Abu Abdissalam – Pearls Of Wisdom

Abu Abdissalam
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the history and challenges faced by Islamers, including death, loss of parents, acceptance of Islam, and challenges faced by parents. They emphasize the importance of finding out who is a false mark on one's appearance and finding out who is a false mark on their partner's appearance. The speaker also emphasizes the need to support individuals facing tests and challenges, and to not give up on one's parents' actions and children. They provide lessons on the importance of following tests and not giving up, and emphasize the need for patient behavior and strong messages to achieve happiness. The segment also touches on the importance of showing one's true intentions to avoid deaths and finding one's happiness in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen will also live also lemo Allah Mambo methyl al amin while Allah He was

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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As Salaam Alaikum Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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So, Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he said, I shall do nasty Bella and lamb fell and fell. For that the people that were tested the most are the profits, there were the ones who are tested the most, then those most like them, and then those most like them.

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When we look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his life,

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we find story after story after story of the hardships that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam had to go through. Now sometimes we have to go through a hardship.

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Maybe we've, you know, maybe somebody's their spouse has died, or maybe their child has died. Or maybe they've lost a whole lot of money for example, or, you know, something or other some kind of test or trial, and they're really finding it difficult to deal with.

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But Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was sent down as guidance for mankind.

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He was sent down as mercy to the worlds.

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And if you look at the Messenger of Allah sallallahu icims life, there's almost not a test, except that you find that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has already gone through it, something in that nature, something close to what a test that you might be going through today.

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So for example, we start even the fact when the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam was born, he was immediately faced with a test. And what is that test, that he was born as an orphan child.

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He was born without a father, his father had died before he was even born. salallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And you can see that this child is growing up, and not knowing who his father is. You can imagine all of these other children, they talk about, oh, my father, this my father, that my father, this, my father, that and yet the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, he was unable to speak about his own father, because his father had died. You find that even as a young child at the age of six,

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his mother passed away.

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So think about a child of the age of six years old, how much we may pity that child who is growing up and are six years old, he loses or she loses his or her mother.

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It's a very difficult test to go through the mother, the one who nurtures The one who brings up the one who teaches the vast you know, that the closest person

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the mother, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam loses his mother at the age of six.

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You find that another test that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam went through with regards to his parents, you find that they both died as non Muslim.

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As once in the battle, one of the battles a companion came to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam and asked about his father, his companion, his father.

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And he said, Where is my father, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, in the Hellfire

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because he had been killed as a non Muslim as a missionary in the battle. So this hobby turned around and he was going away. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called him back. He said, Abby will bukovina My Father and your Father in the hellfire.

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You ask any person whose father or whose mother is a non Muslim, and ask them how they feel

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and find out what do is that they make in private, or the nighttime.

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Before further, all the time they do ask for their parents. Not just parents, but anyone, children, anybody who's not Muslim, you'll find when a person accepts Islam, you ask them how does it feel?

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And they will they will shed tears when speaking about this topic.

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And on top of that, that is when they're alive You can still make the offer them, Oh Allah guide them, Oh Allah bringing them to Islam and so on and so forth. But what about if they die as non Muslims

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knowing that even as a messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, he was prohibited by Allah, Allah Allah to make dua for his parents sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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the tests that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam went through,

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you look at even when he started calling people to Islam,

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and his very family, his tribes,

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his close friends, they rejected him. On the one hand, they called him I mean,

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a sodic, the trustworthy the truthful one,

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but that was with regards to the dunya. But as for the Acura, about his prophethood, about Allah, about his aqeedah, about Eman, they rejected him, calling him a liar, a madman, a soothsayer, a magician.

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And this is a great, great lesson for every single Muslim who is involved in dour

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Look how the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was rejected

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and belied by the people, not just distant people.

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But people from his own given kin, people who are close to him, some were his close friends before Islam, they rejected this religion. And this was this hurt the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam Allah tells us that we know that your heart is you know, your your your chest is suppressed, if you like, by what they say, because of what they say. rejecting him as a false person is a false prophet. sallallahu alayhi wasallam so when we are involved in dour and people speak against us, or when we see on the television, this person is an extremist or he's a terrorist or is this or is that this is not something new.

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Someone far greater. Someone far better went through this test, Mohammed bin Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So we should not give up. We should ask why me? We should we should support

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people who are faced by these tests, knowing that they are only following the Sunnah of none other than Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam, when you see the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the way he made

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for his people, even though they rejected him, even though what they called him, and what they tried to physically torture him. We know for example, the very famous story where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is in mushka.

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And he's praying to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And one of the most rakuen of Makkah.

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He made a day

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he made a dare he said, Listen, which of you has the courage Look how he says it? Which of you has the courage to go out and get a carcass, a dead animal and throw it on Mohammed Salalah hives.

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So one of them he went out, and he went to the outskirts of Mecca, and he came back and he grabbed this carcass and threw it on the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, and the profits of life and limb fell over. And these people, they, they laughed, so much, so they laughed. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lost his children. And some of them when they were born like Ibrahim, some of them when they became older, like Qasim, it was said that he he was able to write and Qasim was able to ride a horse before he was before he died.

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And his daughters. In fact, every single one of his children passed away before the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, except for Fatima de la Juana.

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Another test that the Prophet salicylate went through all of his children apart from one passes away before he dies.

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In Him is a lesson for us. In Him is a lesson in fact on the subject of children,

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only one of his wives Khadija, for the other one have conceived for him. Her child

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And the other wives did not have children. maimunah had children. She was a concubine, she had one child who died they brought him.

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But his other wives, none of them gave birth. So again, for people who are going out, look, you are trying to have children but Allah has not degraded yet. This is a lesson for them. It's a great lesson, it's a test, that somebody before me has had this test. And often we think

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that when somebody is going through a test, sometimes we think they must have done something wrong. They must have done something wrong. Maybe this is a punishment from Allah. It might be, it may be a punishment from Allah. But it also could be a test and not a punishment. Because somebody before you much greater, much more noble with the most, the most pious person to have ever walked on this planet sallallahu Sallam went through many of these tests.

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Not only did only one wife conceive, and maimunah as well, and not only did all his children apart from Fatima die, but not only did that happen, but also he did not have a son, who then went on to have children to carry his name Salalah and he was

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all his progeny are through Fatima of the lafonda.

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When you look at poverty, sometimes we go through hardship. Some of us may not have enough money to make ends meet.

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When you look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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I showed the love on her she said that a whole month would go by and not a single fire has been lit up in our house in our homes.

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And so she was asked, Oh, I should What did you survive on? What did you eat?

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She replied, dates and water, the two black things dates, and water. That's all she survived on. That's all they survived.

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In one particular year, which was called the year of famine or the year of hardship.

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Pamela has the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was

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the and the Muslims in general, they were boycotted. And the only food the prophets alive Selim was able to eat at some portion during this time, was the little food that belonged of the Allah who could store under his armpit, under his armpit, because there was a boycott and embargo. When you look at some of the Muslims around the world, and they are faced with embargoes, and boycotts. This is not something new. This has happened before it happened to the best of creations on the law.

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And imagine for days on end, he could not eat or drink, except for that small little bit of food that Villa could store under his armpits and sneak it through.

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So when you go through such tests, brothers and sisters, it is not for us to stomp our feet and punch the air and get frustrated and get upset and get angry and say why me How comes it always happens to me how comes it always happens to me? No, we should take a step back and think to ourselves, this could be a test or a punishment. If it is a test, then I need to be patient.

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I need to be patient because somebody's much greater than me. Somebody's much closer to Allah has gone through a similar test or some tests that are worse than this. Or if it is a punishment, then you have to make Toba to Allah, you repent to Allah subhanaw taala and those same deeds end up turning over and becoming good deeds on your scouse in terms of injury, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for the sake of Allah. He went through many injuries. He was physically harmed. We all know the very famous story of life, where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam walks to bife.

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And when he finally arrives in life, he doesn't leave a single door except that he knocks on this job to do what to ask for a cup of tea know, for only one purpose, to ask these people to come back to the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. There was no personal gain in this. It was purely for the sake of Allah, Allah Allah.

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But he left Not a single door except that he locked on this door

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What was he greeted with? He was greeted by the children of the people of life, not even the youth, not even the adults, but the children.

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To increase in the humiliation, the children of the people of pif, they came after the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and stoned him

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until he was chased out of the city of life. And he said those were sticking to him.

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Why were they sticking to his feet? Because of the blood that was pouring down the blessing body of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He was chased out, for what reason? For the dunya? No, for no other reason except to call people to the worship of one God.

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And even in such a scenario, how did he respond?

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Did he get frustrated? Did he get one revenge? How would we respond in such a situation? In such a scenario?

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How did the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam respond?

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We all know the story.

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When jabril comes to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa salam.

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He says, I have come with the angel, who is in charge of the mountains, and Allah has ordered him the all you have to do is say yes. And this angel will live this mountain and crush the people of life. In this mountain, life is on top of a mountain. Allah subhanaw taala has ordered this angel all you have to do is say yes.

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And that's it. These people will be destroyed because of what they did to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This was not a personal

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revenge, it was for the sake of Allah.

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But yet, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said no debris. Because even though these people did not accept Islam, I asked Allah subhanahu wa Tyler, I pray to Allah, I invoke him, that he guides their children to Islam, Allahu Akbar. And that's why Allah subhanaw taala says, one out of Santa Monica Illa, mahtani Laila me, we have not sent you except as a mercy to the world.

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam was tested in every form and fashion. There's not a single test that you can possibly think of, except that the prophesied sell and went through that hardship, or something of that nature, something similar, if it's to do with children, that he's lost both his adult children, his, you know, adolescent children and his newborns. If it's to do with, you know, soulmate his wife Khadija died,

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he's lost his wife. And very often what do we say that it is easier for a woman to deal with the death of her husband, than it is for a man to deal with the death of his wife?

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Very difficult. And yet, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam went through this test, you think of every single test?

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You think about your honor.

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You think about your honor, and how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went through one of the greatest of tests that anybody could possibly bad.

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And that is that his wife was slandered,

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slandered by such a great line, a concocted lie, that perhaps the heavens want to rip asunder because of this lie.

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When the hypocrite of the live and obey been saloon, accused,

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the wife of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu semi Chateau de la one of one of the most heinous of crimes

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of the Allahu taala. And, and for one full month, a large and low Allah tested him. Allah did not reveal her innocence in the Quran for one full month.

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Can you imagine what Isaiah was going through? What a worker, her father was going through what her mother was going to rub their line.

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Can you imagine what her husband Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam was going through during this period of one full month, where people are spreading these rumors? these lies, slanderous comments.

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Think about the pain, but he had the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam face this what is the lesson what is the lesson for us?

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My dear brothers and sisters, the lesson for us is when you go through a test and a trial, you don't turn around and say Why me? Why me? Because you are born in this world in order to face trials under the helical motor, well hyah Talia Balu and you know Allah, Allah is the one who, who created death and life to test which of you is best in contact. When you go through a calamity, when you go through a test, you don't give up. You don't sell your deen. You don't give up in a lie in the mercy of Allah.

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Because there are four characteristics that you must always remember.

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Let me ask you, who is more merciful, you or Allah? Answer, Allah, who is capable of changing the situation? is Allah capable? Yes or no? Yes.

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Who is more wise you are Allah, Allah, who has more knowledge you are alive.

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So we admit that Allah has more mercy than us. Once the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam,

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and the Sahaba they were looking at some of the moose raccoon, who had been captured the prisoners of war

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after a battle.

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And these prisoners, among them, there was a woman. And she was frantically running up and down, as if she was searching for something.

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But she's looking and searching and searching, and she's getting really upset. She's getting, you know, she's crying.

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Until eventually, she sees a small child

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and picks up this child and hugs the child

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and then start to feed this child cycle this child,

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the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam who was watching. He said to his companions of the Allahu Allahu Germain. So do you think that this woman she'd lost her child and now she found this child?

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Do you think that she would throw her child into a fire?

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They said no or messenger of Allah. She would never do that, if that was under her control. She would never ever throw this child into a fire.

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah subhanho wa Taala hates to throw one of you into this fire, more than this woman would throw her child into that fire, Allahu Akbar.

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Allah is the Most Merciful. Allah would hate to put someone in the hellfire.

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May Allah protect us from that. But yet

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we know that Allah is the most merciful, we know that he has full knowledge of the situation that we're going through. He has full knowledge of the problem that we're facing right now the calamity, the trial, the test, the hardship, Allah knows.

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And he has more mercy for us than we have for ourselves. And he's all wise, has far more wisdom than we have.

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And he's able to change the situation if you wanted to. If we know these four characteristics of Allah, then how is it possible for us to be ungrateful? With regards to the color of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we are involved in Tao, and people speak against us, or when we see on the television, this person is an extremist or he's a terrorist or is this or is that this is not something new.

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Someone far greater. Someone far better went through this test, Mohammed bin Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam. So we should not give up. We should ask why me? We should we should support

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people who are faced by these tests, knowing that they are only following the son of none other than Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam Ella, when you see the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the way he made

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for his people, even though they rejected him, even though what they called him, and what they tried to physically torture him. We know for example, the very famous story where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is in mushka

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And he's praying to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And one of the most rakuen of Makkah.

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He made a day.

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He made a day he said, Listen, which of you has the courage? Look how he says it. Which of you has the courage to go out and get a carcass, a dead animal and throw it on Mohammed Salalah hives.

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So one of them he went out, and he went to the outskirts of Makkah, and he came back and he grabbed this carcass and threw it on the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, and the prophets of licen and fell over. And these people, they, they laughed, so much so they laughed. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lost his children. And some of them when they were born like Ibrahim, some of them when they became older, like Qasim, it was said that he, he was able to write and costume was able to ride a horse before he was before he died.

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And his daughters. In fact, every single one of his children, passed away before the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, except for Fatima de la Juana.

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Another test that the Prophet salicylate went through all of his children apart from one passes away before he dies.

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In Him, is a lesson for us. In Him is a lesson. In fact, on the subject of children,

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only one of his wives Khadija roseola, one have conceived for him, her children, and the other wives did not have children. maimunah had children. She was a concubine, she had one child who died, they brought him

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but his other wives, none of them gave birth. So again, for people who are going out, look, you're trying to have children, but Allah has not decreed it yet. This is a lesson for them. It's a great lesson, it's a test, that somebody before me has had this test. And often we think

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that when somebody is going through a test, sometimes we think they must have done something wrong. They must have done something wrong. Maybe this is a punishment from Allah. It might be in may be a punishment from Allah. But it also could be a test and not a punishment. Because somebody before you much greater, much more noble, with the most, the most pious person to have ever walked on this planet. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went through many of these tests.

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Not only did only one wife conceive, and maimunah as well, and not only did all his children apart from Fatima die, but not only did that happen, but also he did not have a son, who then went on to have children to carry his name Salalah and he was enough. All his progeny are through Fatima have a loved one.

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When you look at poverty, sometimes we go through hardship. Some of us may not have enough money to make ends meet.

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When you look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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I showed the love and how she said that a whole month would go by and not a single fire has been lit up in our house in our homes.

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And so she was asked, Oh, I should What did you survive on? What did you eat?

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She replied, dates and water, the two black things dates, and water. That's all she survived on. That's all they survived.

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In one particular year, which was called the year of famine of the year of hardship.

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Armand has the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was

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the and the Muslims in general they were boycotted. And the only food the prophets alive Selim was able to eat at some portion during this time, was the little food that belonged of the Alo and who could store under his armpit, under his armpit, because there was a boycott an embargo. When you look at some of the Muslims around the world, and they are faced with embargoes, and boycotts. This is not something new. This has happened before it happened to the best of creations on the law.

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And imagine for days on end he could not eat or drink except for that small little bit of food that Villa could store under his armpit and sneak it through.

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So when you go through such tests, brothers and sisters, it is not for us to stomp our feet and punch the air and get frustrated and get upset and get angry and say Why me? How comes it always happens to me how comes it always happens to me? No, we should take a step back and think to ourselves, this could be a test or a punishment. If it is a test, then I need to be patient.

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I need to be patient because somebody's much greater than me. Somebody much closer to Allah has gone through a similar test or some tests that are worse than this. Or if it is a punishment, then you have to make Toba to Allah, you repent to Allah subhanaw taala and those same deeds end up turning over and becoming good deeds on your scouse in terms of injury, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for the sake of Allah, he went through many injuries. He was physically harmed. We all know the very famous story of life, where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam walks to bife.

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And when he finally arrives in life, he doesn't leave a single door except that he knocks on his jobs, to do what to ask for a cup of tea know, for only one purpose, to ask these people to come back to the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. There was no personal gain in this. It was purely for the sake of Allah, Allah Allah.

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But he left Not a single door except that he locked on this door.

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And what was he greeted with? He was greeted by the children of the people have died, not even the youth, not even the adults, but the children

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to increase in the humiliation. The children of the people of five they came after the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and stoned him

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until he was chased out of the city of life, and his sandals was sticking to him.

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Why were they sticking to his feet? Because of the blood that was pouring down the blessed body of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He was chased out for what reason? For the dunya? No, for no other reason except to call people to the worship of one God.

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And even in such a scenario, how did he respond?

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Did he get frustrated? Did he get one revenge? How would we respond in such a situation? In such a scenario?

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How did the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam respond?

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We all know the story.

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When jabril comes to the Messenger of Allah lives and As salam o Allah aka Sula, wailuku, Salam.

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He says, I have come with the angel, who is in charge of the mountains, and Allah has ordered him. The oil you have to do is say yes. And this angel will lift this mountain and crush the people of life in this mountain, life is on top of a mountain. Allah subhanaw taala has ordered this angel all you have to do is say yes.

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And that's it. These people will be destroyed because of what they did to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This was not a personal

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revenge, it was for the sake of Allah.

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But yet, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said no debris. Because even though these people did not accept Islam, I asked Allah subhanahu wa Tyler, I pray to Allah, I invoke him, that he guides their children to Islam, Allahu Akbar. And that's why Allah subhana wa iOS has won out of Southern Africa. illa metalli Laila me, we have not sent you except as a mercy to the world.

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam was tested in every form and fashion. There's not a single test that you can possibly think of, except that the prophets I send them went through that hardship or something of that nature, something similar. If it's to do with children, then he's lost both his adult children, his, you know, adolescent children and his newborns. If it's to do with, you know, soulmate his wife Khadija died,

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he's lost his wife, and very often what do we say that it is easier for a woman to deal with the death of her husband, than it is for a man to deal with the death of

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His wife,

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very difficult. And yet, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam went through this test, you think of every single test?

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You think about your honor.

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You think about your honor, and how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went through one of the greatest of tests that anybody could possibly bad.

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And that is that his wife was slandered,

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slandered by such a great line, a concocted light, that perhaps the heavens want to rip asunder because of this lie.

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When the hypocrite have to live and obey been saloon, accused,

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the wife of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu some eyeshadow they love, one of one of the most heinous of crimes

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are the Allahu taala. And, and for one full month, a large and low Allah tested him. Allah did not reveal her innocence in the Quran for one full month.

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Can you imagine? What I showed was going through what a worker, her father was going through what her mother was going to run their line of imagery. Could you imagine what her husband Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam was going through during this period of one full month, where people are spreading these rumors? these lies, slanderous comments.

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Think about the pain. But he had the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam face this. What is the lesson? What is the lesson for us? My dear brothers and sisters, the lesson for us is when you go through a test and a trial, you don't turn around and say Why me? Why me? Because you are born in this world in order to face trials, and nobody

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will hire Talia Balu and you know Allah, Allah is the one who, who created death and life to test which of you is best in contact. When you go through a calamity. When you go through a test, you don't give up. You don't sell your deen. You don't give up in Allah in the mercy of Allah.

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Because there are four characteristics that you must always remember.

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Let me ask you, who is more merciful, you or Allah onsen? Allah, who is capable of changing the situation? is Allah capable? Yes or no? Yes.

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Who is more wise you are Allah. Allah, who has more knowledge you are Allah.

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So we admit that Allah has more messy than us. Once the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam,

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and the Sahaba they were looking at some of the moose raccoon, who had been captured the prisoners of war

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after a battle.

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And these prisoners, among them, there was a woman. And she was frantically running up and down as if she was searching for something.

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But she's looking and searching and searching, and she's getting really upset. She's getting, you know, she's crying.

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Until eventually, she sees a small child

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and picks up this child and hugs the child

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and then starts to feed this child suckle this child,

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the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam who was watching, he said, to his companions, that of the Allahu Allahu Germain. So do you think that this woman she'd lost her child and now she found this child?

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Do you think that she would throw her child into a fire?

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said no. And listen, you have a lot. She would never do that. If that was under her control. She would never ever throw this child into a fire.

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah subhanho wa Taala hates to throw one of you into this fire, more than this woman would throw her child into that file, Allahu Akbar.

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Allah is the Most Merciful. Allah would hate to put someone in the Hellfire

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mela protects us from that. But yet

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we know that Allah is the Most Merciful. We know that he has full knowledge of the situation that we're going through.

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He has full knowledge of the problem that we're facing right now the calamity, the trial, the test the hardship, Allah knows.

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And he has more mercy for us than we have for ourselves. And he's all wise, has far more wisdom than we have.

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And he's able to change the situation if you wanted to. If we know these four characteristics of Allah, then how is it possible for us to be ungrateful? With regards to the color of Allah subhanho wa Taala?

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How can we possibly be ungrateful, this life is a test, we have to realize that this life we will be tested. And this is not the real life. The real life is the

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is the hereafter. And how you do in this test is depends on where you end up for a confusion, or for a, a party in Paradise, and a party in the hellfire. May Allah protect us from the latter. So when we go through a test, there are two ways of dealing with these tests to get the happiness that we pursue to get that happiness that we pursue.

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There are two ways to deal with this test. Number one, is called summer. Patience. And what is patience? How many times have you spoken to somebody who's going through a difficult time, a difficult situation, and they spend an hour on the phone with you complaining, and this happened, and that happened, this happened? And that happened, you know, and then he did this to me, and she did this and you know why me and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then at the end of the one hour conversation, she says what? But I'm not complaining, I'm being patient.

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A llama? Brother, Sister, that is not patient. Okay? That is not patience. Patience is holding the tongue. patient is having suffered in your heart. Understanding that this comes from Allah. Imagine a person who's been told that let's say they have gangrene or something to protect us from this. And they are told that they have only a theoretical, maybe silly example. But they only have one month to live.

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They'll be upset, yes or no? Yes, I've got one month to live.

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Then imagine after two weeks, only have two weeks left to live.

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The doctor comes and says listen, I found a cure for you. What is that cure? I have to chop off your arm.

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I have to chop off your arm. Let me ask you a question. Will he be happy? Or will he be sad?

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Which one

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who's happy?

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Who's a sad? No. I would say he's gonna be happy and sad. Of course, he's gonna be sad that he's losing his arm. Yes.

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He's gonna feel pain when when you know he's gonna feel the pain right? After the surgery. Doesn't matter what drugs you take, you're gonna feel a bit of pain there. Or maybe a lot of pain, yes or no? Right? But at the same time, he's overwhelmingly happy. Why?

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Because his life has been saved. This is how we deal and look at tests. Of course, you're gonna cry when you go through hardship. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam cried when his son Ibrahim died.

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The prophet SAW Selim cried. He had he shed tears.

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It's natural, to feel upset. It's natural to get upset, it's natural to cry. This does not nullify suburb

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but wailing and going overboard and not understanding that this is what Allah has decreed. And more importantly, not understanding that there is something better for me with Allah in this world and the next one a person

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he understands this is a bar. This is someone holding the tongue.

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Realizing that there is some good in this to come realizing is from Allah.

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And just understanding that there is nothing I can do about this I must turn to Allah make making good out of the situation. But their brothers and sisters, if you want to go to a higher level, if you want to be in a situation

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Whether that hardship brings you not just a little bit of reward, not just a lot of reward, but a huge amount, a magnanimous amount of reward, then there is a higher level than summer. And this level is called

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pleasure with the decree of Allah, being pleased, like that guy with gangrene.

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He is pleased that they have found this cure. And even if it means he's going to lose one hand or one arm,

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he is pleased, because at least his life is safe.

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When we go through tests and trials, may Allah protect us we should never asked for tests.

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When we go through these trials and tests, brothers and sisters, we must think to ourselves, there is definitely something better for us in the era, but not just in the US, in this world as well.

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And if you are pleased with the knowledge, the wisdom, the mercy and the ability of Allah, then you should therefore be pleased with what a larger level Allah has decreed.

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Because if you're upset at something that's gone wrong, then in reality, and you can be a natural form of upset, you can be upset to a degree, but not to a huge amount over just pondering over it, contemplating over it. That's all that occupies your mind. It turns you away from the vicar of Allah. Now,

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you can be upset, but you are overwhelmingly happy, because of what good there is to come. The reward that Allah subhanaw taala has for you.

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I ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us from tests that we cannot bear and ask Allah subhanaw taala to make easy for us. those tests that we do go through in this world and to make us not just of those who are patient, with the decree of Allah, but rather those who are pleased and gain pleasure of Allah. We have pleasure of Allah decree. And we gain a lot of pleasure by going through these tests and being patient with one another hamdulillahi Rabbil aalameen

Pearls of Wisdom – An Islam Channel Production

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