Riyadh Walls – Jumuah (15th March 2024)

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The South African Nation has the upcoming return of Islam, with a focus on avoiding poverty and avoiding violence. The return of the national team is also discussed, with a focus on protecting their community and legacy. The speakers emphasize the importance of honoring their community and avoiding violence. The return of the national team is also mentioned, with a focus on protecting their legacy and avoiding violence.
AI: Summary ©
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Tomato Muslimeen. It
gives me great pleasure and honor to introduce our guest speaker
today. Abdul Razak mudgil. With other graduate and in line with
Sanchez sands F South African nationals, funds 50th anniversary,
the topic and the focus will be on Xhaka insha Allah Jazak Allah
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim at that will be Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
Al Hamdulillah halacha de Mille a valuable hurdle Bharati Villa de
ha Wally from LA salat wa salam o ser Maria Island maybe he remained
While he was here when they were severely de Neil have they removed
their Woba I greet you with the greetings of our forefathers. The
greetings of Sedna Khalid bin Walid
the greetings of st number baccarat so they are of the Allahu
Taala and the greeting of one guru and shows us some of Marchesa, the
greeting of our grandparents. But more importantly I greet you with
the greetings of how Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the
greeting of a Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
Allah subhana wa Dallas's
Alhamdulillah Hilary Hedden, le Heather warmer Pune, Lena dedhia,
Lola and Hedden Allah Alhamdulillah. Hilary Oh, praise
and thanks is due to Allah Allah subhanaw taala Alhamdulillah
Hilary had Anneli heard or praise and thanks is due to Allahu
subhanaw taala who has guided to this, what has guided us to Islam,
while Ola and Hedda and Allah and if it was not for the guidance of
Allah, Allah subhanaw taala we would not have found guidance.
We asked and we praise Allah Who subhanaw taala in this hour to
more and give thanks to Allah Subhana Allah who will allow us to
be part of the Ummah found that we Mohamed Salah Allahu Allah He was
I want to be Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Men lash
korunas, lay a screw law, whatever does not give thanks or show
appreciation to the fellow brother does not show does not give. No
does that individual shows any appreciation to Allah Allah
subhanho wa taala.
And with that,
we want to show our appreciation to a group of five individuals
that 50 years ago, had an intention. As we all know the
hadith of Al Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have
in our Maryland beanie yet that you will be judged according to
your intention. Let us not let us not forget
words that has been instilled within our community. And as old
people would always say, Mark unius
and this is what they did. 50 years ago. 50 years ago, they came
to create an organization
an institution of soccer,
an institution that will serve the Omaha Nabi Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
And because of that strong intention, because of the pure
intention, Allahu subhanaw taala has protected this organization
and allow it to flourish. From the cave
to each and every part of our Republic.
We asked Allah subhanaw taala to reward them to bless them and to
let this action weigh heavy on the scales on the day of human okay.
And we acknowledge that the work of the South African nationals or
but it does not give us an excuse not to assist the Omaha wanna be
Mohamed Salah Honey, listen, do we bow to this ummah is a duty.
But before we discuss the duties of the Ummah, let us remind
ourselves of Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam EES Al
Imam and Marzuki Rahmatullah Hi Leigh in this film known as El
Mabou, maternal gymnastics, where he says, maybe you know, Muhammad
Rasul Allah al Amin, Mata homophobe Billa
Ravi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was seen as a mercy and a
blessing to the ally al Amin.
So what is the ALEMI
Imam Ahmed there they are in a different problem says and defines
al al Amin as a Mercy of Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah.
Everything in existence besides Allahu Allah subhanaw taala is
known as the ally lemme
meaning that we as Muslims believes that our Navy Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was seen as a mercy and as a blessing
to everything in existence.
Again as Muslims
our concept and our definition of concepts and our articles of
belief does not emerge out of a vacuum, but rather, it is found
and it is embedded within the Quran and the Sunnah, founded by
Muhammad salallahu Alaihe Salam
and we can see this, when Allahu Subhana Allah says, in relation to
our Nabil Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam, WA Rasul neque
Illa Ramadan De Lisle, I mean, that very low Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, we have not seen you except as a mercy to all that
is in existence.
But one could also push in,
in which aspect do we receive the mercy of Allah be Muhammad
whenever you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam into
to call people towards Islam.
And we all know the stories of thought. When I when I read
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was stung to such an
extent. That is Mobarak
blood was dripping from his from his face, to such an extent that
he had to lift up his stuff in order to catch his blood.
But when Allah Who subhanaw taala instructed the two angels of the
mountain to descend, and the angels came down maybe Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in CPR, rasool Allah, we were given
the command to flatten the city, by your command. You give us the
go ahead and we will flecked in the city of Troy.
But what was the response around maybe Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, the response of our Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam was a response of mercy.
I will never use Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, leave them
for maybe amongst them. There will be those that will enter into
and Alhamdulillah today the entire city of Troy is 100% Muslim.
Let us also look on the day of Makkah, when Makoto Makoto Rama
was in liberated bounderby Mohamed Salah Allahu Allah He was in love
with one Sahaba on the way, once the one Sahaba remembering the
displacement of the Sahaba remembering the persecution of the
aquifer of market, remembering is in the villa even the robber was
on the scorching sand and the only words which you said was
remembering whether the Sahaba said in nama Heather Yom will Mel
hammer, today is the day of bloodshed, today is the day of
But what was the response around maybe Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam?
He said in NEMA head, yo mille mer Hana today is the day of
So, let us take heed and let us take stock of the words in the
Sunnah bounderby Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, no
matter who has harmed you in this world
to forgive and to move on. From Allah He your forgiveness benefits
you much more than anyone else.
Let me mention one more example.
When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam uncle came to him
our best and said that he dreamed of his brother, Abu Lahab we all
know the condition of Ebola.
We all know the condition of Ebola. And when we maybe Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the prophets Allah salams uncle,
they don't every Monday Allahu subhanaw taala lessons his
punishment. Because for one moment he heard that Nabi Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was born for one moment he showed
happiness towards Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for
that simple we free the slaves and Allahu Subhanallah and listen to
Spanish every Monday
this hadith which is recorded in Al Buhari, so moving that he moved
Al Imam now sort of beneath the mash up to say
it again ahead I can fit on the ledger and then boo whatever but
he had at a minimum of a letter is this is a disbeliever wish to be
condemned in the Quran while walking on this earth. At that who
Kulu yo
Well if Nene dare even your cough people Allahu Anhu be so rude.
But then Allahu subhanaw taala listen to his punishment on every
single Monday because for one moment he was happy at the birth
of our baby Mohamed Salah Allahu Allah, he was sitting them.
At the man now studying the magic, we asked a question.
But no one would be like the Lady Aisha or Morocco be the most
ruling woman.
What do you think of a condition of a person that lives his entire
life out to the happiness of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, and dies upon his way, shouldn't the Mercy of Allah
subhanaw taala be great.
But that also instills and shows us and teaches us that we have a
duty towards us.
And this duty
comes also in the form of Zakah
because the guy is a pillar, a rune of Islam, that connects us
with Allah subhanaw taala in an act of worship, but connects us
with our fellow brother in Islam in an act of solidarity.
It is
that as the power and the potential, not only to alleviate
poverty, but to eradicate poverty.
And with that, I would like to quote the South African ambassador
in Egypt.
When he said that on the day of varied the amount of food on the
day of Eid,
the poverty in Egypt when from 40% to zero on that one single day
that shows the power of Zika that shows the power of the Ummah found
to be Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
It shows
when he Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described this ummah, as
congested in the world, as one body, if one part of the body
fields, if one part of the body is affected with pain, the entire
body fields and Allah, Allah Subhana Allah grant us the
understanding as
it was in the second year after the heated up I want to be
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that is the guy that will
fit that it became larger.
And as we mentioned, why is that guy to Peter
is compulsive. He said that everyone on the day you have read
experience or joyful, that we are all enjoying the day of eight,
nine years after the hatred of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Zeca to Mal we can obligate and sagacity, Mal in a nutshell
that it is Sadako or it is that which is worship upon us to give
as you may or may never be Rama Allahu Allah says Well essentially
other than che in Mahfouz Meanwhile in Maafushi Allah Oh
soften him up. So, so, therefore, effectively
it is that it is the taking of a particular amount of wealth which
is 2.5%
under certain conditions such as linear solve and the whole which
we will not get into and given to a specific group of people.
And as we mentioned before, and as we all have established, that as
Muslims our lives is governed by the Quran of Allah subhanho wa
Taala and the sunnah of our NABI Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
And when it comes to the articles in the game and the ruling of
Zakah we go back to the Sunnah, we go back to the Quran
and when it comes to the aspect of who receive Zechariah three Mel
Allahu subhanaw taala makes it abundantly clear. When Allahu
Subhana Allah says in the Masada call to Linda for Coronavirus,
keen that that guy is given to the poor, to the needy, those who are
in debt, those who are in bondage, and those who have recently
entered into Islam.
But one point that I would like to touch on
it is those who have been severely left those who in the form of
Allahu Subhana wa
and with us our like, once again to commemorate the South African
nationals like if and in the support to our brothers and
sisters in Palestine.
As Habib were more happy about who losses get the Allahu lenah Jihad
Isla Yomi Dean that Allahu subhanaw taala has decreed upon
this Omar Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Jihad until the
end of time.
Let us not get confused with the concept and the meaning of jihad.
Jihad means to resist
to resist anything and everything that goes against the Quran and
the Sunnah found it Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to
resist against everything that wishes and
aims to destroy our community to divide our community and to bring
havoc within our community.
And as a mammal hydrated little salmon lovers Allah says, Allah
Akbar Al Jihad who will Jihad enough's, that the greatest form
of jihad, the greatest form of resistance is to resist one's own
ego, to resist one's own self.
So if your form of jihad is to resist spending,
then put your hand deep into your pocket. And remember when say he
had a smile
when she said, and when she posted on me Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam by saying, Do not for one moment thing,
that when you spend in the path of Allah who subhanaw taala your
wealth diminish and do not withhold your wealth for Allah and
out of fear that Allahu subhanaw taala will hold his Barack and
he's risen from you.
This is a thing that we must understand that our music comes
from our Rosa, that our sustenance come from the one who gives us
sustenance, our sustenance comes from Allah Who subhanaw taala our
wealth comes from Allah subhanho wa taala. And there's a car that
we have, is not our we are but the students are destined for others.
And when Allah Allah subhana wa Taala mentions
that the wealthy may not merely circulate wealth amongst the rich,
Allahu subhanho wa Taala establishes within this verse,
that Islam routes the idea that the rich getting richer at the
expense of the poor, that Islam opposes the accumulation and the
concentration of wealth within a minority.
And let us remember that Islam promotes and allows the selling of
staple food, but not at the expense of the poor.
But we are trying to say
is that Islam is in a holistic, economical system that allows
profit that allows us to allows enterprise allows capital gain,
but not at the expense of your fellow brother in Islam.
Because at the end of the day, we are one community.
We are one community
and that establishes when Nabina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam says
this oh my scarcity lava Hey, that we are like one sorry, and a V
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, me know that the
believers are like one body. If one part of the body feels that
every single part feels
when our brothers and sisters
were killed. And when the genocide in Bosnia took place we felt
and we all know what took place in Bosnia. We must graves the size of
this mosque was the and sons and fathers were forced into those
holes simply because they said a shadow Allah Illa Illa Allah was a
shadow under Mohammed or Rasulullah simply because they
believed in Islam,
fathers and sunless and even with your grandfather's were shocked
and kill you.
In Bosnia.
When our brothers and sisters were in occupation in Afghanistan, we
felt that
we fell and we still feel the occupation and the genocide of our
brothers and sisters in Palestine.
This concern that which we have
is a testimony for the man in our hearts.
We also Allah subhanaw taala to accept it.
We also love who Subhanallah that will allow us in sha Allah here to
assist our brothers and sisters in Palestine
and to conclude
what we are seeing in our husband what we are seeing in Palestine is
what we have heard in Buka. What we what we are hearing in the
husband is what we have heard in the Constantia black mountains.
What we are hearing in a husband is what we have what we have heard
in Simonstown. What we are hearing in the house is what we get every
single Thursday night. What we are hearing in a Versa is what this
community reads
in Allahu Subhanallah describes our community. Allah subhanaw
taala describes our forefathers when Allah Allah subhanaw taala
says I love enough all Allah homeowners so in the nurse or
father Gemma or lakum Alladhina kala humaneness who and other
people will say to them, that the enemies of Allah who subhanaw
taala has amassed against you for show him so fear them but
What was the response? Faza? Whom Eman Allah who's for handling
police the man walk all who and they said
walk all who has been a law when they are Milwaukee. They said
enough is Allah is my Sustainer enough is Allah is my protector
enough is Allah as my work he'll?
is what we as the Muslim community in Cape Town inherited from our
forefathers when Islam was made illegal to be practiced in the
colonial ages, our forefathers still practice Islam, out of
defiance, but out of obligation and duty to Allahu Subhana wa
the guy is a duty upon every single person
who has an excess of wealth, to help and assist your brother and
sister in Islam. It is your duty. It is your responsibility.
And remember, that not only purifies you,
it purifies your soul. It purifies your wealth.
And zakah is an act not only of worship of Allah who subhanho wa
Taala as we have mentioned, but it is an act of brotherhood
amongst the Umbach Nabina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and
time has run out but I would like to make this smaller this to those
whose beards or
so still black,
who's still in the US
and that is the message that we will receive from a person by the
name of
Armando matar said,
in no matter Mohammed, that Verily the nation of Nabi Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Lenise Aslan that we will never, ever sit
in. We will never ever give up.
And that is what you should and must implement in your life. No
matter how difficult school is, don't give up. No matter how
difficult work is. Don't give up because you will fall because your
forefathers made again. So honor the legacy. honor them by
passivity, honor them in becoming the better version of yourself.
And as Abu Zubaydah says the interview will lead you head.
Verily this home of Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will
resist Nostrum victory on the battlefield and
martyrdom upon Waiuku Dawa and EVO Medela hamdulillah Europe
Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
A long one.
Smilla Rahmanir Rahim at that will be Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
Allah MLF Sen. Al Hamdulillah Hill Kareem is a valuable member of the
villa Woolley for most Salatu was Salam o ser Maria Island nav here
how you remember Cordova.
While he was busy woman Deborah Sevilla dean will help to remove
Aloka in Overland nest beginning Yeoman Akiyama uma Allah Who
Salette and Allahumma salli wa salam ala heaven Abby, what are
the early he was five he he marry? What are the yeah everybody Allah
will see from one FC beta to Allah. Because Allah Allahu Allah,
Allah, Allah while you are limo from Allah. Yeah, by the law. Boo
Boo Illa Allah, Allah Allah Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
salam Pulu EBD Adam kappa are Eurocopter in Boone, Vedic Allah
Huni Welcome to the quarter annual recurring whenever whenever
you are the krill Hakeem Akoko Will you hear the stuff from law?
Law stuff for Allah holy welcome. While you are a leader here when
you are ready, when you say Muslimeen I'm equally them through
the inner who will love of Orion.
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Heba who last year ek La La who will
have the Wahoo Allah Felicia in Korea, what a shadow and mess at
Nam Mohammed Abu rasuluh for salmon and maybe he never
mousseline about me by the law. In dunya Del Mar we're in Florida or
Makara the Hello minimum or recom LM occur recommend le could be
Muslim. Where Alamo and Nicoma settimo. Tune Kemet and amoun was
at the MSA yesterday if you who work all Allahu Allah woman you're
amazing with Paula Bharati unify euro euro when a yarmulke with
call a ver Ratan Shara euro for call and maybe Mohamed Salah
Allahu Allah USL and an SAE dually the AED and Yeoman Nakia Manuela
will call in Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Willa
Ilhan Via de Yamanaka Yama wala for Salah Al Bashir in Pokhara
Amar Allahu Taala be there like Nico Lee in Allah hubba Mala Ikeda
who saw Luna Allah Nabi Yeah, you're Latina, Manu, so Lu Allah
us a limitless Lima
Allahumma Salli ala Sayidina Muhammad Al Fer de Lima over while
Houghton Lima Saba Nelsonville haka will Hawk warhead Isla Surah
article Musa docking or Allah early he was IV edge Marine,
whatever word allah Angela hola il arriba en si he didn't know me but
could also do corroboree Allahu taala. And what Allah say he
didn't remember El Faro Ravi Allahu Taala well Allah sad net
with a man
for all the Allahu Allah Allah. Wa Allah say he didn't really Karim
Allah who robbed the Allahu Allah Allah Allah. Allahu Allah is that
Islam? Well Muslimeen Allahumma exetel Islam while Muslim in
Allahumma Is it illegal? Why didn't you follow Steen? Allah who
marries the denier Why didn't you follow Steen? What a hit home here
Allah be nasukawa Karateka yet a chroma of Grameen Allahu Maruchan
Salatin famous diddle Upsource Allahu Maruchan el Salette. And if
you missed it will OXA Wahoo Wahoo Runa Aziz Allahu monsoon. ephah
indica pharaoh now serene was that linea Allah in Nikka?
Walk forlenza Allah for in Nikka federal golf urien what Haneda
Allah for in Mecca Pharaoh raw Amen. What was in a law for you
rose pin why Denia Allah
What do you know when a gene I mean hola como volume in here i by
the law in the La Jolla Moroccan Villa
but it will koruba We're gonna annual fracture it will
mangaka La La Quinta de garoun by the Kuru Who We Are The Kuru well
as the Crow law he Oh level he mal Cherryville who rude wallet and
wallet and SATA and Allah Ya Allah mamatha snarl wala Who ya la Mata
snarl what La Jolla I love emeritus now after a masala
piling up
a lot
of rough man or
girl handled in Europe mainland and a rough Man Up Man licking the
ear canal
can a styrene Dino fluoropolymers stone pain Serato leadin and I lay
him over he really knows who we are lay in on me in
this middle rock man of Rahimi either
law here we'll get
what I eat and the whole lunette ed in the
facility we have the ROB Baker westermo If you're in
a law
sent me out I love Lehmann Hamidah.
Love on
Bismillah Hoffmann Rahim Al Hamdulillah Robben Island, Manu
Rahimi man Nikki o me Dini ECX and EQ and styrene you know shoot off
almost LTE mostly on off on levena and I'm dialing him well, you will
know who we are a in 109 on the screen
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim ypu Allahu Allah Hi there. Alone
samedi Lam El Nino LMU let me level go for one either Allah
Semia woohoo even if I need 100
hola all about
a ceremony for more Ohana to love
us Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah law
shot lovers Milan Amanda Rahim I just want to make a small
announcement that the South African national soccer team is
outside this integration in the form of assistance if you would
like to offer, the team will be there to assist inshAllah akmola
Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu
was Salam ala Sayidina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa Salam wa ala
le will be married engineering. Yeah, if I leave a local that with
full overnight in Yamo serif and localu serif cool Obinna Allah or
Arctic rock medica yell hammer raw. I mean, yeah, Allah, Miss
elica vs. Mikkel Aragon. Well, obviously the ethical rules were
snare and don't over okolo Obon I will look for and what
you have been NaVi Mohamed salah, was a year of law, Miss Ellika and
to know Miroku Ruben Abishai, Rama or less Luca Oh Allah and to
nowhere Oh Kulu beneficiary Ramadan, Allah whom, when in Avila
Versa it follows the Allah who marries
the fellows the one eight homea alabi nasukawa Karamay Karim Allah
Karami hola hola. Como J Ed? Hola. Hola. Larissa didn't know J Hidi.
Hola. Hola. Como je ad NaVi back and we are off Matica Yeah, Amara
Amy Enola Who am I
alone Island Nabi yay. Lady in am and also Lu Allah He was a living
waters Lima
they are well Behance over half an
hour to Hayato vs. Lm
Ferro Dowell Merrill handily leg
the last
you struggling
especially not with
because of us
Oh are you
coming from