Ikram Sanaullah – Combating Xenophobia

Ikram Sanaullah
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of migrating from one country to another and respecting culture and values. They offer advice on how to change one's intentions and value. The speaker also discusses the importance of acceptance and support for people who have migrated. They emphasize the need to accept and acknowledge those who have migrated and offer support.
AI: Transcript ©
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Going into 181 it's about karate, when I

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marina De La Villa

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when I showed you

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the hula shaker,

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Shakeology is Rocky, whenever you download an email

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when you do not need to do him hi gentlemen 2.0 nada

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respected by Kira, df friends, and my beloved elders in Islam, one of the greatest challenges

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of our time, not only for the Muslim community, but for the entire human

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is how to deal with migration.

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this is something we really need to talk about. When we are talking about migrating we are talking about migrating from one country to another. Together with that we are talking about migrating from one place to

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another friends.

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It has become very important for us to talk about this issue

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due to the chaos, which was heard and see, in the last few weeks. What is the Islamic concept regarding this issue? What does Islam

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say about what are the examples that the reason why they were sort of left behind? And what is this solution about this whole issue we are talking about? We see when the Sahaba migrated from Makkah to Medina together

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in order to integrate the two different communities.

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What we know is

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that we sort of created product among steps. That's the famous example of migration. And you will never find such an example in the past or in the history which the Sahaba left behind the problem. Today, unfortunately, we have left this busick beautiful examples of Islam.

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Rather than explaining this example to others, we have kept them to ourselves. So we have to take the beauty of Islam and we have to make others understand what Islam says regarding this issue. So inshallah I will try and highlight a few points. Firstly, for immigrants for those people who migrate from one place to another. And secondly, you points for those who receive them the local people, the people who belong to that place. So the first point the immigrants are supposed to give in their mind is that they are supposed to correct their intention. There is a famous hubby's of Louisiana,

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Alabama who beat me up most of the meaning of this is that every action is rewarded according to the intention. Now, do you know when this study was narrated by prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam it was narrated on the occasion of migrations once he was migrating from Mecca to Medina service Allahu Allah was saved is adding in Mr. Mr. Miyagi every action is rewarded according to the protection from incarnate

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if someone has to migrate for the sake of Allah is lawsuit, there is going to get the reward of pleasing Allah. If someone has to migrate for for achieving it worth the benefits, there is going to receive the work the benefits. So now what do we understand from this adage we understand that whenever we go to a new place, as immigrants, our first intention is supposed to be spreading the word of Allah, spreading the religion of first impression, and then secondly, going out looking for sustenance, there's nothing wrong in it.

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Even that is a reward in the act to go out and look for sustenance to feed the family. It is a rewarding act, but that should That should be our second intention. The first intention should be to spread the word of a lot. The famous example which we find in Zambia. Firstly, when the Asians in the Indian brothers when they migrated to chipata

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They were they were just alone. With the trading permit, they were not given permission to trade. So they wrote a letter to the scholars of the fact that we are facing an issue in this matter. So the spotters replied, that change your intention, correct your intention, make intention that you are there, to spread the word of Allah. And when the letter was received, and the people acted accordingly,

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in a very few days, the permission was granted. Let's the example we have in front of us.

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So we have to change our intention. That's the first advice for the immigrants. The second advice is to respect the values, the norm, the cultures, the infrastructure of the place you're migrating, it is very important for you to understand the people and the law of the place you are vibrating. There is no need of unnecessary objection, there is no need of saying that I used to be at this place, and this is how it used to be done. So now when I come into this place, I have to change you know,

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don't be stubborn about adopting. If it is something which is not against your Sharia, it is something which is clearly against your Sharia, then fine, bring it up discuss it, it is not going to change in a day, it will take that. But at the same time, don't forget to respect the values of the place you are staying in. There is no need of unnecessary objection like this Chinese man like this Indian man when he went to China, and he asked the Chinese man that what is your population, and the person replied, 2 billion,

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2 billion, so they can get mentioned that you people do anything else apart from the millions. That is unnecessary objection. Now, look at who's even questioning that it's an Indian man, the second biggest population, the largest population of the world.

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So let us learn to value and respect the place we are saying I still remember I was in Punahou, there is a place by the border of Tanzania, which is in Zambia. So I went there. And I never knew that it is a culture there that when, when a janazah is passing by a funeral is taking place. You're supposed to stock your car, in the respect of the person who has passed away and never knew about

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the people who are

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supposed to stop your car, I stood. And the other brother was with me, he explained to me now, how much did that harm me.

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It made me look like a good citizen. And at the same time, I showed that I respect the values of this place. But that is what we are supposed to understand. The third advice for the people who migrate to another place is that today we have just learned how to receive and not give back. In the past whenever Muslims migrated to any place they received, and they gave it unfortunately, in the last two or three centuries, we've just been receiving we are not giving it back to the place we belong to

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look at the example as the title of the piece of allamani oh seven. You see when we start giving people will respect people will respect at the time of

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when the Treaty of the day was supposed to take place. Who did the violence choose from the Sahaba to go into Makkah and Trump to the enemies. We chose to spar with the above Carla. Do you know the reason why he chose MMA was the man was the most generous person amongst the Sahaba he was respected by the people of courage by the enemies by the Sahaba way before Islam because of his generosity. In Turkey. It comes in narrations that the people of Polish used to love others

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so much, that when they used to sing lullaby for their for their children, in order to make them sleep, they would sing that all my ties go to sleep. I love you more than the people.

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That is the kind of loves people have Mata Hedgecock is smart, because he was generous. Used to give a we have stopped giving.

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They were only thing we are giving back is give back to the place we are receiving it from friends.

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Let's be fair advice. And look at the example of Spain when the Muslims went to Spain. What did they do? They give them everything. They give them support they gave them they taught them cleanliness. They give them peace they give them justice. Today yes be on time on a certain level. Allah subhana wa Taala the waters for them but we are talking about the bigger picture. We are talking about the broader picture that has given them

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of Allah. And you will see the respect which the Muslims had in the past will come down. Now these were the three advices for the immigrants, for the people who migrated to a new place. Now a few pieces of advice for those for locals for those people who have been staying in that place for years, and who received these immigrants, what is their role?

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Firstly, as locals we are supposed to understand, and we are supposed to acknowledge and accept the fact that migration took place in the past. It is taking place right now, and it will take place in the future.

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You can't stop it. Allah, Allah says in the Quran.

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The the length of Allah is vast.

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There is a famous book by the name arrival city. The author of this book is Doug Sanders. He writes a research in this book that around the globe, around the world, 2 billion people have migrated How many? 2 billion people have migrated. And he doesn't only count people migrating from one country to another, he counts people migrating from one place to another within the country. Look at the example of this mosquito. You will find people from Egypt, you find people from India, you find people from Lebanon, amongst the local brothers, you will find people from chipata coming to Lusaka people

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coming to Lusaka, like how I met a student by the name of muhajir. I asked him where are you from the same from chipata. Even his name is Mahajan, a person who My name's Steve come stop that fetcher to acknowledge the fact that people have migrated in the past, they are migrating right now. They will be migrating in the future, how many people are going to find

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2 billion people migrating around the globe. That's a third of humanity, a third of humanity. So let us accept this. The second piece of advice for locals is that when a person migrates from one place to another, things are not always easy for them. Things are not always in their favor. Sometimes it might be they might have to struggle. They leave behind their families they leave behind. Yeah, well look at the example of souhegan Rumi Rania Golan at the time of world war one he was in a way when he was migrating from Mecca to Medina. He left all of these wells in Makkah, and he was caught outside by the people of koresh. So the people of Quraysh wanted to Okay, so so a Rumi said to them

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that look, I am one of the best archers of Makkah, and looked into sit back and relax and let you people have, why don't we make the deal? Whatever I have left in Makkah, take it my wealth and my house, and let me migrate. So look at the guest room, it

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wasn't easy for him to migrate. So sometimes that is the case for an immigrant you receive.

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The second thing

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that the team which we are supposed to understand from this story, is that we are supposed to support them. The immigrants, like the Sahaba from Medina, supported the Sahaba from Africa. You see when the Sahaba migrated from Mecca to Medina,

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they are better to place and after the better levy sort of memories they see a lot of well. So let me set up a holism called the people of Medina. And he said to them that look.

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This Well, I want to distribute amongst everyone. But if you allow me to distribute it amongst the people of Makkah, then it will make them independent. It will make them stand on their legs, if you people have to allow. So the people of Medina say the Prophet of Allah, give everything to them. And after you give everything to them, even then we will support this is the support the locals shown to the people who migrated and that is when Allah subhanaw taala reveals diverse you hate Buddha Malhotra in a new

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kasasa that when the people from Makkah migrated to Medina, the people of Medina loved them, and they supported them when they give preference to them even in the times of necessity. In the last I'd like to live one example from the Knights of the Sahaba and one quotation of one famous song in order for us to understand that in order for us to understand the gravity of the scene,

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the first example is that upon one occasion, there was an argument between the Sahaba of Makkah and Medina. So the Sahaba from aka shouted out to his people that oh people have come and assess me and the Sahaba from Medina shouted out to these people there are people of Medina come and assist me when they

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These are

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the sentences that we sell a lot will have some beginning when you say to them that I have come to United you and you people are this uniting yourself. And this sentence which you people are telling is the sentence of ignorance and they smell coming out. And this sentence stinks. This this is what the reason I'm saying to them.

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The other thing we have to understand what

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are the above current say that yes, in order to create unity, you are going to face difficulty. In order to create unity, you're going to face difficulty. But the difficulty which you will face in creating unity, is is good is going to be less painful the difficulty which you will face when you are disunited. When we will try and unite ourselves. Sometimes we might have to bow down. Sometimes we might have to forgive sometimes we might have to take a no from someone else in order to create unity. But the difficulty which will we will face when we have this united is going to be worse. What we saw in the last few days in South Africa.

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So let us understand the pitfalls that as Muslims in our movement.

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We are one we are brothers. When one part of my body has to pay, my whole body feels the pain. If my finger gets hurt, I want to ignore the finger saying that it is the finger which is hurt.

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I will take care of that. as Muslims, we are one Kuma and we are one warning Allah subhanho wa Taala unite us army

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