Yahya Ibrahim – Reboot Yourselves This Ramadhan

Yahya Ibrahim
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of staying true to Islam, reooting one's system, and healing for oneself and family. They stress the importance of avoiding conflict and distractions, fasting to rebuilding one's soul, learning the Quran, and finding the right time for life. The conversation explore the use of words in everyday communication, including finding the right method for learning and finding the right time for life. The importance of communication and finding the right time for life is emphasized, as well as the need for a better understanding of the context of the conversation.
AI: Transcript ©
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is a Mac Mini video introduction is

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Egyptian by bloodline but he was born and bred in Canada. He is a much sought after speaker in the English speaking world with regards to Islamic issues brahmakumaris mata La Jolla barakato

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in Alhamdulilah his mother who wanna stay in one istockphoto When are we learning surely am fusina woman, Dr. Medina Maja de la hufa mobila mama you will further ha de la shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa de la sharika shadow under Mohammed Abdullah he was sudo sallallahu alayhi wa early he was awfully he was certainly more bad.

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Always forever We begin with the praise of a loss of Hannah to Allah we send our prayers of peace and greetings upon the messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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We testify with firmness and conviction that there's none worthy of worship of Allah. And that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is is worshipping slave and final messenger. I bet if you love those who we have grown in love for because of our relationship that attaches us to Allah. I always wish to remind myself in you have our consciousness and in our awareness of our dealings with a loss of power to Allah, the Most High and the loss of power to Allah tells us in the Koran Yeah, a Johan levina, man otaku LA, oh you who believe or you have all you who have already accepted faith. Be mindful, be conscious, be aware of your dealings with Allah Hakata Ducati in the measure and to the

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capacity that he deserves of you, not just simply of what you view that you're able to offer, as a couple of headphones,

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but in the measure and do the capacity that he deserves of you, when as I move to the next level and to Muslim moon,

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and endeavor to not depart from this worldly life, except in a state of willful voluntary submission, Islam to him Subhanahu wa Tada.

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It is with great pleasure that I have an opportunity to share with my brothers and sisters here in Kuala Lumpur

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words that are really a reminder for myself and my family words that I will probably speak similar to to audiences in other localities in other countries. When I go back home to Perth, next week, I give the jumar I'm going to stand in Thornley mosque, it will be the first jumar of Ramadan. And I will narrate the same things the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us and the weekend after, when I travel over for one night to Melbourne to leave the total, we have prayers there, I'm going to share with them the same words of encouragement that I share with you here today. And I want you to really as Muslims, myself, and you to understand the gravity

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of the beauty of this month of Ramadan, I want you to really suspend all you know some of the secondary things that we think about.

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And I want you to think of the fact that for a period of time, an extended period of time for a whole month

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that people north, east, south and west of us.

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In their millions, 10s of millions, hundreds of millions, more than a billion are not going to raise a glass of water to their mouth.

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As long as the sun is up. In every part of the day for 24 hour cycle. There will be millions of people who go without the nourishing sip of water, water which is essential for life and they will do it all irrespective of their culture, their language, their race, their location, for one simple reason. In fact, it's not just the righteous of them. But you will find that in the month of Ramadan, those who don't pray, those who are not observant Muslims in what you and I may consider you know, we're observant Muslims, we pray and hamdulillah even those who, who don't pray, will starve themselves and go thirsty and hungry. Because they believe

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Allahu Akbar

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It's beautiful, Allahu Akbar. Truly a loss of Han Allah to Allah is greater than all that even those who can't pray and those who don't kneel down and those who don't prostrate. They will come to a moment in their life. Not one day, not two days, but 30 days and they're gonna go hungry and thirsty.

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Hoping for he died.

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Wishing and seeking guidance, even if they don't admit it and maybe not even articulate it. Their heart and their demeanor and their spirit and their soul their nests, craves the truth.

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And you and I here in in our large numbers that handle our present today, we fill up the hole easily. You know, we were supposed to start just two minutes ago we were full before the lecture starts. It's not because of the topic, it's not because of the speaker. It's because we have a thirst and water doesn't quench it.

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You can drink as much water as you want, but your thirst for Allah remains. And the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is told in the Quran

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that and have the truth, the elemental truth, the thing that you know in your heart that you don't have to read about, you don't have to study. It's the thing that both the illiterate and the PhD doctor both appreciate is that there is more to us than us. There's more to you than just you when your life

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you want more and only Allah subhanho wa Taala can fill that void. And that's our discussion today inshallah. Our discussion today is that in this month of Ramadan are the hula hoop Elena bill Hi everyone and May Allah returning to us generations and years past one another May Allah give us a long life and good deeds so that we reach and see the month of Ramadan consecutively consistently over and over with perpetual greatness and Uranus in worship to Allah subhana wa Tada.

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This month of Ramadan, we want to reboot. I know it's a new age kind of topic.

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Right reboot for Ramadan hamdulillah.

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I want you to kind of think, you know, there's a technological premise there, right?

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Why do you reboot your system? You add new software? What do you have to do? reboot?

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You took out software, what do you have to do? reboot?

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You've added hardware, what do you have to do? reboot, you pull out the hardware reboot. And it's not just things that are internal software within you. But it's new additions to your family, a young child, or it's a loss in your family, a husband who departs a father who passes away, you need to reboot your system you need in this month of Ramadan, to find healing. And my topic with you today isn't to mention to you the numerous Hadees that over this blessed month that is soon upon us. You will hear in Juma in lectures in articles emailed to you. I want to talk to you about personal healing in the month of Ramadan.

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How do we heal ourselves and provide ourselves a cure in the month of Ramadan?

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Let's look at the software side. Whenever you have a problem, you got to look at software, right. And that software glitch at times is because you're running two programs that are competing for the same need could be random. It could be space it could be whatever it is, there's two things that are conflicting with one another. And in your life, you are in conflict. There is what you want, and what Allah wants. And if what you want and what Allah wants conflict, there's trouble. There's what you want and what your parents want. And if what you want and what your parents want conflict, there's trouble. There's what you want what your children want, what your husband wants, what your

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wife wants, what your employer wants, and when it conflicts, there's trouble.

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How do we fix that trouble? That's the first step of healing. When there is a moment of conflict and clash. Now I want you to understand the prophets. I send them he aims us directly to this in the month of Ramadan. He tells us in the authentic hadith, if someone accost you, you're walking in the street innocent, no trouble. You don't intend any harm for anyone. Someone comes to you and a cost you in the street. The Prophet tells you to say to yourself, not just to them in nice law. I'm fasting back off.

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It's not a statement of weakness. And it's not a statement of warning. Sometimes, you know, had one of my students he says, brother Yeah, hey, we live in Australia.

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They don't understand and he saw

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But you can say it as much as you want. They don't get it. What does that mean?

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Right? It mean for him, it's not to him, it's to yourself control yourself.

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And part of the problem that we have in the month of Ramadan, and outside the month of Ramadan is that our capacity to govern ourselves diminishes. So our tongue is sharp, and our eyes are not humbled and subdued. And at times our body carries us to places that it shouldn't. And at times, our mind and our soul craves what it doesn't need,

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what it thinks it needs, but what it doesn't need.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he tells us lace le la hacia Allah doesn't have a need for you to leave off your food and your drink, to go hungry and thirsty. If you're not going to be careful with what your tongue speaks. You can go hungry and thirsty as much as you want. You might think you're fasting. But if your tongue isn't subdued, if your emotions aren't in check if your behavior is not modulated. Your fasting is for not an elimination level. He explains this Hadeeth insight Muslim by saying

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not because you fast, it means you will receive a reward.

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Perhaps you may fast, but you won't be punished for missing it, but not be elevated for doing it. You may come on the day of judgment and say 100 law I fasted where's that door? Where's that gate? Didn't the Prophet say that insight Muslim? In nothing jannetty Bab there's a door in Jenin Allah todo mundo en la sua imune. No one will enter from it except those who fasted well. Its name is Allah Yan. Oh, is that right? Yeah. And I used to fast and you'll come to that gate and you'll be stopped and will be said listen, you're lucky you're not being punished for missing fasting. Because you did fast. You attempted. But you're not rewarded because you didn't truly fast. You are hungry.

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Yes, you were thirsty. Yes. But you weren't fasting.

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The word sleep.

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It comes from the Arabic word that means

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abstinence to leave something.

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And in fact, it's usually used to mean something you crave and want. But you push back from it. It's like you say this is really nice, but too much of it is going to be too much. So you push away from it. And the month of Ramadan, the word Ramadan.

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It comes from all mad meaning, thirst and dryness. It was a month where there isn't, you know, rain isn't plentiful, vegetation isn't growing, it's sort of mad. It's a month of austerity and sacrifice.

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And a part of that austerity and sacrifice is also to have evil neffs sacrificing your needs and your wants and your desires of the soul. So you're limited. So the first issue in rebooting our system is conflict resolution. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he tells us not to worry as much as about what we're not eating, what we're not drinking, the time that we're not having with our spouse. He points us to this fact that every Muslim is going to do it. We began by saying a billion people aren't going to drink or or enjoy water. But will a billion people be truly rewarded for their fasting? And the answer is scary to me. And you?

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The answer is how well do I fast? How well do I monitor myself? how careful am I with my words, with the influence of my emotions? With the feelings that I project to others? with how I make others feel around me? How am I with my attire? How am I with my behavior? How am I in my conduct, in my civility in my manners? How am I with my charity? And all of this is an aim of fasting.

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The second issue that we you know, we're talking about software reboot within ourselves within our heart and soul in the month of Ramadan.

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It's not just conflict resolution, but it's access. Who has access to you? who deserved that access? I want you to think of some of the statements the prophets I send them says they're not directly related to fasting but they have a great importance and input in it. In the authentic hadith narrated by Ali Mohammed Bahati the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says no, you

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get cold

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Don't let a person consume from your food. Except if you sense within them piety. It's like you're going to stop someone at your door and you're going to say, Can I have your piety passport?

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Where's your visa? How pious are you? Do you have Taqwa, sir? He's like, What do you mean? How much tequila is enough to get into your house? To enjoy your food? Now, that's not what the Prophet's ice element.

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He's not asking you to judge other people's tough one. He's not asking you to hold them to a higher standard and say, Oh, no, you're not good enough to sit around me and to be in my company. But what the prophet is warning you about is those who are habitual in visiting your home, see in Arabic culture, if you say to someone, come visit me, it implies come eat with me. When the angels visit Ibrahim, and they're on their way to destroy the people of Sodom and Gomorrah that people have loot, they stopped by Ibrahim. And as soon as Ibrahim sees them, he goes out for a job and the agent in honey. He brings a little you know, a little sheep that he slaughtered and prepared it and, and put

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it on the fire and roasted it. That's hospitality. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Anyone that visited him left, never left empty handed, always had something. And if there was nothing, it was a prayer from the law. what he was saying it was a job. He never leave anyone leaving your presence and your time with nothing.

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So what does this mean? Don't let someone eat from your food unless they have Taqwa. It means the best friend, the one who has access to your home habitually, the one who is familiar with your wife and your children and your husband, the one who knows their way around the kit. You know, if I come to your home, I would never dare walk into your kitchen, open the fridge and say, Hmm, right. It's not my place. I don't have that familiarity. That's what the prophet is warning about. Don't get too close, especially in the month of Ramadan. With someone who's gonna say,

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Torah, we maybe will join them a little later.

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We just started eating and relaxing. Really? The magic is so crowded. You know? Where are we going to park? Right.

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What are they invite you to? What do they add to your life. And in the month of Ramadan, you're not just assessing yourself, and you're assessing also your friends, and you're assessing your family, and you're assessing your loved ones, you're assessing your children, you're assessing your parents, I want them to lift up with me. And that's the intent of this access, that we're inviting people in the month of Ramadan. Now, in the month of Ramadan, you have an aim in that. And the Prophet Mohammed sigh, suddenly he says,

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men, after I saw him as the one who gives food to someone fasting, meaning breaks, food breaks bread with them, it doesn't mean you send food to their home or you leave them on the street. It means the one who invites people to their home, and breaks food with them and enjoys it with them. Can Allah who missed

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him? For him or her, they will have the reward of the one who was fasting. Later on NASA email a young person in Nigeria, he say, in the same way that first person is fasting won't lose any reward even though that man or woman who feeds them and hosts them will gain their reward equally. Whose reward do you want? Do you want to pious person's reward?

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Or do you want just regular Mr. Joe? Dr. Joe?

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Just some random guy. Yeah, they're family, friends, their extended family, they may be this or that. You want quality. You want access to your home to people who even if you don't perceive that quality, you sense within them there will be a shift. you're inviting them to your home as a form of love. from Allah to you and them. Now that's a high aim that you have in the month of Ramadan. That's rebooting your whole Ramadan. That's different to what happens. If my wife was here, she's not here. She's put the kids to bed.

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If my wife was here, she tell you people are either we never eat alone in Ramadan, either someone's at our house or we're at someone's house. Now that people know either my wife tells them or through experience that I will have the meal with them. We'll eat together and within half an hour

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We leave

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because we have things to do. It's Ramadan, man. I got I gotta gotta get ready for total Lee, I gotta get ready for prayer. I want to take a nice shower, get loose and relaxed. I want to be there first before the parking lots get busy. I don't want someone who's going to tell me. Where are we going to park? I'm going to tell them no, no, I have a spot always free.

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It's waiting for me. Come with me. No, no, I don't need that second cup of tea.

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I can have it after.

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That's how it is in my home. If you're coming for a spa Get ready. Because what happens is I say Jackman locker, thank you so much for coming. And I leave, I get up, go to the room and I get on with my business. You're welcome to stay. But I gotta go. A law is calling.

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So yes. So this is what we mean, you know, access. The prophets I send them tells you to moderate your access. He's not telling you to cut people out. He's telling you know, invite people but invite people have quiet of quality of taqwa. And that's an essential trait that we seek to further in the blessed month of Ramadan.

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Let's talk a little bit about hardware. Because I know we don't have a lot of time together tonight. It's a working week. And I appreciate the hamdulillah all the brothers and sisters who have come and joined us here together.

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Hardware, there's additions that we make to our household all the time. And sometimes those additions are blessed, you know, could be a new job. It could be new income. It could be you know, things that you've had that enter into your Alhamdulilah sphere of authority and power. And sometimes the things that are in life, the beauties of life can be really distracting. And the month of Ramadan, calls you to austerity, it calls you to begin to lessen the influence in your life, on the many, many distractions that are there. So you'll find that in the month of Ramadan, the natural habit, the natural trait of the believer, is to lessen their consumption of music is to lessen their

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consumption of TV is to lessen their consumption of joy for you know free usage of online material. You begin to say to yourself, these are things that are coming into my life and taking place of other things that should really never be out of my life. And therefore when you hear some of the stories, it sounds incredible. Like I'll say to the brothers, I'll say an Imam Shafi Allahu Allah, Mohammed Idris

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he would recite the Quran. And recall

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from his heart memory from his heart from his mind, fee, Shahada, Ramadan, sigtuna, hotma, 63 citations for how you resolve in other than prayer. That's not totally, that's not as good. I say this to some of our university brothers sitting here today. And they're like, but I'm just struggling with chemistry at the moment. Right? 60 times. That's twice a day. He reads the whole arm.

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It's amazing. It's not really that amazing. No, no, no, it is it isn't.

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Okay, it's not amazing when you compare it to others. That would alayhis salam, the prophet of Allah that would, he was given as a board. And as a board the Psalms of David, were songs of eloquence in the praise of Allah. And with the prophets, I send them he says that he was given the gift of a melodious voice Miz mouth that would, his voice was like a flute. And he would recite the board this praise of a lot. It's like our reading of the Quran. The mountains would echo it, the trees would read it. The natural world would come to a standstill, to listen to it.

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And the prophets I send them tells us as metabolic demand

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that wood was given Baraka, so it's Baraka now. It's not time it's not 24 hours. He was given so much Baraka and fluency in reading there's a bore, that by the time he had ordered his servant, to put the saddle on his horse and strap it in, he had read the holes aboard. That's how quick he was fluent with it. He read it how little color

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He was his mind his heart was with it. So it is Baraka. So when you hear the mama Shafi would read it in such a degree, you're like, wow. But it's not time. It's more about blessing. You here also really memorable hanifa

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Imam, Abu hanifa, a man comes and asks him, he says, Yeah, man,

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how often do you recite the Quran? So I remember hanifa asked a natural question. He's not being, you know, arrogant. He just says, Do you mean in the daytime or at night?

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Like, what what kind of answer do you want? Do you mean one day or at night? So the main things because nighttime it's really a shorter amount of hours you go to sleep at night, right? So he says Beeline. So remember what hanifa says? Do you mean in prayer or outside prayer? That's like,

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and we struggle, what do we struggle with? We struggle just to open it.

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We struggle just to open it. Allah tells you that the reward of the one who recites how to

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the prophets I send them is told to tell us how Ashley has an ad. It's 10 blessings. Elif have lamb have me heard of each individually is a blessing. 30 has an app for

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me. Now, that's one thing. But if you stammer and struggle, because you're not fluent, it's mobile off. It's multiplied. And some of the commentators such as an Imam and never will, Mama Shaddai, they say, the greater your stammer the greater your stuttering The greater the multiplications so the prophets I send them says, Allah, He will be the one who's skilled in the Quran. He's artistic in its reading, melodious with it. He's blessed in it.

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Masato caramel Bharara, they can reach the level of the angels in reward. When levy yakka an hour you tap to fee. But the one who reads the hole and stumbling in it, you tap to fee level agilon.

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Twice is the reward, one for the reading and one for the energy of reading. So you may stand there behind the Imam and that Eman reads a Colonia like Mashallah, this man Wow, look at this Quran. Look how beautiful it is. And you might go home and you struggle with just one verse, one chapter one Jews, that a man might read the whole Quran and Ramadan, and you just read sort of Al Baqarah, from beginning to end in 30 days, and you may be given greater than what he got Baraka

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and therefore, what do you add? What hardware, what input? Have you plugged into your life? What things are there that you need to unplug?

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And in the month of Ramadan, it's a month of training, and it's a month of dedication. And there's things in your life that you have to begin to look at. You have to be critical of yourself. And no one should be more critical on you than yourself. Because it's a part of our outlook as Muslims is that we're non judgmental. You're not. You never look at another person and put yourself in their place and say, Oh, look at this person. I'm better than them. Or they're not good enough, or they're not doing enough. Or why can't they improve? That was never the way of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the prophets I send them greater warnings were always to self

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reflection. Look at yourself, look into your heart.

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A lot tells you I gave you a path Which one will you choose? Not which one are your friends on? And you criticize them for it? Where are you going? The dialogue of the Quran is always personable. And it's always familiar to you. Now you're gonna say brother Yeah, I struggle with the Quran I struggled to open it.

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I'm going to tell you how to cure it. And the month of Ramadan is the best month for it. A lot tells you that the Quran has three things that become necessary for you to understand it. There's only three ways and the three things need to combine together for you to love the Quran without them missing one you don't. You have access to the Orion you may hear the Quran you might like its translation you might like it sound but you don't love the Quran for what it is three things and the law tells us about these things. Before I tell you this, this enormous secret.

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I want to tell you why you need to discover it.

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Every day in your prayer you're going to read it did not set off and was talking lead me along to the straight path.

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He Daya guide.

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And the Quran is coherent from the beginning to its end, it builds on itself and it theme. So you've said, Oh Allah guide me. That verse comes right after you saying he cannot but what kind of starting only you alone? Do I worship only you? Do I put my reliance on only you. I worship you alone, I trust you alone. The second thing you say the next statement out, guide me. So Allah begins the next chapter. After you and I say, Nene. Oh Allah give us that guidance. All of us when we hear that you ma'am, we say, bar lean. mean. The next chapter, second Surah the beginning of Alberta. A lot tells you any flamming

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words. It's not a word. It's letters that are cut. Mokpo you don't know what the letter symbolizes? No one knows. Mysterious, mystical, and a law here is telling you from this moment on. No one will ever give you the complete wisdom of the Quran except Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And if he's not with you don't ever think anyone can give you its complete wisdom.

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Alif Lam Meem caution. There's more to this than what the icy Valley can keytab you're looking for guidance. The structure of this verse is strange. It doesn't say the guidance you're looking for is here. It says this book only. That's the actual statement. It's a fragmented statement. Alif Lam in this book, only? You're gonna find it. What you're looking for what you just asked me that little kita Lowery, Buffy, no doubt about it. It's this book.

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What's the next statement?

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Who then it's a guidance for who?

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to those who have piety. So the first thing you need to know that the moment you pick up the Koran with an insincere heart, you're not going to benefit from it. It will have no effect on you. Because it's insincerity that you're reading it through that little kita This is the book you want. This is the book you just asked me to give you. Larry Murphy Don't doubt me that I'm giving you the truth. Who then it will be the guidance for who? The one who has a sincere heart The one who has taqwa.

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So how do we attain that presence of the Quran being in our life? How do we plug into the Quran? At the end of surah cough Allah says,

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enough you have logic in this book is the reminder you need for life.

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leemon can Allah who compares the first condition for the one who will approach this reminder this portal on with an open heart?

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customer or who throws his hearing at it pays it complete deference and attention.

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Well who was Shaheed while he's witnesses, it's truth. Three things.

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Open your heart.

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Give it your ears. The word I will call it means to throw. It's like you took your ear off. And where's that Khurana? There it is. You just hit it. You gave it your full attention. I want to understand it. Give it your ear means I don't understand it. Give it to me in Bahasa I don't understand that give it to me in English. I don't understand that. Let me read or do I don't understand that. Okay, I'm gonna read the English. I don't like this translation. Give me this one. This one I don't understand this one as good. Give me this one. I don't understand this as well. Let me read this one.

00:34:25 --> 00:34:51

You've given it your attention. You've given it your desire to come closer to it with an open heart. Why you all the while you are a witness to it, Shaheed like Shahada as shadow Allah, Allah, Allah Ma, I'm a witness. I don't see Allah. But I'm a witness that Allah is the reality and the truth that I seek in my life subhanho wa Taala

00:34:52 --> 00:34:57

I'll call was some Shahada. How does all that come together?

00:35:01 --> 00:35:07

The month of Ramadan enters upon you. And for many of us at Hamdulillah, you're going to join the Imam in prayer.

00:35:09 --> 00:35:12

But you don't know where he begins or where he ends, why?

00:35:14 --> 00:35:25

Read up a little, you know that Imam is going to begin if they read the Quran from beginning to end sort of Al Baqarah when I leave prayer, you're going to begin sort of algebra every night at Jerusalem.

00:35:27 --> 00:35:54

Become familiar with the sound of the Quran and how it bridges the tune to its meaning. Come to come to recognize Why does the man's voice go high here? Why does it go low here? Why does he read it with soreness sorrow in this point, but with elation and happiness in this point, it's not just because he wants to. This is the rules of the

00:35:55 --> 00:35:57

ride, right? There's a sound for the Quran.

00:35:58 --> 00:36:23

Let me show you how the heart affects you hearing the Quran. Ramadan, Katara. The Allahu anhu before Islam. He was on his way in a drunken rage to kill the Prophet Mohammed sigh singer. And as he's walking in the street, he needs someone who tells him Why you going to Mohammed, you should go see your sister and her husband. they've accepted Islam, you know the story.

00:36:24 --> 00:36:45

He comes to them in blind rage. His heart is what? hard like a rock. He's angry. I'm gonna kill him. And he breaks down the door. And he starts beating his brother in law. And then he hits his sister, which is something he had never done. He loved his sister so much.

00:36:47 --> 00:36:51

And as soon as he saw that he had drawn blood. What happened to his heart?

00:36:52 --> 00:36:58

soften. Not soften for Allah, but soften, gain, emotion.

00:36:59 --> 00:37:11

The moment his heart softens. He says what was that stuff you were reading before he was listening to it outside the door. It didn't touch his heart. His heart was hard like a rock.

00:37:12 --> 00:37:22

The moment he saw his sister, she's upset and she's hurt. And he's calmed down a little and his heart softens. He says What were you reading?

00:37:23 --> 00:37:25

And she says we will really know.

00:37:26 --> 00:37:28

He says Let me hear it. She says no.

00:37:29 --> 00:37:37

No. She says you're unclean. You are drunk and you're looking at you. You be in look at look at the mess you are.

00:37:38 --> 00:37:42

She says no, you need to go outside, clean yourself. Come back, soften.

00:37:43 --> 00:37:51

comes back. And he reads she reads him the first 15 acts of surah poha. What happens?

00:37:52 --> 00:38:29

hits him for her. Oh man, ma Angelina Ali can be touched. We didn't reveal this form onto you to put hardness in your life hardship in your life in that of kiloton the manufacture it will serve only as a reminder to the one who has piety and fear of God Tenzin amendment, Allah, Allah was similar to Allah. It is revealed in stages from the one who created the heavens and the earth. A rock man, he is ever Merciful. How are you above his creation and the throne led

00:38:30 --> 00:38:34

to him is what ever will come to you and what will miss you.

00:38:35 --> 00:38:42

Everything belongs to Allah. He hears that and his heart crumbles.

00:38:43 --> 00:39:08

The heart has to be present for the arm. You have to get your heart ready for the whole arm. Now the moment you hear the Quran in that way, you become a soft marshmallow. That big man that scale of aroma turns into a marshmallow into putty in the hands of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

00:39:10 --> 00:39:13

a seminar up to finally be

00:39:14 --> 00:39:58

hearing Why is hearing important to file in your honor one of the Sahaba of the prophets like Selim K, he was from the tribes of those. And that missionary came because he was the Emir of that community. When he came to perform Hajj in the pagan way. They stopped him at the border of Mecca. They said, Listen, there's a man in that city. He separated the father from the son. He's fought dissension between husband and wife. He wants us to leave the way of our parents and ancestors. He's a man who seeks turmoil and rebellion and revolution. Don't listen, don't even let it enter your ears. Don't think because you're a smart man that you'll know right from wrong and they gave him

00:39:58 --> 00:39:58


00:40:00 --> 00:40:02

They told him put the cotton in your ear.

00:40:03 --> 00:40:05

Because in kalama, who,

00:40:07 --> 00:40:12

because these words are magical, don't even hear it. So to find out,

00:40:13 --> 00:40:14

he's walking around Mecca.

00:40:17 --> 00:40:21

And he says, wherever la isla in New Smyrna

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but Allah caused me not to leave there until I heard the words of Allah. So when I heard just the sentence, I pulled the cotton out. So what is this? And I said to myself, in the lobby when pavilion shy, you're a man of authority. And might, you're a poet, you know, Al kabhi, amin, Al Hassan, you know what's repugnant from what's good? Listen to it, you're not an idiot. Give the man a chance.

00:40:55 --> 00:40:57

For seminar semeiotic, I heard it

00:40:58 --> 00:41:32

and it hit my heart for what coffee? It fell into my heart. And when you say that in Arabic, it means your heart was like an open Well, that's empty. Because it's true. Your heart is this well, it's empty. It's waiting for something to fill it and nothing will fill it. Nothing will occupy that gap, except the spirituality that is sent to you by Allah Subhana Allah to Allah through those words of Allah. So he says, I ran to the messenger Mohammed, so I sell them and I came to faith.

00:41:34 --> 00:41:38

Alka sama, he gave it his attention. Shaheed, a witness.

00:41:40 --> 00:41:44

Let me show you what it means to witness Bilal or the Allahu anhu.

00:41:46 --> 00:41:47

He was a slave.

00:41:48 --> 00:42:22

He was an Adobe, he didn't even know how to pronounce the letters correctly. We know that belonged. Some of the Arabs even used to mock Him, they would say he doesn't know how to say the shadow, the shadow, the sheen, when he would say a shadow, he would say as head to Allah ilaha illAllah. He wasn't an Arab, he wasn't eloquent. He wasn't knowledgeable of the Quran. He couldn't hear it initially and understand its wisdom. But he could understand and weakness, eternal message. Here he was an own demand under tyranny and oppression.

00:42:24 --> 00:42:34

And he hears from other slaves from people around a head. God is one. That's it. He hasn't even heard

00:42:35 --> 00:42:45

further to this. He doesn't know the Koran you and I know, all he knew. I hadn't had God, a law is one.

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So his master comes in. And he says to him, I believe a shadow.

00:42:52 --> 00:43:24

I believe that God is a had, that's only knows. witness. He witnesses to the truth. He witnesses to the justice of the Koran, we have created you, oh man from a male and a female major tribes and nations that are of different colors and ethnicities and authorities and languages, that you may come and recognize in a coma, coma in the law, la at koco. The best of you is the one who has piety in the way of a ma.

00:43:25 --> 00:43:45

He understood it. He understood about justice and social justice and equity and fairness. She had he understood he could testify it even though the knowledge of the Quran escaped him. It's really and it's and it's, you know, articulation, its meaning was in him or the Allahu anhu wa.

00:43:47 --> 00:43:56

So therefore, the prophet tells us in the month of Ramadan, he makes an a link that can never be separated until the day of judgment,

00:43:58 --> 00:44:10

a CR mo one for an Yeshua and he really had, you're fasting to Allah. And you're standing in prayer at night reading the Quran

00:44:11 --> 00:44:28

will testify for you in intercession in seeking your protection on the Day of Judgment. So yam will stand in front of you. And we'll say Yara Minato Parma Shara My Lord, I kept him hungry and thirsty,

00:44:29 --> 00:44:50

and for me will stand in front of you. And we'll say Yara Minato Noma bin Laden, my lord. I used to keep him awake at night reading me. He would go to Tara we are hearing me reading and reciting me Yara shaffir. And if he allow me to intercede and seek protection for him.

00:44:54 --> 00:44:59

That is an aim in the month of Ramadan. It's a way of rebooting and restarting

00:45:00 --> 00:45:00

I will life.

00:45:01 --> 00:45:04

Finally my dear sisters and brothers in Islam.

00:45:06 --> 00:45:32

I wish to share to you why Ramadan matters to us. I want you to look at this holistic month because the month has so many ramifications, social ramifications, you know spiritual ramifications, financial economic ramifications, so many different things we can talk about. And I want you to hear this Hadith of the Prophet Mohammed sigh send them he says to us,

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attack Shah Ramadan. The month of Ramadan has arrived to you. You couldn't be the Prophet saying you can't ensure you will be here to greet it. You can say I'll be there even now. Yara Allah, whomever live now Ramadan, Oh Allah allow us to reach the month of Ramadan. You cannot be sure.

00:45:59 --> 00:46:23

You want to greet the month of Ramadan. And it will come to you. It arrives to you. it blesses you, Sharon Mubarak. It's a month from its beginning to its end. It's full of Baraka. What does the word Baraka mean? Baraka is three things, the little you have, Allah blesses it so becomes more.

00:46:25 --> 00:46:38

Or the little you have, Allah blesses it. So it not just becomes more, but it suffices you in its small amount.

00:46:39 --> 00:46:40

It doesn't grow.

00:46:42 --> 00:47:05

But it stays as it is, but it's more useful to you. So all of a sudden, the 10 ring, it is not just 10 ring it It feels like you've spent and spent the plate of food that you invited people for, and you feared Oh my god, three more people came I didn't expect it. It remains and there's more in it than you anticipated could ever have remained. Everyone's full Alhamdulillah Baraka

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not just it was more, but what's left is more than you thought could be left. And third Baraka Is that what you have was going to be taken from you. But Allah leaves it. Sometimes we don't look at that. But you might look at your health and you say, Oh Allah give me good health but you don't understand that maybe your health was going to deplete and Allah has already given you Baraka by allowing that health not to deplete Baraka.

00:47:37 --> 00:47:59

shahara Mubarak, the month of Ramadan is one Baraka descends. To the Houthis. Summer, the gates of the heavens are opened, your door is not restricted. Right now, for many of us, our draw is restricted, you might think, Oh, I made it doesn't automatically ascend to Allah. No.

00:48:01 --> 00:48:14

Sometimes you draw is held by your conduct your deeds, your mistakes, your statements, you're in gratitude to others. Your insincerity in making it it just, I mean, I mean,

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you're just parroting No, it hasn't, hasn't risen to AI is a bad it's the essence of worship.

00:48:24 --> 00:49:01

But in the month of Ramadan, nothing restricts it, Heaven is open, in a sense. Third, the gates of the jahannam are closed shut and part of our belief as Muslims, our philosophy is that jahannam is attracting you. So part of the scenes that we make is that jahannam sends out a call. And in that call, there's that moment of attraction, it wants you in a law tells you not for an either or actually McCann in buried in some new law was was the hero when jahannam sees them from a distance it wants them

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they can almost hear it, calling them and on the Day of Judgment Gangnam will say hello mingma Z, where are the rest give me more.

00:49:13 --> 00:49:16

So the case of jahannam are closed

00:49:17 --> 00:49:47

was something similar to share opinion and in another narration was sort of silhouette, a shell team, the devils and the evil model that to share team that evil actions of the shape on are held at bay. It doesn't mean there's no more shape on it means that the closer you are to a law, the less the shape on his influence over you. The closer you are to a law, the more control you have over yourself, the less the shape on influences you

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in the authentic hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says and we conclude with this so that we have time for questions.

00:49:57 --> 00:49:59

Man sama Ramadan, Eman

00:50:00 --> 00:50:00

What is

00:50:02 --> 00:50:13

the one who fasts Ramadan with faith meaning with Nia, the word Eman here means nia. What does it mean? The Nia is four things. The four things are

00:50:15 --> 00:50:17

Oh Allah, this is for you alone.

00:50:19 --> 00:50:27

Number two, Oh Allah you wrote this for me to do. I have to do it. Number three, Oh Allah I want my reward.

00:50:28 --> 00:51:19

Sam, you told me to do it. I'm doing it for you alone. reward me Oh Allah for a lot excepted from me. Because remember how we warned you in the beginning about Ramadan and fasting, you might fast and it might not be accepted. Or Allah accepted those four things are Nia, Eman. What the sad. The sad is accounting with a lot. It's like you're counting the time you've spent with a lot. I fast a little hamdulillah this day in this day in this day. I expect the reward for this day in this day in this day. You become very, you know, as a CPA, right? I want this one this one this one I'm waiting for the reward for this Allahumma Oh Allah give me the reward for that day Allah except my deeds in

00:51:19 --> 00:51:31

this day. Eman wackysox warfare Allah Houma. Takata The one who does that his sins are forgiven. Your sins are expunged for the year.

00:51:32 --> 00:52:16

You are blessed by Allah subhana wa tada and that becomes our central aim. So let's put our aim, hon. Let's keep good company. Let's attend the masjid every night. For Torah we Let's start with the Imam and with the Imam the prophets I send them says men better a man a man will hotter man, a man who feel rather the one who starts with the Imam the prayer at night and ends with him. His sins were forgiven. The ask is it for the day or for the week or for the month or for the life? They said Allahu Allah could be for all goofin Allah. Make your intention with Allah. Seek the highest pursuits of Jenna.

00:52:17 --> 00:52:57

I ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to allow us to arrive at the month of Ramadan, and to make us from those who will greet it with worship, and with diligence and with care. I asked Allah subhanaw taala to send Baraka upon all of those who share with us these moments today. Now ask Allah Subhana Allah to bless our homes and our families and our children. ask Allah Subhana Allah to forgive our parents who may have passed away and to put Baraka in the life of our parents who remain as the loss of Hannah and went to Allah to bring us closer and attaches to the Koran, and to help us read it with insight and wisdom as colossal pantones Allah to help us enjoy and greet the Quran with love.

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ask Allah subhanaw taala to allow us to stand each and every night in prayer with it. ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to allow us to learn from the Quran, the things that we do not know. And to help us the things that we may have forgotten. ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to fill our homes with its re citation and to bring its Baraka into every corner of our life. And Lama amin as the loss of Hannah who wants Allah to change it as the things that we do not like and to build in us the things that we desire, as the loss of Hannah to Allah to bless our daughters and sisters in Islam with the beauty of hijab, and to help us continue in that pursuit, mask the loss of Hannah to Allah to rest,

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to bless our brothers, with constants and continuance in their Salah, and to help us help them attain the sinner in their prayers. Nazca loss of Hannah hota Allah to bless those who have organized this session with us today to make them from leaders for this blessing country and culture. ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to assist them in all their efforts in assisting others. ask Allah subhanaw taala to users in the service of others Allahumma amin asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from the faithful faithful servants of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in following his conduct in words and sooner and to help us to be from those who sit near him in

00:54:15 --> 00:54:29

general for those Aloma I mean, while through that 100 in there Hello, Bill alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala Sayidina Nabina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so panicle mahoma vmdk Chateau La la la

00:54:30 --> 00:54:33

la. We have a few minutes in short law for questions.

00:54:34 --> 00:54:48

What is the best English translation in my opinion? I don't mean it could be other people have other opinions. My favorite English translation has to be Mohammed Abdul Halim.

00:54:49 --> 00:54:59

The Abdel Halim translation, which is the Oxford University Press translation is very faithful in terms of the themes and the shades of the Arabic language.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:43

It has very little commentary. So there's very little interpretation that goes in it. So it's not like Yusuf Ali and the Noble Quran where there's, you know, pages of, you know things at the bottom, it allows you to become a little bit more familiar with the usage of it. So there's very slight notes that are attached. That seems to be the best translation, in my opinion, you can find it online, you can purchase it, of course, from Amazon and other other places. It's in hardcopy, soft copy and PDF. And I never leave home without it, whether on my phone or on my iPad or whatever. unplugging right? We've got to unplug. Yes. Just like

00:55:44 --> 00:56:12

your sister is asking. She said, We mentioned about the month of Ramadan, the gates of jahannam are close, there's less less incitement to evil. The shavon is chained up figuratively and maybe as a parable for us to understand that he's put at bay kept away from us. And the chaining from Allah subhanaw taala. Only Allah knows its extent and meaning. Does that mean if there's evil that occurs? Is it inherently from us?

00:56:13 --> 00:56:14

What do you think the answer is?

00:56:16 --> 00:57:07

Yes. Right. And I've said this, you know, a couple of days in lecturing here, the shape and sometimes it has a bad name. You know, people are always blaming shaming, it's like, it wasn't me. I didn't do it. It's you. Right. And the difference between the shavon and our own evil inclination, our soul craving, what's wrong, the difference between the two is really simple. Any deed that you do habitually, consistently, in disobedience to a law, it's you. The shavon is like a hit and run kind of guy. So he tries to tempt you here or there, whatever. But it's not consistent. The consistent habitual things is yourself. Every day, you're not waking up for fetch. It's you. Every

00:57:07 --> 00:57:41

day you're, you know, doing what you know, you shouldn't be doing. It's not him. It's he's just sitting back going, Wow, you're doing really well. Oh, my God, let me take notes. You know, I got to post these on, like, online. People need to see this. I got to help out the others, right. Maybe they don't know. I'm really good at my job. Look what I've done. I've trained you well, right. And yes, so the inclinations of our souls sometimes leads us away from Allah subhanaw taala. With love and lust on our reliance is always upon a lot.

00:57:44 --> 00:58:28

Yes, uncle, just like a locker for the ends for the question. Brother is saying, we've talked about Ramadan getting ready for it. Well, what about how we exit Ramadan? What if there's no improvement in our lives and amendment as early as when he talks about Ramadan, and he talks about fasting in general, he says that there are three outcomes that you know, your days fast or your months fast, was accepted three things that you'll see within yourself. One, your remembrance of a lot increases, it doesn't mean you're just going to say so panelists finals? No, you become more cognizant, cognitive, of what cognizant of what Allah has blessed you with. You're aware of your needs, being

00:58:28 --> 00:58:40

fulfilled by Allah. So you sit that water, you know, you've been fasting and it's human, and it's hot in KL. And the moment you sip it and you say Allahumma inni laka.

00:58:41 --> 00:59:04

Oh Allah for you. I fasted while there is after and from the risk you gave me, I break it. Wow. That's Vic. It's an awakening of the needs you have before Allah subhana wa Tada. So that's first your life becomes tekun vacuum. Linda, you're aware of your dealings with a lot.

00:59:06 --> 00:59:55

Second, is that the Iman that you knew you should leave off lessons if it doesn't completely terminate? The things that used to occupy you that now as a consequence of your aim and fasting, to remove them from your life have changed or have lessened to a degree that you recognize and that you are proud of? Remember we said you are proud of your accomplishment at the end of the month. And at the end of the day, you are proud the saw in the photo Hutton, you have two moments of joy as a casting person, the moment you eat and the moment you meet a lot because you're anticipating reward. You're like, I did it. I want it. Right you have that intention to anticipate that reward. So you've

00:59:55 --> 00:59:59

changed some of the negative habits. The third is the most telling

01:00:00 --> 01:00:37

Is that your conduct with people has improved the amendment, bizarrely, he says, the time on the leanings you have in life with others shifts, you're not as greedy. You're not as quick tempered, you're not as irresponsive to others needs or others requests of you. You've become, you've changed not just within yourself, but it reflects in those who, who live with you, primarily your spouse, primarily your children, they will say, wow,

01:00:38 --> 01:01:11

you know, Subhan Allah, like, what's happened, they can see that it doesn't have to be dramatic, but it's noted and noticeable. So those three things are a sign that our Ramadan and our fasting is accepted. Vic, were more attentive with a lot. Number two, the scenes that we knew we should leave we've taken a path to leave them we've begun to make changes and repentance in our life. And third, our behavior and conduct with other is moderated. It's something that's witnessed by others. Yes, sister.

01:01:15 --> 01:01:19

Just know you say, I agree with you that the best time to begin

01:01:21 --> 01:01:45

with open heart, so we get the full meaning the full emotion lesson from it. But sometimes we cry, we just enough cold hard. Just read for the method of reading want to finish. So how can we kill that kind of reading so that we really know

01:01:47 --> 01:01:49

that I'm gonna take that as a very general question.

01:01:50 --> 01:01:52

How do you become

01:01:53 --> 01:01:55

more involved with

01:01:56 --> 01:02:44

these five steps? One, consistency, people always ask me how do you memorize the Quran? I say I practiced. There's no mystery. How'd you memorize the Quran? I read it again. And again. Yes, And again. And again. And my grandfather and actually the unimat they say hunza lat answer. Five, you won't forget it. Meaning five juice a day. You don't forget it, which is 100 pages. Now. It seems like a lot but it's not a lot. Hamza, let's answer. Five you don't forget. Right. So consistency. Let me give you a passage. If I was to say to you now after Salatin fetch, memorize one area

01:02:46 --> 01:02:56

Alhamdulillah he levy ns Allah Allah de kita. That's it. Read that 20 times after Salah Alhamdulillah you already know that?

01:02:57 --> 01:03:09

Allah De Anza Allah Allah Abdel Kitab. This is the opening chapter opening verse of Soto tencap. That's it 20 times, come insalata book

01:03:10 --> 01:03:23

and read the next line. While I'm Yaga level Elijah, he didn't make in it. crookedness repeated 20 times, come off. Another line.

01:03:25 --> 01:03:46

The Quran, the green prints from Medina has on its page 18 lines. If you memorize a line a day, it means you've memorized a third of a page daily. you memorize a line after every cell that you've memorized a third of a page. All it is, is one line. But who does it?

01:03:48 --> 01:04:06

Right? It's not hard. It's not unimaginable that you can memorize Kabbalah kalevi be at the last two pages and a half. I can guarantee you if you do what I'm telling you, you'll memorize it in under a week. 20 times some of you 30 times instead of 20 websites about Okay, let's

01:04:07 --> 01:04:12

say 30 times the first 20 looking at it the last 10 Close your eyes.

01:04:14 --> 01:04:14


01:04:15 --> 01:05:00

low do the same. Next. That's it. consistency. So the Koran, lots of 100 Allah says to the prophets I send them it is your It is intended to be recited. Second thing for the Koran you need to become aware of its meaning. No one wants to memorize something or come close to something unless they understand something about its eternal message. Remember, that's why we were talking about the lad he doesn't understand it completely yet. He was a slave. He doesn't know how to read no one's teaching him but he understood one message injustice and that there is one there is still he'd had a loss. Understand its message number three incoming access

01:05:00 --> 01:05:05

Sing the Quran, find the right time and the right place

01:05:07 --> 01:05:47

at a given time that is scheduled. So it could be after a prayer, it could be before you go to bed, it could be when you wake up for fetch, it's the same time every day, every minute and those of us who memorize the Quran you know when you're leaving Salah you can see the page in front of you. It's not because like, Oh, well he, you know, no, you see the page in front of you Why? Because you've read it so much. You know when that page is going to end and if you don't turn the page, but the next page comes, you see it because you've been looking at the same thing many times you've read it often.

01:05:48 --> 01:06:04

So that becomes important third, find the right time the right place and use the same muscle. Use the same script don't jump from one to another small one one day big one another day. No use the same script. Fourth important point. Have a teacher

01:06:06 --> 01:06:08

it doesn't have to be a big iron.

01:06:09 --> 01:06:13

I won't lie I was told you May I talk about it brother use ID

01:06:15 --> 01:06:23

brother use IDs, mother, Masha Allah passed the age of 18 years old. She has ijazah

01:06:24 --> 01:06:24

in three

01:06:26 --> 01:06:45

hands like Whoa, I told him he actually had you told me I would have visited with her with you to take ijazah from her. I would like to take any jaza from a woman 80 years old Masha, Allah, Allah, who now her sight has diminished so much she can't see people in front of her. But when she opened the Quran, she could still see it.

01:06:48 --> 01:06:56

Because she knows that it's a part of her. It's a part of her life. 80 years, right? You want to take ijazah from someone like that.

01:06:57 --> 01:07:09

It doesn't have to be a teacher Oh, brother, yeah, he has coming or you know, some something like that know, someone local, there's a new stanza, there's a new start, there's a brother, there's a sister who knows more than you one,

01:07:10 --> 01:07:26

or two, or one better pronounciation than you find a teacher. attach yourself to them. If it requires give them something in terms of wealth that they can benefit from, because you're taking from their time. Number five and finally,

01:07:27 --> 01:07:36

last, it's for Allah. The Quran is not you know, Twilight, or Breaking Dawn or Hunger Games.

01:07:37 --> 01:07:56

It's not, you know, an encyclopedia or a reference book or, you know, calculus, it's for a lot every lecture customer. Put that as a target. How many has an ad? Are you do you desire today? How much niran is new Allah Do you wish and to see through the reading of that?

01:07:57 --> 01:08:00

So that In short, was my best answer for you, sister.

01:08:02 --> 01:08:08

We'll take two more questions. One brother, one sister, at the very back his uncle spiller.

01:08:19 --> 01:08:19


01:08:22 --> 01:08:23


01:08:24 --> 01:08:24


01:08:26 --> 01:08:29

So the key word is the one cortiva. Now,

01:08:30 --> 01:08:31

in Islam,

01:08:33 --> 01:08:45

legislation is given down to us, we know something is mustard was fouled or Well, if it has one, or five, or one, or depending on which method one or five, or one of seven different words

01:08:46 --> 01:09:27

wajib if a law says it's wild, you have to do it or the prophets I send them says the word wild you must. If as the brother points out, Allah says katiba written for you, meaning when Allah says it's written, it's something that was given before you were sent keytab it's before your time. So it wasn't just I gave it to you now know it was written upon you, even before your oma came into Be it was written. And we know this because the law says to us in the same area, camera, kuchibhotla law, V and M and publikum, as it was written upon those who came before you, meaning the Jews and the Christians and you find that we're cousins and faith have similar practices to fasting and

01:09:27 --> 01:09:59

abstinence, right. Some of it is a vow of silence and other things, other forms of passive. And other another form is that Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us don't do something, it is the law it is gives evidence that you should do what's opposite, making it compulsory, leave this meaning do this. So there's different forms as for cause loss, and so they are not related in the same category, but they are given to us in evidence in the same statement. So Allah says

01:10:00 --> 01:10:20

This is Cody, but it was written upon you before and this was written upon you as well before can sauce. Part of our laws are similar to the laws of the Jews and Christians that came before us. So therefore many of them are nomadic, they say it's related in that sense, just like fasting, our mode of fasting was similar to their mode of fasting that preceded us.

01:10:23 --> 01:10:37

One from the sisters, inshallah. Now, this is for us, how do we, what do we consider? Or how does Allah How does Allah consider those who are fasting but don't pray or don't

01:10:38 --> 01:10:42

cover our all and you know, they do things that are not completely the best.

01:10:44 --> 01:11:31

It comes out under the same thing that we were saying the better your sleep in terms of your conduct of people in terms of your prayer in terms of your habits in terms of your dress, in terms of your you know, what words you use, all of that comes under perfecting our cm Lima has Allah says there are three types of cm. So yom Olam, there is the general cm, which is a person that doesn't eat or drink doesn't have sexual relations with his spouse. That one is accepted by a lot. The second level of CRM is CRM and has its special CRM and that's where you monitor what you say what you do what you where you take extra care in your in your Salah, finally, is the CRM of the LDR which are those who

01:11:31 --> 01:11:50

are nearest to Allah subhana wa to Ireland. Now that isn't just limited to food and drink and this it's not just limited to the outer clothing or the prayer, but now there's the M is also of the heart. So it's not just that they don't say something bad to someone, they don't even think it

01:11:51 --> 01:11:56

la Akbar May Allah subhanaw taala bless us with that kind of stuff.

01:11:57 --> 01:12:22

So this is where we conclude our discussion. I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala allows us to gather once again, in his obedience and in his worship, and if we're not gathered together in this dunya that he gathered us in general for those with Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah Ali Abdullah Saleh, mo tasleem was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Subhana. Allah homovanillic a shadow Allah, Allah.

01:12:23 --> 01:12:25

Allah, wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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