Kamil Ahmad – Parables of the Qur’an – Parable #41 – Those who Abandoned the Scripture they were Entrusted with

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The religious practices of the Jews during the pandemic were discussed, including their belief in the Torah and actions during the pandemic. The parable of the thirteenth century, which references the commandment of Salatu servicing animals, highlights the importance of understanding and respecting the scripture. The speaker also discusses the trust of Muslims and their desire to not abandon their teachings or change, emphasizing the importance of practicing Islam and acting on it.
AI: Transcript ©
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What do you

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me to show you on your orgy?

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Mehta Lula Rena from Mira

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Melania Miu

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Miu as

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the cemetery lukumi lady Nika

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a teacher

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of Alimi.

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala at Emmanuel aquilani Holla Holla Holla Holla he ultramarine one early he was so happy woman today we had he was standing up sunette de la Yomi Dean along alumina and taruna Bhima alum Tana Was it nerima rubbish roughly soy dairy oil sadly, Emery Aqua data melissani you have probably

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seen me many SME Runa Nicola Freya, Debbie Runa, Santa Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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The next parable that we have

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is in Surah, two Luma.

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And this parable, Allah subhanho wa Taala gave us

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those people who abandoned

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the revelation of Allah,

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the scripture the book that Allah entrusted them with,

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and they were the Jews, who were entrusted with the Torah.

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And so Allah subhanahu attallah says here,

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the example of those who were entrusted with the Torah,

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but they failed to uphold and fulfill that trust. Their example, is like that of a donkey,

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who carries volumes of books on its back?

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how evil is the example of the people who deny the signs of Allah, and Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.

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In the old days,

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donkeys and other animals would be used as a means of transportation

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for both transporting people, as well as

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their luggage, and their goods.

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And so a donkey

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that is made to carry a load of books on its back,

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is only used for one purpose. And that is for transportation. The only reason why books were placed on its back

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was for the purpose of transportation.

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the donkey reaches its destination, these books are taken off.

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And his task is completed.

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But now the question is that donkey?

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Who transported those books

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did it benefit from anything that was contained in those books?

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The knowledge that was contained in those books did the donkey benefit from it?

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The answer is obviously no.

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And so this is the example that was giving us here of these Jews who were entrusted with the Torah. A loss of Hannah, who with Allah revealed the Torah to move Salah his Salaam.

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it was for Benny Scott he after Musashi Salaam, it was for them to preserve this book.

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And so a lot entrusted them with this book, commanding them to believe in it,

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to understand it,

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to abide by its teachings

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to uphold it

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to preserve both its wordings and its meanings.

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But what did the Jews do? instead?

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They threw it behind their backs,

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as Allah tells us elsewhere,

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Where is the lagunita? cavani is wrong? What is the LA Mita? Carla, do you know who told kita de

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la to me know, let me know who the nasty while I talk to me,

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a lot tells us and when a lot took a covenant with

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you know those who are given the Scripture, a lot took a covenant from them a pledge from them, saying, you must make it clear to the people, meaning this book, The Torah, the Scripture,

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teach it to the people, make it clear to the people

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and do not conceal anything from what I took to moon.

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And then Allah says, Fernandez, whoo hoo hoo hoo Rahim washed her ob feminine kalila. But instead what they did what, what did they do? Instead, they threw it behind their backs

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and exchanged it for a small price.

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And so in this example, that Allah is giving us here,

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of the donkey,

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these Jews who did this with the Torah.

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In this example,

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we can see how

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the Jews are actually

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these Jews who did this, they are actually worse than the donkey.

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And that can be seen from three perspectives that can be seen from three perspectives. The first is

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that the donkey

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does not have a mind of its own to understand and think with.

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Whereas these Jews had the capability to understand and implement

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what was mentioned in their scripture, in the total, but they refuse to do so.

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And they went as far as to corrupt and distort the words of the toa.

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The second perspective,

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the donkey, at least fulfilled

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the task that it was entrusted with, what did we say was the task of the donkey

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to transport these books, to carry them and take them from point A to point B.

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And he did it. The donkey fulfilled what it was entrusted to do.

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transported, you know, these books from

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point A to point B.

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Whereas these Jews, they could not even do that much. They could not even

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simply preserve the scripture of Allah.

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But they had to change it

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and distort it for their personal whims and desires.

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The third perspective, the donkey does not know what it transports. Whatever you put on its back.

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It doesn't know

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whether what it is carrying is valuable or not valuable.

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Whether it is carrying treasures or filth

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for the donkey,

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it doesn't matter, he can't tell the difference.

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Whereas these Jews, they can easily distinguish.

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And even though this knowledge is extremely valuable,

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they decided to abandon it.

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And so if they truly valued it, if they truly valued it, they would have fulfilled the trust that they were entrusted with.

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So as we mentioned, the trust that they were entrusted with was to believe in the Torah,

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to understand it,

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to teach it, to pass it on

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to implement its teachings

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and not to conceal anything of it, and not to change anything of it.

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And so this is the example that a lot gives

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Here, this is the parable that Allah gives us here, those who are entrusted with the scripture of Allah, but they abandon it.

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And so they are like, as Allah tells us here, they are like a donkey that carries a load of books on its back.

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The senator will call me lady Naka. wbI Attila? how evil how wretched is the example of those who deny the Ayat of Allah.

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Also, it's good to point out here that this parable, and this example that Allah gives us here is not restricted to the Jews. Some of us may be thinking, Okay, you know, this refers to the Jews only, no.

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This is an example that Allah is giving us.

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Not only for the Jews or the Christians, but also for Muslims.

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It includes those Muslims who have been entrusted with the scripture of Allah. And that is us, the owner of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we have been entrusted with the Quran,

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to not only memorize it,

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but also to understand it,

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to teach it, and then to implement it,

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to carry out its commandments,

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to stay away from its prohibitions. And so if we do not do that,

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then we resemble

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the Jews, that Allah gives us their example, in this area.

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And in this parable,

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and that's why it's a little fatter.

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In the very last area,

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when we make that to Allah to Allah, the old guidance to the straight path.

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We say right after that, although you didn't want to be IE him, one Oberlin not the path

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of those who earned the anger of Allah, nor the path of those who went astray. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explaining

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this area.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that

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those who earned the anger of Allah or the Jews, and those who went astray are the Christians. Why? Because the Jews knew to help the truth, but

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they did not follow it.

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And the Christians are those who went astray. Why because they try to practice and worship a lot without knowledge.

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So the point is that the Jews had knowledge, but they went against it, the knowledge they had was a total, a lot revealed to them the Torah, and they knew it, they knew very well.

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they decided to follow their whims and their desires. And so that's why the scholars say

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from this oma from among the Muslims,

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our scholars,

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who have been entrusted with this knowledge, our scholars, those among our scholars, who

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do not implement and uphold this trust, that they have been given with,

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then they resemble the Jews who Allah says about them that they earned the anger of Allah.

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And those in this oma who tried to worship Allah without knowledge,

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the ignorant in this oma, then they resemble, they resemble the Christians who went astray, who tried to worship Allah, without, but without knowledge.

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And so among the lessons that we can learn from this parable

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is firstly,

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a loss of Hannah who Allah uses

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to animals in the Quran.

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Allah uses two animals in the Quran

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as a parable

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both of these are animals that are

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usually used to give an example of something low

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of something, you know, unrespectful

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and that is the donkey as we see in this parable and

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And the dog.

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And we previously covered a parable.

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We previously covered that parable, the parable of the dog in sort of a rough

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sort of dollar off where Allah mentions

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the parable of those who Allah had given to them knowledge, but they decided to follow their whims and desires instead. And so both of these parables that parable is sort of out off and this parable here in sort of two Juma

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they have both been given

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the one who has been given knowledge, but does not benefit from it.

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But instead, they chose to follow their their desires.

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And so it shows how low such people are, are in the sight of Allah subhanahu wa tada which is why Allah says here, big summit that will culminate in a camdeboo bi Attila, how evil how wretched is the example

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of those who deny the Ayat of Allah.

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So Allah, you know, is is bearing testimony to the fact that look at how evil this example is.

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of those who knew the truth, but they decided to deny it to reject

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and throw it behind their backs.

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The second lesson

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if we were to think about this parable

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and how it's mentioned here and sorta tomorrow

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so tomorrow

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at the very end, Allah subhanahu wa tada you know, talks about the command to pray Salatu Juma? Yeah, you Hallelujah Amen either new de la sala de Meeow meeow Mati. First out, Eliza karela. He, whether

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you believe

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if the call for Salatu Juma is made on Friday,

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then rush to the remembrance of Allah festa Elijah karela

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meaning whatever business you're doing, you know,

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stop and rush to Salah.

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And here are a lot of refers to it as the vicar of Allah, the remembrance of Allah.

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And so

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it's as if Allah is telling us

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through this parable, as if Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to tell us that

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when you go for Salatu Luma and obviously the Hopi

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before the Salah is giving his sermon his whatever

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it says if Allah is telling us that when the Habib is giving you knowledge

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and reminder

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you know, trying to make you remember a lot the remembrance of Allah, Allah

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then pay attention

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and benefit from it.

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And the proof for this

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is the Hadith

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where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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Whoever speaks on

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the day of Juma meaning, whoever speaks while the Imam is given the hotbar

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and this hadith there are various wordings of this Hadith, but this particular wording that we have here is mentioned in Muslim Imam Ahmed.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever speaks on the day of June while while the Imam is giving the hookah then he is like a donkey, who carries volumes of books.

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And then he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, As for the one

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who says to him,

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so someone he starts speaking,

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while the exam is given the footbed and somebody else says to him Be quiet. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there is no drama for him.

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Meaning we're not even supposed to say to somebody who's speaking, we're not even supposed to tell him to be quiet, because we're not supposed to be saying anything.

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So the one who says to somebody else, be quiet. Pay attention to the hotma

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the one who says that

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There is no Juma for him.

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in one narration of this hadith

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hakama, who was one of the tabs

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and a student of economics, because

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he says that

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he sat near

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he had been homeless for Juma.

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So one of his friends

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one of the Friends of Alcoa, he came and he started talk talking to him. He started speaking to him while the email was given the hook.

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and he wouldn't be quiet so I'll corner I'll come I told him

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Be quiet.

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So, after salah and Connor went to a bit more, or a viola one.

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And he said, he told him what had happened.

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That my friend came and he started talking to me, so I told him to be quiet.

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he'd been home or the alarm and

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he said to him, as for you, there is no drama for you.

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Based on that Hadith, the one who says Be quiet, there is no drama for him. So even earlier, he said to him to Allah, as for you, there is no drama for you. As for your friend, then he is a donkey.

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As for your friend, he is a donkey. Why? Because of that Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever speaks on Jumeirah, while the man is given the hook, but then he is like a donkey who carries books on his back.

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And so this Hadith, it ties in to,

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you know, this parable

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of, you know, those who were given knowledge of the Scripture, the Torah, but they abandoned it.

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And they threw it behind their backs.

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And how this has mentioned in sort of drama. And so, basically, when the Imam is giving the hookah, he is giving us knowledge, knowledge of what knowledge of the Scripture of the Quran.

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And so if we don't pay attention,

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then we resemble the donkey who just comes and he doesn't pay attention. He doesn't know what's going on. He's simply, you know, a load of books is put on his back to transport it from one place to the other and he does it.

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And so a person who comes for Juma and sits there while the Imam is given the hook, but but he's speaking to others, he's not paying attention.

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And he comes out of the hook when you asked him, What did the Imam speak about, he has no clue.

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Then he is like the donkey. He's like the donkey.

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The third lesson that we learned from this parable is

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all knowledge, true, true Islamic knowledge is not attained by degrees,

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and certificates, having a degree from this university or that university,

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but rather true.

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Islamic knowledge

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is attained by a class, sincerity of intention, and then acting upon the knowledge that you have.

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And so true Islamic knowledge is not

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by spending years studying at a certain university or by having so many books either.

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Otherwise, the donkey that has so many books on its back, it would be considered a scholar.

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But rather true scholarship

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is attained by slash, sincerity of intention that you do it sincerely for the sake of Allah, and not for any other reason. And

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after you have gained whatever knowledge you have gained, to implement it, to act according to it, and also to teach it

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no matter how little it may be.

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And so that is what we call true Islamic knowledge. And so this is the parable that we have

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Here in order to Luma

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concerning those who were given the Scripture, the revelation of a lotta Torah

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but they did not benefit from it. Instead, they changed it and distorted it

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and threw it behind their backs

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