Mansoor Danish – Who is your Role Model?

Mansoor Danish
AI: Summary © The importance of trusting Islam and not disclosing personal information is emphasized in a series of covers and podcasts. The speakers share stories about beggar, money hidden, and women who claim to have only what was on their back. They also discuss the importance of trusting Islam and not disclosing personal information. The hosts end with thanks and invitations for viewers.
AI: Transcript ©
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He's on

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a chance to gain re

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spend on you

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know sending God. Good deeds are opportunities sparkling bright and true, raising you in the sight of Allah and atoning for you. So rush to

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Don't forget the oppressed and when you go to sleep

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germain salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Welcome to a time to please Allah. This episode you might have noticed is, we're starting off a little bit differently. our usual hosts couldn't be here with us today. So we're subbing in for him, me and my brother, and Amir. My name is Asif, Sonny,

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you might have remembered me from a couple weeks back. And Amir, of course, was visitor several times and in the past as well.

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We're both really excited about the topic this week, it's we're talking about, we're talking about something that is very important, especially for especially for youth, I believe, I believe this topic is very critical for the youth. But more importantly, all of us need role models. And if you if you look back at our history, you see that Allah subhanho wa Taala sent

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so many prophets and messengers to mankind, to he didn't just send down a book, or send down a revelation and just leave it at that he sent somebody to come with that

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revelation to exemplify it to set the role model for the people. So this idea is not anything new. And even in this day and age, it is very important that we have those sorts of correct role models for us, especially in the societies that we live in now. So, uh, one would ask, actually, what is the definition of a role model?

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Nowadays, we think of modernization or modern role models, movie stars, celebrities, different types of sports, Star Wars, stars, yes. Those are the people that think of that they're role models. So lots of people view them highly. Therefore those people are just good at what they do. Yet, they're not perfect humans, not like what we have in our Deen.

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And they look up to them, and they make mistakes. And the one they make mistakes becomes big news, and the gossip and all this. So this is of course wrong. What we have to point out is what what in Islam would be a role model, we have to look at the Sahaba, we have to look at the practical examples of Sahaba that they came with, we have to look at, of course, the profits that you mentioned, and are the best, the best example is pursuit of loss.

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Now, if you study psychology, or especially adolescent psychology, you will find out many things that are very interesting about role models. And so upon a lot if you study, for example, there's these modern psychologists that talk about role models, how to establish a role model.

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And as a, as a parent, we as being parents, me and us, well, we have to be role models for our children. And how do you become a role model? It's not by teaching. It's not by ordering, it's not by lecturing. It's more like doing example, examples, but at the same time, also establishing that connection with the person you want to be a role model to. Right. I think you touched on an important point. And I know we've visited this in past episodes about the unfortunate tendency for us, particularly we'll talk about the Muslims to look elsewhere for role models. And you mentioned that they're faulty, I would go even beyond that, that they'd actually if we take these celebrities

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and movie stars and sports stars, and we kind of look at their life as an overall picture through the lens of Islam. These are probably some of the worst people that we know of, in terms of what they're doing in terms of Islam and in front of Allah, how they would how their deeds are considered by a law and how they will be judged in the US era. These are probably the last people that we should be looking up to or trying to emulate or follow in any way and I think

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Which the point you touched on, it's even more important for us. Because we've been given the best examples, the best example, which is, of course, Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and the people that Allah subhanho wa Taala chose to surround him, to support him in his message, and then to spread it to all of us. And this is, as we mentioned this a harder. And one of the examples nowadays you find is from from, like I said, these scientists and researchers, and right now we know that science is at the highest peaks, and so on and so forth. But the more you research, actually, the more Islam is supported by them, right. And one of the things that they say about role models, So Paulo is very

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interesting, just found out recently is how do you teach a child or you actually don't teach a child, you have to establish that eye contact, come to their level, talk to them, right? So that you so that you have a feeling that you actually pay attention to them? For example, your son does something and you say, you know, what, and you're sitting somewhere else, you're not making eye contact him, I said, Can you do such and such thing for me? Can you do some chore or something like that. But if you take your time and look at him, and talk to him in a way that you know, he will, he will, he will pay attention to you. And you make that eye contact and you smile, even though you

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know, we always say first impressions are most important, right? If you meet a person, and you smile, and you make eye contact and talk to this person, that connection established and look at that as sort of the best example of all time, he used to go on, on people's levels, all kinds of people. You talked about Bedouins, you're talking about very highly educated people, highly influential people from Croatia that time, as well as even the Jews and others. And he would go down to the level, we know when are they been hot? And when he came to visit our solar cells? How did he treat him? Right? He went and he sat down in his own house in a very, how can I say, very hard

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place, very small place, and he put his guests at the best place, right? And nowadays, you will see like, if you go for example, you take a managers course, if you're a manager, for example, what's the first thing they tell you? They say, if you're sitting behind a big table, and somebody comes in the office, you want to talk to them, right? Like somebody who works for you that you're managing someone.

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So be if you're sitting behind a big table, big desk, big computer, and the person sitting next to this table, or that already puts you at a higher level. Right? So this manager is already above you, it feels like I know, some good managers. And what they've done is they actually have a table next to their like a coffee table like we have right now. Right? And they would come and sit down at the same chair like you come with the same level like you and come very close to you and they talk to you right away This is the connection is established, and we don't have to look anywhere past we look at the super sauce and how he dealt with such cases. So this was just the beginning to tell us

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how even the role models are established. Right? This is the first prerequisite he could say in going going towards that. Of course Allah said laqad can Allah configure a suit Li also atone Hassan and this is the best example that you have for you. It has already been given to you. And that is Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. Of course, in today's episode, we've talked about the Sunnah in the past in today's episode, we're going to be talking about the Sahaba. And the Sahaba are intrinsically related. And there is a harbor just because of the personality of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam because they learned the religion at his hands, and from his from his bless of

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tongue sallallahu wasallam. And because of that, they're referred to as the greatest generation, the best of generations, because they took the religion from its immediate source from its direct source. I remember I believe it was, I believe it was I shot on the line when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam passed away and she was sad. And she said in the people asked, you know, she said, I'm not sad, because he passed on a lot. So I'm sad because our connection to Allah, our connection to the heavens has been cut, any day lived every day, with the direct contact, basically, with Allah subhanahu wa Tada, how and the blessings of that were borne out in each one of the character and the

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actions and the deeds of the Sahaba are at one ally tala, they, in a very important thing, if you look at the life of the Sahaba that they spent most of Lazarus alone, some of them spent only a few years Yes, other spent 20 years and so on. And so lots of sellers message was 23 years, yes. And you can say average as a hobby who spent with the solar cells was about 10 years, okay? Look at all of them. Right because Majidi was the first but there are very little right number, right? Most of them inside and others. And so patola if you look at the stressors of life, it was not like a lecture. I mean, in a course that they took us with him, right? Like you go to university lecture. You take any

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of these courses now and the talk goes on for hours.

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hours hours. And and this is the process of learning nowadays. But with that as soon as I said, it was very simple few words were being said, actions were being more implemented. And even we always talk about when we give QuickBooks we talk about that. We now give QuickBooks for 20 minutes, 30 minutes, some places, even 4045 minutes. We talk about Panama, you could write pages on much stuff we say, the enemies if you could, but there were only sentences. There's two important points you mentioned here. And I don't want to digress too much. But the first thing in the in the in the science of Hadith, one of the ways to determine if a hadith is accurate or not, is if it is very

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lengthy, if it's very wordy, if it's very verbose, it is probably not an authentic hadith. There is very, very few authentic hadith that are very long, most of the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam are very short, very brief, very concise, and to the point, yes, and the other thing, there's obviously a hadith about the hotbar. And when you talk about that, and you know, you can look at this in the framework of Hadith as well, the the scholars theorize they took some of the actual hottap that he delivered sallallahu Sallam and they said that on average, it would take about 15 minutes. For the first and second chutzpah combined. To in there's a hadith that mentions that it is

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a sign of a person's knowledge of the deen that he would make the hood was short, and the prayer will be long. And unfortunately, and this is a whole nother topic, but how we have turned away from the Sunnah, like you said that you will find that the hotbeds are very long. And then they recite a very quick, short sutra, in the prayer and make that very short. I mean, we're exactly the diametric opposite of what we're supposed to be doing. And this is in stark contrast to the Sahaba, who went to great, great lengths to make sure that everything they did was in line with the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and they would refer back to him for everything, even the very

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the details of life, even those things that might be embarrassing for anyone else, because they knew that ultimately, they're conversing in an indirect way with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the guidance is coming straight from the heavens, as the verse mentions one of our young duquan in our in who are in law working,

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yes, that sorry, the that he does not speak of his own desires, rather, he speaks of a revelation that is revealed to him. And suppiler very interesting fact also, is that because they live their philosophy for so many years, they remember lots of things because they've seen the actions.

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They've seen the actions, and therefore they were able to mimic those things. And remember, because if you're listening to something, you know, there's not a science to say, if you listen to a lecture of one hour, how much you're going to remember of it right? You're not going to get that much. Right. So this is how I used to live some of those things in action. And I think we need to go Yeah, I think we're gonna go ahead and go to break right now. We'll be back very, very short bit with our guest for this evening.

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And he's obviously somebody that the viewers should be familiar with. And we'll be talking a little bit more specifics about the heroes from the Sahaba. We'll be right back.

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spend on you.

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said I want iKON Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. We're back. Brother aasif. Sione with my dear beloved brother, Amir. As I mentioned in our first episode, if you missed we're sitting in tonight for brother tivity and brothers smile. And tonight we have a very special guest with us, my brother, who I just met, today, actually brotherman sued Dinesh. And he's been on the show before, and we're going to continue talking about the heroes from the Sahaba. And brother Matsuda. Earlier we were talking with me and brother Amir about

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the importance the reason why mankind in general, and I, I just feel like this is a topic particularly directed towards our youth, because I feel like I mean, the need is very great there. But why mankind in general, it's very important for them to have role models, in how from the mercy and blessing of Allah, that Allah has provided for us, of course, the greatest example in Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, but he did not stop there. And he even surrounded him with the greatest generation, who in so many different ways and aspects, each one exemplified a certain level of excellence in the virtues that are genuine virtues in the sight of Allah. So how important that is

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for us, and how much we can benefit from that. And that's basically what we're here to talk about today. So the

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Sooner ohana, him. Somali, tala.

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You see the point that you're talking about role models. If you ask anyone, what do you mean by role model, a very simple definition that they will give is someone you look up to. And if you analyze, people have got role models. Everyone has got a role model, any Muslim, non Muslims, they all have a role model. And let's take an example, if someone looks up at a film star, as his role model, or a football star, what he does, he starts to emulate him, he starts to look like him. If you see a bodybuilder, you want to become like a bodybuilder. And when you go to the gym, you see the picture of him in front of you. So that gives you you know, pumps you up. If you are emulating a footballer,

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what you do you copy his hairstyle, or you copy his running style. So we all emulate somebody who will take up as a role model. But most of these role models are in fact, all of these whom I've mentioned, they live a very fake life. When I say fake, it's because what you see in front of your eyes, and what they are actually living is totally different. What we are talking of is a real life, like the film stars, they live a real life. And we are talking about today, the real heroes who led our real life, what they were inside the home was what they were outside with the other people as well. They never faked it. They never tried to, you know, put on a different appearance in front of

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When we talk about the Sahaba, and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. We also look up to them as our role models, we emulate them. And that is why we see that some of our Muslim Brothers want to look like the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So they copy his style. We read the shamal of Rasulullah sallallahu tirmidhi mentions about his appearance, etc. And he's recorded the collection. So we read that, and we want to look like rasulillah salam. But we don't stop at that. We go to the Allah of rasulillah salam as well. We are not only talking about physical appearance, we are also talking about how he was in his dealings with people how he was in his dealings with non Muslim people, how

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he was in his dealings with his enemies, how he was in his dealings with you know, strangers who came in his way, how he was in his dealing with a poor man, you mentioned about the bedwin. Let me give you an incident which happened in the time of rasulillah salam, upon occasion, a Bedouin came in contact with rasulillah salam, and Rasul Allah Subhana, WA, sweeten, he broke it into two, he kept the crooked one for himself, and he gave the straight one to the bed when the Bedouin started trembling. He says, jasola, you are the Nabi of Allah, you keep the straight one, give me the crooked one. I'm a bidwill rasulillah salam says a remarkable statement. He says, people will be

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judged on the day of judgment on how they dealt with those who came in the company. And I want to show to Allah, that I give my best to those who came in my company.

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So there is this is these are our role models. And there is an importance to date for the Muslim community to seek these role models in the life the prophets of Salaam and the companions. You mentioned, a good point, actually mentioned many good points, and I just want to touch on two of them. The first thing I want to say there's a hadith from Rasulullah sallallahu.

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in which he said mentorship by hubie Coleman for whom in whom the whosoever imitates the people, he is one of them. And the whole idea of a role model, like you clearly explained is that the people will start to act like them look like them and talk like them. This, this, this action of trying to identify or trying to be like a certain person, you will be from those people on the Day of Judgment. And this is very scary. Because when we look at a role model, we try to identify a role model for ourself. We have to think that do I want to be raised up with him on the day of judgment? So all those sports stars and those celebrities and movie stars? Would you like to be with them on

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the day of judgment? Ask yourself a simple question, or would you like to be with the pursuit of loss or loss or more the Sahaba? I think I think you also the both of you just touched on something that I just want to say it's upon a lot. And it's a great point to say that these people that we see as role models nowadays, I mean, it's of course wrong. But a lot of people do that you actually what you see is what they are leading is their public life. If the sport starts when they play football, when they give a conference, when they do some charity or whatever they do. Movie Stars, of course acting and so on. But look at the sahaabah What did Amara Jianghu say about his famous statements if

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you want to know a person, spend the night with him. So Pamela, if you want to know a person, spend the night with him or travel or travel with him or her best you will

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Yes, you will know what kind of person that says even though Subhanallah even though the people that you meet in the masjid, and his real life, nobody's faking it, nobody's in front of a camera, still, if you want to know, person spend time with him. And this, this is how this habits used to get to know each other. And going back to the other role models that we sometimes we put in front of celebrities and movie stars and whatnot. You know, I don't even think it's so much of an issue of the real life and the fake life. Because both, both images are just as bad. They're doing so much harm and even in their fake life, and they're doing probably even worse in their real life. So,

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forget that contrast. I mean, there's not much contrast to be honest with you now to do the more in this in the present day society, the more harm you do, though, the higher status you have, you know, so everything is upside down. That's just without saying, but it's actually the thing which you're seeing is glamour. So what appears in front of us and is more glamorous, we tend to get carried away with that. And, and this is where we need to watch ourselves. You know, many people ask what is taqwa and I'm just just want to bring the issue of taqwa. Here, we explain it in English as God consciousness. Any, of course, for lack of good words, we say, God, what consciousness, but what is

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it God? What do we mean by God consciousness? It means, according to me, one of the aspects of God consciousness is internal vigilance. These two words are very important for a Muslim, you need to be vigilant, and you need to check your step at every moment of your life. So if I am looking up at a film star, or any celebrity, you know, I like that hairstyle. I want to copy that hairstyle. Or, you know, I want to grow the book. There's nothing wrong in exercising at the gym. There's nothing wrong with that. But Whom are you trying to emulate? Are you trying to emulate the likes of Khalid bin Walid? And Omar Abdel Fattah are the Alon, regarding whom it was said that when they would ride on a

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horse, they were so tall, and the structure was so strong, that the feet would almost touch the ground. These mean, and they were wrestlers of the time. So are you trying to emulate them by knowing their life, or you're trying to see some form styles will come up on the demo, we don't want to take any names, but it's in front of us daily. So let's let's talk about some of the heroes that we should look up to. I mean, obviously, we've talked about what not to look up to, and why not to but let's talk about some real heroes of Islam, some real heroes from the Sahaba what could you share with us? Right? See, when we talk about this habas there were many companions of the Prophet

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sallallahu wasallam, and have two companions, the best work the asharam overshadow the 10 who were granted paradise, they were the best of that lot. Not that the others were not good. They were equally good, but the best of the lot, were these 10 and all these 10 we had the four who was the rightly guided caliphs, they were the best of the best. And the best of the best of the best was Abu Bakr and Omar de Alon. So, let us talk about the virtues of Abu Bakar Casa de fora de lado, many of us we are ignorant about the qualities of a Booba Casa de fora de la who we don't know about the life of Abu Bakar is different Elano, such as the virtue of a worker a set date, that even earlier

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the Alon, who named one of his child is Abu Bakar, named Ali and he's one of those who was martyred in Karbala. Such was the virtue of Omar and Osman, that Ali, Omar and osmangazi Allahu Allah Delano named another two of his children by the name of Omar and of man, some ankle, some people might deny that they denying history Yes, the

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historical facts. Yeah, but and these are 73 of those who were martyred in Karbala and in fact, many of the sites of those people who deny you check up the sites, it's there, the name is there. But Allah Allah is

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coming back to the virtue of Abu Bakar. Today for the Allahu regarding him. Upon occasion, Abdullah American Al Asad, Yolanda came to rasulillah salam ala rasulillah salam had embraced him after he came to Islam, the closeness of Rasul Allah Sultana with him, so he went up in the house Yeah, Rasul Allah says Allah, Who is the most beloved to you? He said, Hi, Shara della, he said and amongst men, says Abu Bakr Siddiq.

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He says who after him he's just waiting for his number. It says Omar Abdullah. He says who after him, it says this man is near fun smart enough on the lawn.

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He says I stopped after that. So this the most beloved to Rasul Allah, Allah. Amongst the male companion this Abu Bakr, Siddiq delanco. And I shadowed Ilana said, Yes, sorry, we have a phone call.

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Go ahead, go ahead with the phone call. Now, Michael.

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How you doing, brother? Good. hamdulillah How are you? I'm sure you guys, your brothers Kendrick, you can record

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As the brothers voice yes this is our brother a smile Bullock who can't stay away I guess.

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Yes, hello just watching you guys you must be doing you're doing a good job and Mashallah. And I haven't really got much to say, but I wanted to remind brotherman sore, too, share with us because he did this yesterday on my Sharjah TV show, so I wanted him to share with us before the show ends. The advice that was given by the professor of law is to evolve as a party because as you'll see, that has some very nice points of benefit and advice and show that we can all implement in our lives. So that's really the only thing I want you to add to the show inshallah and just have a look here for covering for me in prayer and you guys doing a great job Mashallah.

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Hello, Sarah, and hopefully we'll see you back here soon. inshallah. Slavonic.

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So before you go to that maybe

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the thing about the virtue of Abu Bakar

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so I Sharia law says that my father, he was very thin man was very lean. But the Sahaba say that the amount of Abu Bakr Siddiq radiallahu was unparalleled. In fact, Rasulullah sallallahu says in an authentic hadith, that if the Eman of the entirety of humanity was placed on one side of the scale, and just the amount of Abu Bakar was placed on one side of the scale, the amount of Abu Bakar said death would outweigh the amount of the entirety of humanity. And Rasul Allah Sallam said, that the first man to be raised from the graves will be me, and after me, it shall be abubaker City. The first man to come to me at the horse will be Abubakar Asante. The first man from oma to enter Jannah

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will be Abu Bakr Siddiq.

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So and in fact, you know one more incident, the Sahaba sitting Rasul Allah Salam says the scale shall be erected first for Omar

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Abu Bakr Siddiq. He says for men like Abu Bakr Siddiq, there are no skills.

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So hello, I just add to this isn't ali ali Rajan who he used to say, if I were to see Jenna in front of me or Jenna jahannam, in front of me, my Eman would not be wouldn't increase, because he's the man was already so high, that seeing this would not make any difference. He said he wouldn't have to change anything. Yet look at the level of Abu Bakar. a much higher level than Ali, can you imagine? Actually, if we, myself, if I smelled Gen 4.0001. Second,

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or smell Johanna for that? Hello, Alan broke probably.

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After that, you know, I will be probably Hannah lamb and I will not be and this is our reality of our well just imagine the 10 people who are guaranteed their place agenda. Just imagine if you even got a half of that guarantee or a fraction of that guarantee what would happen to us but somehow the line their case, it only increased them and even Yes, the prophet SAW Selim said that you guarantee me two things. And I'll guarantee you Jana, this was to Mark bingeable for the alarm. And of course, there are other elements of a feeder etc as well. And we are talking about these companions who have already perfected the Akita handler. So he said, the guarantee me two things that are guaranteed.

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And that is the one thing which is between your two lips, your tongue, your utterances, and that which is between your thighs, you guarantee me these two things, and I'll guarantee you this is so true nowadays. It's a problem for all of us to handle, to handle and for all of us, you know, we talk a lot. So we we don't we don't take care of ourselves. In fact, one of the council that Abu daraga Ferreira delanco got from Rasul Allah says, Allah, we just mind was mentioning about worth, about how you deal with people, you know, deal with people with kind and good manners.

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Then the prophet SAW, Selim said, you know, a Buddha comes and says, Yasser Allah counseled me. He says, Fear Allah,

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He says counseled me again. He says fear Allah, that is the head of the entirety everything is based on fearing of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He says, counsel me more. He says recite the Quran, he says counseled me more. He says, remember Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is light for you on this earth to remember Allah. Allah is very light on your tongue. It doesn't cost you much, but it is a saving for you in Africa. So it's an investment, the seeker of Allah and they were Moke Council which inshallah we can talk.

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I think one of the things that really distinguishes the Sahaba is the obedience that they had. I know the very commonly known examples are when the versus regarding the alcohol were revealed the

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reaction of the Sahaba I mean, just in general, or the that in I think we briefly just mentioned this, that they would do the entire wine barrels when this says that the streets of Medina were flowing with wine, even some of the sabotage so far to vomit, whatever they had drunk, because, you know, the verses are just been revealed. So that they did not try to use logic to try to understand I mean, if you, I think in the medical journals right now, I a couple years ago, I read that I think it was a New England medical journal that mentioned that red wine, I think twice a week is good for bad again, you know, heart, your heart disease, your heart health, you should have some red wine a

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couple of times a week. So if you go according to science or logic, of course, for them science and logic is the same thing. This is what that will tell you. But Subhan Allah, the Sahaba did not try to rationalize or use logic or common sense or reason or anything else that required their knifes or their brain or their desires, my my specialties in medical field, just to just to reiterate what you said, You're right about this, what they're saying yes, but you have to look at the context. context that was over, that's wine, red wine, why red wine, because red wine contains about 12% alcohol by volume 12 to 1510, depends. If you take any other coholic drink and put 12% in that they will not

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say to do the same thing with the other drink, like some beers have high concentration of alcohol, 12%, and so on. So this is not about red wine itself. It's more about the antioxidants that it contains. Right? You probably get those from grape juice exactly the interesting. The interesting thing is, of course, they mentioned red wine. And so they're actually telling you that in this one instance, alcohol is good for you, when we know that there is nothing that is forbidden for us, except that there is harm in it for us. But the Sahaba did not need this is their reaction. I want to focus on their reaction to the command of Rasulullah sallallahu. And this is ultimately what

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distinguish them above everyone else. And if you if you say no, well, no, no, there was other people that were really good too, but no one else. No generation, no entire generation, no group of people obey the commands of aligners messenger sallallahu Sallam like the Sahaba. Did you see the point that you're trying to make is very common today that we find people looking after logic and logic is something which you can speculate and speculation can be wrong as well. Let's again go back to the example of Abu Bakr Siddiq radiallahu when the the the kuffaar scheme and the mystic scheme of Makkah and they started saying that, you know, the bishops came and they said to Abu Bakr Siddiq

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with Ilan who that Did you hear what Mohammed says?

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That he went with the incident of Mirage that he traveled from one place to the other and he came back overnight How is it passport when he went from when Allah took him on the night journey from Mecca to Alexa? right and then from Alexa up to the seven heavens, yes. And of course Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam only mentioned to the people that he went to Alexa right the one night, and he did not tell the rest of the story to all of the people at that time. But yeah, yes. So when I

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heard this, and they, they they wanted him to question Rasul Allah. So how is this possible? So what did Rasul Allah says and reply to that? He said, when I have believed in him, that he's getting revelation from the heaven? How can I not believe in Him when He says something about the earth? And I think this is when he earned the title of us. Absolutely. So when you talk about obedience to Rasulullah, sallAllahu wasallam. It means when you hear something, you affirm that and this is true love, you see when you love your wife, yes. And we all love our wife. It's not a question of when

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we all have to go back home. You love it when you marry her. That's

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why you love the girl you marry.

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But when you love your wife, what do you do for him? She gets up in the morning, she asked you that, you know, she says, awesome. I want to have something to eat, you know, some nihari you know, the Indian speciality. So what do you do early morning, even if it's cold? You go out and get that for her. Why? Because she's hungry. Maybe but because you love her. You want to see her happy? What does your wife do for you? Because she wants to see you happy. She cooks good food for you. She takes care of your family when you're away. What Why does this happen because there is love between husband and wife. Our love for Allah Anna's Russell sallallahu wasallam far exceeds all the love of

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this you know dunya and sorry to cut you off, but Subhan Allah, this is exactly why we started the show with Yeah, which was talking about the communication the love. Yes, if you teach someone if you command someone, it doesn't work. No, you have to that person has to love you to take from you. You have

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to instill the love of Allah Rasool Allah, Allah, Allah right from the beginning and the way this love came is because like if we go back to the hadith of Omar Abdullah and when he said to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam that I love you more so than anything else except myself. So Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam said not yet, meaning your Eman is not complete yet, Omar. So Omar thought about it for a brief moment. He immediately came back and said now Yasuda law you are more beloved to me than anything including my own self. says now Yeah, Omar now. Yeah. So the scholars talked about this What? What changed in a cert in such a brief short moment of time, it's because almost realized

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that the benefit that he can receive through Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam is unparalleled in comparable to anything anyone else can give him including his own self. What can he do? His hands can get some food and put it in his mouth, his feet can walk him to somewhere. The sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam can get him to agenda. So what else can do that for him? So when you realize the word Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has given to us has brought to us, we can't help but love him more so than anything else, including our own. So let me just clarify. So there's a very important point for this. Nowadays, when people talk about loving the syllabus, they talk about

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loving the sources. And when you look at their lives, nothing from their lives emulates the life of their soul. So how we live the life his life. So this is not a real love. Yes, this is something we talk about. We say we do yet their lives are full of inconsistencies, which you don't have to go into right now. This is a topic we talked about just a couple weeks ago about the importance of the Sunnah, and and why that sooner should be so important to us. But ultimately, I mean, the Sahaba are the ones who exemplify that Sunnah in their lives. And sometimes people have a hard time applying the Sunnah. And we have the examples in front of us how the center should be applied into our own

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lives. And I think we'll continue to talk about this topic when we come back from a short break. So please bear with us, we'll be right back with our special guest Matsuda dhanesh. And we hope we will see you in a couple minutes. Thank you. So I want to

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spend on you.

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we're back your your replacements for this evening, replacing Of course, Brother gibreel, and brother smile. We're here with our guest brotherman sora dhanesh. And we're talking about some of the heroes from the Sahaba. The role models, we talked about the role models that we have in Islam and how important they are. One of the things that we touched in our last last segment, we were talking about how the people dealt with each other and how the Sahaba Of course from Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, they serve as the best example for how they deal with each other. And I want to go to this topic, but before I do, I can't neglect our phone call that we had earlier from a certain

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brother who happens to be the host of the show, whether it's my Who asked you too,

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you know, treat us to share us share with us a quote for advice that so going back to the Council which he gave we discussed already about fearing Allah subhanho wa Taala reciting the Quran, remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala to Seeker then Rasul Allah. So he kept on asking about Dr. Ferrari Rasul Allah says, and counseled me more. So he said, treat the poor well, and keep the company. And I think we was talking about this in the beginning. That's how we treat people who come from different backgrounds. So somebody who is wealthy, our approach to him totally changes. Whereas if a person is poor, and maybe he is God is on a higher level of Eman. He's on a higher level of

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Islam than the wealthy person, but our approach is different. We tend to associate ourselves with the wealthy people. So here Rasul Allah Subhana St. keep company with the poor people. And then he says, Yeah, so Allah says, Allah, give me more, you know, he said, speak the truth, even if it is better. So standing up for hoc, yes, even if it is on the lap of our enemy, if an enemy speaks the truth, and this is something which we see in the field of Dawa, where when non Muslims come, and they raise objection about certain practices of the Muslims, we must acknowledge the mistakes of the Muslims because there is no nothing wrong with Islam. But there are a lot of things wrong today with

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the Muslims in terms of the practices. So we need to speak the truth, even if it is better. And on another occasion, a Buddha Rosa Ferreira de la swasthya Rasul Allah says, Allah make me a leader. So he said, Oh, Buddha, I perceive you as weak. And I love for you what I love for myself. Never be a leader.

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afford any to or be in charge of the wealth of the often and I'm giving you something which is a treasure from the treasures of Paradise recite La hawla wala quwata illa Allah. There is no mic or power except Allah subhanho wa Taala. So these were some of the advice, which Rasul Allah Salim gave to Abu Dhabi fari radi Allahu Akbar, the request of a feast might pray. And Subhanallah just wanted to say something very interesting that you just mentioned, you know, when you when you were involved in Dawa all of us, to some extent something less or more, and we always have to have this disclaimer, when we talk about non Muslim so we given down, you know, and we have to tell them, you

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know, brother, we have to disclaim that, like you said, not every Muslim is representing Islam true. So we look at the life of Rasulullah saw Salaam and go from there, people back home from they always say, you know, I will go to the masjid. But look at the man what he does look at the person in the first row what he does, or she does, and,

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and so holla we have to look at the example processor. Look, we cannot associate people dislike, right, that sort of thing. Let's, let's go to a phone call. I think we have somebody on the line.

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We have sister Ayesha from Mecca.

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00:41:22 --> 00:41:24

yes, yes. So I show

00:41:25 --> 00:41:27

them just that she

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wouldn't pay me to be

00:41:31 --> 00:41:33

spiritual time. I like it so much.

00:41:36 --> 00:41:49

For all of you, and then my role is muted. I read a line. I'm loved she but I don't know. I wanna be like, I don't know how

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actually, name is Ayesha, and she wants to emulate Ayesha Ayesha and she wants to celebrate an incident. This reminds me of a hadith Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam said that you will be with on the Day of Judgment with those whom you truly love. So if you love truly love a person and I think earlier we were talking about the true love and what that means it's not just lip service. If you truly love a person, you will be with them on the Day of Judgment. So inshallah life, as the sister said, if she loves Chateau de la Honda, and she seeks to emulate her and be like her, then May Allah raise her up with her on the Day of Judgment. In fact, let me just share an incident from the life

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of Ayesha delana since she wanted to know I don't know how to go about it. So let me just give you something from the life of Isaiah delana. This is after the death of rasulillah salam, upon occasion, a beggar came to the house of Ayesha delana. And he knocked onto the door. And Barrera, the slave woman, she opened the door.

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And the sleep asked, Is there something in house for me to eat? So burrito said there's nothing for us to give, you can go back. So I showed Ilana says, Oh burrito who's it says there's so and so beggar who has come and we only have a handful of Bali for you to break your fast way. And this is a rough time. So we can't give that away. You will have nothing to eat. So I shadowed the alumna says a remarkable statement. He says, Give it to him, and Allah will provide us

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so she gives it away and come mcrypt time, there is nothing for Ayesha delana to eat with. So she breaks a fast with a glass of water. And she starts her mcrypt salah and while she's reciting hamacher Uppsala Bari Ravi Elena is going on say Oh Allah will provide or Allah will provide me asking where is it you didn't have anything to eat? And at that point what she's reading her Salah there's a knock on the door, and a man comes and he gives a good to HR of Ilan has a gift and he goes away. And Pereira de la when the Salah is over. She informed the HRD Ilana that a man came and will lie he has never come to us after Rasul Allah sauce and passed away. But today, he gifted a

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good an event. So I showed Ilana questions, Barbara, isn't this good, better than the handful of barley that we had. And then she made a remarkable statement through which we want to send home the message I showed her the law says none of you can truly believe unless your trust in Allah is more than what you have in the palm of your hands. What you see in the palm of your hands. So this is a message that we have that our trust in Allah should be

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absolutely any you can see things in front of you, but your trust in Allah is more than what you see in front of you. And this is

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very true and in myself have a problem with that. I mean, what you see is like it's very hard to say like, risk, you know, yes.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:06

Well, somewhere else, Panama. But I've learned something from my my brother's throat throughout when I, you know, start practicing.

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Because we're back where I come from, we're materialistic people. And this, this what call this risk, it's not ingrained in our minds, we don't think about this stuff. So Subhanallah when you talk about to some brothers, and they may not seem like they may be a practicing as much, or whatever it is, right. But Subhanallah they will always say, whatever comes to them is from Allah subhanaw taala. And they will say this, and I'm like, but you know, your, your job, you just lost it, or maybe your job that you had, now you make less money, because you cannot live a lifestyle that you used to before. Now it's different. And he'll say this, because you never know where it's gonna come

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from. This, what you both just talked about reminds me of the story of Sahabi, his name is sohaib Ebensee nine out of the 11. And I just want to mention a brief snapshot. His whole life story is actually very amazing. I mean, he grew up in the lap of luxury on the banks of the Euphrates in Iraq. But he migrated

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in one way, shape, or form to Mecca, and he actually became a Muslim, and that was our bomb, in the early days of Mecca. So after the prophet SAW, saddam had migrated, he was one of the few Muslims who was left. And he was quite wealthy, actually, who, who is still remaining in Makkah. And when he made when he made his way to leave Makkah, the co founder, of course, the machete keen at that time, they chased him, they gave chase to try to catch them, because they knew he was very wealthy. So he had his horse or his riding animal with him, and he went up to the top of the hill. And he took out his bow and arrow, and as they were approaching, and he called out to them and said, Oh, people have

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mark, you know, how I What kind of a marksman I am with my bow and arrow, and I will take as many out as many out of you as many arrows as I have. So they said, Okay, listen, you know, we don't want, we don't want any trouble, but we just need you to come back. So he said one thing, he said, What if I tell you, where all my wealth is hidden? Will you then let me go? And they said, Yes, that's a pretty good bargain for us as far as we're concerned. So he told them, this money is hidden here. And that money is buried there. And this money under this rock, he told them where all of his money basically was. And so they stay true to their bargain. He went on his way, and they went back

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to take all of his money. Now, literally, he went in just a second. He went from being a very wealthy man to literally having only what was the on his back. And he went to Medina. And at that time, Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam was in Cuba, and he went to him. And he went to the masjid there. And he said, he said, he greeted the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and the prophets Allah sent me immediately replied before, so he could say anything about his story, said Allah is pleased with the bargain that you have made. He had traded his whole dunia worth just to make the hijra face a bit anonymous. So this is the level of trust that he had. And he talked about the materialism that he

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can just forget about that. And just, and then what's your keen thought they get a good bargain. Of course, they're the losers. In fact, you know, this life of sohaib Rumi, which you mentioned, and likewise, the life of salmonella pharmacy, don't want to just raise these two companions is because there is less than in how they were accepted in the society for us as well. today. Yeah. So actually, I think our time is up. And I think we are there's so many stories of the Sahaba that we could continue to talk about, and it's a very enjoyable topic, I hope. I hope you have the viewers have benefited from this evening, I'm sure next week are regular replacements for us from the

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replacement. So

00:48:50 --> 00:49:03

I hope next week, inshallah our regular hosts will be back with you and to talk about some more things to return us back to online as messenger. And what do you think our guests, thank you very much

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for coming. It's been our pleasure hosting you this evening. And thank you for joining us, and we look to see you back next week for another edition of a time to please a lock, some modicum.

00:49:22 --> 00:49:24

A chance to gain me

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spend on you.

00:49:31 --> 00:49:55

In Good, good deeds are opportunities, sparkling bright and true. Raising you in the sight of Allah and adonia for you, so rush to earn his reward. Don't forget the prayer.

Abu Yahya Mansoor Danish was invited by HUDA TV as a special guest for this talk show featuring Brothers Asif Saleem and Almir.

The talk show entitled ‘A Time to Please Allah’

In this talk show, they discuss about the importance of having role models- Islamic Role Models.

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