Kamal El-Mekki – Surah Al-Nur

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary ©
The title of the Quran is the only one in the century that is considered a surah and has unique meaning. The legal procedure for accusations of sexual assault against men and women is discussed, including guidelines for punishment and consequences of criminal acts. The use of "has been" in the Quran is discussed, as it represents a reference to a book or speech used to describe the message of Islam, and it is a problem for the person or situation. The speakers emphasize the importance of following guidelines and guidelines within the family, particularly when it comes to women being embarrassed.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah hit Amin while he was busy edge main, a man about Brothers Sisters in Islam, today we're going to look at or have certain take a look at certain glimpses from Surah to No. And the reason behind that for one for us to recognize once again, what an amazing book The Quran is, and what excellent proof it is to the existence of Allah subhanho wa taala. And if it were not the book of Allah azza wa jal then offer us a semi plausible explanation as to how a book like the Quran could ever be written, not just written 1400 years ago, but written even in our types. And the other reason also is that so we can get an idea of how the

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topics in the ayat are related. A few days ago, we were having a conversation, and someone was saying the topics of the Quran jumped from one place to another. But if you contemplate carefully it is not a complete jump there is a link and the theme with the theme before it. But it is a book of contemplation and that is one of the most important things in the Quran is a book of contemplation. And if you're just reading it expecting to read through like a story, you will see that this story jumps from one place to another, but if you're reading it to contemplate you will find the link between this theme and the one before it. So with that, we would like to take a quick run through

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Surah to know but at the same time, look at certain things that are unique about it as a surah and things that are unique about the Quran as a whole. Allah subhanaw taala says Bowden are also bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, su Ratan Enza Na wa follow up Na wa Angelina V. Yeah, Tim being out in LA unlocking the Koran. The first thing is that this is the only surah in the Quran that starts like this, a very unique and very, for lack of a better term strange beginning. Allah subhanaw taala says su Ratan Jonnie had the surah This is a Surah that we sent down, and we made it obligatory upon you, and we sent meaning to follow its rules and regulations, and we sent

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down in it clear ayat, so that you may remember meanings for that you may take heed. So the scholars said, Why would this sort of start like this? Every suit, I know Quran is sent down from Allah azza wa jal, every surah in the Quran is revealed for that you can obey and follow the laws and the guidelines mentioned in it, there is no Surah that sent down for your reading pleasure. Every solar is follow set down so you can follow it. And Allah is stressing that we made clear eye out in the Surah, so that you can act upon them so that you can pay heed, and pay close attention and act upon them. So the scholars said, This surah in particular began this way, by stating what is otherwise

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the obvious that is the solar sent down from Allah azza wa jal that you have to follow what's in it and the ayat have been made been made clear to you so you can follow them every surah is like that. But they said because this surah deals with so many issues, it deals with issues that are so serious matters of life and death. And it deals with things as simple as your two year old child knocking on your bedroom door before entering and Allah is, is reiterating and telling you from the beginning, that you have to follow everything the big and the not as serious but not as big. And what is interesting is when you look at those who have issues with Islam today, all the issues they have are

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the ones in Surah, Noor Yanni you find people amongst the Muslims who have a problem with a job. That's in verse 31 of Fulton know, those who have a problem with dealing and the ruling of the adulterer, that's in surah. To know every issue they have a problem with engine is in Surah Noor which is the only Surah that starts by saying you have to obey everything in the Surah which is a given. So they chose to mess with the wrong surah if that's a term of all the Quran

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and Allah subhanaw taala called it a surah and a sewer is any place Judah Morteza anything that is elevated out of or like a wall or a gate anything higher than the rest is a sewer and Allah Subhana Allah gave it this name even though there are other names for chapters in the Quran inside Buhari chapters are called a Bob Bob covet Bob bahagia Bob

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salah, but here, Allah chose to call his chapters to work with a scene and as thorough is any high elevated position. And Allah called his chapter sewer because they have a high, elevated position in the hearts of the believers. A sort of the Quran is not like any poem or any song, it has a high elevated position. Likewise, the scholars also said that they have a high elevated position with Allah subhanaw taala. So he named them sewer.

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So this is a Surah that we sent down well followed Na, and if the Accra were for Ragna Ha, and he Enza, Nahum would just say that it came down in pieces and it actually did come in pieces and many parts of the Quran. So other scholars said a sutra is from Super from the same route as sewer which is the left over. So when you drink and you leave some water in the glass, that's a sewer. So they said it's called a sutra from that because a chapter is one of parts of the Quran, just like the leftover is part of the water that was in the whole glass. So Allah azza wa jal, and of all the sewer is telling you from the beginning, listen up, pay attention, and follow what's in the Surah.

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Then the second verse, Immediately with no introduction starts with the punishment, punishing the person, the people who commit Zina any illicit sexual relations. And, and what's interesting also insert a note that in verses 10 and 14 and 20, and 21, Allah subhanaw taala keep saying, what Hola. Hola Alikum warahmatu what? Hola. Hola, hola, Alikum warahmatu And had it not been for the grace of Allah upon you, this would have happened to And had it not been for the grace of Allah upon you, he would not have purified you. And the scholar said, Allah azza wa jal keeps repeating that, so we don't lose track, because it starts off heavy with punishment, and so on and so forth, things that

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are life threatening whipping, but Allah doesn't want you to lose sight of the fact that this is for your betterment and for better the betterment of society at large. So he keeps reminding you had it not been for the grace of Allah. So it's not just severe talk. So it's not just punishment, but you're reminded of the mercy and the kindness of Allah azza wa jal. So verse two immediately goes into the punishment of this unit. Then verse three, covers the marital guidelines for those who commit Zina versus those who are still committing Zina and want to marry someone who was chased. And all the other examples, one of the interesting things, verse three of Surratt, a, nor is one of the

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most disputed about verses, amongst them of a sitting in the entire Quran. It's a huge debate that goes left and right. But basically it's talking about the guidelines for those who commit Zina and how they get married. Then verse four deals with those who accused people of Zina without having the witnesses, what is their punishment? And that continues? And then verse five, what if they repent from the accusation that they made? And then it goes in from verse six until verse 10? What if someone accuses his own spouse of that, and they don't have the four witnesses? What do they do? And so it mentions this legal procedure known as Leon which would be carried out in court. So from one

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to 10, we dealt with Zina. But then verses 11 all the way to 20. Deal with the accusation, the incident of the eighth and the accusation against our shadow, Bella Juana. And the verses are so powerful, and so clear, and the defense of that Isha is incredible when you look at the verses in detail, first of all, what is the relationship between verses one and 10 and 11 to 20? The same thing, it's the same theme. It was the accusation against issuance and acquisition of Zina. And so Allah subhanaw taala. Now is going to defend shall obey Allah Allah. And the first thing in the wording is Allah subhanaw taala called it and if in Lavina, Jaya who been if key us by two men come,

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and the scholars say Africa Sheikh, either of kala who unwed you and that's why Allah subhanaw taala called the villages of Saddam, the people of loot. One more atashi Katha a Hawa from the same route to Ethica it was flipped over and risk is something completely flipped over. If I tell you, Brother Mohammed has a very expensive car, but rather Bahamas cars all broken up. But there is some truth even though I'm lying, there is some truth in this life. And that is, Brother Mohammed has a car. But if I told you Brother Mohammed Carson

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expensive and he doesn't have a car. Never thought of buying a car doesn't even have a driver's license. Is there any truth whatsoever? That's an if. And so Allah subhanaw taala didn't even call it a lie because a lie might have truth in it but Allah oz will call the if completely flipped over, not an ounce of any truth in it whatsoever.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala in the next verse tells you what you should have said out loud, and it's not good enough because I might defend someone out loud but internally I think they did it. I just don't have evidence. But Allah subhanaw taala is not leaving any opening that what you should have said and what you should have believed knowing that it's smart to move one me know in our me now to be unfussy him Hira as one is internal, you should have thought well, that's the first thing we'll call ohada If como bien and you should have said this is a clear light so internally, and what comes out of the tongue. Then Allah Allah Tala goes through more of what they should have done

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legally. So if you had, if you knew this, you should have brought witnesses. You didn't bring witnesses, then your lawyers but as powerful and at the Quran, the Quran is the book of Allah. The Quran is the book of Allah and nobody can challenge this for one sec. No, but

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the Quran is so powerful and so detailed.

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Allah subhanaw taala says, Allah, it can end Allah He Whom will carry the Born those, if they didn't bring witnesses, then they're liars with Allah. But what's amazing here is how Allah subhanaw taala didn't leave any room or any gap. Because if I see someone committing sin, and the person actually was committing Zina, and I don't have witnesses, and I go to court, I don't have three other witnesses with me, I go to court. And I say, Your Honor, this person committed and I saw with my own eyes, I saw the details.

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Then, legally, am I lying or speaking the truth? According to the court, I am a liar. According to the court, I am labeled as a liar between me and Allah azza wa jal? Did I lie or did I really see that? Between me and Allah Azza did it. I did see that. But because I don't have evidence on this earth. I'm a liar and the court. But Allah subhanaw taala didn't say they're just liars, because they could be liars in court. But maybe they saw the truth within Allah knows they saw the truth. But Allah, Allah didn't say they're liars in court, he said, felt Willa Iike aimed Allah He Whom would carry the ball, but with Allah, they're liars. That means they're liars in court. And they're

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lawyers with Allah subhanaw taala. They didn't see anything. They didn't have any truth.

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And only the Quran can think of such little details like that no human being can sit down and come up with something so creative, and so detail oriented.

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So then, Allah subhanaw taala in verse 17, closes the door on this happening to anyone ever again. Some of the Shaolin they saw how powerful this is and how clearly they were defending Asia. They came up with a new light, they said, Oh, this I had warned about ICOs about another Mother of the Believers. And it was defending her by what are you going to do with verse 17? Allah Subhana Allah says, yeah, a local moolah, the MUFA citizen said what does it mean when Allah subhanaw taala? Yeah, it will come Allah subhanaw taala admonishes you, so some of them said it means Allah, you heard him Allah forbids you from ever you're either qumola and todo limits li Avada.

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Allah Azza didn't say he forbids you from ever mentioning the story of Aisha again, Allah didn't say he forbids you from ever accusing Aisha again. He said limitedly he don't you ever do this to anyone on Earth ever again, let alone trying to reopen this book and accused the wife of the Prophet salallahu Salam. Allah forbids you from doing anything like this to anyone ever again. And it's so sad how lightly we've taken this topic now. people accuse each other left and right. And this is how it is in America, people are accusing each other and they're not afraid. And then we live here in America, and we think it's normal and it's okay. And we accuse people of Zina and we and we give it

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different names and titles. But this is something that we've we were taken to court, we will be destroyed and our reputation will be destroyed because we didn't have evidence so beware beware brothers and sisters of speaking casually about these things doesn't matter if they're Muslim or non Muslim. Doesn't matter if it's celebrities or not famous. Don't talk about these things don't get in delve into these types of topics of accusing people of Xena.

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So then

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Allah subhanaw taala verse

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19 warrants and there are different series here and we'll take the most powerful one. Allah Allah says in another unit you hit buena enter she Alpha Heisha to fill Edina Armano la Hamada arraignment for dunya will alpha will La Jolla Alamo Antonio Talamo Allah subhanaw taala says, Those who love for the fatwa hushed it illicit sexual acts to spread amongst the believers. And one group said this is talking about those who spread it. And another group of MUFA sitting said, Allah azza wa jal is not threatening those who spread the rumors. Those who make up the rumors, Allah azza wa jal is talking about someone who did not spread it, did not make it up, did not share it. He stood far

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away, but he just loves that it's happening. And Allah's Will is threatening that person, let alone the one who goes around spreading it. Allah Allah Allah is threatening those who love for these kinds of Phaeton and trials to spread amongst believers. They're the ones who will have a severe torment in this world and the next and then Allah reminds you when hola for Gula aleikum wa rahmatullah wa and Allah Hara Oh, from Rahim, had it not been for the grace and the mercy of Allah, then a severe torment would have touched you. But Allah subhanaw taala is her oath, and his Rahim Allah is merciful and his kind.

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Then it continues. And what happens now is Allah subhanaw taala warns us of the footsteps of the shaytaan. And a sculptor said, because the shape on his clever, he works in steps, because he's clever, he works in steps, steps until you are desensitized, until you will get you get to the big crime that he wanted you to commit initially. And then Allah subhanaw taala goes and deals with Abu Bakar below on because the man who explicitly accused Aisha was a relative of Abu Bakr of Ilana, he was a poor man. He was one of them will hygiene and I will work with Allah, Allah used to give him money, and he is the one who explicitly mentioned Aisha, so a book who swore that he is not going to

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give him any more money. So Allah subhanaw taala tells them tells him, Don't swear to not help the poor and the immigrant and your kinsmen, but continue to give him Wouldn't you love Allah to forgive you? And our book will be alone who immediately said, well, Allah will never stop giving him and in the narration of a Toblerone doubled the amount that he was giving him. But then what's interesting, and we'll end here is that from verse 11, until 20, Allah subhanaw taala dealt with the incident of if defending Ayesha, then verse 21, Allah subhanaw taala warned to follow in the footsteps of the Shavon then verse 22, Allah subhanaw taala tells our beroukhim Don't swear to not give him keep

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giving him and forgive and forget. Don't you love Allah to forgive you? And then verses 23 to 26? Allah azza wa jal goes back to the story of an if so why this pause in the middle, and this is again what is amazing about the Quran, this pause in the middle, and let's put it this way. If you do something Jani Yeon is for those who are not children when you were a child, if he did something wrong, and then your father spoke to you about it reprimanded you. And then it was over, he never brought it up. And then another day, you did something wrong, your father reprimanded you severely. And then he went and took his nap. And then when he woke up, he started reprimanding you again,

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which day is worse the first day or which crime is worse, the first one or the second one? Meaning when Allah subhanaw taala goes back to the topic, it means we're not done with it. And it's a very serious topic. And I'm returning to it again. You thought we were done. I'm returning to it again. This is how much Allah subhanaw taala defended, I shall have the law on and there's even more and the wordings in the power of the phrasing of the sentences. And this is further proof that the Quran is the book or the speech of Allah subhanaw taala. By Allah had brothers and sisters, our problem is that we just have abandoned the Quran. That's our problem. That's why you find people leaving Islam

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or doubting Islam. If you read this book every day, you will not have any doubt. But the problem is the way we look at the Quran. And I'll repeat this story one more time. It was a troubled young man. And they brought him to talk to me, and he didn't want to come talk to me. And his main argument was, what's the chef going to tell me? He's going to tell me to read the Quran.

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You see how we belittle the Quran, and they just read the Quran there's no solution and he's just gonna tell me read the Quran is just the solution we throw at people go read the Quran, and I made sure after sitting with him to tell him to read the Quran because that is the solution. You can't tell me not to give you the right answer. What is one plus one? But you can't say too low Allah I can say to Allah careful. I know the answer is do it the right way.

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If and I'll say to what do you want me to say? It's the right answer. And really look what is the right answer and the solution to so many problems from emotional to depression to this, and everyone thinks the happy depression is far more complex than you machina when the members are yelling about low Allah it's not complex, and nothing about it as complex. The solutions are in this book, we just ignore it. That's our problem. We'll only have our stuff for Allah Allah we be welcoming Jamia, don't look for stuff at all fair foes and mystery. Ask Allah subhanaw taala for his forgiveness Indeed, those who ask for his forgiveness shall prosper. hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was

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Salam ala Rasulillah Hill, I mean, while the early he was off be here, Jermaine, and my bad. So just looking at themes only now uh, no details. So when, until verse 23 to 26 is going back to the incident over left, then 27 to 29 the rules of visitation. What's the link? Where does it happen in homes before people didn't ask permission, they would just enter and what does it look like? It looks like Zina or it could lead to Zina. So that's why Allah mentioned the rules of visitation, knocking on people's doors asking permission before going in. Then verses 30 lowering the gaze for men. How does it start Zina? It starts with looking than verse 31, lowering the gaze for women and

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covering and proper attire for women and proper behavior for a woman and verse 31. Then it goes into solutions for Zina getting married and Allah subhanaw taala says we're uncouple I am I Minko goes where I am. Whether it's divorced, single, whoever doesn't have a spouse, what should you do with them in society? Wed them off the verses and many people misunderstand this verse they think is saying, marry those who are single No, is saying marry them off to each other, wet them off to each other, then those who can get married, what is the solution? Then verse 34, it links you to the beginning. After all these rules and guidelines Allah is telling you, you have seen in this book in

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the Quran, what has happened to nations who disobeyed their Lord, so in the beginning of the Surah, follow and obey what is in the surah in the middle of the surah. You have seen what happens to those who have disobeyed the rules. So are you going to follow or not? Then Allah subhanaw taala talks about his light the parable of his light, and you will only understand it well when you see the parable of darkness and the misguidance of the disbeliever. Then verse 47, it gets into the hypocrites from 47 all the way to 54 one, what are the hypocrites have to do with anything? Who started this rumor? It were it was the hypocrites. So that's why last heart Allah deals with them

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and how they behave and how and how they act and how the righteous believers act. And then verse 55, if you obey Allah, here's a promise from Allah azza wa jal, he will give you control of the earth, He will give you safety and security. Then the rest of the verses go into first we're looking at rules of visitation. Now, these are the rules and guidelines within the family. That was the stranger knocking on your door. Now Allah subhanaw taala tells you how, even within your home the little children knock on your door, and we'll close with this about verse 58, which deals with your little children, teaching them to knock on your bedroom doors at specific times of the day. One of

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the one of the Tabata between from the third generation was asked, Has verse 58 of salt and nor been abrogated. And he since early then, he said, people don't act upon this verse. They don't teach their children these etiquettes hasn't been abrogated. And he said, No. He said, People don't

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teach that to their children. This is how long ago so if you go on today and you teach this to your children, you will be of the very few handful on the planet who is acting upon verse 58, which takes us to verse 28, one of the early Muslims, he said, Because Allah says will either kala kumara Giroux for Joe, when you knock on someone's door, if they say I'm busy now can you go come back later? He said for 20 years, I would visit my friends hoping they would tell me to go back. Why?

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So I can live out verse 28. of certain note, I want to one day knock on a friend's house and he says oh, it's good to see you. I'm so sorry. It's not a good time right now. So can you come back another time? He said I'm just hoping one day someone says it to me so it can live out this verse of the Quran. That's the difference between them and us well and sister today if you came to my house and I said I'm sorry, it's not a good time. But kind of Schiff is this. When when is talking about a birth when and it can come from what happened to generosity. I am a ruin my reputation that committee because I acted out verse 28. That's a difference. This thought is an honor and a pleasure. So it's

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this is a call and a reminder to myself first and to all of us to keep a relationship with the book of Allah azza wa jal read it read it with contemplation, really with understanding what is Allah subhanaw taala say

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saying to me, and you do that and you will find problem after problem in your life being fixed, be hidden in law with that we ask Allah Azza to make us of those who recognize the truth as clear truth and follow the rest of it and to make us of those who recognize falsehood as clear falsehood and abstain from it below who might alcohol or tobacco what O'Donnell Bartylla bolted on what he's looking at here, which words OpenACC Genova Allah Allah Jalla dunya Cobra Homina Well, I'm a blogger Illumina wala Elena Remo Sirona Allahumma brim Luma tele slamming Umbra Shuddha you as a via an automatic way with a fee no Marcia tick wave Murphy bill Morrow for you and happy young Korea Samia

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da We ask Allah subhanaw taala to rectify and bring ease and rectify the conditions of the Muslims in Morocco. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to rectify and bring ease to the Muslims in Libya, y'all liquidm Ah hum yada yada me We ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept as martyrs, those who have died from amongst them and to forgive the rest who have died and to grant their families patience and well being uribl Alameen wa sallahu wa barakaatuh Muhammad Lada to he was beheaded mine were como la sala to commit homcom Allah

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