Abdul Nasir Jangda – Msa Osu Occupy Yourself Examples Of Character

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The importance of good conduct and good character in treating people is discussed, as it is a fundamental part of human life. The speaker provides practical examples of how good conduct and character come from, such as in coworkers and in personal experiences. The speaker emphasizes the need for patient and toleration of others to build connections and avoid evil behavior, and offers advice on how to properly deal with people and extract lessons from their daily lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah wa aalihi wa sahbihi mehreen Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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Everyone can hear me. Okay, good. I'm gonna preface by saying that I handle I don't have a lot of issues with sinuses or congestion. But I don't know what happened a couple of days ago, I kind of came down with something I got on the plane. And when I got off the plane, it was all in my ear. So I can't hear myself talk very clearly right now. So it's really, really weird. So I'm not quite sure if y'all can hear me. But if you can hear me, just let me know. And I'm just going to do what I do. And hopefully you can hear me and it makes sense what I'm saying.

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But just wanted to start off, I wanted to keep the sessions a little more informal, just a little bit more casual. That's kind of why we had a little bit of a delay, I requested the wireless mic, so I could kind of walk around and talk to everybody. And it's really a blessing, it's a pleasure to be able to make it out to Msh and speak in an MSA environment. Because I think that the students are a lot more comfortable in these in this environment in this dynamic. And it also allows us to speak a little more freely, a little more openly with the student, you know, demographic of our community.

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So I wanted to start off by just simply mentioning,

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I hate having my bio read. That's absolutely the most awkward thing in the world. I love the brother for the sake of Allah. All right, but reading a bio is really, really strange. It's really awkward. And it weirds me out next. All right, standing right there. While he's reading my bio, I didn't know what to do. So I started walking around in circles. I needed some activity to preoccupy my toes, like the Ricky Bobby syndrome, like what I do with my hands? Right? If I do, right, so I didn't know what to do with myself or my bio was being read.

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But the topic today is an amazing topic. And you know, I don't say that to every single session I go to I don't say that every single conference Mashallah any topic islamically related is awesome to talk about. But this is an this is absolutely the best topic that we can speak about. And that's a clock. The Arabic word is a club, which is character, behavior, conduct. That is the most necessary topic for us to speak about, basically, after faith, the topic to be had, and faith in prayer and just the fundamentals the topic to be had is a clock and character and conduct and behavior, how we carry ourselves how we conduct ourselves. And I want to explain to you why it's such a fundamental

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important topic aside from its impact on society, and how it affects people in their relationships. I want to show you from Islamic history, what makes it such an unbelievably awesome topic.

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When divine revelation began, meaning to put into simpler terms, when the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him, was given his mission when he was given Prophethood and he was sent out there on his mission. What was the frame first revelation that opened the door to all of this, anybody remember? Anybody know?

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It Bismillah buckler, the HELOC read in the name of your Lord, read by the name of your Lord. Right. So it was that first command that opened the floodgates that opened the door to all of this hate and blessing that came to us in the form of the Quran in the form of Islam, this religion this Deen this way of life that we love so much.

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In the opinion of many Quranic scholars, scholars of the Quran, the second revelation to come down from a lot to the prophets, a lot of them is Surah number 68. Surah number 68. The first few verses of surah number 68, in which Allah subhanaw taala says something very precise, something very, very powerful. And one of those very first initial thing so this is second revelation.

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And Allah subhanaw taala tells the prophets a lot he said, I'm in Mecca Allah Allah, Who lukina Alvin

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and most definitely you are, he's talking to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he says this with emphasis, most definitely no doubt about the fact for show.

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All right, you are speaking to the Prophet peace of blessings to Allah saying to you our law Allah, you are verily there's extra emphasis, double emphasis. So the email that you hear in Mecca, that's emphasis, and then La La, la, la, l sound alarm sound research with that's more emphasis. So let's say no doubt,

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make no mistake, that you are upon the weather literally means a pond, which means on top of something above something Aladdin Stella, basically it means to be on top upon over on top of something

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Right, he describes the position of being on top of something. So unless during the profits a lot, he said that no doubt, make no mistake, certainly you are above. You are on top of Hulu, Avi Minh, who look means character conduct behavior. IV means very great, amazing, powerful, captivating. So who can add him of course refers to a very, very awesome character.

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Amazing conduct

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exactly exemplary behavior. But allies not telling to the prophets, Allah someday you will have exemplary behavior. He's not saying that you have amazing conduct. He's not saying that you have awesome character. He's saying that you are upon meaning you're above that,

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that think of what is a good character, think of what is awesome behavior, think of what is good conduct.

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And then you are above that your level higher than that your next step up. So wherever good conduct ends, the height of good conduct, that's where the character of the prophet SAW some begins.

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So one thing is for us, you know, one of my teachers asked us early on in our studies, we're reading some basic IOD some basic, a Hadith of the prophets, a lot of them talking about character and conduct. And so the term like I said before, in Arabic is a clock. So my teacher asked us, he said, What's a clock?

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What's How do you define a clock? Explain the clock character. So he asked us, he said, if somebody does something good to you, and you do something good back to them, somebody was nice to you, you were nice to them. That's a clock like, Yes, he's like, no,

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that's called being a human being.

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Forget about human being even animals have that sense. If you feed a dog, he's gonna wag his tail and follow you around.

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And if you throw a rock at an animal, then he's gonna try to attack you.

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I mean, that's a sense, treating somebody the way they treat you. That's just normal sense. That's human, just natural human behavior, and even animal behavior.

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A lot is when somebody is not good to you, you still you're still good to them.

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I said, Man, you like

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it, man.

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Cinnamon katatak be good to somebody who's bad to you give to somebody who deprives you drawing relations with a relative who tries to cut you out, cut you off. That's o'clock. But what I want to take that conversation further, if good character is being good to somebody who's bad to you,

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or less willing to process them, you're even above good character.

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When somebody's good to you, you're better to them, when somebody's bad to you, you're good to them. And you don't hold it against them and you have no ulterior motive and no agenda in regards to being good to them. There's no expectation on the other side, you're just good to them, because it's the right thing to do.

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And we do it to please Allah subhanaw taala. And that's a very important connection, a clock A lot of times, and this is one of the main points I wanted to make here in this session. And then I wanted to give you some practical examples of the profits a lot of times character, what it was like,

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but when they established a few basic points about conduct and character.

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So the first thing we realize is, what is conduct? What is good character? What is a clock? What does that mean?

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Now, the second thing I want to talk about and establish is, what is the motivation behind good conduct and good character? We've already established the fact that even when somebody's bad, too, you're good to them? Well, that's really, really hard, isn't it? That's extremely difficult.

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But so where's that motivation going to come from? Typically, the motivation comes from, and you've probably had 1000 conversations, even in your junk short, brief life, you've already probably had 100 occasions where somebody asks you to do something, and you end up saying, or you end up sharing with someone or telling someone Yeah, but you know, he hooked me up. Remember, he helped me that time he gave me a ride, I gotta give him a ride. Or he always answers my call when whenever he calls, whenever I call him, he always picks up my calls, I gotta answer his phone call. So typically, the motivation to treat somebody well comes from the fact that they treat you well. But

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if the premise of a clock is to treat somebody, well, even when they're not good to you, where's that motivation going to come from? It's got to come from somewhere where human beings at the end of the day, there's got to be an incentive to everything. It's the animal part of our creation, because human beings are a very interesting creation of a lot between an angelic and an animal state.

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We have elements of what the melodica what the angels have, and we have an element of what animals possess. And so it's a constant balancing act between the two. Well, so the animal part of us needs a carrot dangled in front of us.

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I need something in front of me that motivates me.

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Otherwise, there's no reason to keep moving. There's no reason to go forward. So when is that motivation, where's it going to come from?

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And that's where a very important conversation comes into play. And that is the simple fact that, unfortunately, today, forget about general society. Even in the Muslim community, we've created a separation where there was never meant to be any separation. And that is a separation between what we consider spirituality, and what we consider social conduct.

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And that includes everything from dealing with your family, to talking and dealing with people like social conduct and behavior, to even business dealings. All right, we separated the two, basically, the five branches of Islamic rulings are called outer Imani yet what you believe in, and then there's a bar that there's worship, then there's a martial art, how you deal how you live, how you conduct yourself on a day to day basis, there's more Malachi, your business dealings, financial transactions, and then there's a clock the at some of the scholars make this a fifth category. That's just your conduct. All right. And so what's happened unfortunately, over some us quite a bit

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of time, it's the centuries in the I don't want to say making because it's a negative development. But this is centuries of a regression. It's regression has taken place over centuries. All right, to the point where we've taken the first two Imani itenary, by that, that we've completely separated it from everything else. So what I believe in and how I worship or my worship, has nothing to do with how I live with my family, how I do business, and how I walk and talk and deal with people, has nothing to do with it, complete separation

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to the point where we have the unfortunate

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reality today in our communities, where you guys are so students, so you don't have quite a bit of experience yet in the business realm. Which when you eventually get there will be very unfortunate of an experience at the same time. But we do have the reality today where somebody is known to be very devout and very pious, and I'm gonna use quotation marks for a lot of this stuff. All right, because these are just perceptions in the community. All right, somebody's very devout, somebody very religious, somebody who's very pious, somebody who's very worshipping very regular about salah and prayer and Vicodin, Koran.

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But having a conversation with that person is the most dreadful experience of your life.

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And again, I don't have to beat around the bush. Typically, when I give a lot of lectures and talks about the masajid, there are machines, you have to be a little bit more proper, there's a lot more different, you know, different crowds and different orientations there. The whole beauty of the MSA is I can say it like it is all right. So somebody will be very regular about salon literally where they'll stop traffic in the middle of the street. Why? Cuz it's time for so long. I have to pray. And for a second year, kind of like, yo, that's, that's pretty awesome. Right? that dude's a real deal. That dude will pray no matter what. Right?

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But then the second he's done with his prayer, salat wa salam. ala dude is the biggest jerk on the planet.

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Dudes just straight down just straight up mean. He's just a complete jerk of a human being. All right, she's just the most difficult person in the world. All right, judgemental, angry.

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You know, just just abrasive, rude, intrusive. I mean, you name it.

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That that quality is there. And it creates is very just troubling. A very confusing.

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contradiction, a dichotomy.

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And sometimes we're somewhat confused by it. A lot of times, and this is the thing that troubles me the most. A lot of people are just not that troubled by it anymore. They've just come to terms with it. They just, they come to live with it. Like, so. That's their personality. That's okay. Still a good person, though. Praise a lot.

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Right. So sometimes people just are ready to just deal with it. It is what it is, what are you going to do?

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but for the majority of people, people like that end up becoming what I like to call the anti dour.

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People like that become the anti dour. Alright, you guys are here. I was just joking with

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brother Hannah about this. You guys are here on a Saturday. All right. On a nice, big, beautiful campus on a Saturday. You're sitting in a hall in a room listening to an Islamic lecture. You guys are a bunch of losers. All right. I'm just joking.

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But the My point is this, the fact that you guys are here on a Saturday, when you have no obligation, this is not going to affect your grades in any way. You weren't coerced to be here. At least I hope not. All right. I don't know how the MSA here operates. Okay, we have dirt on you come to the conference, right. So

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I don't know how it operates out here. But typically, I'm assuming, all right, making sure that there's nothing shady going on here. You showed up of your own accord, on a Saturday in a room to listen to a talk about a song. My point is, you're somewhat motivated about the religion. All right, at some level.

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Now, each and every single person in this room has an uncle

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or a relative, typically, it's an uncle. All right, who, when told about, hey, there's gonna be an awesome lecture at the campus. Why don't you come through and listen to it? Hey, there's gonna be a nice little program at the machine. Once you come through, hey, we're gonna have a nice little clown program at the mustard once you come through Senado go over there. Why don't you go over there? Terrible people. I know all those people and pray over here, then they rip you off over there. Right? I don't deal with those people. All a bunch of terrible, terrible human beings. What's the point of praying over there with those people? You ever heard? Somebody said talk like that? Right?

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I'm not condoning I'm not approving. I'm not endorsing what they're saying.

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But there's some truth to what they're saying though.

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They were turned off by somebody bad example, by somebody bad character. And that's a problem. We got to fix that. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam was being told that in the second revelation ever,

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right? The chronology of the Quran has been revealed literally not even a dozen verses have been revealed yet. how's it gonna do? Right? Typically, we figure you give Dawa, you spread the message, you talk about Islam, you preach a song. Because you quote the Quran and you quote a hadith and you have knowledge. Well, how much of the Quran has come down yet very little to nothing. But Allah subhanaw taala is already a lot is already telling the Prophet peace be upon him.

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Being able to quote the Quran is not going to be your most powerful form of preaching, your most powerful form of preaching will be what?

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Your conduct in your character. He's being told that in the second, the first revelation was his opening the door. Second revelation, he's being told your character, your conduct, that's your key. That's your secret to success. That's that magic ingredient that makes it work. That makes it happen.

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And we look throughout the life of the prophets, a lot of the time it was this character in his conduct that just blew people away, that transformed people's lives. That changed your perspectives. It affects the hearts, how you treat with how you treat people, you're philosophers. Even Islamic philosophers have mentioned one thing about the nature of the human being that Al insana Abdullah sang,

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that the human being is a slave to any good being done to him, meaning a human being is a slave to favours. Meaning if you do a favor for someone, that person that person feels obligated to you.

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Right? Doesn't feel that way. When somebody does something really nice to you, you feel a sense of obligation to like I just talked about, if I gave you a ride, and I took you out to a nice dinner, and I bought you some nice gift, the next time default your phone rings, and it's my number, you're going to feel obligated to pick up to respond. Because like, Man, that dude's so nice, he did this. And he did this. And he did that. That's the nature of the human being. That's how we were made, how we were built. That's our most powerful form of preaching a song, teaching this song, it's to our character. So what I was talking about was the person who, unfortunately, is practicing some very

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basic aspects of the religion in the area of worship, or pure spirituality. I don't even like calling it spirituality, because I'm going to get to that in a bit. But somebody is practicing some basic forms of worship in Islam. But none of that is manifesting in that person's character. That person is the anti dour.

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That person does the opposite of what we're supposed to be doing. That person is is a perfect example of the repulsiveness.

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That is the person that people will quote as to why they don't like Islam, or why they don't practice Islam, or why they don't want to pray or why they don't want to go to the mosque even though they're wrong. That person does not represent Islam properly. He's not doing a good job, but that's just the reality where human beings were affected by what we see the Prophet peace be upon them even told people he said when you have a dispute, like y'all got some before y'all got an issue and the profits awesome said when you come to me to settle your matter, he said then speak honestly speak properly and don't spice things up.

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Don't spicy

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Because he said, I can only make a judgement based on the appearance, based on what I see, I'll listen to your story, I'll look at you, I'll look at what I can see. And I'm gonna pass the judgment based on that. And that's how it works. That's how we are as human beings.

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So we have to be very, we have to be careful about this. So what highlighting this issue of this dichotomy, this split that's been created within the practice, the application of Islam, not Islam itself, Islam is still pure and pristine, in its proper form. It's just a matter of us going back and checking ourselves against what Sam told us, going back and comparing our own behavior to what the Quran over the life of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam teaches us, but the application and the practice of Islam has been corrupted. And that dichotomy and the split has been created with there was not meant to be one.

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And that's between worship, and then character and conduct.

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And that's what I wanted to get to is character and conduct. Now, where does the motivation come from? I told you earlier, it's obviously the motivation of good conduct. good character, isn't that? Well, he's nice to me. So I'll be nice to him. And she's nice to me. So I'll be nice to her. But it comes from the simple fact that no, even when he's not nice to me, I'll still be nice to him. And even when she's rude with me, I'll still be polite with her. But where's that motivation going to come from? It comes from the simple fact that our character and our conduct is directly connected to our spirituality. It's a part and parcel of our spiritual experience and condition. You can't

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separate it from that. There's no such thing as having a lot of spirituality. But just being a bad person to deal with. That doesn't make any sense. It's a contradiction. It's an oxymoron to say somebody's religious but rude. That's an oxymoron. That makes no sense.

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So we have to understand that we have to grasp that. And I actually wanted to provide some type of evidence that establishes this fact.

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And there's numerous things in the Quran, Allah is dedicated many, many places in the Quran to talk about conduct and character, but in the entire pseudo focuses on this entire issue. So total gerat. Right. Surah number 49. I seriously advise or su number 59, I should say, is it. So if somebody knows correct me anyways, somebody can look it up? And let me know. I believe a certain number 59, if I'm correct, but Allah subhanaw taala has dedicated an entire sutra to addressing this issue of conduct and character and community relations. Because it does impact your faith. Yeah, you're Latina, amanu. Whenever our last panel agenda says, Yeah, you're Latina. I'm an all you who have

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claimed to believe all the ones who have claimed faith. What that basically means is that how you can understand that is a lie saying that, okay, you've said that you're a believer, or you've said that you've believed

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49 or 49. Unless it says that you have said that you believe you have claimed faith in a man. But now what I'm about to tell you is an opportunity for you to actually live up to that claim. You understand what I'm saying? We hear that a lot in the Quran, don't you? Yeah. You know, what it means is that up until this point, you said, Yeah, I'm a believer. But typically what follows after yankalilla, the nominal is a command

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or a loss, or a prohibition, unless forbidding us from doing something, which is a form of a command, it's a command in the negative right to either saying do this, or he's saying don't do that.

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In either in both scenarios, what he essentially is, it's a challenge to us, that you set it with your tongue, I'm a believer, I'm Muslim. Now it's an opportunity for you to actually live up to that claim, prove it, implement it, act on it, let's see if you're truthful in what you claim or not.

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And so many places in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala says yet you are living in a hospital, wasabi, who will Robbie to?

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Alright, so to Lisa, which again, talks about a lot of social issues, from family, to dealing with even enemies to dealing with society. So many different issues, inheritance, extended families. So in laws, so many different things are mentioned in sort of turn this up.

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And at the end of it, Allah says, What would challenge does he present or right before sort of Tennessee, excuse me this at the end of serrania and Ron, this is our last segues into sort of the Nisa. So he gives us one challenge. And then he says what you're about to read next is an opportunity for you to implement that challenge. And what does he say right before she wrote in his head begins at the end of Ramadan. Oh, you who have claimed to believe claimed faith is to be true, be patient. Wasabi true. Do they sound a lot of like like similar sounds is Speedo wasabi

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Do I know you guys have the Wissam Sharif experience last night? I'm not quite as epic as russom Sharif. All right. I don't know if you guys have heard my joke or not. I always like to tell people when we speak together. And I like speaking with him. We're good friends we get along. But

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typically when we speak together, did he bust out like just reading in the middle of his talk and stuff is pretty awesome, isn't it? Yeah. So typically when I have to end up speaking with him, like right after him or something, but I typically tell people is I don't like speaking with with him for the one simple reason that I'm not as epic sounding as he is. Right? Like, I can't just bust out and recitation and just like shake the room. Right? But I don't worry about it too much.

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Look at that.

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We saw him set that up, because I'm about to tell a joke. I'm about to crack a joke on him. sabotage. Like It Is this cool effect? are kind of cool. Alright, nevermind. Okay, so I typically say that, even though I, I don't sound as epic as him, I don't let that bother me too much. Because some people like me some sound epic. And some people like me look epic, alright, but right, so you can let him know I said that. make that joke like 18 times he gets so upset whenever they joke. But nevertheless getting back to the point. All right, speaking about o'clock, all right. But yeah.

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So let's sing. So if you listen is swedru sabi who is speaking sobbing who sounds somewhat similar, but then they are little bit different, right? In the way they're being enunciated there's slightly different sound fluctuations. While they sound similar. In fact, we got some of our students over here, so they'd be able to explain to us, they sound similar because they come from the same route and the same core patience to tie something down to tie yourself down. But then they do sound a little bit different different sound fluctuations, because they have different slight implications and meanings. And the difference in implication is Speedo means Be patient. practice patience.

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sabido means be patient with each other.

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And rabito means then

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connect with each other. So don't just be patient with each other. That's the first step of it, learn to tolerate each other. But it doesn't end there. Then it says what are the two and then eventually move past your differences move past the level of just being patient with someone, alright, and tolerating someone and move to the level of where you actually grow connected to someone, build relations grow connected, tie yourself to each other. And there are dozens of such challenges in the Quran. So, fate, so character, and o'clock and the way we behave in the way we conduct ourselves, has a direct impact on spirituality. It is from the Hadith from the tradition of

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the prophets a lot he somewhere he tells us about a woman who was extremely sinful, alright, again, opportunity to speak a little bit more clearly, you know, openly, it basically describes a woman, the word that's using classical Arabic, is that this woman was basically a prostitute. All right, which is very, very bad, very, very, extremely reprehensible, because not only is this person indulging or committing a sin, committing a sin or indulging in a sin, but this person takes us into a level where they become a social evil, and they become a source of tests and trial and temptation for others. All right, so it's actually taking evil out of your own personal practice, which is bad,

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and then actually taking it out onto the into the public see in the public arena and spreading that evil. It's like somebody's doing drugs in the privacy of their own home, which is still bad. And then somebody becomes a drug dealer, taking that evil to a whole new level. So that's basically what this Heidi described this woman was in that was of that, basically, that that type of a practice, all right. And then she comes across a, a dog

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and she provides water to a dog to a thirsty dying dog, she provides water, she has mercy towards that creation of Allah. What does a prophet somebody some teller tell us about her?

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That single act became the means of her salvation and her forgiveness.

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Now, Allah subhanaw taala. And the process of is informing us of this is setting an example for us about the importance wasn't even a human being it was an animal.

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But showing kindness to the creation of Allah attracts the mercy and forgiveness of God.

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All right, and on the other hand, the prophet SAW some tells us about a woman who was very again, I'm going to use my quotations, very righteous, very pious, very devout, praying all the time, reading all the time, worshiping all the time.

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But she had a cat and she started her cat to death. She just neglected the animal and that became the means of her being held accountable by Allah.

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punished because of that, everything else was put aside and said, No, you showed no mercy towards my creation, Allah subhanaw taala said, and therefore there's no mercy for you today, Malaga ham.

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And we'll be talking more about some of these more practical steps that we can implement in the next session, after the Salah. But nevertheless, understand that character and conduct is a part of spirituality

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is a part of spirituality. All right, and I'll save I get some of the more because we got a break for selecting motive as well. I'll save some of the more elaborate examples I had dozens of examples to share with you about the profits a lot is in practicing conduct and character. I'll save some of them for the next session. But I'll end here with just

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I guess, a couple of quick examples.

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The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And this is part of that practical implementation that we'll talk about in the next session. But I'd like to highlight this here, you know, or let me go ahead and first touch on another example. So the Prophet sallallahu, they said, The Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. He was of the highest character, like we talked about, I mean, it's a line that says, You are when you're like, there's good, awesome character, and then you're on a whole nother level. Then think about how awesome his character must have been that even though love praises character, all right, in the law, swore by his character. So think about that. Now, what's

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the smallest short example we'll have a lot more in the next session about the character of the prophets, a lot of a sudden, just how the process and we'll talk to people, how the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him would speak to people would address people would talk to people. Amazing. Remarkable. The narration the Hadith describes the character of the prophet SAW Selim, it says when he would talk to people, he would not just look at them.

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All right. And let's I like to always add context to these things. The prophet SAW son was basically the busiest most important human being that ever lived. Would you agree with that? Yes, he was the busiest and most important person that ever lived. All right. And typically, when somebody is very important, and they're extremely busy,

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then that person really can't be bothered with like, literal formalities, right. So it's like, if I'm super busy, I'm the president, or I'm the CEO of my company, or I'm some big time guy, hot shot. And I got like, really, really, I got, I got a lot of things on my plate. I got big, big stuff to think about and worry about. If I'm sitting there working on my desk, and somebody walks up to me to talk to me, do I ever lifted my head and look at them while responding to them? Typically, don't. I'm busy, right? So I'm just a guy. I'll go ahead and take care of that. That's fine. That's fine. That's good. Okay, that's fine. Right? I mean, because I'm busy. I think it's justified. Well, if it

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would have been justifiable for any human being, it would have been justifiable for the Prophet peace be upon it. But the Hadith describes that when you would talk to people forget about just the fact about lifting up his head and looking at somebody, he wouldn't even just simply turn his head and look at somebody. When the Prophet somebody said, would talk to somebody. So I want to talk to this brother right here. He wouldn't even turn his head and talk to him. And it describes the condition of the Prophet somebody somewhere he was sitting down. Let me explain to you are they connected? fail? All right. All right. Let me explain to you why sitting, because when you're

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sitting down, it's more difficult to readjust. Right? It describes how in the process, the sim would talk to somebody, you wouldn't just turn his head and speak to them, he will completely turn himself towards his chest was facing a person, and then he would speak and address that person. And the reason why I described sitting down is because when I'm standing, look how easy it is to turn, just like that. But what about when you're sitting down, right, and you're set and you're good to go. Now, if I want to completely turn with this, I required that literally required for me to get up, readjust and reposition myself sit back down and talk to him. But the prophets a lot, he said them

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every single time he spoke to somebody who would completely turn and move himself, face a person completely with his chest. And then he would speak and address that person. And when he was done, then he would literally reposition, readjust himself and continue.

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That's how you would talk to people. That's how you would address people. When you would refer to somebody or you would have to allude to somebody or refer to someone, he wouldn't point at them. I don't even know if they're teaching in schools anymore. But remember, we used to be taught, I'm at least back in my day, right? Back in long, long time ago. All right. Long, long time ago, they used to teach us in school. You don't point it's rude. Right? So the problem isn't one point at somebody because it was rude. When you would have to refer to somebody or allude to someone or like, you know, point in someone's direction in that sense, like, point towards somebody. You wouldn't point

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like that because he was rude. He would gesture with his whole hand like this. That brother, this sister, he would refer to them with his own hand when the profits a lot of things

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Wanting to speak to somebody across the room again, think about context. Think about how important he is. Think about how much is going on, think about how much he's got on his plate, think about all the things he's got to worry about. There's 10,000 things going on every single minute with him. And dozens of different decisions he's got to make on, like, just like that every single minute. And so he's got to speak to a brother, who's standing all the way at the opposite side of the room, the hall. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam wouldn't call that person wouldn't get their attention by yelling at them. Hey, you, yeah, you? Yeah. He wouldn't do that. Why? Because Can you imagine? If

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you're standing all the way at the other side of the hall, and you're talking with your friends? somebody goes, Hey, you, yeah, you come in? Does that feel good?

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No, you just feel like you just got called on, right? Like, I ain't a child, bro. Like, seriously? Looks like a little kid to you're gonna yell at me like that across the room. I look like I work for you. Like, seriously? Right? Like, you know, I don't know, if it, you know, typically in this society, we're not too. We don't have we're not too accustomed to it. But it's almost like how you would how somebody would treat their Butler, like, you know, in Pakistan, and he calls with regard to privacy. Right? Like,

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right today.

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Right? It's a god. It's like, it's like a butler. It's like a servant. Nobody likes to be spoken like that. spoken to like that. So the Prophet salami said them wouldn't call on anyone like that. Because if you wouldn't appreciate it, why would you talk to somebody else like that, with the profits, a lot of them would do is he would lead get up or leave where he was at. And if he so badly needed to speak to this person right now. He walked all the way across the room, he goes stand by that person, he would get their attention, like if it was a brother, you'd likely tapped him on the shoulder, say Salaam to them, you would get their attention. And then he would speak to them

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politely and nicely and properly.

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That's how you deal with people. That was the flock and the character of the Prophet somebody. And then I'm going to talk about in the next session we'll talk about because it's kind of a good, I guess, thing that he got kind of pushed towards the next session. next session talks about how to practically implement good character into our daily lives. And the best way to do that is we can take the life of the processor, and we can extract lessons, different elements of the character of the processor, some quote an example, and related to a situation that we would deal with in our current everyday lives. And we'll tackle that in the next session after selecting negative

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inshallah. So we'll go ahead and break for Salah.

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