Kamal El-Mekki – Contentment

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The arrival of Islam's is discussed in a series of English conversations, including a brief advertisement for Islam's. The discussion then delves into the use of words like "operating," "vanishing," and "vanishing" in English, including the concept of "operating" and "vanishing" in English, as well as the use of "vanishing" in actions of people. The conversation concludes with a discussion of manners and healing.
AI: Transcript ©
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In 100 Allah Nakamoto who want to stay in who want to stop hero when our other billahi min chauri and fujinami see Dr. Medina, Maria de la hora de modo de la

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vida de la Chateau La ilaha illallah wa de hula Sheree Kala shadow, Mohammed a Navajo rasuluh you 100 Xena Armando taco la Pato De La La Tomatina 11 to the moon.

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About in esta casa De Sica tabula rasa Alhaji * Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Mashallah Mora Masato wakulla Maharaj in VEDA wakulla beratan bara wakulla Latina brothers and sisters in Islam. Today our haka is about a river or in English contentment. And we begin with a story that happened to one of the Syrian scholars Rahim Allah, his name was Hassan harmonica. And he was born about 1908. He says, it was Ramadan. And I had just finished teaching a class and I was walking home to make a thought. And I poor person saw me and he was very happy to see me. And he swore to me by Allah that I will have a thought in his home. And we started walking towards his house. And it was a

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small room with a kitchen at the on the rooftop of some building.

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But he said the man's heart was filled with happiness. And he was telling me, yes, yes, I have no money. And I have just this little room. And the sun rises from this window, and I see the sunset from that window. And this is the place I recite Koran. After fudger. And this is the place I recite Quran before the sunsets and he says will law he it's as if I am living in an agenda.

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Then when we got to his house, he said, Oh, this was just on the way up, going up the stairs to the roof. And he's telling me about his happiness. When we got to his house, he went in and spoke to his wife. And it's a small place. He said I could hear what they were saying. He told her I brought the chef to have iftaar with us. She said we don't have anything but food fava beans, and it's only half an hour is not enough time to make to prepare anything. So it says when the man came out, the chef told him, he said I told him, I will have a thought with you. But I have specific conditions. The first thing is I only break my fast on dates and water. And then I pray Muslim and then I finish all

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the earth God and then half an hour later, I only eat for fava beans, and potatoes. He said I knew that poor people always had potatoes in the home.

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He said so I left after we ate I left that that man's house. And I left so happy. And he says he made me love the dunya What does he mean by that he means he made me love what little to have whatever I have of the dunya to be so content and at peace with it. He said just this man and his excitement and happiness made me love the dunya. He said days later we were invited to if taught at a rich man's house. It was on a very luxurious farm. And he had a pool and a place for horses and a mansion on that form.

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And all kinds of food were placed in front of us. He said when it was over and I was leaving, the man pulled me aside. And he complained about his worries and his problems with his wife with expect people expecting him to give of his wealth to them and all the complaints and headaches that come with being wealthy. He said just from the door of his house to the door of the car, he blocking the whole world in my eyes and constricted my chest. And when I got in the car, I looked up to the heavens and I said Alhamdulillah an amateur robber, he said that hamdulillah for the blessing of being content. He said happiness is not in many things that we pay for, but a good connection with

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Allah and being pleased with what Allah subhanaw taala has given us and that's why an abyssal alaric Sallam said in a hadith towards the end of this hadith he said Fermin rhodia fellow horiba woman Sahaba follow who follow suit

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From Sallam said, Whoever is pleased that Allah subhanaw taala will be pleased with them. And it just said pleased here meaning pleased with the decree pleased with what they have pleased with outcomes. Allah subhanaw taala will be pleased with him and whoever is angered and and displeased Allah subhanaw taala will be displeased or angered with them.

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So what are some ways through which we can be pleased with what Allah subhanaw taala has given us of good even if it's little and pleased with even with the bad that happens in our lives?

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The scholars say number one is to know Allah subhanaw taala. When you know Allah azza wa jal, you know his descriptions, meaning you know his names and his attributes, you understand Allah subhanaw taala as mercy you understand his wisdom, you understand His justice, you understand his love for the believers, then within all that it has to be done, whatever happens to you has to have come for a specific reason. And those who trust in the wisdom of Allah azza wa jal, and in the justice of Allah subhanaw taala. And know that he's merciful, they'll see even the worst thing that happens to them under the guise or under the or through the lens of that Mercy of Allah azza wa jal.

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The other thing is to understand there is a wisdom behind everything that happens. There's the wisdom behind the good things that happened to us and the bad things that befall us.

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There is a there are two of the the Arab dot and they were traveling in Africa, and they were getting on a very small plane for like a flight within. And he said, we're on the runway, and we're about to take off. And then two military officers got on the plane. The man says he pointed to me and to the person next to me, he said, Come with us, and he took us off the plane. So we thought we're going to be searched for a second time or there was some kind of issue with documents. And then two other people, top military people got on the plane. So we asked him what's going on. He said, we needed the two seats for these two military military officials, and we just chose you at

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random. He said, we were completely irate. We were completely upset. And we were standing there in the terminal screaming and yelling and arguing back and forth. And why did you pick us and leave everyone else on the plane? He said, while we're having this argument and yelling at each other from the window of the terminal, we saw the plane take off, and it barely took off. And we saw it right before our eyes crashed and burned into flames.

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When they saw the wisdom of Allah at that point, how easy was it to accept the decree? It was very easy to accept a decree. So the question then comes, how can we accept and be pleased with what Allah subhanaw taala has decreed? Even though we don't see the wisdom, and that's the majority of cases in our life. A lot of times when the wisdom is clear, it makes it easy to understand and easy to be patient and easy to accept what happened. But what if you don't and that's the majority of the time you don't see the wisdom. Will you still trust in the wisdom of Allah subhanaw taala Will you still trust that maybe in the future you'll know and maybe you'll never know but you still trust

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that Allah subhanaw taala being merciful being just being wise and being loving and caring and merciful towards his servants probably had something hidden for me something good in the long term.

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The other is to understand that whatever befalls you, whatever happens, whatever your situation in life, this was decreed by Allah azza wa jal 50,000 years before he created the heavens and the earth, it was planned and decreed A long time ago. And when you're constantly when you put this in front of your eyes, and you always remember this, it closes the door for any other kind of whisperings from the shape on from low which means if and if here, and you hear a lot of people who tell you don't say low because the editors it opens the doors for the Shea thought, but it doesn't mean you have to remove this word what if or had I not? It doesn't mean remove this from your

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vocabulary in the process lemon this Hadith of the scholars say it means using low if and had I not when you are objecting to what has happened when you're objecting to al Qaeda to the decree. But if you're just using it to express different outcomes or what have you are using the word linguistically there is not a problem with that.

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So knowing that whatever happens it was decreed A long time ago before our last hotel even created the earth. And the other thing is to focus on what you have and what you don't have and this is one of the the

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problems people always focusing on what they don't have, and always looking at what the other people have. In sudo Taha Allah subhanaw taala says, what are the Madonna ionica 11 Madonna be here as virgin men whom Zaha rotten hyah to dunya enough Tina home fee. What is Cora bigger, higher on?

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The translation of this verse is that and Do not strain your eyes with desire towards what we have given them to enjoy of the life of this world so that we may test them with it. But the provision of your Lord is better and more lasting. But even that translation doesn't give it justice, what are to deny, so do not look with desire

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Illa Illa. Mamata Anna be as virgin Minh home for what we have allowed them to enjoy of this world as large and here. And as what we might call a snuff an elephant doesn't mean couples, men and women it means from the different varieties and the different levels of what we have given people. Some people have been given wealth and others have big health and so on and so forth. So the different varieties of things we have given people, but Allah azza wa jal, and this is what's missing in the English translation, Zahra talhah, to dunya. Zahara and Hyatt a dunya. Zahra, as we know, is a flower. So Allah subhanaw taala called it from the flower of this worldly life. And the scholars say

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why flower? And the nature of any flower on this earth is that it blooms, it looks good, and it looks pleasing. And then what happens to it the next day, or a few days later, it wills and look at the power. Look at this description that Allah Subhana Allah gave. So yes, it's beautiful, it's enticing. It's it's attractive. But how long does a flower bloom? And how long does it remain looking attractive? It's temporary. And that's what Allah subhanaw taala called the doctorate and higher to dunya

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the nastiness that we test them with it, that's why they were given to it, it was given to them so that it's a test for them. What is Cora bigger Hiram, and the provision of your Lord is better and more lasting and a risk. As we've explained before, a risk is not just wealth, but could my own tefa be for Horace? Yeah, and whatever you benefit from is risk. So courage is risk and wisdom is risk and basura spiritual insight is risk and wealth is risk and health is risk and so on, and so forth.

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From the examples of focusing on what you have, and what you don't have is the story of Ottawa Isabel rubella.

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And it was famously known that he his leg was afflicted with gangrene, and it had to be amputated. So they cut off his leg. And then on the same day, one of his children went up on the roof of the house, and he fell down and he died. So people came to console him, because he lost his son and his leg on the same day. But they found him focusing on what he had left and not focusing on what he lost. So he said and Hamdulillah, I had four, and Allah subhanaw taala only took one he's talking about his limbs, I had four limbs, Allah azzawajal only took one and left me three, he could have taken two, he could have taken all four who could have taken all of me my soul, but a lot took only

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one and left me three. And I had six children, and there are people who have lost and actually the same day he met someone who lost everything his entire family, all his wives, children, wealth, livestock, homes, everything in one day. He said Allah subhanaw taala only took one and left me five, focusing on what you have left, or focusing on what you have or focusing on the good that you have. And this applies to any aspect in our life. Many people not pleased with their job, not pleased with their income, not pleased with their life, not pleased with their wife, but even with the wife and Nabi sallallahu Sallam instructed

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he said, either curry hamin haha open ramen haha. If he doesn't like an attribute or a trait in his life, he finds and focuses on another one that he likes and focuses on that one of the scholars mentioned how to be selasa lamb had many wives, and some of them you know, some were old, some had children, some were divorced somewhere without

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all of them were barren, unable to have children. But he never once complained. He never once focused on anything like that. And he never once made them feel that they were anything but the best in His sight. So Lola How do you send them? So with that we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us of his servants who are pleased

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intent with what he has given and what he has decreed. A cola cola was stuck through lava muddy welcome in January 1 of Pharaoh, Pharaoh was almost offering ask Allah subhanaw taala for his forgiveness Indeed, those who ask for his forgiveness shall prosper

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hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Ameen early wasabia Jemaine about in the second hop Ba, like to thank you, and everyone,

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for something great that you have done. Two Fridays ago, we gave a hotbar, about the police officer, Officer Matthews, and how he was complaining that people were being rude to him, and so on and so forth. And then,

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last Friday, when he came, you, collectively were so polite, and so welcoming. And you made him feel so special. May Allah subhanaw taala reward every single one of you. He was so pleased that he told me, I would come here, even if you guys didn't pay me. You guys are so wonderful. You guys are so kind. People are thanking me and thanking me for doing what I do and so on and so forth. He is not here today. But when you see him next time also asked about the health of his mother who was a who was Illinois admitted to the hospital, and obviously means a lot to him. But the point is to see like how far a HELOC go, any good manners, they travel beyond anything else, they travel beyond

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anything else, any act or anything you could say or do to someone beyond good manners, nothing will travel as far as good manners. And once again, if, as a collective community in America, Muslims were just known for their superb manners, and then someone hears something negative about Islam in the media, they'll immediately think that's not my experience with Muslims. And that's why we have to first and foremost stand out with our good manners. May Allah subhanaw taala accept from all of you. Then last Friday, we gave a hookah about selfishness and we used as an example wearing the mask in the masjid whereas having it below your nose while everyone else is completely covered, and that

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one was not as successful, but inshallah we will improve over time. I was told that even during the hook, but some people still had their mask down here. So we'll work on that inshallah.

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We ask Allah Subhana Allah to make us of those who recognize the truth as clear truth and follow the best of it and to make use of those who recognize falsehood as clear falsehood and abstain from it. For lahoma con aurizona tibba waarin Albertina battilana Tina for LA Houma, La Jolla, dounia akubra hamina whatever blogger in Mena whether or not Mr. sirona

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We ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant ease and victory to Islam and to the Muslims. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant healing to all the Muslims who are ill, and in the hospitals and this is something that is a constant in our community. So every now and then, take a moment to make dua for Allah subhanaw taala to cure the sick, young and old from our communities and there are a number of people right now in the hospitals and they're requesting from their brothers and their sisters We ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant them a quick and speedy recovery to grant them good healthy herbal alameen for lahoma Brenda has a lomatium Rushden yasui

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Why does he allow CST Murphy he will not have were you unhappy animoca SME de la mobarak

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alameen wa was

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not allowed to come here. Hong Kong law

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