Hasan Ali – Sunnah Way To Hug A Muslim

Hasan Ali
AI: Summary © The speaker describes a situation where some people get angry at you for giving them three, causing them to hugs. They use a narrow passageway for people to go and have a day of work meant to be long. The speaker warns that people need to wait for all the people to come in and see the event.
AI: Transcript ©
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Prophet sallallahu sallam, he hugged someone once, once, and he used to hug people who he hadn't seen for a long time. So the Sahaba, who he saw every day for them was just a salon, or just a handshake. And that was it. And if you did hug someone, it was one hug some brothers, they want Okay, some brothers you know, we like the 1313 if the longer three the god issue with you first is not is not even something I don't know if a brother wants to give me three I just give him three please, proper priests. Please don't cause you know, because some brothers get angry with you if you don't give him three they think i think you know, once everybody can sit down.

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So what happened is once you know I was I was in my local Masjid. And we had construction work going on. And we had a narrow passageway for people to go and we, you know, the whole construction works meant the half of the mustard had works going on. So we had a day, we had five jamaats five prayers just to get people in and out. And the narrow passage was such that it was a one way system. We had to wait for all the people to go out and then the people waiting outside could come in. There's not no space for two people to walk in the passageway. So what I did I said to all the brothers two brothers, please a day I know you're loving your a day everybody does it. Everyone gets up like

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everyone in it. It's like a day you have to do three. If you don't do three, then there's no eight. Yeah, and the sooner is that only people you haven't seen for a long time do three do a 100 sorry 100 but there's no there's no sooner for three hugs. Okay, there's also no By the way, I don't want to offend anyone. If somebody believes that knee Gee,

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I want a three right so what happened is that I said to Brother brothers, please just say Salaam to each other and we've got people waiting outside in the rain. Please just just enter salon quick if you need to have one hug and out yet. So this guy came up

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he came up to me he wants to hug him out. Yeah, so I hugged him once and I said brother now he looked at me said

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the Grammy Grammy simply properties by union sample I just gave the talk live please move on to the people waiting outside in the rain here that people need to come in and

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see him and don't have minute.

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What's wrong with these people, man? So anyway, I unfollowed him.

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I followed him till I go outside. And when people come to us and I was outed open as a brother come here as a Kamiya hug me Baba.

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Hug me. So you had me once or twice if you want to stop us and not hug me for 56789 1011 hands.

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Don't think I'm gonna tell you the only one hug around. Love you brother. I love you brother for the sake of Allah, guys, for the sake of Allah. Don't get too close here. So anyway, the whole point is that some people get so annoyed if you don't just give them what they want what they used to, but the sooner the sooner the sooner is one hug and only for that person who you haven't seen for some time. Hey,

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