Ismail Kamdar – Tafseer Of Surah Al Inshiraa Part 1

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The Surah after the birth of Jesus is discussed in a series of YouTube videos, including a brief overview of the Surah's historical significance and its use in teachings. The speakers discuss various interpretations of words like "we" and "we are" in Arabic language, as well as the importance of respecting oneself and not giving up on one's views. They also emphasize the need for everyone to have a good faith to avoid negative consequences and the importance of learning from the light of their hearts to avoid negative consequences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Last week we concluded our Tafseer of surah. A do have Surah duha, the popular surah of the Quran, which

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serves as a reminder to us of Allah favors in the past and an optimistic view of the future Surah duha which is in of itself a cure for depression and anxiety if you understand it and apply it to your life. And continuing on from there, moving on this week to the next euro Surah An insurer now the surah after do her in some copies of the Quran, it is called surah in Shira, other copies of the Quran, according to a shell. And the Sahaba used to refer to it as Torah Alam nasura. So these three names for the students, and we need to talk about that point, but because there's a misconception that the names of the sutra were revealed, the sutras in the Quran are revealed that Allah subhanho

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wa Taala, but the names were given by either Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam or the Sahaba or later scholars. That is why you will find some difference of opinion on the names of students and isn't really a big issue because the three names of the surah Shara in Sierra and I'm not sure all have the same meaning. Right? So they are referring to the same thing, the opening verse of the surah, Alam natural, natural rock. So this surah let's just do a quick translation of it and then we will inshallah dive into the Tafseer Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful. alum national laka sadara. Did we not expand for you your chest? What were the

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other angles with rock and we removed your burden from you, a lady gaga rock, which had made your back very heavy, whatever anala Classic Rock and we raised up your status for you for in three years rock, so definitely with hardship comes ease in Australia. Definitely. with hardship comes ease for either raga Devon Saba, so when you have completed they continue to work hard, while Isla Rob Baker further hop and make your Lord the focus of your life. Turn your attention towards your Lord. Very beautiful surah Alhamdulillah and inshallah we'll try to do as much Tafseer of it as we can today. If we don't complete it, we will complete it next week in sha Allah.

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This surah you will notice the pattern and the style is very similar to the sutra before Surah Taha and Abdullah Ibn Abbas rodilla is reported to have said that this surah was revealed immediately after Surah Taha and you can see that that they have the same team the same style of talking the same overall message that this surah once again is a surah revealed in the early days of Makkah, comforting Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam, reminding Allah reminding him of all the blessings that Allah has given him as a means of comfort and consolation, and by extension, extension, a comfort and consolation to you and me, and then going on to give us more tools on how to stay focused and

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avoid falling into depression and anxiety. So the theme is one surah, duha and surah. I'm not sure the theme is one, the style is one, you can do the Tafseer of these two sutras together, as they are practically You know, one topic. So this surah was revealed, you know it Allah reminds the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the believers, that after difficulty, there is always periods of ease. And we look at that in more detail when we come to the verses for in number also you throw in

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a very famous verses which bring comfort to the eyes of most of us are hamdulillah. And this surah, we see that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam is taught and we are taught that no matter how strong and powerful your enemies may seem, you know, Allah will always raise the believers above them, Allah will always give the believers victory. And he speaks about suburb and the importance of sober in our lives. And you know, if you look at the historical context in which the surah was revealed, the early days of Islam, when they were less Muslims, then you could count you know, they were less than 100 people Muslims in the world. In fact, we could say that they were less than 50 Muslims in the

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world, in the entire world, and the rest of the world with disbelievers and the superpowers of the world with disbelievers at that point in time, for someone who's only looking at things from a worldly perspective, things look quite depressing. Things look quite sad and you know, dangerous for the believers. But Allah subhanho wa Taala will always grant victory to those who are sincere and to those who are righteous. And so Allah revealed

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Surah Taha in Surah Allah nasura to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam to comfort him and the believers and to remind them that after hardship the is always easy and Allah will raise their status. until we find within a period of 20 years, the Muslims had conquered Makkah and Medina and Arabia and Islam was beginning to grow. And within a period of 40 to 60 years, majority of the known world was under Muslim rule. Islam had become from, you know, a group of 10 people at the time of the early McCrone revelations to the dominant superpower of the world, within a period of 60 years. That sounds almost, you know, in worldly terms, that sounds almost impossible. But Allah is capable of

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all things. And so we see after the hardship can ease and we see the power of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the lives of the believers. So this is a brief background into what surah Shara is about. And it begins you'll notice the same style as surah. Taha right, inshallah, we had the vs. alum, yejide, kya, demon, our, you know,

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all those verses starting with alum. Likewise, this surah starts off with the same style question. I love natural law Kakadu rock, so you can see the link to that it's one style of speaking. So again, I'm like asking Rasulullah lightsome a rhetorical question. These questions are meant to be rhetorical. They're meant to be something that we think about and that we understand and that we apply not something that we answer.

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And again, Allah subhanaw taala is reminding rasulillah, some of the good and the favors that he has done for him and how he has helped him out in the past. The interesting thing is in order to have the help that was being referred to there was before the time of it before the time of prophethood. You know, when he was an orphan, Allah gave him a family and when he was pulling on that made him wealthy, now, he's talking about the fevers after him, gain profited, because after Rasulullah sallallahu became profitable. We know that he went to her DJ rhodiola and her and asked her not to comfort him, and even to work out we know food and water could be no one explained to him about

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Angel, Jabra and the Prophet Moses and how the people will reject Him. And then we know that Ali and xid, niharika and aboubaker and a handful of others had accepted Islam, but this was just the beginning. And it was a long road ahead and a difficult task ahead. And so in this time, Allah subhanaw taala reminds Rasulullah Salallahu Salam have certain fevers he has given him and these fevers are mostly on the internal tables, compared to the external tables mentioned in Surah. Taha Allah begins by saying, alumna, Shara la casa

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did not expand for you, your chest. Now, this is a metaphor, this is a Quranic metaphor. It's very similar to the English metaphor when we say like I've got something on my chest, or let's get it off my chest, you'll be talking about something. If something is disturbing you if something is troubling you it's something's on your mind. Then in English, we talk in this way we see that I want to get it off my chest. So the word chest is used in the same metaphorical sense in Arabic as well. And this is not the only time it is mentioned in the Quran. Allah says they will not expand for you your chest, meaning they will not put your mind at ease. They will not make you content and happy to

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allies remaining Rasulullah saw that you were worried you're worried about how you're going to do this job and how many people are going to accept it, but we put your mind at ease. We made you happy we made you content. And we find that this metaphor pudding you know using of the word of the word chest is found in four places in the Quran. In the first place in Surah, chapter number six 100 verse 125, Allah subhanaw taala says, And wherever Allah wants to guide, he expands his chest to contain Islam. And Allah wants to miss sky he makes his chest tight and constricted, as if he was climbing into the sky. Thus does Allah please define once upon those who do not believe? So in this

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verse, Allah is explaining in the metaphorical sense that when a person

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Allah guides someone and someone seeks the truth, Allah opens the heart to guidance, the LSAT expands the chest to Islam, meaning he makes Islam something loving and pleasing and happy to them. And if somebody is evil, and somebody does not want to listen to the truth, the LSAT constricts their chest, you know, meaning that Islam looks difficult to them and they don't want to accept it. You know, Allah is explaining how when people choose the path of guidance or misguidance the effects of it in the afterlife. Interestingly, this verse has a scientific aspect to it which could not have been known 1400 years ago, in this verse, Allah says, but that for those who who are misguided Allah

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restricts their chest as if they were climbing into the sky.

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Now today we know that the higher you go into the sky, the less oxygen is right so naturally the chase the restricted, what was this known 1400 years ago in the desert of Arabia? No. So how is it in the Quran, this is the miracle This is part of the miracle of the Quran, the scientific miracles of the Quran. This is evidence that the Quran was not invented by the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam or his companions, but it came from the Creator of the heavens and earth, the one who knew even at that time at all times, that when the higher you go into the sky, the more less oxygen is the less oxygen is no more constricted your chest becomes. So this was surah chapter number six plus

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125 is a scientific medical and evidence that the Quran is definitely the Word of God. We find that this metaphor of the chest is used again in Surah zomer, Chapter 29, verse 22.

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So is the one who Allah expanded his chest so that he can accept Islam and he's upon the light from his Lord like the one who rejects it. So go to the one whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah. They are in manifest error. So in this verse, Allah is comparing the person who is unbelief to this belief, and again uses the one the words that Allah

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has expanded his chest to contain Islam.

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Meaning when you allow wants to guide someone and someone seeks the guidance of Allah, that Allah accepts the dua by expanding the church to Islam meaning making Islam something pleasing to them something easy for them something that they want to embrace, right? So you notice amongst people to attitude you get those people who love Islam, they want Islam, they want to learn, they want to study they want to practice they've got that enthusiasm. And other people look at him and say, what's up with them? Why do they like Islam because, you know, other people look at Islamic, something difficult and something burdensome, is because Allah has expanded someone's chest because

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of their sincerity. If you want that same feeling, we need to become sincere. We need to ask Allah for guidance, we need to chase after it and we'll find it we too will experience the joys of Islam. The third place where Allah uses this metaphor in the Quran

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is in the dua of Musa alayhis salaam and this is a very famous do upon the Surah Taha verse 24 surah Doha chapter 20 verse 25 onwards, very famous to our which many of us make a rubbish Sorry, sorry, rubbish rally, suddenly, well, your silly armory was the dominant eternia cocconi Oh my lord, expand for me my chest and make my and make my tasks easy for me and make my speech clear.

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And he moved impediment from my tongue to the my speech will be clear. So this is a dua for bravery and courage and for peace of mind when you are speaking in public. You know, the reason for this duel was that Moosa Elisa mitten mentioned in some of the generations that he had a stuttering problem during the winning speech. And so he was afraid to do the dour to film. But when he made this dua, Allah had removed that and had made him the most eloquent of speakers at the time, and allowed him to speak with peace of heart and peace of mind without worrying about what people will think. So whenever we go out to speak in public, this is the dua we need to make rubbish shortly. So

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do you wanna expand my chest for me, meaning, make it easy for me, you know, rubbish on the way and silly me and make my task easy for me, so to do are to make things easy for ourselves. So this is the three other places where this metaphor is mentioned in the Quran. In this specific place, I'm not sure la casa de rock, it's a reminder to Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam, that Allah subhanaw taala at a time when he was, you know, worried when he was worried about what's going to happen, and how is he going to do Dawa to this people who have become so antagonistic towards him and wanted to harm him, Allah put his mind at ease. Allah subhanaw taala, who has control over all our hearts and

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minds, you know, he put the mind at ease. And he tomia we learned a lesson that for each and every one of us, when things are tough, when things are tough, and things are not going our way. If we stay firm on the guidance of Allah, if we turn to Allah subhana wa Taala, that Allah will make it easy for us to get through that difficulty. Allah will make it easy for us. And he's not only Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam Allah did this for if we look into raw calf, the story of the youth of the cave, these this is a story point in the beginning of surah gap of seven young boys who were the only believers in the entire city. Imagine seven young boys being the only believers in the entire

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city and they stood up in public and the spoke out and how Allah describe it. Allah says what are Bettina Allah kulu beam is como that we strengthen the hearts when they stood up and spoke. So Allah subhanho wa Taala

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When you choose to do the right thing, Allah will strengthen your heart, he will put your mind at ease and he will make it easy for you. This is part of the reward. This is part of the Divine assistance which Allah gives to the believers. So do not be afraid. Do not be afraid to take that step and to do what is right. Do not be afraid to go forward and to speak the truth. Because if you do, you will find Allah by your side, as he was by the sight of His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the believers before us.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala it said that we not expand your chest for you and again this word we this needs to be emphasized because it becomes a confused, confusing, confusing term in our day and age. In Arabic could we this is the Royal we write we have it in English as well. For example, the Queen will say we decree referring to herself, that you have in order to as well when talking to somebody you refer to them as up not to use the plural, out of respect to the use the plural out of respect for people, even more so Allah is deserving of the plural of respect. So throughout the Quran, you will find the word V and us referring to Allah, it is singular, it is referring to Allah alone, you

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know, there are some who try to misinterpret it to say it's referring to multiple gods, but that is not correct. That is not what the Muslims believe, you know, this, this is understood in the Arabic to be the Royal we do we have respect. So that needs to be made clear, in case anyone finds that point confusing.

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So this is, you know, a very interesting verse. Another point we can take from this verse is that Allah subhanho wa Taala you can see the closeness that he's talking to Rasul naturalism, it's a very personal conversation, he says, We open for you, your chest right. So this all these terms, these pronouns of closeness, you know, Allah did not say what your chest not open, he says, Did we not open for you your chest. So the word your is twice the word we use once these pronouns are all indicating closest between Allah subhana wa tada and His Messenger, you know, again, that is part of competence. And we can take a lesson from there, that if you are comforting someone if you know

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someone who is depressed, someone who is sad, someone who needs motivation, then you talk in a personal terms, you talk in a very personal way that I am here for you, you are my friend, you know, you use these type of words, because these type of words, this type of terminology is comforting for the next individual. So that's another lesson that we can take from this verse.

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And there are still even more lessons to take from this first, you know, there is another interpretation altogether. There is the interpretation

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that, did we not expand for your chest is not metaphorical, but rather, it is physical? What is it referring to the time when you angels open the chest of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam to washing heart? Right? This happened twice when he was a small child living with Halima lasagna, that is when he was five years old. And when you went for the Mirage, right, you'll find these mentioned in the books of Sierra and the books of Hades, right? The narration is in Sahih, Muslim, as well as in other books. So, you know, some of the scholars have said that this verse is actually not a metaphor, but it's referring to the physical thing that did not open your chest literally did not

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open your chest. Right? So Allah knows best. That's another way of looking at this person, not the interpretation in both interpretations are correct. So what is meant by expanding the chest again, it means Allah made the task easy for me, easy for him, it helped him in his task. Allah helped him to do the da Vinci What do you mean, Allah helped him to do the dour? You know, Allah subhanaw taala In saying that, go ahead and convey the message because I am here I'm by your side. Don't worry about what the people will say. Don't worry about the fact that they might curse you insult you or laugh at you. In the end, you will be victorious. So Allah subhanho wa Taala

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guided Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in this way, he made things easy for him and helped him. So this is the first word verse of the surah Alam nasura nakazato octave may not expand for you all Muhammad Ali from your chest. Right? And

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you know, there's an interesting Arabic point here, that normally in Arabic you will see as I'm not sure sotiropoulos but in the Quran, Allah says alumna Shara laka sada rock. So the lukka is brought before Southern rock to again to show closest when we spoke about how could a surah Allah keep using terms of closeness again, even the order of the sentence is changed from the normal Arabic grammatical order to indicate closeness.

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Moving on to verse number two, verse number two, Allah is again reminding Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam of how he helped him in the past and how he had made his heart easy for him. And he says no

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Actually, verse two and three are one, one sentence so we'll do them together. What were the on the anchor with rock allele and Goddess of rock?

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Well, the honor and we removed anchor from you, who is rock your burden, we removed your burden from you, Allah z, which burden uncodified rock which had major back heavy, and we removed from you your burden which had made your back heavy. So Allah Subhana, Allah is doubt remaining, or sudo La, la some of another paper that you had on your mind, a lot of things which were disturbing, which which which were making you feel sad or making you feel worried a lot. 200 is describing it as a burden, which made your back heavy. Again, this is metaphorical, you know,

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know how we say we have a lot on my mind, or you know, it's a metaphor. The Arabic word for this is majaz it's something metaphorical, to indicate that this was something very heavy on his mind. So again, the verse is translated as, and we have removed your burden from you the burden which had made your back heavy. So this is metaphorical for some anxieties and worries, which were, you know, making things difficult. So Allah subhanaw taala says, that he removed this, this way, which was hand holding you down, you know, and which was stopping you from doing your work, meaning that you know, for the average person, if the average person was given this job of conveying the dour and of

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being the one person to go out there and speak the truth, it's a very psychological difficult thing to do. It can be very distressing, very disturbing. But Allah had made it easy for Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he had removed that burden from him, you know, he had helped him to do it in a way which he did not feel difficult anymore. And once referred to by the burden, again, there are six different opinions amongst the scholars, we won't go through all of them.

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The one, which related back to Surah Taha is that the revelation had stopped for a while, right. In surah. Taha, we learned that the revelation had stopped for a while. And,

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you know, that was something which was distressing to Rasulullah Salallahu Salam. So, when Allah subhana wa Taala

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said that we remove the burden from you, some scholars say it's referring to the stopping of Revelation, because after the revelation never stopped again. And he continued to come until the father son passed away, over 20 years later, died. So that's one. Another interpretation is the burden of searching for the truth, that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam before the angels came to him, he would go to the cave, and he will sit and he will ponder about how to, you know, talk to these people what to tell them what to do. And Allah removed their burden by making the profit by giving him the exact message by giving him the Quran and the Sunnah. So he knew exactly what to teach

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people and to show them. That the second interpretation, a third interpretation amongst the scholars, is that the burdens refer to your society, because the society that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent into was a very corrupt society in terms of the fact that they oppress the weak, and the oppressed woman. And you know, they were willing to harm him and to hurt him for his message. So this was naturally something which would want a person's mind but alert, he moved his body from the mind of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. Right. And the fourth one, the fourth interpretation is

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similar to this, or it's basically almost the same. And it means that, you know, he was worried about the harmful insults that people might, you know, hurled against him and against Islam, and alert subhana wa, tada, told him not to worry about it. So let's look at some examples of that. How did Allah subhanho wa Taala

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assist Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam could is difficult task, because nonetheless, you know, to be the one man to go and convey this message to the world, you know, it would seem almost impossible at that time from a worldly perspective. But Allah held on to the solution in so many ways. One of the ways that he helped him was by granting him a righteous wife, the wife of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam Khadija, at that time, she was the only wife later on he married many other woman. But at that point in time in the early days, Khadija was his only wife and she was a very strong and a very intelligent woman. And of course, she was also as we know, a wealthy and successful businesswoman.

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And when Rasulullah Larsson received the message, he went to run into her deja, you know, turning her zombie loony Cover me up the saruni column. He heard me embrace me. She was he was worried he was, you know, what do I do? What's going on? What do I do? And Khadija she wrapped him up and she told him to relax and she comforted him. And we see, you know, the attitude that a wife would have towards the husband knew the relationship between the husband and wife

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That, you know, helping each other in serving Allah, and in being there for each other time to difficulty Khadija Rajan who was a role model wife, and not only did she comfort him and remind him that he's such a righteous person that Allah will never leave him alone, always be by his side. But she took him to a cousin Wanaka de novo, who was a Christian, well, not a Christian in the sense of worshipping Jesus, he was a Christian, in the true sense, no, practically a Muslim. He was a follower of the earliest scriptures, but he believed in the prophets not in the divinity of Jesus. So he's the one who explained to Rasulullah Islam, about the Prophet Moses and Jesus and about kill

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that the one who came in with Jupiter, and wanting that the people will

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turn against him. Right? So Allah, you can see at the very beginning, on the very first day of prophethood, Allah is assisting Rasulullah saw Islam in his wife truly is Hawaii's wife's cousin, you know, it, this is the daughter of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala had made it such that Rasulullah saw some had married, the cousin of water could be local. He didn't notice. We didn't know this was going to happen. This is called the ruler. And we find this in our own lives, that sometimes, you know, we don't realize who is important until the time comes that suddenly something happens in a lucky American to this family because it's somebody to help me. So we find decided at the beginning

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of the helps Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam by sending into his life, his first his first wife, Khadija,

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and it doesn't work. Likewise, in the early days of Makkah,

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you know, the leader of the disbelievers

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was I would call him

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he was the leader of the College of the Hashimi tribe specifically. And, okay, he was the leader of the hashima tribe. And, again, you know, if the leader of the hashima tribe was anybody else, Rasulullah solisten would have been open to a lot of violence and a lot of abuse. But Allah subhanho wa Taala had made it such that the leader of the Hashemite tribe, despite not being a Muslim, was someone who loved Rasulullah Slavs that was his uncle Abu Talib. And so we see the I would call it supported Rasulullah Islam, you know, against his enemies, even though he himself was not a Muslim, and even died after the, the three of boycott. So Allah even supported him to non Muslims, right. So

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this is also again a lesson to us that sometimes Allah will support us from others. It's not anything wrong. If this if a non Muslim wants to assist you in doing something which is good, there's nothing wrong with working with them in that which is good. It's only wrong when you work with them and that which is bad, or that which is against the Muslims, right, so we see I would call it assisting Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. Furthermore, when things began to get difficult for the believers in Makkah, Allah subhanho wa Taala, assisted them in an even more powerful way, by within a short period of time, to have the leaders of the disbelievers to have the most strongest and

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powerful fighters and most outspoken members Hamza, the uncle of the Prophet slowly Islam, and Omar Abdullah hottub, had embraced Islam. within a very short period of time, these two had embraced Islam. And this was not only a blow to the disbelievers, but this was strengthening the believers. And so now the Muslims could go out and pray in public and he could speak out in public because they had breathed and strong warriors there to protect them. So we see that Allah Subhana, Allah assisted Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in so many ways to so many different people. And this is part of him, easing the burden, and making the Dow easier. And so even for ourselves, each of us are involved in

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the Dow, each of us are involved in calling people towards Allah subhanho wa Taala in our own ways, and sometimes we wonder how am I going to do it? How am I going to do it by myself? A lot, sends people into your life, who will assist you, Allah sends people into your life will be there for you, who will strengthen the Dow, just like he assisted His prophets. It not only Rasulullah sallallahu, even the prophets before him, even the people, the believers of the past, whenever someone wanted to do the Dow, you know, and they felt alone, Allah granted them good company who needed to support him. And so we see Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam finding support in his wife, in his uncles, in the

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strong members of society, Allah brought him to the site, and they became a united front for the dour. And that's how Islam spread. So this is a large divine assistance. And this is something we need to have very firm belief in that when things don't go our way, when things are going wrong. You know, when we see and we feel alone, understand that Allah will help us and Allah will send people into our lives, who can help us if we have this belief and we are patient, then we will see the fruits of it and we will find that good company. And so along this dimension, another important point, you know, the issue of good company Rasulullah Islam, you know, you see here the company of

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Khadija, and here the company have omitted nahata bit Hamza

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boubakeur and again, when the times are tough, they were there to support him. This is good company. This is the benefits of good company. And today it's even more important Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has told us our Roger lu li d nicolini, for younger alcoholic, that everybody follows the religion of the best friend. So, each of you should be very careful, who they choose as influence. So, today, you know many of us we will you want to be with a popular gang, we want to be with those who are famous and those who are rich, when in reality, our criterion for good for company should be righteousness and good character, we should choose people who can impact us positively. Because

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definitely, whoever you choose to be your friends will impact you. Definitely, whoever you choose to be your friends will impact you. So, if you have chosen people to be your friends who do not have good character, without you knowing it, elements of bad character will enter into and return you want to Who am I outlet become like this, look at your friends, look at them how they affected you, you know as the

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you know, as they say,

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as soon as some himself said, another Hadees that that friends are like a good friend is like the person who sells ether and perfumes that even if you don't buy anything from him just walking into a shop, some good fragrance will come to your nose so you get some good out of being around him. That's that's the metaphor given for a good friend. Even if you don't learn from him just being around him you benefit from his character and from his manners and pick up something. Why is Rasulullah sallallahu compared a bad friend to a blacksmith the blacksmith in the olden days was someone who would make weapons and make things with metal. And he was a very, he was a job which was

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very dirty in that there'd be a lot of coal flying everywhere, and smoke flying everywhere. So if you had to visit a blacksmith, even if you don't touch anything, you're still going to get some smoke on your clothes. So this is a metaphor that you know, a bad company. Even if you think they're not affecting you, they still gonna get some bad elements into you. So we have to be careful who we choose to allow to impact our lives and who we choose to influence us at the end of the day, good company, those who fear Allah, they will be there for you in times of difficulty and those who do not fear Allah, they will be there only when you are rich and when you are famous and when you lose

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that you want to hear my friends going to choose the righteous company from the beginning and you will find him by your side inshallah to the very end.

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So, these are some of the lessons we can take from verses two and three of surah Shara. We move on now to verse number four, very beautiful and important verse. We learned in mind Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam have another piece of his and this is a very important fever, a very powerful fever. What are for lack of a crock and we raised for you your status, your remembrance your reputation.

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Meaning Allah subhanho wa Taala had taken Russell Wilson's reputation and made it the most powerful one in the world. before the coming of Islam Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam had a high reputation in society. He was known as Al amin, the trustworthy, there's a very high reputation to have in that day and age when so many people were untrustworthy. So he was known as the trustworthy when he became a prophet, many of those who loved him, and you call him al amin, and who his friends abandoned him.

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I began to call him a magician and a liar and insane all the other names. But alas, it is raise your status for you. Maybe those people turned against him. But today in the world, what do we see in the world today? That wherever you go,

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the name of Rasulullah saw some is mentioned in every Masjid, in every other man. His name is mentioned in every so that you know the Shahada, his name is mentioned. Wherever you go in the world, the most popular name in the world is what

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the most popular name in the word is Mohammed.

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So in early days of the Dawa, it may have looked a bit gloomy, it may have looked a bit, you know, said that the person who's known as El amin is suddenly being called a liar, and a magician and all these other names, you know, but Allah, always, always err on the side of the believers, and you will raise the status of the believers above that of the disbelievers, if we are strong. And if we do not give in and change our ways, if we are strong in following the truth of our race, our status, right? You know, as Muslims, we shouldn't be seeking out the status. Those who seek out the status, Allah will humiliating, those who seek after the pleasure of Allah, Allah will raise the status in

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ways they never imagined. And so there's a very interesting and beautiful Hadees

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related to this

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to this verse of the Quran, in which the angel GBR eel came to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and asked him, Do you know, Allah wants to know, he said, Allah said, Do you know how I have raised

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Your status so this is a Heidi's could see, right you see the Hades could see

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because it's talking about last words that Allah said Do you know how I read your status or Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu Sampson Allah knows best Allahu Allah Allah. Allah knows best. Although replied whenever I mentioned you are mentioned with me either to kill to look into my whenever I mentioned you mentioned with me What is this referring to a shadow La ilaha illallah wa shadow Ana Muhammad Rasool Allah,

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Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah, that when we talk about Allah, you know our our testimony of faith has two parts to it. The belief in Allah as our only God and the belief in Mohamed Salah ism as the final messenger, we have to mention both. So when you mentioning Allah we are mentioning his prophet sallallahu wasallam. So Allah had raised Rasulullah saw some from the stages of Allah mean to the status of the best of creation. And this is the highest level any human being could ever reach. So Allah is reminding Rasulullah saw some of this as consolation to him, that don't worry about the people that are saying, I've taken you to another level altogether. And of course, this would have

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brought great joy to his heart and helped him to go forward with his mission. We find that Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he was praised even before he was born, he was mentioned and prophesized by the early prophets. And due to the fact that the Bible has been altered and changed over the past few

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centuries, or rather, two millennia, you will find that many of the prophecies are missing, but some of them are still there. Some of them are still there. For example, in the Old Testament, in Deuteronomy, chapter 18, verse 18, Prophet Moses peace be upon him is recorded to have said,

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I will read up for them a prophet like you, right, this is what he called, according to the Bible, that God told you probably Moses, I will raise up for them, meaning the Arabs, right are reserved for them in the people, a prophet like you, I mean, your prophet like Moses from amongst their brethren, meaning the Arabs, and I'll put my words in his mouth, referring to the Quran, and He will speak to them all which I shall commanded. So this is a very clear prophecy in the Bible about the Prophet Muhammad, Ali Islam. Likewise, the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him. He stated to have said in the Gospel of john, Chapter 16, verses 13 and 14, I have yet many things to say unto you, but you

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cannot be at them. Now. When he the Comforter comes, He will guide you to altered for He will not speak of his own authority, whatever he receives his revelation, He will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come, he will glorify me, and he will take what is mine and declare to you, so this you know, there's a lot of explanation about it. The leader Medina, Rahim, Allah explained that the narration in the Bible very clearly to indicate that it's referring to Rasulullah sallallahu, Psalms Prophethood. So we find rasulillah salam has really been raised to such a level, that he was not only praised, later on, but even by the prophets who came before his time, he was

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pleased and he was predicted to come. And

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we find that, you know, the lesson we can take from this for you and I is, very often we are scared to do the right thing. Because we worried about it, making us lose status in the eyes of people, you know, we hear this excuse very often. What will the people say? It has become the most common excuse for leaving out good deeds of accommodating sense. What will the people say? You know, if you tell someone, let's have a simple wedding now, what do the people say, if you don't have a big wedding? If you tell someone you know what marry that individual, there is also the people see family, someone you know, from a different background, you'll hear all these excuses, what will the people

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say? And we are very worried, I noticed this has become a very common trend throughout the Muslim world, that we worry more about what the people will see and what Allah says. And we are worried that if we do the right thing, we lose our reputation. We lose our we lose our social status, we lose, you know, our good

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relationships with certain individuals. But this verse, what are another classic rock and we have raised for you your status. This verse should serve as a reminder to us that when we choose to do the right thing, when we choose to obey Allah, at the disobedience of people, Allah will raise our status. How? Okay, let's look at an example today. You want to do something good, and the people that are against it, you go ahead and do it. The people begin to speak bad about you, they begin to call you names, they begin to attack you. But after a while, and this happens throughout the world over and over again. After a while they begin to respect you. They begin to think to themselves Wow,

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I wish I was prevents him to do that. How many of them inside they want to do the same thing as you but they're scared to do it. So the respect begins to build that, you know, that admiration begins to build

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Even those who might not like you what you're doing, they might still respect the fact that you're brave enough to see it and to do it. And slowly over time, we'll find a lot of reason your status, even in the eyes of those who initially against you. And we find this happening throughout the world. For example, many people when they convert to Islam, they are worried that if I embrace Islam, but become a Muslim, what my family is going to think what my family is going to do. And initially, when they accept Islam, their families might be against them, they might be fighting them. But over time, they begin to respect them, and to love them for the deen. So this is one of

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the lessons that we can take from another colleague rock, we need to take one last break, when we return, we will conclude with the sweet stuff here. We were looking at one of our analytical, Ray Kroc, and we raised for you your status and your reputation. And we're looking at one of the lessons from this verse. That many times today we are afraid to do the right thing. Because we are worried what will the people say? What will happen to my reputation? What are the people going to think if I do this, right? But the reality is, when you do the right thing.

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Initially, you might face the displeasure of the people, but you only the pleasure of Allah, Allah will not let that go to waste. So over time, Allah will put your love into the hearts of the people. And you will find those same people who are against you, the same people who hated you, the same people who opposed you, you find them changing and loving you

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and respecting you and looking up to you. So don't be afraid to do the right thing. Don't be afraid to obey Allah at the disobedience of people. Because at the end of the day, we will all stand before Allah, not before people on the Day of Judgment, and we'll be answerable to him. So let us live lives which are pleasing to our Creator. So today, we looked at the first four verses of surah Shara, let's do a quick summary of what we looked at today.

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We spoke about you know that the surah is linked to Surah to heart the same team is running the same message of consolation and motivation to do what is right and not to, you know, not to worry about the past or the future is there a lot remains Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in the first four verses the four verses that we discussed today about some of his favorites in the past. And the next four verses deal with the future. And we will discuss those four verses next week. inshallah, you know, unless 100 remains or should slowly some that he meetings easy for him, that there was a time when things were difficult. They were time when things were falling apart. And you know, where he might

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have been worried. And he had a big burden on his backhoe. How am I going to do things? How am I going to do the Dow who's going to support me how many people are going to listen to me and Allah made it easy for him. Allah granted him support through his wife through his uncle's through his children like party Margiela. One when she was a small child about six or nine years old, she's already assisting her father in the tower. May Allah be pleased with her

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to converts like Omar in a hot tub, and Abu Bakr, Siddiq and Sal dibny walk across all of these amazing people who Allah brought into his life to assist him in the Tao. And to become his sahaabah.

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We see a lot of behind what Allah raised the status of Rasulullah slowly Islam were another crazy crock, we raised your status, your reputation,

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the Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam before Islam. He was I mean, he was a trustworthy after declaring Prophethood many people turn against him. Many people call him a magician, and a liar and insane. But he was patient and he continued to this hour and ullery the status until today, the name Muhammad is the most common name in the entire world. The entire world literally in the entire world, the named Mohammed is the most common name. And whenever we recite the Shahada, we will give the other His name is mentioned.

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And we learned from here the lessons that if we do what is right, if we stick to the right path, no matter how difficult it gets, no matter you know, who's against us. At the end of the day, if we stick to speaking what is right doing what is right, we will find Allah subhanho wa Taala by our side, and Allah subhanaw taala will resolve status, he will strengthen our hearts, he will remove the difficulty from our backs, and he will remove the difficulty from our chest and He will give us the strength and the motivation to move forward and to serve Him and to do that which is pleasing to Him. So

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what we can take from today and apply to our lives, is to stop worrying about what the people will say. Forget about that. Worry about Allah would say, Allah will take care of the rest. If you live a life which is pleasing to Allah. Allah will take care of the rest Allah will assist you do

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Don't worry, if someone turns against you, someone tries to harm you, someone tries to hurt you, they can only do that which Allah has allowed him to do and we're going to look at that in more details next week, we will look at one of the Hadees related to intervalos the usual difficulty comes east. This is related to that which speaks about this in a lot of details, but our time is up. So we will look at this inshallah next week. So today we did Tafseer of verses one to four of surah inshallah, we'll do Tafseer verses 567 and eight next week, inshallah, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to give us the ability not just to understand and to explain the Quran, but you live it and to

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practice it and to apply to every aspect of our life We ask Allah subhana wa tada to guide us to make the Quran, the light of our hearts and the guidance of our deeds

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to make us from the true people of the Quran. Welcome to the webinar and

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until we meet again Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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