Ismail Kamdar – The Prophetic Advice on Goal Setting

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The importance of setting goals and working in a coffee shop for spiritual success is emphasized. Personal goals are important and should benefit everyone, not just those with strong belief. Representatives should pray five times a day and make a decision based on their own ideas, while learning to interpret body language and not giving up until a point in life. Consent is also emphasized for achieving goals in a holistic way.
AI: Transcript ©
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To the left, who understand you know this double zero? By no means we'll be here with our colleague and who will be let him in surely on fusina for me See ya Dr. Molina mija de la who further Medela OB you look for that idea, my bad call also God, Isa, Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

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A lot

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of people.

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So it's the time of the year where many of us are making our plans and our goals for the next year. And Islamically, we should be working with the egeria calendar for tasks and goals. But practically speaking, most of us are working with the Gregorian calendar. And that's fine, that's permissible. And I think it's good for us to look at some of the prophetic advice on how to plan your day, or how to plan your year how to set your goals and how to work towards your goals. And there's one Hadith in particular, that I think summarizes all of the core Islamic principles that help us to plan and to achieve our goals in life. And what does Hadith also does is, it shows us some of the fundamental

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differences between the Islamic method of chasing your goals, and the secular method of chasing your goals, because sometimes you don't realize the very subtle differences between the two. So let's start off with something very simple. A lot of people feel guilty to have worldly goals. They feel like as a Muslim, your only goal should be to be more pious to get to agenda. And that should be our primary goal. It shouldn't be our only goal, it should be our primary goal. There's nothing wrong with having worldly goals as well. And we see this with the outdoorsman, even on a regular one, when the Sahaba migrated from Mecca to Medina, and he came to Medina with nothing. And people offered him

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money, they offered him support, they offered to take care of you to look after him. He simply said, Show me the way to the marketplace. And he went to the marketplace. He did business, he built himself up and he became a millionaire. And he's one of the 10 people who had promised paradise. So he chased after paradise, but he also built up a cloud business at the same time. So there is no thing in Islam where if you want to be pious, you can't have worldly goals. Rather, you can pursue both at the same time, as long as you understand that the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala is always our number one priority. So the prophets of Allah Allah He was done obsessing or getting

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Hadees. And this hadith, we often quote only the first part of it right? We tend to focus only on the first part of it. But the second part of it is very crucial to goal setting. The process of allowing the subset and working in a coffee shop with a lot of people we need to aim for people your fate, right, that's the part most of us know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the strong believer is better than the weak believer, but is good involved. But the Hadith does not stop there. The RDC is much longer the prophets will allow the use of contingencies in Ruse Allah, my chase after that which benefits you chase after that which benefits you pursued that which benefits

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you? What's the end biller and seek ALLAH assistance ask Allah for help in pursuing your goals while at the adjust and don't give up. Don't give up in the pursuit of anything the benefits you were in Estrada cache for that Apollo in the fall.

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And things go wrong. Don't say only I did this evodia did that without being called for the law by Siobhan. Robin see This is Allah's destiny, and Allah does what He wills while in low def the Arashi, Dan because saying if only if only opens up the doors of Shavon This is a very beautiful Hadith with many different layers and many different angles for which you can explain it. Often. We take this hadith and we discuss only the spiritual angle and really that's the core message of the hadith is the spiritual side of it, to set your spiritual goals to get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala and to become a good Muslim, but you can take the principles of the studies and apply it to

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chasing after your worldly goals as well so that you can frame that with an Islamic way and ensure that in the pursuit of your worldly goals, you are staying * out and you're staying within that which is pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala so let's break this hadith down in sha Allah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam begins the Hadith by saying that the strong believer is better than the weak believer, but he is good in both. What is this mean? Is a lot of discussion amongst the scholars of Hadith on what does this actually mean? The strong believer is better than the weak believer and I will look at all of the different opinions what they have in common is that when a

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believer brings something to the table when the believer has some kinds of skills that benefit the Ummah that is better for the OMA and a believer who doesn't benefit anyone besides himself. So for example, someone could be a Muslim and just living their life by

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themselves and just being a good Muslim is good in that, right? But there is it is better for someone to be outside benefiting the Sunni, look at the Sahaba who are the sahaba? Who is remember, what is the hubbub who's whose biography stand out? They were the strong Sahaba whether they were militarily strongly highly given Waleed, or whether they were intellectually strong Abdullah even a bass but we remember the strong Sahaba why all the Sahaba to the party Jana is good in all of them. But the strong ones don't just benefit themselves, they benefit the entire ummah. So the first lesson we can take from this hadith is to figure out what your strengths are, and to focus on

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building those strengths and utilizing them to benefit you. But wherever Muslim sets a goal for himself in life, what are the primary things we should look at in our goal setting is how is this going to benefit?

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Our goal should not be selfish, they should be for the sake of the team. And each of us have been given different skills. Some of us are good at business. Some of us are good at writing. Some of us are good at speaking some of us are good at teaching. Some of us are good at building things. Some of us are good at coming up with new ideas. Everyone has a different skill. You figure out what you are good at and you build up that up. You become a strong believer, you become a believer who is have benefited you man. This seems to be the strongest opinion of what this hadith means. Right? The way the prophets always upset that the strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the

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weak believer, even though the is good in both. It means that the believer who is beneficial to this ummah, who utilizes his strength to benefit the Ummah is more beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala than the one which is keeping to himself and focusing only on himself, but the end is good and everybody who is a believer, right? But the Hadith does not stop there. The next part of the hadith is other by a cop chase after that which benefits you What do we take from this quarter that is chase after that which benefits you it means set beneficial goals for your life number one chase after Jana chase after the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala but even this dunya seek Hello risk

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seek setting up you know, projects for the sake of Allah see doing things that are going to benefit the Zumba, see goals that are beneficial. And this gives us a one of the primary parts of Islamic goal setting is that when we set our goals, they must be beneficial. That was better for you. And that was better for you. But we don't see after boats that are, you know, just for boasting, or just something that you can say, Oh, I have this or accomplish that. Because you know, sometimes you see what we do. We do goal setting, we do it for the sake of our ego. You know, we set goals like oh, I climbed this mountain, okay, that benefit you did that benefit anybody else? No. Right? Or maybe if

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you needed it for physical health maybe didn't benefit you. Right. But most of the time, we sometimes set goals that are just about our ego. And mostly, that shouldn't be what the believer is pursuing, you should pursue that which is beneficent, now, doesn't just see pursue that which is beneficial. The prophets always upset pursued that which beneficial was the invalid and seek Allah's help, meaning you can't do it alone. And this is a key difference between a Muslim and someone who does not believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala the Muslim understands to accomplish any goal in this world. We need Allah you cannot do anything unless ALLAH has. So in the pursuit of anything

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beneficial in the pursuit of anything halal, you seek Allah's help. How do you seek Allah's help? You practice Islam, you pray five times a day, and you make to

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you make to you ask Allah for assistance, and this should be part of being a believer. You know, for some of us, unfortunately, do I have just become a ritual, you just raise our hands and the box is something we don't understand. We just say AMI and we don't know what the mommy say, a Muslim should be making dua from the heart. And it should be something we doing every day for anything we should be seeking Allah Azza system, you want to open a business, seek Allah's assistance, you want to buy a new car, seek Allah's assistance, you want to move to a new land, seek Allah's assistance, whatever you want to do, you should be asking Allah to assist you because you cannot accomplish

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anything except by the will of Allah subhanho wa taala. And so this is the crucial difference that the believer doesn't rely on his own strengths to accomplish his goal, because he knows the accomplishing of any goal is basically the quarter of Allah. That is only with Allah's help with anything in this world against that. So whatever we do, we say Bismillah we do it in a way that is pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala and we ask Allah to assist us in achieving that goal. And then the prophets of Allah who I think he was upset or that Dodgers don't give up. Once you set a goal that is beneficial, and you're pursuing it for the sake of Allah with the help of Allah seeking

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Allah's assistance, do not give up on that goal.

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Do not give up when things get tough. Do not give up when things don't go your way. Because that's the nature of this world. There is nothing beneficial in this world that is easy to get. When you chase after a beneficial goal, there is going to be obstacles, there are going to be hardships, they're going to be things that get in your way, there are going to be things that go wrong. But if you know that that goal is beneficial, and that goal is going to help you, or that goal is going to help your family and that goal is something good and you're seeking Allah's assistance and you're doing it doing it in the right way, you will push you to all of those obstacles for the sake of

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Allah, you will not give up when pursuing your goals. We see this given in the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, that no matter how difficult things got in Makkah, he never gave up on the dowel. He never gave up on calling people towards Islam. We see this even with boys when the entire city rejected him and chased him out. Still, he said perhaps the descendants will accept it. He didn't give up. He didn't give up in what was his goal as the Messenger of Allah, His goal was to bring Islam to this world. And so

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these are the primary principles that we can take from this release, build your strengths, chase after goals that are beneficial, seek Allah's assistance in achieving your goals. And to not give up. The second half of the Hadith teaches us what to do when we are unable to accomplish our goals. And sometimes we are unable to accomplish our goals. Sometimes you want to start a business and it just doesn't work out. Sometimes you want to move to a certain land and it never works out for you. Sometimes you want the job promotion, you just don't get it. What do you do when things don't go your way? That's what the second half of the ADIZ addresses. So Rasulullah sallallahu, I think he

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was absolutely a sober cache on for that Apple low in the low unevolved.

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He says if things don't go your way, if things get messed up if things go wrong, don't say if only I did this, he did that. This is the first human reaction, right? You hit around the house, you taking a drive to the accident, like if only I didn't leave the house today. Now there was God Allah was meant to happen. What happened when you say if only you build up anxiety, you build up depression, you build up this, this getting locked into the past, you become obsessed over the past. And if only that day identity the house now that this would have happened, it becomes like something that sticks with you, it stops you from from pursuing anything in life, you become stuck in the past and still

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be able to move forward. Because you're stuck in this is mine today, if only I didn't do this or that day, things wouldn't have anyone. Rather, we are taught in Islam, the things don't go away, we say God the Robo mashapaug. This is Allah. Allah has written for me, and Allah does what he wants. This is our attitude. Now, this is where there's a big difference between the Islamic approach to goal setting and the secular approach. The secular authors and speakers, they tell you, you can do whatever you want, you can accomplish anything. You're the captain of your own ship. We say No, everything is restricted by the color of Allah. Allah knows what is best for you. You can pursue

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whatever you want. But you will only get it if Allah has allotted and allow only willing for you if it is good for you. So perhaps somebody wants to be a billionaire, but Allah knows that they cannot handle the test of being a billionaire. So Allah makes the assertion that never become a billionaire. That is what is best for you. And so we learn to live within the body of Allah, we set our goals, we chase our goals, or we don't achieve them. We don't get locked into the past we don't get depressed. Instead, we say God, Allah, Ma sha, Allah, Allah to help us to have to go to a beneficial and to be nobody beneficial to each other. Subhana Allah is the food was the level of

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Mussolini, we'll come to that.

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I'm the guy who was salatu salam O Allah, Allah wa Avada Ababa.

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One of the beautiful things about the Reese's is that there's always very different levels to interpreting and understanding our bodies. And

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sometimes we get locked into looking at bodies only from one perspective. And when we do that, we miss out on all the other meanings that come with that same parties. And so you know, the first part is Heidi's with Rasulullah sallallahu. Some said that the strong believer is better than we need. Sometimes, we see two common interpretations that are dominant, right. The first one is someone who's emerged that someone who is strong is better than someone who the man is not strong, and that's true. And the second one is physical strength, as someone who is physically strong is better than someone who is not physically strong. And that's not always true, but it is true in certain

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scenarios. Now, when you look at this holistically, it's not just referring to one type of strength is equal

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to any type of student that benefits the

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so one of the points I wanted to make is that when we study HEDIS, we need to learn to look at this holistically. Too often, we take one Hadith in isolation, and we misunderstand it completely not looking at the rest of the Syrah the rest of the rest of the Quran, or even the context of the IDs, or the various interpretations of the Hadith, and we end up misinterpreting it and narrowing its meaning when its meaning is usually a lot more vast. So this hadith that we looked at today, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah, the weak believer at the is good import. We said this means that a believer who benefits is

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Omar is more beloved to Allah, then a believer which sticks to himself, right, but it's still good in both of them. And then Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said, chase after that which benefits you seek Allah's help and do not give up, meaning set beneficial goals, ask Allah to assist you in achieving those goals, and do not give up chasing your goals. And then Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said, if something fixed you if something goes wrong, if there is a, if things don't go your way, by chasing your goals, don't say if only I did this or that rather say God or Allah Ma sha, Allah, this is what Allah has worked for me. And this is the destiny of Allah. And then Rasulullah sallallahu

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ends the Hadees we're seeing that the word if only opens up the doors of shaitaan, it opens up the action of shaitaan. What does this mean? You see, she gone, wasp, awesome. He whispers into us. And very often, these Wasp Wasp are the source of our OCD or anxiety or depression. And one of those doors that opens up this was wasa is the structure before. This is a very important point, if anyone is has an issue with something happened in the past, and they can't let go of it, and everything. If only I didn't do this, the only I didn't do that. If only I never left my house, this wouldn't have happened. If only I didn't start that business, this wouldn't have happened. And that thought

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becomes an obsession and the obsession becomes depression. Understand that seeing if only open up the doors to the worst possible. How do you close those doors, you learn to accept the order. And so very hard thing to do. It's a very hard thing to do if you're not used to doing it, to accept the order of Allah means accepting that Allah knows what is best for me that even the receiver even the calamities, even the most difficult and saddest days of my life, in the long run, they are what was best for me. And to be able to accept that and to move forward and to stop dwelling on the past. This is one of the most important lessons and we can take from this Eddie's want to end up with a

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little bit of advice on how do you seek Allah's assistance in achieving your goals? How do you seek Allah's assistance in achieving a goal you see as a believer, as a Muslim, we have access to something that can help us achieve our goals and nobody else's, or other two things. Like we have the assistance of Allah and the assistance of Allah. It manifests itself in our lives, often as a type of garage, as a medical, and very often in the form of baraka of things being blessed in ways we can't imagine. I mean, you can tap into Baraka, how do you tap into the baraka, you wake you start off early, you start your days early, you pray for your Salah, or on time, you make sure your

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earnings are valid. And that's why I always said from the beginning of this video, make sure whatever worldly goals you pursue, you pursue it in a way that is holla. If you have other income, halal food, you have goals that are pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala you're praying five times a day, you are starting your day learning, you are giving charity. When you do all of these things you unlock Baraka in your life. And when you have Baraka in your life, you are able to accomplish more in a short time or with little others are able to accomplish. Baraka is a Kurama. It is a miracle that Allah has allowed to happen over and over again, throughout the history of this world. It is

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one of the strongest proofs that Islam is the true religion, because every single believer at some point in their life has experienced Baraka within the time relative effort, whether it's their money, but everyone who is sincere in the belief and practice of Islam has experienced his medical at different points in their life. It the money wasn't getting finished, or they were able to accomplish a lot of things in a small amount of time. But you experienced this vertical in this vertical strengthen for

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tapping into this medical is one of the greatest ways in which Muslims are able to accomplish a lot in a very short period of time. And this is something that has baffled historians what are some you know, right to today? non Muslim historians are baffled at how did the Muslim empire grow from a group of villagers in Arabia into the largest empire on earth he addressed in 100 years. It makes no sense when you study history when you study the evolution of civilizations. When you study the history of empires. It takes hundreds of years for any empire to grow to the size that the Muslim empire grew to it.

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First 80 years. And we see that's the baraka. That's the baraka we have the first generation of the baraka of the Sahaba, the baraka of the early generations, that Allah to baraka and everything they did to such an extent that within less than a century, they went from one town in Arabia to the superpower of the world, in less than a century. And we need to capital baraka and everything we do so, so when setting your goals, when you sit in your world with a business, or whether your personal goals, make sure they are things that are beneficial, make sure that they're things that benefit the Goomba. seek Allah's assistance, ie chasing after your goals. And don't give up. Don't give up by

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the end of the day. Understand that all of our goals are limited by the power of Allah. Allah knows what is best for us. And sometimes you set a goal that you think is good for you, but Allah knows is not good for you. So he's not going to allow you to accomplish that specific goal. So when you reach a point in life, we realize, Oh, God, I'm trying, I'm trying, I'm trying I'm making dua, but there's always something in the way of doing this. Perhaps Allah doesn't want me to do it. When you reach that point, a realization, it switch over to a different beneficial because perhaps that goal was not beneficial to you even though it may be beneficial to somebody else. And in this way, we spend

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our life doing that which is beneficial. We spend our life proving it's been our life benefiting the OMA but we don't become obsessed with the idea that it do anything. Rather we learn to trust Allah, we learn to trust Allah that Allah knows what is best that Allah SCADA is best. And so we learn to live by the phrase, God Allah, masha of Allah that Allah has been. Allah, Allah is what has happened and Allah or whatever words you want, Allah has allowed to work. We asked him not to accept from us our efforts allow us to accomplish our goals and to be beneficial for the Oba robot Artina we do the Hasina will be the afternoon, Governor Subhan Allah, muslin or Salah

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