Hasan Ali – On Whose Earth Are You Walking Arrogantly

Hasan Ali
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses how Islam has caused people to show arrogance and be like their Earth, citing examples such as individuals who sat on a mattress and ate on it, and a person who walks on a lawn and screams at people. They also talk about how people have been advised not to do things like stomping on their feet or peering up on their head. The segment emphasizes the importance of showing appreciation for someone's weight and ability, rather than straight speaking about their weight and ability.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hey I

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and Allah has told us a reality in the Quran he said what he said while atom she fell out of the Mara. He said don't walk on this earth as a as one who is displaying arrogance.

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Don't walk on this earth Allah saying this. So the funny thing is, whose Earth is it?

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Whose Earth is it?

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conference who says,

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Allah says,

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Now imagine somebody comes to your house.

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You say to him, Look come in my house, man. Yeah, man, you stay here and stay here, man. Don't Don't Don't say don't worry about and stay here and stay here. Yeah, you give him your food. You tell him you have to your fridge is his fridge. You tell him he can eat wherever he wants. You tell him your bed or bedroom. You've given him his his bedroom. You make him part of your house. You tell him anytime he needs anything just to call you or call your you know, one of you people in the house. And it's and basically it's his right, so he stays in your house? And do you know what he does?

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By staying in your house? This guy who's your friend came in your house, he's sleeping on your mattress that you provided he's having a shower. And you know, with a bill that you're paying, you're paying the bills for this. And then he's eating in your house. He's walking on your ground, and then he basically walks on your ground in your house. And he says, Man, I could do what I want Hana. I can do what I want here. And he starts to treat your house like his house and he doesn't recognize you. As the as the one who owns his house. Imagine someone did that to you. What would you guys do? Tell me?

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Who do you guys do? The guy is basically running your house like he's like like he's you? All you do?

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kick him out right? If you didn't get him out.

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Now, imagine you're just letting him roam around for a little while whose house it is it's your house. If you want to kick him out. You can kick him out. The point my brother's is my sister's is whose Earth is it? The earth what are we do law Allah has called his his Earth. Allah is looking down on us. And some of us on this earth. I like all eyes on me. You know, I'm living the big life. I'm living the life. And we're trying to get this attention on ourselves and we forget the earth belongs to Allah. How dare I

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eat from Allah's Earth? Walk and Allah's Earth? Drink from Allah's earth, and the rivers and waters and rain water supply? How arrogant am I to do all of that, and to feel that I'm living the life when the place belongs to Allah and Allah has told us no Quran. Don't do that. Don't walk on my ground, arrogant in front of me. And Allah then adds, this is in surah number 17. And number 37. Allah says wala timeshifted out of the MaHA Inaka Lanta, the ARB, Allah said no matter how you know how some people do become arrogant and they stamp the feet and they walk, no stamping the ground up, boom, boom, boom, boom. Similar, you know, so we will swing their arms on they swing their arms bang

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their feet on the ground, like the walk like you know, puffed up, they even Puff the cheeks up. Allah says Allah Quran Allah to side hudec Linas Allah said don't puff your cheeks Allah

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Allah remove the jaws apart to make them the mouth will be bigger

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Yes, sir. Naga is gone. Yeah, the puff the jigsaw,

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chest, chest out. Allah has talked about this in the Quran.

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But they have this arrogance and Allah Sinha, Abidjan, eBay, like he swings his arms while he walks. What is his walking on my ground? Second is that he's stomping the ground. Third is he's got his cheeks puffed up. And he's walking arrogantly. Why? Because he wants the attention of people.

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And Allah azza wa jal, you know, in front of Allah, He does all of this. Allah says to him, and this is the Quran in surah 17 and number 37. Allah says in Atlanta, Africa.

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Allah said, no matter how heartily you walk on my ground, you will not be able to rip the earth beneath your feet. Have you ever seen a man who walks

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On the ground, and as he's walking on the ground, he's actually tearing the ground beneath him as he's walking. Have you ever seen a guy who's doing that? I've seen a guy doing that. He was into that. No. Allah says you won't be able to tear the ground beneath you. While and you think what you're big as in life, you know, you're trying to put your chest out, you're trying to look make yourself big and tall and mighty. Allah says, well, oh, look, I've created other things. Yeah. Allah says, Well, I'm Tablo cul de Bella Coola. You will not be able to be as tall as the mountains that I've created. You want to be tough. You will look at the man who is afraid the tougher the new guy.

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There's a big message in here guys, Allah saying my mountain I created that just sitting there do nothing. Yeah, that mountain is tougher than you. That mountain is taller than you don't think you're going to get as tough as the mountain that I've created. You think you're solid, you think you You think you're tough? We're trying to move a mountain.

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Try move a mountain. You can't move a mountain but you should know that that mountain is nothing to me. It's nothing to me.

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Allah will make imagine this. Allah will make the mountains when he orders is Rafi alayhi salam, and it tells him to blow into the home. When he blows into the horn.

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Allah will make the mountains fly across the sky.

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Through that sound, you can imagine how how loud that sound is going and how catastrophe it's going to be. And Allah is telling me this man, you walk arrogant on my earth. Don't think you're going to be as tall as the mountain that don't think you're gonna rip the Earth. Allah saying in Hola Hola, you hippo Columbia hotel in Lahore. Allah says, I don't like the one who expresses his arrogance through his actions. And I don't like the one who expresses his arrogance to through his tongue and tries to talk proudly of himself. You know why Allah doesn't like it? shall answer I'm gonna answer that and we're gonna figure it can anyone tell me why Allah doesn't like any human being to express

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the arrogance through the body language? Or through the mouth? Can anyone tell me?

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Don't tell me.

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Sorry, precision does anyone else? Anyone else? Okay, anyone else?

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Anyone else?

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Thank you, who gave you the body? Take his name one.

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Take his name GALARDI. Who gave you the strength? Can't say loudly who gave the strength? Who gave you the beauty? Who gave you the intelligence? Who gave you the money? Who gave the education? Who gave you the ability to be so agile? Who gave you the skills? Who gave you the tongue? So you use a last Allah has given tongue? Allah has given body. Allah has given skills. Allah has given

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trends you use all of that, to show that you're big when it's all Allah so Allah hates Allah, he's like, I gave it to you.

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I didn't have to give it to you.

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And you use by things to show that great you are.

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Allah azza wa jal, like I said to use has said in the Quran that he doesn't like people who through the body language and through the tongue start to become arrogant. Why not? Because these are his gifts that is given to us. We're supposed to use his gifts to show him appreciation. So we're supposed to say instead of saying All Eyes On Me, we're supposed to say to Allah, all eyes on you.

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