Mohamad Baajour – 7 Necessary Feelings For Receiving Prophetic Guidance #01

Mohamad Baajour
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of building a strong heart to benefit from the revelation and the upcoming return to Islam. They explain the first feeling of the revelation, which is to have and all these feelings are towards the person. The speaker also discusses the importance of setting the heart to be the master of the son of Adam and the importance of the holy School of Jerusalem.
AI: Transcript ©
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So we started the the series on on

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on, Tuesday, and it will continue, inshallah, every

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Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday.

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And just to recap,

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we mentioned that

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in order to benefit from the revelation,

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in order to benefit from the Wahi,

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we have to

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build all these Ibadat that we are doing.

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We have to build all these salat and

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fasting and Quran.

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It has to be built

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on a solid strong heart.

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Ibn Al Qayyim,

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he said,

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the heart

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is the king

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of the body,

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and the body parts are its soldiers and

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The Sahaba understood the deen

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and understood that Islam is to be taken,

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carried, and moved forward with,

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not to impress others with it.

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That's why

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we are sitting here today.

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If they considered Islam as just about memorizing

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praying and fasting and that's it,

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no jihad,

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no moving forward, no taking this deen to

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the next level, then we will not be

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here today.

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So this heart

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has to have 7 feelings towards the revelation

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in order

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for us to be able

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to benefit from the revelation.

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The first feeling is

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to have

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and all these feelings are towards Rasulullah salallahu

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alayhi wasalam.

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The first feeling is islal.

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Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. The reverence

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to Rasoolullah sallaihi wa sallam.

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To know who is this man,

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to know the magnitude

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and the weight of this man that was

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sent to us.

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One time we were in Hajj,

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and there was, you know, in Hajj,

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only in Mina you start getting to know

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one another. Other than that, everybody's going doing

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their own thing. But in Mina, you're sitting

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in the in the tent,

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everybody for

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3 3 days, 24 7 with each other.

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So you got to know each other. So

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there was a man

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constantly looking

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forward to serving others.

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He he And he he wants to,

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get this guy's shoes, bring this guy an

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apple, apple, bring this guy food. Always trying

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to serve others. And we don't know who

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he is. He was masha'Allah, nice brother. To

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the level that the people start asking him,

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can you get me this? Can you? And

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he became,

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you know, very helpful.

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One time

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a man from another group was visiting our

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and he went,

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Allahu Akbar, what are you doing here? To

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this man. And he came and hugged him

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and he almost wants to kiss his hand.

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So after he left the tulum,

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who's this guy?

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So this guy,

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he owns half my village in India.

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And he's the CEO of one of the

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biggest companies in India.

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And in America, he has 20 strip malls.

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Now, what happened is, when you hear these

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things, you're not gonna ask and get me

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an apple anymore.

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It changed your look towards the man.

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now you love him more

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because of his

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So the Quran came

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to tell us about this man called Muhammad

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sallallahu alaihi wasallam, Telling us, do not be

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by his humility and simplicity,

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and his kindness and his love to you.

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Do you know who is this man? No

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one know him more than his creator.

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So listen to what his creator said about

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him in the Quran.

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This man among you,

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Allah Azzawajal

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and the angels,

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and he ordered every believer

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to make salat and taslim upon him.

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We all know the salat of Allah azzawajal

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is to mention and to boast about Rasulullah

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in the Mala il Aala. And the the

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the salallahu

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alayhi salallam and similarly our salallahu.

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And here,

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the verb is

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The verb is they do not When Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala is verb is attributed to

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him, that does not mean he does it

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once and he stop. And when we say

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does not mean Allah knows sometimes and Allah

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sometimes he does not know. Sometimes he creates

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and No. Here,

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yusalloonah, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is constantly

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mentioning Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam to the

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malai'ala. And the angels are constantly

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making dua to this man

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that is walking

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among you. Yaq Quresh.

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Listen to more than that.

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You see this man,

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Allah is his Mawlah.

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Allah is his guardian.

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Not only Allah and Jibril

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and all the righteous believers. That's it. No.

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And every angel is his servant.

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That's it. No. Listen.

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You Muhammad,

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we know that you're waiting for the revelation

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to come because you want the Kaaba to

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be your qiblah. I'm gonna change the qiblah

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for you.

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I'm gonna change the qiblah for you, to

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please you.

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Allah is gonna keep giving you Yeah, Muhammad

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until you are pleased.

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And it kept on going and going to

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it reached the level

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Are you wumayutirrassul

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You obey this man, you have obeyed me.

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And this is the man walking around you

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and if you go to a halakah you

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do not know who he is

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because of his

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humbleness and humility.

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he already declared, I am the master of

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the son of Adam. And I'm not saying

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this out of pride and arrogance. This is

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just a fact that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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wants you to know, wants humanity to know.

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Jibril alayhis salam, the Isra and the Mi'raj,

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he got to the level when they were

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going. He said, Yeah, Muhammad. That's it for

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For me, the best angel ever. That's it.

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But you can proceed.

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And there is a place, one place on

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earth, one place in Jannah, one, just one

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for one person.

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Just for 1 person out of the billions

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and billions and billions of people created

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from Adam till the day of judgment. There's

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only one

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place in Jannah,

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dedicated for 1 man.

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And I hope it is me. And that

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place is called

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Al Wasila.

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Do you feel now who is your Nabi?

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Do you feel who is this man?

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So these feelings have to be established in

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our heart, the 7 feelings. This is just

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the first way till you see you hear

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the rest.

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In order to be able to appreciate and

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understand and apply

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and change your life. Islam is not about

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Allahu Akbar fasting and and starving. No. No.

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No. This is just these are rituals that

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needed to continue, But unfortunately, we took them

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and we stopped.

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We stopped.

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And this is why the ummah is going

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through what it's going. Because we stopped.

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Even the the

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the the trunk of the tree

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used to cry missing Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wasallam.

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May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gather us with

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him on the day of judgement. May Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala make us and give us

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the understanding of this deen.

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We'll continue on Sunday.

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