Ismail Kamdar – Summary of Juz 5

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the aftermath of the Battle of God, including the importance of understanding the topic of Surah Nisa, the social and legal implications of the Battle, and the importance of taking care of the rights of the Mafans and immigrants. They also mention the importance of taking care of the rights of the automatically renewing of the American visa.
AI: Transcript ©
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We continue with our discussion over the aftermath.

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The full run we're going to be deciding today is the tour

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and Surah Nisa, it was revealed shortly after pseudo or the Enron so the order in which they are in the Quran at this point is Surah. Allah in the Quran itself, it's actually an order of revelation. In fact the first few Jews of the Quran highlighted that in the second year he dropped for Bukhara was revealed. And then in the third year, we have surah Allah Imran And the fourth year Surah Nisa, through these three actually were revealed in that order. And the theme of Surah Nisa is continuing with the theme of surah Allah in wrong in that we are continuing to deal with the aftermath of the Battle of God, except now, with Surah Nisa, we move on to the fixed side of things to the social and

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legal implications of what happened at work. So we mentioned yesterday that in the battle award, about 70 of the Sahaba, were martyred. So now Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companions, they return to Medina, and they have to deal with orphans, they have to deal with widows, they have to deal with inheritance, they have to deal with the Jews who have betrayed and have to deal with the people because they have betrayed them, they have to deal with all of these issues. And you will find that each of these issues are discussed in details in Surah, Nisa, and sometimes when you look at the Sooners, are one of the mistakes we make when we try to understand

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the Quran is that we try to understand the topic of a surah from its name. And is it a mistake that we make? Right? So a lot of people look through

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the chapter of woman, and they assume the suta Anissa is all about lumens. And then you read the surah. And he talks about jihad. And he talks about Hydra. And he talks about the monarchy. And he talks about inheritance and they begin to wonder what's the relationship to the Prophet? The topic is not the topic is everything going on in Medina in the 30 and 40 architecture? It is all the social implications of the Battle of word, right? The names of the surah are simply taken from words that are unique to that surah. Allah mentioned a few times we have to write, for example, Surah Al Baqarah, we should know by now it's not about the car, right? There's another old car, but it was

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the only place in the world and Baccarat comes and so it's named after this word. Right? So the names don't indicate the topics. So Surah Nisa is not the chapter about women, it is called the chapter of woman is a chapter about a variety of different topics. So what happens is that you profits a lot while he was selling them. And these are how but they are taught how to deal with these new issues that crop up how to deal with widows from the war, how to deal with the offerings of war, how to deal with inheritance, how to deal with the monarchy code, all of this is laid out, and is one stories that I just want to mention a lot for to show you the importance of appealing for

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the orphans, right? So one of the Sahaba, who was martyred in the Battle of ohana was one of the leaders of the unserved

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and he says Java even Abdullah, he at that time was a very young man probably 13 years old because he wasn't allowed to play with over three, probably 12 or 13. And after the battle, he taught us a lot he said goes to see him. And he tells the prophets while you're setting up. My father has demanded. I have nine young sisters say he didn't give up. And my father was in debt when he passed away. How am I supposed to handle all I have to deal with nightsisters to take care of and debt. And my father passed away all at the same time. And so Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam helped him to pay off these years to pay off his father's gifts. And then a few years later, the prophets a lot

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where the song is returned from a expedition. And he sees a young man riding on his costs a bit separate from everybody else. And he recognizes him as the same author. So he catches up with you. And he asked if he wants you, honey, and the young man says I got married and rushing back home to my wife. So he asked him, did you manage a young lady or an older lady? And he said unbalanced and older. And he tells him You should have married someone else. Now I mean, I mentioned this because I this very often was quoted, right? Nowadays, a lot of people, nearly the same men but men.

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But look at the context of the job era decide this is 15 years old. He's married someone in the 20s or 30s. Right? So the company is having a cookie in your Audi Chanel is somewhat compatible. But job isn't explained to the proper user might have nine systems they feel so I married the older woman she can help me look after my existence. And he promptly always told me we have done the right thing. So you see people called Harper and he said don't call the entire province. But the point I want us to think about is this. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was ever

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Anything that's going on, he's fighting battles is a political leader. He is the Prophet. He is the one who is judging between people, when everything is going on, he still takes time to catch up with the orphan and to find out what we want in his life and to make sure that everything's okay with him. And this is a young man who lost his father when he has nine sisters he has yet Is he okay? He's he managing in Frankfurt, so long as I'm still make time for such people who make time to ensure the Navy, okay, and the day we're happy. And this teaches us the importance of warfare, the importance of caring for the orphans, and the importance of making sure that those in our community

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who don't have anyone that we are there for them, and this is a theme that runs throughout. Throughout this year, you'll hear verses about the importance of taking care of the rights of the orphans, taking care of the rights of the week, taking care of the rights of the hygiene of the immigrants. All of this mentioned in the sutra, it is a sutra is called the corners to help those who are in need. Let us reflect on them while the person I've been reciting to handle

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