Ismail Kamdar – Husn Dhann- Assuming the best of others

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The concept of emotional thought is important for believers in religion and is part of our religious culture. People are unaware of the concept and believe it is a sense of power and responsibility. Leading to avoiding assumptions and backlash, the speaker discusses the importance of making excuses and finding pleasure in the process of avoiding harm, avoiding bribery, and maintaining an attitude of looseness.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah eurocat

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hamdulillahi. Rabbil alameen. Wa Salatu was salam, ala Nabeel Karim, Allah Allah, he was happy

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to begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. And asking Allah to send his peace and blessings upon the final prophet, Mohammed bin Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and all those who follow his way with righteousness until the end of time. So today, inshallah I just want to share a brief reminder about a very important part of our, of our character as believers. And this is the concept of emotional thought, push nose on, which translates into English literally as good thoughts.

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It would be more accurate to refer to it as assuming the best of others, right? Positive Thinking about others. So who's knows john, this is a part of our religion is a part of our, of our character is a very important part of being a believer. And it's a topic that isn't discussed enough in our times and is really practiced on the level that it should be practiced. There is a theme that runs throughout the Quran and Sunnah, and the lives of the early Muslims have always assuming the best of the next person. So we will find that amongst the early Muslims, they wouldn't,

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you know, assume that somebody is evil, or somebody's sinful, or somebody is a hypocrite, rather, they would make excuses for someone and assume the best of them until proven otherwise. And this leads into a variety of different verses of the Quran in a decent and stories and principles of faith as well. It's actually a very comprehensive topic found through our religious religion. So in the Quran, the one verse that

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is most important here is one that prohibits the opposite of Houston zone. So the opposite of Houston zone is Souza. Right, the opposite of thinking well about others is assuming the worst of others. And unless you have a handle without up, prohibited prohibits this in Surah pujara, Chapter 49, verse number 12, which illustrata to you Halina Avenue, which Danny McCarthy Romina has gone in about the zone. But unless your handler says that, oh, you who believe abstain from assuming the worst of others, because very often, assuming the worst of others is itself a sin, and you're not spying on each other, and you're not backed by each other. Now, I love this verse because this verse

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tackles social problems from the very root, and then it goes on to prohibit the sins caused by that group. So notice the flow of judgment unless you have a handle with Allah first prohibits thinking bad about others. On top of that, he prohibits spying on others. On top of that he prohibits backbiting and is actually a flow, and it's cutting off evil at its root. Because what happens in society? It begins with assuming bad about understanding. Let's give an example. Just say that there's a there's a man who begins to think that perhaps his friend is a, a * addict. Right? So he sees a friend of his goes to the masjid five times a day, practicing Muslim brother, and the dog

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comes across his mind, this guy might be addicted to *, for no reason, it just crop crops in his mind, because she got only putting what's what's in our minds to assume the worst of others, right? But he begins to play on it and he begins to think about and he begins to think to himself, this man is a hypocrite, and this man is not as pious as he claims to be. And this man is not a good Muslim, and I'm sure he was doing something evil in secret. So these thoughts when they first cross one's mind, as was wasa. Now the problem, you see how to be like him in the shade on the Raji, you see a Sufi ruler, you stop thinking about it, not a problem, not a sin. But once you begin to dwell on it,

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and you begin to play on it, and you begin to dislike someone because of it, and you begin to look down upon someone because of it. Now, it becomes a sin. And this is why the verses, sometimes thinking bad about a disease, and it doesn't say all the time, because sometimes it's not a sin, right. If you know someone is a drug addict, and you can't access them for a few days, and you assume that they've taken drugs, and they've gone into deep sleep or something. This isn't a sin, because it's a reasonable assumption for that individual. Right? But if for no reason whatsoever, you are assuming the worst of someone else, and you are playing with these thoughts, this becomes a

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sin. But it doesn't just become a sin, it leads to understand so what happens next? So someone is has this thought in his mind that that person I think he's a hypocrite. I think he has some secrets since he's not telling us about. Let's find out. So what does he do?

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He spies on that person taps into his phone, goes on his computer, goes through his browsing history, whatever it is, right? He's violating the person's privacy. This is the second set. So now the individual is responsible for two sets, he did not think well of the other person. And on top of that, he's spying on that person. And again, many Muslims are unaware that spying on people is a sin. Unless there is a reasonable, genuine life and death type of reason why you should be spying on someone. The general law is that it isn't. What people do in private is nobody else's business, people's private sense, nobody else's business, people's private hobbies, nobody else's business,

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people's private good deeds, and nobody else's business. What people do when they are alone, in between them, and Allah, to spy on anyone is itself a sense. And again, many people are unaware of this, that to peek into someone's house is sinful, to go to someone's phone to their messages through the email, to any kind of personal or private form of communication without their permission is a sin. Again, these things only become permissible when there's like a life and death situation or something that matter to the police are investigating the individual. And they have to go through his phone records to do so. There's nothing wrong with that, because that is now a matter of crime

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and justice. But for us, for the average person to just go around, looking for faults and other people looking for into their private lives. This is sinful, right, and this is what the verse is prohibiting, last month, it says do not spy on each other. It means you're not trying to each other's private lives, because you will definitely discover private sins because there is no one on earth today we sinners, the only difference is that the righteous are ashamed of the sins as to the sins are in private, and that's between them and Allah.

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The 13th so what happens next, the person thought that that led to spine while going through his friends browser history, he finds something inappropriate, something wrong, something shameful. He now forwards that to his friends. And they start backbiting about this individual and his private self.

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So notice the flow. First he thinks bad about the person. He assumes the worst about the person. This leads to spying on the person. This leads to backbiting about the person.

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Right? And what is the verse tell us the verses, do not think bad, and do not spy and do not backbiting? Look at the order of the verse, allies cutting it off from the roots. Right? If you don't think bad about others do not go to spying, not going to bat fight. But if you fail at the first level, at least stop at the second you fail at the second at least stop at the third. Right? If you fail about thinking bad about others, at least don't spy on them. If you fail that that at least don't share what you found to other people. Now you may be thinking what, oh, that person's a hypocrite that person is a sinner? Well, why shouldn't I be talking about him? Because if you

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think about what good comes out of talking bad about someone else, and before getting into that it is worse people cringe when people use it in this context, this is not the Islamic definition of a hypocrite. This is the western definition of a hypocrite. Right? It's the modern definition of hypocrisy in modern cultures. And not all over the world more in the Western world, USA, Europe, and perhaps Africa as well. We have this culture, where if someone is righteous in public, but they have some private since people say they are hypocrite. Now in Islam, that is not being a hypocrite. In Islam. Please remember, in Islam, this is not being a hypocrite. Rather, in Islam. This is

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righteousness. Because in Islam, public sin is worse than privacy. If someone has a sinful habit, if someone has a weakness, someone has an addiction, Islam tells them to keep it to themselves and to keep it private. So if someone is trying their best to live a righteous life, but when they are alone, there is some sin that they are addicted to or that they can let go of that is not being a hypocrite that's just being human. That's part of being righteous, the faculty are ashamed of this. And they hide their sin. And they maybe make ecfr for this and all of this is part of righteousness. So we have no right to be spying on people for what they do in private. On top of that, we read

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things on a scale of benefits and harms. Okay? So someone's a drug addict or a * addict or they have a girlfriend or whatever it is. How does it benefit anyone? If you are discussing that with your friends, it's not going to make that person give up the sense. It's not going to bring him closer to Allah is not going to bring you closer to Allah. It's not going to bring your friends closer to Allah Who exactly is benefiting from the backbiting? Nobody. It's just a matter of self righteousness. It's just a matter of inflating

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one's own ego by talking about somebody else's sin. That's what it really is. This is a matter of indulging the nuts, and you want to feel that you are more pious than the next person. So you cry into the light. And you find the secret sense, and you talk about it, and you laugh about it, and you joke about it, no one's getting a good deal. Here, you are just piling up sin upon sin upon sin, the sin of of bad thoughts, the sin of, of spine, the sin of backbiting, the sin of arrogance, the sin of looking down upon your brother in Islam, the sinner, perhaps chasing him further away from a lion further deeper into sin. All of this is now upon you. And therefore, therefore, the Quran tells

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us to stop at the very beginning, stay away from bad thoughts, stay away from it, if you stay away from bad thoughts, you stay away from this whole process. So what do we do instead, there is this process in tafsir, of human bahala. That to assume the opposite or to derive the opposite meaning from reverse. So if the Quran tells us to do something, we can assume that the opposite we shouldn't do it. And the Quran tells us to stay away from something can we can assume that the opposite we must do. So let's apply this principle to this verse, unless you have a handout that helps us stay away from assuming the worst of others. So we understand from this, that we should assume the best

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of others whose needs are right, don't spy on others. So we can understand from this, we should respect people's privacy, and we should cover the faults of our Muslim brothers. Don't backbite others, we can assume from this, that we should be talking good about others when they are not around. So you can take the prohibitions from this verse, and with it, you can extract good deeds as well. The one that concerns us here is harshness, assuming the best of others. And again, many people are unaware that this is part of our religion. And there are so many statements from the early Muslims, about the early Muslims who said you should find 70 excuses for your Muslim brother

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if you see him soon. And again, the word 70. I've said this before, keep saying it the word 17. Arabic means many. Right? It means as many as possible. That's what it means. Right? So you should make as many excuses as possible for your brother, if they said, there's a statement attributed to Abdullah even even Masuda Raja Andrew, where he said, even if I see alcohol dripping from the beard of my Muslim brother, I will make an excuse for him. This is Houston, Hassan. Now, how does this apply in our lives today? Right? So

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for example, one of the fitness of our times, is that because people are sitting on social media all day, and they are bored, especially now, when we all at home sitting in front of our computers and phones all day long. Because people at home and they are bored. A lot of people are looking for drama, they're looking for excitement, they're looking for something to talk about. And so this process begins, who's who's doing something wrong? Who can I look up to who can expire? Who can I back by about the only use these words, obviously, because if these words come to your mind, you're going to do it. But what comes to your mind is I'm bored. Let me look for something juicy to read.

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Let me look for something exciting to read. And then we have these global phenomenon. Someone committed a sin in private, everybody's talking about in public, and everyone's laughing and walking and calling the person that hypocrite and closing the door for repentance for that person. It's cancelling the person and claiming that they will never forgiven as if you need your forgiveness, which allows forgiveness. Allah forgives all sins as long as we are alive and we are sincere. And then there's this complete, you know, this, this complete culture of enjoying the pain of others. That's what it is. It's a culture of enjoying the pain of others, where we find gratification in

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learning in another public scandal about another individual. And then we want to read all the tweets and all the Facebook posts and watch all the YouTube videos and just find enjoyment in other people's pain. This is completely an Islamic and we go back to a very important story in the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the famous Hadith, if the incident of the slander, when the hypocrites had slandered his wife Ayesha with a great slander, a valgus length to the worst of slanders that you can put against a righteous woman. When you look at the verse of the Quran to be revealed, clarifying the innocence of Ayesha Angelo and her one of those verses. One of those verses

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is the command of God. One of those verses is the command to assume the best of others, Allah Subhana Allah He admonishes us to harbor in this verse, he says, Why didn't the believers when they heard evil, assume best of themselves, notice and say assume based upon his issue based on himself, meaning what? We should think to ourselves. If I'm not going to do that, she's probably not going to do that. If I wouldn't commit that sin. She probably wouldn't comment that said why that person is better than that person is more righteous than assuming the best of others is assuming the best of yourself.

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Looking for the faults in others is often exposing the faults within yourself. And so when these scandals come public, right, there's two types. One is something that affects us, meaning someone is doing something evil, and it affects you or it affects a family member, or it could affect a family member, somebody corners, they're deceiving people, they're stealing people's money. It is important in these cases, to be aware, and to guard and to protect yourself from such people. But if it is someone's private sin, someone's private weakness, someone's slip up. Right? Someone's mistake. Something you may have already made Toba from you may have already asked Allah forgiveness from It

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is not our business to read it. It's not our business to talk about it. It's not our business to get involved. We assume the best of others. You see what I try to see what I do. And I'm saying this, not for myself, but because I want everyone to do this because it's actually the sooner it's a forgotten something that in our times, until there's something I've been doing myself over the years, and I want everyone to revive it, so we can go back to having a stronger, less toxic community, a more productive community. So when news reaches me, that someone is involved in his private sector, the first thing I say is my wife will keep it.

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If it is true, I May Allah forgive them if it is true. And if it's true or not, it's not my business. Unless if it's true or not, it's not my business. That's a private sin. Am I sinless? No. So why am I worried about somebody else's sin? I need to focus on my own desk in my own purification of the soul. Right? If it is true, we ALLAH forgive them. I mean,

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what why do we want bad for others? Why do we want to curse others? Why do we want to put others down? Why do you want to cut off Toba? For others? In Muslims response to knowing that in other Muslim sinned should be May Allah forgive him? Why is it so hard for us to do? This is the point that I just don't understand about us as a society today, that we find gratification in seeing the downfall of others, we get excited when someone is being refuted. We get excited, in someone's secret sins are being exposed. We get excited when somebody is a you know, in the midst of a global scandal. And people are getting famous of this. People are getting famous by simply making videos,

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attacking other people exposing other people's sins, exposing other people's mistakes, and just trying to make other people look evil people who may be far more righteous than they are. And they're using this as a claim to fame because they notice that people are hungry for this kind of fitna for this kind of backbiting of gossip. And now, because of this, internationally what used to be a a dour, you know, world has become like a drama scene with everyday its people involved in all kinds of gossip and backbiting. I'm going to expose this person, I'm going to expose that person. And you won't believe what I found out about this individual, you won't believe that person secret.

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None of our business.

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If it doesn't affect our parks agenda, if it doesn't affect our humanity of others, if it is a person's privates in the person slip up a person's mistake, something they did once in a lifetime, and they may do well from none of this is our business. None of this is our business. Yes, if someone is saying something in, in public, that is incorrect, correct the state without going up to the individual. Right. And this is what I don't go after individuals, I would say that this idea is circulating and the idea is wrong. And this is why I present the Quran and the Sunnah, and the evidences for the correct opinion. But to go after an individual, and to attack people by name,

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there's no benefit in this. I mean, all you're doing is creating hatred in the hearts of Muslims for each other. And this is completely an Islamic This is not at all the way that a Muslim is supposed to behave when it comes to our fellow brothers and sisters in Islam. So that's my message for today and hope that you all can put this into practice. How do we put this into practice? Very, very simple. Whenever the news reaches us about somebody else's secret lives of secret sins or secret,

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addictions or mistakes, remind yourself this is not my business. This is not my business. Make to offer the person ask Allah to forgive them for all their sins. I mean in good talks to what a person if you feel someone is going extremely to auto electric I get back to the street but to make the mind strong, have in our hearts, goodness for themselves. Want clear for them. Don't want to see people for don't want to see people lose the mind. Have this love in your heart for the oma of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and let that guide the words that come out of our mouths and they come into our onto our keyboard to be typed as well

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as additional stuff

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Assume the best. make excuses.

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Say good things. Make do out and avoid all the fitna. Stay away from bad thoughts. Stay away from spying stay away from backbiting. All of this does nothing but bring fitna into the oma bring problems into the oma and create jealousy and hatred and disunity.

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And this goes double for family. It goes double for family, don't look for the sins and the fault of your family members. Don't look for the secret mistakes of your relatives. Don't ever, ever back by the family member to another family member. Because now you're not just breaking the ties of Islamic brotherhood, you're breaking family ties. And breaking Family Ties is a major sin. And it's one that's very difficult to meet. So, when it comes to family members, when it comes to mind, General, let us maintain an attitude of looseness on it has maintained an attitude of assuming the best of others. Let us maintain an attitude of wanting best for others making to offer others asking Allah

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to forgive each other and not wanting not caring, like this way, not caring about other people's preferences. This is the point of Muslims shouldn't care about other people's private sins. Yes, if it's a public public sin, go after the person privately and gently and advise them and warn them and and help them guide them back towards the street. But if you can, don't shame them in public, don't walk in don't backbite about it. No good comes out of this, but one on one in private, talk to them. Right? But if it's someone else's private sense, are we so pure and pious that we have time to look into other people's private lives? Or do we have our own private sense that we need to work on

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getting rid of and purifying our soul? This is something for us to think about. And I ended the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in which he stated whoever conceals the sins of his Muslim brother in this world, Allah will conceal his sins in this world. And the next might something to that effect, as stated by the prophet lagi salam, that there is this principle in Islam, and as you treat others you will be treated, right and we see this throughout the Quran and Sunnah whoever doesn't show mercy will not be shown mercy. Right. And so it the same thing applies here. Whoever conceals the mistakes of others, the sins of others, Allah will conceal their sins and

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mistakes. Likewise, whoever goes out of the way to create public scandals, whoever goes out of the way to publicly expose the private Sins of other people, the same thing will happen to them in a lifetime, because Allah is most just, and he will not allow such crabs to go unpunished. So remember, people's private lives in Islam are their own business. What happens when someone is alone, or out in a private property is between them and Allah? If it is a synergy between them and Allah, which is a good deed in between giving a lot if it is neither it is between them and a lot. It is not our business, to look into other people's private lives to go and see what does this

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person do when he's alone? What does that person do on the phone? What is the person doing the computer does not our business, our business with each other? needs to be good to each other, to care for each other to help this Omar? Tu Tu, Tu, Tu, Tu strengthen the ties of brotherhood to make to offer each other to ask Allah to forgive each other to be there for each other.

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At the end of the day, we want everyone who believes in La ilaha illAllah, Muhammad Rasulullah to earn forgiveness, and to get into general without having to face any punishment and to get there we help each other to gentle speech to go towards.

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Allah guide us. Allah will give us a lot conceal our faults. May Allah help us all to give up our sins in our weaknesses. He makes us righteous. May He resurrect us with the righteous may practice or get of righteousness. And may He accept all of us in our deeds on the last day. So hang around. My phone was Salama mursaleen what company level

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