Hamza Yusuf – Maliki Fiqh – Part 4

Hamza Yusuf
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the physicality of CDs and the importance of holding a shovel to avoid confusion. They also discuss the use of hustle and the importance of not overdoing it. The speakers emphasize the need for a hustle to achieve personal and professional goals and the importance of washing one's body to avoid discomfort. The importance of proper body language during praying and the use of water only when it is necessary to avoid discomfort is also emphasized. The Healthy Resident emphasizes the importance of water only when it is necessary to avoid discomfort and the use of a prep kit for accidents. The segment also discusses the importance of proper body language during praying and the use of water only when it is necessary to avoid discomfort.
AI: Transcript ©
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Before we do the lesson, let me just go over the things that

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that you shouldn't do, if you if you're not in trouble.

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So you can't do, you can't pray, you can make, but you can't pray.

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if we'll do the section on time, but if you

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if you don't have time or water, then the prayer is, it's not binding on you, according to the molecules.

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So they, I mean, they give the example somebody who's in jail who's like,

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locked up on the wall with chains or something they can't do will do.

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So you can't you can't and you can't do a throw off because the hora is a condition, it's a sharp, Lisa hat off, it's necessary but not sufficient condition. The, the site on the other hand, if you're making site you can do it without will do that auto off, you have to be invisible. And that he covers that in the section on the US courts as

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well, if you Yeah, for the same reasons that you had.

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You can Yeah, for the same reasons that you would do, will do.

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And then also the,

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you should not touch the most half.

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And that includes even a portion of it, or a verse.

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And it includes also the, the de facto a and must have or if the move must have is in something you shouldn't touch it without will lay muscle and motor neuron, the only people in a state of tahara should touch it.

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If the most have has Tafseer in it, it's permissible. So like use of Alli English, English, that has the Arabic it's permissible to detach it.

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It's also permissible if it's being transported. So for instance, if it's in a trunk, even a non Muslim could carry it. In that case,

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you know, there's rules relating to the most half, you shouldn't carry it into any, you know, like a toilet or something unless it's covered. So if, if you had like a jacket that has a zipper, then you could take the most half into a bathroom, or it was in a like a briefcase or a purse if the purse had a zipper or something covered, but it can't be open to the air in the same place that

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Yeah, you should do we'll do you shouldn't touch it, that the most half is

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it has a hormone

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you know sanctity is very high.

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And also it is prohibited for somebody who's

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you know, in a state of how does an Ocelot the lessor or the grater to they should not write the port on or even reverse of it.

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and then that includes also,

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if, you know, like I said, if the if the most have was with some things that were being moved, and it's permissible to move it. So if it was with, you know, if you're moving some things, and it's one of those things, then it's permissible move, but if it's the most half on its own, it's not

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that you shouldn't write a verse of Koran.

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Yeah, you know, the the electronic media is a problem. I mean, I I asked chef Abdullah bin Bey about that.

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You should treat almost half that's on CDs, or something, you should treat it with respect, you know, because on the one hand, you could do a PS that it's like

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somebody who memorizes the Koran. So because it's ready at hand, it's actually not present. So on the CDs, it's digital to lay there. But it's actually not, you know, there's there's no physical evidence of it being there other than that, once it starts playing, but I mean, those are codes

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You know, words are codes as well as it's just, those codes aren't.

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You know, they're not the most half technically of what we have. I mean, it's a problem. You know, it's definitely so it's usually better to err on the side of caution. And just treated. I mean, I had teachers that that treated the CDs, like a must have.

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Yeah, no, exactly. Now we've got mp3, um, and I've got the whole Quran on my iPhone, you know? So

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that's what I mean, but it's not, it's ready at hand. Do you know what I mean? You have to pull it up. So it's, it's encrypted?

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Well, it's like a, you know, a party is somebody who's ready at hand. You know?

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I mean, it's, like, if you ask him for I, he'll give you the I was some,

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you know, to the, so the audit can go into the bathroom. And, you know, he doesn't, he has to do what he has to do as well. So, the, you know, the Quran being in the heart is not like the most have the most have as a physical. You see what I mean? So in that way, there's a physicality but then there's a non physicality because it's, it's, it's really, it's not right there. But it's, it's ready at hand, you can pull it up.

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So in that way, it's similar to like, memorization?

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Um, it's definitely a new thing. I don't know, I don't know, he wasn't.

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You know, he just said, it's better to respect it than not to, you know, then to consider it normal.

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Well, that's what I said. And he liked that analogy, because I, you know, I use that as an analogy that, and he, you know, he thought that was an interesting way to look at it, but it's definitely encrypted in there.

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You know, I mean, it's encrypted. So

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there is a physical reality to it on those things. But one could argue that it's encrypted in the half of that as well, because that memory is, you know, there's, there's a, there's actually there is memory, like, when you memorize something, you're actually creating neural pathways. And the neural pathways are there.

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So, I mean, you can forget things but the actual neural pathways are there just it's like a file that's it's deep down in your filing cabinet. You know, it's not that it's not there. It's just you don't have the access that you used to have or it's lost in those files. It's somewhere I just don't know where it is.

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Well, demonic is a menstruating woman can read the Quran. Yeah, it's not it's not their mo Maliki only Imam from the four that I was his position. And his argument was that hailed cannot, you can't use the analogy of Java because Java is something that people can remove at will, if they have water, and they don't have water, they can remove it with Tamil. So whereas a woman in higher ed, he argued that technically she could be prevented from reading the Quran, half of her life or adult life because her highest could be 15 days. So he said that

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that a menstruating woman she can recite Quran

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Well, I'm in the deaf is it's better to do it on a codici and it's better to use to get you know Hello Jana Philip, Mr. hub, to get out of differences of opinion is a is an encouraged thing. So because there's a prohibition with the other emotions, it's better to use, like a, you know, use of alley that has commentary or or gela lane to use something that has come and now they have nice, you know, they have section Korans with commentary on the side and they're like, they're, you know, psycho must have. So that's what I would do.

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If, if you're, if you're, yeah, if you're maintaining your Koran, then it's permitted.

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For you to read from the must have

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when you're in your menstrual cycle

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yeah, they can recite without will do like children when they're learning the Quran and they can hold it as well not the most have

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like the lower or a portion. Exactly, yeah, they're permitted to do that.

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you know, the the menstruating or a woman's got loci of bleeding can can do that also, if they're learning like if if and that's the important you know the difference if she's maintaining our hebbal or she's learning the Quran Do you know then she can touch it okay

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and then also

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you know as if it has tipsy then there's no prohibition because it's not considered a must have it's considered a Tafseer

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and that includes somebody who's

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you know, in the state of Geneva they can carry a tough suit as well.

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So the

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the section on a whistle

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you know, Allah subhana wa tada says when Quantum uniben takaharu if you're in a state of den Abba, then purify yourself a state of Geneva is

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the hardest cabal

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which comes from

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the ilta you know,

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the meeting of the two circumcised I mean the the Arabs call

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they say the two circumcised but they really mean the male because the Arabs call when when there's two things

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that are together then you haven't had the hormone you know, they use the name

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so you should have like a male with tomato is called an S word n water and dates are called the to us without the two black things was really the dates that are black.

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You know, the Informatica madhhab circumcision of Omen is not some of them I say it's my chroma

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emom cedam is not rock said Moroccan women. They didn't do it in Morocco, and he said it wasn't necessary. So it's it's kind of a health issue, but there is definitely not a quitter ectomy. I mean, that that's, that has nothing to do with Islam.

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That's like, they actually call that phoronix circumcision. So it was a pre Islamic thing that Coptic Christians did and you find it in Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, some of those places where you get what's called a phoronix circumcision, which is not the the macro MA in was something that the Prophet slicin permitted for the Arabs because the Arabs used to do it before Islam and they came and asked him and he said, you can do it, but don't just just make a cut, you know, don't don't. So it's like a, you know, so they'll cut that they made

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on on, on a woman and some say it comes from Sarah, that when,

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when his smile was given when when Ibrahim and acnm was given the the circumstances and she asked for something for the women

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and, and

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you know, Ibrahim was given the

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the the earrings like the the piercing the ears and then the SATA Yeah, but everything it was revealed to him to tell her to pierce the ears and

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so the the whole soul is I'm in a hostel in Arabic lines means washing. So it's used for monks, Salah is the washing machine. A hustle is is to wash the hosel specifically as a technical term is to wash the entire body with the intention of making the the prayer permissible with rubbing so that's the definition the entire body

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Which means all of the skin so down to the in the hair, you go all the way down. And it's it can be wajib it can be sooner or it can be men do so you can take a whole song.

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You know, even if you don't need one

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you need a hustle from job which is to be in a state of ritual impurity as a result of the meeting of these of the the glands, which is the tip of the male organ

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needs to leave your fold. So there's a, there's some level of penetration, even if it's a small amount, but if the glans goes into the labial folds, then the both of the people need to hustle. So it's not simply an * or

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there has to be penetration at some level.

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And then it's

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also for a woman who's in menstruation and menstruation. Technically, even though menstruation is hailed in Arabic is not in fifth. It's not exactly menstruation, because there are certain types of hail that are not considered menstruation by medical science. But they're considered menstruation by like a pregnant woman we're going to have hailed according to in the books of fit, whereas, you know, obviously in, in, in a Western sense, they can't. So hail does generally menstruation but not completely. And there's in Maliki madhhab. When you get into spotting,

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I'm going to do a section on menstruation.

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So, let me go through this now. And then the the NOFA is the blood of local bleeding, which happens after pregnancy if a woman gives birth and she bleeds up to 40 days, she can bleed and that blood prevents prayer. So those are the things that you make the

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the hustle, it's a Sunnah on the day of Juma on the day on the Iran for the Hajj, or for the Amara, and also to wash a dead person.

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And some of them said that it's actually an obligation. So that's the mature of the madhhab is that it's an obligation to wash the dead person. And then it's most the hub for toe off for, say, between Southern Mandala for being at RFM was done. And then watching from the blood of St. Haba. Because even though it's the harder is, you know, blood that three days after your normal cycle, you call that is the harder, which

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in it's a it's like, is it Maria?

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misty halda. Maria.

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I mean, what memory is the blood that just flows? Right? Yeah, it's amenorrhea. So if you have memory, which is women who bleed excessively, even after they've had their menstrual bleeding, and it's usually from there's, there's, there's a, you know, there's there's veins in the, in the actual womb, that bleed, because it can be treated through catheterization, they go out and they treat it so there are women that have this

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this medical problem that now you can treat it but you know, obviously in these days you you couldn't treat them so women that bleed if it's if your normal cycles five days, then when you get to eight days it becomes too haba. So that means that the the blood that flows after that is not considered menstrual blood. So you resume print, you do hustle and resume praying, you can have sexual *. It's normal. So it's a it's it's, it's encouraged, then, when the is the hardest stops to hustle. You don't have to you know, because it's a it's not technically high up, menstruation, and then also

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to go into Mecca and Medina, all of those things, some of the onomah if you're visiting one of the righteous people, you know what they would do hustle just to visit one of the Olia or the solid in

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to go into their gathering.

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And then the

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the obligations of listen Are you have to have an intention at the outset. So again, it's Nia and part of the you know, in the in the dean, so much of our religion is based in the amount of money yet so it's really becoming a present intentionality. If you look, most people in the world, don't really do things with intention. Like if you ask people, why are you doing this? You know, they have loose understanding of why they do things. I mean, people you know, do things for reasons but

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The intention in the deen is so strong, it's such a strong element. Even al Hajj who an abductee who wrote a book called an Mahal.

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From from indication from one of his teachers, it would have been gemorah, he wrote a four volume book.

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And he did it because his chef said that, that he was saddened by the fact that so many people lost opportunities in their lives, because of the absence of intention in their actions. And he said he wished somebody would write a book about rectifying the intentions. And then he looked at

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it but not had Hajj. And immunol had said he realized he was kind of telling him he should write the book. So he wrote that book. And it's an amazing book, because it's, it's basically, he every profession he deals with, and shows how their profession can be a means to actually gaining reward with a law doesn't matter what they're doing. You know, there's, there's a,

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you know, Adam Smith argued that

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the butcher is really selfish. That's why he's, that's why he's, he's become a butcher, to make money. But he said, his selfishness benefits the rest of us, because he's making money off his social service. So even though he's doing it for selfish reasons, it benefits everybody, even though it has its exact opposite. He's saying the butcher has an opportunity to be doing his work as an act of worship for God by making his intention to provide halau meat for the Muslims so that they can get energy so that they can worship Allah subhana wa Tada. So he actually shows how just your job that is an ordinary job can actually become an opportunity to serve Allah subhana wa Tada. And, and

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that's why intention is so central to to our religion. And so, in the hustle, the intention is, you know,

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if an RV said about, about the sexual act, he said that it was, it was on the one hand, he said it was actually

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a spiritual, I mean, he saw it as a very spiritual thing, because he said it was, it was that desire to for unity, like the desire for the opposites to come together the Jamal and the gelar, which are the two ways in which allow reveals himself to the creation, that he saw it as this desire for these two,

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these two theophanies of God in the world to come together and to unite, but he also saw it as this ultimate state of forgetfulness. So that,

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that people go into such forgetfulness that the hustle is a way of bringing them back.

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That because Allah is that how you are. So there was so much pleasure found in in other than God, you know, in the mate, that it was the hustle was a way of restoring that presence. That's what I mean, that's it, you shot it, you know, that's the way he looked at it. So doing the hustle. It's a Sunnah to do it after the *. If you do not do it, you should at least clean from the you know, the NASA and then do we'll do you can do we'll do it's not a we'll do layer firewall headers, it doesn't remove the headers, but it's uh, we'll do that the the angels of mercy

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remove themselves from people that are in a state of Genova. And so it's a way of,

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of, so, you know, you just do a will do before you go to sleep, but you should do something, instead of just having the * and then sleeping, it's better to, you know, to have some type of washing. And then the famous story of Abba Herrera, who once was in a status and habit, and it was from seminar emission and sleep because he wasn't married at the time, but he saw the profit and then he hid it because he was ashamed. And the prophets notice that he like, hid behind

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a wall. So he saw later he said, what would you What were you doing? And he said, Oh, I was in a state of new job, I felt ashamed. And he said, a modern nation at the moment doesn't you know, it's, it's in other words, like your spiritual state is still purity, like a believer doesn't go into a state of impurity is

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it's called a method of Ibn Al Hajj. It's an amazing book, when I've spent

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Like couple years is reading that book all the time. It's one of my favorite books.

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But he just covers everything. I mean, he's he shut, he like Street Sweepers, you know, they intend to keep the streets clean of impurities so that people don't get their clothes soiled by impurities. The bookbinder intends to preserve knowledge and, and he just shows how everything can be made an act of devotion to God. And historically, that's the way like if you go in too fast, in those old

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Titus burckhardt, in his book on says, the sacred city, when he was because he was in 1932. You know, he mentions how people really had that understanding, because he would talk to crafts people he wants was, was talking to a man who was making a comb, one of the horn combs from horn, you know, from the animal horn, and he was making the comb. And he asked him about it. And he said, what he asked him what he thought of the new combs that they make. He said, he didn't like them. And he said, Why, and he said, this, this was taught to us by Idris, the prophet Idris, he was the first one to make a comb, and give it to the people. And he said, and, and I learned this, I learned how

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to make this from my teacher who learned it from his teacher who learned all the way back. And he said, to take that out, you know, to take that, because that's tradition, I mean, traditional extends even to crafts. And he said for, and he said, Now, they just make all these things. And he said, People won't appreciate it.

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He said, people, when they buy my comb, he said, they keep it for their whole lives. And they actually appreciate it. And that's one of the really interesting things also about the profit size that I'm is that he named things, you know, stuff. Like now stuff is all it's all a disposable. And, and when you when you appreciate stuff, you're going to appreciate people. But when you when you have a total lack of appreciation for stuff, the next thing is to have a total lack of appreciation of people because people become utilitarian. You know, like stuff, you use people.

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So this idea of the prophesize him named things like he named his comb, he had a coat, like where so and so.

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And he was personalizing stuff. And even though he had very few things, he honored them, by naming them now we just it's all throw away. Everything's thrown away. And people don't appreciate the world itself that the world has value things in the world stuff has value books have value, you know,

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somebody asked,

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see down below, but algebra, one of the great scholars of West Africa.

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He said,

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you know, how did he get such a big opening? He said, he said, Well, one thing I have never put knowledge on my Cath.

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You know, just like he never put a book at that level.

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You know, just to edit towards knowledge, the adept towards books. I mean, now things are it's all thrown away. You know, people use things and

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you know, in Syria, putting a book on the ground, you get whipped almost by the teacher.

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I mean, I I always marveled like when I was at the university, I would see kids sitting on their books. Do you know

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I mean, if you did that in a madrasa, they would just really I don't know what they would

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you know, the idea of sitting on on knowledge like that, but you know, in West Africa, they're looser about that just because they're floor people so I think it depends on like I'm a floor person, I don't really have furniture in the house. So we're on the floor so for me having a book on the floor is not it's not like a because because I read not in my books or on the floor. But if you're in a culture of you know table people then you shouldn't put books on the floor so I think it goes without because my teachers like in West Africa did not have a problem putting a book on the floor but their floor people obviously the most half I wouldn't do that and that's why you know,

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they have the courtesy traditionally to carry hold the most half that was for floor culture. So you always kept the most half off the floor. Training it goes under or you know, like the it would be the custom of a people what what's proper add that

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With this so, you know, if you're in a culture with all furniture and you have a book on the floor, it's i.

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So the removal of state of greater ritual impurity fulfillment of an obligation. In other words, to fulfill default, or rendering worship, permissible st Baha, these are just different ways that you can, that you bring to mind your intention at the time that you're doing the vessel. And then obviously, more or less the continuity, the for robbing the entire body with water penetrating all of the bodies hair, so getting down into so that the hair actually goes down to the end that would include for a woman if she's got braids, removing the braids so that she can penetrate down to the hair. And then making sure to reach all the hidden places like the blindfolds.

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And between the box, the creases of the knees under the armpits, the folds of the inner thighs, between the buttocks, and inside the navel, if you have an innie as opposed to an Audi. And then washing what is difficult to reach with a towel or something similar. So for heavy people, people can't reach their back, or there's people that don't have that flexibility, they can use a towel. If it's, you know, if it's really difficult, they can actually somebody else can help them do that.

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And then some of the additions that see the holly mentioned

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is is just washing and rubbing between the toes that that's an obligation, which is the sooner vessel are rinsing the mouth, wash the hands at the outset light the sniff water into the nostrils and blowing it out and then wipe the outer canals of both ears.

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So you don't go into the inner canal. But you you take water and you put it there, so that the hole and then you wipe inside and just get the outer canal. So you don't try to go into the air

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and then wash it

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then the men do that or begin by washing off all the impurities. So the new jassa that came from, you know the * and the auto bath and follow like the

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the discharge from the woman, you wash that from the thighs or wherever it is. And then

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and then saying Bismillah washing the head three times commence with the parts of Washington will do with the exception of the feet, you wait for the feet to the last but you do the parts of the will do conserve water, the profit used as a PSA, which is for I'm dead, so the mud is half a liter. Alright, so the Prophet could do a whistle then with two liters of water, which not a lot of water. So again, water conservation is good. I mean, you know, people take showers in our culture for

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to take you know just the enjoyment of taking a shower so, but a lot of water is wasted.

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Begin from the top down, wash the right side first, begin by cleaning the * and avoid touching the * thereafter with the inside or the sides of the palms in the fingers. If one happens to touch the * or if anything occurs that nullifies will do later on in the hustle, then repeat what had already been completed of will do or repeat the entire will do if one touches the * after completing the window and then return to the muscle. So if you break the window during the vessel, then you do the will do or do just what part of the will do that you had done before.

00:33:53 --> 00:33:59

And then Julio says and begin Washington, the head from the forehead, which is the same as in will do as well.

00:34:01 --> 00:34:27

So hosel is is required after so I'm in the province I sent him took a whistle with a pitcher of water in a tub. And he also took also with Ayesha on the line. So you can take also with your spouse, I just said the Prophet never saw my * I never saw his * and that that's a that's not for normal.

00:34:28 --> 00:34:37

You know, it's that's permissible to look at the * of your spouse but the Prophet size that I'm out of the intense and higher.

00:34:39 --> 00:34:45

I should have said that about him a lot he sent him but they did take us all together. So it is permissible to do that.

00:34:46 --> 00:34:51

And they did not have showers. So this was a washing

00:34:52 --> 00:34:59

and which you know, I mean, where I live in most places. When I was in the Muslim world. There weren't showers

00:35:00 --> 00:35:00


00:35:02 --> 00:35:15

but it's similar and then you wash you know you begin by washing your private parts cleaning that area do the the window except for the feet, wash the head, get inside, make sure that the water penetrates down

00:35:16 --> 00:35:48

and then the ears, you know the neck all around and then like the backs so getting your back so that you make sure you rub because Belk you have to have dealt on all parts of your body, and then go down the right side and then the left side and and then that's the hosel and then doing the same you know once you leave if you're in a bathroom and you can do the shadow the Shahada, when you get outside of the bathroom, if you're in an area where the shower is separate from the bathroom,

00:35:49 --> 00:35:51

then you can say do the cut

00:35:53 --> 00:36:03

in that so what was required after menstruation, postpartum bleeding, * in which fluid is *. So that includes a *.

00:36:04 --> 00:36:15

It includes * anything that you have seminal emission, and then the penetration of the glands penis in any private parcel that includes

00:36:16 --> 00:36:18

rectal which is absolutely prohibited

00:36:19 --> 00:36:22

male female male male

00:36:23 --> 00:36:29

animal as well any * anything, but you know people do these things. That's why they mentioned them in the books

00:36:31 --> 00:36:43

and then also entering Islam in the state of one of the previous four. So, when you become Muslim, you take a hosel one of the first things that you do, and then learn about new jassa

00:36:44 --> 00:37:09

bahara. So, which is important, and then the physical state requires muscle Genova prohibits the following. If it is caused because of menstruation or postpartum bleeding, then * is unlawful until hustle is performed. The privatized system set used to go to his wife when she was in menstruation and she would wrap in his arm and he would not go under the Tsar but he would

00:37:11 --> 00:37:15

Dally with her so it's permissible to have

00:37:16 --> 00:37:25

you know, foreplay and intimacy but it is prohibited to have * during that time. what's called Masada is also permissible which is

00:37:27 --> 00:37:28

you know, like a

00:37:30 --> 00:37:41

you know, the thighs of a woman something like that those things are permissible, but actual genital penetration is prohibited during the time that she is in her menstrual cycle.

00:37:42 --> 00:37:43

And then

00:37:45 --> 00:37:59

if it is from the last two points three and four in the previous section, then the recitation of the Quran is unlawful with the exception of a few I reside for protection like is the ad. So if it's from the postpartum bleeding

00:38:01 --> 00:38:07

if it's from * or penetration that glands then you cannot do any

00:38:08 --> 00:38:12

recitation of Quran unless it was like to do is the either

00:38:13 --> 00:38:24

or something seeking refuge in Allah is a courtesy or the three calls all for prohibit one from entering a Masjid so if you're in a state of Geneva, you cannot go into a Masjid

00:38:26 --> 00:39:10

additions from Holly the prayer touching the most heavily Quran circumambulating the Kaaba making the off if someone is forgot if something is forgotten during the whole sold and treated as if you would your will do except what you need not repeat what was already performed. So you just go back to that limb or whatever you forgot. And then see the Hylian mentions on the clarification on the different types of doubt if there's doubt in regard to a discharge, whether it is many or Medi. So if you don't know if you if you wake up and you have discharge and you don't know if it's many or Medi you assume it's many, so you do hustle for that. Also, you don't have to do a hustle for

00:39:10 --> 00:39:14

discharge for * that comes from some kind of

00:39:15 --> 00:39:17

doesn't relate to

00:39:18 --> 00:39:40

to the normal means so I mean, I mentioned the books it felt like riding a horse riding a camel or something like that sometimes that that will cause an * that that that just means they have to wipe clean themselves but it's not doesn't necessitate also, if it's urine or Maddie then consider it Maddie if it's many Maddie or urine, consider it Maddie.

00:39:42 --> 00:39:53

So order of whistle. When performing whistle one should follow this order. Start by saying Bismillah if you're in a pure place, so if you're in the bathroom,

00:39:54 --> 00:39:59

then you should not mention the name of Allah if you have a shot

00:40:00 --> 00:40:10

Or that is separate, like, you know, if there's a door not a curtain, but a door that closes and so the shower is actually in a separate place, then you can

00:40:11 --> 00:40:14

just mention the cup of Allah.

00:40:23 --> 00:40:24

Oh, you don't use the toilet?

00:40:30 --> 00:40:39

You know, it's it's neat. Yeah, I mean, it's a bathroom. I don't know, but you know, the toilets, the toilet, it's kind of a low thing in our culture. So

00:40:41 --> 00:40:45

I mean, obviously, the point is the new jassa that's in the place. So,

00:40:46 --> 00:40:52

you know, if you feel comfortable with it, you know, it's like, it's like turkey bacon.

00:40:56 --> 00:40:58

Do you feel comfortable with it?

00:41:06 --> 00:41:13

Yeah, if there's no niche assets, it's permitted, you know? And then I would maybe put something over it or something. I was just, you know,

00:41:16 --> 00:41:22

because somebody could go in there and use it. I mean, you might not use it, somebody else might use it. What's that?

00:41:25 --> 00:41:26

Yeah, know, exactly.

00:41:27 --> 00:41:31

If you go into a Syrian bathroom, you probably would. Yeah.

00:41:34 --> 00:41:54

I mean, they are the cleanest bathrooms, aren't they? Yeah, I would say if Muslims would only keep their public spaces as clean as the private spaces, you know, it's really interesting, because Muslim, you go to Muslim countries, and like, the outside is so dirty, and then you go into houses, and they're so clean. You know,

00:41:56 --> 00:41:59

I was with somebody in Morocco, and we were in

00:42:04 --> 00:42:06

Zambia, and

00:42:08 --> 00:42:40

these guys are doing thicker, and they were such a mess, you know, and they all had like, half their teeth were falling out and they all had like yellow teeth. And, you know, the and their geladas were a mess and but they were just so full of light. And you know, they were singing these Poseidon things. And when we left my friend said to me is he's at spotlight, you know, you go to like, America and everybody's outwardly clean and the older teeth are all brushed hairs off, he said, but you know, that they're addicted to this

00:42:42 --> 00:43:03

Prozac and or their, you know, like infidelities to their spouse or whatever he just went on about just the inward states of people. How like these people he said, it was kind of the opposite, you know? outwardly they're just a mass but inwardly they're like that Yeah, he's really pure people. And it was it was this really accurate description that's

00:43:10 --> 00:43:28

what's I know you I mean, yeah, that's unnatural. You're not the heart is it's like having the Quran in your heart. You know, you don't you don't guard that and you can make that Nia you know, it's just saying the name because it's uh, it's, you know, you're bringing it out.

00:43:29 --> 00:43:30


00:43:36 --> 00:44:20

So, then wash the right half turn and clean the risk three times the left hand up to him clean the risk three times, wash the * remove any impurities from the body do this with a focused intention to remove the jassa so you always intend to do that. And then removing a state of great original period so you make the NEA fulfilment of obligation return or rendering warship permissible by removing a preventative, rinse them out three times. And again, you know, these are all symbolic in my mind because it goes into detail that you know, it's pure, purifying your mouth from anything that you said that was like backbiting or anything that was done incorrectly your eyes from anything

00:44:20 --> 00:44:47

you saw your nose or anything, you know, foul that you you know there's this is all and then wash the face thrice such that the water penetrates the skin beneath all facial hair that rub the hair hair rub together. Wash the right hand up to an including the elbow thrice making sure to wash and rub between the fingers. Wash the left hand like the right with the fingertips and massage the scalp from the bottom up before washing the head.

00:44:48 --> 00:44:59

Wash the head thrice. Start by pouring water onto the head. So if you have a shower, obviously it's coming down anyway and work the water into the scalp using fingers ensuring all the water is wet it and rub together. Wash

00:45:00 --> 00:45:12

Ryder wants to place water into the right hand, lean your head like that. So you put the water in right hand, lean your head so that the water covers the ear. Right the inside the ear and then you go.

00:45:15 --> 00:45:18

And behind the ear, the ear pin i, this is the pin eye.

00:45:20 --> 00:45:35

And behind the ear, wash the neck once wash under the chin, wash the right arm from the shoulder to the elbow once including the armpit, wash the front and the back of the right side of the body up to the knee once reach all the hidden places of the body between the folds of the right inner side between the buttocks.

00:45:36 --> 00:45:59

Wash the left arm from the shoulder to the elbow so that you do the same thing on the left side. And then watch the right and then finally washing the feet. So you watch the right foot up to and including the ankle wash between the toes, starting from the little toe moving to the left, and then the washing the left foot up to an including ankle. Same way that you did the right foot.

00:46:01 --> 00:46:06

So that's pretty much also I mean it's straightforward. I wouldn't obsess about it you know it's not

00:46:13 --> 00:46:30

with the water. So you get you get the water and then go in and then you just wash over it. Yeah, just making sure that the water penetrates Yeah, so that you get the water in the scalp. Yeah, and then you wash the the water

00:46:31 --> 00:46:41

like you do like you would do you know you wash the water and just do that but before that you actually get in to penetrate down. Uh huh.

00:46:44 --> 00:47:01

You have to Yeah, if you have a beard you have to get in if it's thick. I mean normally in will do you have to do that if you have a light beard. But with also you have to make sure you get down to the to the root so that the water penetrates so that's also and then the TAM

00:47:03 --> 00:47:35

is Earth ablution the the province said your la Li l mushy zu l Jory letter orderly Machida Mata hora, the earth was made as a place of worship for me and a source of purification. And so the Talmud is Earth purification, it's in place of water, and it is simply to do the ritual the lustration before you pray,

00:47:36 --> 00:47:43

so Tammam can be done with anything which is sidle out on the that's on the earth.

00:47:45 --> 00:47:49

And it's it's very, it's not a hard thing to do. It's very simple.

00:47:50 --> 00:47:56

The the Moroccans tend to use rocks, to do it. But

00:47:58 --> 00:47:59

it's basically,

00:48:00 --> 00:48:15

you know, you do it, the reasons for performing it or fear of harm. So if there's death, like, for instance, one of the Sahaba had a cut on his head in a battle. And then he had a

00:48:17 --> 00:48:55

he had a seminal admission that night. And the next day, his his wound had dried. And the next day, he wanted to do townhome and and the people that were with him, said, No, you have to hustle. And he said I'm worried about the wound, and they didn't and he ended up building muscle and he died because the wound started bleeding again. And when they got back to the Prophet, they told him and he said, kata Sahiba, home Carter, Houma, LA, you know, they killed his, their companion, you know, and and wronged him greatly.

00:48:57 --> 00:49:11

And he said, had they only asked, you know, it was something where they shouldn't have given an opinion, because they didn't know but he was actually right. So the problem was very upset about it. And the point of that is that, you know, these things are done, as

00:49:14 --> 00:49:33

you know, to make things easy for people. So, in fact, shante, Hartley said, that he knew the similar was practice in a place when he saw people doing time, like if you go to South Asia, or a lot of Muslim countries, nobody ever does. The only place I've ever seen Tam done is Africa.

00:49:35 --> 00:49:39

That's the only place I've ever seen it that nobody in Pakistan does time.

00:49:40 --> 00:49:43

And that's a sign that they're they're not following the sun.

00:49:45 --> 00:49:59

Because it's done for a reason. The time was given for a reason. So if you fear loss of limb, increase of illness, somebody who has the flu, or somebody who has a bad cold and they're worried about you know, it's cold out

00:50:00 --> 00:50:18

And they're worried about getting pneumonia or getting from during the water. Or in the dawn period when it's really cold. Like, when I was in North Africa, West Africa, during the winter, you know, we were living in tents out, so it was freezing cold. I mean, I always did,

00:50:24 --> 00:50:37

will do, but there were a few times where I needed to do hustle, I did time. Because had I done a hustle in that type of thing I, you know, so I was afraid of getting sick from from that so

00:50:39 --> 00:51:16

and then delaying the healing of an illness and ensuing illness from the use of water, lack of water. So if you don't find water, then it's permissible to do this. So and then after that, it includes and this is important too. If the prayer time is about to go out, and you will lose the time in doing will do so there's water available, but you're gonna lose the prayer time per times over the water. So you actually do Tam. So if the sun's about to go down, and you have to go to the bathroom to do will do and you're going to lose the answer prayer, then you just do time right where you are.

00:51:17 --> 00:51:37

So rules for praying with time when only one obligatory prayer can be performed. So it does remove it removes the habit, but temporarily, it's not like will do which removes it until it's broken. Again, it only removes it temporarily enough time to do your prayer or recite your Koran or what you're going to do.

00:51:38 --> 00:51:58

And then the funeral Sumner and after the prayers can be performed in conjunction with the obligatory prayer, if it is performed immediately after the obligatory prayer, so you don't do it before you do it after. So you can do extra PR after but not before, you'd have to do a separate time on for the obligatory prayer.

00:52:01 --> 00:52:30

It is permissible to perform Taemin for a nephew that independent of the obligatory prayer for both a sick person and a traveler, but not for the healthy resident. So if you're residing in a place and you're healthy, there's no reason to do time when you don't do it. The Healthy resident can perform time from any form of prayer except the Friday congressional prayer unless he knows you will not find water before the end of the prayer. In such case one may perform Tammam for the Friday congressional prayer, congregational prayer. So

00:52:34 --> 00:52:35


00:52:37 --> 00:52:58

when you're traveling, the healthy resident can perform Tam on for any form of prayer, except the Friday congregational prayer, unless he knows he will not find water before the end of the prayer time. So if you'll miss the prayer and he's not going to find water, but otherwise he has to go and do it in such a case one may perform to aim for Juma if you're going to lose the prayer.

00:53:02 --> 00:53:30

know if you're going to lose the Juma the Friday prayer because the mom is going to finish Yeah, say that he's in the second rocket and if you know by going and getting your Waldo you're going to miss his then you can do to him That's why in Morocco they have the big rocks in the in the rested right they always have them there because they've that's a sinner to do that but people don't in Pakistan you'll never see a rock in them.

00:53:33 --> 00:53:35

Oh in hanafy You can't.

00:53:37 --> 00:53:38

Rock is much better.

00:53:44 --> 00:53:45

But what do you mean?

00:53:52 --> 00:53:54

Yeah, this exception

00:53:58 --> 00:54:05

you can put that if you want if it's not clear to you, it's clear to me but it might not be clear to some people. So just add it in there.

00:54:06 --> 00:54:08

The last record of the Imam

00:54:10 --> 00:54:10


00:54:13 --> 00:54:18

I mean the the Juma prayer time is the prayer because you're either gonna get it or you're not I

00:54:20 --> 00:54:24

got it. You can you can put it in there. Come on

00:54:26 --> 00:54:30

It's fine it look if you had a hard time with it somebody else's gonna

00:54:33 --> 00:54:41

I know but not for Juma. The end of the prayer time is when the man finishes the prayer. Yeah, but if it's not clear you can put it there because if you

00:54:42 --> 00:54:49

with the genius Hosseini brain there's other people that are gonna think the same thing. So go ahead.

00:54:54 --> 00:54:59

obligations of Tam are wiping the face. Why do you

00:55:00 --> 00:55:05

Both hands up to and including the wrists intention at the first padding of the earth and that's called butterball.

00:55:07 --> 00:55:10

Which is proof that BB in Arabic means a pat.

00:55:12 --> 00:55:18

Right? Like in the Quran, you know what the ribuan like pat them?

00:55:20 --> 00:55:24

Yeah, it's not like that's not how you do Tam

00:55:28 --> 00:55:29

it's just uh, you know, it's like,

00:55:30 --> 00:55:34

it's just, you know, come on snap out of it girl.

00:55:44 --> 00:56:18

So wiping the phase wiping both hands up to and including the wrist intention at the first padding there is and is one of the following and obligatory Tammam so it's a fault or rendering worship permissible is diva. If one is in need of also, then one must intend rendering warship permissible from the gen Abba. So if it's from a vessel, you're doing Tamil, you have to have that knee in your heart of removing the Jin Abba, if one is in need of will do then rendering worship permissible but will suffice. So the first padding of the Earth is an obligatory one. The second one's the just a, the sun

00:56:19 --> 00:56:37

continuity of action using pure Earth, which includes soil sand, Adobe stone, so like an adobe house that's not glossed over, is permissible. You know, if it's not fired Adobe, it has to be the raw Earth Adobe.

00:56:38 --> 00:57:19

If it's painted, you can't Yeah. And then salt marsh, you know, if you salt marsh, like out where there's salt, the you know, in a marsh area, they have the salt, the white, you know that white that's permitted, but not wood, baked plaster, grass, straw, precious stones, gold or silver. So you can't do it on grass, because it has to reach the earth or be from so then following the table immediately with the prayer. So you shouldn't have a delay between the time and the prayer. And the prayer time having entered it cannot be performed for a given pair until the time that prayer has entered. So it has to be in the prayer time you don't do it before the whole the time woman then

00:57:19 --> 00:57:36

wait till the time comes in. And then Hillel adds removing any barriers between Earth and skin such as ring bracelets and watches. So if you have a ring, you take it off. Whereas in the hosel, you don't have to take it off, you just move it enough to

00:57:38 --> 00:57:41

right and then we'll do you just have to turn it

00:57:45 --> 00:57:52

and then the sun wiping the arm up to an including the elbow. So the thought of this just up to the wrist, some up to the elbow

00:57:53 --> 00:58:10

and then panning the earth a second time for the hands and then following the sequential order, sequential order. It's recommended acts are saying Bismillah at the outset, and then the meritorious quality which is in the footnote, there was one Hamid

00:58:11 --> 00:58:12

we don't have the

00:58:15 --> 00:58:17

in the absence of water

00:58:19 --> 00:58:36

of performing Tammam so in the absence of water performing the time at the end of the prayer time before in hopes to find water before then. So that's called de Raji. So if you're a Raji if you think you're probably going to get water you should wait till the last prayer time.

00:58:38 --> 00:58:51

The middle of the prayer time if one wavers between finding water not if you I mean the oma differentiate between what's called one sheck and Wham. One is is sheck is where doubt where

00:58:53 --> 00:59:23

you're, it's completely equal, whether something's gonna happen or not happen there, it's balanced. So if you're if you're in doubt, you just don't know. So you think maybe I will, maybe I won't. Then you wait till the middle that's what he's saying there. If you're if you're in the state of doubt, if you're in a state of love, you know, the scale is that you'll probably find water you wait till the end time. If you're in the state of wham, which is you don't think you'll find it?

00:59:24 --> 00:59:27

Then you do it at the beginning of the paratime

00:59:31 --> 00:59:36

they say you know this Yeah, that's a good point. They say you know, walking like a mile

00:59:40 --> 00:59:41

you know, it's reasonable.

00:59:47 --> 00:59:48

Then facing tabla

00:59:50 --> 00:59:59

and brushing one's teeth. So the celiac also, I mean, that's clearly added, so you face Qibla and then also additions from Julio, the following or discourage acts of terror.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:15

excessiveness like hitting the earth hard, you know, or like rubbing the soil in there. This it's it's meant it's a ritual, there's, you know, you have to really see it as a ritual it's in, in place of will do to create a kind of,

01:00:17 --> 01:00:17

you know,

01:00:18 --> 01:00:56

just a psychological state that prepares you for getting into the prayer. So there shouldn't be any Hulu and then repetition you shouldn't do it like three times like you do, we'll do it well, we'll do three times must be good. So let's do it three times. And then speaking during time other than resemblance, and then it's nullified by that which nullifies will do the availability of purifying water before one prays, and there's enough time to perform the water ritual, or catch the prime time. If water is found after performing the prayer, but before its time elapses, in this case, it is recommended for one to perform will do and repeat that prayer in the time of one state when

01:00:56 --> 01:01:39

performing tamlyn was one of the following, fearful of a bandit, so if you're afraid of being robbed, or something like that, hopefully finding water but nevertheless proceeds to pray during the beginning of the time, even though one is expected to wait until the end of the time, or a chronically ill person who lacked an assistant to fetch water. So if water is found, after performing the prayer before, before the time elapses, it is recommended for one to perform will do and repeat the prayer in in the time if one state when performing time was one of the following. So those are the reasons that it would be, you should repeat the prayer. And then if a significant time

01:01:39 --> 01:01:57

elapses after the performance of time home with no devotional action that requires ritual purification having been performed, a significant amount of time is the length of time it takes to the limbs of will do to dry if they were wet in the moderate weather, the order its order is saying Bismillah.

01:01:59 --> 01:02:41

From an intention in the heart, while panning the pure Earth using one of the following obligatory time mom, rendering worship permissible, and then rendering worship from greater ritual impurity genette. But if it was padding the pure earth with the hands wiping the face once starting with the hairline down to the bottom, the chin, panning to pure Earth a second time wiping the arm. So I'll do I'll just show you, if this was Earth, you face the Qibla. And then you just make a tap and then you. So you take off the ring, you make a tap, and then you do that to get the dust off. All right. So you tap, like that. And then you start up here.

01:02:44 --> 01:02:57

And then come like that. All right. So that's, that's the face and then one time, and then tap, and then go down like that to the elbow, and then up like that. And then in between the

01:02:58 --> 01:03:01

and then down, like that. Don't like that.

01:03:05 --> 01:03:06

And then like that.

01:03:09 --> 01:03:11

So that's time if you do it with a rock.

01:03:13 --> 01:03:15

What's that? Oh, yeah.

01:03:17 --> 01:03:27

Then Then you just cover the hand with the rock, that's kind of a small rock. But you could do it with that. So you just cover the hand with the rock like that. You don't do a tap

01:03:29 --> 01:03:33

and then same thing, okay. And then the second time.

01:03:37 --> 01:03:49

So and then the privatized system. He said that, you know, the earth was made a source of purification from my own mind. So it's just this is Earth purification as opposed to water.

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