Irshaad Sedick – The Fiqh of Dhikr #04

Irshaad Sedick
AI: Summary © The history and meaning of "souls" in Islamic spirituality is discussed, including the use of vicar, schools of thought, and the recitation of the book of the same name every day. The importance of sound and its characteristics in shaping one's personality is emphasized, along with the decorum of being in a GEMA and the need for people to be quiet during events. The segment also touches on the meaning behind actions and feelings, such as the belief that everyone should be silent during formal engagements and the decorum of being in a GEMA. The recitation of a law in Africa is also discussed, along with the recitation of a statement from the Prophet Muhammad sallday about forgiveness and the return to the source of Christ.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen or salat wa salam ala shorefield mousseline say he didn't want to be you know Mowlana Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were either early he was Sabi, Germaine Robicheaux hurry surgery is silly Emory Hello Locata melissani of Coco Lee Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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All Praise and thanks to do surgery to Allah subhana wa ala Teresa's peace blessings and salutations upon our Master and exemple on a be Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam early he was happy he was selling them. We commenced this evening in sha Allah with a reading from purification of the heart. It is a book by emammal mo lewd Matan Kulu, but it is in fact a bone. And you'll see that the chapters are divided into segments of the bone, and then commentary of that poem by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, and the book is available for download. If you search for it, it's called purification of the heart,

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translation and commentary of Imam Al mo Lu Mathura. Tool Kulu by Hamza Yusuf signs, symptoms and cures of the spiritual diseases of the heart.

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And the purpose of this book, The poem is meant to be memorized in Arabic, this is the the way of traditional scholars that most sciences they would have committed a basic text they have to memory and then sit in front of the teacher recite the poem from memory, the teacher would then elaborate on the translation, not the translation sorry, on the commentary of that particular poem. This would have been done in various sciences like Hadith and FC and fic, etc. We, however, are looking at this particular key tab, because we are dealing with the fifth of vicar. Now, one of the most prevalent features of Victrola in his, in Islam

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is that vicar is a tool towards the purification of the heart. And often this point is, is missed by people. vicar is not just for the sound, for the, for the harmonies for the Largo which is often what people reduce it to. But it has a higher purpose a higher objective. vicar is not only virtuous for the sake of doing vicar while that has some virtue, but it has an objective it has a higher purpose and that higher purpose is the purification of the heart.

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If we look at Islamic spirituality, there are various interpretations of, of Islamic spirituality, as they are differences in faith, you have schools of thought in fear and those schools of thought are they to facilitate practicing Islam

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as opposed to having to resort not resort but refer to the Quran and Sunnah independently. So you have a panel of scholars if you want to think about it in this way, who have already interpreted Quran and Sunnah to the best of the ability and according to a certain methodology, then we come and we practice the conclusions with the belief that what we are practicing is not the fic but rather the interpretation of the Quran and Sunnah that has been facilitated for us. Similarly, in Aqeedah, they are schools of thought. Now Aqeedah is a bit of a sticky one because technically they should be no differences of opinion in Aqeedah in belief,

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and it is true as far as the fundamentals of faith are concerned that there are no differences of opinion you can't have one group believing that Allah is one and another group believing something else. But the individual aspects of Aqeedah they are differences of opinion they

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and that is in its place to go up to Mommy, mommy,

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Islamic spirituality works in a similar way

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that they are schools of opinions, schools of thought, and these schools are called tariqas or in the plural being took and utter Rica

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is essentially a system of reaching ALLAH SubhanA wa dialler. And this is often referred to as the

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So Wolf, and like they have been blunders and mistakes within Aqeedah. And certain groups have been wayward as far as the belief is concerned. So they start believing things that are not part of orthodoxy. And they have been wayward opinions in fear, where people have practiced things or had the opinions that are not part of orthodoxy or traditional Islam. Similarly, into so Wolf, you find the same thing happening you find practices that are in conformity with the Quran and the Sunnah. And then you have practices that are not in conformity with the Quran and the Sunnah. A Be that as it may, our objective here is not to discuss the so Wolf. But this type of text Mata Ratan Kaluga

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Imam Al mo lewd is a basic treaties on Islamic spirituality. And like this, you have other larger works and you have smaller works. An example of a slightly larger work would be capable of care of Imam nawawi which is a collection of devices and applications and remembrances of ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala that he has compiled. Another example would be the raw tape of Imam Al Haddad. Right? It is a compilation of Africa. They it's more on which I've got to recite then the theory of Islamic spirituality. And another probably most ubiquitous most renowned example would be the fer alumi Deen, the revival of the Islamic sciences with the Religious Sciences by Imam Al Ghazali, which is

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an encyclopedia of Islamic spirituality.

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Far too big for our purposes here, but this is a this is an introduction to a book, Imam will hide dead, has books of Islamic spirituality that he authored himself. A good example of this would be

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Kitab al ma Juana, the book of assistants, the book of assistants, it is also widely read well known and freely available, I believe, online Kitab on more our the book of assistance, which is similar to this book, so why choose Why choose matara, Toluca lube because of its brevity? It is synced because it's in pome form, we will not be reading the commentary that is for you to read at home, and the commentary is by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, we will be reading the poem so that we can reflect on it and then connect the principles contained here in to the Africa that we are reciting, which is the ultimate objective. It is to continue being in the remembrance of Allah. But our remembrance of

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Allah is taking us some way.

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Can somebody set in had that in had that out vicar in the outset on a daily basis remembering Allah and remain the same? No. The objective of remembering Allah frequently is to purify the heart of illnesses, to develop positive qualities, prophetic qualities, and to develop one's love and proximity to Allah subhanho wa taala. When Immanuel had that compiled the raw table had dad and the way we have within our communities where it was recited at regular intervals, for example, Thursdays and Sundays, and the way that it is practiced today within the Tariqa that Imam will had dad was a follower of the Bala Vita Rika is that it is a regular recitation, as I mentioned, those scholars in

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Yemen in huddle amount they recite this every day. And another example of what they recite every day is the will do Latif right. So these are all examples of litanies. Now it's very important to understand that this is not a teaching of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, nobody's declaring this to be soon I didn't say read this set of Africa at this time on that particular day, which is why we cannot we cannot say it is a master it is a sunnah, right, these are extra Luiza extra, but they are extras which are in conformity with the Quran and the Sunnah. And for that reason, in order to step up our game, our vicar game, if I can call it that in order to to level up,

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you know where we are at and where we we are going to in our lives and utilize the tradition that we have inherited in the best way. We have to connect our recitation of Africa to the purification of our hearts. That is really the endgame.

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It is for us to take a call such as this as an opportunity to start reciting whichever form of vicar that is, in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah.

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On a regular basis, meaning every day, or if not every day, then a few times a week, and connecting that with the purification of our hearts. And this is how we will have growth in spirituality. This is how we will cleanse our hearts. And I'll repeat it again using different words this time, we want to get to a point where we are reading vicar Rula every day

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in whichever form that is sound that is trustworthy, that is based on Quran and Sunnah. And we want to be doing that

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in a way that is not only consistent, but also has the higher objective of taking us to Allah, cleaning ourselves cleaning our bad habits and characteristics and developing sound, sound habits and qualities. May Allah grant that to us. So imamo loop starts off is Bowman Of course we reading the English. I begin by starting with the heart of beginnings, for it is the highest and noblest of beginnings.

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Have courtesy with God the high and the majestic by practicing modesty and humility,

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dejected, out of shame and humility humbled in all, imploring him by giving up your designs for he's emptied of covetousness for what his servants have.

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By hastening to fulfill His commands, and by being weary of the subtle encroachment of bad manners. If you the spiritual aspirant, realize your attributes of servitude, you will then be assisted with something of the attributes of the Eternally Besought.

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Realize your abject character and impoverishment and will get dignity and wealth from the old powerful, there is no salvation, like the heart salvation, given that all the limbs respond to he to its desires, beautiful language, and deep in meaning. So I will elaborate on it to a certain extent and of course, everything that falls below the lining that would be commentary of this particular text by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, I'll be providing my own commentary for the purposes of this class and for brevity in sha Allah. He says, I begin by starting with the heart of beginnings,

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for it is the highest and noblest of beginnings. And that means he's beginning in the name of Allah.

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But he sets the scene not only with the name of Allah, but also the condition of how we should be when we undertake a path to Allah. How do you begin your path to Allah? He starts by saying, Have courtesy with God have courtesy with Allah? How do we say that in a different sense, have other booth Allah,

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display the correct manners and etiquette before Allah? You're already he's painting a scene way we are before Allah subhanho wa taala. Not in terms of time, not in terms of space. But in a spiritual sense we place ourselves before Allah subhana Medina, this is the condition that the vakeel the one who remembers Allah should be

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when we start to sit, vicar.

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We're not starting the, with the attitude of

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you know, I'm in charge or I'm in power, I'm in control. It's not about who's sitting in front and who's the leader of the group and, you know, it's we are all servants before Allah, we are enslaving ourselves because we are His slaves. We enslave ourselves as best as we can, before Allah have courtesy with Allah have added my Allah, the high and the majestic. So now that secret prophetic formula is showing itself here, I am weak, Oh Allah, you are most high, you are perfect. This is found, as we've explored before in other courses and in talks and stuff within the Masjid. That is this amazing formula prevalent in all of this applications of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam and all of the applications of the other prophets. It's always I am weak, I am nothing Allah, you are perfect. You are everything in different shapes and forms. And then asking Allah subhanho wa Taala this is this is the same thing. It's always like that. You don't just go to Allah

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With a shopping list, the more we use this before, you don't just say, Oh Allah give me this give me that. I want closeness to you. I want you to love it.

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I mean, this is Allah we are speaking through, we come to Allah with Adam, we going to ask Allah, but we ask Allah in a beautiful way to us by the prophets, which is humble yourselves before Allah, which is why he continues by practicing modesty and humility. Right? I've seen certain Jama art of vicar, groups of vicar, right. We, they've clearly been trained in Adam.

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So in a vicar, such as that you won't find Not that there's anything haram with anything that I'm about to display. But this is beyond halal and haram disease at the, so they won't just sit like they want to, right, you're not going to find somebody sitting with the legs extended, or somebody reclining against the wall, you're gonna find people sitting

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like this.

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Right, which is the posture that Gibreel la salatu salam set

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in when he spoke to the prophets of Allah while he was and I'm asking him those questions, What is Islam? What is a man what is a Hassan? Right? You're not going to find people sitting playing with the phones, you're not going to find sitting people sitting and playing with something refocuses on Allah.

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At least they are trying to focus on Allah subhanho wa taala. And they sitting as we would sit on the day of the AMA, before Allah, that's the that's the scene that he's that he's been thing. He says, By practicing modesty and humility, do that which is modest to that, which is humble, be modest and humble. I've seen people standing in Salawat, where they don't stand like this. Right? They stand on their hands on the side, right? Because that's the manner of displaying Adam. Right. And one could argue back and forth about what is Adam and what isn't adapt. But there's a big difference between deferring about the details of adapt and not having any aspirations for adapt at

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all, we were not even trying right.

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in judo, for example,

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these these a decline of behavior and indicates of you know, of the Mussolini's in Joomla in general. So people come to Joomla, sometimes with a Nia that they can sleep. Right. Sometimes I also don't blame people, because some speakers put them to sleep.

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you know, if you know you come into the masjid for Jamara, then you can dress a certain way.

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Even if you're coming from work, because you knew the morning that you're going to come to Juma. This is one example. You're going to wear clothes that don't have logos and emblems and pictures on it. Because it's the house of Allah. It's not the it's not the place of advertising and promotion. Right.

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You shouldn't be having your phone I live not with you at all, or it should be on silent. And unlike mode, etc. When you come in as opposed to still chatting while you are in the masjid shouldn't be talking to the person sitting next to you. You shouldn't be reading the Muslim news you know these type of things. Now the same type of adverb that is required in the Joomla is required at every formal engagement with Allah, you morality and modesty.

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If the Imam is standing on the the member and he's saying the Hotaka, the first or the second,

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this hadith that indicates that if somebody else is speaking, and you are observing, and you tell those people,

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please be quiet, then you have ruined your reward.

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So you worried about them talking while the drama is on, but by just silencing them. You have ruined your reward.

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We shouldn't be.

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We shouldn't like the committee, for example, they shouldn't be like committee activities during that time. Sometimes it's like, it's necessary because somebody was on board and they didn't park right and they need to go fix things. But during the time that the mom is standing, there shouldn't be anything happening. No conversations, no tapping somebody on the shoulder, no indications, no movement, everybody should be silent and quiet and at peace.

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This is this is the adverb of being in a GEMA that presents themselves before Allah and I'm mentioning this not because we talking about Joomla but because the same decorum is required when sitting in the gathering of liquor. Right

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needless to say, it would be inappropriate to be making jokes with one another while the vicar is happening and talking to one another and so on. Somebody is busy patching is America. Allah?

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You know, it's inappropriate. So this is the decorum how we should be the state of our being inside. This is what he opens with. He says, dejected, out of shame and humility. This is this is something that's sort of foreign to contemporary living, modern living, people don't see this type of feeling as a praiseworthy one.

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Because we are always trying to uplift one another and that's perfectly in order. But when it comes to Allah, don't come we all uplifted, you come to Allah, as he says, dejected, out of shame. Why shame?

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You in psychology, guilt is looked at as a very negative thing, but there's a certain type of guilt within within an Islamic paradigm that is not only praiseworthy, but be so is something that you should strive for. And that is the guilt

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and shame of your sins.

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You don't come to Allah with pretentiousness.

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Right? When somebody is a fun, yes, it's fun. When they are, what's it in English, when they are lifted out?

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And they're exposed? Right? Somebody gets exposed? Are they the same? Look here, they've been catching on the nonsense for years, whether it's cheating, drugs, whatever, and all of a sudden they get lifted out, you will see that person changes instantly, in front of other people, because they've been exposed. They've been humiliated. That shame that they had, that they have now was always there. They just had pretentiousness. They pretended not to have it. They pretended to be above it. But you can't have that before Allah because Allah sees right through you. Allah knows your weaknesses. You don't come to Allah pretending like you don't have weaknesses. You come to

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Allah, full of weaknesses. And you present your weaknesses before Allah subhanho wa Taala some of the AFCA if you understand the meanings, and you join them with these feelings, it will bring you to tears.

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One example

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I stuck with federal law rah

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rah, rah

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why Nextel federal law.

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Mina and Makoto.

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Establish federal law, I seek your forgiveness of Allah. Yeah. Rob Bell broyeur Oh, lord of all of creation. Estelle Fetullah. I seek your forgiveness of Allah, mineral hot Goya from my sins from my mistakes. Now, when you when you saying something like this, you say this with humanity. You're not gonna say this with a smile on your face. Right? At least not the

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Trinsic a moderate smile, you can understand. But if you really deeply connecting to the meaning and the feeling, it does something to your heart.

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And arguably, it can still do something to your heart, even if you don't know the meaning. But it's so much more profound when you connect to this feeling. And again, even if one doesn't understand all of the meanings, but you have this feeling dejected, out of shame and humility humbled in all, imploring Him, just that feeling alone. If you have that accompany you through a birder in general sada recitation of Quran, Dwyer Victrola you will find all of your A Bader will be enhanced. What is the meaning of the word ibird.

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We would say worship that's a standard translation. I like to use the word servitude because it has within it up above the abdomen which means slave to do a Bader is to enslave oneself before Allah, serve Allah and that attitude

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of our Bodia of servitude to your rub. That is the core feeling of any form of a birder by giving up your designs for yeas, what does this mean? Give up your knifes your desires and instead place Allah's designs Allah's a world before you. This is what it means to be a believer.

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So you may be tired

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And you're sitting in the liquid, you may be tired as you're sitting here right now, you may have something else to do, you may have another engagement, you may have certain demands you may have date that's sitting at the back of your mind that's worrying you all of that may be sitting on your heart. But you put all of that aside because first and foremost, you're a servant of Allah. And therefore, give up your designs for his you place Allah's design first emptied of covetousness for what his servants have, you empty yourself, of one of what other people have. So, you may be on a pursuit of dunya chasing after a figure or after a

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figure, or after a, you know,

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some dunya pursuit.

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Other people have these things you want these other people got that nice phone, you want that nice phone, come to Allah, free of that. Don't bring you enough, see desires with you, Allah, you wanna ask Allah for dunya stuff, no problem. But first, don't let that be your objective. Because if that's your objective, then you don't have space for a better objective. And the ultimate objective is Allah. If your heart is filled with desire for other things, you're not going to have space for desiring Allah and the love of Allah. It says, By hastening to fulfill His commands and by being wary of the subtle encouragement of bad manners, you come to Allah knowing that I need to just give

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up myself and, and take what Allah wants from me. I need to give up these things because I'm starting to become impatient, arrogant, jealous,

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covetous of the dunya, involved in lustful or haram relationships, whatever the case may be, just to be wary, that I'm weak and I have flows. And the one who can fix my flows is the one that I'm sitting before when I'm making vicar.

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If you the spiritual aspirant, meaning the person, wanting Allah and walking the path to Allah, if you realize your attributes of servitude or Buddha, you will then be assisted with something of the attributes of the Eternally be sought. The Eternally Besought is Allah. So if you give up

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sorry, if you realize your attribute of servitude, if you realize, look, I'm a slave, and I take pride and love my status, of servitude of Allah, because by being a servant of Allah, I'm free of being the servant or slave of anyone and anything else. And by having this, what will you gain? You will start gaining from the gift of Allah, what are the gifts of Allah, if Allah is a rough man, then a gift from Allah would be Rama, you will be gaining from that. If Allah is Allah dude. Then a gift from Allah would be that would that love.

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Realize your abject character and impoverishment and you will gain dignity and wealth from the old powerful, if you feel like you need to be brought down a bit because you your your pride is taken over or your ego has taken over or your arrogance has taken over. Take a moment to take cognizance of who you are before Allah and what Allah knows about you. That all the people around you don't know. You don't realize

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there is no salvation like the heart salvation given that all the limbs respond to its desires. In other words, by focusing on your heart, and by purifying your heart and by striving to clean your heart and develop the prophetic characters of the heart, then there is no salvation like that, save your heart and you'll be saved. Destroy your heart and you'll be destroyed. Right? And we all know the darkness is that we carry around in our heart, the crew law is the key to cleansing our hearts of those darknesses and invite in the the illumination from Allah subhanho wa Tada. So that was the first chapter of purification of the heart Mataro Mataro to localu English poem as translated by

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Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, I'd like everyone to read the commentary of that between now and next week in sha Allah, Allah and reflect because it's deep, you can read it in five minutes, but you can reflect on it for five years. And that's how you should read a work like that.

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May Allah subhanahu wa Tada, bless us and grant us to reach him and his love and the love of his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam through his remembrance, we now turn to some Africa Insha Allah, Allah and in our discussion of the various parts of the Africa we stopped at the Salawat we in our regular forms of the Crow law release

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The Solloway to Ebrahimi Yeah

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and I've been color llama Nazareth in Allah. How am Allah Ekata who you saw Luna Allah NaVi cab raviolo Talon cab even Malik the Sahaba he said, When the verse in Allah whoa Malaika will you saw Luna Allah NaVi. When that verse he reached us in other words unit was revealed Callooh they said, K for no sol de la k and v Allah or prophet of Allah. How do we make salawat upon you? Call he responded Kulu say

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Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad in wider early Mohammed camel Sol later Allah Ibrahim our other early Ibrahim in NACA hamidou Majeed alberic Allah Muhammad wa ala early Mohammed gamma Baraka Allah Ibrahim Awada early Ibrahim in NACA, hamidou Majid Allah even said Nana Kulu we say we're Elena my home, and upon us with him, call a azido fella, add ash, Shea Onza. Who know that's part of the innovation of the Hadith, the technicalities of it.

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So this is called the Salawat will Ibrahim Mia. We know this because it is part of our data yet. It is part of our data here. For those of you watching and joining us online. I see a question there about how do you get this book, I'm going to I'm going to

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you need to contact Sharmila save, you know Sharmila contact Charminar she can arrange it for you. If you don't, then I'll place a number on in the comment section now and you can contact her for that inshallah for those of you in the masjid the book is available hamdulillah Artesia,

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and you are more than welcome to acquire a copy they even if you don't have the funds for it this week, I'm not sure what it costs I think is something like 85 and then next week inshallah Tada.

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type so we recite

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a law home solely of dollars sala de I

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just the LI O Allah, send us dollars Salawat the best of salutations and Allah Rommel suddenly

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starting in a law home suddenly

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se Idina okay the beginning that I already decided after a solid hour, the east of salutations the best of Salawat Allah sin the bun, Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then it goes on

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I think it's best if I just recite the one because I'm going to confuse myself all the time.

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And it goes as follows

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In Yeah

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No, that's a different one.

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What time is Maghrib?

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Along Oh,

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Sunny of dawn and sauna. at

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OSI Deema. Hulu Coco Tikka Habibi,

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Mohamed, why?

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Thani Sahabi was suddenly the loom

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take me the Dhaka Naima Tikka Kula mama that Kara can Kiru now well of Ella and the curry Koloff ioun pin you start the Salvatori Brahimi Yeah. Now, from the beginning up until that point, what is being said, Oh Allah, sin the traces Salawat of dollars Salah T Isla Muhammad wa ala Aalihi. And upon his family, wasabi and his companions are Salim and

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and greetings salawat and greetings.

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And then we say I did now your people I don't know something. Again, like I said last week something else is recited but it's either the, the number of

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either my Luma Tikka the number of that which is known by you.

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It's a very profound statement. What does Allah know? Everything like literally everything beyond our scope of imagination.

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So other than my Aluma either than my ultimate, the plural, not just that which is known by you my Aluma at every single thing that is known by you, that is the extent that we are asking you to send Salawat upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW some

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Luma Tikka me the DECA Lima tic Huami Dadda cadmatic and the extent of the ink that is required to write your words, Allah's words

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the extent of the ink that is required to write your words that's the amount of Salawat we are asking you to send Muhammad SAW s&m?

00:35:42 --> 00:35:51

Why me Dad cadmatic kula mama. Every time that Cara Katha que rune every time very Mimbres remember you

00:35:54 --> 00:36:02

and every time Akula Rafaela and Vickery kal hoffy LUN and every time the neglect is neglect you

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that's the extent of the Salawat we are asking you to sin to not be Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam so that's already

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covering every bases. It's a poetic way of speaking to Allah subhanho wa Taala within continue, then it says the salvato Ibrahim Mia which I've recited already, what does it say? We know this inside now he says in the Dahiya that the in

00:36:30 --> 00:37:10

Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad madein Allah sin salutations upon Muhammad wa ala Ali Mohammed and upon the family of Mohammed cameras are later Allah Ebrahim, Allah Allah Ali Ibrahim, and upon Ibrahim in the family of Ibrahim in naka hamidou Majid Indeed you are praiseworthy, majestic wa barik ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Mohammed and Blace Mohammed and the family of Mohammed Kamara Baraka Allah Ibrahim, Ali Ibrahim, as you have placed Ibrahim in the family of Ibrahim in NACA hamidou Majeed you are praiseworthy, you are majestic. So, that is the salatu Ebrahimi then it continues

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either they're called kick worry, though enough seek was in at the autoshack Huami Dadda cadmatic. That formula again repeats itself with slight variations in the the extent of what you are pleased with Allah. So this is the opening segment of the vicar after the recitation of Quran it is it then goes into the Salawat the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught the Sahaba how to make this type of Salawat here's another example. It was asked a messenger of Allah, and must salam alayka fucka off now we know how to greet you. We know how to make Salam upon you forgave us Salah to ALEC how do we send Salawat upon you. He then said Kulu Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa ala le

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Muhammad gamma Zuleta Allah Ibrahima innaka hamidou Majeed till the end so it comes directly from the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam. Then after the Salawat

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after the Salawat we'll do a bit of the wicked in sha Allah Allah after the Salatin Multilib so immediately after the Salah and pot as part of the door, I will recite some of the ACA in unison inshallah Allah after the Salawat we go into the

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PV kid of la ilaha illa Allah x the first vicar that is made repetitively in the in the gathering of the cadets we usually have. Why is that? Significant? Because the prophets of Allah Allah wa salam said of Duluth Vickery La ilaha illAllah. The best forms of vicar is La Ilaha illa Allah

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Abdullah Vickery, Huck, we say, we actually say that statement in the the best form of vicar, Huck, and this is through and then it carries on La ilaha illAllah. Repeatedly, I end up on this note, with this session in sha Allah, that the there was a day when the prophets are sitting much like we are sitting today with the Sahaba radiola who and whom, and even said as Nikhil Bab go and close the door, and then he asked Alfie Kumari Boone Are there any strangers among you and what he meant by was are we not all Muslims? Are we not all Muslim sitting here and the Sahaba responded in the positive and then he said Irrfan idea if it can raise your hands in whatever way they're to raise

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their hands with it was like this with it was like this. Allah knows best probably like this because this is showed other places as well. Like for example, during the hood bear when making to either hottie is actually supposed to stand with his diet finger raised like this, not with hands like this. No that hands by the side

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That's a side issue and they need to the Sahaba Rhodiola gnome kulula ilaha illa Allah and then they all said La Ilaha illa Allah together

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and then after they said that for a while he even said Kuma for Allah come, now you can stand and you can all go all of your sins have been forgiven. This is just one part of the vehicle in general.

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From this one in Shaw

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as I said off the salatu Marieb

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we will recite some of the Africa This is that that idea that just read to you now, another version of it the prophet Elisha was an MC to the sahaba. God do Eman ACOEM renew your faith. So they CDR rasool Allah K for new god do Eman and how can we renew our faith? Or ask I'm asking now is there not some days where we feel like a my Eman needs a booster man? My man feels like it's down kind of plug it in some way.

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So the Sahaba also asked how can we renew our faith? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responded he said Pharaoh mean Nikoli La Ilaha illa Allah abundantly recite La Ilaha illa Allah, she want to boost your Eman. Take a few minutes out of your day recite La Ilaha illa Allah it's the best form of vicar and Allah knows best. This is that exact narration that I spoke about earlier unhealthy Kumari Boone the second line, are there any strangers among you here any any mentee by Ahlul Kitab People of the Book for Kona they said no lie or rasool Allah no one family will be commanded to do be closed or call a referral idea committee. Raise your hands who Lula Illa Illa

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Allah we all said EC to sa La ilaha illallah farofa Anna adn we raised our hands sat and for a while from Awada Rasulullah sallallahu is and yet there who the prophets was in place these hand doesn't say we call I even said Alhamdulillah appraises you to Allah Allah Houma. But I certainly be happy in Kalama Allah you sent me with these words or a multimedia you've commanded me with these words or attorney, Alejandra Jana, you have promised me Paradise by these words are in Nikola totally fooled me. You do not break your promises. So makalah even say to them Abba Shirou Good news everyone. For in Allah azza wa jal aka the offer Allah, Allah has forgiven all of you for Inshallah, in the neck

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note, we will recite some of the fkr after the Salah. So do stay for that just come along Iran, Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Mowbray – Masjid Ar-Rashideen

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