Hamza Yusuf – Maliki Fiqh – Part 5

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The sunrise period is highlighted, including civil and political prayer, shadow's shape, and the importance of praying in a timely manner to avoid confusion and problems. The process of dying in a hurry is discussed, including counting up to the destination, counting down from the sky, and using the zodiac to determine the time. length of time chef takes to eat depends on method used, and the length of time it takes to eat in the winter is shorter than the summer. The importance of finding a meal to eat before a meal, institutions to support people, and hard work in achieving success in the field are emphasized. The speakers express their desire to see their religion at levels similar to Harvard, University, and Princeton.
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The programs are divided into two types, what's called matar and the other is called
the matar per time is a convenience time. It's the time that you're given.
To decide for yourself when to pray. Obviously the best time to pray during the talk is the early period with the exception of the heart. Malik delays the heart because and the reason that you did that is that the the Hawaiians were obsessed with,
like praying exactly when the wild came. So he didn't like that zealotry. And, and his method delays it. That's one of the reasons the other is that if you pray in America country, that's following Malik Yusef, because a lot of these countries don't anymore. So for instance, Morocco does not pray, according to the Montacute or time anymore, to go to Morocco, they pray. So one of the mind shifts and says told me
correctional men have fallen at Greenwich, you know, we left the midheaven. Now we follow Greenwich.
But he
the whole
time is to one there are from the from the fate, we talked about the fate does everybody remember what the fate is?
The Fate is the extra, it's what's ever left over from from the zoa the sun, okay, the sun is rising in the east, East is over here, West is over here. So the sun's rising. When it rises, you're here, it'll it'll cast a shadow to the east. Now as it's moving up in the sky, the shadow is getting smaller, until it reaches the point where where if you're in, because here's the South down here. And here's the North up here, we're in northern the climate, right? Because in the equatorial countries like Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, you get periods where the sun gets directly overhead, but if you're, if you're further than 26 degrees, then it's, it's not you're always gonna have some
because Sun's just not overhead. If you're in a really northern climate, you're going to get a lot of shadow. So as the sun's coming up the shadows getting smaller and smaller at the point that the sun is literally right over your head. I mean, it might be to the south. Or if you're in Australia, it'll be to the north, but but it's 90 degrees in terms of the dome of the earth. All right, you have you have a dome and 180 degrees is the plane that we're on because the circle is 360 degrees so when it hits the 90 degree that point is called St whap that's what the list is
and and and the Arabs describe it as a stone with a Shem Sufi cabinet this summer the sun is sitting in the liver of the sky the middle of the sky cabinet you know it's the middle like the livers in the middle of the body cabinet this summer so the sun appears to sit there the Arabs actually thought that it stopped because the shadow stops but now we know it's it doesn't any I mean the ultimate new eye because even centuries ago said it only appears to stop so it's not like that. I didn't know that all right, but the the error of the simple Arabs thought that it stopped so they call that st was sitting because it looked like the sun just sat there and and during that point.
So you were here okay.
so when the sun rises here,
it moves up
till it reaches 90 degrees.
This is zero degrees. This is 180.
And then obviously it during the nighttime it's it's it's
Down here. So at like I said, Your shadow from here because of the angle, right, your shadow is going to be cast. But as the sun's moving up, the shadow is getting shorter and shorter and shorter. And then when it when the shadow hits here at 90 degrees, that extra leftover is called faith.
All right, it's called faith. That's the leftover shadow, that is what you will, once in Malik Smith have, you're supposed to see a discernible increase. So there's your fate, that little shadow that right now it's two and a half feet, because we measured it. And it's going to stay two and a half feet for for you know, two weeks or something. Once you start seeing a discernible move, it'll now you're moving back towards towards the east, first you removed the shadow is moving to the left, then it moves towards the east. So it begins to move this way.
by the time the shadow gets to the FE, and then your height, the seven feet.
For an average person, that's also according to Malik,
Abu hanifa goes from there to twice, right twice your height, so it'd be up to 14 1516 and a half feet would be awesome. For Abu hanifa, according to one of the opinions, I mean, there's two opinions in this method. So
So now, to show you the
this is the book, by the way, on the market.
Unfortunately, it was supposed to be out. I was hoping to actually have it for this thing, but
there's no faith twice a year, because the sun's moving. So there will be a period of time where there is no fate it disappears like in Mecca twice. Because the sun if you watch the east,
right the sun
These are called the methodic. In the
right, it's going like this
and then back. And it takes the son a year to do that. So there's a period in the equatorial countries for for a couple of months where it's it's, you know, twice a year, it'll be, you know, as it's moving back, right? Because it moves back, right twice a year. So it'll return to these places. And during that time, the fade disappears.
All right, I mean, around the time of the September and, and
June or the June and December are the longest points. Right, because that's the point where it reaches the furthest. June is the furthest north. December 21 is the further south.
I mean, at and then the at this, the equinox, which is where it's equal. Those are the points during where if you're in an equatorial country, those are the points where the fate will disappear
when it's right overhead, depending on where you are, obviously.
So this
and now what's interesting about the moon, for people that are interested in the moon does in a month what the sun does in a year.
So most people don't even notice this stuff anymore. But it used to be very important to pre modern people. So if you watch the moon, the moon is actually moving all in one month, it'll do that what the sun does in a year. So the moon has risings and settings as well and they fluctuate also. Alright.
if you look now,
I did. This was done. I had it done two ways. One is a linear
and the other circular, so I'll do the linear first.
So this period here
is fudger.
Now, the sun when it reaches 18, according to some 15, according to others, and there is a difference three degrees is about 12 minutes.
it's each degree in this 360 degrees circle, each degree is about four minutes, there's a lag time every day, which is why we get calendrical problems. When you when you try to mix solar calendars, you get problems, lunar calendars, you don't get a problem, because
you're, you're following the moon. And so it's going to change every month. Right? But when the sun when you fix it, because the sun actually takes to 23 hours and 56 minutes to go all the way around. And this is, you know, it's average, on average, you get that four minute lifetime. So as that adds up, by the time you've got four years, there's a whole day, right, so you get your leap year.
But anyway, 1518 degrees, most of the, the programs you have here are on 18 degrees, and obviously it changes to on where you are on the earth, because of the angles. And this is all geometry. So for people that vaguely remember some of that stuff back in,
in high school, now, the
18 degree is where the sun is 18 degrees below the horizon, is when you first start seeing the light. Yeah. But the more cautious view is 15 degrees.
There's something called federal cabinet, which is the lying fudge of which it appears, you'll see a light, it's a phenomenon. And you'll see a light, you know, again, people are just cut off from this artificial light removes this, if you when I was out in the Sahara, you see it every morning, if you're you know, I mean, they're very connected to all these signs, there's no
you know, they know what day it is without calendars.
Because of the stars that are on the horizon, certain stars show up on certain days, works every year.
It's gonna vary slightly, you know, where based on where you are, but it doesn't, it doesn't vary in terms of your location. Right, it's just gonna vary because the sun's the same, it's just moving like that. So you know,
fudger changes, the time of fudger changes, but natural phenomenons based on the degree of where the sun is. So the the false Dawn is a light that comes up, and it looks like dawn, but it's not. And then that light disappears. And it's described as a fox tail, because it's kind of a, you know, it's it's, it's not a flatline, it's more like that. So that you have to wait till that goes in. And the books all mentioned that many people have mistakenly prayed with false dawn thinking that it was done because they saw that light and that light disappears. So when that light goes, you'll see on the horizon, if you're looking at the horizon, a very
white light that's clear, and it should spread all the way across the horizon. And that white light increases quite fast, the best place to see it is on an airplane. Because you'll really, if you're traveling
in the night, where you know, you're going to hit fudger it's, it's nice to see it because you'll really you can watch how that you'll see the curvature of the earth. And you can watch how that happens. There's pictures of it obviously, as well, but it's good to see it to experience it. So when you see that that is the beginning of the fuzzier time. Now, that period which is quite dark, will last, which is you know, that's the beginning of what called sober prayer. fudger is the crack of dawn and literally, you know, fed doubt out means to split. So this idea of the crack of dawn is a metaphor that the Arabs use as well.
And then basically, you move into
you know, the light begins to to increase. Now this early part is the best part to pray the fuzzer in. It's also
that's the hatred of your vegan and faithful men on paper as well until you can distinguish the white thread
From the black thread, the black thread is the thread
above the white. So the you know, one of the Sahaba
was out, he had two white threads, you know, white thread and a black thread and he was out in the province said, Ask him what he was doing. He said he was trying to distinguish between the white thread and the black and he put his head on his back of his head. And he said, Yeah, a real bulk.
You know, because the Arabs believe that, if you didn't have a big knot, you know, those little you touch the back of your head, there's a little that's your base, your cranium. That not the bigger it was more intelligent you were, so if it was flat.
So the Prophet was kind of making light of that.
You know, it's like dummy, come on dummy.
So that that period, then is the first period and that there's a C lab, some of the odema say, until the shooto, which is
the sunrise
the shuru
would say is here, so the sunrise is here until the shadow This is all my talk that that's one opinion, these are both strong opinions. The matar means that you can pray as long as you get your prayer, some time before the sunrise, you have that choice. So if generally in our climb, you're gonna see it's about an hour and a half, you have an hour and a half.
That's about how long from the first dawn until the sunrise is generally about and you can work this out just on on
you know,
for people that that are good at calculations and things you can work it on based on the degrees and things like that of where you are, but it's generally going to be an hour and a half. So as the
as the
you know, as the sun's moving up and the end the light becomes discernible. That's the second opinion that the discernible light which is the the the is far off, use Pharaoh when things begin to be so you can clearly distinguish things so if you see people you can make out their faces
I mean that's going to be it's probably going to be it's usually like maybe
2530 minutes into the fudger you know
yeah I don't it I don't know when the actual degree is
you know, it's Yeah, it's really interesting the the you have to be careful with the astronomical terms. They do say civil Twilight, but civil Twilight is before this fall. You know, I mean, Twilight, you know, these are all old terms when people actually could see these things. Yeah. Dawn and then Twilight is both ends of the day the Twilight is that that light that that starts showing up and it gets to the point where it's civil Twilight, which is where that's about the time we're praying here at about five it's it's it's more like the civil Twilight, the as far as a little after that, to where you things are really discernible. But it's not you still probably got about 20
minutes before the sun rises. Yeah.
Yeah, no, exactly. Exactly. Yeah. So and then you know,
so that that that's the second opinion. Is that the time this time, is matar.
And then this time is latorre.
Bodi is the time where you have to pray. If you don't, it's sinful. All right. So if you if you leave your prayer into the roadie time, it's sinful.
And then the third opinion, which is the strongest opinion that most molecules follow is it's all already. The Father is not really a part of time that you should pray it. As soon as you wake if the pleasure is in, you should pray it within the time it takes, you know, if it's at the masjid, you go to the masjid or the time
It takes to do will do to do your two rockets of rojava, which we'll get into when we get into the No Fly, and then pray that time. So those are the opinions about, you know, the matar the story of sagia.
My crew?
Well, like I said, I mean, there's difference of opinions. One opinion is the Tom to delay that up till then, that you should be praying in that first time. If you wake up late, you should pray immediately. I mean, the prayer times are all dependent upon
your, you know, your Nia, like, if you're lazy about it, you're just kind of waiting around the Prophet slicin mentioned that hypocrites were people that waited till you know without download of it of Satya macusa. When they get up to pray, they're lazy about it in the Tafseer, as they say, they wait until the last time and then they get up, which is not necessarily a complete hypocrite, you know, you have to remember hypocrisy is a continuum. So the complete hypocrites don't even believe in Islam. These type hypocrites are people that they're that they do believe in Islam, like they don't want to lose the prayer time, but they have a new follow up in their faith, you know,
it's their faith is just not because if somebody was there, they wouldn't be doing that.
Right. So they're more concerned about people than they are about God. So if somebody was there, they'll like, though, it's time to pray, you know, let's go. Whereas if they're watching the football game, I'll just wait till the, you know, there's only one more quarter or whatever. Do you see what I mean? So that's a type of knee flop in the fact that
what that's just about Federer, the other father and mother, because the windows are quite short, and they're the easiest prayers to miss.
There's more stringent opinions on pleasure. And the other prayers are quite lenient, you know, also has a shorter window as well. But there's, there's also has a reasonable amount of time before it gets into the DeLorean. Yeah.
I mean, further, yeah, I tend to, you know, this period is for me, that's like a matar period, if it's if it's dark out,
you know, you've got some room, if it starts getting light, you should be concerned about, you know, I wouldn't wait till it till the is fog, to where it's, you know, things are really clearly discernible.
You have to have one Roccat, which means you have to have gone into rakura.
Before the sunrises, and you're coming out, if you do that, then you've obtained the record in the time. And it's not called ball. It's actually you're, you're doing a dat? I mean, I'll get into that in a second. Okay, so let me finish because a lot of these questions are going to get answered. So let me just get through this section. Now, sunrise, obviously, is a period.
You know, in the, in the Hanafi madhhab. You don't pray during the sunrise in Maliki if you owe the prayer, you pray, because there Illa for not praying at sunrise, the sun worshipers and it's just not around anymore.
I mean, there's probably still sun worshipers, but it's not a problem for the Muslims, you know. So anyway, that that if you owe the prayer, you pray even if the sun's coming up. So if the sun hasn't is if it started come up, you see it on the horizon, and you and you haven't prayed fudger you just pray the sub prayer, all right. And then
when you this goes up to the 90 degree point.
And now at the time the FE comes right, which like I said in according to even out of it's one degree, which is approximately four minutes from the 90 degrees. So that's that's quite quick, one degree. And I wouldn't pray within one degree, but most of the prayer schedules, like I said, are based on this principle. It's like immediately after is allowed. So it's 91 degrees, the hardest in all right, but generally, I would give it 20 minutes
from Zola
and if you're Mauritanian up in these parts, they would
probably wait 40 minutes if they're strict, you know, like people that I studied with, they would not pray, although it's clearly past this allowed. So I'm just letting you know.
You know, people aren't inshallah they're all these prototypes are valid. The only thing that I genuinely worry about is, like I said, most of the prayer schedules are based on zones. All right, so they're giving you a geographical region, and they're saying that here's your 12pm. So it's not true. Post Meridian, do you see what I mean? So you actually might be at that early part of the the geographical zone. So when you read your prayer time, it's not actually in yet because they're averaging it. So that's the actual true and so this time is after and this time is slightly before. So depending on where you are, you might be in an area, unless it's a really accurate, and I don't
think there are those programs, because the all these schedules are based on the NASA programs. And when I checked, this was several years ago, when I was doing this research. The programs were based on averages. So they're problematic. But I did find, like I said, for some reason or another also is incredibly accurate. But we found discrepancies, we measured the whole every day we did computer generated graphs, you know, so
we found that was a problem with the whole on the prayer schedules.
we, yeah, they're done. They're averages, they're not, okay, here's what you can do, check, check, Houston, Texas, and then check a city, you know, that's nearby Houston, and see if there's any change in the thing. Because, you know, if there's no change at all, that it's an average, say, you know, if it's 20 miles away, and there's no change in the prayer time, you have a problem, because the sun, you know, that that's a time lag, it takes you a certain amount of time the sun is, is, you know, the the hole there it at that point, 20 minutes is a considerable amount of time, when you're measuring shadows, you see what I mean?
So their shadow, and it's going to be reasonably close, but it's not going to be exact, you see what I mean? So you're gonna have some time lag. And that's a problem with those, those perks because when, like I said, we measured it, we did it ourselves to see based on and we found discrepancies on these things. I mean, I had somebody going out every single day, and doing computer. So it was very small increments just to see when the SAT have stopped. And when it went when when you know, the sdwa. And then when it when it moved toward went past the North to, and there are we found repair schedules that were still the shadow was still decreasing. And it was saying that the whole was in.
Now it's only a few minutes, like I said, but a few minutes is the validity of a prayer or the invalidity of a prayer because you have to have the opinion about prayer times. The only time you can have volleyball done is if it's shad, if the if the sky is overcast or something like that, then a valuable lesson is permissible. You know, where the overwhelming preponderance of evidence, like I said, the craftsmen who say no, the hottest definitely in I mean, they don't have certainty. Now, some of these things, you can argue this is all pre modern stuff, right? Because now we have all that, but my point is, is that all this scientific stuff is not as accurate as people think it is.
Because it wasn't designed had Muslims done it. It probably would be accurate, you know, because they would have designed it with this knowledge in mind. But most of our, like engineers never studied fifth. So they don't even know what you know, and they don't even understand the average most people don't know about any of this stuff. You know, people just follow prayer schedules, calendars. They tell us it's molded. We we have molded. They tell us it's Ramadan, we have Ramadan, and people don't know anymore. And most of the people doing this stuff don't know that's my point is literally they don't know. Because they didn't study this stuff. Most of the cinema that I studied
with, with the exception of some of the Moroccans on the mortality have never done any of this. They read the chapter. They never did it. They never went out and measured shadow. They never did anything.
This stuff that no practical, it's all pure theory
because they haven't been using this stuff except in places like Sudan or Mauritania, where you still have villages and people don't like I told you I was in I was in the bottom of Medina because there are several more tannins that I know in Medina that will not pray the hall in, in our domain because I think they pray too early. You know, which I don't agree with, but based on Malik's criterion, it's true but anyway so I was measuring inside the hot on one day the shadow in the in the in the how to meditate and this guard came up What are you doing? You must noon Are you crazy? I said no. As mentioned in the shadow, what are you measuring the shadow for? I said just checking the
time. He said the guy gave the add on. It's the whole I know. I just wanted to just to see how close the two were. And then he got really upset like don't do that. There was some old veteran guy who's down there. He said My father used to do that. To check the hole. Yeah.
And that's that's how long ago but all this stuff the prayer, you know, Muslims have been using calendars for a long time but they still learned all this stuff. You know, because the idea is like Russell Moran, you can argue why learn Russell, a lot of money because in the East the whole fall, they don't know Rossum. you memorize Quran without Rossum in in Mauritania, they will not give you any jaza. In Quran without knowing how to write the Quran. That's one of the criteria of a halfhill is that if all the most has most have disappeared on the planet, you could write it. Now you can say it's, you know, we don't need that, because now we've got millions can had printed millions of
neurons, they're everywhere, there's not going to be a problem. Well, when people were brought from West Africa to America, as slaves, there were people that knew how to write the Quran, even though they were stripped of everything. So you could be ended up in, you know, Guantanamo Bay or something in orange suit, and they don't give you a Koran. But if if if somebody was a half, they could write the whole Koran out with the rest of Earth money.
You know, for so that could happen. You know,
it's not foolproof. So all these things are meant to be preserved, they have to be preserved. And this is what tradition is it's handing it down, you know, people that the Sahaba were doing this, this how they were determining their prototype, they weren't determined from, you know, didn't Google
I pray to find out when the time was so
now when you get
to the whole time here, all right, so the horse starts here, like I said, until the shadow is twice right here, until the shadow is is twice in the Hanafi. Once in the molecules, so if you're seven feet, and you're, you're seven feet tall, I mean, not seven feet tall, you have your height is seven of your feet. And the FE was two feet and then when you get here to nine feet, that's when the asset is in.
And then the answer prayer
when what when, when the also prayer comes in, that according to the Maliki madhhab is the end of matar time. So this is all Mokhtar
Malik is very generous with prayer times.
Because unlike the other med hubs, Mr. Malik says that until the sunset, which we'll say is here until the sunset, this is all this at the time acid comes in here until sunset is still dot all the time for the hot so you're not praying a BA you're praying.
In other words, you're not making up the hot as long as you prayed the hot in the answer prayer time
with one rakata bow sort of before the sun sets, you've done it, then you've performed it in its time. Now it was it's considered Islam you should have stuck to the law that that you waited unless you had like surgery or you were saving a life or even smudging fruit, you know is permissible like to save wealth. You know, it's permissible like you know,
if you
You know, orange farmers when they have a heavy frost? Have you ever seen smudge pots? You know, they have these in lemon groves, orange groves, places where they have fruit groves, you'll see little pipes next to the trees, those are smudge pipes. And and what happens is that they heat up. So if they get a heavy frost, the farmers get out there in the morning and they heat the the tree up so they can prevent, you know, the loss of the because frost kills fruit if it's a heavy frost. So the owner mentioned that that was permissible. If you're going to lose your your crop, you know that you could actually delay your fudger to save the the property, it's permissible leave the prayer to
save property like you know, you're praying and and you realize you didn't put your brake on your car's about to go over the cliff. You can actually I mean, you might not want to get in your cars, it's about to go over cut. But if you you know, if you if you can save the car, you can actually leave the prayer to save, you know, wealth or life. If it's considerable. If it's taffeta, you can't if it's something you know, like it's gonna crush the baby doll and then come to a stop, you know, go save the baby doll or something. So that now the other thing that Monique is very generous in is what's called waqt Moshtarak. Malik says that there's three prayer times
in the Quran, given the sun that gives us five but the Quran actually gives three
which is why the Quran young people, you know, these people that negate Hadees, they pray three times a day. And the Shia also have a strong
they have a strong
opinion that you can pray just those three times in my Monique said, because the Quran says, to pray in a doodle questions, you know, the doodle cache is the, the male of the chimps, the movement of the sun, which is the heart and alpha, right? Well, that's a layer is the time when the
the time when when McRib, and Isha come in.
And then we'll Coronel surgery and then pray at fudger. So those are the three times that the Quran gives, there's no the whole rasa malherbe and Asia are not mentioned in that way in the Quran. There's only three times so Hema Matic also took that from the Hadith, which is a Sahih Hadith, in which the prophets I sent him gibreel came and showed him the prayer times. And on one day, he prayed that the man who asked the prophet to, you know to on one day he prayed at the beginning of the whole time, the next day, he prayed at the end of the whole time and said, it's between those two, the the end of the whole time is the beginning of time, there's about a 15 minute window where
it is permissible and not sinful. It's my crew without a reason but it's not sinful.
It is permitted permitted to join the hotel and also
you can actually join the two prayers and they're both prayed in their time and it's not considered a sin to do that. Has there been understand that
it's about it's no answer has to be in.
But there's a window of time. It's about 15 minutes when it's called walk Moshtarak, which is where the heart and answer are considered. It's not the order yet for for the heart, it's still more
at the very beginning of awesome time. If you delay it beyond that, then it's it's a it's not and the same is true for marketers in Asia if you delay marketer up to the very end of marketer because malherbe unlike the Hanafi madhhab which says you have to wait till the the white is out because they differ on the the diversity you know, whether it's the MRR the red or is it the white light the Twilight, right? So dusk, dusk is the light
the red light you know the dusk from dawn to dusk, dusk is the the light that appears at the beginning of market of up to the Twilight
where it's red and yellow and all kinds of the last color you see is is green, first color you see in the morning. It's called the green phenomenon. If you ever had an ocean and you watch the sunset pray marketer. You can sit and watch and as the last light
goes before
The Twilight you'll see a green flash, it's quite extraordinary to watch it.
So the
any questions about any of the
I mean, I wouldn't fix it at 15 minutes, it's just around that it's it's enough time to pray the hole at the at the beginning of answer time, do you know and then pray also. So you've got that period, you know, an average prayer is going to take you maybe,
you know, eight minutes if you have to do will do and then you go pray take about eight minutes. So the two prayers there's that time at the beginning of our sub, right or the very end of the hall right before our sort of begins. So that you pray the whole, your for right counts. And then as it comes in, and you pray Also, you can actually join them. Did you see that's the point. And that and that period is a it's a it's a shared period of the horse and Azar they can be combined.
And it's my crew. It's not how long Kara here is, I wouldn't belittle cut out here. It's it's not like a light thing, oh, it's just my crew. But it is important to remember, it's not sinful, my crew is not sinful, you haven't done anything wrong.
It's moving into god, it's still mortal.
If you delay it to that point, you're in the top of time, that's my point. If you delay it beyond that, it's not already and because the window is so narrow, it's just something you don't want to do. Unless you there's a real reason to do it. I wouldn't, you know, like Shannon Bolivian beja said, there's certain people that have jobs that are very, it's very difficult to pray the heart of an answer. And so he said, so rockside, you know, to do that, however, I was a critical care
nurse working in, you know, an intensive care unit. And
I've been prayed, you know, I had the three to 11 shift. So I had also MOTHER OF AN Asia and I always prayed them on time.
So and I think that's about as intensive job is you're gonna get with, so I tend to, I just don't buy it when people tell me you know, I have this job and I can't it's usually they're ashamed. And it's hard for them to openly pray or something like that, you know, it's like the guy in the in the, in the in the janitors room who goes and prays and when the janitor opens up, he starts doing the push ups, you know?
I mean, people should be ashamed not to pray.
I mean, I used to pray years ago, because we went to college together. I pray right out in the open and the college campus. People I had a Christian counselor who once said,
you know, watching you pray your prayer, it's really given that like, we I don't know why Christians are so ashamed not to pray and
like, he was encouraged by it. So.
I mean, if prayer comes, you know, I've prayed on the side of the road on the freeway, my wife was with me once. You know, also time was getting into that thought all the time. And I pulled over and it was like one of those really heavy freeways. And I started praying this cop stops.
Sir, what are you doing?
I thought he was gonna shoot me and I think I'll be a martyr for awesome.
But I'm Jane ruku. Sir, are you alright?
So when I finished the prayer, I went over there and just told him I had to pray and because the sun if it goes down, I lose my prayer. And he said, Well, you can't do it here.
So, but prayer times,
you know, just to give you the enormity of losing a prayer time in molecule.
If you believe that you will miss a prayer by going to Hajj, Hajj is not an obligation.
And that's mentioned in all the Maliki books of Philippians
Babel Hajj, if you think you'll miss one prayer
and you have a horrible month, you know, the high probability, then the Hajj is not an obligation.
So that just tells you how important the prayer time is.
airplanes. I mean, it's a problem you know, generally like with, there's two ways you can do it.
You can do it based on the Hadith about the prayer time the prophet SAW him said in the towards the end of time, a week would be like a day and a day would be like an hour and the prophets I send him said, how should we
pray? Should we pray in the normal time? He said, fuck doula, whoa, you know, estimated. Now, if you're traveling on a on a jet plane,
a day can be like an hour, you know, you can you can the the prayer times, if you're going towards the east, they really shorten up. So there's two ways that you can do it. One is to do it based on your point of departure, and pray the times of the points of departure. Right. And,
and the other is to just hasten the prayer times up.
Well, I mean, I'll give you an example. If you pray, if you're going over the great circle route over the North
Asia, you know, fudger just comes like, it comes so fast, and you can lose it really quick, because because the sun rises also. So unless you're really hyper vigilant, like I've missed fudger because I've done that flight many times. Unless you're really hyper vigilant. You can do it. So it's a problem. That's all I'm saying. I mean, I have arrived at Heathrow
You know, it gets in about seven in the morning that flight. And
you know, it's hard to pray sometimes because you fall asleep and then you wake up and you're preparing to land you know?
So, you know, prayers make it a problem. You know, I'd like to see travel going back to trains and boats, some more civilized way of traveling.
No, so bad. fudger is the the phenomenon the break of dawn, so bad is the morning. The Federal prayer is what we call Riba
it's it's higher than a sin lower than what I put that in Monica. He's the only a mom that has heard of Riba. It's it's not some normal academic, but it's not a natural law, either. It's higher. And that's the two prayers that you pray once the first light has shown up in dawn, that's called fudger prayer. But we also often we, you know, just conventionally, we call the sobat prayer fudger prayer, have you prayed further, and they mean the form in technical vocabulary, it's not really accurate. It's like calling the nephew the son. Same thing, but these are just, you know, I'm not an as general people use these terms differently from the way that I use them. So So prayer is the form of
prayer in the morning before the sun rises, if the sun has, if the disk has shown up on the horizon, then the sub time is now gone.
And and you have to play hardball. And I'm going to get into about when I get into the prayers, okay, but I'm saying in the molecule madhhab huldah is very generous. That you know, he gives you a lot of room to pray.
All right.
Any Anything else? Somebody had a question? Yeah.
According to New York Times
that what I do generally if I'm if I'm worried about it, is I do it that way. And then I make up the prayers later. Yeah, just
yeah. If I if I think I'm gonna miss it. I do. I pray the prayer according to the time I left, so I do matter. I do. I do Asia, right. And then later, you know,
I'll do when you're going back West, it's it's nice, because because then there's like 20 hours between the heart and, and.
But when you're going the other way, it's hard. So if if I wake up, I wake up if I don't, then I pray it on my point of origins, time, regardless of what you see outside your window. Yeah, no, if you see the light you can pray. Yeah, because these are as bad. You know, it's it's a it's a suburb. Once you see that fudger light, it's fuzzy doesn't matter if it took an hour to get that between Asia and fudger Yeah, it's a suburb to enter into the prayer. Yeah.
playing time is the only problem that would that I found. It definitely creates a problem. You know,
it's, I mean, we're gonna, we're gonna get to that, but when you when you know, you can have Jim Beam, which is to bring the answer forward to the whole time, or you can have Jim here. And that depends on where you are, and where you'll be. And if you're in sales or not, if you're actually in movement, because unlike chef, Chef, he has jumped up, you know, you if you're traveling, you can join prayers, irrespective of movement molecules stipulates movement to join, you can't join once you've alighted in a hotel or you're, you're at a house and you're gonna stay there for a day, you can't join a chef that you can monitor, you can't, Maliki stipulates that you're actually in
movement, that that bringing the prayer forward or delaying it is is a rasa, due to the difficulty of movement.
Now you can do what was stuck, though, if you wanted.
If you're staying at somebody's house if you want, but and now with the iPhone, pray and stuff, you can get the times accurate, then you've got your watch, you can do that. And, you know, I'm not sure how Bolivian Bay is more lenient on that because of modern travel. But it's, you know, it's actually harder in a lot of ways than earlier travel, I've done both, because I've done pre modern travel. When I was in West Africa, I traveled pre modern, I walked, you know, 45 miles, I've rode camel, you know, I mean, I did traditional traveling, so I know the type of difference. And, and I actually think in a lot of ways, the modern travel is more.
You know, it's just harder.
I think it's actually harder on your body in some ways.
Uh huh.
Uh huh.
No, you would have if you're going to get there after a short time. And that's a hollyball. One, the high probability you could have a flat tire, a lot of things can happen. But But all that aside,
you can join, if I'm here in pearlstone, and I'm going to add them center. And it's
mid the whole time. And I have a stop on the way and I and I, I know I'm going to get there after officer or in the door all the time of awesome, then I can I can bring the answer forward. But if I if if my available been right, what I think most likely will happen is I will get to Adams at the beginning of time, then according to Malik, you should not join you should pray the answer there. Even if it's two rakaats you could still be traveling but you should pray the two rakaats
my experience with modern travel I tend to inclined to
obey his position if you're in that the the Shafi med hydroxide is you know, it's it's definitely rasa. But it you know, my experience is easy to miss your prayers. We don't have massage everywhere. There's just a lot of variables. And so I tend to be more personally lenient on that position. And I know a lot of Hana fees that do that as well, you know, because in the end, they're valid opinions and the most important thing is that you pray on time and validly, but uh huh. Anything else? So. So now let me just do from Maghreb. Alright, until fudger. Okay, so
and here's fudger. Uh huh
no answer is matar time until what's called the sphere R is CRR is again a problematic term, all right?
Because it depends a lot on your, your location in certain areas, all right? The
okay? The SVR is late afternoon yellowing, a change that occurs in the sunlight hue,
in which a noted yellowing occurs on the earth and on the walls of buildings. However, these are not uniform criteria as huge change. So, you know, you can tell in the afternoon, there's a beautiful Emily Dickinson poem about that slant of light in the late afternoon, there's a change in in light, and people that are sensitive to this are photographers. Because photographers know the apertures?
You know, most people just are oblivious to a lot of these natural phenomenon that are happening. But it may not be Zaid says that if you're looking straight ahead, and you can see the orb of the sun, then the the loading time of Asa has come in. But that's based on him living in Tunisia. That's not going to be the case. If you're in Alaska, you're always going to see the orbit.
So, you know, criterion differ
about this. But generally, the the time of asar is, you know, it's like what, what's what's what's awesome now right now.
It comes in at six, and and mushrooms at 840. So you've got about to two hours and 40 minutes. All right? The door or the time of answer is going to be after about an hour and 40 minutes out.
Okay, so that's, that's early. Yeah. And then so 507. So you've got three hours? Right and 40 minutes? Until, is that right?
820. So three hours and 20 minutes? Approximately right. So that that's about right, you know, so it's usually it'll be like a half an hour and a half into
mulgrave. You know, cuz that's about right, you usually get around three hours with also you get around three hours with the horse. And so there's a lot of time, you know, that time is a generous time?
No, because the Hanafi have two opinions that are both strong. You know, the hanafis have an opinion that it begins at the same time as the as as
Yeah. mithila Yeah, exactly. It's a strong opinion. So they're both valid opinions. You know, I mean, so Rama, you know, people always use a case against the madhhab. How many people have heard the argument that it got so bad they had formed jobs at the Kaaba? How many have heard that argument? That is a complete lie and a slander of this oma, you know, it really bothers me that they put that out there. That was a kind of that was a, you know, anyway, that they never had, they only had one out Robin Medina, only one same people, same rulers, everything. The reason they had for Maha was to honor the med hubs. And because the prayer times are different, so it allowed people to
come to the Kaaba, and they could catch the prayer. And I'll give you an example. I was in Alaska, where they have all four methods. And they have families that follow the method. So like the robotic families, a Maliki family in Alaska, this is in eastern Saudi Arabia. And then you have like the orphanage family is a Chevy family. The Miller family is a hanafy family. I mean, this is these are whole clans. They're not like families. Like we think this is like hundreds of people. And so one morning, we woke up a little late to go to pray the US the federal prayer, and I was in the house of
the Dogon family,
and their Shafi and they have a Masjid right outside but anyway, we got up late I was shuffled a little party so they said let's go to the Hanafi Masjid because they haven't prayed yet. So we went and we prayed fudger in JAMA in the masjid in the Hanafi Masjid in and it was such a Rama you know and nobody's I know we can't pray with the henna fees.
I mean, it's just slander against
The oma you know to say that somehow that they had those four merab because there was tasselled. They were all friends. They were all people that respected and knew each other odema all knew each other. You know?
It was pretty microphone to
it. No, seriously. There wasn't microphone, so you didn't use to have a Muslim neck, which is the person who would the Imam was Allahu Akbar. And then about 10
rows down the Muslim I would say a wall like bar and then 10 more down. So it goes. So people, that's how they did it pre microphone.
Yeah, that's what I was saying. It's the it's fear, our time is relative, even the shadows are going to be relative to to,
you know, to where you are so, but that so Margaret, once Mohammed comes in, and astronomical Madrid is when the sun is, is halfway down. So if you look in the newspapers, and it says sunset, that's what they mean. So you can't follow you have to give it a couple of minutes from the from the newspapers.
And then you have up to the chef, Mark when it disappears, right, which is it's a reddening in the sky. So when that disappears, the Twilight begins and the Twilight is gonna last for a period of time, depending on where you are in England, the Twilight will last until fudger if you're in an extremely northern the climates in England, and so these poor Hanafi people are stuck up there. You know, they can't break their fast until fudger. And by the time they can break their fast, they have to start the fast for the next day. So they lose a lot of weight during Ramadan. Yeah, they just dropped dead.
So that that period hear that most molecules say that it's Bodie,
it's not
some say up to the chef up is matar.
And then Malik says, all the way up
to right before fudger, in which you can pray one rakaat
of Asia is the daughter of mother. So mother prayer in the Maliki method goes all the way up to right before fudger. Unlike the other methods.
So if you now, here's another way to do this.
In traditional cosmology, you have 12 hours of the day and 12 hours of the night. So you know how they talk about the last third of the night. Right? The best time to get up. This is based on the hours of the night sad to lead with certain heart in the Arabic language, there are 12 hours of night, 12 hours a day, but time in this cosmology is relative. So the hours change, sometimes the hour is a half an hour of our modern time. All right, the times don't change in in, in classical Islamic understanding, there were always 12 hours of the day and 12 hours of the night, but they change in their time. All right. So for instance, if sunset is at 6am, sunrise, and matip is at 6pm.
That is an Equinox night and they are equal equal, not equal night today. All right.
When you get to the solstice, you're going to have the most extreme, so summer solstice, Longest Day, winter solstice, shortest day, but the 12 hours of the night and the 12 hours of the day in our system have not changed. So, if you have this would mean when you say for instance, that you should pray the the,
the whole the Isha prayer should be prayed by the first third of the night. So you divide the 12 hours, so four hours is going to be a third. So the night is divided into these thirds, right.
So this is four hours, this is four hours, and this is four hours got it. And that those are your thirds of the night. So when they talk about the last third of the night, which is a blessed time, it means
The last four hours, but they're not four hours that are 60 minutes, therefore out, that's why the, you know, the set of said ashita. Or Avi at the moment, she Pat is the spring of the believer, because the days are short, too fast. The hours of the day are short, too fast. And the hours of the night are long. So that's in the winter, you get the biggest third of the night. That's the longest time you have DC. So you get more of that blessed time than you do in the summer.
you following this?
I always get confused. What's that?
The night starts at multinode. And there are 12 hours every night, irrespective of whether or not they are 60 minutes, there are 60 minutes when you have the equinox. Right. In September and March, September 21, March 21, there's 60 minutes. So
I'm going to show you how to do it. Yeah. So here, Asia then goes up to the first third of the night after the
shut up is gone. So if the chef up will usually take about an hour and 20 minutes, something like that. Like right now what time is malherbe? Is that a 21 times that he should come in?
Okay, so that's
an hour and
10 820
it's an hour and 40 minutes, right? No, an hour and 32 minutes. Okay, so that's about right now. I mean, if you live in this area, like we're What does he know what degree This is?
The latitude.
I'm in 38. You should know your degree. It's a useful thing to know. Yeah.
No, it's not we've been in Canada.
But anyway, it's probably I think it's probably maybe 30. It's, it's around 39. probably somewhere around there.
Okay. I mean, it's useful to know this stuff. Like I just I can work it out. Yeah, there. Okay. So it's useful to know these things because you can work out important things. All right. So
you know, here we're 39 degrees. So what that means is that the Isha is generally going to be about an hour and a half between Mohit and Asia. All right, that means that the chef up takes an hour and a half. So here's your hour and a half gets out and then Isha comes in at that point. So here, it comes in at what time?
952 Okay. So this is 820.
Okay, so that was one hour and 32 minutes. Now, what's going to be then? What time is his father here?
Okay, 437. So, okay, so from 820 to 437. So how many hours is that?
okay, eight hours and 17 minutes, eight hours. And let's round it off to eight hours and 20 minutes. So eight hours and 20 minutes. Divide that by four.
Four, I mean?
Yeah, three get get your, your four hours. Yeah, you're 12 hours. So you're going to divide that by 12.
How much?
They have a calculator?
No, it should be it should be that you're gonna have opposite.
Yeah. 820 divided by 12.
Yeah, eight hours and 20 minutes.
It's gonna be point something.
Yeah, okay. Is that is that right? 48. Is that right? Okay.
It doesn't seem right.
It's 43 minutes an hour. That's that's it should be around. It should be around 43. So,
yeah. So 43. So each hour is 43 minutes of the 12. So if you if you multiply what's 12 times 43, then that that should get it.
Yes. And then so you add that the two together and you should get.
There's an easier way to do this. I'm just my meditations a little slow right now.
So you got the point? It's about 43 minutes. So if you want to find out then, you know, each one of these is four. Right? Four hours, but each hour is 43 minutes.
Do you got it? Yeah. It's interesting, huh?
Well, no, they are sad, though. They're hours. They're not units. They're sad. 60 minute hours is a
that's just an arbitrary.
It's just an arbitrary thing.
This makes more sense. Exactly. And that's why our in Arabic means it can mean a moment.
Like bomb insanity, he got up immediately.
So the sad the hour is a relative term. That's the whole point of all this. Alright, so if you if you take this, then when is what, when? Or if, if we're eight hours and 20 minutes? What's one third of that would be?
It's almost like, three hours and what?
Three hours and 12 minutes? So, from 820 to three hours and 12 minutes. So you're gonna get at 1120 1132. Now you're into the end of your part of Asia?
Got it?
No, you do determine the beginning by the phenomenological sign. But but the the time that the OT comes out is done by the third.
Alright, so and there's an opinion the first half, so that would be at at four hours and 10 minutes. That's the second opinion, which would mean from 820. So you'd go up already into 1220, right? Like that. So you could do it just depends on which method you're using. Okay, but the one first, third is generally the, the dominant opinion. So does everybody follow that? So from 952 to 832, is your time of Asia.
If you pray that it's small, because we're in we're in the summer, it's going to be bigger, right? When you go into the winter, it gets really big.
Because the hours expand, when you're in that when you're you get to a point where you get an hour and 20 minutes is an hour in the winter or an hour and 30 minutes, so you're getting double the time.
Uh huh.
It's very confusing. So but I mean, it's not if you're
there's a simpler way to do this, you know, and
But anyway, but most of you I think, got it if you didn't do
that, huh?
It does.
no, the chef up takes a while to go.
The end of the red.
Now that might be following the Twilight. And that might be the problem. Desert, they might not be doing that. That might be handy because most of these things have been done by Hana fees. Yeah. So that's true. That's a good point.
Cuz they the Hanafi is rule?
Oh, it'd be easy to do, I'm waiting for somebody to do it, why don't you do it? Yeah.
Cuz it's worth doing, you know, it's worth having this stuff. And this is really interesting stuff. To me, it's just fascinating, I haven't looked at it in a while, you know, but I got really got into it for a period of time and just,
you know, and it's nice to know, it's just such a useful fifth is a really relieving thing. Because if you know, your IP,
just don't get confused like everybody else. I mean, Muslims are confused, because they stopped studying phip really all the problems in marriage is because they didn't study of marriage, it's all solved in there. 90% if people were really committed to actually practicing this religion, 90% of their problems would go, but they're not committed to it.
I mean, there's very clear things about like in fifth about male and female and there and to be honest with you, most of its sides on the female side, so it's not like I mean, there are certain things that are definitely male centric, but there are a lot of the family rulings are on. On the side of the women. It's really like, the men are the ones that are the losers on many of the situation, which I think might be the reason why the men stopped teaching the women 50 you know, because it's like,
it could get really difficult.
Cook your own dinner,
So, anyway, there you go. So that's it. So if you want to know that for here, this period is going to be the last three hours before So now, if the if the fudger is, you know, if it's at six o'clock, then obviously it's going to be 6pm 6pm you get those four hours, all right, from that time
that you start so two to two in the morning till six is going to be that time when when there's more blessing, it gets shorter. Like I said, in the summer, it's shorter because you're only getting 43 minutes out of your hour. And then in the winter, you're getting like an hour and 20 minutes so it gets longer. That's why winters it's a very blessed time for people that are into a bed
for that reason, it's short fasting and long at night. All right. So that
that's pretty much
the PR times that I can think of is there any other
well also
let me do the
let me do the
Oh, it's a class. Okay.
What's up? Kevin this summer, we don't like in the Hanafi that is still
not here.
But there are places where that's true. If you're in an extremely Southern or northern climate, you'll get the red glow for a long long time because the sun's so low on the horizon. This is a this is
it's called the helping guide
soon to be available at your
roomie bookstore
you know it's under the law
it's pretty much got all the bad debt in it has a lot of nice charts. And
ya know, it's a lot. I mean, this is all somebody would need for a bad debt to do the five pillars. And then it's got some a few other things in there that are useful.
Uh huh.
you know, I mean, I'm trying to,
have things that are like the highway you know, that took a long time, but if you go through it, you'll find that there are mistakes in there and it's a critical Arabic
addition, you know, the language just takes time to do something well, and then.
So I I'm not going to say because this should have been out, I thought it was going to be out a while ago, but it hasn't. So I just rather shallow and when it gets done, it gets done. I'm we're trying to do it, you all can beat up Ozma too, because she's part of the project.
But we're trying because the molecules we don't have any real text yet in English, which is unfortunate, you know, even our texts in Arabic are terrible. Really, the the Shafi madhhab, and the
the Shafi and the Hanafi madhhab are much better served than the Maliki
Shafi because of the Syrians,
and the Hanafi, is because there's so many of them.
So it's just like, you have a lot of hand a few people doing hanafy stuff.
This is all a bad debt. Yeah.
I mean, that's, you know, this is a series, you know, we're trying to do that, like the
I mean, a lot of this stuff would have been,
it'd be a lot easier if there was a,
you know, support from from, and not I mean, there's a lot of small support, you know, but you need you need institutions. And the Christians have huge institutions, you know, I mean, look what they do, David, you were at, at Princeton, right? I mean, look what they can do there, you know, all the research, all that, you know, and I'm Princeton, University Press is one of my models, we use the same printer that they do.
You know, because that's what I want to see Islam. At that level, I want to see us at the level of Princeton and Harvard and I wish our materials our religion should be
competing at that level of excellence. You know, I mean, I hate all this rubbish stuff. I just would rather have it burnt. I really mean, you know, I just, we're living in a time, I mean, it was fine. In pre modern periods, the prophesized sins, letters are beautiful. Because that reflects their, you know, and, and people made fun of them. That's true, you know, like the, but the Muslims learned very quickly. And before long, they had so far outstripped all the previous empires in their, in their excellence and beauty that everybody was in awe of them. And we don't have that anymore.
You know. So that's where we need to get back as a community, you know, we need to get back to that our religion is all inspiring.
But that that takes, you know, it takes a commitment to excellence, and it's on and in the law, you either I mean, I'm in a new kind of who loves a servant, that if he does something, he does it with excellence. With it fun, you know, real, it's fun and action.
And that's why it's fun is a beautiful thing. That's why I'm in this culture is mesmerized by it. You know, Michael Jackson is, you know, he's mesmerizing, because he could do something. It's a silly thing, but he could do it better than anybody else. And so people, they'll pay money to see that, and that's what they're really into. They're not into
their into, like, how does he do that?
Well, he did it by practicing eight hours a day.
You know,
but people don't see that. They just see the end result.
And then they think it's magical. It's not magical. Just really hard work and talent. I mean, you need talent, there's no doubt about that. That's, that's the extra factor. Which is why he was at the top of his field, because he had a massive amount of talent. But but that's true of anything, whether it's music, sports, I mean, people are paying all that money to watch these guys. Because they can throw a basket from a place that if you try to do it, you won't get it every time you do it. But they get it most of the time they do it.
And the more they get it, the more higher they're paid, and the more people want to watch them.
But all they're really wanting to see is that it's Python. That's what mesmerizes them. It's a waste of I mean, one of my favorite stories is how to not Rashid had much less wear
People used to come in and do you know, it was kind of like a Gong Show or something it was people used to come in and do things to amuse him.
And if he liked them, he would reward them and if he didn't, he would but one man could could take you know, old pre modern needles were quite big, but he could take needles and throw a needle through the eye of the other needle. And and he could do this like, consistently and so he did it you know, how to not receive had ordered to have him he got 10 lashes and 40 D knobs
and the man didn't understand it and he asked him to explain why he was punishing him and and rewarding him and he said the reward is for the it's gone. But the punishment or sort of the time wasted in mastering what you've mastered.
You know, so it's on is it's an amazing thing, no matter what it is. That's why it's always amazing
to see it.
All right. Not a few people.