Abdul Wahab Saleem – Are Bad Intentions Punished? Explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari #04

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the history and use of the concept of sin during a Hellfire. They emphasize the importance of protecting one's wealth and soul during a situation, praying at night, and learning to be religious to avoid feeling harsh and living difficult situations. They also mention the importance of acceptance of concessions and building a relationship with others. The conversation emphasizes the need to learn to be religious to avoid feeling harsh and living difficult situations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Hamdu lillahi Hamdan UEFI. In Yama hole you can fit almost either or SallAllahu ala Sayidina Muhammad in or early he also can be here Jemaine Lama aluminum and pharaoh now, when I lived Jenna was in our alemannia Kareem Corbishley. So they were Sidley, Amedeo 100 opposite and Melissa Annie of coho Kohli are visiting near Illman or visit near element or visit near Alma Allahu melesa Illa Niger Delta who say hello and danger a little hesitant leadership. So hello. Welcome everyone to another class

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on Sahih Bukhari and today we're looking at the hadith of Abu Bakr. He said that similar to rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and all I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, either tackle Muslim man be safe. Hey, Hema fell Kati lol MacDonough and now when the two Muslims two Muslims they face each other with their swords.

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Both the murder and the murdered are punished in hellfire. Both of them have to serve time in hellfire. Cool, rasool Allah Abu Bakr ah he said that, O Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I understand the reason for the murder being in hellfire, how they're potty, firmer by looney tune. How about the person who has been murdered the murderer? It's obvious he's done a crime so he's going to serve time. However, the person who has been murdered what's his sin? What's the mistake that he has made? And the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he replied, he said he was keen on killing his companion. That was a sinner.

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So let's go back to the Hadith and look at each one of the aspects of this hadith. There's a lot to unpack over here. Now, first and foremost, it is obviously a sin to kill someone without a justifiable reason. And specifically, when it comes to a Muslim that's in becomes even more so. And that's why Allah subhanaw taala says, In the Quran, what maniac to remote meaning with their unmade and for Jessa who Jahannam Holly then we have a hadith of Allahu alayhi wa ala Anna who, della who other than Halima, whoever kills a believing soul, intentionally, his Jezza his compensation, his repayment, his recompense will be that he will remain within Hellfire forever.

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Big question because obviously

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we know that the thing that makes a person stay in the Hellfire forever and ever is disbelief. Is it an act of disbelief if a person killed someone? The answer is no. So over here, the Forever is not really intended. Why do we know that Allah subhanaw taala says that Allah forgives everything except for Sheikh except for associating partners with Allah subhanaw taala in Allahu Allah you should like Lyle thorough and you should be well filled with doing that daddy Kelly Masha Allah azza wa jal doesn't forgive people if they associate partners with them other than that Allah subhanaw taala can forgive whatever he so pleases. So, this sin is a forgivable sin by Allah azza wa jal, but Allah

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subhanaw taala uses this language to basically turn the person off of the action. And we know the word Khalid, sometimes metaphorically, forever, that forever maybe intended to, for example, cast fear in the hearts of someone. You know, sometimes when the parents are speaking to you, they will be like if you do this, I'll never see you again. They don't really intend never in that particular situation. So this is the same case over here. Pretty much all of the scholars of Islam they they say that over here, the all encompassing forever is not intended, is just a way of warning Allah subhanaw taala saying, this is such a hideous crime, that if there were to be some other crime other

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than disbelief that would lead to eternity and hellfire it would have been this one right here. Okay, Holly, then fear will hurt Eve Allahu Allah, he and Allah will become angry with him. And Allah will curse this man as well. Who urban Alima now this is this idea is specific to killing a believing soul. But genuinely killing any soul is a grave sin. It's a serious sin.

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And the hadith of course, in this case, the prophet is addressing the believers. So he's telling the believers as well in their case, if you have two Muslims, they go face to face with one another. Then both the killer and the killed will be in hellfire. And of course this happened so often now.

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In the world, if you go to a lot of the war torn countries today, a lot of the battalions and a lot of the fights that are taking place all of the militia, militia groups, largely they're going to be fighting other Muslims. And that's why when sometimes people they say, Oh, we're going for jihad, say, Who are you fighting? And what are you fighting for? What's your cause? Who are you? What are you going to be doing? People don't even know and people just like the idea of jihad, but they don't know what exactly it is. And so they end up causing harm to themselves in this particular case. And this is a very common phenomenon, standing in battle against a Muslim brother of theirs. And they

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say we're doing this in the name of Allah subhanaw taala. The prophets of salaam said both parties will be in hellfire. Why? Of course one may ask. Well, the reason for this is because the other party had the intention of killing.

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All right, so this goes to another show or something else, which is very important as well, that you don't just get a sin for an action. If you do that action.

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You get a sin for the action. If you are keen on doing that action, even if you don't end up getting to do that actions, okay? Because there are many a hadith to the other effect with choice that if a person doesn't do the action, then Allah subhanaw taala doesn't write a sin for him. But that's if a person doesn't have a keenness of doing the action itself. You understand the difference? Like someone has an idea that maybe I should go drink tonight?

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Are they going to be sinful for that passing thought? No, they're not, is the passing thoughts going to become action if they don't,

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if they don't try to block that passing thought out of their mind, perhaps it might become an action over time, people go from thoughts to action. That's how it works. That's why Abraham used to say death, your unclutter, even the passing thought that you have, fight it off. Because the passing thought will then go towards more of a resolve and that resolve will eventually become an action. So there's a difference between a passing thought and a resolve. But when he gets to that resolve stage, where you're willing to take actions now as well, and you get blocked.

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Someone says, I want to and he has a resolve now commit Zina. And he takes every action to do that. But he's unable to get someone to commit Zina, when

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is he going to be sinful? Well, if he's taking every action to attempt to do that he will be sinful.

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You understand? In this case, what was this person doing? One of them is a killer, and the other person is attempting to kill.

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And that's the reason why we see that Allah tells us the story of

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the evening, Adam, right? The two children of them have been clubby and he says What's your la him? Neighbor ebony Adam tell them the story of the two children of Adam. If a robber Corbyn and Fatah could be lemon, a hottie Hema, well immutable meaning that it was both of them, they presented a sadhaka for the sake of Allah, it was accepted by by Allah azza wa jal from one of them. And it wasn't accepted from the other.

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And this other, he became very angry. He started to

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get jealousy for his brother. And he thought that the way for him to solve the situation is if he kills his brother.

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So he tells him, Allah Aktueller Nick, I'm going to kill you. Oh, my brother.

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So he tries to kill him now. But the brother he says, the imbecile that ILA Yeah, that Kalitta toolani, if you extend your hand to try to kill me, ma Anna B Busselton, Yediot. Illegally Aktueller, I'm not going to extend my hand to try to kill you back. You see.

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So this brother, he doesn't want to be part of this problem. Because if he tries to also be a killer in the process, then he will also be a sinner because he's also attempting to commit the sin, only one of them is going to be able to likely commit the sin of killing. But he said, I'm not going to be that person who will try to commit that sin. Does that mean he can't defend himself? So there's a difference between having the intention of killing someone and just trying to defend yourself even when, for example, a burglar burglar comes into your home and someone trespasses your property. If you kill them what happens in the court of law?

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You're going to be they're going to assess the situation. They're going to consider the circumstance. Was there any other way that you could have solved this problem? Are you did you pick

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cop your gun immediately and shoot, right? There's a difference between a person who has clear signs of intent of killing, versus someone who's just trying to defend himself. Maybe you could just shoot the leg to just get the guy crippled. And then this way, you don't have to murder someone, you've solved the problem. Do you understand what I'm trying to say? So they will consider this, because you can sometimes see that the person is attempting to protect himself versus now the person has a level of spite that they're also trying to add a vengeance kill the other person as well.

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And that's why from the Children of Adam, have eaten Kaabil. He said that I'm not going to be the one who extends my hand back to try to kill you. If you want to try to do that. That doesn't mean he wouldn't be trying to protect himself. He would protect him his self. And we know that there's a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. He said, Man Cotulla dunya Mali he for who was Shaheed whoever is killed, protecting his wealth will be considered a martyr. And he said, Woman Cotulla do not lie for her Shaheed, whoever is killed, protecting his family, he will also be considered a martyr. And whoever is killed, protecting

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himself, his own blood will also be considered a martyr. So protecting yourself and self defense is not a problem. But the problem is when you get into a situation where someone is showing signs of spied against you and hatred, then you get vengeance in your heart, and you want to take revenge. So you go the, you go overboard and try to kill them back as well. That's the problem. But simply trying to protect yourself. This is a noble thing.

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And that's why each one of us actually should learn how to defend themselves as well. Take some classes on self defense, so you're able to protect yourself, your families, your wealth, right. A few days ago, I heard from someone who said, if someone walks into my house, I'll just let them take all of my wealth is just wealth. At least I won't get killed in the process. You've got to protect your wealth as well. Just as you have to protect your soul. Why? Because by doing so, you're stopping a monka

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you're stopping an evil this falls all of this falls within forbidding evil because there's an evil happening before you someone is trying to steal which is a very serious evil is it is within your capacity to protect that wealth of yours, do it. In the process. If you die,

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then you're considered a Shaheed by Allah azza wa jal, you're considered a martyr by Allah azza wa jal, so you have to protect actually, some scholars, they say it's an obligation to protect. Why because if everybody tries to protect their own belongings, their own souls, slowly but surely people that want to spread mischief within the land and murder and kill and stealing, and loot, and so on and so forth, they won't have space to do it, because everybody is trying to protect themselves. Right? So protect yourselves. And another thing that we can benefit from this hadith is that there will be some people some evil people from the Ummah of Muhammad, who will

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who will enter the hellfire, meaning if you go into hellfire, that doesn't mean it's eternity and hellfire. And also, this shows that not every person who's a believer will immediately be given a ticket and a green light to Jannah. Because this bottle and the MK tool, Allah has prophets as LM is calling both of them the killer and the killed. Muslims are believers. But nonetheless, they will be in hellfire to be purified and eventually be brought back to Jana as well. I asked Allah subhanaw taala to allow us to go to Jana immediately.

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The lady salvia Kati, recovering Wadada, without having punishment prior to it Allahumma me.

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if there is no intent in all of this, if there's an accidental death that happens to take place at your hand of someone who's a believer or even an unbeliever, there may be legal consequences that you have to go through. But is it something that will be a sin? Like the sin over here? The answer is no, the accidents are forgiven. This doesn't mean that you will get away in this dunya and there will be no legal consequences. Perhaps, you know, blood money, perhaps well, depending on which country in which law, you may be subject to right. But at the end of the day, will you be subject to punishment by Allah, if it's an accident? No, we know the story of Musa alayhis salam he never

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intended to kill, but he had a strong fist when he took a box. He knocked out the person completely. It was a knockout punch. He wasn't intending to do this. It wasn't something that was intentional. Similarly, we know that in the boxing rings as well. This happens many people they're fighting and as they're fighting, they kill the opponent. It's not intentional.

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Okay, meaning they're not actually trying to kill. Now there's another discussion to have over here, whether it's

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Boxing itself is okay or not, that's one thing. But still, as professional athletes, they're not actually intending to kill their opponent.

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So now will someone like this be held to account by Allah azza wa jal on the Day of Judgment, such that they go to * for killing? The answer is no, because they're not intending to actually kill. It wasn't intended by them that they by this punch they're attempting to kill. Just like a person, for example, is out hunting. And we know there's some hunters over here, he's shooting, and accidentally, he killed someone, because there's someone that he can't see. But he's there. And this happens all the time.

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Happens all the time. It's not like it's the regular thing that happens. I don't have that other many brothers here go hunting, but they come home and hamdulillah with nice tasty deers, but and they don't end up. They don't end up killing anybody. But the point is that it can happen and we have many records of it. I think every year this there are cases of this. Right? So is it that this person who has no intention of killing anybody, he took a shot and there's someone in his way he died? Or is he going to be held to account by Allah?

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If there is no intention, all of the measures have been taken, he won't be held to account by Allah azza wa jal, but this doesn't mean that there may be no legal consequences, right? So not every time you have legal consequences, their sin. Similarly, not every time you don't have legal consequences. It's okay to do it. Some people they get confused between halal and haram and legal and illegal, there may be something that needs to serious legal consequences, but there's no sin in it. And similarly, there may be something that has no legal consequences, but if you do it, there is sin in it. Right. Okay. Now, and maybe Hoorah l'atalante Allahu Allah, Allah, God, Allah Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Min year come Laylat al cadre Iman and 87 Whoo Pharaoh Lahoma, Taka dynamism Biggie, whoever is the hadith of Abu Huraira Abdul Rahman and software DOS, he was one of the most the most common Sahabi to narrate the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said that whoever the Prophet said, Allah Salam,

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whoever stands for prayer during the Night of Decree naylet alhaja. Eman and YT seven with sincere belief and hope in Allah's word, his past sins will be forgiven. Okay.

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Now, this hadith is among many other Hadith that talk about reasons to have your sins forgiven and Ramadan. And we know we're very close to Ramadan. So it's a good reminder to have right now anyways.

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One of those are hadith is the Hadith of the prophets of salaam where he said man karma Ramadan, man sama Ramadan, Eman and 87 hopefield Allahumma Dakka Dakka momentum, the Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan, out of belief in the reward, he has sincere belief and he has hoping Allah azza wa jal that he'll be rewarding them as well. This person will have all of his sins forgiven. Then there's another Hadith in which the prophets have said Lim said men karma Ramadan, Eman and YT seven, whoever stands all of Ramadan in prayer, believing in Allah's reward and hoping for that reward as well. He will have his sins forgiven as well. And a third person is this hadith many of whom or

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another tradition muncom Laylatul Qadr. Whoever stands specifically the Night of Decree Eman and believing in Allah, the Sabbath and also hoping for the reward from Allah, Allah will forgive all of the sins that he had committed in the past. And the reason why Behati is mentioning this hadith over here, even though we haven't gotten yet into the chapter of fasting, right, is because he wants to talk to you about some of the things related to Iman.

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This is the beginning of revelation and Buhari is still talking right in the beginning of his book. So he's giving you a hadith related to Eman and in the Behati the original Bukhari Imam Al Bukhari put this hadith under the chapter heading Birbiglia Malayala tilaka cousin, Bible TIAMO, a little cuddly menial Eman that standing the night of prayer is from faith. So it's a faithful thing to do when you stand the Night of Decree or the Night of Power which is known as the Night of Power right. Now, there's a couple of very important questions here. Number one, what does it mean to stand the night?

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Because you could simply stand up that could be standing because the word is simply stand. It could be simply praying Salaat Alicia, it could be praying assaulted Aisha and praying you're with it afterwards. It could be praying salatu Isha and doing to rockers afterwards to units of prayer. So what exactly is standing the night of prayer? Well, we know that Allah subhanaw taala he says in the Quran.

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He knows Allah knew. And say a cool woman Kumala they're going to be people among I missed you who are sick.

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Well, hold on, you're gonna fill out the abdomen fothergilla And they're going to be other people who have to basically go to work in the morning. Right? Well, how old are you Artie known a few sebelah and other people, there'll be busy defending the lands of Muslims. So there are going to be people at different fronts. Some people have to go to work. Some people are in armies and their dispatch, some people happen to be in. You know, some people are sick, some people are elderly, there are different scenarios. So not everybody can stand the entire night in prayer. So that's why Allah says fucka Omata surah. Whoever whoever can read, let him read whatever he can. You don't have

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to read a lot. But read whatever you can, meaning when you're doing the Yama lane, there is no conditions for how many raka art you have to pray, and how much Quran you have to do within it. The bare minimum of Salah to lay praying the night prayer is sufficient. So the essential reward of having all of your sins forgiven. You get all of that just by praying to rock us nothing more than that.

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You read salatu ratio, that's an obligation. So obviously, this is not intended by the Hadith. After you're done reading salatu Aisha if you even read to raka as two units of prayer as a bare minimum, you've already accomplished this particular reward that Allah Subhana Allah, He told us to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this is a very, very simple practice that a person could practice. Because we know Laila to others where it's within Ramadan, if every night of Ramadan, you're praying to rockers, okay. You're already in a very good situation, you could have all of your sins forgiven at least minor sins because the major sins, they require a specific forgiveness that

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you seek from Allah subhanaw taala, every major sin you have to ask Allah for that sin to be forgiven specifically, but all of their minor sins, they get wiped off like this, okay? And minor sins happen to us on a daily basis, you go outside, maybe you see something that's haram, you might touch the opposite gender, and it's unintended, you might do lots of things happen, right? Those are all considered minor sins. But then there are major sins, the ones that have specific punishments on the Day of Judgment, such as drinking such as Zina, such as fornicating, such as stealing, killing, all of these are major sins. So if a person has committed a sin of that sort, the sins of the heart,

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they're largely major sins as well. So looking down upon other people, so having given arrogance.

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Being self amazed, thinking too much of yourself, that's a sin and it's a major one. These are sins that require you to turn to Allah azza wa jal and seek forgiveness. All sins require you to turn to Allah and seek forgiveness, but the minor sins they can be forgiven by these actions. One of them is that you pray in Salaat a lay of the night prayer every single day of Ramadan and other ones you do it on later to other so I would say when Ramadan is coming, whether you can come for taraweeh or not as a bare minimum, make it a practice after you pray Elisha pray to Rocco has

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you know the fasting of Ramadan, you might be able to do it and there's also a chance you might not be able to do it, many people are unable to fast the entire month of Ramadan is a hard task to accomplish. Unless your health conditions you know, they give you that comfort to be able to do that and even then sometimes a person falls sick.

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And you're you might not be able to fast one or two or three days of Ramadan, you're gonna make it up later. So that's a more difficult Avenue. But if you just pray to raka as every single night, in sha Allah, Allah Allah will forgive all of the previous sins all of the minor sins at least now Laila to Qatar. The reason why I'm not emphasizing too much on this one, is because there's a disagreement about when later to address I'll talk to you about that in a minute. But before I go there, so how much is sufficient when it comes to Qiyamah lay just to recognize the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in a Hadith also in Buhari as well, when Cara bill, I attain

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whoever reads the two aisles. That happened to be at the end of Surah Al Baqarah.

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Whoever reads these two aisles, all of us have these memorized, right. Whoever reads these two Ayat at nighttime, they will be sufficient for him.

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So all you have to do is to ayat, and that will be sufficient meaning basically what the prophet is trying to say you don't even have to do the usual in terms of how much you recite in your Salah, even if you just read two ayat, okay, at least you fulfill the obligation.

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At least you fulfilled all of the integrals in your prayer. And that's it so you've gotten the two rockers down, that would be enough insha Allah to have your sins forgiven.

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If you do that every single night of Ramadan, now Laylatul Qadr, The Night of Decree and I call it the night of degree, because that is the better translation. As for the Night of Power, it's famous, I also say it sometimes but it is not the correct definition or the correct translation of the Night of Decree. Because this is a night have other meaning. Things have been decreed within an or it's the night of degree, the night of status, the very, very noble night. Allah says, and why did it become this way? Because it was in this night that Allah azza wa jal he revealed the Quran. And we know from the Hadith of the beginning of Revelation, which we studied, which was the first Hadith in

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this version of the body, we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had been given revelation at nighttime.

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And Allah subhanaw taala he says in the Quran in Anza now who feel a little closer, we have sent it down in Laylat al Qaeda, and Allah says inna Anza now who feel a Latin mobile raka we rel we've sent the Quran down in a Laila in a night which is very placid as well. So this is that night. It is a night. But we don't exactly understand the reality of this night as Allah says, that aka mele, little Caja, you don't really know exactly what Laylatul Qadr is all about. Because Laylatul Qadr The Night of Decree is better than 1000 months. And what does this mean? This means that we bad worshipping Allah within this night is like worshiping Allah for 1000 months at three odd years, for

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1000 months, in which there is no other little brother. Of course, if there were to be another Laila to other than the multiplications would continue right.

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And Allah says about this night he says, then as Zell Miller, he could hear that the angels and also the roar Gibreel la salaam, specifically he comes down in this night and they all come down within this night. He is near rugby him men coolly amor, they come down by the leave of their Lord for every matter that Allah subhanaw taala has destined to occur within this night, Salah it's a peaceful night. And this is one of the qualities of this night that Allah describes in the Quran.

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Most of the qualities of the night are mentioned in the Sunnah of the Prophet says Allah. But Allah subhanaw taala describes this night in this way he says it's salaam it's a peaceful night.

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And everyone witnesses that night will tell you, I felt very peaceful that night, right? Salah moon here, and it continues to be peaceful had Dharmapala al Fajr until the sun country until the dawn comes to Rice, meaning until Fajr time comes basically. Right. So this is a peaceful night. And when exactly is this night? Well, some of the scholars they looked at the Quran, and they said that we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in some of the traditions he described that this night is going to be on the 27th. Right. And if we were to look at Surah to other and you count every word and Surah to other and I've done it many times, it always comes down to the same number.

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Right? And you get to the word here, Solomon here.

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The only direct pronoun referring to what the Night of Decree it's number 27 And the words of the of the of the surah in the Quran. So some scholars they said well, there are many scholars who believe that it is the 27th night and there are some a hadith that allude to the 27th as well, most of the Ummah believes it to be the 27th night. And when we count them words in the verse, the 27th word in the sutra is here it meaning a reference to it is in fact, Laila to other but this is again, not an opinion that we can rely on we have to look at the Hadith in a holistic way, all of the different Hadith. Generally speaking, some scholars they say, and there are a number of opinions about when

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Laila to address some of them they say, or I should say most of them, they say it's in Ramadan, some say that it could be in any night of Ramadan, so there is no specific time for it. It could be in the first night, the second night, third night, it could be in the last 10 Nights, it could be in the second 10 Nights, it could be also in the first 10 Nights. Okay, so this is one opinion. Second Opinion says actually, it's only within the second 10 Nights.

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Why? Well,

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some of the sources they tell us that the Quran came down to the prophets of Salaam in the 17th. Night. So if that's the case,

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Laylatul Qadr mustn't be in the last third. It must be in the second. It mustn't be in the last 10 It must be in the second 10 Right

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Based on this, so that's why a group of scholars they said it's actually in the second 10 nights of Ramadan. A third group, they said, no, no, it's actually in the third 10 nights of Ramadan, I eat the last 10 nights of Ramadan. Now, is it in every single night? Is it possible that it could occur in every single one of these last inmates? Well, we have some a hadith alluding to the 21st others, the 23rd others, the 25th others the 27th as well. And we have some a hadith telling us that it will be when nine days are left Tasha I attended the QA, it will be when the seven days are left, or it will be when five days are left. And some of them they say and this is in body as well, the prophets

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I said let me set the * road to * row, lay little country minelute Three will actually occur in Ramadan, look for Leila to each other in the odd nights within the last 10 of Ramadan. So now we're all very, very confused. Whereas a little further, because there's a hadith to literally every effect. There's even a hadith that say actually, you know, it's not even Ramadan altogether. It's in fact, in the

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15th Night of Shabbat.

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Others, they say it could be possibly any moment of the year. And this is the opinion of Ibn Abu Jamal, the very scholar whose summary we're reading, who summarizes hot even me Gemini, Lucy says it's possible that it could be in any night, throughout the year, there's no specific month for it. And there's no specific date for it as well. And he said the reason for this is because we have some ideas that take it out of Ramadan as well. So we have to consider them. But I think that if we were to collect all of the Hadith, the stronger a hadith they allude to the fact that it is, in fact in the last 10 nights of Ramadan, but we don't know which specific night and we don't even know whether

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it's otter evens household? Well, there is a Hadith saying search for it in the odd nights, the one that I just quoted to you. But there is another one saying it's when Nine Nights are left. It's when seven nights are left. It's when five nights are left. Dasha identica Hameed says and taka, and sadly Atlanta bar.

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Now, the question is,

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if you were to have 30 days within Ramadan, then Nine Nights slashed would be 21 days 20/21 night.

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But if you cancel that, and you make it 29 days that year, then Nine Nights left would be

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20 days, so be the 20th night.

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So even that hadith that apparently solves the mystery, it makes it even more mysterious, because you have Nine Nights left, seven nights left five minutes left. Now from that immediately, what may think, Oh, we can understand from this, that it's referring to the 21st, the 23rd and the 25th. But the problem is, what if we have 29 days in the month, which is also possible the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that the month could be 29, it could be 30 as well. And we know that from the lunar calendar itself. So the reality is we don't exactly know, we hope that most likely it's in the last 10 nights. And we hope that

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it's at least in Ramadan. That's as far as we can hope because these are the stronger Hadith. That's where they take us and the strongest evidence is obviously stand for the last 10 nights but which exact night whether it's in the odds or the evens, none of this we can actually know. Okay, and especially because of the other Hadith that I just quoted right now, a lot of times people don't

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consider that other Hadith. Nine Nights left.

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Five Nights, seven nights left, five minutes left. And that hadith is by the way, also authentic l&l Buhari as well.

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So considering all of this, to recap, it's insha Allah within the last 10 Nights most likely could be anytime during Ramadan. And which one of the last 10 Nights odds or evens were Allahu Allah? So we worship Allah azza wa jal throughout Ramadan and we try to do it even more. So in the last 10 nights of Ramadan.

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Going into the next Hadith, the hadith of Abu Hurayrah or the Allahu taala.

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And in the V sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that he reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in Edina, you soon Dean is very easy religion is very easy, and whoever over overburdens himself in his religious practice he will become over

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overwhelmed when you shared the Drina, hudon Illa Helaba. And no one tries to overburden himself with religious practice except that the practice itself will over burden him and overwhelm him. He won't be able to complete it to absolute protect perfection ever. And the prophets I said, Let me continually said for said they do work hard, who says do as much as you can

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and have the glad tidings that you will be rewarded by Allah azza wa jal for doing your best

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was there a nobility were roja and seek help from seek help through the morning times and through the afternoon times and during the last hours of the night as well. Now, this hadith is a very very important Hadith it actually goes to establish one of the five major Maxim's of the Sharia, there are five major maximum of the Sharia. One of them is Al Masha Pato, generally when they see hardship always invites ease. So wherever you see hardship appearently, Allah subhanho wa Taala will bring an ease. I'll give you examples. So for example, there's hardship in standing and praying for some people. So Allah subhanaw taala has permitted for those people to sit down and pray. There's

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hardship in fasting for some people. So Allah Subhana Allah, Allah has legislated an explanation for those people who can, who are sick with a sickness that they can never fast. There may be hardship for a person who's traveling too fast. So Allah subhanaw taala has made it easy for the traveler that he fasts when he has finished his travel. There is hardship for the traveler at times when it comes to his prayer. Anyone who has traveled knows this all too well. One may say, well, there is no hardship, because now we have planes, etc. No, no, there is hardship. Nonetheless,

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there is some degree of hardship, even with planes, sometimes it becomes even more complicated, because you have specific flight times to catch and Salah time might only be just a few hours, if you've traveled enough, you know, there is hardship, sometimes even more so than if you were to be traveling on a camel. Because how are you going to stop the entire plane to go and pray. Now you say I'm going to pray inside of the plane, okay, do it. But then you're going to be causing hardship for people in the plane. So there is hardship, that's there. And hardship always invites ease. There may be hardship for some people, and difficulty for some people to use water. When it comes to widows.

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So Allah has legislated that you can make them moments that

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they are minimal, so either by either use dirt on the ground that happens to be pure and hasn't been purified. So every hardship invites is now there is some degree of hardship that doesn't invite an ease. Let me make that clear as well. Okay. Like there is difficulty in waking up for Fudger and praying, does that mean Oh, because it's kind of difficult, I'm not going to pray. There is a level of difficulty that is obliged upon you, for you to handle because that's the nature of any action you do in life. If you were to come to this masjid, to pray, there is some difficulty to get into your car to come here for the lecture. There is some difficulty so that it doesn't mean that every

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time there is even the slightest bit of difficulty, eases invited by No. But it means that when the difficulty gets to a point where it's overbearing and overwhelming, then Allah has always made concessions, and we know the prophets of Allah who already was said let me said in the hadith of Baron and others, that in Allah you hippo and tota will hustle who?

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Camellia Krakow and to dharma co2, that Allah azza wa jal, he loves, that his concessions are accepted. There are some concessions that Allah has given accept them, you're not going to become sinful. If you accept a concession of Allah, by traveling and collecting prayers, you know, you're not committing a sin. By doing them when you have need for water and there is no other options. You have to drink that water, you're not going to be considered sinful. By doing your will do just the bare minimums at times, because that's all the water that you have, you won't be considered sinful by wiping on top of your socks. You won't be considered sinful because these are all concessions of

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Allah. The Prophet SAW said let me do them by wiping on top of your mama or your hat or your hijab, for instance, you won't be considered sinful because again, these are all things that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had done he had given these concessions to the people. So there's a level of ease within religion through all of these concessions and this is a an overarching principle of the Sharia and Masha Pato that they said one of the five major Maxim's, which basically codify the entirety of the Sharia, and you'll always see this

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in every rule of Allah azza wa jal, you will see is hedge has difficulty.

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an obligation, but it's not an obligation for everybody. People sometimes come in they say, Should I take a loan to go for Hajj? No, you shouldn't, you're not obliged to go for Hajj, take that loan if you need to, to start your life or pay off another loan or do something that's obligatory for you so you can develop your wealth. And when you have that, pay off your load, now you go for Hajj, because now it's become an obligation for you.

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Allah is not going to ask of a person who's unable to afford his day to day livelihood and tell them that you're going to have to take the challenge of the mantle of going for hedge. Hedge has become very simple today. But imagine when when when you have to travel for months on end. And imagine if you're the only man in the family and you have to travel alone for months on end, and you're the main breadwinner in the family, and the whole family will end up starving basically, if you're gone.

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Is it obligatory for you to go for Hajj? Obviously not. So Allah has made it easy, in a way that the deen is a common dateable it can be accommodated in every person's situation. And the profits is suddenly continued. And he said, well, then you share the Dean Hayden Illa holla. And no one tries to overburden himself with religious practice except that he becomes overwhelmed Abdullah have an unlimited us, the prophets, I said to them, he gave him

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a certain regiment to do, he didn't accept that regiment that the prophet had given. So over time, as he got older, he couldn't do the level of worship that he wanted to commit himself to. And so later on in his life, he said, I wish I had accepted the confession of the prophets of Allah who I used. But he wanted to uphold to what he had said to the prophets of salaam that he will be doing throughout his life. And so don't try to commit yourself to something that you cannot handle. If you do that you will feel overwhelmed. And in the religion, don't try to make it hard. Don't try to make it complex. It's very easy. There are specific practices. You know, if religion is not making you

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happy, you're not practicing it right?

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You have to question your practice of religion if Islam by you being within it is not making you a more smiley person, a happier person, someone who's more personable, there's something you're doing wrong, your religious practice has a problem. Because maybe you're doing too much, maybe you, you are too serious on certain matters. Take it easy in Edina. USRowing Dean is supposed to be easy. It's supposed to make you a healthy person. It's supposed to make you a lovable person. It's supposed to make you a more jolly person. It's supposed to make you a more friendly human being it's supposed to allow you to be a better person within society. But if you go too harsh, and you start

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to commit yourself to things that maybe the prophets of Salaam, himself never intended for people to be committed so strongly to, then you will be

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a problem. And what the prophets of salaam said is, he will feel overwhelmed. And we see this with overzealous Muslims. When you get connected too fast, you get disconnected too fast. Sometimes you go into strong, and you come out too strong as well. Every action has an equal or opposite reaction. So when people go into hard, they come out to heart as well. And you have people who have clear signs of practice, in their, the way they look and the way they dress and the way they behave. But then five years later, they're completely gone from the religion and you have another guy who's coming to the masjid. He's praying in Salawat. He's giving his echo art. He's doing other things

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that he needs to do in life as well. He's taking it slow and steady. He's developing his his tree of faith at a good pace. He's not negligent. There's nothing haram he's doing, but he's not overdoing it, such that the whole thing becomes overwhelming for him. He's able to manage being religious. And as you grow, your tree of faith grows and slowly you become a better human being and you become stronger and stronger. And you take the times that the prophet had committed for your religious practice. And you'll say that to us in the Hadith as well. And he said, I said the Ducati will do your best. Don't overdo it. Well, I've showed when you don't have the glad tiding that in sha Allah

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Allah recognizes what your best is, and you gave it your best and you have other obligations that you need to do as well and you committed yourself to those

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have the glad tidings that inshallah Allah will give you the reward plus the you know, beloved, whatever roja and seek help from Allah azza wa jal in the morning times or at the time of solitude, Doha This is a very, very blessed time. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said booty Kelly Murthy Phoebe Correa, Allah has placed baraka from our nation in the early morning type, and some of us are habit they used to take advantage of this time for different reasons. Some people would use it for

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The Quran and committing themselves to Salah and so on and so forth other peoples would people actually do business at this time, and there was one of the companions who did that, and he became very wealthy within his life. So this is a waste of time you pick what you want to do with it, but the best thing you can do during that time is you can commit it to the Quran.

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In the Quran, allegedly gonna shoulder the Quran of fragile time right after fajr or during Fajr is going to be witnessed by people ie the angels.

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Well, Roja and also the time after will hold as well. This is a time of busyness business, people are very occupied. Some people have to drop children off other people have to pick children up and some people have work and maybe lunchtime and lunch engagements meeting so forth. The prophets SLM said, this is a time that you gotta pay attention to use it for your religious practice. take that time out in the middle of the day. It's very difficult to take some time out to turn to Allah azza wa jal in practice at that time, but do so what will happen and also a portion of the night was a minute delay, also a portion of the dark night. So take a little bit of that portion out for Allah

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and recognize that you read the law hoobie como usara wala you read to be commoners, Allah azza wa jal wishes is for you. He doesn't want hardship for you. Don't make the religion harsh, you know, when you deal with people who are attempting to

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get into marital unions, if there's a brother who has a beard,

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one of the most common questions he will get is are you a Maulvi?

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You know, with a why.

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And the thing is that this the problem with this is, we have made ourselves victims of this by being horrible people who are religious,

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actually, to be honest with you, so I can be completely honest. When I got married.

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My wife later told me from your appearance, I was very worried.

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What was the worry? Well, in the minds of every average Muslim out there, the idea is that if you are bearded, you've got a sold, you look like this or you have you know, sold above your ankles, you're going to be this harsh, evil human being who doesn't know how to be friendly, and doesn't know how to joke around and doesn't know how to live life normally, that that is a problem we have caused this problem to occur. And she later told me I was very pleasantly surprised, right. But the idea is that we've done this to ourselves.

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We've done this to ourselves. And the opposite is true. If you have a sister within a cow barn, many brothers are going to be like that. There's just maybe too much for me. Because, again, we have done this to ourselves by becoming harsher as human beings, as we grow stronger in our practice of Islam. But that's not that's not how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Aisha Radi Allahu Allah. And I was asked about the Prophet SAW Selim, that how was he at home, she said he was just like all the rest of you, except for the fact listen to this in Ghana, the hack and muscleman except for the fact that he would laugh and joke around a lot at home.

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So the prophets of salaam had a demeanor that was pleasant, he would endear people around him as a human being. Because he realized, you know, you need to do that in order for you to live a pleasant life. But if you're harsh and you've got a frown all the time, and, and so on and so forth. And that is religion to you, that you haven't really understood. You've got to make this religion appealing to people. You're an ambassador of faith by being a person who comes to the masjid by being a Muslim at all times. If you understood the religion in the wrong way, then you're not going to be able to pass that on to people as well. Ask Allah subhanaw taala to get give us the correct understanding

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and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to help us understand the concessions of Allah subhanaw taala and that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala has given us concessions in every single thing whenever there's hardship, Allah subhanaw taala has placed in ease and I ask Allah subhana wa Allah to ease all of our fears was something Allahu Allah say the NAM Hamedan. While early he was a big marine

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