Yasir Qadhi – Wisdoms of the Quran #19 How Good Deeds Eliminate Bad Deeds

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The importance of good deeds in forgiveness and forgiveness of evil deeds is emphasized, along with the need to be mindful of past experiences to avoid future mistakes. The speaker also discusses the moral aspect of people's actions, including forgiveness and forgiveness of evil deeds, and highlights the importance of praying for the good deeds and saving money.
AI: Transcript ©
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gem, and we're beginning the last 10 nights,

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so we need to now

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choose ayaat that are gonna be especially useful

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for us in these 10 nights.

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The aya that I chose for you today

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is Surah Hud verse 114.

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Good deeds

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bad deeds.

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This Quranic wisdom

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and maxim

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should inspire

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even the worst

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sinner among us.

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Even the worst sinner amongst us should have

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that glimmer of hope. No matter what I've

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done in the past, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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is promising,

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if I present some good deeds, my past

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evil deeds can be eliminated.

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Good deeds get rid of bad deeds. And

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in fact, there's a very interesting, a little

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bit humorous story even about why this came

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down. That once in the time of the

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prophet, there was a companion

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who had a girlfriend that he shouldn't have

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had, and they did something they shouldn't have

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done. Not to the level of zina, but

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they did something they shouldn't have done. Then

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he felt so guilty, he repented. He cut

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that relationship off. And he said, You Rasulullah,

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I made a mistake and I had a

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friend, and I did this and that, but

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I didn't get to that level, but I

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did things I shouldn't have done. So the

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prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam was silent. And then

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they prayed together, and then the man came

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up. He wanted to be punished. He thought

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there was gonna be some punishment, but he

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didn't get to the level of punishment. So

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he said, You Rasulullah, isn't there any punishment?

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And the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said, Didn't

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you do wudu? He said, Yes. Didn't you

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walk to the masjid? Yes. Didn't you pray

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with us? Yes. Don't you know Allah has

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said, Inal hasanati

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yudhibna sayyaat

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Doing good deeds eliminates

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bad deeds, meaning you have repented,

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you've given up your haram relationship,

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you clearly want to be a better person,

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you've done wudu, you've walked to the masjid,

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you've prayed with us, Allah has forgiven you.

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The man was so happy, he jumped up.

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He said, You Rasulullah,

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is this ayah only for me, or is

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it for everybody?

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And the prophetessists have said, No. It is

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for every single person in the world. Illinasi

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It's for everybody,

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this ayah. And, subhanallah,

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this is a glimmer of hope. No matter

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how bad your past,

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no matter how

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many are your sins,

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Allah wants you to come forward and do

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some good deeds so that he can use

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those good deeds to eliminate bad deeds. And

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that's why we are encouraged in the Quran

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and Sunnah to have a continuity

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of good deeds. Our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam

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said, whoever prays the 5 prayers,

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it shall forgive all of the minor sins

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in between. In one hadith, he said, once

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to the Sahaba, he said, what would you

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feel about somebody who takes 5 baths a

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day? Would there be a speck of dust

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on him? They said, you Rasoolullah, if somebody

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took 5 showers a day, he would be

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the purest person. So the prophet salallahu alayhi

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wasalam said, This is the example of the

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one who prays 5 times, all of his

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minor sins are forgiven. And our prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wasallam said, fasting from Ramadan to the

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next Ramadan, and praying 1 Jumuah to the

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nextjumwa, and doing 1 umrah to the next

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umrah, it shall cause

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all of the minor sins in between them

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to be forgiven. Obviously, minor sins means those

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sins that, you know, we shouldn't do, but

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they don't reach the level of kaba'ir.

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As for major sins, obviously, it requires a

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specific repentance

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and a genuine

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feeling of sorrow and remorse. But the generic

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minor sins, by simply doing good deeds, it

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forgives those sins.

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And the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam told us

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so many examples and stories of the past

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and of present where this reality was demonstrated.

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For example, he said,

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there was a man in the past whose

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whole lifestyle was evil, and he had hurt

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people, he had killed people, and he kept

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on doing sin and evil until finally one

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day he wanted to repent, and he decided

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to leave his evil land and go to

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another land where there was pious people. He

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was living amongst mobsters and evil people. He

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decided to walk away and go somewhere else,

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but he didn't reach the town, and he

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died in the middle. And the angel of

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death and the angel of punishment sorry, the

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angel of mercy and the angel of punishment,

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they both came to take his soul. And

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they began arguing, should he be punished or

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should he be forgiven?

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And they said, let us measure where his

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body was. If he's closer to the righteous

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people, then we will cause him to be

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forgiven. And Allah Azawajal

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caused the earth from the other town to

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shrinken up so that it seemed as if

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he was closer to the righteous people and

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he was forgiven. Now the point of this

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hadith, of course, we believe it happened, but

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there's a moral here as well. And what

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is that moral?

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The man

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didn't even get to the town.

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He didn't actually begin the change, but the

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niya was there to change.

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He made a commitment

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that I'm going to change,

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and in that commitment,

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he passed away,

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and Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, forgave him. This

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is what this ayah and this hadith is

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saying, that good deeds will cause your evil

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deeds to be forgiven. And in perhaps the

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most amazing anecdote from the hadith we learned,

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and it's a very powerful anecdote, and it's

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a very interesting one that the prophet salallahu

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alaihi wasalam said, there was an evil lady,

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a lady who would, you know, do the

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things that should not be done, the,

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the person who sells her body, that type

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of lady. Her whole lifestyle is evil. Right?

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And once she passed by a dog

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that was panting for

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water, and there was no water around. And

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so she saw a well. So she said

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that this dog needs water. Maybe I should

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give it water. Perhaps Allah might forgive me.

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Her whole lifestyle is evil. That's what she

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does her whole life. Allah knows her circumstance.

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Allah knows why she's forced into it. But

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even with that evil lifestyle,

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she knows I need to do good. And

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so, she went to the well, turns out

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there's no bucket in the well. So she

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took her shoe off,

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and she went into the well. She put

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her shoe and the water in the shoe.

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She put her shoe in her mouth, and

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she climbed back up, and she gave the

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dog one sip of water from her shoe.

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She gave that dog the water that was

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in her shoe. And our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi

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Wasallam said, Because of that one good deed,

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because of that one good deed,

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Allah forgave her entire life of sin.

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SubhanAllah, we don't know her circumstance. We don't

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know, but without a a doubt, she must

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have felt guilty. Without a doubt, she would

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have been full of remorse of what she's

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doing. And Allah

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overlooked all of that evil

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because we do not judge. We're not in

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the position of those people. We don't know

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why they did what they did. Leave their

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affair to Allah.

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Still, with that lifestyle, she did a good

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deed. And that one good deed is what

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caused her to be saved, and salvation was

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achieved. SubhanAllah, brothers and sisters, if there's hope

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for such people, if there's hope for a

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person whose entire rizq, whose entire sustenance

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She gave a dog a sip of water.

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Then, Wallahi, how about me and you when

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we sponsor an orphan? How about me and

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you when we pray? How about me and

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you when we give charity? How about me

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and you when we fast? The point is

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very simple, brothers and sisters. Do not lose

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hope in Allah's mercy. Be optimistic.

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No matter how many sins you have, Allah

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is promising you,

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dhalika dhikrali dhakirin.

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The the ending of the verse, this is

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a reminder

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for those who are willing to be reminded.

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So as we enter these last 10 days,

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make sure you increase your good deeds.

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These 10 nights, oh Muslims,

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should be the highest

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nights in terms of your sadaqa. You should

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not give more sadaqa at any other time

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of the year than now. You should save

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as much as you can to give sadaqa

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now. These 10 nights should be the nights

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of Ibadah. These 10 nights should be the

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nights of Tilawat of Quran. These 10 nights

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should be the nights of of du'a.

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All of the good deeds you can do,

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and when you do so, Inal hasanati yudhibina

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Those very good deeds are gonna cause your

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evil deeds to be forgiven. So we ask

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to make us of

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those who are praying on that night of

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Laylatul Qadr. We ask Allah to make us

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of those whose duas are accepted on Laylatul

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Qadr. We ask Allah, Azza wa Jal, that

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our good deeds on alaylul Qadr are magnified

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so that we're worshiping as if it's for

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the whole lifetime of ours. And inshaAllah, we'll

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continue tomorrow. Wassalamu

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