Ismail Kamdar – My Favorite Time Management Tips

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The speaker shares their personal favorite time management tips for their book, which has benefitted thousands of readers worldwide. They recommend the two-minute rule, dedicating time to tasks and automating work, and speed reading to improve listening skills. They also suggest hiring people to do tasks that are easier for the computer.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. So today, I want to share with you some of my personal favorite time management tips from my book, getting the Baraka and Islamic guide to time management. This book I wrote it about five years ago, it is one of my best selling books and has benefited 1000s of readers around the world, it's been published under three different names, getting the Baraka, that's the original title, you can find it with this title at my website, Islamic self help calm. It's also available in Bangladesh, under the name time management and on Amazon, under the name time management and Baraka in Islam. So, in this book, I discussed many, many different time

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management tools and tips. And I just want to go over a few of my favorites here today, starting with really one of my personal favorite tips, which is the two minute rule. So the two minute rule basically means that if there's something you need to get done, and it will take you less than two minutes to do it, just do it straightaway, just do it straight away and get it out of the way, get it over and done with. So if you're thinking, I need to call that guy, I need to call that guy, I need to call that guy and you know, it'll take you just two minutes to call that guy. Instead of letting it clear in your mind for two or three or four hours, just do it and get it over with it's

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done. Now you can think about something else, you can do something else, you can focus on something else. So the two minute rule is one of my personal favorite time management rules, it really helps to declutter the mind, and keep you focused on your bigger, more long term projects by just getting all the two minute tasks out of the way as early in the day as possible. The second tip from this book, which I really enjoy doing, is delegating and automating. So I have a slogan, which is whatever can be automated, should be automated. So if you can find a way to get the computer or a machine to do your work for you do that, so that you don't have to do it yourself. There are so many

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things that I used to do myself that I don't even have to think about anymore, it's all been programmed to just get done on its own. As a result, I'm able to do 234 times the amount of stuff in a day than I used to in the past. So automation is really one of the advantages we have in this era to get more done in the day than we think is possible. Just look at your life, look at the amount of tasks you are doing, that your computer could be doing for you, you could get some software to do it for you. And for those things that you can't get the computer to do for you. You could hire people to do for you if you can afford it. So if your time is more important to you than your money, and

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you can afford it, hire people to do tasks that you don't want to do yourself. So you have more time to focus on the tasks that are important to you. So automation and delegation, they really free up a lot of time, they help you to basically get two or three days worth of work done in a single day. Because you're not just doing it yourself. You've delegated work to other people you've given work to the computer, you have certain things automated, so you're able to get more done in a day that seemed humanly possible to others. A third time management tool for my book, which I still use writer today and which I still benefit from writing trial today is speed reading,

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and speed listening. So I try to read about 50 books a year. And I also try to listen to a podcast every day. And sometimes I don't have enough time in the day to do this. So what do I do with the podcast is I play them at double speed. So I can listen to a 16 minute podcast in 30 minutes. Same with reading. If I find that the book I'm reading the next few pages the next few chapters are things I already know things I've already learned from other books. I just speed read it. It basically becomes revision. So speed reading means you don't let the voice in your head reading out loud. You just move your eyes over the light and your subconscious is picking it up and reading it

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for you. That takes some time. It takes some practice but you can get into that. You'll be able to read a lot more books in a year and listen to a lot more podcasts. So that's it. Yeah, that's a few tips for my book getting the Baraka. It's available at the link below. You can get it also from Amazon under the name time and time management and Baraka in Islam. Hope you found this beneficial Jazakallah Pharaoh salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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