Ismail Kamdar – The 5 Maxims Of Fiqh

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the five main principles of the Maxim's of fake, which include the importance of factoring in the actions of the majority of issues, the use of the word "olser" to avoid harming oneself or anyone else, the adoption of the rule of " Locked Ones" to avoid causing harm, and the use of the rule of "locked Ones" to avoid harming oneself or anyone else. The speaker emphasizes that the principles are not just a general rule, but specific to each individual.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. So for today's lesson, we are going to take a look at the COVID with the PA, the fic Maxim's are particularly, I'm just going to teach you the five main Maxim's of fic. And what do you mean by the vital to the Maxim's affect you we mean that these are the five main principles upon which most of fic is built. Right The Olimar they have taken the principles of fake and summarized them into five main principles. And if you memorize and understand these five principles, then you will understand the ruling of the majority of issues. So these five principles were put together based on Hadees and Quran and general trends found in the

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books of check. The first one is from the Hardys enamel, Mr. Lubin niak. Every action is judged by his intention, and that becomes the primary principle of fake that every action is judged by its intention. The second principle of fake is early akinola due to the shock, that conviction cannot be removed by doubt. This basically means that if you are sure about something, then that cannot be overruled by a doubt. So, for example, people are innocent until proven guilty, or things are Halla until proven wrong, these are sub Maxim's of eliakim law You will be shocked. The third one is that difficulty cause relaxation in the law, to for example, somebody who cannot stand and pray is

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allowed to sit and pray somebody who cannot make will do can make the move. So, this is a maximum effect that applies across the board. Number four is locked doors without the wall do not cause harm to yourself or to anybody else. So, this principle basically, is the foundation upon which harm is built right, that the laws of harm is anything that is harmful to you or anybody else is prohibited. And the final principle is that or, or or that cannot which means that the local culture is given preference over foreign cultures. This basically means that when there is a clash of cultures, we follow the local culture. So why did the llama list the Maxim's of thinking this way? Well, the

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first way is to make it easy to memorize instead of memorizing individual rulings, you just memorize these five Maxim's and from there, you are able to understand the vast majority of Islamic laws, right?

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So not only do you memorize the majority of those, but each tr becomes easier. So if a new issue pops up, you just need to take one of these five Maxim's and apply to it, and you have your ruling. However, I just need to remind you that this should be done by the law. This is not the work of the average Muslim. If you are not a scholar or a student of knowledge and you are studying this, then this is just for reference purposes. But for the alumni. This is a very powerful tool that is used in fake

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