Abdul Nasir Jangda – 30 Days 30 Questions about Ramadan – EP11

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the issue of holding up someone in the prayer and not following the rules of the Bible. They explain that some people do not allow the prayer, but it is a way of thinking and not something that is commonly taught. The speaker recommends not holding up the prayer and instead focusing on reading the Bible and learning the language. They also encourage people to take advantage of the opportunity to read the Bible and not just read along.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu this Abu Nasir Jenga coming back to you, with the column hang out 30 days, 30 questions, trying to answer your questions for the month of Ramadan. The question that we got, actually we had multiple people post this question. And that was, can I hold a Muslim? Can I hold up her on up and follow along with the Imam in the Torah with prayer or not? So I'm going to answer this question in two parts. First and foremost is the question, can you or not. So the issue in regards to that is there are some classical schools of thought within fick, within some of the rulings of fick tying of the hands and keeping the hands tied consistently throughout

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the prayer is a requirement of the prayer and breaking away from that posture for an extended period of time unnecessarily. See the keys unnecessarily. For instance, somebody has some physical disability, some physical ailment, or something else of that, of that nature. That's a different issue, but unnecessarily without an actual physical requirement. Breaking Away from that posture and keeping the hands away from that is something that invalidates the prayer, according to some schools of thought, in some rulings, there are some other rulings that are a little bit more lenient in regards to that. So the answer is, it's a difference of opinion. Some, some allow for it, but I will

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comment on that in the second part of the answer, but some do not allow for it. So right then and there, that should be a red flag for a lot of folks, that that's something that is disputed. And it's always best to stay away from something that is of difference of opinion, stay out of the gray area, stay out of the dispute and avoid those things. Why? Because we're talking about prayer, we're talking about Salah, we're not talking about something that's you know, very, we're not talking about something small, we're talking about something very significant here. The second part of the answer that I'd like to provide here today is should you hold up the mishap and follow along with

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the Imam or not? So my answer in regards to that. So some schools of thought I told you do not even allow for that. Some would say that it would not invalidate the prayer. But then there's a question should you or not my honest opinion, or an answer on that issue is I strongly recommend that you do not hold up the Koran and follow along with the Imam in the Torah with prayers.

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Because Salah is meant for reflection Salah into lots of Torah we is not a huge like community read along. But rather, the prayer is meant for reflection, for deep thought for reflecting on our relationship with the law on what is being read what is being recited. And so reflection is the purpose and the second you pick up almost half and you start reading along. Now like I just said before, now you're reading it's a read along you are no longer reflecting you are now reading and especially at the pace that's all we moved and hopefully it doesn't move too fast. Because we know right, my hotel buddies out there, don't read too fast because that's how the Quran was meant to be

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read and recited. What octillion Khurana tequila,

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but even then, even if Mashallah the half of the mom is reading it properly, it's still moving at a steady pace. And so now at this point, you're pretty much just reading along. And so I definitely do not recommend it because the prayer Salah is for reflection, not for reading along with the Imam. But that brings us to the final part of the issue. Well, the motivation that a lot of people have the reason why people want to open them up and follow along is because they're saying that I have trouble reflecting and staying focused and concentrating within the prayer because I don't know what he's reading. I don't know what he's reciting.

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My answer to that is not an easy answer. But nevertheless, it is something that we have to deal with. And that is, we just have to learn to put in more time we have to stop looking for shortcuts. It's very easy as a shortcut for us to not invest any time into memorizing the Quran, reading any translation, trying to learn the Arabic language, trying to understand the Quran. We want to avoid all of that, but we want to shortcut now that Madonna has come along in tarawih prayers there, and I'm standing there for an hour and a half every night. I'll just pick up the most often follow along.

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I realize it's not a quick fix. It's not a short term solution, but nothing good. Nothing worthwhile is ever instant or immediate. But sometimes you have to invest yourself a little bit. My very, very sincere strong recommendation to all my brothers and sisters would be invest a little bit of time and energy and effort into reading the Koran so whatever is going to be read by the Imam that day. You don't feel free to

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Go and ask the mom inquire of the Mom, what will you be reading tomorrow night, and then invest a little bit of time earlier that day to maybe read some translation from there. Pick up on some key vocabulary. So as you're reading through and you're reading some translation, pick up on some key vocabulary. There's a lot of vocabulary we already know. When you hear the name of a law. Think about the greatness of a low when you hear the word Jenna being mentioned paradise, think about the blessings of Paradise and how we can get to paradise when you hear the word janome. And now that's referring to the fire of *, then ask a las panatela to protect all of us from the fire of *.

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You hear the word guidance, he Daya then now we're asking a lot for guidance and hedaya we hear the word Toba which means repentance. So take that opportunity to repent to Allah subhanaw taala the word Salah, the words zecca, etc, etc. On and on and on and on. You hear names of prophets, Ibrahim and Moosa and Adam alayhis salam now reflect on the stories of those profits. So that is a much much healthier and spiritually beneficial way to approach that. Are we prayers, instead of just picking up the most often reading along, I hope that this is a benefit to everyone. shala that's the following hangout for today. Remember to submit your questions if you've got a question for Ramadan

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and you'd like it answered. Submit your questions with the hashtag Calum Hangout. By now you should know the routine. You can tweet it, you can Facebook it, you can email it and shuttle and leave it in the comments of the video. And I'll see you all next time. Just come along with some really cool

Can I Hold the Quran During Taraweh?

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