Ikram Sanaullah – Who was Abdullah Ibn Abbas R.A

Ikram Sanaullah
AI: Summary © The Prophet Muhammad sallali Alayhi wa Sallam gave his children a "has been a pleasure" to learn from their teacher. He also gave them a "has been a pleasure." Sallali Alayhi wa sallam gave children a "has been a pleasure." He also addressed his teachings and emphasized the importance of respecting teachers and parents for children. The segment also touches on the influence of Prophet Muhammad sallali on children and how he leads them to questions.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Hinata who want to start you know who want to start a few who want me to be he wanna talk Qawwali when I was a villa ministerium fusina woman sejahtera Molina Manya De La Paloma Bella one minute little fella Hadi Allah wanna shadow Allah Allah Allah Allahu wa the hula Shetty Kala wanna shadow nessa Nava Maulana Muhammad Abdul Allah solo ama bar. Father Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim, Allah ecola Deena de la Fabio de Vaca de ser de como la de

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respected teachers, scholars, dear friends and elders in Islam.

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Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, hub Bula Smar Illallah Abdullah Rama the most beloved names to Allah subhanho wa Taala Abdullah and Abdul Rahman.

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After prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this, most of the companions of Prophet Muhammad started naming their children of the law and of the rock man. That is why you are going to find so many of the law amongst the companions of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. For example, Abdullayev noiseware agha live near Omar Abdullah Edna amor Abdullah Knapp boss a Goliath Naima screwed out of all this Abdullah insha Allah Today we will talk about Abdullah ibni Abbas radi Allahu tanauan who was Abdullah Abbas

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Abbas radi Allahu Allah who was born in Islam, as in he was born after the prophethood of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam three years prior to hegira, three years prior to migration. And he was given the honey tonic is where we choose a date and give it to the child with a little bit of addition of saliva because a date is rich in iron, and spiritually, also it has an impact on the life of the child. So he was given the honey by prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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and others Abdullah nabasa the Alo Talon who enjoyed a very close company and companionship of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because he was a close relative to the Prophet of Allah, how the Father 200 Abdullah, whose name was Abbas was the son to Abdul muttalib the father to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whose name was Abdullah was also the son to Abdul muttalib so what is the relation between prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the life nobis they are the first cousins to each other, and other tabletten Abbas raviolo Talon, who was also a close relative to Ali, because the Father 200 Ali Abu Talib was also the son to have the

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rotary. So all the three of them were close relatives to each other. So the boss enjoyed a very close companionship of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam Firstly, because of his relation with the Prophet of Allah, secondly, because he was a young child, so he grew up in the house of Prophet of Allah playing in the house of Prophet of Allah, Allah tala Edna basura dlo tala, who himself mentions that I used to prepare the water of Voodoo for the Prophet of Allah whenever he wanted to perform Salah. And whenever we traveled together, I used to climb on the same animal as prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. He used to sit behind the Prophet of Allah as a young

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child. And he mentioned that upon many occasions when we were walking together, Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would lift me and then he would carry me on his shoulders. So Sue panela look at the clothes company has the Tata lightner boss radi Allahu tala who enjoyed with the Prophet of Allah. He mentions in another narration, that upon one occasion prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was performing salah and I started copying him how it happens in our house. In our homes when we are performing Salah, our wives, our mothers are performing Salah you will see a child he will start imitating the mother if it is a good child inshallah light will copy the Salah, but if

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it is a naughty child, he will climb on your shoulder when you go in ruku or when you go in such that he will sit on your bed. So the lagna boss says that I started performing Salah behind the Prophet of Allah. So as the Salah was going on, Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam grabbed me from my hand, and then he pulled me right next to him because when a person is performing Salah alone with an Imam, he's supposed to stand next to the Imam. So he put me next to him. So I went back again. I went behind after prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was done with a Salah. He said to me or Abdullah, why did you go behind?

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So I say to him that oh prophet of Allah, I love you so much. And I respect you so much, that I don't want to stand in the same line as you. So it was out of respect. I went behind, and I want to stay behind you for the rest of my life. So at that occasion, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave him a dua. In fact, there are two occasions upon which Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave him a dua, which had a real impact on the life of the lightmap bus, which was even noted and noticed by the other companions. The first occasion upon which Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam gave him he was going up the life knob bass was playing and he said along maphack equal 15 Allah tala grant him

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a deep understanding of Deen you know to know your religion is a different thing. To understand your religion deeply is a different thing. That is why you have heard me You You must have heard many scholars in their bands in India do as saying that Allah May Allah tala give us the right understanding of theme. May Allah Allah give us the deep understanding of Deen. So prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam gave him that dua, Aloma faki, who faith in Allah grant him a deep understanding of Dean while living with Darwin, and Allah teach him the interpretation of the Holy Quran. That is why later on, he was regarded and known as haberle oma waturi joumana. Quran hobro

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oma, the jurist of the Summa Abdullah was regarded the jurist of the Summa waturi Jamaat Al Quran, an expert in the field of explanation of the Holy Quran. So that was the impact of the duel of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the second occasion upon which Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam gave him a dua was when he was performing Salah he grabbed him and then he went behind. So at that time, Nabi sallallahu, Alayhi Salaam gave him a dua, Aloma RTL hikmah Allah tala grant him wisdom, Allah tala grant him wisdom, it comes in narrations that went up to live nobis raviolo tala who used to walk in the streets of Medina, as young as he was, people used to look at

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him, and they used to say that he's a young child, but he's a wise child. He's a young child, but he's an understanding child. That was the impact of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So from this we learn that let us not underestimate the power of do our you never know whose do i is accepted? Let us do such actions through which we received the two hours of others may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those. So this is live now. buzzworthy Allahu Allah. Now let us see how desperately he sought knowledge, how much he loved knowledge, when prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away as a tabula rasa basadi along Talon, who was only 13 years old, how

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many years old? 13 years old. But if you go to the scholars today and ask that how many are Howdy, how many things of Prophet Muhammad are narrated by the same 13 years old child, they will tell you above 1600, a hadith above 1600, a hadith if we get together in this Masjid all of us get together and we try and remember 1600 a hadith of Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam we want manage, but has it Abdullah Edna boss himself knew 1600 a hadith. And how did he learn this a Hadi he himself mentions that upon many occasions when I got to know about a companion of Prophet of Allah, Who knew of a Hadith, I would go to his house, and I would wait for that person outside in order to listen to

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that Howdy. He mentioned that upon one occasion, I reached at the house of one sabi in the afternoon. And it was a hot day. And I said to myself, that how can I start disturbing my teacher? How can I start knocking the door at this hour of the day? So I waited outside in the heat. We all know the heat of Saudi Arabia. He waited the whole afternoon. And in the evening, when the companion came out, he said that off the law, you are the family members of the Prophet of Allah, why didn't you knock the dough? He said that? No, this is what my prophet has taught me regarding teachers and regarding scholars at the jaypee and Tabitha dlo, tala, who mentions that upon one occasion, I came

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out of my house, and I saw of the light nabasa, the Alo Talon, who waiting for me, he started hastening towards my animal, and he started holding the reins of my animal so that I could climb on it. So I say to him there of the law, you are a family member of Prophet of Allah, you don't have to do this. So he said to me that Oh, say, this is what my prophet has taught me regarding teachers. This is how I'm supposed to respect them. So then otherwise, they'd be in the hotel on who grabbed his hands, and then he kissed on his hands. And then he said to him, and this is what my prophet has taught me regarding the family members of Prophet of

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Prophet Muhammad Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam respected elders and friends, we have to learn something from this particular incident. And it is that this, Abdullah Ibn Abbas is a family member of the Prophet of Allah, and look at how he's respecting the teachers and the scholars around him that has asked a question to ourselves, too. We respect our scholars and our teachers in the same way, there have been incidents where a member ends up reaching to the doors of the class, uttering disrespective disrespectful statements, statements in front of the teacher in front of the scholar,

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and this is the life now pass a family member of the Prophet of Allah, and look how he's respecting the teachers, or sometimes you receive a call Malala. I've asked you a question one week, two weeks now, can you give an answer? My brother had the bus you used to go to the house of the Sahaba to achieve is not knowledge. Today, we want our knowledge online. Secondly, we want to express delivery, fast delivery, it should come straight away. Let us come over horses down. Let us come over horses down. We are not saying that we have to start knocking on the doors of the scholars. But how about some respect? How about some selection of words, let us learn how to respect these

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scholars and teachers around us. And I'm not beating this drum, because I come from the same field. But as a student, if I am a student, it is important for me to respect my teachers and my scholars. As a father, it is important for me to respect the teachers and the scholars of my children. You know, there is a saying in English, that the teachers hold a higher status than the parents. Why? Because the parents give birth to a child. But what happens next, the child goes to madrasa the child goes to school and the same teacher same Alana same scholar, moles, that child's personality, he molds the child's personality he turns in from a charcoal into a diamond. So, let us all agree

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and all this is happening all this is happening, because we have disregarded and we have started thinking that this profession is the lowest of profession, let us know let us not think in those lines. Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself introduced himself introduced he was introduced as a teacher he said he said boy to mollema I have been sent as a teacher to you. So it is high time we start respecting the teachers and the scholars around us will we all do that inshallah. inshallah. So, this is how he sought knowledge. Now let us look at his intelligence how clever he was. It comes in narrations that upon one occasion. In fact, at the time of that earlier

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the about Allahu a certain group came out of the Opie obedience of others. Le radi Allahu Allahu saw that Abdullah nobis goes to other family and he says to him there Ali, allow me to go and speak to them I might convince them so that Allah The Allahu Allahu allowed him, so that the leidner bus goes to this group of people, and then he questions them. And he tells them that put forward the dispute you have regarding the earlier the Allahu Allahu, and they start putting forward all the all the difference of opinions they had hundred up to light nabasa the other huhtala who answers them, answers to each and every query of the US proving it from the Holy Quran. He took out a verse from

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the Holy Quran, and he said that look, you're saying this, but this is what the Quran says. You're saying this, but this is what the Quran says. And when other Abbas read the yellow Talon who came back to the earlier the about Allah who he came that with a large group of group of people back into the obedient obedience of others led along to Alan who there is how intelligent he was at the time of the oma, the Allahu Allah who has a tumor he used to call him for a lot of Matura and the Sahaba questioned him there Omer you have so many experienced Sahaba amongst you, why do you have to call a young Sahabi Why do you have to call a young child for the tomorrow the Allahu Allahu replied to

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them that other tabula was regarded a wise child at the time of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam That is why I invite him for all the matures, upon one occasion, as a tumor is seated with all the Sahaba and he says that there is a verse in the Holy Quran, either john assala, he will forth and when the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala came, right and now say the hoonah Fiji, Nila hiya Raja, and people started entering into the fold of Islam for sub 100 Viva Suk beer, glorify Allah subhanho wa Taala praise Allah subhanho wa Taala repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala in the who Kanata wobba Allah tala is the most forgiving. So this verse What does it mean? What does it mean?

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So someone replied that it is talking about glorifying Allah, it is talking about the help of Allah, someone replied, It is talking about repenting to Allah. Then he asked that Oh, Abdullah, what do you have to say? What do you have to say, what does this verse mean? So he replied, that this verse was a hint to the Prophet of Allah.

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That your mission has been accomplished. Now it is time for you to return. So start repenting to Allah subhanho wa Taala that was the intelligence of the lightning. Abbas radi Allahu Allahu let us look at his pen following how many people followed him how many students he had. It comes in a narration that upon one occasion a friend of his came to his house and he saw a large group, a massive group waiting outside the house of Herbalife nobis. So he entered the house, and he found out that the blue light nabasa with yellow Talon resting, so he woke him up, there are two other people waiting outside for you. So that Abdullah woke up, he performed this Voodoo. And then he made

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an announcement that whoever wants to make query regarding the Holy Quran can come in. So those people came in, he answered to their queries, they went, now whoever wants to know about IDs can come in. They came he answered, they went, whoever wants to know about eloquence, Arabic linguistic, they came in, they went, that is the crowd he had outside his house at the time of other mahavihara dlo tala who had Moriarty Allahu Talon went for ombre. And he saw that there is a man walking in front and there is a large group following him. So he asked the people around him that Who's this man? And there are so many people following him. They replied that is Abdullah ne Abbas radi Allahu

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Allahu now, what was the reason? What was the secret to this knowledge? Someone asked of the lifemap boss there are the law. What is the secret to this knowledge? He replied that I used to ask a lot of questions. I used to ask a lot of questions respected elders and friends, we get to learn something entities that when our children have to ask a question to us, how do we get back to them? Is it that we are replying them with a logical answer or is it that we are silencing them?

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If we are silencing them, then we are going to create a society of potatoes? Yes, there will be no intellectuals amongst us. mela tala forgive us. Forget about children nowadays. Even the elderly ones and the others are told to stay quiet when they come with a when they come up with a logical questioning. That is not supposed to be the case. May Allah subhanho wa Taala guide us May Allah subhana wa Taala give us the right understanding of Dean amin was to do the one on $100 Bill alameen.

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