Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #65 – V100 They Fell on Their Faces

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers stress the importance of taking time to study and not rushing to finish work, as well as finding one's own way of thinking and parenting with respect. They also discuss cultural reasons for parenting and the need for humility in parenting. A woman at BuzzFeed's statement about the mother having been humbled and should be killed is mentioned, as well as the importance of understanding the meaning behind "has been made." The conversation delves into cultural sensitivity and references to examples such as "has been" before delving into further details.
AI: Transcript ©
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rubbish it sorry we're silly Emily Dr. Tommy lasagna Coco de hamdu Lillah wa salatu wa salam O Allah Rasool Allah, Allah Allah He also iVh main. And once again, everybody Somali Kumara delight out over the cutoff today I try to start our contemplations on Ayah number 100 of Saud, Yusuf. As I mentioned before, I think this ayah deserves a couple of days of discussion, that we can try to give each part at least some of its new. So I'm going to get started today, and we'll see how far we get over the next. You know, we can follow Tyler. You know, as we approach the end of the solar, there's almost, you know, the, the fight the sense of urgency, we're near the finish line, but actually, I realized

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after kind of looking over what's left, there's actually quite a bit of work left on the sutra. And for those of you that have been regular listeners to these lectures, or have heard enough of them, what I'd like you to internalize is just a couple of things. One, that it's okay to take your time with the Koran, don't rush the Quran. And even if we take a long time studying a single ayah that's okay, that's time well spent. And unless has affiliated Brunello Koran don't they ponder deeply into the Quran. And there's a reason for that, because, you know, there's a richness, and there's a calming of the heart and the mind, and there's gifts from Allah and the more you contemplate the

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more you think about it, actually, internally, you start healing. So it's the Quran is always going to be about quality and not about quantity. Right? We've, there's no rush to learn everything, there is no Quran, there's, it's, you know, Sahaba took eight years to study social Bukhara, and I don't, you know, social media is about all kinds of comments. And I personally have a pretty thick skin, I don't really care about, you know, the comments, I don't take anything personally, but I do consider them opportunities. As for teaching moments, even jokingly somebody said, you know, there are other students in the Quran, you know, like, all you do is talk about sudo. So yeah, for now, all I do is

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talk about sudo. So I, when we were discussing, sort of Docker, I think it was two and a half, three years ago. And Ron took about a year and a half, I think, almost two years. So I'm completely content, I think, sort of newer I studied, I just studied, not presented, I studied sort of node for maybe six, seven months, before I lectured on it. And the deeper look series, at the very least, the fastest I've ever done is try to study a surah like the, you know, the tail end of the Quran, that just I must always, maybe study them full time for a week, and then give a comprehensive try to give a comprehensive sort of lecture on one so that I remember those days when I used to study those

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solos. And it would literally take me an entire week to study just that one short, surah and then present and sometimes more, so I take time off and just study longer times to get to you know, discuss, you know, whatever, so that I still don't think I did them justice. So the heart has to be content that we have, we have taken a dive into an endless ocean. And we should enjoy the fact that we are getting these drops, you know, because at the end of the day, even after a lifetime of spending, you know, time contemplating to put on our entire lifetime we're gonna walk out of there put on and we're only going to have drops on us, we're not going to have the entire ocean ever.

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Right and the other, you know, almost impatience that you know, I can have or you can have is man, there's so many other things to talk about, why are you talking about this? Right? And yes, there are but why not talk about this? Is this not one of the things we should be talking about or spending time with So, which is why I actually constantly retail myself, take your time, take your time, take your time. Because this is a literally it's a it's a journey, and it's a labor of love. And it should be one for all of you. Also, there should be even if those of you that like missed a bunch of lectures or you didn't hear you know about this series until very recently, and you're

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feeling intimidated, man, I'm so far behind. There's no race like you, you don't have to like you know, compete with somebody and say, Hey, by the way, I finished the whole thing or, you know, you don't you can take your time with it. But you know, hadal ohmori adwa mohalla in color, the best deeds are the ones that are consistent, even if they are little. So take your time with

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stuff and you know really what I'm trying to leave behind. Allah decides how long life is but what I think I can leave behind if Allah wills as a contribution is something that a Muslim can at least use as a stepping stone to spend time contemplating the Quran. So I won't be the final sort of answer to what Allah has to say or final interpretation of what you know, you should think about, but at least it's a starting point. And then from there, you can be inspired to do your own thinking your own reading your own questioning your own research. Some of you might even become, you know, completely engrossed in chronic studies. All of that can happen in Charlotte, Allah. So that's,

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that's my hope. Anyway. So we are here and I owe 100. By the way, I'm picking up my nose because it's allergy season, so bear with me.

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So have some big daddies go away. But anyway, so we are on io 100. And it begins, I'll translate the part that we're going to discuss to the not the entire IRA. What if I believe he had a laugh, and he elevated his both his parents onto the throne? We'll have a ruler who saw Jaden and they all fell before him. in prostration. They all fell on their faces before him. Will call Yeah, but he had that we literally I mean, kaabil pachala hora de haka. And he said, My beloved father, this is the interpretation of my vision from so long ago. Allah certainly has made it true, but you either have to be okay, so that's a surface translation of what we're going to be trying to discuss today. But

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there are two outstanding things. One not related to these is that so hey, brought to my attention today, a thought that he had and I thought it was a very beautiful thought. So I've decided to include it in the series. And that is that when back when we were discussing the shirt coming and the father feeling the shirt on his face, and there was a discussion about what al Bashir means, meaning when the giver of good news when the congratulate er came You know, he put the shirt on his face. So what is the what is the the the giver of good news and one of its interpretation was that the giver of good news is not necessarily a person is the shirt itself. And one of the ways you can

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think about that is the shirt has actually already been given good news for a while because as the shirt gets closer, he's been getting the good news by the scent of it right so it's actually already been serving the role of a congratulate her before it even gets there. And so it's been a big deal for him before he even got to be the final Bashir on his face machine meaning the giver of good news or the congratulated the other interesting thing is but she doesn't have some sofa it's an it's an adjective. And an adjective is some is used for something that continues to play a certain role. So mo Bashir is someone who gives good news at a particular occasion. But uh, but she is someone who

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continuously gives good news and because the good vibes have been coming from this shirt, for so long, it can be looked at as, because it was playing that role continuously, the word but she does is even more fitting. So it's at least one very plausible interpretation for but she anyhow, coming to this ayah there is one outstanding or actually a connecting matter from the previous ayah. And

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here's the in a nutshell. When they came in, Yusuf Alayhi, Salam pulled both of his parents into his protection our la he Ababa, he, he pulled them both into his protection, and he made them feel secure. And then he's told the rest of them, you are in child law safe. Yeah, enter Egypt safely conclude inshallah, who will hold a missile and shall allow me Okay, the thing that I didn't mention last time, is that it's interesting that both of those actions have to do with safety. Pulling someone into your refuge is an act of safety and telling someone you're safe, enter a job safely. Safety is also an act of safety. But one is actually a physical gesture is pulling them in and

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giving them refuge without saying a word. And the other is the words of offering safety. And so what that illustrates is he went out of his way to give safety, not just by word, but by action by a hug by pulling them in closer by giving them that special treatment that was for parents, and then the rest. So it's like this. They were, they were given this special prominence before the rest, even though the act practically the body language of our era, he avahi and the verbal language of Hulu, Messiah and charlo amin is virtually the same, but one deserved more, it was more than that. So, you know, like saying to a child, for example, or something to your parents, I love you is one thing,

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but giving them a hug and saying I love you something else. Right?

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And it's so this is a more special, you know, engagement with both parents and even though we said that it's not the biological mother and we talked about all of that, you know, background before, but he's done that and he's gone out of his way to address both of them in this way. But now let's tie it to this. What he's done is made his parents feel loved and safe.

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Pulling someone in is an act of you care for them, you love them. And you want them to be safe our Ella here, by the way here, so there's love and safety that's kind of been highlighted as a sentiment that he wants them to feel and that he's expressing. But now in this higher we go back to the parents again. What are we here allow she elevated his parents to the throne, obviously, to pull them towards himself literally doesn't mean he went to him, he pulled them towards himself, which means they got up, you know, on stage, you know if this is a throne, so they're up up up higher than everybody else now, right. And now Allah repeats what he does for the parents and says he raised

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them to the throne. So it's as if there's a an interesting redundancy and interesting repetition. You because You the fact that he pulled them in, and he brought them up, expresses that or if Allah just said he raised them to the throne, obviously, that's also a place of safety, and honoring and love and all of that also. So either one of them could have sufficed, but Allah mentioned both. And he didn't even use the pronoun, which is interesting to me. Because when something is mentioned in Arabic, then the second time you mentioned it, you can refer to it as a pronoun. So you could say what I thought are Houma eyelash, and he raised both of them on the throne. And the both of them

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would only refer to mom and dad that were just pulled in for safety. But instead of using the pronoun, he went back to the noun, what about way he allowed? Right, he pulled both of his parents onto the throne. So it's actually this divine emphasis on both parents, again, highlighting something similar, yet different. So how is it different from pulling them in first from safety, if you want to put emotions behind this, it's one making them feel loved, and making them feel secure. Both of them making them feel loved and secure. Like, I'll take care of you now. And the other is making them feel honored.

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honoring them, and making making them feel like they are not in an inferior position. Because to put them on the throne, I'll read something from shout, Avi on the act of putting them on the throne, Lee, and now let me have a timer

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on him, because he didn't want to make make himself feel like he's separate or in a distinct position from them. Right, because obviously, anybody on the throne is distinct from the rest of the society. But he wants his parents to feel like this throne, means nothing, you and I are not separated by this throne. The status of mine that the world acknowledges, everybody calls me I Z's, everybody looks at me with disrespect. I'm a big shot now. No not to you, you, I'm not going to distinguish myself. So I'm going to put you on the throne. Or away he allows. So his elevation, he's making sure they understand that that doesn't mean they can't they shouldn't treat him as anything

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more than just their son. And he's not expecting to be treated any more special, because he's on the throne. No, you're on the throne to your so this throne now means that you, this is not a position of superiority for me, as far as you're concerned. So it's not just a statement of honoring, it's actually setting a precedent for their relationship to that you shouldn't have to feel intimidated that you're addressing the governor of Egypt, when you talk to me about anything, you can talk to me as if I'm your son, we still have the same position. So you're you're not speaking to someone higher, you're speaking to someone at the same in the same place. So there's no no distinction.

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Well, how does it look when you do

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the really common Sharla himolla comments and this is a kind of gesture that indicates love and it indicates a status giving of a status and and giving respect. So we saw first love and protection are what you lay here. But we and now we're seeing SPECT, right and a particular manifestation of respect, which is perhaps an interesting commentary in the Quran about the nature of our relationship with aging parents, because as parents age, they start feeling insecure. You know, as people age, they become less capable, right, they're less independent, they may not be able to do things that they used to be able to do before. They for a long time, were the provider and the

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caretaker and the protector of the family. And now they're the ones in need of medical care. They're in there. They're the ones in the need of like sometimes emotional care, they're the ones feeling lonely, or they're the ones feeling insecure. They're the ones worrying too much about something, you know.

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And they're the ones that are having all kinds of, you know, panicky thoughts, you know, anxieties, and they play in their head and things like that. So the first thing is to make sure they feel secure, and they physically feel your connection to them. You know, when they were little they would go out of their way to hug you and to hold you

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And to pat you to sleep and there was this physical form of affection and making you feel safe and safe. If it was a thunder in the middle of the night, your mom or your dad came, and I'm here, don't worry, it's okay. You're safe. And they, you know, you felt as a kid that you're safe because mom's there, or every time you felt safe or unsafe, you ran towards them, well, they, they're too old to run towards you. Right, but you need to know that that role needs to be reversed, which reminds me of this beautiful idea. in sort of a slot when Allah talks about the rights of parents, I give quick buzz about it a few weeks ago, Watford lahoma, Jenna has eliminar Rama. In summary, Allah compares

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our relationship, particularly with older parents, to a bird that's protecting its nest. So and the image is like, you know, you've got a bird, it's got a nest, it's the nest has eggs in it right, or it's got chicks in it that can't fly on their own yet. And there's a snake or some predator that's trying to eat the eggs, or eat these chicks that can protect themselves. So the bird is even if it's no match for the the snake or the predator, what it will do is it will hover its wings over the nest. So if a predator does attack, it attacks it.

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Or it's going to just shield it from whatever troubles coming its way and which is remarkable because that's an that's an image of a parent protecting a child. But Allah use that image to say that this is what I expect you to show when you are protecting your parents. And he didn't just say workfit lahoma Jenna Jenna haka, he said, Jenna has done the wings of humility as you are protecting them. Because you're now in the protector role. Right? Now, this is different from when the parents were in a protective role. Because when I'm protecting my kids, when I'm providing for my kids, when I'm securing my kids, and they just obey me, or they do something to annoy me, excuse me, that's not

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going to happen in my house, you better go pick up that plate. You better go clean up that room, you better finish your homework, excuse me, who's the parent again, you can do the head because you are the parent. Right? You're the one protecting and it's your house. But when the equation is flipped, and they're old, and now it's your house, and they're the dependents, you're paying the bills, and they are the beneficiaries, you're taking care of the medical expenses, they're the beneficiaries. You're the one driving them around, you're the one making sure they're okay. You're you're, you know, doing all that, and then they do something to annoy you. You don't get to do what they did.

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When you were a kid. You don't get to say excuse me, this is my house.

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Jenna has those wings of humility, Wings of humility. That's that's the imagery in sort of this law. And here you find, you know, Yusuf alayhi salam, expressing this humility to his parents, in that he's elevating them through to the throne. Even though he has the power to demonstrate the position he's in. He's actually not only hovering them with his wings, those wings have humility in them. So there was the the hovering of the wings in our Li E. And then there's the vole. There's the human, you know, Jenna has the humility in Rafah way here. So there's this beautiful tie into what's mentioned in sort of the slot. It's also it really interesting in a literary kind of subtlety, that

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sort of Esra surah. Number 17 is actually, you know, the first part of it is about the Israelites. It's also called pseudo penninsula, ie, the surah of the children of Israel. Right. And this passage where the parents and humility to parents, as mentioned, will call Dada bucola tabula, I believe it was even Abbas of the Allahu anhu Ma, who had the opinion that this is the equivalent of the commandments given to Moses being the Israelites, and they're the commandments they were to cherish from God, famously known as the 10 commandments. The Quranic version of that is actually 23 to 14 solar number 17. from which this is a part. And why is that interesting? Because here we are talking

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about the original child of Israel, Israel being yaku. And he's a son, and he's actually literally demonstrating this. So the children of Israel know of this humility to parents by the example of their father, Israel, who was shown this kind of humility by his son use of money, Sam Joseph, right. So there's this really beautiful tie in to that, that injunction and sort of slot. Anyhow. The other thing about the, you know, elevating them on the throne.

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That's very subtle, is that, you know, and I didn't finish that point about, you know, when parents feel like they are no longer in charge, and they're no longer relevant. It is the job of the son or daughter to go out of their way to say that you still deserve the same respect and the same status as far as I'm concerned. You're on my throne.

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You're on my throne. Still, you were on my throne. When I was in school. You were on my throne. When you were driving, you were the king of the household. You were running things. Now you're old. Now. You're not even able to take

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Have yourself entirely, you've lost your independence. But as far as I'm concerned, you still deserve the throne, you're still up there. And this is important because as we get older in, you know, in our times in contemporary society, actually, in many, many societies around the world, older parents are considered a burden. Right, and they can become very difficult to deal with. And it's a bit just a reality, sometimes our parents are difficult to deal with, we have differences with them that are reconciliable, and it's understandable for lots of reasons, you know, the world they grew up in is very different from the world that we grew up in, and our children are growing up

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in an entirely different planet, the world is changing culturally, economically, socially, psychologically, so fast, that it's actually literally a different universe every 20 years, every every 10 to 20 years. So, you know, hard enough to relate to other human beings that are from the same time as you, it's much harder to relate to people from a previous generation, or for them to relate to what's normal to you, for what makes sense to you, because they're there, their world has completely just transformed. You know, Allah created you for a different time, Allah created you them for a different time. If you, if you put somebody in a time back in the day, you know, like, if

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you think of the story of the people of the cave, like the young people in the cave, were in the cave for generations, right? So when they came out, their clothing looked ancient, right? their currency was different. Like people could tell they don't belong in this time. Right. And that could be a few 100 years, before society completely transformed. But now, if you take somebody and put them in a time capsule, not for centuries, if you bring somebody out of the 90s,

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from attack and bring them in our time, now they will lose their mind. Like they don't belong, like the world is completely transformed. The if you took somebody not even from a different society, if you took somebody from New York City,

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from 1994, and then plugged them into 2020, and dropped them there, what's going on here, people have changed, languages changed, technology has changed the way people communicate with each other has changed, family has changed, social issues have changed. what the world is talking about is changed. Every Donald Trump is

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they die of a heart attack just off.

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The point being that, you know, if the world changed so much that someone who still may relatively be in their youth they have they're not an old man, at that point, is seeing a completely different world. Can you imagine how far apart you are from your parents generation, as you're becoming an adult and they are of the age that you know, the generation that they are. So relating to parents can become very difficult, what what they saw as normal around them is completely out the window now. So everything is weird to them, everything is agitating to them. Right? So there are cultural reasons, social reasons, sociological reasons, psychological reasons why there can be a lot of

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conflict between us in parents, but what is the IRS saying the IRS saying you can have those differences. But what we can draw from this is my responsibility to my parents is to still give them love and protection.

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And my responsibility to my parents is try to honor them. So they don't feel like they're irrelevant. like sitting on the throne. Let's talk about the use of it. Some they're sitting on the throne, right? And let me tell you something about the throne. And now she was surreal Malik lady, you didn't mean Hakeem O'Meara hokum. It is the long couch elongated couch of the king, the the comforted cushion of the king, which is meant for him to sit and deliberate his judgments on governance every day, it's basically the Oval Office. Right? It's the it's the desk from which real issues are dealt with. Or it's if you think of it like a closer contemporary example would be, it's

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the Supreme Court judges bench. Only the judge is supposed to sit there because that's his job. He's supposed to execute judgments from here. That's his job. That's his qualification. He was given this role for to fulfill his responsibility. And by the way, the judge doesn't matter how much he loves his or her parents can't put his parents up there and say, No, you run the Supreme Court today. Their parents may not be qualified. Right? So the the throne, the aatish is actually a position of great responsibility. And it's a job. It's a it's a high, it's the highest job. It's an honorable job. It's your honor. But it's not just a place. It's not just a casual place. It's not like you

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invited your parents home, or they came home for the first time and a special sofa goes to them. It's not just a special sofa. It's the seat of power. It's the seat of where my job is. And why is that important? Because nowadays we say to our parents, that's my job, just kind of leave that leave. Stay out of that, please. That's my role. Right. And even though use of our liaison is not going to let his parents make judgments over Egypt, symbolically, he's

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My job role as high as it is for the rest of the world, my job role is not something I will use to make you feel irrelevant.

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You, as far as I'm concerned, you're on my throne. I come back to that point again. So it's nowadays we say, you know, where we've got, you know, new age, technology we've got, we're running our businesses, we're providing income, we're discussing issues that our parents just fly over their head and your, you know, your dad might give your mom might give you business ideas that have that used to make sense in the 70s. And you're like, why am I to listen to this? That doesn't work like that anymore? Mom, that's not how the world works anymore. It's not like that it's not, and you get frustrated. Why do I have to have this conversation? Actually, that's the time for you to really

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hear but we are about

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to let your annoyance take a back seat, because you are way more annoying when you used to, you know, poop in your clothes, and pee on yourself and they cleaned you up. You were way more annoying. When you were screaming at the top of your lungs while your mom was trying to listen to a hot bath.

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And everybody else was staring.

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And she didn't take you to a corner and beat you up. She took you to a corner and give you a hug and cleaned you up. So let's just take a humble pill. And understand Yeah, they can be they can be difficult law says woman No, I mean, who knew that case of unhealthy. So they are seen whoever we give old age we start reversing them and creation, which can also mean not only do we start deteriorating and weakening their body, and they become less and less capable, like a child would be like a baby would be. But also senility like they can reason less they can get agitated more easily. They they become emotionally less capable of controlling their temper. They can have tantrums like a

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child has tantrums. That's, that's just natural Allah. Allah has made human beings like that. Kalia alibabam Barbie Elementary. So even after, so that when we you know,

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are the most weak? And what's the word powerless age, you know, where a person will after having done so much knows nothing.

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They start having short term memory loss, they start forgetting things that they knew they start making incoherent sentences and things like that. And this is the time where we feel like, you know, what are they contributing, they're just they're nothing but a burden. They're just bills we have to pay, they're just conversations we have to put up with no other way here.

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Every ayah in the surah is a commentary on how we are Take care of yourselves and understand that it could be that one of those two parents is someone that has caused you suffering from a lot of drama if you were to accept the Israelite account, but the Quran erases all of that, because what others do should not dictate how you should carry yourself. She he starting fresh. And so what I thought about he it's it's a really powerful expression of his you know, his honoring and his protecting of the one he loves and the one he's responsible over and that's the last comment I'll make that it can be extended beyond parents whoever we are responsible over is worthy of our love our protection and

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respect. Love protection and respects because sometimes we give one of these or two of these and not the rest like I respect you a lot but I can protect you

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I love you and I protect you but I ain't giving you no respect

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you know I do enough I pay the bills. So I got to raise my voice like this. Remember who's in charge like you could do that you could take that road but it's kind of both that have been brought in it's like they're interchangeable or necessary lasme and Muslim two sides of the same coin. You know what when it comes to those relationships for those that are now in our care, older parents are now in our care children maybe if you have younger children they are in your care younger siblings might find themselves in your care someone you've adopted maybe in your care right so people under your care deserve these things from you and this is the way of this noble profit use of honey syrup. So

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now what I thought about way he or the large let's go further

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on how that we look at Obama whose agenda they fell into such that before me I got a few notes on here. So they they fell into such that before him. Now this is of course what happened in the very beginning, right? The stars the sun and the moon etc. It's a bit you know, heavy this this phrase they fell into such that before him is how I keep translating it in again in a shallow way but it deserves a deeper look. If I'm Razzie mentioned seven possibilities are seven. You can say observations or points of view on how to understand this such that this prostrating this falling on the faces before him so

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I'm going to go through all of them he prefers number one.

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And at the end, I'm going to mix and match these and tell you what I find the most convincing, convincing current sort of cocktail of from within these opinions, but I'll go through all of them with you briefly.

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This I'll start with number two, not number one, I want to mention number one last. Number two, that they they prostrated in his direction, but prostrated to Allah out of gratitude.

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So towards him, but actually to a lot. Now let me explain what that means. The Kaaba is that we don't pray. We don't do such that to the Kaaba. We say that towards the Kaaba, or we're actually doing such that to Allah. Right. But technically what it looks like is we're prostrating to a stone, a creation of Allah. The Kaaba is a creation of Allah. It's simply a direction but not the object of our worship, the object of our worship, the purpose of our size is always Allah, regardless of the direction you understand. So, in ancient times, such that is done for two scenarios. I mean, this is my addition to this extrapolation. Okay, there are two scenarios I can pull out from the study of

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boron. That's such that is called for such that is done in as an act of worship. And as an act of worship, it is done towards the house of Allah.

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And especially in the family of Ibrahim Ali Salaam, right because this is the family of Ibrahim Ali. So I'm so let's add that to the equation. Ibrahim alayhis. Salaam was responsible for building the Kaaba. And because he built the Kaaba and as he was raising the foundations of the Kaaba with his satisfied Allah told him that this house is being built for those who will come and go around it.

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If he does, those who will spend time here and in worship, separating themselves from worldly issues and archiving, they can take off what we call a tick off what to do and people that are going to do ruku or bowing, you know, while standing and sujood falling on their faces. In other words, the Kaaba is being built, when one of its fundamental purposes is, this is for those who want to do that, to me. This is why it's being built. This was given to Ibraheem alehissalaam as his final award, like after all of his trials, you get the honor of building what the GABA which is going to be the direction of such that, for anyone who wants to actually make sense out to Allah, yes. Now,

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Ibrahim clearly taught that to a smile, and clearly also taught that to his hop, his other son, it's not like he'll teach them a different religion. Right? And this happens even younger, which means not earlier, but later on. The Kaaba is already built. That's already done, you know? And so he's going to teach us on this half the same thing and it sort of Bukhara, Allah bunches, is married and is hoc together. So earlier on the Kaaba is being built later on, the children of you know, the child of Abraham is as half as hard as Yahoo. Yahoo was asking his kids, what will you worship and they say, the God of your fathers Abraham and his Huck, in other words, the idea that such there is

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going to be done to Allah alone and will be done towards the Kaaba is established. This family knows that size that is done towards the Kaaba, right, but which says that the size of worship is done towards the Kaaba. But the Quran also talks about so is that in a different situation, it's it's kind of worship, but it's something a little more or a little different. And that is when, when something overwhelming or miraculous happens in somebody's life, where Allah has intervened, and has brought them in awe of what he's done. Like when when, when a creation of a law is overwhelmed by the power of God manifest in a miracle, then they can't even help themselves. They fall on their

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faces. They fall on their faces in such awe. Now, I'll describe this to you

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in pseudo lisara

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and this is the slide is makin. So in Mecca, the idea that such data is only done towards the Kaaba hasn't even established been established yet. Okay, that's not even given you.

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And Allah describes people who hear the Quran for the first time. People have the book, they hear the Quran, sincere people have the book, they hear the Quran for the first time. And he says that when they hear the word of Allah, you'll have Runa Lilith Connie Sujata, they fall on their faces in such awe.

00:34:31 --> 00:34:36

And you don't necessarily imagine that this which was the garba again and all fallen such that

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the images they just collapse before God, they put their head on the ground, the direction becomes irrelevant. Now. They are the way you can describe them. That is they put their head on the ground in face of it when they come into contact with God's miracle.

00:34:55 --> 00:34:59

Right. The silly example I'd like to give you this contemporaries when when Pakistan

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cricket team wins the match. Like the half the team just pauses beside you, though, I'd love to check the blood direction first, but they just fall on their faces. You know, because they're like, Oh, this must be a divine intervention, we won this match.

00:35:15 --> 00:36:00

So, but the idea being okay, out of gratitude. So the opinion here is actually it was towards you serve, because you serve and the fact that he survived and the fact that the family's united in this way, and the fact that the parents have been honored in this way, there's so much to be grateful for in a time of uncertainty and famine and danger that the entire family is now safe. Like, there's an overwhelming feeling of gratitude, and all of it Allah made it happen because of this miraculous, you know, intervention in the life of use of honey Salaam. So they fall in such dire before what they see as a miracle. So it's in his direction, but not to worry not not to him, just towards him,

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is still for Allah. And that might be a way of looking even at the such that that was done by the angels, before Adam, Adam is a miracle is a miracle creation of Allah. And Allah says, Are you not so they're not doing sorry, to Adam, this is different from saying they decided to use of some of honoring him. That's not the view here. The view is they're seeing that as what's happened with use of as a miracle. And that's humbled them and made them fall on the side, and the direction becomes irrelevant. So it's not to him because he's the miraculous, he's the recipient of the miracle, you understand. And then but it's still done to Allah. Now. Others have translated. The third attempt to

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interpret this again, I skipped number one on purpose. The third attempt to interpret this is the third rule has been translated as model or interpreted figuratively, to suggest that they simply humbled themselves. So the phrase suggestion is used as an act of humility. The first objection to that as well, it doesn't just say such a do, they fell into frustration because poetry uses mountains doing such data, the horses that trample over them, like the horses were not, you know, done in by the elevation of the mountains, and the poet will describe in ancient Arabia, that the mountains are doing such that to these horses. Right. What does that mean that the mountains have

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been humbled by the horse, right? So they say, well as a figurative poetic expression, it might mean that the family was humbled before us. Right. The problem with that is the verb the verbiage in the Quran is not the they did such that it says they fell in such the hallucinogen. So the following makes it very literal. And then the objection to the response to that objection, that was he quotes as well, perhaps you can look at karroo as model. And he cites some example in the Quran elsewhere, where you might look at it that way. Not a very strong argument as far as I'm concerned, but Okay, well at least accept that possibility, as one mentioned, recorded in scholarly tradition, and that

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is that they became humbled before him. So it's not saying it literally, they just they were humbled before him.

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Now, the fourth one, this is no this things get really interesting doesn't necessarily include the parents. He raised them on the throne. Languages, he raised both his parents on the throne. And they fell into such though.

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So if they're raised on the throne, there's not much room to do such that up there. But you can imagine in a king's court, when you know, in ancient times, oh, great king, and you know, somebody bows in front of the king, they're not up on the throne there to borrow. And the king or the high noble is up there. That's not the place to do so is that that down, there is the place to do such that. So some have actually postulated that, when it says they they bow down, again, the reason can still be because of Allah, but they bow down in humility, or they bow down in all villas miracle, but it was the children, his brothers, and maybe even their families that fell into such that, but

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the parents were already elevated before that could happen.

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So they were elevated. But then the question becomes, well, how does that become an interpretation of the dream? Because the dream was 11 stars, the sun and the moon, right? So they should all be doing? And the objection rate there is there are answers to that one being that the, you know, Rashi says that sometimes a dream doesn't have to be interpreted entirely, literally. Like the idea overall has been established. So he says, You don't have to be so literal about the dream. That's his way of looking at it. Interestingly, though,

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first of all, the language kind of did did make it difficult because then being raised first and then everybody else falling on the stage that is kind of a separation between the parents and the children. Right. And scholars also had this interesting objection, because here you have him protecting his parents. Here you have him honoring his

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Parents, so he would have a hard time accepting his parents doing science.

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Right? Because he just it's that's the opposite, right? They're humbling themselves before him. But all of everything that's been said so far is he's humbling himself before them. He's not humbling himself before his brothers. But he certainly is humbling himself before the parents. Now, I suggested this to, as we were discussing this with souhei. The five came to me to go back to the I have the dream, right where this all started. It's interesting that in the ayah, here's the language in Nila Ito, I had a shadow cabin, I saw 11 stars was shumsa. Along with you could translate this 11 stars along with the sun and the moon. Okay, I mean, I used along with like, wow, and Marissa. Okay,

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I saw 11 stars, not only 11 stars, I also saw the sun and the moon. But then he stops. And he says at home Lisa Jean. I saw them doing such the towards me. Okay, that's that's the word. That's the verbiage now, you see, I translated I saw them.

00:41:06 --> 00:41:18

Now, think of it in English. I saw 11 star, here's what is not said let me qualify. Here's what is not said. I saw 11 stars, the sun and the moon prostrating before me.

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That is what is not said, here's what is said. I saw 11 stars.

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And along with the 11 stars, the sun and the moon to

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I saw them doing such that to me.

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I saw them doing such that to me. So the word them has been repeated. This time, the word them represents something that has been mentioned before. But it can the word them creates an grammatical ambiguity, you can look at it as all of them. That says that to me, you can also look at it as I saw 11 stars. And by the way, the 11 stars, when I could also see was the sun in the moon, not only the 11 stars. But coming back to the 11 stars. I saw them doing that to me. So that them could actually just pick on the 11 stars and skip the parents in potentially in the language of the IRA Originally, it can be looked at that way. There's a possibility. And I actually personally like that

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possibility, because it solves the problem of use of La Salaam not accepting why, you know, put yourself in that position. How would you accept your father or mother or someone in the mother's position to be humbled before you when you're going out of your way to what? honor them? And even if they were tried to do that, no, not you that not you? Not you? That's natural, right? That's what you would expect to have happen? Not like he's humbled before, and he says that this is what it meant.

00:42:47 --> 00:43:24

Like, that's not that doesn't seem to add up very well. Right. But others have tried to stick to the even the parents fell into that which is a plausible yet possible explanation. These are both very possible is what I'm saying. And if you stick with that explanation, they have to explain how could he accept? You know, we, in our religion, understand parent children showing humility to parents? How is this scenario Okay, where the parents are showing humility to the child? Well, that's because then they compare this to the example of Ibrahim Ali Salaam, when Abraham Lincoln was told to slaughter his son, you just do what you're told, doesn't matter who's in what position the child has

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a right to be protected, a child has a right to be kept safe, the child has a right to the last place they should be hurt by from is the parent, but the command is to slaughter your child, right? But when Allah commands something you do as you're told, and your feelings and other things that were normal, outside of that are out the window because Allah commanded it. So because Yaqoob knew that this is a dream from Allah from before. Because as soon as you said the dream to him in the beginning of the story, yeah, who knew this is revelation, which is why he said, Allah will complete his favor on you. Right? So he knows this is revelation. And revelation of a prophet is a command is

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revelation, you know, a dream of a prophet rather, is a command, it's revelation. And Yaqoob now knows from Revelation, this is the time, this is the moment. So he's actually not humbling himself, in all of what's happened with use of he, the interpretation is he's obeying a loss command to fall in such that, which he knew about from the dream.

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And so therefore, use of is not having a problem stopping him, because Yusuf also understands that this is him obeying ls command. And so that's the reconciliation if you say the parents did do such die, in fact, that would be the reconciliation. So those are both views that I've kind of put before you. Okay. So now,

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the fifth view is that such that was done, it was normal back in the day for honoring somebody and this is understandable in the in the time of kings, even in the Bible, you have people that are humbled before somebody or honoring somebody, they fall in frustration. So they say that this was just a thing that was done. It had nothing to do with worship. And that's an opinion and but

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The rejection of that is, if that was the case, then use of should be doing such that his father before he could do such that to him, because if it's the idea of honoring someone, then the child should honor the parent before the parent even honors the child. Right. So the fact that we don't see use of do that is also kind of indication that that may not be the rationale behind that such though. So even Razi kind of mentioned that objection to that view, to begin with.

00:45:26 --> 00:45:29

He prostrated now this is an interesting add on

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the idea that the such that should be done, let's go with the idea that it was revealed that the such that should be done right. If you go with that idea. The brothers don't know about the dream still. Because remember, in the beginning, the father said, don't tell your sons don't tell your brothers the dream. So the only one who knows that says that should be happening is the Father. And it's not like the brothers are so spiritually inclined, that they are immediately going to fall into such that if that was, in my opinion, the time to fall into such design, humility was the first time when he said I am your brother.

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Right? I am use of and this is my brother, no harm shall fall on you today. That was the ultimate humility for them. And that's the time they should have fallen into such that actually, because that's when it really dawned on them, right? It's not like it's dawned on them now. It dawned on them back then.

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So then, what is this? How did this work? How did this actually play out? Well, the way it played out, perhaps, is that Yahuwah is Salam recognizes that Allah has alleviated all of his grief, and all of his pain. And he has made shaytans plot to destroy this family failed. And in recognition of laws favor on him, he is not only obeying a loss command, he's falling into such that out of gratitude.

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He's falling into so he's out of gratitude to Allah.

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And, and the gratitude to a lot towards the the blessing, the blessing being useful. Right. And in doing so, he's actually setting an example for his sons to do the same. Like he's leading by example, by doing that. So he falls into such that, and the sons realized that they should fall into such that also. But the rationale in number six, as you mentioned, is an interesting thing. He says that the Father may have recognized that even though socially, in the worldly sense, the brothers have been humbled, they may still have agitation and pride within them. That man, we have to humble ourselves before him. And he wants to kill any element of pride or agony inside of them, that they

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are now subdued by the brother that they try to get rid of, by first humbling himself and Greg, in gratitude to Allah, and letting that pride be killed and let them fall in fall in line, like leading them by example. So that's the kind of the scenario being he went first also, because he was the only one who knew that such that should be done. And then the rest of them followed into such that.

00:47:59 --> 00:48:07

Okay, so the seven was actually something I already illustrated, that ally instructed him and jacobellis went along. Now, I'm going to read the one that I liked the most.

00:48:08 --> 00:48:51

And I'll combine from everything I told you guys, okay. Otherwise, well, oh, well, the first interpretation, the first possibility, well, who are going with me and doesn't and it's the statement of women at BuzzFeed rewired the data in the right narration, transmitted by ATA, another more I'd be having an eye on the home, Hulu HD, which is such a, such a delight IRA, that they fell, fell to him is actually fell because of him, because of having found him and they bow down to Allah will house a little column and what you get from that interpretation. And Nevada sujood can also do then the shocker that this says that was simply this frustration was simply a frustration of

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gratitude file must you do Lahu Allah and the one being frustrated to actually is Allah, Allah Allah Delica solute in the mcanally? Actually he because that's such that was and it was only being done because of what he did with us. But the legal Allah say had he had that will. And the the evidence that makes this a more substantiated interpretation is a Nicola who in that he said, What about where he or she will have rula who sued Jaden that he raised his parents on the throne and they fell because of him and in frustration, machinery alone. Give making one feel the unknown sorry, do danika sorry that they had already raised up climbed up on the on the throne. The parents had

00:49:36 --> 00:49:45

already climbed up on the throne through massage a doula who then they frustrated because of him well under him such a dual use of less as a doula who fabulous

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and had they frustrated to use have they would have done so before getting up on the throne

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because the direction towards Youssef would be off the throne not on the throne

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00:50:00 --> 00:50:39

Another Luca Luca tada because that would be more appropriate in demonstrating humility for in our lufa habit that will allow you to be cocola who will color Yeah, but he had a little trouble. And if people contend with this interpretation saying this doesn't go along with what was said after that, my father This is the interpretation of my vision from so long ago, when What do you mean who in your eye to either Ashoka cabin was Sam Sowell Kamara, Tony Sadie, and the meaning of that being that I saw 11 stars the sun in the moon prostrating Bala balharshah Metallica, no, it does go along with that original dream, where your guru morado mean who and the interpretation of the meaning of

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that dream would be mean only he was shumsa will come up right only suggesting that the sun and the moon I saw all of them doing such that because of me, not to me. So the original meaning would have been because of me to begin with, which means this interpretation would go along with it. Such a deadly law he the Pahlavi Musleh, hottie was set up Allah Eman sabi, they prostrated to Allah, because of you know, because to seek, you know, Muslim it was when they said if Allah Eman sabi and you know, in order to understand the, you know, the effort that was put in, you know, in the works that were put into raise me to my status, what kind of had them thermal and sakata solar energy and

00:51:23 --> 00:52:05

how that that we are yet and if that is the possibility, then the, the idea that this interpretation, this can really be the only right interpretation, the unknown, Yarbrough domain occlusive, because as far as I know, this is it, because it seems impossible for me from the mind of use of Medina he from his thought process and his religion, and yada B and yesterday Allah who Abou masaba, t fiocco, pelada. Wash a hookah? Well, what Dean welcome, I didn't know that he would be content with his father bowing down to for him in such that knowing that he is takes precedence over him in the rite of parenthood, in old age, in knowledge in religion, and in the completion of

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prophecy, meaning he's a prophet senior to him. So because of all of those reasons, I don't see that the mind of use of would accept such that, even out of that interpretation, that he understands this interpretation to mean that the father didn't actually bow down that they did, and they did so also because of use of not to use of so that's a really beautiful add on to and that's number one, in Rosie's opinion that that's the one he finds most convincing. And that's what's happened here. They have now fallen off. Before you surprise some parents are up on the throne, both of them right. And what does he do, as well, but I'm gonna end well, I was going to talk to you about part of this. And

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even part of this, it took a long time. But I do want to cover this part because this shouldn't take long. Well, Carla, and he said, Yeah, but my beloved father.

00:52:55 --> 00:53:40

It's so cool, because the last time we heard Yeah, but he was Yeah, but he in Neela. I had Ashoka and my beloved father, I saw 11 stars, the sun of the moon. Now he says, My beloved father, I see 11 stars, the sun and the moon. Right. So it was years years ago, it was I saw, and it was with fear, anxiety. I'm not sure what this means. And now so many years later, when he says yeah, but the it echoes that. Yeah, but he from so many years ago, it's as if in his mind, even though he's a grown adult, running a country, he's back to being that child again. And he's in the company of his beloved father again. And it's all about that dream all over again. That conversation is now echoed

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again. And he says that we literally I am incapable. This was behind this is the interpretation behind my vision from so long ago. That this is what it meant.

00:53:53 --> 00:53:56

Oh my god, Dad, this is what it meant.

00:53:57 --> 00:54:26

I came to you with a question about what it meant. Remember, and you said, Allah will complete your favorite his favor on you. Now listen to not just a dream. Listen to what yaku saw was behind the dream. Let me pull it open. You need to just connect these dots. It's so powerful. When he said this to his father. He said workaholic alleged to be caraga Listen to these words again now. That is how Allah has selected you for a special task.

00:54:27 --> 00:54:59

Do you see use of being selected for special tasks all along? Well, you are allowed to come into Hades and this is how he's gonna be teaching you the interpretation of all kinds of speech. Did you see that all along? Well, you Tim will never matter who I like and he will make sure the favor on you has been completed. He will complete his favor on you. Then you keep on completing this favor. Piece by piece by piece every every Lego piece every puzzle piece kept coming closer and closer to completion. where Allah Allah jacoba Listen to this. He will complete his favor on you and on the family of yaku

00:55:00 --> 00:55:40

Now under family of Yaqoob, you could say is who the family of your quarters is other kids. It's his wife. It's their kids in the future. What I love Kamata Maha love and it's not the family of your coop is not the fathers of Jakub. How do we know that come out at ama? How about we come in? Like he completed it on your father, your both your father's from so long ago, Ibrahim and his hop, wait, that means the family of Yahoo is something else. And the fathers of Yahoo in the phrase or something else, the family of your obeys, Allah is going to do you a huge favor, and who else? All of them a huge favor.

00:55:41 --> 00:55:49

That's what your food said. So long ago. jacoba, asylums words fit like a glove to what's happening right now.

00:55:51 --> 00:56:12

And now he, because that's what Yaqoob said, generally speaking, in abstract terms, in a lot of grand plan terms, not the specifics, because Yahoo can't know the specifics. But what Allah has revealed to him is, he's going to complete his favor, you're going to learn interpretation of all kinds of speech, he's going to complete his favor, not just on you on the entire family of Jacob, the entire family of Jacob is blessed.

00:56:14 --> 00:56:29

Then you find later on Yaqoob saying, I saw as Allahu, and yet he and he beat him, Jimmy, maybe Allah will bring all of them to me, hopefully a level bring all of them to me. And they call them crazy. But he knew from the beginning this favorites for the entire family.

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It's all gonna work out in the end. And now he turns to that he remembers what that that said so long ago, not only a favor on me, but a favor on everyone. And so he turns to dad and he says, what he says to him that we have in common, this is the interpretation of my dream from so long ago my vision from so long ago, Khadija Allah hora B Ha ha, my master has made it all real. can also mean made it all true? made it all materialized. Now, what has allowed me true the dream right? But look at it in a deeper way. Allah has taken something that was seen a dream and turned it into reality over the last couple of decades, or 30 years or 40 however long it was, let's not even go into what

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how many years? Who cares? That's not the issue. The issue is a lifetime of struggle. He looks back at that lifetime of struggle. And now the way he looks at all of that tragedy is inside this one phrase that was alarm making it real

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it's not just right now they're doing such that therefore their dream has become real that's become a reality it's been it's been proven true. But he's actually even commenting Allah was making a true all along it says if you see the final building and now you look back at the struggle of the construction

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and while the construction is happening, you don't know what the final product is going to look like the architect knows you don't know you he just tells you put the brick here put the brick here. I wonder how this is gonna work. You don't see the final product he does analysis. It is the final product you exactly exactly what you said so many years ago, not only what I saw, what you thought it meant has been made real has been brought into reality of john O'Hara B haka.

00:58:18 --> 00:58:41

And Huck also actually means purpose in areas so cool. Oh, he could have said where jala Robbie said cazalla hora de su con truth. Alameda true. My dream came true. And this is the word that's used for those who lost I saw him when he saw the dream la casa de la hora de la jolla. Right Allah Allah was made the dream of the prophets of Salaam true.

00:58:42 --> 00:59:14

But here instead of Cid, which is the word for truth, Huck is used, which is the word for truth. And Huck is a little bit different from simple for a few reasons. But one of them that I want to highlight to you right now is that it actually means purpose. Allah made this dream come true. He made it into something purposeful. Every event happened for a purpose. And the final purpose actually was that good would come to this entire family. And they will be humbled before a lot. They will recognize a lot, they will remove shavon from their hearts.

00:59:15 --> 00:59:22

And so Allah made that a purpose for all of them to it wasn't just purposeful for me. It wasn't just purposeful for you. It was purposeful for the entire family.

00:59:23 --> 00:59:43

And along with that, there was a massive purpose serve for the people of Egypt. There was a massive purpose serve for future generations to come. You know, it's interesting that this is this is the dream and this is the reason for which the entire legacy of the Israelites and of prophecy continues.

00:59:44 --> 00:59:59

Because their entire saga happens because these brothers were united. That's why they became the 12 tribes of Israel right. And from now on, despite the infighting that will happen later on, the 12 tribes remained 12 tribes 12 brothers remain 12 brothers 12 families that stick together

01:00:00 --> 01:00:29

Are all of their tribes, the tribes, they remain 12 tribes, and the profits that come speak to all 12 tribes, regardless of which tribe they come from, which one of the 12 tribes they come from? So, Ali aku, the future lineages of yaku, all of that favorite started with his dream, the legacy of the Israelites has been initiated of a law continuing the chain of prophets prophesy from within their, you know, their generations. ajala harrowby haka. Allah has made it come true.

01:00:31 --> 01:00:49

And this is actually, you know, the most natural reading of it is the excitement of someone who's reminiscing the moment of their childhood. And yeah, it's not a statement of fact, it's not Calum Huberty, like, by the way that this is what it meant. You see now eliminated true. No, no, this

01:00:50 --> 01:00:51


01:00:52 --> 01:00:54

this is what it meant.

01:00:55 --> 01:01:06

all real. Look at Oh, let me do it all real. It's the statement of excitement of love. when something like that happens, it could be as if it's a statement of fact, yes, I know, son, obviously.

01:01:07 --> 01:01:51

He's not informing his dad. He's expressing his excitement, his humility is all of Allah, putting everything all the pieces together in this remarkable way. And so he has this moment with his father. So it's remarkable as things are tying together, you've got the story started with a moment with the Father. And it's, you know, culminating with a moment with the Father, and it opened up with your buddy, my beloved father, and it's about to close with ya, Betty. It's also interesting that the reverse has happened. There, he saw 11 stars, then the sun and the moon. Here, he takes the sun and the moon and addresses them first, and then the 11 stars. So it's like the mirror image of

01:01:51 --> 01:02:26

what started in the beginning, and I haven't even talked to you about the structure and the coherence of the soul. That's a later project inshallah, we'll we'll do that as part of this series. But some things just stick out so glaringly. You just have to mention them. So cazalla, or B haka. And from here, we get some just incredible speech from Yusuf Ali Salaam, and he's going to be talking to his father, which is even more incredible. He's not talking to everybody. He's talking to his dad and what he's about to say. So this is a personal conversation between two victims. Look at it that way. Two victims are going to talk to each other. And that's what we're going to talk about

01:02:26 --> 01:02:55

in cello. Tata in our next session, how are they going to talk about what happened with them? When when two victims talk to each other? Typically, how do they talk? And then we think look at these two victims, and see how they spoke. We're going to compare and contrast what typically happens and what happens with these to barakallahu li Welcome to quarantine Hakeem. When he will, it will kill him. Okay, okay, hold on. Hold on. This will be vertical. Let's see how far we can go vertically.

01:02:58 --> 01:03:00

Good, good. Okay.

01:03:03 --> 01:03:07

Okay, no, it's done. ended. All right. Oh my god.

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