Hamza Yusuf – Great Women Scholars In Islam

Hamza Yusuf
AI: Summary © The interview segment covers the extraordinary periods of Prophet Mohammed Salah's (Sahaba) teachings, including his greatest teacher, the first woman of his generation, and the first woman of the 13th to 14thcentury. The segment also touches on the importance of universal culture and the negative impact of it on people's health and well-being, including the lack of education for women and the men-obsessed society. The segment also touches on the rise of women-obsessed society and the need for guidance and support.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now just to look,

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I think that we had two extraordinary periods of scholarship that are unparalleled in the Muslim world. And they are.

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The first period which is a period of the Prophet Mohammed Salah is the greatest teacher, whoever lived in the mobile echo and Lena, I was sent a teacher.

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Allah will not choose for his prophet other than the best, the best,

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a professional

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professor to teach. That's what a profession is to teach, profess to profess what you believe.

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The first period was a time of the province of almighty Sim, in a book by even hija, who lived in the 15th century by Christian dating, which is called an ISA with ease of Sahaba,

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accurately measuring the companions.

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He says

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that out of 12,043 persons notables amongst the Sahaba that he gives us a biography of in order that we can know who these people around the public were, who were the human beings that our Prophet produced for the world, out of those 12 143 1551 or women. 1551 mentioned in the book, we're not talking about the women at home that we don't know about. We're talking about the women that were known.

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All of the Sahabi ad were great, but because of the nature of Islamic modesty, there are many names that we will never know that Allah Subhana Allah knows.

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Now, what happens then in the second period, the second group consists of a period in the 13th and 14th century.

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There's a book written by even hijo in which 1300 women

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are mentioned in his book that consists that he wrote 1300 women of the owner of his a daddy not

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even had your

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has mama Sally, out of 11,691, out of 11,691 scholar that he considered to be the greatest scholars of his age, not looking at their * not looking at their male or their female qualities. He's talking about who the greatest scholars of his time was. Out of 11,691 1075 are women 1075.

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I want to tonight to remember one

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Do you remember one woman

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name is Ahmed.

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And she lives between 1376 and 1466.

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She was born in Cairo on Friday in the middle of shabang sublessor time and that's the time we're in now.

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She was born mid shot done in 778. And she died in Cairo. On the third day of Saturday, the 30th suffer 871 Mr. Masako, he says oma Hani, also known as Madame de Kira, when the Shafi is the daughter of moody dean of the Hudson alley, the son of the judge.

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On her mother's side, she was the granddaughter of Judge Mohammed Mohammed della piety. She was born in Cairo on Friday night in the middle of the month of Shaban. Her maternal grandfather judgmental piety took care of her upbringing and 785 he took her to audit Hadeeth in Mecca directly from for masters. He mentioned the names in Cairo she studied with her grandfather himself and many other masters sixth names given she obtained certificates of audition. From a large number of important masters 13 names are given. She married Mohammed even Omar even

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Arabic and have the following children by him Shu Geraldine Mohammed a Shafi sayfudine Mohammed Al Tennessee, Fatima Eunice al Maliki. mom saw

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her son studied and followed the rules of law by which they became known.

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This is

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her son once told him that he was brilliant but he died young and it was said that his intelligence killed him.

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After her first husband died she married hasn't been swayed automatically and had her children.

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by him, when her grandfather judge him is he died, her husband put his hand on her inheritance and use it freely. But then he died and she inherited all of it. With the money she bought the great workshop famous for its enormous size and many spinning wheels. So here's a scholar who's buying a factory, a woman in Cairo, who's a scholar, the mother of scholars, who's buying a factory, she's a working Roman buying a factory,

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known as in Accra, near castlefield. Maybe some of the Egyptians here even know where that is. One of the descendants of the original owner challenge the legality of the sale in court but the humble the judge, no, no federal law ruled that the sale was legal and confirmed her ownership of the workshop. So here's a male who's saying this is my shop, goes before a judge and the judge rules for own hand.

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She taught her deeds for a long time, and many eminent scholars heard it from her personally, everything I have learned from her teachers I learned through her yet I believe that she knew much more than I was able to learn. Let me see mom, Sally, this is not a simple person. We're talking about a great scholar. So this is letting me know he's letting you know by that statement, who

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her grandfather had presumably taught her the rest of the six books of Heidi and Emma Misha Where is version of Sahara Buhari, she was a good woman who used to weep for fuseli.

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When the names of aligners that were mentioned, she would weep. She was consistent in her fasting and night prayers firm in her religion and especially concerned with ritual purity, which is an important point here. She was especially concerned with ritual purity.

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She wrote well, and she was a natural poet able to make up verse spontaneously.

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As a young woman, she had memorized the Quran and Abu Suja as Mufasa the abridgement of Shafi jurisprudence, and the male half of Imam Al Hariri in Arabic grammar, as well as other words, I heard her recite beautifully Sora.

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She performed the pilgrimage 13 times often saying for months to study in teaching Mecca and Medina.

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As she grew older, she lost her eyesight, but she was patient and she lost the use of her legs and became housebound. Her hanafy son looked after her until she died on Saturday. While I was in Mecca, she was buried in the burial grounds of her grandfather near the mausoleum of our email, machete and karratha. May Allah have mercy on her and on us? Oh, man.

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Now just just a look at what was being said here. She was one of his esteemed teachers of heavy her involvement in the marketplace as an owner of a textile verse workshop and her close relationship to the son who took care of her in her long, difficult old age. The extreme mobility of that rudiment comes across in her 13 pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina. In the 14th and 15th. centuries, women figured prominently among the teachers of famous male scholar, even had your himself when he went to Damascus. He only had four scholars of Hadith they were all women. These aren't made up things.

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This our heritage.

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on hand, he was only one of 68 women experts on whose authority amongst how he recites his own transmission of Heidi, she's only one in 68. We could read other ones of amazing women, one of 68 for one scholar, and he gives him scholar

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even 153 women amongst his direct authorities, 53 women amongst even directly boys, one of the greatest odermatt that this woman has ever produced, and 53 of his teachers are women.

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And what's going on? So

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what's going on here? Think about this, really?

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Think about this.

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Now, this is important.

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This renaissance of women's religious learning, coincided with a new assertive promotion by the Spirit, the old Mr. Sam, and the oma of Egypt, of Ayesha, the wife of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. There was a renaissance of ISIS positions during this same time.

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This this is not this is an important connection. Because if you don't know who you were, if you don't know who you are in the past, you can do nothing in the future. The women were suddenly exposed to the greatness of Ayesha as an Alabama as a scholar. And this created a desire not only reason I mentioning that

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she was the she was the wife of the

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The daughter of the first Kelly salamati said I'm gonna be alone. I know. As the most foremost female source of Heidi she relates over 2000 headies, an unreliable source of Hadith concerning women. In particular, she was an acknowledged expert on ritual purity. And we can directly relate this to own hand his own concern about the books of racial purity.

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Now, the sad thing about all this

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the unique importance of universal how his dictionary becomes clear when we recognize that for reasons which we do not understand women practically disappear from the centennial biography dictionaries that followed him. They disappear. Where'd they go?

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Where did they go?

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and Rosie, who died in 1651 Christian, who wrote about the 16th century included only 12 women amongst his 1647 entries, and we'll hit B. In who died in 1699. Christian included none in his dictionary in 1289 biographies of his century and Moradi. One who died in 1791, found a place for only one woman among 753 18th century notables. And the biography of the biographer of the 19th century, bailout found room for only two women out of 777 person, two women.

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Now, I think, because you can see that the 13th century anybody that studies Islam, recognizes the 13th century is the point when it all starts to descend.

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Because if we don't have women, we don't have men.

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This is as simple as that.

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If we don't have women, we don't have men. If we're not educating our women, then our certainly on men aren't going to be educated. And one of the unique aspects of this age is that the men are seem to be equally as ignorant as the women.

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And I think there's a direct correlation.

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Now, whatever happened 1400 years ago,

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that we were living and tasting the fruits of it to this day, the joy that we have in our lives, because I have no joy in my life other than the joy of Islam, because I knew life before Islam, and I knew what it was like, and I think she'd absolutely agree with me. The joy that we have in our lives is the fruits of the labor of those who went before. It's the fruit of their labor. We're eating the fruit of their labor, what fruits are those who come after us going to eat from what fruit of those who come after us are going to eat from because we're eating the fruits of those who went before us.

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One of the scholars said to subdural it's a very easy coup, how was he? You some belly then you send the subpoena Modarres see the hub polyallylamine, yet an SRO v days in a demon shafiqul imageless de la vida has added had sabem in his area to la Santa Coloma PC,

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people are teaching now

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he is being called the great teacher, the great instructor. So the people of knowledge of this age have every right to use a piece of poetry that was mentioned often in the olden time.

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This old hag is so worn out that even his kidneys are showing, which means the camel. Even the kidney is so worn out that even the kidneys are showing. And every

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every impoverished one has surpassed it. What he's saying is that knowledge is gone.

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Now there's a beautiful heavy thing with the promise of licenses, you will remain in good condition as long as you don't let the salvo you don't equalize. equalization is the characteristic of the age we're living in. Everybody's the same. If you go to the masjid. You don't see notables.

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We don't see notables in our Masjid anymore. We see this kind of flat state of affairs. Where are the lights that are going to illuminate the people? Where are those who have spent their early youth in the acquisition of knowledge so that they can guide this oma one and I'm going to tell this a young man

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a young man who was a graduate from one of the top universities in this country, he wanted to go to Mauritania to study.

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And just a Hello hadn't his father

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and his mother gave him permission

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because they're honorable people.

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But she curses me because she thinks

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Because he's not going to medical school.

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We can't get one person to this oma, our mothers can't give one son for his own mouth.

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How many doctors do we have? How many engineers do we have? Who's going to learn this thing to give it to the people that come after? We have onomah dying all over the place? Mohammed Rosati

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died. Who's gonna take his place?

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The Pakistani scholar hora Mirage Rahim La Jolla, la he just died. I was with him not that long ago. And he was asking me how he had pain and physical pain in his heart while I was sitting with him. And I said, Are you alright? He said

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How are the brothers in California? How's the Islam? How's the Islam is there is Yeah, is there any increase? What are you doing? What are your activities?

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Really who's gonna replace them? We have asked this question we are our educational system was provided for them has been dismantled and we know what allows her wasn't what it's become.

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We know there's no more better when

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there's an attempt now at reviving and inshallah give them success. There's no more as a tuna. They don't know that even out of one of the greatest demand products. There's no more as a tuna is gone.

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Where are they? Where are the modalities? Where are the contatti?

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Where are they? Why are we so obsessed with Jr. We need we don't need doctors that that I haven't been to a doctor in 10 years.

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I need a puppy I call I talked to my shit on the phone. I need a puppy every day people ask me questions. And I'm like that poetry I just recited to you.

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People ask me questions every day. They don't ask their doctors questions every day. People call me every day.

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What am I doing this situation? Somebody just died? How much we've gotten such and such situation? How do we divide the inheritance?

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I'm going on Hajj and I have debts. What do I do?

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I did this in my prayer. Is it invalid? Or don't? What do I do?

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I left the prayer for 10 years and I've come back is it Do I have to do it? Do I not have to do it? This is everyday life because this is about worshipping Allah subhana wa Tada. And either we have people that can guide us or we don't.

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And the the chaos, the anarchy, the what I would call ideological tribalism that exists in his own mind. Now ideological front we used to have tribalism based on blood. Now we have tribalism based on etiology. tribe. We've got tribes going around with names and they call everybody else Kathy or Bob or Bethany.

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I mean somebody was handing out

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that we know the story man somebody was handing out my insurance in London.

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is amazing. I don't have time for

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me now.

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Mom has a use of his bond with

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me now at the masjid Baraka logic I need has an app I don't know is wrong with it. I feel sorry for him. I'm not worried about me. That gives me encouragement. More has enough in the bank account. But

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get away like California

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you know, I mean is attacking me

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