Loving the Best of Creation ﷺ – What is Love

Hamza Yusuf


Channel: Hamza Yusuf

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The essential words in Arabic that describe love, " hope" and "love," are "vanse" and "love," which are used to describe acceptance of something. The speakers stress the importance of understanding and using words to create a connection to a person, such as "istic" and "monoclonal." They also mention the significance of "vanse" and "love," in relation to a "vanse" and "vanse."

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Love is a very amazing word in. In English, it's an amazing word in Arabic, there are many words for love in Arabic. But the the essential word is hope. That's the essential word, and love in

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love in it, it's an old

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it's an old English

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word that goes back to a Saxon word. And,

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and it relates to being pleased with to be pleased with it. And interesting enough to our word believe is related to love to believe, because you believe in what you're pleased with, what you love. Things that your your heart accepts, are things that you believe. So love is related to acceptance, the idea that something you're pleased with, you have love for, and the in Arabic the word hope, which is the word the prophet SAW him said, like, I had to come here to akuna I have that either he more beloved to him. So the word hope

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is a word. If you look at one of the root meanings, it's a seed. So Love is a seed that's nurtured and and it's nurtured with knowledge of the Beloved, the more you know about the beloved, the more you love the beloved. So it's it's a seed that had that in Arabic is a seed. And

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the prophets I said him, as you get to know the prophets alight his sin and you get to know him intimately. And that's one of the purposes of this text, is to know the prophets I send him into intimately as you get to know the prophets I send them intimately.

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He becomes

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Well, one of the descriptions of love is, is they say friendship on fire.

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That that's a description of love, that it's something that we got, it starts to consume you. And we have people from our tradition who died of love of the prophets eyes and literally die. We have people that bled tears of blood and tears of blood, which is an old blues motif for people that know anything about

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about an American music. I'm crying tears of blood for you. tears of blood are real. Because when somebody goes into a very intense, you get bloods, those small little blood vessels in the eyes burst. And so it's a real thing tears of blood.

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That's what emammal will say it. I'm into the courier on me the sodomy message them and

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gentlemen, McClinton bid me you know, that is it from remembering just the places that beloved used to go to that causes this mixture of tears and blood to flow from your eyes. So tears of blood there's people that have wept tears of blood, out of love of the prophets of light is that um, there's people who have literally died from a stroke. And and ash is it's it's another amazing word Ashoka is a It's a type of vine that begins to grow around a tree and it strangles the tree. So it kills the tree. The Arab Sailesh would die on Partido de la hora dissolve, you know, the ash is a deadly disease that can only be cured by connection by being connected to the beloved by the union

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that will soon Elon Elon Habib. And so the the the love of the province of Assam can can really take hold of the heart. Now, when you love somebody you remember them. That's one of the attributes of love you think about them. I mean, that's what happens when you fall in love. And you call I'm just thinking about you can't stop thinking that's real. It's real. I can't stop thinking about you. I mean, why is that pressing on the heart because you're in love. That's what love is, I can't stop thinking about you. You write poems, you, you do think what is that a fusion that's coming out of the heart to write poems, really, and people write the worst poems when they're in love, but it

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doesn't matter. They would never do it. If they weren't, they would know how ridiculous it is. But it doesn't matter because they there has to be some type of tag do. Now what is tabea You are beautiful. It's what you express the word a bra, which is a discerning lesson, something you gain is related to Abra which is a tear. And it's related to a T bar which is respect.

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Respect back to respect a little you know, I have respect for him.

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They're all Akilah, who ativar I don't give it any significance.

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So when something has significance and import and meaning, then it begins to affect the heart. And that's why even the remnants of the beloved cliff and empty, mythic rehab even more woman z. This is the jelly motif of naseeb in the jadie. Poetry is to

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interrupt pace begins his malata by just saying, stop my two friends, let's look here at where the beloved used to be, just to look nip key and weep over the traces of the Beloved. Just to look these are jelly people. These aren't, this isn't. These are just people that knew what love was because Johnny Arabs had a deep and profound knowledge of help. They really knew what love was, and they were very intense in their love. They had intense love. But that's one of the motifs of just bukata Allen Upsilon just weeping over places where the beloved used to be a more of a deity Dr. Laila or Kabuto del Gita with LG da Hubbell Ji dari shut up Nickleby what I can hug them and second era, I

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pass by the houses of Laila and kiss the walls of the houses.

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It's just so beautiful.

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No kiss the walls of the houses.

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But it's it's not the wall.

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having raptured my heart.

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But love is the one that lives between those walls.

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That's why people come to Mecca and Medina.

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It's not the stones

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when you go to the tomb of the Prophet size, and it's not the word you have,

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but the word you had is amazing. And you could just stare at it and stare at it and look at it even though you're not even supposed to have said that. But to look at the picture, you can look at a picture of the word you have for a long time and not grow tired of it.

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But it's just metal. It's a great that somebody built, but it's what it's what's beyond that metal. It's what it represents.

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And that's what all this is at the end of the day. That's all this these are walls that are hiding the eternal living god that's what the world is. That's why when you

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when you begin to understand that

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that's what you love about the world. Not the dunya the alum

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the admirable anime Lord of all the worlds The alum is the Arabs call that this more Allah it's it's a noun of instrument. An atom is the instrument of atom it's the instrument by which you know something and and what you know it from the world is the add in.

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It's It's It's It's God's vehicle for giving us knowledge. And that's why things are so important that that's why things things Attia. You know, things are important. possessions are important. That's why property is, is one of the essential

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reasons why we were given shediac is to protect property, because things are important because things have meaning. The Prophet named all of his things.

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He didn't have many things, but the things that he had he named them he gave them names because they had meaning. And that's what the world is its meaning its meaning everywhere. The whole thing is meaning its manner in the monoclonal morane in Parliament and bisola coolamon. You do recall how the kanima Helen ever like the poet said, this whole cosmos is meanings set up in images.

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And whoever understands that is from the people of discernment. The people have ever the people have fat taboo, yeah, Ooh, that's a bizarre, think deeply give this a bruh give this and then the Abra leads to Abra that's where the tears come.

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You know, they come

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From perception of meaning,

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you know, to really know what something means.

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It's just it's an amazing thing to know what something means.

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You know, it's it's a great gift

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that God gave to human beings, Adam, Adam, and as Matt, he taught man, he taught Adam, the names, the ability to create meaning,

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to give meaning to things. Because the meaning is a transference. It's a movement, from something to another thing. So a name is a great meaning if I say tree, and suddenly, in your mind, an image of a tree comes. That's meaning.

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That's, that is meaning. And that's why

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the more that you know,

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about the prophets allies, the more powerful those meanings penetrate your heart, when you understand his import, what he means

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the manner the meaning of the Prophet.

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What he means salatu salam, and the prophets I sent him said, Hey, you know, I had to come. He said, Man, Hosni Islam and Mari taco who melayani, from the beautiful Islam of a person is to leave what has no meaning for him.

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What has no meaning for him Malaya, and he, it doesn't have manner for him.

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Like gossip? What, what does that mean? If you know about, so and so and such and such getting a divorce? How does that affect you? What's the meaning for you? So meaning is that's what this whole thing is about. And that's what that's what the gift of this religion is. It gives meaning that people you know, the the non Muslim, like some of the atheist people, not Christians, because Christians believe in meaning also, but some of the atheists they say, oh, religion is just a way for people to find meaning.

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Exactly, we totally agree with you.

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Really, we agree with you.

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Because they say this is all meaningless.

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But we don't believe that. Because we know and experience and taste meaning and we know that it's real, it's real, all this other stuff is not real. But meaning is real. That is what's real about the world. And the greatest meaning that highest miner in the world is the messenger of a loss a lot. I said I'm so inshallah, we'll get to look at, at the

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at some of those meanings in Sharla in the text