Mirza Yawar Baig – Living Islam – #1 – It’s time to become Strangers

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The importance of practicing Islam is discussed, including preparing one's heart to become receptive to knowledge, learning of one's rights, and actions. The speakers emphasize the need to practice these habits and listen to their class. They also discuss the history and positioning of Islam, including its origins in the Middle East and its impact on society. The segment touches on the use of racist language and the lack of women receiving equal pay for equal work, as well as the history of Islam and its use of "the storm" to describe actions and words. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a ticket purchase.
AI: Transcript ©
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Ramallah Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam just leaving because he didn't consider

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my brothers and sisters, welcome to the first of our classes on leaving Islam.

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We've called it leaving Islam and you would have got the book called leaving Islam, which I sent you on the group's this yesterday I think I sent it. It's a, it's a PDF, and also it's on Kindle. Those of you who want to get the book and order it on Amazon, it's on Amazon as well. on Kindle, it costs a huge amount of money, it costs all of 69 cents. And of course, I sent you a free PDF as well. So inshallah this will be useful for you.

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The reason why we call the book living Islam and because this series, living Islam is because Islam is the name of a practice.

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Islam is not the name merely of an ideology or theory or philosophy. Islam is the name of a practice. And like all practices, it benefits only those who practice it. So to give you an analogy, karate is a practice Judo is a practice, Aikido is a practice.

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And that helps you only if you can do it.

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If I read all about karate, and I become the world's greatest karate scholar, and I know where it started and who started it, and who are all the great people in it, and I know all about the theory of karate, but if I don't know actually how to fight,

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then if I on the street, you know, street fight, I'm dead.

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On the other hand, I've got nothing against learning about something so I can know that. But even if I don't know a lot of the theory, if I can fight, I will win.

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So it says so ultimate Islam 100 Allah, we are not against knowledge of any kind. We are not against learning. But Islam only benefits those who practice Islam, not those who merely know about Islam. That's the reason why I always say there's a difference between an Islamic scholar and a Muslim scholar.

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And Islamic scholar can be anybody. And marisha male was right here in Harvard for many, many years, as the head of Islamic Studies, great Islamic scholar, she's written some fantastic books. She's written some very good books on them as well as a seller.

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But she was a Christian, she was a Lutheran, Christian.

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So the issue is that you can be an Islamic scholar by knowing about Islam. But a Muslim scholar is the one who knows about Islam but also practices Islam.

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So for him, if you ask him, what do Muslims believe, and when he says we believe in one, worshipping of only Allah subhanho wa Taala is talking about himself. He's not saying Muslims believe this. He's saying this is what I believe.

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Now, Islam, that's the reason why there is no such thing as a non practicing Muslim. You can know about Islam, but just like they can be, you can't be a non practicing karate expert. Just like that you can't be a non practicing Muslim.

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Now Islam that is five

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aspects of our lives. aqeedah eva mamilla Marcia, and Aflac Akita is the creed is what we believe in a rather is how we practice that creed, all the different acts of worship.

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Then there is maravilla, which is our dealings with each other. And then there is a clock, which is our manners. And then there is Marcia, which is our society, which is an outcome of the o'clock and the mommy life.

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So this book, which I sent you called Living Islam, this covers all these five aspects. And there is a sixth section called heart softeners, which is really to prepare the heart to become receptive

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to the knowledge. The example I always gave is that of agriculture. So if I, for example, somebody gives me seeds, and they say that these are

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the most the best possible seeds to grow roses. So here's here are the seeds. And if you plant them, you get some beautiful roses. And if I just take those seeds and I just throw them on the ground, what will happen? Nothing will happen, the seed will perish, right? Or if i don't i

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Don't throw them on the ground, I just, you know, constantly just dig up the ground a little bit and then I throw the seeds, maybe the germination will be a bit better, but that's about it.

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And then I don't, I don't menu or I don't prepare the ground in any way I don't water, the seeds, the plants, nothing, I just throw the seats that I forget about. On the other hand, if I'm a farmer, if I know my if I'm a gardener, if I know my stuff, then what will I do first, I will not even test the seeds, I will first prepare the ground, the earth where I'm going to plant the seeds, I will prepare that I will you know till it and I will we know it and I will

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clean the earth and I will make sure there are no pathogens in it and no insects and so forth which will eat up the seeds, I will check the pH value the level of acidity and if I need to put some calcium I do that if I need to put some money or I do that I do all of that. And only then will I plant the seed

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and then after I plant the seed, I will then look after that plant when it germinates that I will water the plant and so on and so forth, to make sure that that seed eventually grows to a growth into a healthy plant and then it will give me the best flowers. The same analogy applies to learning of Islam. This applies to learning of anything practically but especially with respect to Islam. So if we really want to learn the deen it is not simply sufficient to pick up the Quran and read a translation I read the Quran itself I read some of it, I pick up say Bukhari I read some Hadees No, the thing to do first is to prepare yourself is to prepare your heart is to prepare your which we

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call a skeletal nerves start with a flat all of these terminologies we use all of this is to prepare ourselves to receive this knowledge, which is the knowledge of the Kalam of the Kitab of Allah subhanaw taala. So we have the best seed, which is the knowledge from the from the book of Allah, but for that best seed to germinate and for it to grow, the ground has to be prepared. And that's why we have the section on

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on the softening of the heart.

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Each of these sections you will see consists of

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an eye on one eye or more of the Quran. And then it consists of a had the solar solar, which deal with that particular aspect, which we are talking about. So as you know, in Islam, there are two sets of responsibilities that every one of us has. One is called Coppola, the rights of Allah Subhana Allah, and the other one is called vocally bad which is the rights of the people. So everything in Islam, the ownership, the whole Sharia can be divided into these two aspects, there are the rights of Allah subhanaw taala, which is for us to fulfill and ensure that we do to the best of our ability. And then there are the rights of people. Whoever those people might be, might be our

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neighbors might be people who meet incidentally on the street might be people we meet in the masjid, in the shopping mall, in our workplace, whoever. So, those people have rights on us, which we also need to fulfill those are called Hokulea bad.

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Now we,

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as we need to the thing that I that I remind myself a new is that this is important for us to keep in mind and to ensure that we fulfill this because when we meet Allah subhanaw taala, Allah will not ask us what happened. Allah will ask us what did you do?

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That is the that is the most important I will not say what happened, here was a disaster What happened? What happened?

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But Allah will say you knew about this disaster, what did you do?

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Did you go help somebody?

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Similar similarly doesn't have to be a disaster, you will be on the street Something is happening. What is it that you are doing in your own life? Allah will not say what happened. Allah knows whatever Allah will ask us, what did you do and that is the reason why it's very important for us to focus on our own actions.

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The way this book is organized, also you will find at the end of each section, there is something called the learning journal.

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And this learning journal is in some is the thing in which I encourage you to take notes and these notes will be about your understanding of that section. So today, I will go through the first part of it with you and then when you come back again next Tuesday, then I will request you to come with your notebook and pen and with your understanding of what you understood from that particular section. So next class onwards, both for yesterday we had the Sierra class for that as well as

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This class which is leaving Islam, we will begin with listening to you,

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at least if not all of you, then some of you, at least to say, what is it that you understood from the class? What is your takeaway, and you will find in the learning journal, so one is the learning itself. And the second thing is I have asked, I've put two sections there, enablers, and inhibitors.

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Because what happens with a lot with all of us, I'm sure all of us have experienced that. We have good intentions, right? For example, just to give you an example, you might say, Well, you know, I have been hearing about the importance of tahajjud. And so I am going to pray the HUD.

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intention is good, and you want to pray. But then you find that you overslept.

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And you couldn't pray that. So with enablers and inhibitors, if you think down to that, then what you will say is, okay, I'm intending to create habits. So what are the things that will enable me, which will make me ease make it easier for me to create the habit. So for example, eating dinner early, not eating a heavy meal, it did put you to sleep, right? Don't eat a huge amount of rice or something will put you to sleep.

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Sleeping early.

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So if I'm going to be sitting and watching something on television, or I'm going on Facebook, or whatever I'm doing until one o'clock in the night, then how can I expect to wake up two hours later or three hours later is not gonna happen? So sleeping early is a very important part of waking up early. So these are the enablers, what are the inhibitors inhibitors will be the opposite out of all these things. So if we, if we drill down to this, and if we are if we are systematic, without without action planning, and we say this is my goal, these are the enablers, these are the inhibitors, these are the things which will help me to achieve my goal. These are the things which

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which are likely to inhibit me from achieving my goal, then the achieving of the world becomes that much more likely and that much easier. So in your as your within quotes, homework, I will ask you to do that, at the end of today's lesson. Think about, what is your takeaway, what are you going to do in your life, different from whatever you're doing today. And then think about that as a, what will help me to do that, and what is likely to prevent me from doing that enablers and inhibitors.

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Now, Alhamdulillah, we are going to be doing this book, one day, a week. So every Tuesday, but what I

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encourage you to do is to do this on your own, every day in your house.

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Right? Now, as I said, this is all organized in such a way that really you don't need any guidance. And when you come here any questions you have, I'm happy to answer even otherwise, you can you can, you know, access me and you can ask the questions, sit with your family, take a I and one of these from the first section, then talk about how you are going to use that with respect to living on a day to day basis.

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Right. So for example, the first one is, in our Mr. vignette, the intention determines the value of the deed we'll come to that I'm just giving you just as a quick example here. So now say you're sitting with your family, with your spouse with your children. And you read this it says this is what the head this is saying this is what's

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reported from Rosaura sunlamp. Now, what are we going to do? How are we going to implement this in our life?

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Now this is a this is a this is a conversation that you must have with your children with your video spouse and say okay, now what will you do? What will you do? What will you do? This is what I will do share on from your side also, it says that I am going to consciously question my intention before I do anything.

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So the way I'm going to implement these habits in my life is I am going to question my intention before I do anything. So if I'm going to go if I'm going to drink a cup of tea, then I'm going to question my intention and say, why am I drinking this tea? So hamdulillah drinking the tea because I like the tea and I'm going to thank Allah, Allah for this thing which you have given me. Maybe this tea will

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prevent me from being sleepy when I'm doing something useful, something good. So there is an intention behind this drinking of tea.

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Same thing we apply for everything else will now come to the other side of the story. If I am sitting in a gathering, and I want to talk about somebody

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critically, if I want to talk about someone critically what what do we call that? We call it. So but if I am if I get that thought I think I want to talk about so and so, I question my intention, why am I doing that? What is the intention?

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What should be the intention of a Muslim for everything to please Allah subhanaw taala. Now, obviously doing rebirth cannot please all American, so then why must I do that, I must not do that.

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So, I stopped myself.

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So, do that sit with your family, each one,

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do this. And then when you come the next day, go back to the first day and say yesterday, we intended to do this, what was easy, what was difficult? That's what we will do. inshallah, in the next class, when you come here, I'm going to ask you to share, what did you intend to do? What was easy to do? What was difficult to do? What did you manage to do? What were you successful, maybe something you want to do, but you were not successful? What was that? How can we troubleshoot that and take you out to that challenge.

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So, let us,

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let us make dua that Allah subhanaw taala enables us to do that which is pleasing to Him.

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That unless Allah accepts our effort, that Allah Subhana, Allah gives us the path of steadfastness, and to do something, to do good things continuously, and with his talent, with steadfastness, because we know the heavies were say that I just thought of Elena. She had a friend of hers, who had come to visit her. And she introduced me Salim came in, so says, I shall introduce that person to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and she said, jasola This lady is a very pious lady. She prays all night.

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So from the expression on his face, I should realize that the prophet SAW Salah was not, he didn't look too happy with what he heard. So she asked, she asked me She also Is there anything wrong? Let me just tell you a friend, that unless 100 likes that small deed, which is done consistently.

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So if you pray all night, that is good, nothing wrong with that. But how many nights I want to pray all night.

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Obviously not every night. So you pray all night, one night and after that you disappear and you know, maybe even the Salah is gone. So instead of that, you pray to God, but that to rock out of the head, you pray your entire life now let's run into like that more than somebody's trying to do. You know, a lot of stuff with great enthusiasm, but then it doesn't. It doesn't last because it cannot last. So also a charity. For example, one day you empty your pockets The next day, after that you are yourself in need. Islam does not advocate that Islam says be on the middle path, do what you can do but do that consistently. And do that regularly, not not just one time. So we ask Allah subhanaw

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taala to help us to do that which is pleasing to Him and to

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enable us to do

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stay away from that which does not please Him.

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Let's begin with

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one of my favorite hobbies and I think I want to begin with this one for a couple of reasons. I'll tell you why. And that is this is in Muslim and there will be an AVI hora de rhodiola Ando kala, kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by the early slavery ban was the Euro do Kama Baba. Very bun for Toba Lil horrobin.

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What are the Allahu anhu narrated from a socializer a seller who said Baba al Islam arriba was a yo comma Baba or even for Toba lil Baba. He said Islam started as something strange. And Islam will go back

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to being something strange.

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And he said give the glad tidings of Toba which is a tree in Jannah. To the horrible to the strangers

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in another nation.

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They asked him

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Paulo yar Rasulullah Salallahu alaihe salam Romani hora Kala

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larina usually homeowner either faster than us, what are you Marana v de la? Vela Luka fue una hora de min a Holly or Hedy B them B. And this is in torani. And

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chintamani, and even a band. Now, the two IDs which I did for you, as I said, the first one is in JAMA TBD and in, in, say Muslim, where as soon as a Salaam, reported by Abu Dhabi, Allahu

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wa sallam said, Islam began as something strange, and it will revert it will go back to how it began as something strange. So give glad tidings of Jannah to the strangers. Now who are the strangers? When we say Islam began as something strange, what does that mean?

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Islam began as something strange because Islam began in a place that was very, very much like our whole world is today.

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It's a very interesting thing. And when I, the next class, when I talk some more about the Syrah, you will see that I will go into that with more detail. I don't want to go into that much detail right now. But maca, in the seventh century,

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was almost like a microcosm of the whole world today.

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Right? To give you a brief idea about that.

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My car was not ruled by a king, like I had no king mark, I had no

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dictator. I had no Chief Mark, I was ruled by a group of businessmen

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who gathered together in a place called andrada. Their their gathering house was called another and they took whatever decisions whatever policies they wanted to make, they made this policies.

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Obviously, all those policies were very self serving. They were policies which were good for the women courts, big business people.

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And the policies did not take into account the poor people, and the oppressed people. They were they were of no consequence.

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These the way America was run, the culture of Makkah was, if you have it, flaunt it,

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showing off

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wealth, and so on and so forth.

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laws were

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there was a law for the poor man, and there was a law for the rich man, if you know what I mean. I mean, if you had enough money, then you could do almost anything you like, nothing would happen to you. But if you were the poor man, then you got to get punished for it.

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Women were treated as baggage as property. They were bought and sold. And you know, they were inherited, and they had no rights. They would not own property. They they were nothing. women had no rights whatsoever. The exceptional woman says say that. Bella, for example, was an exceptional woman. She was an exceptional case where here was a woman who also had wealth, and she also did business, but she was like, almost unique. I mean, this was not the status of women.

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The status women was very, very bad.

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Then, as far as in self indulgence is concerned whether it was promiscuity, whether it was

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alcohol, whether it was gambling, you name it. It was there in MK

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Raj, prostitution was so rampant that says Ayesha delana, in one day, she said that if a prostitute got pregnant, then she would just come out and she would point to somebody and say, You are the son of mine, you are the father of my child. And the man would accept your magic anybody? I mean, what kind of a society there must be that she would just want because almost everyone indulge in it so well. Maybe

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it was like that it was so.

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So gross in that sense. Now, the reason I'm mentioning all of this so much of detail is because when Islam came

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What did Islam bring? It brought away or not about that Islam came with, was obviously part of Moroccan society was also idolatry. they worshipped idols there were 360 something idols in the cover itself. So there was that as well so Islam game, basic fundamental principle of Islam Of course, which is the the worship only of Allah subhanho wa Taala, gelato and and the Prophet hood and the messenger ship of Mohammed Salah. But in addition to that, what else did Islam come with? Islam came with a sense of justice

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and accountability to Allah subhanho wa Taala, from whom nothing is hidden. Now this was completed

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anathema to the people of Makkah, this was completely crazy because this is what kind of stuff stuff is I mean, I am accountable, I am Abuja, * I am Abu lahab, I am this one and that

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I am the wealthiest person here and you are saying that I am answerable to somebody else?

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What is the answer's no, no wealthy person, this person, that person, we are all accountable to Allah Subhana Allah to our Creator gala dinner, before whom we will go when we die. And from him, nothing is hidden. Islam came with a sense of justice, Islam gave access to justice, we said that there is no separate law for the rich man in the poorer

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the law is one.

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A lady came from the bottom of zoom,

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the clan of Parliament Valley, Rolando and others. It is a very powerful sub clan of the crush.

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This lady was accused of stealing, and his district was proved the crime was proved. And whatever was required,

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you know, for her to be proven guilty, all of that evidence was there and so on. So they brought her to a visitor center. And they said jasola the people themselves they consulted. And they said, you know, this lady is not an ordinary woman. She's from a very powerful clan.

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And if we apply the the hat, which is the punishment of amputation of the hand on this lady, then it might offend a lot of people. People may not like it, these are powerful people, these are wealthy people. So we should advise someone to, you know, go easy on this one and say, okay, instead of amputation, just say are some fine or something that they will pay, they have enough money, let's do something like this. Then they said, well, all of this advice is good, but who is going to go and tell and request them? So they found Osama bin Zayed rubella, he was there. Now Simon zeta galana, as you know, was almost like the grandson of the Mr. Seller because I've been hearing that the law

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was like a sacrificial Sullivan service. It was his son so salmons they grew up in the house owners and sell them.

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To the property owner. salami was almost like his own child like his own grandson. So they told Osama bin Laden, please go and recommend to Azusa salon distinct to say go easy on this lady. I'm talking about who are the strangers and what is strange about Islam.

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What is the atmosphere at the time the atmosphere is that if I am wealthy, I can do practically whatever I want and even even if I get into some kind of trouble there is always a way out

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to in that atmosphere. Now here is a person who's wealthy who did something wrong. So Sam is that goes to Mr. Solomon ease, recommends this lady and recommends this with him quote solution

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was armed with Reseda. delana says the blessed face of Rasulullah sallallahu became a red with anger.

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And he came out and before he came out, he asked Osama bin Zayed he said to me You are asking me

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to change the law of Allah subhana wa

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husaberg. Samudra said, I wished that the Earth would open and swallow me. He said, I was so afraid. I was so ashamed of saying he didn't realize what he was saying. He You know, he thought it was a good thing. Nebuchadnezzar then came out and he delivered a hug and he said to the people, it so happened coincidentally, that this lady's name was Fatima, the one who came, who was accused of theft nerissa Lazarus said that if instead of this Fatima, it had been Fatima bint Mohammed, who is that his own daughter. So, he said instead of this Fatima, if it had been Fatima bin Mohammed salatu salam, he said, I would have prescribed the same punishment on her also.

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Imagine what kind of

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powerful message that is giving to the people with respect to the position of justice in Islam.

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Arab society in Makkah at the time was also extremely racist.

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And the bottom of the pile in that racist society was a black man or a black woman who was either a slave or ex slave. Right? It was no one lower than that. Now, what does it do for Tomica?

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When the he purifies the GABA, the GABA is cleaned of all the idols and so on, Rosaura Salim wants the event to be called.

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Now tell me, who is the most suitable person to call the other?

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Who, himself

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who is more suitable than than me

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Right. He is himself the most, so he should have called himself. Now if he didn't want to do that, given the people around him, there was Abu Bakr radi Allahu Catalano, there was one

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who you

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been mods I've been vasavi because they were how many people were there? Or the Alon was right?

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Who does rasuna salesa pick

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Ville Albion robber

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who is beloved robber? He's a black I was Indian man. Ex slave.

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Right. And that's not not that's not enough. What does he do? He does Bellarmine Ravana Delano to call the other and from where

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from that top of the cabinet

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Bill had been recorded call the other end from the from the from the ground he could have stood up the door of the cover like now is about maybe six feet high or something the sill of the door he could have stood there and called yes and no Nebuchadnezzar made him climb on top of the cabin I think about that you and I we worship in the direction of the car.

00:31:11 --> 00:31:31

If somebody is lying down and he was feet out towards the Qibla What do you tell him? He's a brother please move on don't don't don't lie down like this video is not respectful. You know it's not haram but it's not respectful to lie down with your feet towards the curb. Rasulullah Salah Salem is making belagavi and Ravana that where is the Kaaba is under the feet of Bilal

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Why he wants to give a perfectly clear message to everybody that color means nothing. Race means nothing skin his skin

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in Accra, Mako Mandela he at

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the most honored in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who has the greatest taqwa. He can be blind he can he can be black, he can be white, he can be green with yellow stripes. Doesn't matter what none of that counts. What counts is the taco of the person. And here was beloved Rama vellano Mata Ki Sahaba. For Sora, Salah rasilla makes him do that, to Islam came with justice in that situation. Islam came in a situation where women, as I told you women were property, women, women, to the extent that if the man had multiple wives, when he died, his sons inherited those wives. Now, anybody anything anything more horrible than that, here are these women who are

00:32:38 --> 00:32:39

practically the mothers.

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And they were inherited by the sun. So the sun, they became wise to the sun. I mean, how evil is that? But it happened.

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So we made absolutely zero, right? Nothing.

00:32:56 --> 00:33:03

A man could kill a woman was a slave girl or his wife, boy, he wanted to kill us he could kill there was nobody to stop him.

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Islam came and said, No, no, no, none of this will work. Women have rights. Women are equal to you. They can own property. They can inherit property. They can bequeath property. They have the they have the right to work if they want to do business if they want, and so on, and so on and so on Islam gave a whole long list of rights to women, which none of them not one of them was there. The interesting thing is that several of those rights which Islam gave to the women in the seventh century, to this day, some of those rights, women in European countries, and even women in America do not have those rights, even today in 2020. As I speak.

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There is an organization in America, which fights for the rights of women to get equal pay for equal work.

00:34:01 --> 00:34:03

Now why should anybody fight for that? Please tell me

00:34:05 --> 00:34:15

if I am doing a job, and if instead of me, if a lady is doing the same job, why must the lady get paid less? Because she's a woman?

00:34:16 --> 00:34:38

Why does it make sense? But that is the law. Women get 20% less, it's not even a small amount. It's 20% less for the same job. So there's an organization here in America which says the slogan is we are not worth less, not worthless as one word worth less. We are not worthless.

00:34:40 --> 00:34:54

I'll give you statistics. I mean, I'm not just talking about my head. I will give you statistics about this. Places like Sweden, imagine how Sweden we talk about Sweden as this you know, fantastic place of great equality and freedom and whatnot, whatnot.

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Teachers in sweden but the upside of it is that teachers in Sweden

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are among the highest paid professionals in that country. Teachers in Sweden get salaries equal to doctors equal to physicians. So that's that's the good side of it. The downside of it is that those teachers get 20% less if they are women

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for no reason just because they are women gender discrimination at its worst, Islam said no. Islam said no to this when in the seventh century

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1400 years ago Islam said the man and the woman if they are working they get the same money that you can't pay a woman less because she's a woman

00:35:41 --> 00:35:42

Islam came with this

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Islam game with her it came with dignity

00:35:51 --> 00:35:55

Islam game against drug abuse what is alcohol

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or drug

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This is the issue with our society today just because we have you know we have gotten ourselves accustomed to something

00:36:08 --> 00:36:25

we call something or drug and we call something else which is also a drug with that so that's okay I mean I can even get a tax break for on my on my on my office parties for my alcohol spending I can show it in my in my in my tax as an expense and I get a tax break on alcohol. But how about cooking then?

00:36:27 --> 00:36:44

Why not? You know, I mean, I'm having always party. Some guys of mine want to save Okay, so instead of alcohol I'm doing cocaine. This is a drug that's a drug. No, no, no, you go to jail if you select cocaine, but if you drink alcohol, no problem. You can you can write write it off on tax. What am I What about marijuana?

00:36:46 --> 00:37:05

Today it is legal. We will all those guys who went to jail in the 60s they went for something for something which was legal, the entire hippie movement. What are they doing? recreational use of alcohol, what do you call a pot party? recreational use of alcohol right, which is legal. So now it became legal now, but in the 60s or went to jail for that.

00:37:06 --> 00:37:22

This is the problem between divine law. This is the difference between a divine law and a man made law. The Divine Law focuses on things which are intrinsically good and intrinsically bad. That doesn't change overnight.

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What is good is good, what is bad is bad. Allah subhanaw taala mentioned is very clearly and that was one of the law said leave take the you bat and leave the rabbi's.

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So Islam came like this. So then therefore, the Salah servicing in those days, he said

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Baba al Islam arriba

00:37:47 --> 00:38:01

he said Islam came as something strange. Why? Because in a in a society that is characterized by cruelty and oppression. Somebody who stands for compassion and kindness is a stranger.

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In a society that is characterized by promiscuity and shamelessness, somebody who stands for dignity is a stranger.

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In a society that is characterized by discrimination, and by inequality, somebody who stands for human dignity.

00:38:24 --> 00:38:27

And non discrimination is a stranger.

00:38:28 --> 00:38:34

In a society that is characterized by injustice, somebody who stands for justice is a stranger.

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So those are those are observed. Islam started as something strange.

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People looked at our local city, our own father, our way was that he would go and he would buy slaves and he would release them.

00:38:52 --> 00:39:00

He didn't buy them for himself. It by this our beloved Ben ramanagara, who got released, our city bought him and he released it. And so also others.

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His father, one day told him what kind of a man are you you are buying these slaves and you are releasing them? He said, okay, maybe, I mean, if you at least by the slave, let the slave be your slave. You don't need to treat the slave treat the slave well, but there's the band works for you.

00:39:18 --> 00:39:26

You don't even do that. Okay, you release them release them. But you know, you are buying and releasing weak people and women

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and people who have no background, no nothing. They have no use to you. Even if you release them, they still can't help you. Why do you do that?

00:39:37 --> 00:39:42

by a nice strong slave release him at least he's around somewhere when you need him. He will come He will come to him. I mean,

00:39:45 --> 00:39:49

I don't buy and release them for myself. I buy or release of the prix de Las Vegas

00:39:52 --> 00:39:56

to the extent in the La Casa de

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la sala de la passed away

00:40:01 --> 00:40:12

Bill was the was formerly the number one sheriff. When Arizona passed away, Bill had been Ravana, viola who could not give the other when he came to Southern Nevada rasulillah would break down.

00:40:14 --> 00:40:15

He could not speak

00:40:16 --> 00:40:18

with the grief of passing away.

00:40:20 --> 00:40:25

So without further ado, came to August. And I say, Please let me give me permission to leave money. And I want to I don't want to say,

00:40:26 --> 00:40:28

give me permission to leave and go away.

00:40:31 --> 00:40:44

So I work with Cynthia Delano. He loved the law. I mean, these are people who this is not just friendship, friendship, these are people who saw the tough times together so they were closer to each other than our own blood brothers are to each other.

00:40:46 --> 00:40:58

So our sisters looked a little reluctant to let Bill aloevera go away. I remember we used those days going away. Well, you know, you are buying a ticket whenever I come back next week. No, I mean, going away means maybe you'll never see me again.

00:40:59 --> 00:41:16

Right? So here he says I looked a bit reluctant. So Bill, Allah Darren told him, she said, Look, you bought me and released me for the sake of Allah or for your sake. He said, if it is your sake, I will stay here doesn't matter no matter how hard it is for me, but it will for the sake of Allah let me go.

00:41:18 --> 00:41:26

I will go, No, go. I bought you and released you for the sake of Allah, not for myself. I want you to stay because I love you. That's it.

00:41:29 --> 00:41:40

Few Years Later, I think it was in the fall of Osman Rolando, Allah, Allah or the late part of Southern our beloved Villanova at that time was living in Baba.

00:41:41 --> 00:41:47

He returned to Medina and hasn't been Ali vilanova.

00:41:48 --> 00:41:50

He met him and he said, please call the other.

00:41:51 --> 00:41:56

We have not heard your voice in this place for so many years. So please call them.

00:42:00 --> 00:42:05

And when Bill Alexander started calling here that the people gave running into the street,

00:42:06 --> 00:42:08

because they heard his voice,

00:42:10 --> 00:42:12

which they used to hear when I was there.

00:42:14 --> 00:42:16

And they came out and they started crying and weeping.

00:42:18 --> 00:42:19

Because remember, mahama sort

00:42:21 --> 00:42:23

of was short enough, but blah, blah,

00:42:25 --> 00:42:27

blah, he could not go beyond that.

00:42:29 --> 00:42:30

He could not go beyond.

00:42:38 --> 00:42:43

That is why as soon as that was an upset Islam started as something strange. And then

00:42:46 --> 00:42:56

he said was a yo yo, Kama bada horiba he said a time will come when Islam will go back to being something strange.

00:42:59 --> 00:43:02

And then he said something very beautiful. He said for tuba.

00:43:04 --> 00:43:10

He said give the glad tidings of gender to the people the world will call strangers

00:43:11 --> 00:43:15

remember in the first time people said to a worker What a strange man you are.

00:43:18 --> 00:43:20

Why because you're doing this thing which nobody does.

00:43:22 --> 00:43:24

They say to whoever What a strange man you are.

00:43:28 --> 00:43:30

Samantha? So my Yeah.

00:43:31 --> 00:43:33

When Hayato delana.

00:43:34 --> 00:43:35

Why did she today?

00:43:39 --> 00:43:46

She would have done and she could have you know that he can't do it and then she would have gone back to Islam later on. Why did she need to die?

00:43:48 --> 00:43:49

Her husband?

00:43:53 --> 00:43:54

Why did he need to die?

00:43:57 --> 00:44:00

Because he saw what happened to his wife in front of his eyes.

00:44:02 --> 00:44:07

Strangers. Now he's Allah Salim said Islam will come back to that stage.

00:44:08 --> 00:44:09

Then he said for Dubai.

00:44:11 --> 00:44:13

Dubai is a tree in general.

00:44:14 --> 00:44:20

That said give the glad tidings of gender to the people the world will call strangers.

00:44:21 --> 00:44:25

Sisters, I remind myself when you The time has come for us to stand up and be counted as strangers

00:44:27 --> 00:44:34

as unique people in our society, we don't follow the herd because we are not herd animals.

00:44:36 --> 00:44:43

We don't care what everybody else does, because they are not our teachers. Our teacher is only one and that is Muhammad Sallallahu cybereason.

00:44:45 --> 00:44:58

So we don't lie and we don't cheat and we don't oppress people and we don't hurt anybody and we don't retaliate. And we don't do all this Why? Because this is how our Nebuchadnezzar was and this is how he is what he taught us.

00:44:59 --> 00:45:00

I can't do this

00:45:03 --> 00:45:05

The Hardys were

00:45:06 --> 00:45:15

in which is in the body, and muslimah, where they asked him, they said, Yasser Allah Who are the ones

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who are the robot. Now he mentioned three things he said one, those who rectify themselves and others when people become corrupt. So our merovingian woke up the work of dow to Islam, who are the strangers the people who first of all rectify themselves. with Allah de la Vina Amano lamotta poonawalla Tara Prado, Allah subhanaw taala said Oh, believe Why do you say that which you don't do? So there is no scope in Islam to do something wrong yourself, but tell others not to do.

00:45:50 --> 00:45:52

So rectification begins with myself.

00:45:53 --> 00:46:02

So another one that we saw Sam said, Who are they? Who are these people who are giving the Musharraf agenda? He said, Those who correct themselves and who correct others.

00:46:03 --> 00:46:13

Number one quality, second quality, he said, Those who don't dispute and fight unnecessarily, in matters of Allah subhanho wa Taala has the

00:46:16 --> 00:46:27

right needless to say, sometimes you find people, they take one some small, inconsequential point and there's a huge argument on that and all kinds of stuff is in there. These are the people who don't do that.

00:46:29 --> 00:46:34

They follow the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala what they know they do to the best of their ability

00:46:35 --> 00:46:53

to second quality. Third quality is that and they are those who do not make the fear on a person of the hit because of his sins. These are people who do not say this one is a golfer there was a cover, they do not pronounce that fear on Muslims.

00:46:54 --> 00:47:01

Because that person has committed a sin. So for example, you might say, Well, you know, I saw his brother, he was drinking he's a cover.

00:47:03 --> 00:47:03

how Allah

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who tells you do that? Who gave you that authority to say that?

00:47:10 --> 00:47:23

You have been humble la de la, la la la, he said, this one or these others are Sir, he said as soon as as Adam said, when one Muslim calls another one a cover. One of them is a coffee.

00:47:25 --> 00:47:31

Somebody pronounced that fear on my head. So they came and told me this is so and so says that you are a captain.

00:47:32 --> 00:47:37

You are a you are an apostate that you have left Islam. You have said I know I am not a captain.

00:47:40 --> 00:47:55

And he did not say that mine is a copy. He said I am not a golfer. He's an amateur wrestler. When one Muslim called another one I gave him. One of them is a Catholic. And he said I know I am not a guy. They may remember he is not saying that man is a coven.

00:47:57 --> 00:48:00

He said I know myself. I'm not a golfer I know. I am

00:48:01 --> 00:48:04

a believer, and I am I believe in Allah subhanaw taala.

00:48:07 --> 00:48:27

So three things the resources are the one is those who rectify themselves and work to help others to rectify themselves. Number two, they don't argue unnecessarily about Islam. And number three, they do not pronounce gopher and takfeer on somebody else because of their seeds.

00:48:29 --> 00:48:48

And amateurism also said that the tuba is a tree in Ghana. And he said that the time it takes to transverse it meaning that the shade of this tree if you were to go from one end of the tree to the other or one end of the shade to the other under the shade, it would take you 100 years

00:48:50 --> 00:48:59

that'd be it. And then he said the clothing of the inhabitants of Germany is taken from the leaves of the street for to buy a little girl

00:49:03 --> 00:49:13

This is the ask Allah subhanaw taala geladeira law to be pleased with you and ever to be displeased. I asked Allah subhanaw taala to accept your coming. ask Allah subhanho wa Taala geladeira to

00:49:14 --> 00:49:21

make us among strangers in the best sense of the term as defined by Rasul Allah has

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asked us to make you among those who will inherit the shade of the Toba in sha Allah.

00:49:29 --> 00:49:32

Allah Allah Allah will carry marari he was a member of the government

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