Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Shamail AlTirmidhi Manners of the Prophet () Part 67
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AI: Transcript ©
Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim
Al Hamdulillah Hamdulillah he hummed and cathedra on the uban
mobile rockin feed about a Kannada you como you brought up guna where
Jalla Jalla, who was Salatu was Salam ala so you can have even
Mustafa SallAllahu Garda or the wider early he also be about a
career seldom at the Sleeman career on either your MIDI in
We start a new chapter today Imam Timothy has delayed this chapter
until the end, there was a chapter right in the beginning, which
sounded very similar to this, the only difference was in some of the
vowels that was baboon magia Fe hulky, Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam chapter on how the Prophet sallallahu sallam, how
his characteristics and his outward makeup, how Allah subhanho
wa Taala had given him in terms of external beauty and makeup and
composition. That was what that chapter was about. And there was a
lots of detail in there that we're at. Now, right at the end, he is
going to describe in this chapter, all of those ahaadeeth which,
which will speak about the internal characteristics that love
the character, the conduct, the manners, that's what he's going to
describe. So this is bourbon, my geography hood, okay, Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So in Arabic is very interesting,
because you've got this word called HALCON. And holo con, Hong
Kong refers to the external and hollowcore refers to the internal.
And clearly the external is a manifestation of the internal. So
he's already described many of these things before already. So
now he's just finishing off. So he's going to, there are some
other things that have already come in separate chapters that
relate to the internal characteristics. There's still
another chapter, which we've already done, but it comes later,
which is a chapter on modesty and bashfulness of Rasulullah
sallallahu sallam, we covered that already, but it comes later. So
whatever is left is going to be covered in this chapter. So let's
read a few Hadith today. And then we'll we'll look at the Bismillah
R. Rahman r Rahim. berben merger Have you heard okay Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Wahby Raisina the Moto serum in Lima
with Timothy called I had to set up with a bit of no sorry I didn't
call out the Nigera fruitless with a man of debauchery you answered
within us you know the NSEP medic you know the Allah one who called
her them to rasool Allah He said Allah Ya know Stella Marcia see
Nina for them for Mercado de vous Finca to America and led che in
Sana to who demons on are the WHO ARE THE che interact to limit
doctor who were gonna rasool Allah is Allah Allah YT usa la mean x
any nurse you hook on water my sister husband Katutura got to
wonder whether she and Ken early on I mean Kathy Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, whatever shaman to Miskin cut to
whether it Ankara rtmm in Iraq in Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
will be he caught up with a bit of news or anyone that didn't have
the web you want Martin our headquarters in a homogenous Eden
Ansel, Louisiana, Sydney Murdoch in rhodiola, one one Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the whole Ghana in the whole
region and be as Rousseau 14 baraka and Rasool Allah, he's
Allah Allah ye he was Saddam Diago do you wish you had ambition in
your Craw, who further mahkamah Tada Little Pony local doula who
here there who had the use of rather.
Now in terms of the two editions, there seems to be some difference
in the order of the Hadith. So we're going to be looking at
Chapter This is Chapter 48. But the first Hadith that this
commentary has an S chapter is number 352, then 353. So it's
missing 353 51, which is going to probably come later. So if you're
following in some other editions, then you have to make that
adjustment. The first Hadith that we're going to be looking at is
related from whatever Ignace or eat whose transmission goes all
the way to aniseed nomadic or the hola Juan.
In fact, both of the Hadith are from from from him.
So the word hook, it refers to the internal characteristics. It
refers to the nature of a person inside, what's going on inside how
a person thinks, reacts, responds, and processes information and
decides to react. That is essentially more important than
the outside because if that is correct, then the outside is going
to be correct, because the decisions for the outside are
generally made in the inside. So you might have a person who
doesn't look very handsome. You might even look
you know quite
what's what's a way to say that. It might not look very pleasant,
but the flag is such that he wins you over. And sometimes you've got
this really handsome man or a beautiful woman but
The halacha. So it just looks very artificial. So the word hello
refers to Surah Al baton partner. And Hulk refers to sort of alhaja,
which means the outer form and the inner form. So this is an inner
form. So both the external and internal, they can either be good
or bad, they can be pleasant, they can be ugly, they could be
repulsive, or they could be attractive. So they can both be
like that.
And here, what he's going to describe is everything to do with
the internal beauty. There's many, there's many things that are in
the what is what, what, what kind of internal characteristics does
this include? Number one, humility. We've already that's
already been that was such an important one that Imam told me
they actually had a whole chapter about it, which we just covered
the humility of Rasulullah sallallahu, which is very long,
there was another one which is about higher modesty, which is
going to come later in the book, but we've already covered it
because we covered it earlier. And then there is obviously hostile
mashallah which means to have, be be excellent in your social
etiquette in dealing with others. There is forgiveness, pardoning
overlooking somebody's fault, being able to be forbearing,
looking at something and being able to tolerate so tolerance,
generosity, these are the things that are going to be mentioned in
this chapter. Among them as well, there's going to be sovereign
patience, gratitude, thankfulness, justice,
love for the hereafter and not love for this world, which means
bravery, being able to be silent and not talking too much out of
place, worker, which means a self a source of self dignity and
Love, a manner that means
being trustworthy, being faithful, worship, fear, in the right
proportion, not overly fearful, that a person becomes despondent
in the Mercy of Allah, compassion, and many, many other things. So
we've dealt with a number of the the other things have been dealt
with in the past. But this is a chapter specifically to now deal
whatever has been left and whatever Hadith Imam tell me the
feels like he wants to add. So just as the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam was described as being the perfect and
proportionate in terms of his external form. So has he been
described as being the most beautiful in terms of his internal
faculties and internal form as well. They can't be anything more
complete than him. And this is what's what's been described,
generally, what the real amount mentioned, for example, Imam
Hassan, he has written this more naturally, Tommy has also quoted
this, that all of these a HELOC, they go down to three characters,
they say four, but there's three faculties. Right, all of these
o'clock they go down to three faculties. If there's a moderation
in these three faculties, there's going to be moderation in our
character. If there's too much or too less in any of this, there's
going to be problem and an imbalance in our character.
There's going to be a loss of equilibrium. It's not going to be
moderate. He refers to anger. Too much anger leads to violence. It
leads to swearing, cursing, beating striking,
to less of it
takes a person to being cowardly, because you need some that faculty
have anger in you to go and do the right thing.
Right, it's bravery. The person doesn't have bravery and they're
cowardly, where they're being assaulted, they're being abused
and they don't do anything because they can't do anything. Right and
number three is the intellect that needs to be in proportion too much
of it will make you disregard Allah subhanaw taala and the deen
and the hereafter and two less of it means you won't fulfill the
rights because you don't have the knowledge. So all of these you'll
notice it goes back to them then he says
that anybody who who's got perfection in this they're going
to be considered Jamil they're going to be considered beautiful
and handsome both inwards and out at outwards and clearly the
outward is a sign of the inward so we already know that Rosa Larson's
beautiful insight but this is to give us an extra understanding so
that we can appreciate him more and that will increase our love
for Him even more which will turn around and be of benefit to us
because when we love someone more than we'd like to follow them more
will try to make our o'clock like that as well so that we can follow
him like that. And then inshallah we reward him because we're trying
to be true Muhammad is right we're trying to be true Muhammad is
we're trying to be like him, people who will benefit from us.
And on the Day of Judgment, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam will
insha Allah intercede for us. This is very different from some other
religions. For example, the hood once I was with one of the rabbis
and he mentioned that, although in Islam and in Christianity as well
as this concept of being like the Prophet, there's encouragement to
be like Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam Christians to be like Jesus, they
have this, but in the Jews is different, especially according to
this one reformed rabbi, he gave a story he said that a person will
come to Allah will come to God. And so what did you bring? He
said, Oh, I tried to be like, David, I tried to be like that
without a Salaam. So this is his report. He says that God's will
say to him, I already made one, David. I made you somebody else.
So why did you try to be like David for? Right? So for them,
there's there's no emulation in that sense. They will always come
from an other place, but it's different from the Muslim and
Jewish. We're sorry, Muslim and Christian, is different. Now the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, what he was given of the
internal faculties, there is no other human being who has that
same level of perfection, that same level of moderation, that
same level of just absolute precision in his flock, that there
is no here and there.
You have many people who have a lot of luck, but sometimes they
lose themselves. But the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam never did
that. That's why the Prophet salallahu it that's why one of the
poet says first and Bina for Kenobi, UniFi Halpin Wolfie,
hello, okay.
What am new the new houfy And meanwhile, Karami
while I'm new, the new who here l meanwhile, Academy, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has even surpassed the other prophets,
both in terms of external form and in terms of internal character.
They can't even come close to him in knowledge, or in honor, as one
of the poet says. Now the other thing we have to understand here
is that the basis of good character here
is something that Allah subhanaw taala gave him and it's not
something that you could acquire.
The level that he had, it doesn't it's not acquirable it's not
something you can acquire. Through hard work. This level that he was
given, was given by Allah subhanho wa taala. That's what it says it
wasn't given except Ellerbee jeu de la vie, except with the
generosity of with the Divine Generosity, that's, that's where
it came from.
This is the same with all the prophets, right from the time that
they become the Prophet people then they notice it beforehand,
but especially since after that, it becomes very clear. Now, how do
we understand that they had the complete how they had the
completeness of character called the EOD, he mentions in his shifa,
which is his Syrah book,
which is his description of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam
everything related, he says that you will understand this from the
Quran directly. Because you will understand that whatever Allah has
revealed in the Quran is exactly what also the la sal Allahu alayhi
wa sallam was acting like and he was doing and that's why I
shouldn't be on that one I should gave the most perfect description,
the most eloquent description. Now we know what she said most people
know it. She said follow Google and Quran that his character is
the Quran. But now let's understand why she said this. Why
she didn't say something else. Because that's what shows us her
intellect, her understanding, and also her recognition of Allah
subhanho wa Taala and her microphone. Alright, so the Allah
one when she was asked, that's what she said.
So what does that mean? It means that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam had adopted the dub of the Quran,
all the good things and all the praiseworthy characteristics he
had, he had it in him, he would practice it and show it and
express it. And beyond that, all the Awami which means all of the
commands in the Quran, he used to follow he used to fulfill all the
prohibitions he used to avoid that's where Allah says, That's
why like, for example, Allah subhanaw taala says who the law
for mobile will be if you read the annual Jaya he didn't
take a route of forgiveness like be more forgiving. And when you
come on people do it according to the customary way of things that
they can understand and avoid. Disregard ignore the Jah hidden
and the ignorant ones. And you see that the prophets Allah some
exactly does this. Then another verse in Allah Yeah, horrible ugly
with a certain way either it will Cordoba. And so when you see the
promise that Allah has been doing this, that Allah subhanaw taala
commands Justice, and Essa and beautification or assisting
others, and so on, was a bit warmer, Saba Ruka. Ellerbee
Not Be patient. Your reward for your patience is only with Allah
subhanaw taala. You see that a probably some lorrison fulfill
this completely as well. What's better Allah? Allah ma saw back in
the 30 Communism will Omote that's another verse, whatever, whatever
hits you, whatever comes to you, whatever afflicts you be patient,
because that is from the most resolute of matters and you see
the progress of the lives and fulfilling that Allah says
Holloman sobre la hora in America. Let me ask me no more again, we
have to make sober and forgives, then that is also from the matters
of great resolution for everyone who must forgive them and overlook
their mistakes in Allah your head will more sinning because Allah
subhanaw taala loves the people who do good. You see the profit
and loss from fulfilling that completely another one will yet
fulfill your struggle to hit buena El Faro Allahu Allah come here
they should forgive, they should overlook and pardon. Don't you
want it that ALLAH forgive you as well? Beautiful verse, you know,
when you get these hard headed people who don't want to forgive
Now I will never forgive me hurt me so badly. He's done this 10
years he's been doing this and so on. Allah, this is just such an
effective idea. Well, yeah, who will use for who they should
forgive. They should, they should overlook, they should pardon? Like
just overlook it.
Leave it to Allah essentially, just just let it be.
So he says that in the third person first, and then he
addresses them There is Allah to help buena El Faro Lorem Don't you
want to be forgiven? Don't you like it that Allah would forgive
You've got problems as well. With Allah imagine he becomes stubborn
like you.
You've been disobeying you've been doing this since 100. For what? 30
years of your life.
I'm not gonna forgive you then what?
Then Allah says it for our ability here ask them. When you repel
something when you respond to someone do it in the best of ways.
Again, you see the problem blossom in the best of ways even though
somebody is trying to abuse him. He will respond in the well Calvin
Nina Leila Athena and in us, controlling of one's anger. And
there was who forgive people probably salatu salam ah, then he
will get here Amina one in about 1/8 one, don't be the avoid
excessive doubt. That's why in some cases, the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam was just so overlooking of even doubt that
some of the sample would get surprised. Like the way he dealt
with Abdullah ignore obey even saloon clear monastic. But
probably Salam is giving him the benefit of the doubt even prayed
janazah over just because he considers himself to be a Muslim.
And so many other verses, this is just an example that this is how
he is the hook of the Quran, how he's colocar the Quran that all of
these whatever verse you bring from the Quran, you'll see it in
the life of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam.
Allah Suhrawardy one of the great Gnostics of the past he says that
I Isha the Allah Juana when she said that the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam his love for the Quran, you have to understand the depth of
the statements. You have to understand the profundity of this
statement. It's such a deep, short statement kind of Hulagu al Qura.
His o'clock where like the Quran, where the Quran, what does she
mean by the word is she encompassing in that, essentially
what she's indicating towards is that the hook of the Quran or the
o'clock of Allah
on a grander scale, Allah subhanho wa Taala is all of these things on
a grander scale.
And that's what he wants the humans to do. And that's revealed
through the Quran and the prophets of Allah Islam is the absolute
embodiment of that. That's why
she obviously couldn't say that.
She recognizes Allah that He is transcendent above human beings is
way above his pure from being anything like human beings, so she
couldn't say he's a Flocka like Allah's of luck.
But when you say that he is a Halacha, like the Quran, the Quran
is from Allah. And Allah has all Alhamdulillah all praises for
Allah and these are praiseworthy things, then clearly, that's what
she's indicating towards, but she can't say it clearly. So she says
that he's like the Quran.
Right now.
She's obviously shy. She has higher from Allah subhanho wa
Taala to say that because Allah is, you know, but she wants to
praise the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam also. So this is the
best way that she could do it without seeming blasphemous. But
that's her.
That's an indication towards her completeness of her article and
her understanding of Allah subhanaw taala that's why it's
mentioned that the Allah subhanaw taala has all Allah so
On otol His name if you look at all of His Names, right? They can
all be acted upon by human beings except a small gelada
except ALLAH, you can't be Allah and you can't be anything. Deity.
Allah is the one who's possessed of all of his attributes. He is
the one who's worthy of worship. You can't be that. Rahman you can
have Ram Rahim or
Malik. That's sovereignty, you can have kingdom, you can have
control, ownership. Domain dominion, right? I'll put those a
Salam al Mortman you know, all of these things you can have a bit of
at the human level. Of course, Allah's level is transcendent. But
so, so that's explaining how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam had these a flock of Allah subhanaw taala, which were the
love of the Quran, as described by her.
Now, the other thing is, the promise of the Lawson's a flock
had to be so expensive, so had to be so wide, had to be so
extensive, because he was sent to everybody. He was sent to all of
the mahalo cards and not just to the human being, he was sent to
the gym and to everything else. That's why his athletic had to be
so flexible and so accommodating, that he could deal with all of
these things because he was sent as a prophet and Allah subhanaw
taala doesn't send somebody ill equipped, sends him fully
equipped. And this was the way to do that. That's why in Sahih,
Muslim, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said, Boy, eight to
11 Hello pika. I've been sent as a prophet to all of creation. So the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam has been made by Allah subhanho wa
taala, to be the ultimate exemplar, the ultimate role model
for all of creation, not just for human beings, but for all of
creation, because they can all benefit animals can also benefit
from server. Animals can also benefit from these kinds of things
where they be patient in the adversities that strike them as
well. Sheikh Hassan Hassan Al Hirani, he mentioned that Allah
the Prophet said Allah from his heart was completely linked to
Allah subhana wa Tada. That's why the prophets of Allah Islam said,
Be Arab be out of to color shade.
It's only by my Lord, that I've understood all of these things.
If it wasn't for Allah subhanaw taala How would I understand how
to deal in all of these matters? How to react and how to act and
how to make choices, make decisions, and that there is no
way you can you know, there is no way but you're forced to say,
hands down that he had the greatest of the o'clock and that
is why he was sent to everybody. Because
he says, For Kulu mankind, Allahu Akbar,
anybody whose Lord is Allah, our Lord is Allah. But what he
mentions is that whoever makes his Lord Allah,
who's conscious of Allah all the time, men can Allah, mankind Allah
who rob for Muhammad Sallallahu Hasan Rasool, then Muhammad
Sallallahu Sallam has to be His Messenger,
meaning the messenger of this person, because they're so
Now, if that is the case, then that his o'clock is so expensive,
we don't have any no human being has the ability to really
encompass the limits of his flock,
because he had a extensive backlog to be able to deal with everything
that he had to deal with. Because we can't even understand that
level. It's very difficult for any of us to even encompass the limits
of the HELOC.
And that's why the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said la ya
la Yeah, very funny, happy cotton.
Other than my lord, nobody has really understood me because he's
the one who created me and I'm above everybody else. How can you
understand that? If Imam Mussolini who was Imam Shafi is closest one
of the closest students, if our Imam was and he is saying about
Imam Shafi who died at the age of 45 years old, but we take his name
today because of his accomplishment in those 45 years
of age. I have got I've got about seven years left for that, right
45 years, that's when he died and he left a legacy
in Hadith and fiqh and all of the subjects he's considered the Majid
of the second century. His student Musa and he says about him, that
you people haven't been able to understand the level of Imam Shafi
as I have, and the only reason that's what other words I
mentioned the only Muslim he was able to understand because Muslim
he was of a high caliber so he could understand where Imam Shafi
was. We just know he's a big scholar, like a very big one. For
how big we don't know. You have to be the greater you have to
understand that oh, this is even greater. I don't want to mess with
him. He's even greater than me. Like you know, when
This happens in sports. Right? You know, you're, you're maybe
wondering about everybody's talking about some guy who plays
football very well eating Okay, probably when you see him on the
field and yeah, man, this guy's good.
Right? He's better than me. can't mess with them. You get that
respect. Now for everybody else, oh, you're both good. But the
distinction can only be understood by the people who understand this
and this is the level of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. And that's why Allah subhanho wa Taala none other than
Allah. Probably. I mean, he says, we're in a colada hood Okinawa,
you are on the most sublime character? That's a that's a
certification from Allah subhanho wa taala.
So can they be anything greater than what Allah calls Great? Fella
Adama me most of them Allah azza wa jal? Can they be anything
greater than what Allah calls Great? Impossible.
So the first Hadith here that we're going to cover is Hadith
number 352, related from an asymptomatic or the Hola, Juan,
the best person to ask Anna symptomatic and the wives. Because
that's where, why? Because those are the alone was the servant.
What did you can God's natural, nice, but when you get tired and
you come home and let's see what happens then. So the wives are the
Or the best people to praise the husband and the heart in the
servant the slave.
So now let's look at the servant who stayed with him not just for a
year or six months, and then he was thrown out. This is for 10
years. In fact, more than that 13 years. He says 10 years because
he's just rounding it off. But he started after Brexit allawah it 10
years he started after the promise of loss went to Medina came to
Madina Munawwara so this is what he says. You may have been even a
bit before that but he was he was from Medina who is 1010 years
exactly in fact. So this is what he says.
Honestly, the Allah one who relates that had him to rasool
Allah, He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Asha, Rossini. I made
hikma and I was at service of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam for
10 years. In the hadith of Muslim, he mentioned nine years. And the
reason he's saying 10 years years, like 910, same thing, like 10
years, right? Because he must have started slightly later.
Because he started in the middle of the first year. So it wasn't
right from the beginning. That's why he said nine years.
And then he says firmer finally off.
He never said to me,
the same word that's used in the Quran. Both is just really you
know, what both means. The real meaning of from a literal
perspective, is, you know, the dirt of the nails and the dirt of
the ear. That's what equal of in Arabic.
That's where the word comes from. But then they started using that
term of for like, you know, just the, the smallest level of showing
disregard or dislike for something or repelling something. So you can
say goof off, if all of these things that somebody has said is
40 ways of saying this, Allahu Allah or some of their other
mention of it just depends on which tribe you're from, how you
say it, how it sounds like if you from lanky, shame say differently.
Right? If you're from London, if you've if you're a Cockney,
right, you will say weird in some other way. If you're from Walsall,
then you say differently, right.
So that's what it is essentially comes down to all of these things.
Got to he never said even off to me, that's amazing. He never lost
it. He just never never told me off.
That is only something we can just absolutely dream off.
That's why I was in a class once. And one person that the professor
was asking, he said that all parents they argue, and there's
one student in the class, that student says my parents have never
argued we just looked at the students like what are you talking
about? Uh, you've never seen your parents argue.
And it may have been a possibility because this particular student
was very calm as well as possibility. So possibly unless
they used to go into the bedroom and argue we can't argue in front
of the children. When you know, even if you've got damage control,
you start that again okay, notion scope. The kids understand it.
But it's a part of life but this never
it wasn't that he was older so he had to respect him. Like for his
age, he was he was just byleth
she was growing up so you know, that makes it even more and then
he says Walmart Karla Nene che in Sana to who leave us on our to
Alicia and Tara to Lima taco. He never once said for something that
I did that I shouldn't have done. Why did you do this? Or for
something that I should have done? I didn't do Why did you leave it?
Why didn't you do it? He never said that once for any of that.
So now he's saying, You see, that's already understood if isn't
never set off, that explains that he never told him off for anything
that already includes all of them. But he wants to show that he means
literally he never told me off. That's why he this is what you
call Darcy's but that doesn't mean after saying it generally he's
very specific look, he never told me off for something I didn't do
or something I did do so he never told me off. And that is that also
proves that he did make mistakes
because he's saying that for something I did, he said why did
you he did make mistakes it wasn't like honestly the Allah on some
kind of angel that he never made a mistake so the person doesn't
never does anything to him.
You know, because that's a possibility academically that's a
possibility. And he never made a mistake. So why does he have to
tell him a fool that's no come on? No, he's saying that mean I made
these mistakes. In another narration. This is an this is not
in the main narration. Allah Munna he mentioned that in another
narration, it's it adds while keeping your cool Kadar Allah wa
Masha afar, while marcador Allah can IG
whenever something would go wrong, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
would drop it on top of the year. On the decree, he would say
whatever Allah subhanaw taala has decreed He decrees whatever he
wishes or whatever, he doesn't decrease, not going to happen. Let
us finish. Let me be loving loving it to have such an employer, such
a father, such a boss, such as supervisor Soheila that I think is
unnecessarily alone didn't take advantage. That's why we don't get
those kinds of employers. We don't get those kinds of superiors
because we probably take advantage. Why did the Prophet
said Allah some do that? What was he looking at? How can you just
not tell anybody off?
How can you just relate everything back to Allah subhanaw taala. It's
only if you understand how the things are really working.
That's why an S or the oh, he's just a point in this whole thing.
He's just, it's Allah. So his focus is so much on Allah subhana
wa Tada that the mistake that's made on the ground, I can't
complain about this duck, the colors are
amazing. But remember, this is all to do with the personal things.
Sharia was different. He was responsible for turning people off
when it came to Sharia. This was a personal thing. He didn't do
something I didn't bring the water. He didn't do this. He
didn't do that.
Didn't sweep the house, whatever the story was, you know, whatever
it was his commodity mighty fatty, his gnosis of Allah, his
recognition of Eliza so much that it's not a big deal. That's why
now you understand the secret of why great orlimar can be so
tolerant. Because they just think Subhan Allah, this is what Allah
wants, they just look beyond. That's why they can forgive so
much. So anybody who gets angry quickly, I guess you should do
Because when you do thicker you will get closer to Allah. You will
understand a lot better. And then you will stop getting angry on
your wife, your husband, because the women are listening as well.
I'm sure it happens the other way around as well. Right. Your your
your children, your, your uncle's whoever cousins, students,
whatever it helps you will be more controlled.
It doesn't mean that you'll never get angry. It doesn't mean that
you won't be disciplining it just means that you will be more you'd
be more perfect in the way you do it. May Allah give us the state
because he used to, he must have thought LOFAR in one or more T
wala manera Ilala there's nobody who gives there's nobody who's
stopping there's nobody was allowing. There's nobody was doing
there's no actor except Allah. What Anil Hulk Allah what was it
the creation they just instruments they just the * they just part
of the city you know, they just on the ground, they just the people
on the ground.
Further mana will holla Brd him, so there's no point in being angry
on them. Hina in them, especially when you had somebody like
honestly, along with the respect that he had another opinion is
that he used to see that it's Allah, Who is his maboob? Who is
his beloved, who's making these things happen? I mean, only Sufis
can come up with this kind of Gnosis and this kind of insight,
because they've experienced this. So they're the only ones who can
come come with this.
So essentially, one of them is saying that he used to see that,
oh, it's Allah, which is very similar to the earlier one. He's
looking at his MA boo doing these acts of causing these acts to be
done. He can't be angry on his beloved.
If Allah is the one who's having this done, Allah is His Beloved.
If he gets out
Angry here is angry on Allah subhanho wa Taala that was his
love with Allah subhanaw taala
so complete love with Allah subhanaw taala will make you calm
and more human in this world and a more servant in this world. Allahu
Akbar. So anyway, just to clarify, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, it's not telling
us that the Allahu Anhu off at all was because of his own perfection
it wasn't because honestly the Allahu Anhu was blemished. This is
not to say that he had big problems but he was normal. In the
sense ignore Josie has related in Kitab Goolwa from AnnaSophia Allah
one who he says him to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to
also realize the loss of Astra CD. I was in his service, obviously
loss of service for 10 years for my son Benny subpattern. to Walla,
Durban eternal battle to wala Abba Sufi wedgie. While emalahleni Be
Amarin got to fit our need to for arterburn era for in Altobelli.
Adam, I don't mean early caught at the EU.
He said
that I was in his service for 10 years. He never once said cursed
me said anything bad to me called me names. Right? You know, like,
sometimes I got the goose in order they say that. Right? Bill? Cuf?
Or Lou? These are words. I mean, every language has them. Anyway,
so these are you know, any kind of name like that? Nothing. Never. He
never struck me he never hit me. Now, you might say, well, nobody
hits anybody today. Apparently not supposed to. It's illegal. In that
time, that wasn't, it wasn't a big deal. I'm sure people used to hit.
Right corporal punishment was very much part of the scene, I'm sure
on what to do. He used to go around with a whip used to beat
the people up
if they did something wrong, right? So you can you can imagine
the process I've never laid his hand on him
or even tapped him. What are others a few, he never even made a
bad face Subhanallah he never even turn this face away from the
normal his normal expression. He never once called you know,
whenever he commanded, if he ever commanded me to do something, and
I didn't do it properly, he never told me off. And now that we've
already know that, but the part that I want to highlight here is,
if any of my life if any of the family, the wives or anybody else
in the house, even did tell me off, he would say leave him alone.
That proves that there were things that used to go wrong. So this was
the completeness of Rasulullah sallallahu desams character. Now
the way that this tells us of the Fidella of Anasazi, Allah Juan, is
that we know that when it's personal in the Bronx alone isn't
was like this. If it were Sharia he would have to tell him off.
So this proves that is little boy who just became barlick in the
Hitman Rasulullah sallallahu idea Solomon will describe how he came
into the service of rasool Allah, and he grew up in his teen years
in front of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he probably never did
anything wrong. And should he never missed a prayer or anything
like that. Because if he did, then he would have been told off by
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, but he's saying I was never told off,
which means that, okay, when it comes to household stuff, he
definitely did things wrong. He wasn't told off for that. And if
it was for surely he would have had to be told off. But he says he
wasn't told of which means that he never did anything wrong. So that
shows the perfection, and the completeness and accomplishment of
this young boy, this young team that's growing up. May Allah make
our children like this. I mean, we'll be on the stage right now.
So we you know, but may Allah subhanho wa Taala treat us like
this that Professor lorrison was treated? Well, honestly, you know,
I was treated by Allah by by the professor of medicine, may Allah
treat us this way. We go to him in the Hereafter. And he doesn't say
anything to us. He lets us off. But May Allah make us have the
qualities of Ennis so that Allah can treat us like that. These are
the kinds of excuses we need to make to Allah subhanaw taala you
want to make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala This is the kind of dua O
Allah just the way that the Prophet salallahu salam for 10
years never told us that the Allahu Anhu off. You're even
greater than that. You're more merciful than the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam you don't tell us either. You don't
censor us, either. Now, honestly, the Allahu Anhu why didn't he do
anything wrong? Why was he such a perfect believer as well? He is in
the company of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The
benefiting is getting from there. He's probably witnessing the
angels when they come the wife.
How can you not be affected by that? How can you not be
influenced by that? So the one who he's with he's got so much Baraka.
He's taking from that Baraka every day. How can you not be what he
was? Now for that 10 years or nine years of service? Look what he
I'll describe that later.
Allah subhanaw taala didn't just make him do hit more of rasool
Allah, some of them give him nothing. He gave him for two
hearts he made gave him openings.
You know, this modern day educators, psychologists, they
would look at this. And they will probably reach the same conclusion
that some of the Sufis have related. What the Sufis have
looked on this hadith, and they've said that you know, the way of
nurturing your Marine, your students who's come to you to be
reformed by you to you helping them out. One way is to tell them
off and go and punish them and make them do hard work, which are
her dad's struggles to correct themselves. The other is the way
of him where you just, it's done by love, positive reinforcement,
positive correction, positive nurturing, this is the best
example for positive nurturing for 10 years.
So that's what the Sufis have said, this is in fact, some of the
other one of the great ones of Libya. Allah Mirza rukh ne one of
the greatest scholars of North Africa. He says that in Korea that
a tarbiyah Bill istilah in in Colorado at mon Sol Well, I'm Yep,
got it a little further Bill him. He's saying that that time is
gone, when you can tell somebody off and make them better. It's the
time we're giving him. So what they say nowadays, I mean, it
seems to be that's what the Sufis have been saying from before
positive reinforcement, but obviously it needs to be balanced
in the way you do that it has to be from the beginning. Right,
according to 100 masculine is Sabah, which is a like a history
of the Sahaba is one of the complete histories of the sahaba.
You mentioned the AMO Salim who is the mother. These were two women
who were very close to Rasulullah sallallahu. Almost Philemon on
Mahara been team been Tamil Han. They were they were actually
related to the voiceless and through his mum.
They were they were from that same tribe
of his mom
in order the hola Juana. So they were very close to him.
And if he went to anybody's house, it would be their house and he
would sleep he would very felt very comfortable. Omaha went to
Milan and almost today she came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam when he arrived in Madina, Munawwara and under the
Allah one was 10 years old and she said the artists will Allah this
is my son. Hola en que Yes, yeah.
Nice kid. Que Yes. Right. You don't hear that word that often in
the narrations but nice kid. He'll he'll help you out he'll be of
service to you suppose the law some accepted it. He he called
them Abu Hamza. He gave him the name Abu Hamza from the age of 10,
father of Hamza
and he used to joke around with him he says, Yeah, well, I mean,
he came with him to butter and but he's not considered part of the
Batterien you know, the Sahaba who are considered Batterien he's not
considered one of them because he was too young to fight right so
he's not considered to be one of the warriors there but he was
there in hidden in Buhari mentioned that. The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to Abu Dhabi HOW TO THE Allah one
can you find me some young guy to come and help me out to be of
service to Me? Right until I go to hyper so Abu Dhabi holiday Allah
one of the things that I would tell her came out and I was a
small kid just become barely at that time. So then I used to go
and help the professor Lotus a mountain be of a service.
in the same vein, behind him was he mentioned from us to the Allah
one, that it was my mom who said, yeah rasool Allah hottie mocha
odor, Allah, Allah wants his mother, you know, mothers, they
they looking out for their children. Right? And subhanAllah
you see that sometimes the mother will come to you, and they'll say,
they'll, they'll want you to do something favorable for their
children. This is my son, they've got more in their their children
than they have for themselves. So she comes to Rasulullah
sallallahu. He says, Hi Deepak, he's your heart and he's your
servant. Would Allah Allah like make dua for him?
So the prophets of Allah is made dua he said, Allahu Akbar, Allah
Allahu Allah.
Allah Who cathedra murder who are what are the what directly who
FIMA our theta. Why the professor has made this dua Allah knows best
but he said oh Allah increase his wealth and his children,
increase his wealth and his children and give him Baraka in
whatever you give to him. Every one of these doors became
And this is something related from the other Sahaba they saw this
right. What happened? So wet before he died, he had seen his
great grandchildren about a
120 Right. So in his family is like 120 people and he was still
alive. His descendants, children and grandchildren 120 of them.
When used to go for hygiene you Sutala it used to be 70 of his
family behind him. That's an army
70 Subhan Allah. He used to have two orchards in Basra, he moved to
Buffalo. That's remarkable. Hanifa met him. That's why I'm Abu Hanifa
is a tabby because he saw a symptomatic of the Allah one. He
had to orchards there. And unlike anybody else's orchard, there were
qualities in this. He used to have crops twice a year. Everybody else
it was once a year season. He used to get it twice. Nobody could do
anything about it. He used to get twice so much hella money. And he
used to have certain flowers in there that used to smell a musk.
Right. And he he had collected some of the hair of Rasulullah
sallallahu in which he kept to himself when he was about to pass
away he said to Therby tell Bonanni that put this under my
tongue place these hairs under my tongue when I pass away. It's not
a bitter Sahabi did it? So he did that he they placed it and they
stopped and he was buried like that.
Abu Huraira the Allahu Anhu used to say about him Mara into a
hidden ash Baha Salah and be Rasulullah sallallahu I mean,
Ebony omy Salim I've never seen anybody who can pray more like the
profit and loss and resemble protoplasm in his solid then then
the son of almost surname, which is honestly the Allah one. He
passed away in his palace, he had a palace cluster in the big house
in those days, right. Some of us have palaces nowadays, these
Stamford Hill houses or palaces compared to Leytonstone Layton,
right? So
he has to have a palace that was about two furlongs from Basara. He
passed away in either 91 HD, or 93 Hijiri. He was 100 years 99 years
old. According to this opinion, he was 99 years old when he passed
away. Some say he was actually 107 years old, but he's the last the
second to last of the Sahaba to pass away in Basra, the last was
about to fail. At those, you know, the Allah one. And another thing
that we've recognized already about him is that he's one of the
he's like a boo Herrera, and I shorted the Allahu anha in terms
of the number of narrations that he's related. Because we've seen
him everywhere. He's always in every chapter you have a narration
nearly you know, so he, how many iterations is he related
1236 12 136 narrations out of which 318 are in Bukhari and
So you can you can see his status. Right. There was another episode
nomadic among the Sahaba who wasn't so famous. Right? He was
called Abu Mejia Elko shady he was from the cache tribe, whereas he
was Abu Hamza, and he was from another ignorant, dumb, dumb ethno
state and Jerry C was from the jar, banana jar tribe. The LUNA
jar is the tribe of the prophets. Allah was a mother, that's from
Medina, from Ebola on the way to Madina, Munawwara de from that
area, Allahu Akbar. Then he says what kind of sort of lifestyle
Allah mean nasty, nasty Holika as if we didn't understand that
already. He carries on and he says that the Prophet salallahu Salam
was the best person in terms of character.
Right. Now why did he say that? Someone might think that this all
the description so far of the good character Rasul Allah Lawson was
probably just directed at us, but it wasn't with anybody else. So to
dispel that, he says, No, it wasn't just with me the prophecy
was was the best person in terms of character. That means with
everybody, not just with me,
and then
that's why the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, oh Abu Huraira Allah
you can be hosted in Hello. You need to adopt good character? Yes,
Will Allah what is good character? It's so fast. What are you meaning
by that? So in this case, he said docile man Kata aquatec. For
Angela Merkel authority, Mahara Mk. He said these three things,
which essentially, if we can do then our character would
definitely be improved. Because it'd be it would be an
accomplishment to do this. He said, You that You tie the knots
of relationship with those who cut it. They don't want to come to us
you go. They don't want to speak to you, you try. You forgive those
who oppress you. You overlook you forgive those who oppress you. And
you you give to those who don't give you selflessness, compassion.
That's what it comes down to see if we can act like that. I think
there you go. You know, that's, that would be the solution for the
world's problems. Then he says, Well, my sister my sister, husband
got to
wanna hurry Iran? Wala che and Ghana alien Minkoff Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I never and then he just decides to
now describe the physical aspect is that I've never felt never
Any mixed silk or pure silk Hassan is mixed silk where it's possible
can put some other material, right? They used to make a mixed
cloth like that, or silk itself, or anything for that matter. Any
kind of soft cloth, I've noticed anything that was more softer,
right then the hand of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, right
well, and then he says, I've never smelt any musk, the purest of the
musk, or any ether, any fragrance that was more pleasant to smell
than the perspiration of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
salam, and thus his aunt used to collect it. His mum used to
collect it Subhanallah and we've only got time for this today.
A lot of Munda Salam I mean, because Salam Tabarrok the adult
generally with the Quran, Allah homea Yaga younger medical history
hola homea Hernani I'm and then learn to Subhanak What do you
mean? Oh Allah where your servants Oh ALLAH however we are, however
dark Our hearts are Allah the Ender three were your servants of
Allah Allah Allah Allah we have nobody else who tend to accept you
of Allah the darkness of our heart of Allah purify our hearts of
Allah brighten them and illuminate them who Allah brighten them and
illuminate them with your node. Oh Allah make it easy for us to love
the truth of Allah to love the truth and love the love the virtue
and make it easy for us to to fulfill this of Allah grant us the
ability of Allah grant us the ability to avoid the sins of Allah
grant us the ability to avoid the sins and make it easy for us to do
so. Allah grant us so much love of yours and so much of your love
that this becomes an easy for you that this becomes an easy for us
of Allah when we have your love then it's easy for us to avoid the
sins and to do the good deeds of Allah we've just read today that
the prophets of Allah has never told answer the Allah one off even
once in the entire 10 years of Allah we also we may not be of the
same status as Annissa the Allah one but we're still your servants
and we still trying to do our best Oh Allah we still come to the
masjid we still try to worship you of Allah you also deal with us.
Like your messenger dealt with honesty Allah one oh Allah you
have more than more mercy Oh ALLAH you're known to have more mercy 90
times 99 times more mercy than what you've spread in this earth.
Oh ALLAH that a mother uses Oh ALLAH that an animal has for their
children and for their offspring. Oh Allah you you can change our
state our love for us it's a struggle everyday it's a struggle
we fall and we try to stand up oh Allah take us for the best of what
we've done and not for the worst of what we've done of Allah
forgive us our mistakes so Allah forgive us our mistakes. Oh Allah
UB like use Vinay Serrano said to his brother of brothers, after all
the all the all what they had done, Oh Allah, He said, Let the
three body go Leon. Oh Allah.
Oh Allah use values and said to his brothers that I'm not going to
send to you today and he forgave them Oh Allah you are greater than
use of his only your servant Alayhis Salam, O Allah you treat
us like that. Oh Allah despite all of the wrongs that we have done
our Allah you give us forgiveness and grant us forgiveness or Allah
granted illumination in our life and make the good Beloved to us
and the evil of Allah make that hated by us. Oh Allah give us a
dislike for the evil in our hearts so that we avoid it. Oh Allah, Oh
Allah make it easy for us to live in this life in your in your
service. Subhanallah big Robin I sit here and I'll see for what's
worse anymore. hamdulillah JazakAllah here for listening. May
Allah subhanho wa Taala bless you. And if you're finding this useful,
you know
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on to others to local law here and as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi