so and so when he went up he pretended that a different name. He was trying to wed the guy's daughter was a very funny skit. It was great. When he came down one shift told him how dare you get up on stage and lie?

01:09:42 --> 01:10:00

Like, would you mean like, like, You pretended to be someone else? You fake the scenario. That wasn't true. Yes, but they were on stage. And we said it's a skit. So how is that a nobody believes Oh, this is Oh, I hope he gives him his daughter. No one really believed that. So it's not a lie, Annie. I know some some I know.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:40

There will be scholars I respect that they say that no acting is lying to people, because, yeah, but it's lying. But is it lying? If we know they're acting? How is it lying? I know he's acting. So I say it's a joke. That means it's not a true story. It's not a lie. So don't worry. But if you don't appreciate that, I can respect your opinion. But I'm still gonna tell the jokes. So you just ignore this part. Yeah. So this guy, he does the wrong number. And the girl picks up. And from her voice, he feels that she's beautiful. So an interesting psychological point here. Scott, psychologists say that this is one thing that humans can almost never get right? To hear someone's voice and picture

01:10:40 --> 01:10:56

what they look like accurately. It's almost never that way. And you know, I used to, I used to have a radio show. And when people would see me in person, they would always say the same thing. You're commanded McKee? Your commander? Yeah, I'm Come on. And my problem with that. So

01:10:57 --> 01:11:18

So he goes up with this, he does this wrong number and girl picks up from her voice, he feels that she's pretty, you know, so he starts chatting with her, you know, mocking and stuff. And so they agreed to meet? Is that where you want to meet to we'll meet at the or the or the juice place. Okay. 12 o'clock, we'll meet at the juice play. She said, How am I going to recognize you? So I'm going to be holding a glass of mango juice.

01:11:20 --> 01:11:52

And he said, How am I gonna know you? She's I'm gonna wear a dress, this color that this color and that shape? and so on and so forth. So it goes to the juice place, you know, a little bit before 12 Can I get a glass of mango juice? I'm sorry. We're fresh out of languages. What? Do you have anything else that's orange in color, orange juice anything not only a fountain with some lemonade. So it takes a lemonade. He's just standing holding lemonade. 12 o'clock, the girl walks in, wearing the dress that she promised and everything. But he realized that she's really really unattractive. So he's like humbler? Didn't have any mango juice.

01:11:54 --> 01:12:13

So she walks up to him, says a onto Hudson. He's like, excuse me? He's like, aren't you hessen like I'm not has never heard no hazard. She recognizes versus no your husband's like no, I don't know any. That your husband we spoke on the phone. We said we're going to meet here. He said What's the matter with you? woman? Does this look like mango juice do

01:12:23 --> 01:12:24


01:12:27 --> 01:12:34

thank you for the the joke manager. There are plenty of more good ones. Those of you who will be with us the next four days.

01:12:37 --> 01:12:37


01:12:39 --> 01:13:06

so how about this then? We don't need to really stay until 10 How about we break we meet up tomorrow in Charlotte 10 o'clock bright and early. And for those of you who are still on the fence? Yeah, I knew there was gonna be so much stuff and and people will come up to me and say it wasn't just that way. It was just just life how to deal with everybody you know? So it's a common law firm for being an excellent unresponsive audience. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Salam o barichara Muhammad wa salam aleikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh

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