Ramadan Reminders #26

Hussain Yee


Channel: Hussain Yee

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The importance of time management in praying and following Islam's teachings is emphasized, along with the need to be mindful of one's actions and not to give up on others. The importance of learning to adapt and operate with the Holy Spirit, following the user's choice, and personalizing one's zodiac signs is also emphasized. The need for regular reminders and sharing experiences with others is emphasized, along with the importance of not letting anyone into the prophet's we'dna. The speaker provides a recap of his teaching and encourages the audience to practice it, emphasizing the importance of personalizing one's zodiac signs and coordinating with others.

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Asking Allah

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a lot of prayer every night especially in

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the month of Ramadan

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and also the last 10 nights of Ramadan.

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We hope and pray may Allah

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answer our prayer. Amin.

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One of the prayer that was recited in

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the in the kono today,

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not only tonight,

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even the other earlier night,

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the imam

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asked Allah rubulalameen

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on all our behalf.

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Oh Allah, don't make this dunya

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more important

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for our life.

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We have to have dunya because we are

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living in dunya,

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but dunya

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have no value in the side of Allah.

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We value dunya,

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but to Allah there's no value.

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Allah reminds us that in this surah most

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of us have memorized, very short surah.

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Not the shortest one, but also short one.

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Where Imam Shafi'i raha Muhammadu Adi said if

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this surah is been

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revealed without

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it's sufficient as a guidance for the believer.

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The surah is wal Asri,

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inna l'insan

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l'afir al Khusrin.

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Allah is telling all of us

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about the importance of time management.

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The time that you're young before you get

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The time when you are free before you

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get busy.

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The time that you have the means to

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give before you get poor.

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The time that you are alive before

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we are gone.

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Imam also always pray, may Allah forgive the

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sin of all of us Muslim and Muslim.

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The mumin and the mumina,

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those who are still alive and those who

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have returned back to Allah Almighty, the creator.

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Now this surah, just a humble reminder,

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is swearing with time,

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It can be any time,

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Allah is the creator of time.

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you are criticizing

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the creator of time.

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Now Allah is talking to all of us,

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Indeed everyone

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among mankind, every one of us are a

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No human can say that I'm not a

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loser, we are all losers.

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Allah said that.

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How can you say, No, I'm not a

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loser? When Allah said, We are a loser.

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if Allah stopped their colors,

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none of us can be a winner.

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But then Allah continue,

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There is a group of people who are

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not a loser.

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Who are they? The first group, the believer.

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But a believer can still be a loser,

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because the aya do not end.

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What is iman without action?

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Every time when Allah talk about iman, then

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the following aya

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will come.

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Except for those who have iman,

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but you can be a loser if you

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say I'm a believer, I have iman, if

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you don't act

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upon the iman.

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People who believe are ready to act upon

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what they believe.

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waami lusawliyah.

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Now, we are, alhamdulillah, Ramadan,

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all the Muslims are busy worshiping Allah, shukur,

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only some are still busy playing crackers and

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I've been mentioning that I feel so sad

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I never hear any imam in Khutba Jum'ah

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remind the jama'a

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not to play

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just jumma'at alhamdulillah.

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Imam start to mention

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that. Alhamdulillah.

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Not really too late,

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but the vendor outside here,

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the seller majority

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under the ummat of our prophet sallam alaihis

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Their dream that you can do business, their

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dream that is haram to do business. We

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don't even know the difference.

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Their dream that is halal, their dream that

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haram, their food that is halal, their food

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is haram.

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Even books their book there is harang, their

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book is harang.

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We don't even

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notice about that.

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If you have a stationary you

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you just take every book, you want to

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be the agent for every book.

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You have the book talk about shirk,

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about how to be rich, you know,

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how to play number 8 chord,

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and you also sell horoscope, all you are

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selling to.

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This all is bringing to shirk.

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This is haram book,

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but we are not careful about that.

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Even you

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are acting upon

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what Islam wants you to do,

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but you can still be a loser because

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there are 2 kinds of Amal.

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Amal thole

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It's very important for every Muslim to differentiate.

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Is every amalsole?

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Even you are praying, there are a prayer

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that Allah accept, there are prayers that Allah

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will reject.

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They are prayer that bring you to hell

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for waydulil

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They are prayer that will bring you to

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Jannah to Farudah.

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that you do,

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you have one will be accepted,

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the other will be rejected.

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Hajjmar brule,

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hajmar dude.

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There is always

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one that is positive, one is negative.

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So Allah said,

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And those who act righteously.

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Amal sawleyah means the amal must follow the

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way of the messenger of Allah, rublaalameen.

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Not your way, not my way. No.

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How you solve your problem? Call Allah. Call

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Allah as Lord. Not your way, not my

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way. No.

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This is the sign of the

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Amenu, the believer.

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Now this is for you and for me.

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Iman starts from every one of us, and

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amar, you have to do the amar. Not

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somebody do for you, no, you have to

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do it.

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That is for you, brothers and sisters,

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for us as an individual.

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You have to save your own soul before

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you save others.

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That's why Allah said,

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Alhamdulillah, I believe all of us are believers,

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and we are trying our best

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to do amaursaleh,

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but the ayat,

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the surah, do not stop there.

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After you become good, alhamdulillah, you are praying,

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alhamdulillah, you pray jama'ah,

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you follow the salve, you follow the iman,

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shukur hamda.

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If you just think of yourself, you don't

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bother about other people.

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You don't bother about your children, your family.

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It's you, you. I want to be good.

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I want to go to Jannah.

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If our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam just thinks

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of himself,

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he doesn't have to face all the problems.

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He has to he don't have to migrate

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to Medina. He don't have to,

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because the enemy of truth has said to

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the prophet,

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we want to compromise. Let us sit down

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and discuss.

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We are not going to stop you with

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what you want to do

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if you can just compromise with us.

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How to compromise?

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We will start to follow you.

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Whatever you want us to do, we follow

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Next year you follow us.

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Is that a good

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for you and me? What do you think?

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If you were given the offer, you have

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all the freedom to do what you want,

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what you want to say. We all will

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follow you.

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I think to you, okay

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So tujula, m o u.

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you're winning, they follow you first.

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When this offer was given to our prophet,

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he also have nothing to say

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because he is not a man like you

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and me.

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Religion is not a business. No.

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Religion belong to Allah in adina in mumah,

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al Islam. Allah is the owner of this

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He was silent.

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There are times when people ask him, he

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just keep quiet

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because he just cannot say anything about Islam

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when there is no revelation.

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illa wahayun

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That is prophet Muhammad,

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Not like us.

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We have been corrupting

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doing a lot of things that the prophet

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never even taught us to do.

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So when you are okay, brothers and sisters,

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you are guide, that it is not enough.

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You are still a loser if you do

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not wata wazow bile harp.

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If you don't convey the truth

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to others, you keep the truth for yourself,

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me me class,

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you are still a loser.

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Islam is not a religion just for you,

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for everybody.

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That's why the prophet

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commands his ummah,

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from me

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whatever you have learned, one hadith that we

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have learned,

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what is the hadith that we have memorized?

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Have you shared these studies with your

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Next time I see your family, I will

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ask them.

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If they

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have problem, then we know.

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The problem comes from who?

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Whatever you have learned, something that is so

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beautiful will share.

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You learn to adapt, operate to ma'am,

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Share it with your loved ones.

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If you are doing that, you can still

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be a loser

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because the ayat do not stop there. Watawah

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sobis sobri.

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In doing anything good you need to have

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a lot of patience.

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The prophet also has to have patience.

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Noah, my

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150 years calling his people, very patient.

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Never give up.

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When a parent to the children, you never

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give up to your children. Correct? Keep on

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telling them, talking to them.

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Sometimes you get out of control, you scream

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at them, you shout at them,

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but you don't have to do that. Don't

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have to scream and so. They don't need

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the 3 s.

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What is a 3 s?

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What is a tree s?

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I just share with you.

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and the dash as

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Keep on scolding them.

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I like all these short form, 3 s,

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3i. You remember?

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Just talk to them. It's our duty as

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long as you are still alive, you have

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the duty to remind them.

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Allah says, if you keep on reminding them

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with what? With the reminder of Allah. That's

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why the prophet said, adinu nasayha.

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Religion is based on good advice,

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and then the prophet continued

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because they asked,

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for who do I give advice?

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Is they're confused. For who?

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For Allah.

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No, no. You do it for the sake

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of Allah.

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Not enough. Wali kitabih.

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You see how precise

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the guidance

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that the prophet has shown us. You do

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lila your intention for Allah. Not enough. I

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do lila the way that you want to

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advise somebody guided by his book,

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not by your feeling.

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I think, you are not right. I don't

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need your thinking.

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Tell me why I'm not right. Allah say,

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I'm right. Okay.

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Submit in our tongue.

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That should be the way.

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Likita bi

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wali rasul. And also follow the way of

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the prophet. The prophet

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aaliyah very careful. He said, when the prophet

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said it, then he have that wisdom. He

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said, the kulimakal,

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makal, makal, makal.

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Every place there is a word, every word

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there is a place

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for you to use.

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What I was of your heart, what I

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was of your soul. You must have patience.

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Every night do I remember remind all of

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you about this stuff?

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Why must I do that?

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I think if I say 1 night, 2

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3 night, 5 night, 7 night, enough.

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But I keep on reminding

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because on and off

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I've seen that people

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are not responding.

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I don't blame them, they are not used

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to it. When you're out from here,

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nobody bother about yourself.

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Nobody bother. You can stand anywhere to pray.

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And one thing that make me very proud

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very happy when I see the sisters at

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the back praying sunnah prayer,

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If they are in an open area, they

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put a sutra.

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They put a sutra. Why sutra? Why must

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you put a sutra?

00:19:27--> 00:19:29

You know why it's a sutra, brother and

00:19:29--> 00:19:30


00:19:32--> 00:19:34

The person who's sitting in front of you

00:19:34--> 00:19:35

can be a sutra.

00:19:35--> 00:19:37

The chair can be a sutra. The fan

00:19:37--> 00:19:38

can be a sutra.

00:19:39--> 00:19:41

The one that you can see that one

00:19:41--> 00:19:43

on top of the carpet, all these are

00:19:43--> 00:19:45

examples of a sutra. Your back

00:19:46--> 00:19:48

can be a sutra if you stand upright.

00:19:51--> 00:19:53

Why must you have a sutra where most

00:19:53--> 00:19:55

of the people don't bother about? Because the

00:19:55--> 00:19:56

prophet said,

00:19:57--> 00:19:59

Don't pray without a sutra,

00:20:00--> 00:20:03

without facing a sutra. We don't bother about

00:20:03--> 00:20:04


00:20:05--> 00:20:07

I don't blame the public. Nobody

00:20:07--> 00:20:08

reminds them.

00:20:10--> 00:20:14

Even the learned people also don't bother. How

00:20:14--> 00:20:14


00:20:14--> 00:20:16

the alarm? They cannot.

00:20:17--> 00:20:19

But we have to keep on remembering because

00:20:19--> 00:20:21

we want our generation,

00:20:22--> 00:20:25

when they grow up they know everything about

00:20:25--> 00:20:25


00:20:27--> 00:20:29

They don't have to be reminded by us.

00:20:29--> 00:20:31

They would know what to do. It becomes

00:20:32--> 00:20:34

part of their deen, part of their life.

00:20:35--> 00:20:36


00:20:38--> 00:20:39

We are still failing

00:20:42--> 00:20:44

because sometimes you learn and then you don't

00:20:44--> 00:20:45

share. You have failed.

00:20:47--> 00:20:49

The knowledge is not just for you.

00:20:51--> 00:20:52


00:20:53--> 00:20:53

we know

00:20:55--> 00:20:56

is Friday have gone.

00:20:59--> 00:21:00

I just want to

00:21:01--> 00:21:03

share with all our good brother and sister

00:21:04--> 00:21:04


00:21:19--> 00:21:22

It's about the adab of salawat.

00:21:25--> 00:21:28

Why I'm saying this also tonight?

00:21:28--> 00:21:29


00:21:30--> 00:21:32

remember the hadith I shared with you about

00:21:32--> 00:21:32


00:21:33--> 00:21:34

about parents earlier?

00:21:36--> 00:21:37

The same hadith

00:21:39--> 00:21:41

Gabriel was making du'a.

00:21:42--> 00:21:45

Oh Allah, if any of these ummah of

00:21:45--> 00:21:47

Prophet Muhammad son of ahsan do not perform

00:21:47--> 00:21:50

salawat upon the prophet when his name is

00:21:50--> 00:21:51

been mentioned,

00:21:51--> 00:21:54

don't allow them to enter paradise.

00:21:55--> 00:21:57

And our prophet said, amen.

00:22:00--> 00:22:01

It's a very,

00:22:01--> 00:22:02

yeah, important

00:22:04--> 00:22:04


00:22:07--> 00:22:08

Don't underestimate

00:22:09--> 00:22:09


00:22:12--> 00:22:16

How many type of salawat did our prophet

00:22:16--> 00:22:19

taught all of us that you are exposed

00:22:19--> 00:22:20

to, brother and sisters?

00:22:21--> 00:22:21

How many?

00:22:23--> 00:22:27

How many salawat that the prophet himself taught

00:22:27--> 00:22:28

his ummah?

00:22:31--> 00:22:35

When Allah command the believer to perform salawat

00:22:35--> 00:22:37

in the prophet, they ask the prophet,

00:22:39--> 00:22:41

How do we do it? We don't want

00:22:41--> 00:22:42

to create our own salawat.

00:22:45--> 00:22:48

I share with you three things only,

00:22:49--> 00:22:51

the rest you have to do some homework.

00:22:52--> 00:22:53

I like you to do some homework.

00:22:54--> 00:22:56

You can kyamulai by doing homework.

00:22:58--> 00:23:00

Your prayer ends so you just, if you

00:23:00--> 00:23:01

cannot sleep,

00:23:02--> 00:23:03

do some homework.

00:23:07--> 00:23:10

There are only 7 type of salawat the

00:23:10--> 00:23:13

prophet taught you based on authentic

00:23:13--> 00:23:13


00:23:15--> 00:23:18

You can check Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, or

00:23:18--> 00:23:18

the Sahih.

00:23:19--> 00:23:21

Gotubu Sita you can open if you have

00:23:21--> 00:23:24

the time, and if you have that book.

00:23:27--> 00:23:28

Gotubo Siddha,

00:23:31--> 00:23:32

the collection of

00:23:32--> 00:23:34

6 into 1

00:23:35--> 00:23:36

is around this tick.

00:23:37--> 00:23:39

That is this

00:23:39--> 00:23:40

the summary

00:23:41--> 00:23:43

because in Bukhari you have 9 or 10

00:23:43--> 00:23:44


00:23:45--> 00:23:46

Just example.

00:23:47--> 00:23:49

Now I just want to share with you,

00:23:49--> 00:23:50

do some homework,

00:23:51--> 00:23:52

so you can

00:23:53--> 00:23:55

share with me other days.

00:23:57--> 00:23:57


00:23:58--> 00:23:58


00:24:01--> 00:24:02

When there is

00:24:02--> 00:24:03

a saydina

00:24:04--> 00:24:06

there, you know it's not from Prophet Muhammad.

00:24:09--> 00:24:10

Ani Salawat,

00:24:11--> 00:24:13

when there's an addition, Mawlana

00:24:14--> 00:24:15

is not from the prophet.

00:24:17--> 00:24:17


00:24:18--> 00:24:20

there's an addition of habibina

00:24:21--> 00:24:22

is not from the prophet.

00:24:24--> 00:24:25

It's from who?

00:24:26--> 00:24:27

From you and me.

00:24:29--> 00:24:31

Because we love our prophet so much,

00:24:32--> 00:24:34

so we add more loving

00:24:35--> 00:24:35


00:24:38--> 00:24:40

But if you love him,

00:24:40--> 00:24:43

He said follow His way.

00:24:44--> 00:24:47

None of you can be a true believer

00:24:47--> 00:24:48

until you love

00:24:49--> 00:24:51

the prophet more than anyone,

00:24:51--> 00:24:54

until you control your desire to follow what

00:24:55--> 00:24:56

I want you to do.

00:24:58--> 00:24:59


00:25:00--> 00:25:00


00:25:01--> 00:25:02

Until hisher

00:25:03--> 00:25:04


00:25:05--> 00:25:08

follows what the prophet wants us to do.

00:25:11--> 00:25:13

You have the clue now.

00:25:14--> 00:25:16

What is the thing that if you find

00:25:16--> 00:25:19

that as in the slaw that is what?

00:25:20--> 00:25:20

Say din.

00:25:21--> 00:25:21


00:25:23--> 00:25:23


00:25:24--> 00:25:24


00:25:25--> 00:25:26

inna. There are more, but I just give

00:25:26--> 00:25:27

you 3.

00:25:29--> 00:25:31

If you find that kind of slavat,

00:25:32--> 00:25:35

they give you slavat fati, slavat apati,

00:25:36--> 00:25:37

our own thing. Yeah.

00:25:38--> 00:25:41

People can come with so many different types

00:25:41--> 00:25:44

of one there is this thing added, you

00:25:44--> 00:25:47

know it is not from Prophet Muhammad,

00:25:47--> 00:25:48

son of a sudden.

00:25:49--> 00:25:52

When it's not from Prophet Muhammad, it's from

00:25:52--> 00:25:52


00:25:55--> 00:25:57

Yeah, you and me.

00:26:00--> 00:26:03

Everybody have good intention. Good intention do not

00:26:03--> 00:26:04

allow you

00:26:04--> 00:26:05

to change

00:26:06--> 00:26:09

the Ibadah that speaks by Allah

00:26:09--> 00:26:11

and shown by a prophet Muhammad

00:26:12--> 00:26:14

That's why Allah said,

00:26:18--> 00:26:19

I perfected

00:26:19--> 00:26:22

the religion for you and now

00:26:23--> 00:26:24

Don't play God.

00:26:26--> 00:26:27

The lawmaker

00:26:28--> 00:26:28

is Allah.

00:26:29--> 00:26:31

We just be a good follower,

00:26:31--> 00:26:32


00:26:34--> 00:26:35

But shaitan

00:26:35--> 00:26:37

worked in a very strange way.

00:26:41--> 00:26:42

But inshallah,

00:26:42--> 00:26:45

I believe all of us who have been

00:26:45--> 00:26:47

learning about the Quran and sunnah,

00:26:48--> 00:26:49

we are going to improve.

00:26:50--> 00:26:51

Our aqida

00:26:52--> 00:26:54

is going to improve, our ibada

00:26:55--> 00:26:56

is going to be improved,

00:26:56--> 00:26:58

the way we is lahwat

00:26:58--> 00:26:59

is going to improve.

00:27:03--> 00:27:05

How many lahwat I said that the prophet

00:27:05--> 00:27:05

taught us?

00:27:07--> 00:27:09

Good. How many types that you have memorized?

00:27:13--> 00:27:15

Never mind. Don't worry.

00:27:16--> 00:27:19

If you have memorized one, correct one,

00:27:19--> 00:27:20

that's so good.

00:27:21--> 00:27:22

Allahumma sali Allahumma

00:27:40--> 00:27:41


00:27:42--> 00:27:44

Even 1, but you do it correctly the

00:27:44--> 00:27:46

way the prophet taught you, shukr.

00:27:48--> 00:27:51

How many du'a iftita the prophet taught us?

00:27:53--> 00:27:55

How many du'a iftita

00:27:55--> 00:27:57

that the prophet taught us?

00:27:59--> 00:28:00


00:28:05--> 00:28:08

Don't worry, you memorize one correct one, hamdulillah.

00:28:09--> 00:28:11

Here I always want you to go for

00:28:11--> 00:28:12


00:28:13--> 00:28:15

If that also a problem, I also don't

00:28:15--> 00:28:16

know what to do.

00:28:18--> 00:28:20

And most of us have memorized,

00:28:21--> 00:28:22

Allahu Akbaru kabirah.

00:28:31--> 00:28:34

Have all of us memorized this? Alhamdulillah, that's

00:28:34--> 00:28:35

what the prophet thought.

00:28:36--> 00:28:37

Don't act.

00:28:38--> 00:28:40

Stop there. Just stop there.

00:28:40--> 00:28:42

That is from Prophet Muhammad.

00:28:44--> 00:28:45

One you plus

00:28:46--> 00:28:47

is not from him anymore.

00:28:49--> 00:28:51

You want the long one or too short?

00:28:53--> 00:28:53


00:28:53--> 00:28:55

You want long wajjadu.

00:28:57--> 00:28:59

That is what Imam Shafi'i chose,

00:29:00--> 00:29:03

but he did not stop wa ana Awalu

00:29:03--> 00:29:06

Muslimi. Still a long way to go.

00:29:06--> 00:29:07


00:29:07--> 00:29:09

Who call you to cut short?

00:29:20--> 00:29:22

I'm just sharing today. I just love to

00:29:22--> 00:29:23


00:29:24--> 00:29:26

Whatever Allah

00:29:27--> 00:29:29

gives me the knowledge that I have,

00:29:31--> 00:29:31


00:29:32--> 00:29:33

I've learned from scholars

00:29:33--> 00:29:36

with all the reference, that's what I like

00:29:36--> 00:29:36

to share.

00:29:37--> 00:29:38


00:29:38--> 00:29:39

I also

00:29:40--> 00:29:42

want everybody to make it easy,

00:29:43--> 00:29:44

just do

00:29:44--> 00:29:45


00:29:46--> 00:29:47

proper one,

00:29:47--> 00:29:49

shortest one. Allahu waqbaruka.

00:29:51--> 00:29:52

If you want the other

00:30:00--> 00:30:01

Is that the one?

00:30:01--> 00:30:03

Or you can say,

00:30:12--> 00:30:14

You have also a few, but

00:30:14--> 00:30:16

I love Allahu Akbaru

00:30:19--> 00:30:19

Well alhamdulillahi

00:30:21--> 00:30:21


00:30:22--> 00:30:23


00:30:26--> 00:30:26


00:30:27--> 00:30:28

so short.

00:30:29--> 00:30:31

Our life also is short, time is short,

00:30:32--> 00:30:33

as long you remember

00:30:34--> 00:30:35

the short but correct one.

00:30:36--> 00:30:38

No plus, no minus.

00:30:40--> 00:30:42

That's how we we start first, brother and

00:30:42--> 00:30:43


00:30:43--> 00:30:45

Focus on something that is simple.

00:30:46--> 00:30:48

If you are able to add in the

00:30:48--> 00:30:50

future, you can add more.

00:30:51--> 00:30:53

Like du'a in rokkoh and sujudas

00:30:54--> 00:30:54


00:30:55--> 00:30:56

You have a choice.

00:30:57--> 00:30:59

The one that we have memorized is what

00:30:59--> 00:31:01

when you make a rokko, what do you

00:31:01--> 00:31:01


00:31:04--> 00:31:04


00:31:07--> 00:31:08


00:31:09--> 00:31:10

The prophet taught

00:31:11--> 00:31:12

us, Subhanarabi'al

00:31:13--> 00:31:14

'azim wa bihamdi. Okay.

00:31:15--> 00:31:17

The prophet also recited.

00:31:21--> 00:31:21


00:31:29--> 00:31:31

Okay. Which one is more okay?

00:31:36--> 00:31:37

All okay?

00:31:40--> 00:31:42

Never mind, next time I see you personally

00:31:42--> 00:31:42

I ask

00:31:43--> 00:31:44

which one that you choose.

00:31:46--> 00:31:48

And second one, that one.

00:31:48--> 00:31:51

No, I want you to have

00:31:51--> 00:31:54

to be you enrich yourself with all these

00:31:54--> 00:31:55

zikir so that

00:31:55--> 00:31:56

you don't

00:31:57--> 00:32:00

get surprised when somebody recites differently.

00:32:00--> 00:32:03

Oh yeah, this is also the sunnah.

00:32:04--> 00:32:07

Sometimes we learn one sunnah, we forgot the

00:32:07--> 00:32:09

other sunnah, so we contradict

00:32:10--> 00:32:12

each other. We say this is not sunnah

00:32:12--> 00:32:14

because there is both sunnah.

00:32:16--> 00:32:18

When the sunnah all is authentic,

00:32:18--> 00:32:20

that means you are able to choose. You

00:32:20--> 00:32:22

harmonize everything

00:32:22--> 00:32:24

and reach yourself with the sunnah of the

00:32:24--> 00:32:26

Prophet Subhanahu Wa Salaam.

00:32:26--> 00:32:28

Don't forget to make salawat upon the Prophet,

00:32:28--> 00:32:32

sunnombahu alayhi wa salihi wa salaam.

00:32:33--> 00:32:34

Brothers and sisters,

00:32:34--> 00:32:36

see you tomorrow night.

00:32:53--> 00:32:54

Anybody who have the

00:32:55--> 00:32:58

intention to remember our our Portlock, MC

00:32:59--> 00:33:01

potluck. Sister Anish is still around tonight,

00:33:02--> 00:33:05

so you can contact her, check with her.

00:33:06--> 00:33:07

coordinate with each other, insha'Allah.

00:33:06--> 00:33:07

coordinate with each other, insha'Allah.