Ismail Kamdar – Inspirations From The Righteous – 4

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The conversation discusses the importance of educating children on the topic of sex before marriage and establishing close relationships with family members. It also touches on the complexion of human connection and how it can be revealed through language, with a focus on the dark work movie The Dark Work. The speakers emphasize the importance of giving gifts and not criticizing people for their actions. They also discuss the importance of understanding the complexion of human connection and how it can be revealed through language, using the example of the dark work movie.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam wa rahmatullah al Ameen momento via de la jolla San Isla, you may begin by creating a lawsuit by hand over the Allah and asking him to save his peace and blessings upon the final prophet Mohammed bin Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and all those will follow his way with righteousness until the last day, like to thank each and every one of you for being here with us today and hamdulillah as we

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enter the fourth and the final lecture, for now on the life of Ayesha or de la. inshallah, from Next week, we'll begin looking at the lives of other important figures in Islamic history. Perhaps one day in the future, we will get back to discussing other stories from the life of Ayesha below and how because her life has been documented in so many details, that is really not possible for us to cover in this short period of time. So what I decided to cover in this final lecture is to look at some stories about her life, which are not commonly not commonly known among society. So the three stories, which I have taken to look at and discuss today,

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it required a lot of detailed research for me to actually find these stories. Because they aren't readily available in the English history books. I had to dig deep into some of the Arabic books. And I'm really I myself learned quite a bit during the research. And the first two stories are going to focus on Ayesha regular on Hi, as a teacher,

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you see most of the stories that we are familiar with about her life, about her life as the wife of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But as we analyze her life, in terms of how long it was, she spent about 10 years as the wife of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam perhaps a bit shorter, and after about 40, or 50 years as a widow, teaching and educating the community, which means the bulk of her life was after his death. But we don't know as much stories about that part of her life as we do when it comes to her relationship with food or loss of value. So no, and the reason for that is really simple. That generally when we study Islam, we focus on the Sierra and the Hadees. We focus

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on Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. So when we learn about other words, the Sahaba, we learn about the interactions with him. However, in our history, books, a lot has been rated about Asia after or feudalism allowed to pass away. And the main thing about that period, is that she dedicated this period, the next 40 or 50 years of her life, to serve as an educator to the oma. We go back to the title there are lots of a Hannah what Allah gave the wife of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Quran. And that title is Maha, meaning the mothers of the believers. And so we see in their lives, particularly in the life of Ayesha, that they, they took this as a responsibility, they

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regarded themselves as the mothers to the rest of the coma. And the way they interacted with the rest of the oma was the mother advising and teaching and guiding her child to grow up. And so I shall read it. From a very young age, she had taken up this responsibility from the age of 18. She is now an educator teaching and training. And so she is amongst the greatest of the Hadith scholars speaks all the 10th of sea scholars amongst the Sahaba even Cassie Rahim, Allah mentioned that I shall was the most knowledgeable woman of her generation and her students like have substantive theory, and I shall be told her, we amongst the most knowledgeable woman amongst the web.

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So what I want to focus on right now is Ayesha rajala, as a teacher, particularly

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one of her students and that is Ayesha with dibala.

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Who as

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I said, the entirety yesterday trying to find out what I should have been taught how because this is nothing about in English, there's really nothing about in English as a handler when you open the history books in Arabic. There are a lot of amazing revelations about the female scholars of the past. I shall be the daughter

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was the daughter of Taha been Obaidullah?

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And you won't tell me who was called hubbing Obaidullah.

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Very famous individual.

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He was one of the asuran Bashara one of the 10 who were given the grand hiding agenda. Right have been Obaidullah one of the early converts to Islam. One of the 10 men were given the glad tidings of gender. So I shall father was a little bit lucky as I shoved into one of the davine Alright, hope

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was not having Obaidullah her mother was

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the daughter of Abu Bakar meaning her mother was Asia's sister.

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Right? Okay, so don't have HIV that her father was one of the ashram oversharer and her mother was the sister of Ayesha Vidya. Right so this makes her eyeshadows nice. mesa is nice. And I should have been the doctor is amongst the Hadith scholars who are underrated who are interested in terms of her narrations about insertable honey in the iPhone in the water family, they are gone in the mud. They are found in the major books of Hades. All of these narrations are from Asia, which means whenever she learned from Heidi, she learned from Asia there was the only teacher in terms of Hades, I shall be data was regarded as one of the scholars amongst the derby. And

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she lived a very long life. Some of the biographer say she lived for 110 years. Allah knows best if that is correct or not. As I mentioned before, with the Sahaba, the Tabby, it's difficult to calculate the age because he did not have ID documents. He did not have birthday celebrations didn't really worry about these things. So we look back historically, there's always a difference of opinion on people's ages. Right? So most colonists he lived a very long life approximately 110 years, she had only one child and drought he lives he has altogether three husbands. Right? She was married to one he passed away she was remarried to another he passed away and she married another

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and for some reason, every biography of hers in the classical books, they all say the same thing. Every biography says about her. She was one of the most beautiful women of her generation. Right. So I submitted her was known for her knowledge and for her beauty. And

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just to give you an idea, before we go into the actual stories of Ayesha Vito has relationship with Isola distributing ideas idea of how highly she was regarded by the Muslims at a time. The very interesting story that took place.

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About the sense of you have to be regular.

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So they will even allow was one of the ashram wabasha one of the 10 even the glad tidings of Jenga. He had three famous sons, Abdullah, Cordova, and Musab Abdullah, even severe Cordova, even rubella and Musab even Ruby. These were the three famous sons of Ruby even a one.

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Now when these three men were young, when they were youngsters, they were hanging out with Abdullah even Omar Omar Abu Hamza, the four of them were hanging out the youngsters and they were having a discussion about their aspirations and their goals in life. right the the youngsters getting together to have the master hava to the mecca been getting together and discussing what are the goals whether their aspirations in life. So Abdullah says, I hope to one day become the halifa

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or even rebels is our hope that one day people will take knowledge from me.

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Musab even liberal says. I hope that one day I'll be the ruler of Iraq, and that our family both Ayesha Binda, tala and Sakina, the daughter of Hussein

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and then

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Abdullah Ahmed says As for me, I just hope Allah forgives me.

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The narrator of this hadith says each of them got what they asked for, or what they chased after meaning Abdullah even rebel. He is known as the seventh Sahabi to become Khalif the halifa. Right. So he studied dispute over whether he's accepted as a colleague or not. But we will see he was disabled, so happy to take up the title of ameerul momineen. The title of a Khalifa Abdullah able to be able to be we spoke about him three weeks ago. He was also a student of Asia and he became one of the leading scholars amongst the Sahaba. So he got what you wanted. There was when people did acknowledge him.

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Abdullah even over insha Allah has forgiven him because he was one of the Sahaba.

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Musab even Rubio became the ruler of Iraq. And after he became the ruler of Iraq, he married her and he married Sakina into Hussein, and he also achieved his goals. So before we actually link the story back to the topic, very important lesson we can take right away from the story. And that is the Sahaba raised the children such that they had high goals in life. Do we worry about the young people today? Why are the young Muslims so loss? I can see one clear reason why the young people are lost is because we haven't given them goals and aspirations. They literally don't know what to do with their lives. Many young Muslims are just going through the

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Not knowing at all what to do tomorrow what to do the next day, no goals, no aspirations, no dreams, no vision. What do you expect him to do? The Sahaba were not like that to be even a word from the Russian oversharer. He raised his son such that when they used to get together and have a conversation, one is talking about becoming a believer, when he's talking about becoming a scholar, one is talking about becoming the ruler of Iraq, they had high goals. And because they had high goals, they grew up to be righteous men, and they grew up to accomplish their goals. So right here, we take a parenting lesson that if you want your children to accomplish a lot in their lives, from a

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young age, teach them to aim high. Teach him to aim high. Teach him to have high goals, don't set the goal for them. Don't tell them I want you to become a doctor. I want you to become a Holic No.

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Teach them the correct principles of life and models of life so that they themselves will set high goals and she's opted

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to not tell his sons what to become. He taught him to be good Muslims and to aim high. So one of them became the halifa. One of them became a scholar, one of them became the ruler of Iraq. This was the kind of parenting that the Sahaba had. So how does this relate to our topic? The fact that when these people are actually talking about their goals, are we talking about such high goals? The one is talking about becoming halifa. One is talking about becoming a scholar was the third one once he wants to marry.

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And Sakina b2c and so intimate intimacy is the great granddaughter of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam one of the most pious women of her generation, right? So

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he wanted to marry and alima I shall call her and an Aveda a worship of Allah Sakina Vidya Hussain, the fact is that I shall mean that Allah has such a high reputation amongst the men and women of that time that people are men actually made it his goal in life, that you're going to become the governor of Iraq and Mexico. And he ended up accomplishing that goal. So this shows you how high how highly the men of that time talked about Asia with the dollar. So this is not an ordinary woman. Right. So I shall be

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one of the reasons why she was so close to Russia or the law was because she was her niece, right of course being nice and and they had a very close relationship. And you see this throughout the life of HIV. They recovered, you know, one half that she has a very close relationship with her nephews and her nieces, and a very open relationship with her nephews and nieces. So I want to take you on to a story that took place on when I shall bring the doll How was younger, when she was married to her first husband, Abdullah even Abdul Rahman even Habiba? Right, the son of Abdul Rahman, even Abu Bakar, meaning the nephew of Ayesha. So I shall be the DA was married to her first cousin, Abdullah

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Abdul Rahman. And that makes Ayesha, the aunt of both of them. So this is her nephew married to a niece, right because they're first cousins. So the Sony I want to mention is found in the water of Mr. Malik. And Malik reads from his teacher, who narrated from his teacher, who narrated from HIV to tell her that once during the month of Ramadan, I shall rangeela one How was hanging out we can see in the house of Ayesha beta by the way together in our house talking whether we do it with the month of Ramadan, and I shall be the daughter has husband, Abdulla even have the right man at home. He came home, he greeted him he went to into the room. So I should read the law on her. She calls

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Abdullah and she tells him what is stopping you from kissing your wife? and spending time with him joking around with her? So

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Abdullah has eyeshadow there, how am I allowed to kiss my wife while I am passing? And she replies Yes.

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Now this relation is found in the modern family in the chapter of fasting under the heading Are you allowed to kiss your wife as fasting? And we're not going to go into the thick of it. Right? I think that is quite clear on the peak of it. Right but just to give just to very briefly summarize the the scholars stages Heidi's and another Hadees from Ayesha together. And the other Hadees is where someone asked Aisha radiallahu anha if Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam used to kiss his wife while fasting, and she said yes. But then she clarified and said, well, which of you have the self control that he had? Right? So these scholars think both these pieces together and they say that, depending

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on the type of cases permissible fasting or not, right that just came home from work type of case is fine. A more passionate one is not. Now there's quite a few lessons you can take from the story, right? If you just put the freak aside, go into the actual essence of the story. And

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the first thing I noticed here is Ayesha, Rajan is a very open relationship with the nephews and nieces. You

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She was literally like a mother today. And in Islam, your aunts and your uncles have the status of a mother and father in your life. And so I showed her how she did not have any children of her own. She treated her nephews and nieces as if they were her own children. And she had a open relationship with them, she would correct them, she would teach them, she would talk to them about these issues. So we learn Firstly, from there

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an issue in parenting, for even being an uncle.

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And that is that you need to establish such a close relationship with the young people in the family, that you can talk to them about issues that are important. I Sharon, and she had a very close relationship with them into adulthood. And you can see her with Abdullah as well. Right? And you notice that he was a teacher at all times. She was a teacher at all times, you're not just a teacher, you know, when it came time to for the classes, because you get some people that will use class time the the teacher mode and outside class and they have a different personality. This is not class, same, right. I Sharona she had the class in which you would teach people how nice of him.

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This is her hanging out in a nice house and telling a nephew something and this becomes the Hollies, which ends up in the books are fake, and you use to prove a fake point, meaning that my entire life was teaching people. This is how her life was, she will not miss an opportunity to teach people things which was very beneficial for them.

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The third lesson you take from the story is just how different the culture of the Sahaba was from our culture, when it came to these topics, that the Sahaba and the many other Hadees is like this Rasulullah celemony Sahaba, they did not regard it as a taboo as something bad to talk to your children or the youngsters about these topics, about romance about loud, about intimacy, the educated the young people on these topics, right. And this was the culture didn't do anything, you know anything to feel shy about anything to feel bad about. Right? For example, in another generation, when I showed you and I was teaching her nephew, oh, and she said that Rasulullah

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sallallahu Sallam used to kiss his wife, after making we do before going for Salah, or we're joking, he told her, he must have been new. And she said the blessing, a blessing, right? Because your nephew. So you see, they had this open relationship with your nephews and nieces and with their children. So the point I'm trying to get to here is if you look in the time that we are living in,

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we living in a time where the youngsters are growing up in a world where on one hand, we have an ultra conservative Muslim society, which does not mention anything about these topics. Literally, here we have people who are like 18 years old, and their parents will act like this topic doesn't exist, right. Whereas if the child has no desires, and on the other hand, they are growing up in a society or Western society, where they are thought and shown every possible in morality from the time they are 18 years old, even younger, with the way technology is advancing. So what happens with these youngsters, we are not getting the Islamic perspective, the correct perspective, all these

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issues. Rather from a young age, we are taught the wrong perspective. They learn about intimacy through the television, through the internet, through their school friends. And the parents never say a word about it to them. So what happens to these youngsters, they grow up with a completely warped perception of all these topics, a completely warped perception. And they end up on one of two extremes. Either they get caught up in all of the wrong things. Or they begin to even look at the right things and wrong. Here, you begin to look at, for example, just the desire to be with a member of opposite gender as something bad, even in terms of marriage, right? Because they thought that

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this is a bad topic. And these are horrible. We're not like that. So this is a student that there needs to be revived in our time that parents have to talk to their children about these topics. You have to educate your children.

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You know how often nowadays when you counsel when you do counseling for young married couples, literally the people we counseled, sometimes they are married, and they don't even know what to expect after marriage, they had no clue at all what to expect after marriage, because nobody thought it at all. And you can eat unbelievable problems, you know, the amount of problems it creates in society. If just somebody sat him down and told him listen, you're getting married. This is what to expect to see what you do is you what not to do, you know, life would have been so much easier. But we don't talk about these topics. Right? The Sahaba were very different. The Sahaba would educate

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the children about these topics. today. It is even more important to educate your children about these topics. Because if the parents are not talking to the children about these topics, I guarantee you this good friends are the internet issuing them the television is showing them and what they are teaching him is the wrong perception. The wrong the immorality, right? It is teaching them the things the wrong way. Right Islam islamically you're supposed to be teaching your children to respect the opposite gender. The television is teaching them

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what would be the world in order to exploit the opposite gender in order to look at them in a very hyper sexualized fashion, right. So this becomes a problem. So, if you want to move forward, we need to revive the sooner of the Sahaba. And that is to talk openly about these topics. How many people today are actually comfortable to tell their child or to tell their nephew or niece that you should kiss your wife and you come home from work? Right? I shouldn't I didn't have a problem telling this to any to any of you. Because this was part of the culture this was part of the society. So this is a very, very important lesson that we can take from the story.

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The second story is related to the life of Ayesha Rachel and her

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and her relationship with HIV in the dollhouse is about

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how they dealt with and taught people in general. And this narration is found in other blue frog by Imam Al Bukhari, in the chapter on writing letters to woman

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now just a bit of background about this book.

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It's actually a book I really like to teach in the future inshallah.

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It will move on is Mr. McCarthy's second most famous book, most of us know Mr. McCarney for his sake, Sahil Gokhale. But besides that he'll Gokhale, he wrote many other books. His second most famous book is

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the book of manners, is an entire book devoted to stories from rasulillah systems live from the sahabas life and Hades has to do with good manners. The entire book is all about good manners. It's a excellent book to get hold of. It's available in the English language in many different

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bookstores. It's been translated 100 law, I would definitely recommend people to get hold of other women fraud and to use it to teach your family about good manners. So in this book on good manners by Mr. McCarney, there is a chapter on is it permissible for men and women to correspond? Right? And the proof that he brings for it to be permissible is the duration of HIV they tell her and her and how she used to assist I shall be the Amoeba teaching to people. Remember, we said I shall be the Amoeba her life after the death of someone took she passed away. Her role in that part of her life was that of a teacher. And she taught people in a variety of different ways. One of the ways that

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she taught people was to answer the q&a violators, especially those people who live very far away some of the today like how we answer via email, right? So the letters used to come to a shop and people knew that I shall be in Doha would spend a lot of time with I shall read the law. And there was a better chance of getting the questions answered in they asked me in detail how they knew they asked Ayesha Roger law because she was so busy, so I should have been the doctor and the rates. And she says that I used to spend a lot of time with Aisha radiallahu anha. And the older men in the community used to visit me, so they could learn from Ayesha, right. And the younger man used to

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treat me like the system. They used to treat me like the sister, and they would write letters to me regarding issues of fit and hoodies. And they used to send gifts along with these letters. And I would ask Ayesha, how do I respond to these letters? And I share with her what to respond meaning they will ask the frequent lady's question I show her then I would give her the reply. And she was color to send a gift along in exchange with the gift that they had sent. And if she did not have any, I shall regret I would send out one from her own site. Now, so many different angles to look at on this duration. This was the to explain what what I should maybe tell her in return. Basically,

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when I show me that all Jai Singh is she was known in the community to be the student of eyeshadow delana. She was known to be Ayesha student, and the one who people could gain access to eyeshadow, Joanna true, because she was her niece. So she was with her very often, right? So if people have questions, they will do right. If they were older, they will come and talk to you in person in your younger days to write letters to her. Right. Probably to avoid fitna because as I mentioned earlier, I should read it on how was very beautiful, right. So Generation Z, she never used to any cup. Right? So you should write letters to her instead. So she used to

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take the letters and she's going to Ayesha btw burger and I shall used to give the reply. These letters of course there are two issues of faith issues of Hadees. And this is how we have narrations reaching us from Asia without her to all different men from around the Muslim world through these letters, right. So this was a daily practice frequency. This was part of the lifestyle that they will get together. They go through the letters, I should give the reply. I should print it out. I would write it out. She would send it to the men and this is how they taught people who love women.

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Very far away. Right? So of course, the reason why Mr. Bukhari brought his actual duration into his book is to prove that correspondence between men and women via writing is permissible if there is benefit in it, right if it's something beneficial, right? So for example, in this case, issues of faith and ladies, right, if you are writing to a female scholar, to explain to you an issue, and she replied with another problem with that, right, and again, mentioned this a few weeks ago, that when it comes to interaction between males and females, we have the two extremes. And then we have the Islamic way in the middle, we have those people who say everything is haram. No, you can't even make

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salams you can't even help you. If you're in trouble, you know, no interaction at all. And this is not from the Sunnah, especially if you read the life of Ayesha Raja. Now you can clearly see this is

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the other extreme, the modern society where everything is halal. And everything goes in every interaction is there. And this, of course, is also not permissible. But Islam rather gives us a balanced model talk. Islam says you interact with the opposite gender in a respectable manner, when you need to write making Salaam another problem, you have a business deal to do. Now, the problem, if one is teaching you other, it's not a problem. As long as it's something beneficial, as long as there's respect, as long as the boundaries are not being violated, as long as as long as they are not alone together. As long as the no one is touching the next person, as long as the job is

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observed. As long as all of those things I did the interaction is permissible, if there's benefit in it. Right. And that is how the Sahaba dealt with each other. There are many, many generations of the males that have been interacting with the female Sahaba.

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So communication between the genders is permissible, if there is a good reason and the benefit, we don't need to go to either extreme on this issue, we take the middle path. And this Elise is actually brought in this chapter by Mr. Rouhani. To prove this point, which means the Mambo party has the same view, right? Because he named the chapter, the chapter of communicating with women via writing. And this is the only Hadees he brings in the chapter, meaning he's trying to show you that it's nothing wrong with you. It's possible. Right? So this is the main lesson from this.

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The second lesson we take from this is

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the issue of giving gifts.

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In Islam, giving gifts is a sin. It is a tsunami, the act of charity is act of reward. And it is a way of creating unity in the oma a way of creating unity. And this is a

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sooner which needs to be revived in our communities, because we have become a very disunited community, splitting hairs over every tiny issue. And we need to do whatever we can to reunite. And also the early Muslims are such that even if somebody hated them, even if somebody was fighting with them, you know, they would try to break the ice by sending that person a gift cinema give something Saliba, right. And of course today, especially in marriage, especially for the brothers in marriage, if you're having a problem, send your wife a small gift, right? And it normally softens that I was the other way around as well. But men normally want bigger gifts, like he's not interested in

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smaller gifts like chocolates and flowers, right? But

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giving a gift is something which is beneficial at work, you know, you've got a problem with a co worker, send him or her gift, you know, and you'll see that the problem will slowly go away because the human nature is such that if somebody gives you a gift, your heart softens towards an individual and Rasulullah. So lets them use this as a Dawa tactic. Now if you look at the categories of soccer, as I mentioned in Surah, tauba, Surah Tauba Do you have the seven category category loves aka. And one of the categories mentioned here, most of us just know the first one, right, the poor and the destitute. But there's other categories as well, like the Mujahideen and the people who collect

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soccer and that sort of thing. But one of the categories mentioned is to win over the hearts of non Muslims, meaning Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam used to give non Muslims gifts from the soccer money to soften the hearts towards Islam. right because he understood the concept that giving gifts stuck on people's hearts. It wasn't only from the soccer man he was even in general, he would give people gifts. This was a norm in this society at a time when people interacted with each other, they would bring gifts. So because this was an established norm in the society, this was the norm of the times people will feel bad to send a letter about a big issue and not send a gift along with it because

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that is going to take her time to read the letter to to work out the answer to write the answer and to reply. So in exchange for that time that is dedicated to serving others in the least they could do from their side. Surely appreciation wants to send a gift. Right? So this is what they used to do. So these men used to send gifts to the letters for Ayesha, Ayesha Baccarat and I show up in the abubaker

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You should tell, I shall be taught how to always send a gift back.

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Not the same deal producing a new gift to the person who's in the market. Why? Because this is in addition, if someone does good to you, you should do a similar good or better good to them. So if someone sends you a gift, you should send him a better gift. Right? So if you if someone in your family gave you a gift, you should respond to the better gift. And this is a student of,

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of Rasulullah saw so many Sahaba and this is the lifestyle of Ayesha Raja By the way, I Sharon, you know, and how do we be most of the time talking about a knowledge and talking about you as a scholar. She was also known for her generosity.

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Very generous woman. Because in the time of the Holocaust, she didn't, and at the time of Kilauea rajala, who during this period, the Khalif would give Ayesha, a huge monthly salary. Right? All the waves of lawsuits and they all receive the huge monthly salary from the believer, right when it was over.

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They all did this, they all give the rise of a very huge salary. But I shall live a very simple life, and very often should have no food in our house. Why?

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Because she used to give her salary away in charity. Whenever she has you give me the charity. Very beautiful story.

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That once the lady came to the house of Ayesha, during the lifetime of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam Biggie, and this lady had two small girls with her two daughters, small daughters with her and they were crying out of hunger.

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So I sharada did not have anything to give them except three dates. Right? So she gave her the three dates. This lady gave one date to one of her daughters and one day to the other daughter. And they both aged up and they were still hungry.

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So this lady, a poor lady, destitute lady, no money, she only got one day left, what does she do, she brings it in half, he gives half to one daughter and one other half to the other daughter, and she goes hungry.

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So I Sharon, Jana was very touched by this incident. And she narrated it to Rasulullah. So how many came home. And he said that because of this, Allah will give her agenda

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now because of kindness to a stranger, because of our kindness to our own daughters. And very often we don't think about our own children as a way to gentle preferring your own children over yourself, doing good for them. You know, Rasulullah said the best money you can spend Is that what you spend on your own family?

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Right. And in the explanation of this hadith scholars bring up their narration I just mentioned that just because this woman chose to feed her children's hunger and to go hungry herself. Rasulullah Salallahu Islam see that this was enough to an agenda. Now this is and is many other stories of the of the generosity of Ayesha Raja Anna, she was known by her nature to be generous, right? So of course, someone who is this generous, that she would choose to go without food. Everyone, the time when I shall go without food was a time when the oma was rich. This is not the early maca, period, you know, the early modern period when the Muslim the only 180 or 100. And they were being boycotted

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by the Quraysh. And they're starving. And because of this is you know that period, this is the latter part of the life of Rasulullah Salaam and the time of the Sahaba. At this point in time, the oma is rich, there is money flowing in, and there is money flowing into the house of Ayesha rajala. And her she is getting a lot of money every month. But still there are nights when she goes without food, because she couldn't stand to see somebody hungry. So she took whatever she had. And she gives you that person who said, Oh, this is her generosity. So where are we from that. So of course a woman have this level of generosity, she's not going to let someone send her gift without sending

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something back in return. That she's not, she's not going to just let it go, she will have to send something back in return. And so she would tell me that when she sends a letter back, make sure you send a gift with it. This was her. This was the etiquette and manners that she used to send and reply to a letter without sending a gift back in exchange for the gift that she had given.

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A third lesson we can take from the story

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is that we can see from you how these two women dedicated their lives and their time and the effort to our to teaching people Islam. Unfortunately, many of us have this historical perception that whenever in history, there was someone sitting and teaching Islam and dedicating the time to answering fatwas narrating these, you always imagined it to be a man. But here we have two women doing it together, I shall be broken up into sitting together, going through letters, formulating the responses, sending it out across the Muslim world. These are two women who are doing this and the men did not feel any shame in taking knowledge from a woman. It was not something that was

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looked down upon in society today. You know, there are many Muslim woman who I have seen around the world who have a lot of knowledge and many of them complaining of the same thing that men

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Don't take them seriously. Because the woman and I promise you, you have to take these this this seriously, you will learn more from them than you would learn from us, because many of them have a much deeper understanding of their religion. But the problem is somewhere down the line. We stop giving females causes the respect they deserve. And this was not the way of the early Muslims, the early Muslims. They respected the female scholarship. Mr. Mohali, many of his teachers, many of his direct teachers were women, even as the many of his direct teachers were women.

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Even Hydra Escalante, many of his direct teachers were women. Mr. Molly's mother was a scholar. Many of the early Muslims,

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the mothers, the wives, the daughters were scholars, right. And they had no problem with this. Do you know many of the early Muslims would actually marry a female scholar so that they could learn from her.

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A man would nanny a woman to learn from her. How many men truly have the humility to do that, you know, many of us begin to feel threatened if our wife has more knowledge than us. Right? But this Ahava had no problem with this. And so we see in the life of Aisha, btw vaca and the students that they dedicated the time to Tao, they will sit together and they will work on these letters and they will teach Islam and this is how the life of Sharia law was for the next 40 or 50 years. This is how she spent most of our time in teaching the people where it was the direct classes or writing letters or whatever it was her life and the teaching. That is how over 2000 Heidi's have reached us from

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2000 pieces have reached From Russia with the Aviva arogya law.

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The final story I want to read to y'all today

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is one of the most beautiful stories of somebody in debt which I've ever read.

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And this is the story of the death of Ayesha BTOB Baka karate Ilana, I think it's only fitting that we end the series on her life by talking about the deaths.

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Of course every person who lives in this world will die.

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No matter who they are, they will die and every Greek person history died. What matters is not when you die, what matters is how you look and how you died. And somebody that really indicates the status they had in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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I showed you on how its generated by even Cassini will be dire when you hire that in the 55th year after he and his difference of opinion which has happened but this seems to be the strongest one in the 50 5050 or after interest during the reign of the sixth Caliph King while we are Angela one who Ayesha Raja passed away.

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So she lived

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from the time of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam the reign of aboubaker the reign of Omer, the rim of the reign of Huisman, the reign of Allah and we know it in the time of holiday with a war that took place between her and his armies. In the reign of Hasson and in time of war are we up, she passed away when she passed away the Sahaba was ruling right the last Sahabi to rule Maria was in charge. So during this time in 55, age, I shall was approximately according again the difference of opinion, but the strongest seems to be she was 62 years old, and she was 62 years old. And by the way, this is the same age as Rasulullah. Abu Bakar passed away. So I shot a 62 year old lady have been

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dedicated her life to studying and teaching Islam. She had no children. She was a widow from the age of 18. From the age of 18, to approximately 62. She spent that time just teaching the oma as we have seen in these two stories that we narrated today. And now at the age of 62. She is lying in her bed in the final units and who comes to visit her Abdullah even a boss who is Abdullah even a boss and he will know

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he was as a hobby but something special about him.

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Just like Ayesha, he was one of the greatest scholars amongst the Sahaba he was only 13 when Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam passed away. I shall was 18 when Rasulullah Sutton passed away. Abdullah even Abbas was 13 but the two of them are regarded as two of the greatest scholars amongst the Sahaba which shows how young people became scholars back then.

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So I'm delighted when Abbas now they both own, he's old, she's old. He is one of the greatest marriages of Hades to visit. Russia is the fourth greatest leader of Hades among sahaabah Abdullah even Abbas is she's one step above the rest. Right? He is the greatest scholar of Tafseer amongst the Sahaba right because Rasulullah saw me to offer him and said, Oh Allah give even a boss the understanding of the Quran. And so he became the greatest scholar among the Sahaba. When you studied the field, you end up studying his narrations more than anybody else. So now he comes to visit

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Whoa, when she gives you her final image, she's lying in a bed. And her nephew, Abdullah, even Abdul Rahman is with her. Of course, she has to have a bathroom with her mom is visiting. Right. So he's with her. And Abdullah even Abbas comes in. So she asked Abdullah who's coming to visit, she said, it's even a bus show. He says, Let him in.

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He enters the house, and he sees Ayesha lying there and he can see that she's going to pass away. Right? You can see that it's finally English. Time is up. So he tells the

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glad tidings for you. Glad tidings agenda for you. Right? And she replies Why are you giving me glad tidings agenda, Sabrina even Abbas's because now there is nothing between you and meeting Muhammad Salallahu Salam and those who you love, except for your soul to leave your body. That's the only thing stopping you from going back to Russia because we love your soul leaving your body. You are the most beloved of woman to the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah and the Messenger of Allah only love that which was good and pure.

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And your necklace fell one night in Abuja. And also listen, he stopped the people that night, and the rest of the day even though they did not have any water, they stopped to look for your necklace. And because of that alarm revealed the verse of the yamo. And this was because of you if it wasn't for you, Allah might never have revealed to us the verses of the yamo.

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And Allah revealed your innocence from above the seven heavens. This is referring to the second ruku of the verses there. Allah declares the innocence and the chastity of eyeshadow, Donna, so Abdullah, Allah revealed your innocence from above the seven habits and the a the noble Angel jabrai brought down these verses. And there is not a single mastery from the master of Allah anywhere in the world, except that these Verses are recited day and night.

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Meaning that the verse is talking about the trustee of Ayesha Andrade, recited by Muslims across the globe throughout history.

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So she stops him and she tells him Leave me alone.

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Leave me alone, I'll be given a bus by the one in whose hand is my soul. I wish I had gone before you came and people had forgotten about me. And even shortly after that I shot already Lana passed away.

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just to go back and take some distance from the story. Again, this goes back to what Abdullah even about it, or rather before that, why is even abus telling Ayesha all of these good things about her.

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Because generally in Islam, it's not permissible, or it is not encouraged. It's not encouraged to praise somebody to their face. Right? It's not encouraged to please somebody to the face to tell them that you are the best lecturer and you are the best

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value and you are the most pious person I've ever met. It's not permissible to tell these people these things. Why? Because you can end up leaving a person in the street, that person may have been a sincere value and sincere worshiper. Now because of your praise, you might either start doing it for show or he might become arrogant. So that can lead to dangerous conclusions. So in general, Islam says don't overplays people. Now see Alhamdulillah Mashallah, don't over please people.

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However, Islam also teaches us that when someone is passing away, you focus on the mercy and the hope of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That's what you focus on when someone is passing away. When someone's passing away, you don't remind them of the hellfire. You don't remind them of all the sins in their life. You remind them that Allah is the Most Merciful. You remind him that Allah subhanaw taala will forgive them, remind him of the good deeds needed to give them hope so that they meet Allah in a good state? Because Allah is as we think of him. And so Abdullah Ibn Abbas following this etiquette, he is telling Ayesha and reminding her of all the good things that happened over 50 years

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before this, or other 40 years before this, because remember, this is 55 Ah, the story of the verse of the movie reveal and the verses were not being revealed, that was 40 years before this possibility is 40 years, you know, and you're dying, you're gonna be thinking about this, you probably think about something that happened the past five or 10 years. So he's reminding us of, of her status in the sight of Allah. So what does he remind off? First thing he reminds us is that there is nothing between you and meeting Muhammad, Islam, except for your soul leaving your body. The first lesson we learn from this is the Sahaba did not regard death as a bad thing. They didn't

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regard dying as a bad thing. It is a good thing. You're going to meet the Rasul Lhasa, you're going to be with widows who you love, you're going to gender right. Why would this be a bad thing? Right? Of course. We're gonna miss you. People are gonna cry. Yes, but for you, the person who's dying if you die, you know

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would state it's a good thing, since a habit did not regard them as a bad thing, rather, the condition in which you lived and died. That was what mattered. Right? So here is good news. Now it's time for you to go back to the proper slicer now. And then he mentioned some praise for the first thing he praised for was that she was the most beloved of woman to Rasulullah sallallahu. I mean, you mentioned this four weeks ago, right? You mentioned this four weeks ago that it was known amongst the Sahaba, that Rasulullah saw some of the eyeshadows. And for good reason. Because when you study the lives of his wife, they all be amongst the most amazing woman to ever walk the face of

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the earth. But from amongst all of them, I shouted out, right, she accomplished more than any other woman in history.

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So of course, he's going to love her on another level, Who wouldn't? And

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he qualifies and says, not only were you the most beloved to allow, but he only loves that, which is pure and good. What does this mean? This means this is his way of telling Ayesha, that evil rasulillah loves you. That means Allah loves you.

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Right? Because Russia does not love anything Allah dislikes. So this is his way of telling other people also some rasulillah Rasulullah saw some of you, that means Allah loves you. And then he reminds me of a story which we did not cover up. And basically, the story very quickly

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is that

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one day when I, when Rasulullah saw so many Sahaba were returning from an expedition. I shot her down, she lost her necklace. And this necklace was like a very important necklace to her. And Rasulullah certainly understood this. And so he stopped the entire army and made them search for her necklace. And they didn't have any water with him. And he ended up having to stay late at night without any words and wondering how in the world I'm going to make we're doing the morning without water. And they were so angry and you know how boubakeur like you know, because of it as Nicolas, we don't have to do for water. Right? And that warning alarm universal. That's the first time that the

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young woman introduced to this woman. There was no demo before that. Before that you were just we do it we salata we make we do that was the night, we one of the one of the greatest blessings was Omar Yamamoto. And if you don't have water, or if you are sick and you can't use water, or whatever the case may be, there's something preventing you from using water, you can make the ammo instead. And it was revealed because I shall drop the necklace is called the ruler Allah made her lose a necklace at night so it could be revealed. It was revealed because I lost the necklace because of her. The verse of the young woman reveal mrcc so this is like another praiseworthy thing about the third

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thing he mentioned was about her innocence being revealed and above the seven habits. And again, this is another story we did not cover yet. I'm sure one day we will go through it. We need an entire lecture to go through it alone. And that is the story of when the hypocrites had fabricated the rumor that Aisha nobilo was involved in an affair that she was involved in Xena. Right and this became a rumor spreading throughout Medina even Sahaba has started to believe it. Right? And it affected her in affected Rasulullah Islam it became a major issue until Allah revealed verses in Surah goon declaring a chastity and declaring the other people to be wrong and revealing the rules

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for dealing with people who slander chaste Muslim woman. So Abdullah Ibn Abbas is reminding of this, that they are versus raising you or Ayesha in Surah Surah and the verses of the Quran will be recited by Muslims until the last day, which means they are versus praising Ayesha we should be retitled elastic. What greater honor could've been this word for any person to know that the Quran Allah Himself is talking good about you in the Quran. And this is why we see that those people who hate I shall rajala one ha, yo, they are going against the Quran. Allah Himself is declaring her innocence and declaring her to be amongst the righteous, but also some himself justified to this.

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And still you have people who try to put her down.

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So this is the last thing he said before she stopped you because she didn't stop you. He probably would have went on and you are great scholar Heidi's and a great scholar of the field, and on and on and on. Why did she stop him? She stopped him because she was afraid. She was afraid of arrogance or financing or hajus before she dies. And she did not want to meet a lie in the seat where she was proud of what she had done in this world. She wanted to meet a law in the state of humanity.

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And so

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whatever an interesting about well, I Sharon herself said over here is she said I wish I was gone and forgotten. Now basically she's paraphrasing the words of magium Elisa Lam from sulamani, where Maria Ali Salam was pregnant with the Prophet Isa with Jesus peace be upon him. And she was about to give birth and she was in labor pains and she was worried about that.

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People are going to see that she has a single woman is pregnant, they're having a baby. She says I wish I was gone and forgotten. And so she uses these exact same words when she wanted to pass away before any feelings of pride to enter her. And when you study the life of Ayesha, this is a norm in her life, that she would paraphrase the Quran or she would code verses of the Quran as part of her own compensation. She had memorized the Quran. And the Quran was not just a book for her, it was her way of talking. For example, when she was landed of Xena, she said I just say to you what the father of usip said, and that is for Serbian Jamil Allahu Allah Mata that patients are beautiful, and Allah

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will assist me against what they are saying. So she said a Quranic verse, but she use it in her own life. So this means to eyeshadow on your own heart, and to other righteous people of their time and drug history. The Quran was not a book, The Quran was a part of the life. They understood it, they memorize it, they followed it, and they will quote it. It was, you know, it was something that will just if, if something happened, the first thing that comes in their mouth is a verse of the Quran. And we get people like this today as well. 100 you will meet Muslims today you have this relationship with the Quran, that if something bad happens to them, the first thing that comes out

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of their mouth is and perhaps you dislike something is good for you, and you love something that is bad for you, right? The verse of the Quran is the person that comes out to the mind, right? This is when a person develops a relationship with the Quran. But this only comes from understanding and following the Quran and reciting it on a daily basis. So we can understand from this, the Ayesha Rajan Has she had this relationship with the Quran, and even when she's talking to you, and she's passing away and talking, still the words is coming out of her mouth, are taken from verses in the Quran. Right? So we need to take this into our own lives that what is our relationship with the

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Quran? Do we read it on a daily basis? Do we understand it? Do we understand this message? Do we follow it?

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Is it a part of who we are? If not, we need to start doing this because the Quran was not revealed, just to be recited for Baraka, the Quran was revealed for us to communicate with Allah to see what Allah is saying to us directly to understand it, to implement it in our lives and to follow it. And so I showed her the land, how she passed away shortly thereafter.

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And we can take from this again, that the scholars amongst the Sahaba, and all of the Sahaba in general, they all had a very, very high view and status of eyeshadow. Donna, as I mentioned, we read her biography, in any of the books of history is longer than the biographies of most of the main scholars. And the praise that people heaped upon her is amazing, you know, you can see that throughout history, the scholars loved her look up to her as one of their role models.

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We can also see from the story from the response of Asia, that the righteous people of the past, they weren't interested in pain, they will be interested in knowing about their own accomplishments and their own status. This was not what they wanted, right? I didn't really sit down and say, Okay, I did this, I did that I taught so many people, I am so successful, you know, versus reveal about we didn't have the scene, you didn't have this arrogance about them. You know, for them, they whatever they did, they did it for the sake of Allah and they moved on to do something else for the sake of Allah, their concern was one thing. The concern was the alarm must be pleased with them, except the

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good deeds and forgive their mistakes. This is what the concern was. And this is our concern. Are we more worried about what people think about what we do about things or what we do? This is what we need to think about.

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So I shoulda was afraid of dying in state of the art of pride. And so she asked the boss to stop praising her and she passed away in the state. Without the comedy lobby come to the end of the life of eyeshadow, gelato. And again, there's so many other stories we can go into about her life. You know, we didn't really cover the story of the slander. We didn't cover the story of the Battle of the camel with her army for the elite army, many other stories. inshallah, perhaps in the future, we can go through it. But from Next week, we'll start looking at other Sahaba one week of meals or hobby one week of females are happy with alternate so we can get a bigger picture of all of the

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Sahaba and the lives and how we can relate to it and what lessons we can take from it. So without data, we come to the end before we close at any questions.

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Again, if you have any questions, you can always email it to us.

00:54:28 --> 00:54:39

So with that we'll close off for today and I hope that this was beneficial for us. Joseph will have a Ron Walker that one and 100 euro Bill alameen wa salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Ayesha as a teacher, and Ayesha Bint Talha

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