Ikram Sanaullah – Human rights in Islam.

Ikram Sanaullah
AI: Summary © The Holy Quran discusses the history and importance of human rights, religion, and love for others. The discussion touches on the use of stuttering children as a means of expression and protecting one's ear. The segment also touches on protecting one's smile and body through learning to control one's tongue and protecting one's ear. The segment concludes with a discussion on achieving compassion and happiness.
AI: Transcript ©
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Under the law hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah McMurdo who want to start a new who want to start Pharaoh who want me to be here

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when I will be living in Sudan fusina woman sejahtera Marina de la, Villa woman you

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when I should only say Gina Maulana Mohammad Abu rasuluh ameba follows we'll be learning in a shaytani r rajim. One after the

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What does that mean?

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Well for my look at the minimum

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wage job FEMA Carmina woman

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for Ghana Matera NASA Jamia woman,

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NASA Jamia

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respected a satisfy Kiran hula Mikey ROM, dear friends and my beloved elders in Islam. from whatever Allah has created in this world, the most valuable creation of Allah is the creation of human can

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repeat this message time and again throughout the Holy Quran. Allah says in one place while

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other we all love the human car, the children of Adam and Sarah,

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Barbara, and we gave them the power to travel on the earth and in the oceans one minute

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and we sustained there with pure sustenance. Well Cappella Hamada, ktT man falcata Villa, and we gave them superiority over all the other creation of Allah and to emphasize on the failure to emphasize on the human rights. In another place, Allah tala says, woman patella enough some desire enough sin Oh, facade, pillar, the

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Virginia if one of you has to kill another without any valid reason, it is as though his killed the whole of humanity. And if one of you has to save one life, it is as though he has protected and saved the whole of humanity. This these are the Human Rights mentioned in the Holy Quran. Let us understand the gravity of these verses with this exam. A few months ago in the month of April. in Sri Lanka, three churches were bombarding 258 people die. The next day, the social media, the newspapers, the news channels, the people around the world, everyone was on fire, and they stopped support in their own way. Similarly, a few days before that, in New Zealand in MSG, 60 people were

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killed at one. Another same reaction was given by the people around the world. Like how can someone kill 60 people at once? Or 258 people at once and not feel guilty about it? Or get away with it? So could I

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forget about 258 you kill one person you have killed the whole of humanity. Those are the Human Rights mentioned in the article.

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Once he narrates that once Musashi Salaam asked Allah, Allah got me towards an action, which compasses and combines all the good deeds, and all the countless

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us TV NASA Bhima to hipbone to be Moosa be a companion to people, the way you would love to be a company, or Moosa be the kind of human the kind of human human you would love to have around you.

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It comes in another narration

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mentions that one star,

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say to him, Abdullah, shouldn't I summarize the whole of the Quran for you the whole of the gospel for you the whole of the sense for you the whole of the Torah for you. And Abdullah replied in the affirmative. And

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Abdullah, Fear Allah alone more than anyone else, and have hope in the mercy of a law more than his fear. And last but not the least, love for others.

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What you love for yourself? That is the summary of the work

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of hoping the mercy of Allah and love what you love. So all these verses of the Holy Quran, and all these things will be pious predecessors are teaching us about the human rights in Islam.

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And if we have to understand the when the

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enemies mentioned in the Holy Quran, Allah Allah.

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Allah Allah mean, oh Prophet Muhammad, we have sent us a mercy

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to Muslims, no to Christians, no to Sapiens no to do this no to Jews, no to Hindus, no to animals, no to human beings no to genes No, therefore, who Allah mean for the entire universe for each and every creation of Allah UI mercy. That is what

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our Prophet Muhammad

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was a mercy to mentor. He was a mercy to children. He was a mercy to women. He was a mercy to nonbelievers. He wasn't mercy to his enemies. It goes in directions. That upon one occasion, Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam was seated with the Sahaba and jelas are passed by. So Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood up, out of respect out of honor. And the people around him say to him, the Prophet Muhammad is a Jewish man. It is the janazah of a Jew

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turns to them and says to them, Isn't he a human? Isn't he a human?

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Are prophets of Allah, mostly to women? We have to understand that well Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent as a prophet to the people of Makkah, the environment of Makkah was such that they considered women as substandard, and they disregarded and disrespected women. And that means their attention

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is asked, Who is the most beloved person to you on the surface of this earth? And they'll be sent along, replies. My wife Ayesha. My wife, Ayesha is the most beloved person to me. The people around him are shocked a woman, a woman His Beloved.

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No, this was quite a heavy dose for the Sahaba to swallow.

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So they asked again, who's the second most beloved person after Ayesha Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a boo ha, the father to Ayesha he didn't say. He again referred to eyeshadow the yellow dye line up in order to mention that

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this is the honor given to women by Islam.

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And it is teaching us what all we are supposed to give to them. Our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a mercy to children. He was claiming to children a beautiful narration.

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the grandson of Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam be sent to potty Ma and others

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a stuttering problem, he couldn't speak properly, it would take him forever to finish a sentence when he was young.

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This is a very traumatic situation for the development of the child, specially when the elderly brother

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was more eloquent. And he was a gifted public speaker. So imagine the pressure that Hussein was the one who went through. Now on one occasion, maybe sort of seated with the Sahaba another to say, the lowdown on you seated with them, and now starts to speak with

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him and his stuttering and it is taking you forever to finish his sentence. And what he's trying to say. Now knowing the men that we sell a lot while he was selling was would always give his full attention to someone who spoke to him and he would tell his whole body towards someone who spoke to him

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while he was sitting with the Sahaba, but he turns to other to say and he doesn't interrupt.

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He waits for the dialogue to finish what

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the it starts to become awkward to such an extent that the Sahaba naturally not viciously. They start exchanging places because they are feeling sorry for the Crusader they have long tunnel. So they mentioned that we were looking at the reaction of Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wasallam he had a big smile on his face when he was talking to us 30% of the time, and he waited for that Hussein to finish. After that Hussein was done. Nabi sallallahu lucidum turns to the Sahaba

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He says to

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me he Moosa, he inherited this quality of stuttering from his uncle Moses from his uncle musala. Salah musala used to stutter so that we can change the negativity into positivity and you to

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be happy for him. He shares one of the trade with one of the greatest prophet Mousavi Salah Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam understood what the child needed at that moment. It was love, compassion and acceptance for who you are, and

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gave it to that child. So he wasn't mostly to children. He was a mercy to the neighbors and his enemies as when it comes in a narration

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that after the Battle of

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the captives were presented in front of

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from among the captives, one captive by the name of Suhail it nyama, who had a very fiery tongue, and a very hostile, and who denounce the Prophet of Allah.

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He says, The Prophet of Allah, let us teach him a lesson by removing his lower teeth, so that he does not miss use his tongue against you.

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Now, he said a lot.

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And he says to him, that

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if I were to do what you are seeing them tomorrow,

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disfigure me, despite the fact that I am his messenger. Or, if I were to do what you are saying to

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me, despite the fact that I am his messenger, this is the behavior this block.

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This is what he taught us. And what if we don't do this? Today? Hey, coffee.

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We have shifted and skated ourselves into pieces.

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We have scheduled ourselves, for self with the name of the person beyond the shadow of concern, we have disunited ourselves. The message is not to forget our teachings, or to or to compromise with our beliefs and with our roots. The message is to not to forget the heart of love is

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to not to forget to not forget the normal concern of humanity.

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When implementing those teachings,

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respected elders and friends, we really have to understand that if this is the status of a human in Islam, then what more about the status of a believer? What more about the status of that person? Was La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his heart? What must be status in the eyes of Allah? Today most of the courtroom most of the arguments most of the dispute amongst us is because we haven't realized the status of a believer. Once Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he circumambulating the Kaaba,

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the yellow Talon who mentions his narration that Nabil sal Allahu Allah, Swami circumambulating and he stops and he addresses the Kaaba and he says, Okada, ma Thea buki mama to booty ruukki acaba, you are so pure and the Presidents flowing from you is so pure, ma De Luca, Mama.

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Oh, Kava, you hold such a high status in the eyes of Allah and in the eyes of the believers. But regardless of what your status is, whether or not enough

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regardless of what your status is, the status of a believer in the eyes of Allah is loftier than your status Aqaba that is the status of a believer in the eyes of Allah. And that is why I

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used to say

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that I can tolerate that the Kaaba is broken into pieces, but I cannot tolerate that the heart of a believer is broken and other tumor is still alive. I cannot tolerate that. And at the time of

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the love of the people were such that the non believers preferred paying debts and staying amongst the Muslims because they felt more secure and more safe staying with the Muslims. It comes regarding Mubarak in one nation in another nation.

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That one of the two had a Jew neighbor, a Jewish neighbor. And when the Jew wanted to sell his house, he kept the amount of the house double the market value

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When the people asked him the reason, he replied that half the amount is the market value. And the other half amount is because the house falls next to a Muslim. It falls next to Mr. magic number, aka live number.

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That is no more we belong to my brother

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who used to say a lot

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in our virtual virtual mahna mahna mahna mahna who woman selling mostly Mona Lisa,

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that a complete man is he who together with his Salah, together with his party, who together with his aka does not harm the other believers with his hairs or with his tongue. And today most of our problems are related to this. This stuff. If we learn how to control our tongue, we have learned 90% of luck. Only if we learn how to control our time.

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Every cell

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is seated with Allah tala. And he says O'Meara Allah. Buca be mila kihavah Cooley, Mark shouldn't tell summarize the whole of Dean for you. The whole of religion Islam for you, as it was, yes, a prophet of Allah. So Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam holds the tongue between the two fingers like this.

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And then he says, *, ha, ha, ha.

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Protect your tongue,

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safeguard your tongue.

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And who is

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more as is the companion of medicinal law, who's going to hold the floods of plague of scholars on the Day of Judgment. He's one of the greatest scholars and he is taught like a child. He's taught like a child

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to take care of the tongue.

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So respected elders and friends, we have to control our thoughts before I go ahead and announcement that the the donation which is taking place is only lilla people are requested to put lillah money for donation, and no other money.

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So brothers or brothers and elders, we are supposed to protect our tongue if we learn how to control over time, we have learned how.

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And there is a reason why I've seen this. Recently, a youngster met me a few days ago. And he said that Milan to the masjid and together with me, an elderly person entered. So out of respect.

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I offered him the chair so that he could pray kura there was a third person seated in the masjid who said to me, that Konami, Ross Mata su Dana t Devaraj. He's not going to give you anything in from his inheritance. What

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brothers are requested to come forward so we can make plays for the brothers who are sitting outside.

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Brothers are requested to come forward so we can make plays for the brothers who are standing outside.

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So that youngster says

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this is what he was told that you are not going to receive anything from his inheritance. Look at the way we are using overtones. Firstly, we attacked the intention of that youngster. And secondly, we taught him not to respect the elders.

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It comes in narrations that tomorrow on the day of tiama

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a person will be brought in front of Allah and His deeds will be waived.

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And he will be worried about his deeds, because the scale will be unstable.

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And at that moment, a cloud will appear. And it will add weight to the right side of the scale. And the person will be relaxed because now he's going to gender. So he will ask the angel what was the crowd about and the angel will reply. Those will have good luck and good character today they protected you from going into Japan.

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for 10 years, has been told by Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam

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Shouldn't I inform you about one of my greatest Sunnah? Let me

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inform you about one of my greatest sooner. Another Tara who says yes, so Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says to him, Yabu navia and his stepdaughter, oh,

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oh my child, if you manage if you are capable of doing it

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The message hidden behind is that it is not an easy thing to do. The sooner is not in the sooner

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it is not an easy sooner if you can manage to see her Whittlesea every morning, every evening, not one day or two days thing every day to the last breath of your life lane Sophie because initially I didn't try and keep your heart clean regarding everyone

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and this is what I would respect to my brothers today to go home with this one off lovey sallallahu it was the greatest honor and respect

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month of Ramadan came with two purpose firstly to gain a lot conscious secondly to to acquire compassion for those people who are in need who are poor and to come out of the comfort zone and spare fought for those who whose everyday is ramadan

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ramadan whatever

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you do whatever reason political, economical, financial whatever reason that is what Ramadan taught us humanity

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I wouldn't be fulfilling my duties if I go ahead without mentioning about those brothers who are suffering in different parts of the world. Let us show concern for them. That the show humanity towards death

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we had a peaceful Ramadan

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we might have asked our children what they want for eat. They must have said a toy a tab a home but go and meet that boy who when asked that what do you want for eat? He says I want my date.

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Or go and meet that mother who asked what do you want for eat? She says I want to my last feminine.

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So my brothers and elders. Islam is all about humanity. The message of Ramadan is humanity. May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us the ability to practice on whatever has been said and May Allah subhanho wa Taala teach us humanity

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