Irshaad Sedick – Purity 101 #01
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didn't know I didn't map. I mean we rock medica or hamara Amin Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah heeta Isla or barakato. Cahalane was ALLAH and Omar haven't become I welcome you to our new course which is the first rather the second in our series of Islam for beginners, and it's titled purity 101 the sticks or other this course is based on the text by Mr. Malhotra Rami called Safina to Niger. It has been translated, at least on this particular occasion that I know of.
Bye by Abdullah Mohammed Elmer Bopi. And I will attempt to acquire some prints of this particular translation in sha Allah. So anyone wishing to purchase a copy in sha Allah we can make arrangements for that in the weeks to come up neither either.
So just a little bit about the text and about the author of the text Safina to Naja translate as the ship of salvation. As I said it was authored by the huddled army scholar Sheikh Salim even Abdullah, the book is divided into several sections. It covers various topics related to Islamic law, including purification, pray, fasting Zakka, and a basic overview of the Hajj. So it's not a comprehensive fic text in that it doesn't cover
all aspects of Islam. It doesn't cover a Baghdad which is the act of worship, and what am alert, which is more social and contract law, but it focuses primarily on the five pillars of Islam. Further, the text is written in Arabic, and it has been translated into several languages. And it is a text that is studied throughout the Muslim world, especially in Shafi institutions, including in hydro mode, and other places. So it's a renowned text. If you speak to Shafi students anywhere in the world and you speak about Safina to Nyjah, or the ship of salvation, they would know what you're speaking about. It is a concise treaties, so it acts as a tool for laymen and beginners to gain
clarity in their worship. For that reason, we've selected it as our preferred textbook in sha Allah, Allah, about the author. I'm not going to say much about him, but I'm sharing his name and a bit of his background so that you can, if you wish to some further reading about the author, his name is Salim ibn Abdullah inside the bin Abdullah ibn Samir al Hydrometeor Shafi as you can judge from his name, he was born in Yemen. He's a high drama scholar, and he died in Indonesia. These are both Shafia a centers in the world, Indonesia being the largest Muslim country, a predominantly Muslim country in the world has,
as its main school of thought the Shafi school many of our ancestors came here from the Malaysian Indonesian archipelago, and therefore we have much of the Indonesian and Malaysian blood, it was in our genes. And when they came here, they also came with the with the mazahub of Imam Shafi. Rahima, hula with the IRA. So we've covered some of what the beginning of the text speaks about. And we won't spend too much time on the introduction elements because our entire previous course Islam one on one, back to basics, was basically an elaboration of the beginning chapter with any mammal had Ramiz work so he commences with a short quote at the top they may UD de la who be hired on your
factory who 15 Man whomsoever UD de la who Allah wants for that person how you run, goodness, you fuck pay who, from the word fuck or her? It gives him understanding. It gives him understanding because the word fit means understanding literally
fit Dean in the religion. So for as long as you are a student of Islam
This is why I always encourage people, no matter what your age, no matter how much you've learned before, always try to be a student of Islam because there's always something to learn. And we are commanded by Allah to Allah to learn, right? And we know tolerable I will mean for you though tune Allah Cooley Muslim, the pursuit of sacred knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim. The hadith actually ends the there is no addition of one Muslim and every female Muslim because the word Muslim already includes everyone.
This hadith, further espouses the idea that for as long as Allah allows you to be a student of Islam, that means Allah wants goodness for you. So a very balanced approach is to make sure that you are attending at least one class per week, at least one class per week for the rest of your life. Always make the near that you'd be attending at least one class per week in sha Allah Allah so the author commences. Bismillah R Rahman Rahim in the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. Al hamdu, Lillahi Rabbil Alameen all praises to Allah the Lord of all the world's well being and Stein with Him do we seek assistance? Allah Ohmori dunya for our matters of
this world, what deen and the matters of the religion was Allah Allahu wa salam ala Sayidina Muhammad and salutations and blessings and greetings upon our Master Muhammad heart, I mean, begin the seal of Prophethood one Li and upon his family, he was Sufi and upon his companions Arjuna in all of them while our hula and there's no power to do any good wala Quwata there's no strength to do anything of an evil nature in Billa, except through Allah, Li Li the Most High Alvim the greatest. Now this is what we call the hood. And every book in Islam commences with some version of this or the other. And the essential components of it is the best manner because we begin everything in the
Name of Allah, the Hamdallah, praising Allah subhanho wa taala. And both the Bismillah R Rahman Rahim and the Al Hamdulillah are elements that we as Muslims we rely on in order to draw the baraka, the blessings from anything that we do. So when we commend something we started with Bismillah hir rahman Rahim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that Kulu Ambreen V Berlin every matter of importance lamb up the Hebrew Bismillah R Rahman Rahim and in another version, be Alhamdulillah. For who urged them Akbar, such an affair is such a matter will be severed from from its blessings. So we should always try to say this whenever we start something so that our actions
can be blessed in sha Allah, and then the Salawat and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam if you didn't know any virtues of Salawat, they know this one, that the reason we commence our dua with Salawat, and we end our Salawat is because Salah word is a DUA, but it is a guaranteed accepted dua guaranteed to be accepted means it's a guarantee from Allah that He will accept that dua. So the idea, the philosophy behind starting and ending our supplications with Salawat is that we sandwich our Ibadah in between two Mooster jobs applications, with the hope that what lies in between that will also be accepted. Right. So what are however Lakota illa biLlah it's a form of vicar it means
if you translate it, it means no power, no strength except that ALLAH but the more detailed explanation is that it means there is no ability to do anything good. There is no there is no strength to do anything of bad illa biLlah all power comes from Allah. So whenever you do something, you say, Hola Hola, wala Quwata illa biLlah it means I don't take the power of this and attributed to myself it belongs to Allah. It's a it's also a sunnah to say this dua of this vicar. If you see an evil if you see something haram being committed, so we have our own responses, right? Sometimes people say stuff that Allah Subhana Allah or something of that sort and that's all fine. But what is
recommended from the Sunnah, when you see a sin being transgressed to say La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah. So that's the actual recommended vicar. So that's enough for the translation. Sorry for the introductory paragraph. This few paragraphs that you see now,
we've already covered, right the first one. This one over here, says VR can in Islam regarding the
integrals of Islam.
We know this or Canon Islamic Hamza, the integrals of Islam are five shahada to Allah Ilaha illa Allah bearing witness that is not worthy of worship besides Allah when the Muhammad Rasulullah and that Muhammad SAW Salam easy's messenger, what you call Musala to establish the play where either it was okay to give Zakah was so more Ramadan fast in the month of Ramadan or hey drill Beatty manasota la sebelah and to perform hajj for those who are able, that's your foundation as far as acts of worship are concerned. We also spoke about this section
three organic Eman on the integrals of faith. You said Archangel Imani Sita, the integrals of faith are six and took me in a biller to believe in God or Mala Ekati he and his angels what could you be and his books well recently he and his messengers are below mill theory. And in the last day, what we'll call the hiree. He was Sheree he mean Allah hater Allah and to believe in divine destiny, that good and evil all originates from Allah the Most High. The third one, we didn't really go into this in detail, but we did when we spoke about Allah and the qualities of Allah Faema Anna, regarding the meaning of Cali motto hate the statement of oneness, or Marina La ilaha illallah, the meaning of the
tasty vacation La ilaha illallah there is none worthy of worship but Allah, it means Lama or Buddha, none is to be worshipped, be hearken with a right to do so with the right to be worshipped, filled with God in all of existence. Illa Allah except God, Allah Most High. What we can draw from this quick lesson is, when you speak about my boot, it means the object of your devotion, the object of your dedication, who are you devoted to? What are you devoted to? Who are you dedicated to? What is your life dedicated to? That's a question we can ask ourselves. If I were to ask you, what's your what's your objective in life? What is your life dedicated to? What's your mission?
Nothing and no one deserves to be our mission.
In all of existence, Illa Allah except Allah, you Korea, no your money, no, your children, your family, no, those things are all
important, but it does not take priority over your dedication and worship to Allah subhana wa Tada. So Allah Allah nun deserves my devotion and worship and commitment and obedience Illa Allah except Allah subhanahu wata, either. So those are the introductory chapters. As I said, we have covered this in our previous course. Right? If you were here, I see many familiar faces from the previous course. And Anessa Hanlon become.
We thank you for joining us again, you'd recognize our framework that we've spoken about before, right? And just as a quick reiteration, use this, to teach your children use this to speak to other people about Islam, some people, not some people, all Muslims who live in a Muslim minority situation, at some point or the other. Somebody asked you a question about Islam. Right. And at some point in or the other, your children are going to ask you questions about Islam. You yourself may have questions about Islam, I commend you.
Don't start where you feel like starting your day, every day seriously, start here. Because this framework is so important. It just puts everything into perspective. It allows you to see is this a matter of faith? So it belongs and the Eman Is this a matter of worships that belongs under Islam? Or is this a matter of spirituality so belongs under the sun. If you speak to your children about Islam, this is your priority, they should be able to memorize this they should be able to explain each one of these components as as you do. And they should be able to reference anything and everything else within this framework. Where does it fit? When you speak to non Muslims about Islam
you use the same framework. Why?
Because people will come in they will ask you about random things that may be you know, important to a scene for example, they may ask you about why Muslims can eat pork why women must wear hijab, they will ask you about why is the bottle in your toilet. Those are all important but for the non Muslim
To explain that element is not going to make them understand Islam, you tell them.
I love your question. And it's an important question. But allow me to explain this question in light of Islams framework did you take five minutes of the time and you say you see Islam has three major aspects, faith, practice and spirituality.
And to understand our faith, you need to know the six components briefly explain them. To understand worship, you need to understand these five pillars briefly explain them and to understand Islamic spirituality. Here you go. As for your question, now, you can come back afterwards. As for your question, so your question, say it's about hijab, right? So you explain that look, Muslims believe in, in Allah in God, but we don't just believe we also have practice. This is why we have five pillars of Islam. And these five pillars represent our life of worship. It just represents it. But there's so many other aspects of worship. Part of it is covering our raw, right. And we do this
because it's an act of worship in the God that we believe. So again, this framework will always be of good use to you in sha Allah, Allah. Now,
we said, we've covered our framework, we need to now get into the details. So the first lesson is about what is McAuliffe? Right?
We speak about religious responsibility to be duty bound, okay.
You've all heard this term before. The word is McAuliffe. It comes from the Arabic calf lamb. Khalifa Khalifa you can live with that leaf and you know it from verses in the Quran. La you can leave Allahu nevsun Illa WUSA la does not you can leave for Allah. Allah does not what burden as sole Illa was, except to its capacity. So that's from the verse then we know the word mocha love say this one is mocha love that one is mocha love. Many people mistakenly think that mocha love means to be to have reached the age of puberty. It's not exactly the same thing. To be McAuliffe means to be burdened. You have tuck leaf, you have responsibility, to be burden because you can carry a burden
you can carry a weight, who burdens you will make you carry a weight, Allah.
What weight does he make you carry? He makes you carry the weight of your own actions. This is why we translated as religious responsibility to be duty bound.
When is someone duty bound? When are you religiously responsible for your own actions, children in Islam as opposed to other religions by the way, children are born into innocence, not into sin. In Christianity, the belief is that children are born into sin. What sin, the sin of Adam, according to Christianity, this is why children need to be baptized. We don't have this belief. We believe that children are born innocent, and that innocence remains with them until they start carrying their own responsibility. So this innocence of a child is called the fitrah. Somebody asked the question last week we refer to this as the fitrah.
Okay, so Original Sin aside.
To be religiously responsible, you need two things, not just puberty, you need firstly sanity. In Arabic, we say our kill, you are either RTL or hierarchal. You're either saying or not saying insane, right? appeal comes from the word Apple. Apple, use your apple I'm sure you've heard that term before use your intellect.
Basically, sanity refers to the ability to be able to comprehend a message to decipher the message to be able to distinguish between right wrong good, bad and to act accordingly.
For the most part, it is clear when somebody is saying and when somebody is not saying there are some incidences of ambiguity when it is not too clear whether somebody has sanity or not. In cases such as that, one should ideally refer to a Muslim psychiatrist or psychologist, some somebody who can make a professional assessment as such, right because you get some mental issues that would make the person somewhere
least capable right mentally but it doesn't necessarily render them insane but sanity is the first requirement. Puberty is the second requirement. Puberty is the second requirement. So once a person has sanity as well as puberty they are regarded as more Calif, religiously responsible for the actions. A third concept is that they have access to guidance right access to guidance. So anyone who has access to guidance access to Islam access to the guidance of the Prophets and Messengers view upon them they are also regarded as McAuliffe
what does it mean to not have access to guidance? To not have access to guidance in say somebody is born somewhere in the world in an isolated part of the world has no access to Muslims has never heard about anything in relation to Islam as it is in its true form. Such a person is regarded as not mocha love.
But for the most part what matters to us is you become mocha love when you have sanity. And you've reached the age of puberty.
How do you react you know when somebody reaches the age of puberty?
Allah Emmanuel Bulu Retha Lathan the signs of puberty are three. This is from the core sticks once again the signs of puberty are three
Ma Ma Hamza Ashura, the Senate and very well on that the completion of 15 Sana years, but what type of years, Luna years, somebody commented on our Joomla on Friday, this particular point, that's an excellent point. But the Hammad commented, and rightfully so, I spoke about the importance of the EGD calendar. Another element that I didn't mention in the Joomla. But yeah, mentioning it now, is that our date, sorry, our measurements of time is according to the lunar calendar. If a lady must calculate the ADA for months and 10 days, is that solar months, its lunar months, right? If a person must calculate the age, like if you want to know if your child is Moca love, they may be 14 years
old in the solar calendar, but there may already be 15 years old in the lunar calendar. So there may already be McAuliffe, for example. So it's the completion of 15 lunar years. So if a child has not experienced a * was not reached the age of puberty, she has not experienced the height yet, but she reaches 15 years in the lunar calendar. That's automatically barley. Right? The word for puberty in Arabic is blue. And somebody who has reached the age of puberty is called barley. Right McAuliffe and Biolage is not exactly the same thing. Mukalla requires two things, what are those two things, sanity N and puberty. So it is our kill, for sanity person must be active, and the person
must be burlier. If somebody is both Berlin, and kill, then they are mukil. If everybody was me, if somebody is both RTL, and Berlin, then they are McCann left. So the first one was 15 lunares. Second, while FDLR movie Zachary will own the latest listening and experiencing a *, which can happen roughly around the age of nine onwards, we'll hire you to fill on the latest Icynene and experiencing menstruation. For a girl who has reached nine years of age, it can perhaps happen a little younger, but mostly from nine years onwards, again, lunar years. Something that this teaches as a side note, is it's very important that parents, especially today in 2023, it is critically
important that parents take the responsibility of educating their children about puberty and about matters related to puberty, including the changes in their body and and things that they might be experiencing. Because if you don't have that conversation, somebody's going to have that conversation before you do. And it might it might not just go the way you'd like it to go. And your first exposure to these matters is going to leave a very lasting impression. Right? Allah subhanho wa Taala alum now
another in a side issue is that
You cannot, as a parent, wait for your child to reach puberty before you you start training them religiously. While you are McAuliffe at this age that you are speaking about. Training supposed to commence at the age of seven, the Prophet alayhi salat wa salam said Maru Oh ladder can be solid evohome Obinna huzzah Icynene What Do You Boo whom Allah you have a whom Abba now actually seen in offer Rico binomial model RJ alchemical Elisa, command your children with pray when they are seven. But this isn't a serious it's like make solder but if they don't make sense, right, it's fine. If they still play around, it's okay. But you you already started commanding them with pray, while the
boy whom Allah Yahweh whom are now actually singing, and then start giving hiding when they reach the age of 10 Start disciplining them when they reach the age of 10. Again, not, don't child abuse, It's haram, but discipline them, because now they need to start being serious. This means that by the time they reach the age of being Micallef, when they reach the age of puberty, and they are now McAuliffe, they have been well trained. Now, the sila is the yardstick for everything else. So if you need to start training Salah at that age, that means all the other rules as well. Fasting,
proper clothing, proper dress, code,
manners, thoughts way earlier, but all of the acts of worship, the training starts at that age.
Now because we are dealing with Islamic sacred law, we need to be familiar with the five
at that LiFi listen to the word Gam is the plural of the word hokum.
A hokum is a ruling or a judgment.
The entire sacred law of Islam is made up of judgments made up of rulings, which is why it's a bit crazy when people resort to this thing don't judge when the whole of Islam is the set of judgments that Islamic law is a set of judgments on actions. So in the Shafi school, we have five km doodle of hokum that can leave fear for the what for the Mocha love people. So anybody that is mocha left, all of the actions are going to be categorized or are going to be described by one of the five rulings, these rulings that indicate the permissibility or otherwise, of any given action.
They are
is also referred to as filed. In the Shafi school, there's no difference except in hajj, but you're not dealing with * right now. So why do you have filed that's obligatory? What does it mean? It means that the one who does the action will get rewarded, and the one who does not do the action will be liable for punishment. Right. Not will be punished because they can make Toba but they will be liable for punishment.
The second one is called Man Dube, also called sunnah, also called Mr. Hub, also referred to at times as knuffel. These are synonyms in the Shafi school. There's no difference in the Shafi school in other mme in the Hanafi school. There are other categories. I think there's like seven categories in the Shafi school is five. So sunnah Mundo Musa hub Nephal these are the same thing, and they refer to an action, the doer of the action will get rewarded, but the one who does not do the action will not be liable for punishment. Right? Unfortunately, people learn this and they only focus on Oh, so I won't get punished. And then they say things like, as monitors sunnah. That's wrong. You
should not belittle the Sunnah. That's a dangerous sin. But if you need to leave a sunnah you will not be liable for punishment. The part that we must focus on for this is that the one who does it will be rewarded. And of course, we need all the rewards that we can get.
The third ruling or hokum is MOBA permissible. These neither reward no punishment attached to merely permissible acts, standing, walking, sitting, eating, drinking, sleeping, is all just permissible.
But the key with regards to permissible actions is that permissible actions can be rewarded, depending on the needs of the person. So sleeping is sleeping. But if you sleep with the intention of rejuvenating yourself, for Allah sake, maybe to wake up early for Fudger or maybe to wake up with tahajjud and you sleep according to the Sunnah. Now you
To turn that normal Act into a rewardable act, you turned an ad into an ibid. Adam is a normal act. I bet that means an act of worship How? By Nia and by sunnah. So that's mobile. We've now covered why G Beauford. Man DuBose sunnah almost the Harbin FL we've covered MOBA. The next one is Makrooh. disliked. In the Shafi school there's only macro there's no macro and macro Ruta halimi, it's just macro. What does it mean this light or offensive, it means that the one who does this act will not be liable for punishment. But the one who avoid the action for the sake of Allah will be rewarded.
I'll repeat, the one who does something my crew will not be liable for punishment. But the one who avoids something my crew, for the sake of Allah will be rewarded for avoiding it for the sake of Allah. It's like a simple example for a man to stand and urinate is regarded as my crew. So a person who does stand in urinate will not be liable for punishment. But the person who avoids standing and urinating will be rewarded for for for the efforts, right?
If a person stands in urinate, and as a consequence, splashes urine onto themselves, now it's haram because it's through your actions that you've caused an adjuster to come onto your person. Okay. And then the final one haram, that hook bow to about this not too long ago, haram means forbidden one who does haram will be liable for punishment. And one who avoids haram for the sake of Allah will be rewarded. Right? What does it mean for the sake of Allah? The same thing in my crew if you don't do something?
Because you were prevented from doing that thing.
And it's a the boy, he phones the girl. He wants to have a romantic conversation with a girl. He's, you know, you wants to chat her up. So he phones but she rejects the call. He can sit there and say, I'm gonna get rewarded. No.
No, she rejected your call. That's why you avoided it. But the boy who thinks I'm gonna phone this girl, let me check that up. But then as he's dialing, he says, No, this is not. This is not for me. I'm going to rather
avoid this for the sake of Allah, you will be rewarded. So that's what it means the and Allah knows best. By
next, we have commenced with purity 101 The name of this course? Why do we commence with purity when purity was not the the first pillar of Islam. The first pillar of Islam is the Shahada. It's not the second pillar of Islam. The second pillar of Islam is Salah.
Sila is the most important act of worship in the life of a believer.
But in order for you to get to Salah, you need to first learn how to clean yourself. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Mr. Hall Jannetty or Salah, the keys to Jana is the salah. And then he said, What if there was solidarity or toehold and the keys to your solder is the whole purification. Now firstly, this doesn't only mean purification of the body and of the limbs, it means purification of the heart. Many people overlook this fact. It's not just going wash yourself. It means cleanse your heart of fourth right of ill feelings of Kibera of arrogance that's in place. But right now we are focusing on Islamic law because we need to follow the law. So purification in Islam is critically
important because of the sada
the first idea that I wish to share with you and my apologies to those online I see that the slides look somewhat different to
to what we have here in person, but that's just the incentive for you to come to the masjid inshallah. Allah says by the end Akula bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim wa who will levy our celeea habush Ron Boehner de rahmati. He Allah is the One who sins the winds as a glad tiding before He sends down his Rama, what does that refer to?
He sends the winds as a glad tiding before he sends his Rama
So you're in the Western Cape. We live in a Mediterranean climate. If the North westerly wind blows, it's a sign that what is coming
rain. So this is what the verse is referring to. And he refers to the rain as he's Rama
one Zelina Amina sama ima and then we send down water to hurrah as a means of purification. So Allah has earmarked water as our primary means of purification. So we're going to speak a bit about water as well. The next verse I wish to share with you is the following Altavilla administrate on the regime if you are shikumen No answer I'm gonna mean who what unit zero Are they coming Osama ima en liotta hero Combi? Remember when he goes drowsiness to overcome you.
This as a context of the Battle of budget
and is sent down upon you from the heavens, man, water, liotta Euro Combi Hey, in order for you to purify yourselves with it, are you the Buncombe regions are shaytaan and to remove from you Satan's whispers there's a context behind this. Some of the Sahaba experience with dreams nocturnal emission so they will escape How can we go into Jihad when you're in this state of Geneva? So Allah sent down the water right? But the spiritual implications here as well. Always know that the rain and Allah has Allah's blessings of the rain is a source of Rama for us. So don't complain about the rain. You know, because the rain, enjoy the Rama of Allah subhanho wa Taala
while yarrabilba Isla Kulu become a user beat up the hill Aqua dam again that is primarily in context of the battle. Next verse.
Okay, next verse. Next. Content is not a verse it is Hadith. Say the Aisha Rhodiola with Anna and her she said the apostle of Allah Salah Sam said whenever any of you goes to relieve himself, you should take with him three stones to clean himself for they will be enough for him.
To be surprising to some people will speak about that.
Another Hadith the Prophet saw some was asked about cleansing after leaving oneself he said once you cleanse oneself with three stones which should be free from dung, we'll speak about that as well. And then the final Hadith, Jabir ibn Abdullah Rhodiola died and who said, odd number of stones or an odd number of stones are to be used for cleaning the private parts of the answering the call of nature, the casting of people's at the jammers is to be done by odd numbers and the number of circuits between Safa and Marwa is also an odd number, and the number of circuits around the Kaaba is also an odd number. Whenever you are required to use stones for cleaning the private parts, you
should use an odd number of stones three, five or seven. So, this sets the tone we spoke about water and now we spoke about stones. And this should allude to the first topic of discussion for this course which is is stingy. is stingy is the word Naja which means to save to clean on the 10th Bab ista for Allah means to seek to be safe from NASA and to seek to be clean at East India.
How do you make a stranger
the primary source of cleanliness is always going to be water.
But it's only in this day and age that you have nice steps everywhere you go to the bathroom, you have taps, open up the depth pour the water these you stingy water, that's a luxury if you're living in the desert. And you also know that it can be a luxury year when Allah keeps the water back. And you start reaching Day Zero as we did a couple of years ago.
So you can also use solid substances, solid substances, stones is easily available every way. That's why they used stones. But solid substances as we know it today will probably be toilet paper. Our forefathers also used to use newspaper right? They were they were most strong when we are.
So you can use just water for East India. But you need to know how you can use just a solid substance. Just toilet paper if you need to. Yes you can. So this surprises most people, no water. Remember, order isn't always available for you to just pour over your backside. Sometimes you have to reserve the what you have for drinking purposes. So you can just use solid substances, but the most ideal way of a stranger is with both water and solid substances. A combination of them in succession not
together some people
use with toilet paper. And if you only use a toilet paper, it's not sufficient. Because it's not going to clean sufficiently. We'll explain. For each of the above the minimum requirements, what are the minimum requirements, if you're going to use just water, then the minimum requirement is that you use enough water to remove the energizer,
the excreta or the urine, is you actually remove the physical element of the energizer, you remove all traces of it with water. And if you do that, with only water that is sufficient, by simply pouring water over your private parts is not going to remove the fault. You either have to pour the water and use your hand while you're pouring the water. so as to ensure that you remove everything. If you are only using water, you would have to find a way to make sure that everything is removed with the water, but you can't just pour water, you know.
This would be applicable whether you are washing your friend or your private path, but water on its own, as long as you've used enough water to remove the urine and excreta and it's washed away is sufficient. That would be sufficient as cleaning yourself solid substances. If you use only a solid substance, then the requirements that we outlined here in this book.
What are the conditions for using a stone or any other solid substance?
They are as follows. Number one, at least three stones should be used. So in our context, it means at least three wipes for example, with clean toilet paper each time, well, I'm saying at least because
you can't just wipe three times and then you're done. You have to wipe until there's no more trays of the of the excreta or whatever it is that you're wiping away. If one is is enough, you just wipe once and there's nothing. It's not enough, you must at least two three, you understand that? If you wipe twice, and then that's enough, it's not enough, you must at least do three. But if you do three, and it's not enough, now what? Now you must do four and add five to make it the odd number. If that's not enough, what must you do? You go to six and if that's the you must go to seven, make it the odd number and so on and ideally stop at 10 an odd number, but that would be sufficient as
far as stingy is concerned. So if you are in a situation with ease and no water, there is no available water that you can use, you are not obliged to use your drinking water, you can use only a solid substance. The second condition is that it should purify meaning it should be able to remove the traces of fourth. Number three is that the impurity should not be completely dry. If for some reason you are cleaning old excrement from your from your backside, meaning you were in a situation methylene and you couldn't clean yourself and that consequently dried up now you can't just use a solid substance, you need to use water. Number four means the impurity should not have spread out.
If for some reason it spread out like it went beyond the area where it comes out. You can't just use a solid substance you now need to use water.
Number five is basically that no other impurity should come upon it. What does this mean? You have some excreta and then on top of it, you have some splashes of urine. Now you can't just use a solid substance now you've complicated the matter, you need to use water. Number six, the impurity should not go beyond the inner buttock and the head of the penis. If it goes beyond this area, you can't use a solid substance only you must use water.
And then number seven is that you basically what this means is the solid substance that you using must not be wet.
The logic behind this is that if it is wet, you spreading the impurity because impurity is sprayed with water.
And you remember this is not running water. This is water that stagnant on something. So you cannot use you cannot use wet toilet paper by itself as important.
Some people what they do is they use the use with toilet paper to start off with and then they use water afterwards. They are clean when they use the water they are not clean by the usage of the way toilet paper. Other people
They will clean themselves first and then use with toilet paper afterwards. They are clean because of what they did first, not by the usage of a toilet paper with toilet paper by itself will not clean, it will spread the nyassa. In a shatter essence, it may look clean. If you look at it, it may look clean, but in a shatter a legal sense, it's not considered clean. And the number eight, the stones to be used should be pure. In other words, the substance that you utilize must be free of Niassa. You cannot use if it's a stone, for example, a stone that was already used? No, can you use the bone of an animal? No, can you use dried up dung for all of this is considered to be nudges.
so there are eight conditions for using solid substances. And then finally, the combination is basically either one or two first, and then whatever else you do is fine. But the recommended way we'll be discussed in a moment.
The best way would be to use a combination if you use a combination, then you can decide how you want to use the combination according to your discretion as long as you fulfill the minimum requirements that we discussed, either with the solid substance or with the water.
There is a sunnah recommended way, which is the last point of our discussion here this evening.
It goes as follows This is just a recommendation.
And it's not like if you don't do this you're not considered clean. Number one, you begin to wipe from the front to the back on the right hand side, not with the right hand on the right hand side. So you have the left buttock, the right buttock, this would be your right hand side. So you use your left hand and you'll come to the right hand side and start the from the front to the back. Similarly with the left hand with the second and wipe both sides and the * with a third wipe that's three wipes, one on the left, sorry, one on the right hand side, one on the left hand side and one in the middle. Each wiping must begin at a point on the skin that is free of Energizer and then you go past
the energizer, right. Number two, it is sunnah to add an odd number so that you end often an odd number so you either stop at three or five or seven or so on. Number three it is considered macro or offensive to use the right hand to clean now Jessa
and if you cannot do this recommended way
just make sure that you've covered yourself with the minimal requirements as we have mentioned and Allah knows best so that chapter I'll just read the Arabic sir to make sure I've covered it shuru to each other in hydrophilicity injure the conditions of sufficing oneself with a stone in a stranger. They are a Hakuna with LSVT agile that you use at least the stones were UPL Mahal and that it cleans the area where Allah your different nudges and that then adjust that you trying to clean didn't already dry out while I am Taco Bell and that it did not move from the place that it exited. While I Yatra Ali AHA and that nothing else had come onto it like no Jassa on top of Energizer while you gel
with a soft Haida waha chef at home. It must not have gone past the limits of the inner buttocks or the head of the penis. While you see but Houma on and no water must come onto the stone or solid substance that you're using will enter Kunal Agia, Ruto, he rotten, and the stones must be pure and not contaminated. What have we learned in this lesson?
We've learned about the integrals of Islam Imani Hassan as revision, we've learned about the signs of puberty. And we've learned about the concept of Eastern Jaya from both the con from both the perspective of solid substances, water and a combination of the above. And that is
the lesson for this evening in Charlottetown. Now we open up for questions and we end up on that note, we will have the event immediately afterwards and we'll come into the fold solder at that so that will that will happen at eight we have eight minutes for questions.
No, so the question is with regards to solid substances that the recommendation is at least three and if more than stop with an odd number for water
It's to use enough water to remove the fourth. That's, that's basically it.
It doesn't matter as long as you use enough water to remove the fourth, bearing in mind, we shouldn't waste water. So if you're clean with, say, half of this bottle, don't use the whole bottle. It's wasting water. Right? We should be very conscious of wasting. And as a people, I think we often fail in that regard. Allah doesn't love those waste. Okay? It's not like, oh, no, I've used it for a steam jar. So it's not waste. It's waste. If you can waste with will do you can always do this ninja.
Any other questions?
No, that's why I said solid substances. The question is, is it limited to only stones? No, any solid substance, which is why toilet paper newspaper leaves the bark of a tree, right? But the conditions that we mentioned must be in place.
So you can for example, take
a dead cat.
And as we I'm just trying to think of something that's not Jassa. So did get will be considered najis it's impure. So you can't take an impure substance to clean yourself. Okay?
Good question. So the question is about borehole water, because it looks different and smells different to the water that we drink. Now there's a lesson. I think it's next week's lesson that deals with water and the different classifications of water. So we will deal with it thoroughly. But for now, the answer is that boho water is water in its natural state. So you may not drink it. But you can certainly use it for purification. You can use it for wudu you can use it for yourself, you can use it for a stranger, because it's water in its natural state. That smell is a natural smell. It wasn't put into the water, it's not some change because of Nigeria, it's like that in the ground.
So it's permissible to use any other question
so we now all know how to make proper so ninja insha Allah Allah, right. And it is important to teach our children this as well. And people are weird about these things. They don't want to speak about this and so on. So people just end up doing the wrong thing. But this is it's it's important, right? How we use the toilet is important as believers because our deen is not just the religion of what we believe it is also what we practice. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam taught us how to worship Allah in every aspect of our lives, even when we go to the toilet, right? So everything that Islam trains us within teaches us is meant to guide you, and Allah knows best is.
Why would you not have either water or solid substance like a tissue?
For example, okay, look, if you are in a situation where you have neither water nor solid substance to clean yourself with, then you'd have to make a stranger later.
And if as a result, you're going to contaminate your clothes, then you have to remove that clothes before you pray because it's now contaminated. So you just shook hands.
Shake hands up. If you shake hands up, that's not a stranger. And as a result, droplets of urine is likely going to contaminate your clothing.
If that doesn't happen, it's a you you thoroughly shook
and there's nothing left. So you didn't contaminate your clothing. You don't need to change your clothes right but you must make a stranger right when you can. Okay.
Hi, Rachel Ahmed
in Dhaka Swan for the loom
either our tomb
and double la Buddha intercom
was sunnah, sunnah moussaka and Annie. If a man The question is, what is the ruling in relation to urination, the prophets or SLM commanded that you might
Sit and urinate
he wants Don't say no ominous was early on any Sam Yeah Omar lettable call Eman Oh my do not stand and urinate. Right and he spoke harshly and then say now almost said since that day not once in my life ever every student urinated and people take it lightly because it's convenient you just wipe it out and stand and then you go off to the races but it's it's my crew right and it's it's highly disliked
the chances of you soiling yourself during splashing back is very, very high for him to motherhood.
So you
Bismillah the ankle that is nothing
at one minute
Yes, great. Good point. So the brothers question was if he doesn't, if he can't for some reason, Mikey stingy.
And then he has to do it later. He cannot then use a solid substance because remember, one of the conditions of using a solid substance was what?
It cannot be dry. So this is now obviously dried out now you must use water right later on.
By the way, if you go to the toilet, and it's a public toilet, and you come inside and it's like my brew
that he and like Did they not know that the toilet is the scenario setting the problem because you are likely going to be in bigger trouble by sitting.
US me. So that sitting there is going to be a problem because of hygiene and you may contaminate your clothing and your body with Niassa
that would be haram.
So in the case of where you have a choice between haram and mcru, which one must you do?
The mcru So you're going to stand it in that case it won't even be macro because the reason you're doing it is is like a legitimate excuse. But other than that men should sit it's unfortunately in the magic. Sometimes, you know use the bathroom you can see that people are not sitting and urinating right. It's very bad. We should have signed up Ahmed was make signs about the fact that it is sunnah to to set. We have to conclude on that note it is eight o'clock I promised seven to eight. And my apologies to the Mussolini's
next weekend shall Ackman make an announcement at Mallory time that we will make Asia at eight o'clock inshallah so that we don't have to break with a glass. Until then also Allahu ala Sayidina Muhammad Subhan Allah who will be handy Subhanak Alohomora behind ignition to Allah, Allah, Allah and Telesto federal governor to be like us and Mr. aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.